Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 May 1937, p. 4

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WcdiH'sday, Nfay 26. 1937 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingpvood Stre«t, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1000, Price in Canada $2.00 oar year, when paid in advance $l.gO; in U. 6. A. |2. per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON, Editor. F. I THURSTON, AsaociaU Editor PRICEVILLE rrhe joint mectinR of St. Columba W. M. S. and W. A. was held on May 19th at the home of Mrs. W.G. Mc- Bride and wa.* wt'll attended. Mrs. A. Bfll, Mrs. J. C. Harri.son and .M'isa James took jiart in thi' worship ser- vice, Mrs. Hazard and Mrs. Ritchie dealt in an interesting way with the study of "Men and Women of far Hor- izons." Mrs. MtBrido rendered a pleas- ing solo; .Miss Kdith James presided for the \V. A. Plans were made for the annual jjarden parly to be held the end of June. Al the close of the meetinK a dainty lunch was served by the hostess an<l hi'r assistants. The play by the younjj ])eople of St. Columba United Church, "Closed Lips," will be presented on June 4th. This promises to be good. Mi.ss Bellp Weir took a holiday on Saturday and went to Toronto over the week end and holiday, Uiking a well desei-ved rest. Mr. Alex. Mcl*ean and his winsome wife paid a visit to his father here over the holiday, they were accomp- anied by Innis McLean. 'Mrs. Mc- Innis is still in Toronto waiting on daughter Anna Mary, (Mrs. J. Mc- Farlanc) who we are pleased to know, is making improvement. Best wish- es. Mrs. Maltby, (nee Jean Buckham) with Mrs. Maltby Sr., were on a visit to Mrs. Buckham here over the hol- iday. fThe garden party of St. Columba Church will be held (D.V.) on the 29th of June. Given fair weather the u.sual good time will \h- had, good committees havg the other in hand. The play, "Mary CJold," was put on by our friends from Holstein on Fri- lay last, and was well given, all speaking out well, with possibly one . xceplion. Mr. Bert Brobner was as usual the funny man of the caste, and inilormed his part well as did all the iithers. We were pleased to meet thcni again. It was under the au- >pice.'' of .St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Richard.-^on (nee OIlie McLean) and children, were visitors at her mother's, Mrs. D. G. McLean, here. .Mr. and Mr.s. H. Richardson and family, Mr. Donald Aldcorn, Mr. and .VIrs. Alex. Knox and babe, all of To- ronto, were holiday visitors with friends here. On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Thos. .Xichol was hostess to the W. M. S. iind Willing Helpers societies with an attendance "C 2fi present. Mrs. J. MoMeekin presided over the meeting, iifter the usual opening exercises. Miss .Mary MeEaohern gave a reading; Mrs. A. L. Hincks gave the topic on Mother's Day; considerable business was transacted an*' the meeting clos- ed with a hymn and creed. Mrs. Sut'nerlaiul jjresided over the W. M. S. meeting and opened with two minutes silent prayer. Scripture reading was read responsively; Mrs. John Nichol Sr. gave the topic on "The burning Bush." Mrs. .\, L. Hincks read a chap- ter from the study book; Miss Marg- aret N'ichol i)ut on a contest and ihe pri/.e was won by Mrs. J. A. Nichol iind the consolation prize went to Mrs. •'. .McMcekiii Jr. "The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. .'^andy Stonehousc. A dainty lunch vviis .served and a social time was spent civer the tea cups. Messrs. Colin McLean, John Nichol, •Sr.. Mrs. McMeekin Sr. iMrs. D. Camp- bell, Mrs. Wilfred Watson, Misses Margaret McArthur and Nellie .Mc- Lean attended the Presbyterial on Thursday at Ventry. Mrs. A. D. Macint: re spent a coup- le of days with her mother, Mrs. 'T. Nichol. Mrs. Alex. Carson, who spent the last two months in Toronto, returned home Friday. Mr. Dave Hincks and Beth spent the week end in Toronto and were ac- companied home by Miss Jean Hincks for her holidays. Mrs. Harry Pedlar and two sons, Uick and Harvey of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carson. On Friday night a miscellaneous shower was held in honor of Mr. and .Mrs. Clifford Harrison, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Neil McKinnon. The bride and groom were the recipients of many beautiful and useful gifts. .Mrs. S. Boice and little son, Donald Keith, arrived home from Flesherton. (.Mr. Bott of Lamlash was a recent visitor at Mr. Dave Nichols. Mr, Stuart Carson, Dundalk, spent the Week end at his parental home. Mrs Jean Maltby, Toronto, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Buckham. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLean, Toron- to, spent the week end here. Miss Mary Runciman and aunt, Miss Molly Ferguson, Toronto, spent the holiday with friends here. Miss Monica Lambert, Toronto, is holidaying at her uncle's, Rev. Angus Sutherland's. Mr. Murray McMillan, Miss Jean McLean and friend, Toronto, were week end guests at Mr. Hector Mc- Lean's. Miss Delia McPhail, Toronto, spent 'Vvv the holiday with her aunt, Mrs. .McMeekin and cousin, Mrs. Bradey Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tucker and family, Ebenezer, spent Sunday at A. L. Hincks'. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturrock and fam- ily spent Sunday with Proton friends. A largo congregation was present iin Sunday in St. Andrew's church to welcome the new student, Mr. Pick- ering, who will be here for the sum- mer months and he urged the parents to set. that their children were at Sun- day school on Sunday. He is a splendid speaker and good congrega- tions are expected to be present on Sundays. Uneasy lies the head that sports thf home-made haircut. "So long as there is a conflict be- tween good and evil In the world, those who wish to .see the good triumph must take every possible means to prevent evil from gaining control,'' were the wise words re- cently uttered by the Premier of Can. ada. i â- â- ** r You hear Chevrolet owners mentioning gaso- line economy in terms of 25 and more uiilcs per gallon. You hour otiicrs enthusing over Chevrolet performance. These people are not hoasling, they're just telling the farts. And here's why: (Chevrolet is the only lowest-priced ear with a Valve-in-Head Ei.j'ine. The great advantage is, a Valvc-in-Hend Engine gets as much as 10% more power out of every gallon of fuel than any other type. With the result that gasoline costs you less per mile. And be(-aun<? the Valve-in-Ho«d Engine gives pre- mium performance, you find Miis ty|>c in all air- planes, racing cars and speedhuats that hold outstanding records. Drive a Chtnirolvt for performance with economy . . . and the matchless all around satisfaction of Hydraulic Brakes â€" Uninteel Turret Top Body by Fiaher â€" Knee- Action gliding ride (on Master De Luxe models) and Fisher No-Draft Ventila- tion. No other car priced so low has them all! Iatw Monthly Faymenta on the General Motor* Instalment Plan. 745 MAtTCR t-PASSBNOIR BUSINESS coun d«/iv»r«d «f Imctory, Othmwm. Oovtmment raiM, lioMiM anrf fttiiht additional. (Prkaa mibjtcl to chmng9 without nolio«.> CHEVROLET . , . . for econom ical trans/nntiitio n C tilt Jas. Leppard Died In His 83rd Year EUGENIA D. McTAVISH & SON, FLESHERTON, ONTARIO The late Mr. James Leppard, anoth- er of our old residents has passed on to the Great Beyond in the person of Mr. James Leppard in his 83rd year. His death occurred on Tuesday morn- ing. May llth at his late residence, f!th Line, The deceased, who had not been feeling very well at times, was not bed-fast until a couple of weeks prior to his death, which was due to liver trouble. i.Mr. Leppard was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Leppard and resided on the 8th Lino practically all his life. He was mar- ried over .50 years ago to Miss Mary Ann .Meggitt, who survives. To them were born seven children, who have gone on before, with the excep- tion of one daughter, Mrs. Rody Gor- don, (Susie), at home with her moth- er at present. One son, Robert John sacrificed his life in the Great World War. He is also survived by four grandchildren, Rody, Ruth, Reta and Rayrv^c.vd wordon and a brother, Joe, in his f»5th year, residing near Mark- dale, and two sisters in Michigan. The funeral was neld on Thursday afternoon, intei-ment being made in the family plot at Salem. Rev. Mr. Bushell officiated at the house and grave. He preached a very impres- sive and comforting .sermon from the parable of the ten virgins. rPwo hymns were sung, "Nearer My God to Thee" and "Abide with Me". Floral tributes placed upon the casket were: A spray from 8th Line; Spray from Eugenia friends; Spray from Durham Furniture Factory em- ployees. Rock Mills; A Cross, The Martin Family. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Robt. Haney, Robt. Purvis, James Fawcettj Fred Pedlar, Will Magee and Will Chickett. We extend our sympathy to the friends in their sad bereavement. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Park on Monday were, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Acherman and .son, Billy, Mrs. lacicson and Miss Isabel McMillan of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carruthers Jr. of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carruthers and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Park. Mrs. Wm. Hislop has returned home after spending a fortnight with her brother, Mr. Geo. McKenzie Ceylon. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Williams, To- ronto, spent the week end with the former's sister, Mrs. Adam Smith, husband and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Johnson and little daughter. Agnes of Toronto vis. ited over the week end with Mrs Johnson's mother, Mrs. Wilson and ithei' relatives. .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams and lit- tle son, Harold and Miss Doris Will- iams and friend. i.Mr. Norman Manchip of Toronto were visitor.^ with Mr. and .Mrs. Jos. Williams and Joey. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Park of Flesh- iton visited on Monday with the Park families here. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Falconer of To- ronto visited the Falconer families here on Sunrki.v. Mr. and M,-s. David Parliament moved to Fiesherton this week. Mr. James Porteous, Mrs. (iott and â- Mr. Jos. Sherwood visited with Mr. Tl>iis. Henr.v. who is ill at the hone ot his daughter, iMj-s. Hopkins in Mea- tord. Mr. and Mrs. Jack (Lowell of Toron lo. Mr. H. Legard of Flesherton and •Mrs. Geo. Johnston of Rock Mill.<(, were visitors on the holiday with Mr' md Mrs. Bert Magee and familv. Miss Evelyn Carruthers of Toron- to, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. o. Turner ami family. Mr, and Mrs. W. Campbell and Billy of Toronto, spent the week ««i(l in the ^'illage. i-Mrs. A. Hammond and daughlscr. Miss Blanche and Mi.ss Millie McMull- ''11 tf Toronto were week end visitors with Mis. M. McMiillen. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sloan and •hildien of Chatham visited over the week end with .Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sloan. Miss Donalda was also home from near Ayton over the week end. Mrs. Ross Lehman and son lledley of Toronto, also Mrs. Bill Davies, vis- ited a few (lays with their father, Mr. Jake Williams. We are very sorry to hear that Mr. Davies is ser- iously ill in the hospital after having the misfortune to be in a motor accid- ent a week ago. We sincerely hope that Mr. r)avies will have a complete and speed.v recovery. Messrs. Sutton and Gardiner of To. ronto were visitors with i.Mr. Wm. Magee. Miss Verda Gonoe has returned hom» after spending: some time with her aunt, Mrs. Fi-ank Shortt, 10th Line. Mrs. McHKinnon of Flesherton is spending a while with her daughter, Mi-s. H. Poerster. The Mi.sses Mary and Isobel McKee of Toronto visited at their parental home. Miss Evelyn Campbell spent the past week at Fleathoote. Mrs. George Benson and daughter. Fern, of Markdale, visited over the week end with Mr. and ;Mir8. Chas. Turner and family. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Youn»f and little daughter, Carol of Sarnia, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Will Duckett. Mrs. Fred Pedlar and daughter, Kathleen, attended the funeral of the former's aunt. Mrs. D. Marshall, at Meafnrd on Saturday. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Pedlar and re- latives. The Y. P. U. met on Wednesday evening, May 10, in the church base- YOU NEVER SAW Bent Over SAFE-LOCK FARM FENCE ! It Ju.^t can't happen beaiuse the locks are jointed and the stay.s .spring erect again the second pressure is removed in.stead of being permanently bent. That's why so many people for over twenty years have been calling it "Hinge Lock" fence. P)iit if you prefer the best in the Ring Lock type we manufacture it also. Both fences are guaranteed full gauge in the lock as well as in the fence. If your local hardware dealer doesn't handle Keenan fencing he can al\vay.s obtain it for you in 24 hours. INSIST ON KREN.AN'S THE KEENAN FENCE COMPANY Owen Sound, Ont. mcnt, '.Miss Annieta Turner presided :ind took the discussion topic, "The 3usiness of Gambling." Scripture pas- sages were read by Miss Hazel Turn- er. It was decided to close the Y. P. U meeting at the Pid of June for the summer months. A contest was con- ducted by Mrs. C. Martin, after which the meeting closed. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and family of Toronto visited over the week end and holiday with the form- er's parents. We are pleased to report Mrs. W. C. Hanley recovering from her illness, also Miss Isla Magee able to be up again after her recent illness with tonsilitis. We are pleased to report Mr. Teddy Campbell feeling much better after being laid up with an attack of ap- pendicitis. On Thursday afternoon of last week the Woman's Association held "Grand- mother's Day," in the church here. The meeting was opened by hymn No. 372 of the Hymnary, followed by the Lord's Prayer. The roll call was an- swered by each one paying her mem- bership fee. Five new members join- ed the society. There were several visitors present and a very enjoyable time was spent. The programme consisted of a reading by Mrs. John Parson, a solo by Rev. Mr. Bushell, a mouth organ selection. "Home Sweet Home," by Mrs. Adam Smith, A read- ing. "Loyal to Our King," by Mrs. Bushell. Two verses of hymn No. 1,5,'? were sung. The ladies of the north unit dressed as grandmothers of by-gone days, gave humorous dia- logue, "A meeting of the better city campaign committee." Mrs. Martin secretary of the W. A. read letters from persons appreciating the letters <etit them by the W. .-V.. Collection was taken which amounted to ?2.00. ifter which a sumptuous lunch was served in the basement. Th« grand- mothers were seated at a table cen- *red with a "grandmother's cake". -After the supper hour. Mrs. F. Pedlar c:ave a reading. "Wanting to hire a grandmother." and Mrs. M. Badger- ow sang a solo, "A Soldier's Fare- well." All numbers on the program were enjoyed. The ladies were tend- ered a vote of thanks for their dainty lunch by Mrs. Carruthers, on behalf of the grandmothers. A vote of thanks was tendered the grandmoth- ers for their fine program. It was decided to answer the June roll call with a verse containing the word, "Abide." Mr. Harry Falconer received the sad news of the death of his sister, Mrs. Moore of Durham on Saturday. The deceased's death was due to pneu- monia. Mr. and Mrs. Falconer are attending the funeral which takes place on Tuesday of this week. We extend our sympathy to the sorrowing relatives. Mr. Win. Large and son. Prank, of Niagara Falls visited with Mr. Peter Munshaw. CENTRE LINE Mr. Edwin Little and Mr. Geo. Tur- ey of Clarksburg visited with iMl-. and Mrs. W. H. Little on Sunday. BORN â€" On Saturday, May 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilkinson, a son. We are sorry to report Miss Muriel Grummet very ill with pneumonia. It is only a short time since her sister, Jean, had an operation for appendici- tis and was very sick for some time. Mr. John Osborne of Shrigley spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Osborne. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. .\. Blakey and fam- ily, also to the brothers in their time of trouble. We are glad to hear that Mr. Stan- lev Leppard. who has been very ill with pneumonia, is improving. iMt. and Mrs. Breadner- and Miss Jean of Heathcote, also Miss Breadner wore Sunday visitors with Mr. and .Mrs Geo. Wilkinson. Mrs. Bread- ner and Miss Jean are staying with Mrs. Wilkinson for some time. Spring Specials Permanents Now Reduced REGUL-\R $2.50, $3.50 and $5.00 REDUCED TO $L95, $2.50 and $3.50 This offer will continue indefinitely. Isobel Rovve's Beauty Parlor Phone 27 FLESHERTON, ONT. **************** *** t ** * ** ' t ***'Â¥***' yt * * ** * *** **t * **** * SUPERIOR STORES SPECIALS ARE CASH ONLY CANNED TOM.VrOES, size 2, 3 for 27c ; KELLOGGS BRAN FLAKES, 2 for 23c ' FRESH CRISP SODAS, 2 lbs. for 25c ; BROOMS, reg. 35c, out for 29c i j HANDY AMMONIA * * * SpecUl 5c i \ 1X)MAT0 JUICE large tize 10c Pineapple*, all size*, and this is the best we«Jc to buy ! to save. .-. . PACKAGE SEEDS OF ALL KINDS MEATS AND VEGETABLES OUR SPECIALTY C. J. KENNEDY Phone 37 ****** * ********^^ •» â-  We Deliver I

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