Wednesday, Deccnihcr 21, \^K7 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^/ V t T T ? ? t t T ? t t ? ? t T ? T ? T T t t t t A Tip From SANTA BE PREPARED FOR Christinas Many Suitable and Serviceable Gifts Electrical Goods Washing Machines Hot Plates Toasters Heaters I rons Large Selection of Lionps Sporting Goods â€" Skate Outfits Skiis Toboggans Sleighs Hockey Sticks Guns and Rifles Flashlights Batteries ALADDIN AND COLEMAN LAMPS AND LANTERNS Stoves, Ranges and Heaters â€" We can supply a large range of Stoves; prices to suit everyone; give us a call before you buy. DISPLAY OF OTHER CHRISTMAS GOODS, CHINAWARE, TOYS, Etc. Frank W. Duncan Phone 54 FLESHERTON t T ? ? ? T t T ? ? T t ? ? ? t t T T T t T ? T t T t t ? t »;*****j^;**;**><»*>*j^>^^^ One way lo savf tinio is not to start an aiKuiiiunl with a niaii with <loej) piijudices. With wars, as with other catastro- phes, it IS (rood that so many that Wile expected never happened. :: ;; \ Cream Wanted i For the convenience of Cream Patrons in the vic- inity of Flesherton we have arranjj^^ed with Mr. Miller, manaj^er of the O. & A. Co-o])erative store, that cream may be delivered at the store. Our truck will i)ick it up 'daily and delivered prices will be paid for it. Returns will be made promptly. Season's Greetings At this ^iad Ciiristnias Season the nianayfenient of the Markdaie Creamery (!i: Produce Company extends to all its patrons best wishes for a happy Christmas and a Prosperous vear in I'A^S. Markdale Creamery & Produce Co. MARKDALE, Ont Card of Thanks V\ e desire to sincerely thank all the kind Iriends and nei),'hbors for then- Kind syinpatliy and a.ssistance in our ^ad hour of Ixreavement by the pass- ing of our dear husband and father. â€".Mrs. J. Thompson and Family. BORN KBY â€" On December 11th in the General and .Marine Hospital, Colling- wood, to Mr and Mrs. H. Kby, a son NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF OSI'KEY To the electors of the Town.ship of Osprey Take notice that the meeting of the said Electors required to be held for the nominations of Candidates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and Councillors will be held on Monday, <J7th day of December, 1!»37, at the hour of One ( 1 ) o'clock p.m., for such nominations. If more than the required number of candidates are nominated for any particular olficc and the Candidates (pialify, Polls will be opened in each Polling SubJJivisioii at the usual places on Monday, the Third (:() dav of .fanuaiy i;);!8, at the hour of Nine CD o'clock a.m., and will leinain open until Five (5) o'clock p.m. of Ihi' snnii' day for such ,.IiTti(in. Dated this 18th day of December, 10.37 GOD S.WE THF, KIN(; <", N. LONG. Clerk. THE STORE f \ WITH ' SERVICE F. T. Hill & Co., Limited CHAIN STORES MARKDALE, Ont. OIR HIIYING POWER •• SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY •M"H"H-<H>4"M~H"H"l>4~IxH~» I That your Christmas may be a Happy one and that the New Year may bring you a full measure of the things you hope for, is the sincere wish of / F. T. HILL 8L CO. LTD. I MARKDALE, ONTARIO. Osprey Couocil Osprey Municipal Council met in final session in the Orange Hall, Max- well, on Wednesday, Dec. 15th, with ail the members present. This is usualy ii busy day for all concerned, as a iarj^e number of rate- payers lalie the opportunity of paying their taxes and also transact ing any liusiness they nilKhl have with the Council, the greater part of which was tretting road pay sheets straight- ened out .ind haviii;? their â- .