Worried By Pimples And Eczema k' •? Complexion Unblemithed after Six Weeks of Kriuchen "For the past two years," writes a woman, "my face was covered with hard pimples and red blotches, and I also had eczema on my nei^ and forearms. I tried lotions, creams and ointments, without the slightest •ffect. I was so worried. Fortunately I decided to give Kruschen a trial, and without any exaggfration, with- in six weeks my face was without a blemish, and I have not had a sign of eczema since. I take Kruschen regu- larly every morning, and would not be without it." â€" (Mrs.) J.A. Pimples and eczema are frequently due to impurities in the blood â€" ir- ritant poisons which sluggish body organs are failing to expel from the system. Kruschen Salts help to keep the body organs funtiioning normal- ly and healthily, thus preventing the accumulation of impurities in the blood. Tax on Tobacco Grown in England SALISBURY, Kng. â€" A now appeal to lliii (Jovi'iiiriR'nt to aid the revival of the Knglisli grown tobacco indus- try by a rebate of duty Is bt>iii^ con- sidered here. It is urKid thai if liic Imluslry were piven siillkicnt pioieclion to put It on a secuiv ba.sis, work would bo found for n.iidil pejsons to ijvery 1,- 000 acres plantnl. Tobacco t;ri)Wing in this country has been carried on for some years by A. J. Hrandon. of Chuich C'uok- hani. Hampshire. He has had 30 acres under cull ivai ion, and la.st year's harvest yichlcd I.i'hh Ihs. (if tobacco of pood i|iialily. Mr. SiKioli. niaua'--' r ct tlio Salis- bury lirn- which inanufac lures and markets tobacco I'lom this source, oulliiiMl the rase for tlio iiuhistiy. '•Thr- i;rowir of Knf,'lisli loliacco has to |.:'y the saiiM' rato of iluly as i.s paid I ji leaf from tho Doniliiions," he Blai'-d. â- Tl" industry has iii-vi-r been giv.'ii a ch.-iiKc. .Many people think that bicair; â- ilio tobacco is mown in Kn;;!;;:.d it i:ays lillle <ir no duty. V.M.l'K l.\ A.\ K.MKIU'.K.NCY "Thinisai ds of a( res, unfit for ro- tation croppinfT, would be tilled and owin-,' lo the nature of this form of ruitlvalioii. hiouHhl lo a condilion capable of produciiiR t-raiu at ;i linn- of r:::t,'onal emergency, 'I'l-lllions and ilnputations to iho (JoviMtiment lian,' hi'on sy»il)atlieti- eai;y received, but applications for a suLstantial reduction of duty s^iin to have fallen on deaf v.uva and tin' out- put from Clu'r'-h Crookliain Minaiiis fm.i!!." .\ M;; iradr' i.-i <li/ii.- ||. r,, \n liuinc- groHM ciKariiir- and pipi- iDbaccos. Manufacturers lia\c m.i'iy ii:stoiii- ers in India, .-uul .Sali.sbuiy residenl.-< Bino;<(! ibe Knvlisli tobacco in pre- fer'iKi' to (iilier brands. Tliey point out thai no.1 years at,'o tobacco was eullivati'd In :!1 !;n;,'li;h connlies, and. in addiiion lo supplyiir; ilio hom;- demand. IIk ic was a lucrative expofi trade. '"rhire IS no intrinsic \ice 'n viallh: (he devil is In our jticed." --Sir I'abindranafli Tagorc. Read it or not: â€" In North America recent figures showed 185,383 Sunday schoo's, Teachers and officers 2,197,400, and pupils. 20,627,652. â€" o â€" A parasite gets by unnoticed un- till he beings to stick his tentacles into our bank roll. • â€" o â€" That settles that: â€" "I don't sup- pose you don't know of nobody who don't want to hire nobody to do nothin', do you? â€" o â€" Young Bride (looking in window of jewelry store) â€" George, I'd love to have that bracvlct! Georgeâ€"I can't afford to buy it for you, dear. Bride â€" But if you could, you would, wouldn't you? George â€" I'm afraid not. Brideâ€" Why? George â€" It isn't good enougli, dear! Bride â€" Oh, you darling! â€" o â€" \ wise wife i.s the one who inakcs her husband believe he is the head of the house when he is really only chairman of the ways and means coni- niittec. - â€" o â€" - The acid test of a man's Sunday religion is his Monday's behavior. â€" o â€" .