•heques issued for the same. However, everything went smoothly alonj; and by midafternoon the greater part of the rush was over and the general business was taken up in earnest and the slate was practically clean by six o'clock. Mutters dealt with were: Mr. A. Hutchinson, the Deputy-Reeve, again inesented the case of the arrears of taxes which are charged against lot l, con. 11, and which have been on two dilferent occasions discussed be- fore. It is in regard to payments ivhich have been made to our former treasurer and whch claims are made that inciper credits have not been given. The Clerk-Treasurer explained that all receipts, vouchers, etc., which have been presented to him have been duly cre<lited and upon this not satis- fyintr the parties concerned, had called in the assistance of the manager of the Bank of Toronto at Feversham to luike a check of payments, which re- sulted in him verifying the Clerk- ) Treasurer's statement. It was ex- plained that unless further evidence f payments made ean be produced by :he parties concerned, the arrears as hewn are the amounts still owing. The members all expressed their op- nions iis, that it was unfortunate that ef the many similar cases which have had to be dealt with in the same man- ner during the past three years, that, this is the first, to their knowledge, that a satisfactory settlement cannot be arrived at. Mr. Carl Moore of Radieros wrote Taking for payment of a road throtifrh h's fields for the paa! two year?!. As this is a procedmi' which Cnuncil frowns upon, vi't it is well known Ihat M'\ Moori''s fields were harlly cut and trampled hv traffic and that fences were torn down and b'-nken. so n p!<v- m^nt will he extend<'d to him. The Road S!nn"rirt"r)fl.>n« \vns instnirtod t-^ riiirchase n ounntitv nf snow fenc;! and have it erected to trv np'l rennde ^i.iwlW :r,ri^ .,t this T>n'"'cii'nr place By-law N'o. 2:i, authorizing the pay- ments of school moneys and telephone rates and tolls was passed; also By- law No. 24, appointing Deputy Re- turning Officers and Poll Clerlis, as follows: No. 1, Hy. K. Jackson and Robt. Blakey; N'o. 2, C. W. Long and George Morrison; No. 3, E Wright and Wm. Davidson; No. 4, C. E. Ed- wards and Wm. Service: No. .5, Archie Mclntyre and John McKinnon; No. O, R. Cameron and M. P McLean; No. 7. Wm. Norman and .Albert Moore; No, 8. Neil Winters and .las. Winters; No, 9, Jas. Davidson anil Wm. Bewill. General accounts paid were: W. I Poole, sheep claim $10; County Ortice I Supply Co., supplies $28.31; Treasurer Telephone System, olfice phone $!'.»; ]C. N. Long, long distance call,'. S2o.S(i. Herald i'ub. Co., printing accouii. i2.'l.'.H); Treas. Countv (ire;, tax (ieed^ $7.84; R. J. Walter's, account .Mar-- dens $12.50; E. liuckingham. \vec:l mspeclor $10; Treas. Twp. Coll-il,;- â- ood. Division Court costs ?l 1.2J: Treas. Dundalk, Divsion Court costs 5|>7S; Tr.^as. Flesherton. Divisi .ii Court costs S!ti.7S; Maxwell L.O I.,, h ill lint .'flH; Fev.'isham L,0,L.. hall •etit ,â- :";!•; Sin'rhampton L.O.I,., hall rent $',»: .L Lockhart. .services :',s Reeve $<;.'); \. Hiitchin â- m. T>,>i,ii!v- Reevi- «;iir): G. McDonald. M, .Sayers and .las. Finvcett, each as Counci'lor; tn."); C W, Long, member RO.H, ,=!!,"). C \'. â- . e ttaiy '^<',I1, â- i.;fi\ \ '^'elntyc. ns fence view...- S2; C, \V' Lnng. a« fence viewer $2; Jas. Win 'ers. fence vi wir $2; C \V. Long, as sanitary officer $S: J. Lockhart. \. Hutchinson. G. McDonald. M. Savers .1, Fawcett and C, N. Long, each spec- •il mi'i'ting S3: Treas. Grev, b;il:i"c" hospital accounts S2S,8S: .) Poole, heep valuer SI.."!!); K. Robinson. t!imt><: S3- B TTutchinson, wood for nrs. Holt s.i..-,n. Road accounts paid were: Bank of Toronto, excise stamps $3; J. D. l.ougheed, pay slu'cl 5!2.).10; C'. Loiigli- t'd, iia sheet 5;U).28; .A. (iiuinmelt, tile $54.05; W. Morrison, i)osts ?;M; W. liuckton, pay sheet %\; V.. Fenwick, • imher »J27.'o2; R. Wetherall, wire fence bonus $1S.S5; A Wilson, pay sheet :<.''..80; S. Tall)ot, pav sheet $20"; H. (Iruiimiett, weeds $1..')0; H. Mars- den, brushing $7; W, Findlay, wire fence bonus $1H,!M); .1. A Watts, ac- count $1.4.'); H. Lindsay, wire fence bonus $lt); J. Essex, posts S5.20; W'. Seiitt, wire fence bonus $10.40; J. T. McKenzie. salary $27,40, tidephone (>0c K. Robinson, account S2.7!