\ girl asked her father: "Dad, don't you believe that two can live as cheaply as one?" "1 certainly do," he answered. "What's more, right now, your mother and I are living as cheaply as you." â€" oâ€" There are plenty of men who are willing to work until their tongues hang out if they get what they c;ill fun out of it instead of money. â€" o â€" â- k very stout lady, walking lhrou:^!i a park during an extremely hot dav, observed that she was being followed by a man. Stout Lady â€" What do you mean by following me? Hut the man, without replyinri:, slipped away. Then, when the stout lady resumed her walk, she spied the man follov.'- ing her again, and again she accost- ed him: .She almost f.-iinted v.hcn she gut this reply: Man â€" I'or heaven's sake, laly, don't call a coj) and chase me away. You are the only shady spot in t'lo whole park. -o â€" .Mrs. I'emiington â€" Mow did yoa like the sample of my marrow jam I sent you? Mrs. Jamieson â€" Was that marrow jam? Oh, dear, I'm so sorry. My husband is using it for sticking Tie stanip.s in bis anmni. â€" o â€" Cuitomor- -Give me some of that prepared orthocactylsalio'ic acid. Druggist- Do I'ustonier - Vcab: think of that name. you mean aspirm .' I never can I ISltasi Extra Values at HD EXTRA COST No matter now much you intend paying for tires drive in to your local Fireitone Dealer and let hira show you he can give you most value for your money. He has a complete stock of Firestone High Speed, Oldfield, Sentinel and Ground Grip tires that will give you the longest mileage at the lowest cost Drive in and let him serve you. Ttr^sfone All of us know some persons who spend all their energy in talk. â€" â€" Hard work and no play may make a dull boy, but he usually has monty in the bank. â€" oâ€" A travelling salesman visited % large factory and told the boss he could pick out all the married men among the employees. He stationed himself at the door, and as the men came from dinner he pointed 'o those he thought were married. In almost every c«so he was right. Boss (amazed) â€"How do you do it? Travelling man â€" Oh, it is quits simple, fjuite simple. The married men all wipe their feet on the iriat. The single men do not. Johnny Bull â€" We have some very large birds in England. Why, once, while I was standing in a zoological garden, I saw a man come in on an eagle. Yankee Tourist â€" Brother, that's nothing! Once, while standing in -. ball park, I saw a player go out on a fly! She Likes Church She is an attractive girl, eighteen years old, has had a limited school education and works in a factory in an Ontario city where she has lived only a few years. We happened to meet her the other day, asked her how she was getting on and, among other questions, asked her if she attended a church. Her face brightened. "Oh yes! We go to the nicest little church â€" it's really quite a small one â€" â- I know everybody who goes to it, I think. It's so different from some other churches I've been to. Every- body's so friendly. Nobody has much money, I guess. They're nearly all like us â€" th'jy work in the factories and they all seem to like the church. I go to Young People's on Monday nights. We had a box social there a while ago and we had lots of fun. I'd been there only a few times when they put me on the social committee. And Dad goes to the men's club every week. They play c.irpet ball. . . oh, ho never likes to miss it. The ladies have their meetings, too, and Mother goes to them. Everj'body seems to like the min ster. No, he's not such a young man but he'g into every- thing and he comts to the house some- times." We would like to have a phono- graph record of what the young lady said rbout hot church so that \vc could send it on to the man who min- isters to this "friendly" flock. It would warm his heart. Those who are "again" something usually make the most noise, and there are too many who are too tiiGught'css in thcii- criticism of the church Those v.