>; Treas. of ,\rtein<'sia. townline work $.'!8,15; K, Wright, pav sheet $5,40; .1 Limgheed, pav sheet $21.80; W. Sanderson, ruck ing SO.'SO; G, Ottewell. account $1.50; G, Rbv. account $2,25; 0. Dobson. limber ?4!),37; W, Poole, timber $24.- KS; F. Hale, pay sheet $32,20; M, Ar- mour, wire fence bonus $10; M. P. McLean. pn.v sheet SlflSO; T. Brown, 'vire feno bonus $0,40: J \. Taylor. Est,, wire fence bonus !l!10.20:' L. P: ol.v wo-., fenr.' h.iioi<! SIO: T Ferris iveeds $1,50: .T, W. Robinson, lumber «D1,17; A Mnvwell. timber $25; Cy. Local and Personal Mrs. W. A. Armstrong is spending a couple of weeks in Toronto. Mr. Jas. Wilson of Durham was In town over the week end. , Mr. Wes. Armstrong of Toronto was .11 town on Saturday. Keep in mind St. John's United Church annual New Year's concert and supper on Monday, January3rd. Mrs. Ed. Fisher returned home on P'riday after a visit with relatives in Toronto. We would like to print the names of your Christmas visitors. Telephone 18w and inform The Advance. Mrs. Harvey Griffin of Toronto sJlient the first of the week with her mother, Mrs. Wilcock. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell left the first of the week to spend the winter months in Toronto. There are a number of budgets of correspondence that we are unable to publish this week. Schools in Flesherton will close this Wednesday for the Christmas vaca- tion, and will reopen on Monday, Jan- uary 3rd. Flesherton stores are open every evening this week to cater to the shoppers unable to do their Christmas buying in the daytime. Mrs. Sadie Bowers of Cleveland attended the funeral of the late J. J. Thompson last week and is remaining for the winter with her sister, Mrs. Thompson. Hearty congratulations are extend- ed to Mrs. Wm. Wilcock, who passed her 82nd birthday on Monday of this week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Cairns, west blackline, Artemesia. The evening service in St. John's United Church on Sunday next will be of special interest, when the subject "The Other Wise Man," by Henry VanDyck, will be illustrated by forty slides. Carnation Ltidge .No. 545, L.O.B.A., last week sent the following to the mmmmmmmwnicccuhuuuiyy lyp iii Orange orphanage at Richmond Hill: three quilts, 10, one slip, eight pairs of pyjamas,, one towel, toys fruit, etc. v Carol Singing In Town Friday Night The schools of the township, who have been under musical training by Miss Madge Lucas, will gather in town on Friday evening of this week, Christmas Eve., at 8 o'clock for carol singing on the square. This should '^o a delightful feature of the Christ- mas "jeason and of much enjoyment to vervone. Every person in the dis- 'vict is invited to come to town that â- vening and join in the singing of the '•arnls. It may be quite as well that people don't go around telling evei-ything that they think. The world seems • luite exciting enough as it is. "Are all men fools?" asked the wife after a slight disagreement with her husband. "No, my dear," replied her husband, '•some men arc bachelors." Short, pay sheet $43.60; S. Sander- son, gravel $3.10; T. Hughes, posts $10; C. Moore, road through fields $10; S. McMuIIen, pay sheet $2.80; T. McKenzie, hauling lumber $15 .After the closing motion, the Reeve thanked the members of the Council for their co-operation in the work dur- ing the )iast year and also thi> othi'i officials, and then called each mem- ber and official who each gave a short speech; and so ende<l the I!l37 busin- ess, which will be consigned to the files and historv. â€" C. N. Long, Clerk, FOR RALE _ li)3r> electric radio, cost $144.00, aviation, amateur, po- lice, short, and long wave, in fx'r- fect condition can be seen and heard anytime. Voti can save $50 on this set. .Apply at the .Advance Office. Small Ads. FOR SALE â€" Five pigs 7 weeks old; $7.00 a pair for quick sale. â€" Stan- ley Campbell, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" Nine pigs, chunks. Apply to James Irving, East Back Line. WANTED â€" Good prices paid for horses er cows, suitable for mink feed. â€" Jas. Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Toronto windmill in good condition. â€" Apply to George Boyd, Flesherton. FOR S.ALE â€" Aladdin hanging lamp, in first class condition, also a wood burning heater Wm. Gibson, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Pennsylvania anthra- cite coal, furnace or nut sizes. $13.50 per ton. Free delivery within three miles. Terms:- Cash. â€" Phone 38 r 3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALE or RENT _ 6-room solid brick house, furnace, bathroom, el- ectric pump in basement, hard and soft water, hardwood floors through- out; on the lot is good stable. â€" Mrs. C. Wilcock, phone 44 r 13. WANTED _ Any amount of cattl* or horses for fox meat. My re- frigeration system encbles me to keep any amount. Good price* paid delivered. â€" H. E. Karstedt, Price ville. HOUSE TO RENfF _ 7 room brick residence in Flesherton, newly dec- orated â€" Apply to Leslie Chard, phone 42 r 2, Flesherton. FOR SALE _ A pile of wood in the pole, suitable for furnace or large stove; Hardwood tops, mostly maple, to be sold by the cord; A number of pigs five weeks old. Apply to Thos. L. Hughes, Markdale R. R. 1. Phone 132r4 Markdale. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Hog for ser- vice, Glenafton Sultan 92Pâ€" 186251, sire and dam qualified in advanced registry â€" Ross Stevens, Proton Sta- tion. HOG FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orchard Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 175771 Sire 0. A. C. Conqueror 315 â€" 167820, will be kept for service. Terms $1.00. â€" We*. Smith, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice; terms: fl.OO if paid within four months.â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton, Ont., R. R. 3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MALCOLM LEITCH of the Village of Flesh- erton, laborer, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims or accounts against the above named deceased, are required to send full particulars thereof to the undersigned solicitor to the executor on or before the Twenty-fourth day of December, 1937, after which date the estate will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall at that time have been receired. â€" C. C. MIDDLEBRO' Barrister, etc. Owen Sound, Ont. BUSINESS CARDS WANTED Alfalfa Hay Any Quantity Paying Top Prices H. R. METCALF Phone 47 Markc'ale Hit % i Christmas Greetings TO ONE AND ALL from DUNN & LEVACK 1-4 if DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" .Afternoons 1.,10 to 4 Evenings 7 to 8.S» Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.F. & A.F., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Tuesday ia each month. W. M., Dr. J. E. Milne; Secretary, C. J. Bellamy. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Special low rate for farmers A. D. MacINTYRE, Agent FLESHERTON Qnt. ROY LANGFORD District Agent for MUTUAL LIFE Op CANADA ACCIDENT & SICKNE:SS PIRb AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY Municipal Liability Guarantee Bonds Any Insurance Problem Telephone, MARKDALE, Ont. LIMITED S Canada's Leading Livestock Salesmen Union Stock Yards - TORONTO, Canada DR. T. H. SPENCE VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Profe.'isional services reasonable. â€"Phone, Dundalk 2. m^^^mmf^mmmm^^si6!:A^m.^!mm!^ HR. G. A. LEnGERWOOn. V. 8. Night and Day Call Professional Service Feversham. Phone 4 r 5, at residence of Ed. Nixon, Maxwell. i