-ho "like their church" are quiet about it, but, after all, their number is legion. Every day of the year the thousands of churches across Canada are the friendly meeting spot of tens, scores and hundreds who find it good to come together for worship, for service or for fun. â-º--*- •••••••••l * »9*%t IS? Bv GORDON L. SMITH Gra;s see.l may be compared to good tobacco. The best seed is a riii:;ture or blend of different gras- ses. .A proportion of those more eN- peiisive atid slower germinating but permanent grass<>s will be mix-jd v.ith a certain ijuantity of cheap, i|uick-growing sev<l. It is the former which forr.i the (ine-stemmcd, deep green permanent turf which goes o.i improving with the years. A certain anujun* of the cheap, ((uick-growing kinds are needed lo shelter and nurse along the others for the first sum- mer, but sowing these alone is not sufficient for a permanent lawn. Hence, a well-balanced, high (|Ualily mixture is reconnnended. .SOW l.AWXS KAUl.Y Gras.s makes its growth iti cool weather; therefore, early sowing is advisable. The ground should be allowed to settle after digging or plowing, and then levelled again. If there is time it is advisable to repeat this proi.«ess several times. The top soil should then be raked fine and the grass sown at a liberal rate, once across and once lengthwise. This double sowing insures an even dis- tributien. For obvious reasons seed is sov.-n on a day when there is no wind. In covering, the gardener in advised to rake one way only and tlien lirni (he soil v/ith a heavy rol- ler or pounder. The first actual gardenin,!: opei'a- tions, if the ground is ready and free from surplus moisture, will be to plant those e::u-a early flowers like sweet peas, cosmos, marigolds, and other hardy annuals aii.l almost any of the peiennial.s. This is alsj the time, authorities advise, to get in gra.-.s seed. In the vegetable line, lirst sowings of lottuw, spinaeii, carrots, beets, and oven potatoes, will be made, .At first, one is advised to make small sowings and so spread out the harvesting season. Then, if winter return again after these lirst seed- ings art' ma<lc, the loss will be only trivial. Seed, after all, is the cheap- est thing about gardening and one of the few factors over which the garilener has absolute control. On these counts alone, it is highly im- portant that only the best seed from reliable Canadian souri'es should be used. Everything else is wasted; .soil; fertilizer and labor if the foundation seed is not right. The Business of Farming Toultrymen and particularly hatch- ery men will be more than pleased at the judgment recently hande<l down by the Supreme Court of Camda which allows the appeal of the Attor- ney-General of Canada against the Smith Incubator Company and the Buckeye Incubator Company of Cleve- land, Ohio, in the case of the King and the two companies named, ob- serves the St. Catharines Standard. It is estimated that the appeal is al- lowed with costs of the Supreme Court of t'iuuida as well as those of the Exchecpier Court of Canada; that the infornuition of the .\tt(nney- Geiiernl .shall be maintained and there will be a declaration that the letters patent issued to .Sanuicl B. Smith are invalid and void and that the same are cancelled and set aside. The case began in Canada in the Winter of lO.'H-S,^) when the Smith Incubator Company of Cleveland, O., served notices against a number of hatcheiymcn and breeders that the incubators they were using cOipatitut- e<l nn infringement of paterik vi(S:hts held by their company In Canada and actually took out an injunction pro- ceeding"! .against a number of..incubn- tor operators. This action was a sequel to many similar actions in the United States and had every indica- tion of covering a wide area in Can- ada. As a result of representations made to members of Parliament and CiJov- enuncnt Departments requesting that the Dominion Government intervene, particularly in view of the extreme breadth and comprehensiveness of the principles of physics involved, WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And Youll Jump Out of Bed in th« Morning Rarin' to Go The liver ahonld poor out two iMunda at liquid bile into your bowela daily. Ir this bile la not Aowinf freely, your food doesn't (litres t. It juBt decays in the howelii. Gaa tiloata uvi yourXoinach. Youget cunatipat«d. Harmful imiBona so into tho IxKly. and you (eel aour. sunk and tm world louka punk. A mere bowel movement diwan'talwaya get At the cauae. You need Bomethinar that worka cm the liver aa well. It takes Ihiae sood, uld Cartcr'a Little Liver Pilla to got these two • rounds of bile lluwiuff f n>ely and make you fp«>l 'up and no". Harmless and genUe, they make the hilo flow freely. They do the work of calomel but have no caU>mel or mercury in them. Aak for Carters Litt'e Liver Tills by Dame t £^lubt>onily ruf us« Moytiiing else, i!&a. more particu'aily under Claim I of the Smith Patent under which tlicse representations and injunction pro- ceeding;; against Canad'an operators had been taken, the Governivient of Canada through the Attorney-Gen- era! decided to take steps to impeach the Smith Patent in Canada. The case wiis heard before the Exchequer Court of Canada commencing October 14, 1935. Coincident with the case instituted by the -Attorney-General, the case of the Smith Incubator Co. against certain individuals to whom injunction had been served, was heard. The Exchequer Court gave two de- cisions late in January, I'Sii'. One granted that the Smith Pato:.t was valid and the other that the Seiling Incubator, under which the injunctions had been taken, was not an infringe- In due course the Smith Incubator Company appealed to the Supreme C^urt on the Seiling judginent and ^the Attorney-General of Canada in turn appealed the case to the Supreme Court on the Smith Patent. Both cases were heard by the Supreme Court in November, 193o, the judg- ment of which has just been given. The Supreme Court judgment re- verses the Exchequer Court judgment on the validity of the Smith Patent, an<l this automatically upholds the judgment of the Exchequer Cojit on the injunction proceedings under the Seiling Patent. The judgment as render.'.l is uniqu..- in that it is one of the first cases in which the Dominion Government has taken action to impeach a patent which itself had previously granted. The principal witness for the At- torney-General were Prof. W. R. Gra- ham of the Ontario .Agricultural Col- lege. Guelph, and Milo Hastings, of Tarrytown, N.Y. Prof. Graham gave extended testimony on the history and progress of incubation. Mr. Hastings gave testimony on the prior art, hav- ing bu:lt an incubator embodying the principles of the Smith incubator a number of years prior to the granting of tho Smith Patent. Norman Hickox of Chicago gave corrobating evidence on tho operation of the Hastings In- cubator at IMuskogee, Okia. Thus is removed one of the most disquieting influences to affect farm- ing in its many branches in ri'cent years. Si!rg€on Sees Hope For Cancer Victims bcutf Ncr. i^ -i^^?! câ€" 1 WASHINGTON.â€" Kesearch work is bringing more complete under- standing of the cause of cancer and development of more effective meth- ods of treatment. Surgeon General Thonuis I'arran of the Public Health Servicv said this week. "I think we may be on the eve nf important dcvelo))ments in getting .it the factors which cause cancer and thereby eliminating them.* he said. That belief, he added, is inspire! not by the discovery of methods pro- venting cancer but, paradoxically, because many chemical substances have been found which produce can- cer. Some of these substances, Pr. Parran explained, have been derived from coal tar, which long has bee.'i known to cause cani.'ci, and are closely related chemically to normal con.stiluents of tho body. This suggests, he said, that it may bo possible to develop other substances which will retard the pro- duction and growth of cani>er, just as coal tar derivati>es promote growth. Scientists of the public health ser- vice believe that the explanation of the cause of cancer will be found in • POISONED KIDNEYS Stop Getting Up Nights To harmlessly Hush poisons and ai-id from kidneys and correct irri^ tat ion of bladder so that you can stop "getting up nights" get a 40- cent package of Gold Medal Haar- lem Oil Capsules and take as dirijct- cd. Other symptoms of kidney and bladder weaknesses are sc'ant, btirn- ing or smarting passage â€" backache- - leg cramps â€" puny tyes. changes which occur in the ctemicaf reactions of the body. Senator Bone, Democrat, Washing- ton, and Representative Magnuson, Democrat, Washington, askad Con- gress yesterday to spend $1,000,000 _for a government cancer research program. Only about ^500,000 annually ha» been spent on cancer research in all the laboratories of the country. Dr. P.-'-rai". said. This includes the gov- ernment's expenditure of $115,000. Classified Advertising HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES 2nfl "OL-SEHOLD ARTICLES PROM i ^'â- '^ cents up. Send fur price liat t<> SmaJl- warea C .. 179 CralR St.. West. Mcindeal. 7',c Andy Anderson's Chicks SJ/jc I WILL SHIP YOU MY VERY BEST BLOOD * Tested big Barred Rocks for i%,c or large Enslish White Leghorns for 7'ic. MOnth old ' pullets 35c. Day uld White Leghorn roostera S2.T5 per 100. lOU per cent live deUver>'. !• per cent with order. Balance C.O.D. Andy An- ders., n, Bux W"P. Essex. Ontario. STAMPS The Ilobb^j c.r Kinrs OC AUSTRALIAN LYRE. KOOKABURRA, "" Birds, Victoria, McArthur, Jublice. Air, Comn;cmorat!ves. 25c. Eedworth. 300 Pavea* port. Toronto. Ontario. AGE.NTS WANTED STEADY WORK â€" EVERY DAY A PAT Day supplyi-g thoixsarid famlHe«, 200 guaranteed necessities. Make up to '53& week- ly. Ni> risk. Experience unneccs3ar>". Free Catalogue and Details. Famileu Coropxiy. 570 S'. Clement. Montreal. PL.VY MUSIC BY COLOR /-JRICIINAL. SENS.\TIONAL. VHT VERY ^ practical way of playing plan*), t:uitar and ukulele, by matching colors. Canada'! own. t*ut Itie world's latest musleal sensa- ti'in. No teacher or Instruction aewssary. Voii can play today the Mnsicolur Way. Write for free Booklet nâ„¢. Representative* wanted, with tirst-class references. Write Simplay Instruments. Limited. 60 Front St. We=t. Toronto. KE-MEPIES DK. MC'JAHEY'S LEG ITCH HHMEDY â€" One application stops itching, stamping biting. S2.00. Kemptvllle. Ontario. POULTRY BUFF ORPINGTON COCKS. PEKtNS AND Rowen <lrakes. S.'in. William wStorbury, P:cton Ontario. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK BKEETIIBRS I.MPniOVE YOUR STOCK BY ADDINO m rthern blood from heavy layers and registered sires. Buy six to ten weeks old cockerels at fifty to seventy tlve «ent3. Al«o starle.1 pullets at attractive prices. Mont- magny Hatchery (CerllBed) 22S. Montmagny, Que OPPORTUNITIES â€" Diesel Engineering â€" NATIONAL SCHOOLS OFFKR A fF.OVEN c urse In Theory and Practical training. W» have trained men for the past 32 years and are ecutnped to enable our students to actual- ly put their knowledge to work to get better .1obs. If you are mechanically Inclined and ycu b* lie\e you can qualify then write to A. SlV.l VsrO.V. Mc.na'jcr NATIONAL SCHOOLS rZi Blcor Build im; Dept. M. TORONTO Investigation and Enquiries ItivHe.l THE FAMOUS RUBBING LINIMENT Rub on â€" pain gone. Oct the new large econ- omy size â€" Also avail- able in smaller, regular HOW'S YOUR STOMACH? you lose vital nerve force if you allow vour stom- ach to distress you. .Acid stomach, indi- gestion, gas or bil- iousness and "cos- tivcnes.s" cause the blood to be poisoned and will eventually destroy health aiKl ncrxc folic this is what \V. ,1, Fisher sf â- I S,iiilotd .\^f.;, JM.. ILimiltoit. lliil., said: "I siitfcied with luy stunuch. could Ciit but very little and that would cause tlistlc^^. 1 giew weaker daily and suffered from hcail- •% ,,.< ~4r ounds. 1 toitk Dr. i'icrce's Coldelt Medical aches. My wciuht went from 1/6 to 134 pounds. 1 toitk Di pisvovciy and was soon al»lc to cat nof- IH.ill.v, 1 Rained in weight ai»(l stlfngth alK| coulil restinic niv woik. I'he iiisoo\"etj* madt • well person of luc," Buy uowt