Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Feb 1937, p. 4

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iWednesday, February 10, 1937 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE • • • IS that enough? True, the radio gives you certain cold figures but it's indirect and impersonal and at best only a general indication, compared to acuial tele- phone talks tu a number of biijers. In conver- sations, you get the actual feel of the market; you know wtiat's going on; where and when to sell; wliat grades are going best; what the pic- ture promises; and all those other intimate details, the knowledge of which puts dollars in your pocket. The telephone, as a business agent, is truly irreplacalile. THE FLLbHERTON 40VANCE Published on Collingwood Street, !-'lesherton, Wednesday of each week. Cireulation over 1000, f'rico in Canada $2.00 oer year, whtn paid in advance $1.|?0; in U. S. A. $2. per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON, Editor. F. J. THURSTON, As«ociate Editor PUCKERINGS IT FAILED TO WORK Nothing yields so much For what it costs as the TELEPHO NE * HCALTH SERVICE Of THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND LITE «M«URANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA CONVULSIONS Convulsions should never be regard- ed lightly by the parent. They may be very serious and even fatal if neglected. Every ultenij)t should be made to discover the cause and re- move !'• before repeated convulsions result ill deutli. The innocent bottle of "A.li.S. & C tablets eommunly found oil the bathroom shelf have t'liouuh .sliyebiiinc in thi-ni to eause coiivul.MoMs uiiil death of the young ••hild !.•; able to leitcli ihem and swall- ow some. Toddlers, discovering the jire.sence of their luw baby teeth and in their an.xicty to use them niiiy Kiiaw Ihe k'Ks of their newly painted cot. Lead is in many paints and the sucking or chewm;; of these newly liainted objects ha.s resulted in sev- ere convul.sions, blindness and death, tlue to lead poisoning. Convulsion.^ occur in infanLs when they have soiiiu "stomueh upset" and in this instaiue may be less aerioua than those eonvulsions due to jmisons. Many times some infection such as infected ear (b-um.^, tonsilitis and pneumonia may be ushered in with a convulsion. Although the convul- sion in itself may not he harmful yet if li'ft untreated, repi-nted con- vulsion.s may cniine death. ('onvul- «ive seizures oecuring with infections jfeiiPially clear up and leave no after- math. However by early and pro- per treatment such as the drainage of pus from an car drum or the open- ing of an abscess in the nose or throat, the convnlsinn may lie jirevent- eci ironi recurring. In the early stages before the physician arrives. It is wise to place the child in mustard bath, rubbing him or her briskly. It is quite obvious that such con- ditions are too serious for parents to assume the responsibility when their child ha.s a convulsion. Your, doc- tor should be summoned immediately. The physician will be able to find out the necessary treatment. MAXWELL liOKN â€" - Tu Mr. and Mrs, Joseph i Wright on .Monday, February 1st, a : son. I Mrs. Edmund Pallister has gone to I Toronto General Hospital for treat- I ment. Mrs. Kd. Seeli'.v spi'iit the pa.st week with friends in Toronto, I The Rural Dean, Rev. E. 0. Gal- j lai;lii-r of Owi'n .Sound will preach ill (he .Xnglicaii ehnrih next Sunday lit eleven o'cloek a.m. The members M specially arp asked to a'tiiid. I Mr. Ceo. Ross is attiiiding tlie ' Kails .Association Convention in To- j rontd this week. I The V. p. .S. met in the ehiireh hall (111 l''iiday. February ,'')th. The meet- ing opened with a hymn followed hy I the Lord's prayer. The discussion pi-riod was taken by the Christian Fellowship convenor, Mrs, Rushell. The topic was "The Christian Family at Wiiilship"; Miss .levvel Priestly sang a solo. Recreation consisted of a Bible contest. The meeting closed by singing "The more we get to- gether". The next meeting will he j in the form of a Valentine social. The Indies will have ehnigc of the program .iiid the men will supply the lunch. Another disastrous fire has visited our fair village. Each time a con- flagration occurs adequate fire pro- tection is discussed for a time and there the matter rests. The chem- ical engine was taken to the fire an Monday, but the operators failed to swing' it into action and there it rest- ed, a useless piece of equipmentâ€" Flesherton's only protection against the fire menace. It is doubtful whether or not the building would have beoii .saved had it operated, but it was as useless as if the village had no pro- tection of any kind. It is a sad state of affairs. Do the people of the village wish adequate protection? If they do the Council should tackle this iiroblem at once and allow the ratepayers to decide. Some scheme should be worked out for better pro- tection for our homes and business places. A hockey match between Diindalk and Flesherton High School senior boys will be played on Thursday of this week, Feb. 11, in Flesherton Ar- ena. Game at 8 o'clock p.m. Skating between periods and after game. Admission only 15 and 10 cents. Durham just about abolished Flesh- erton's hopo of being in the play-offs of the Centre Grey League Hockey wchedule on Thursday night last when they took Flesherton for a ride of 5 â€" 3 on Durham ice. Flesherton still has a chance if they win their next two games and Markdale lose one. DO VS A FAVOR During the next few weeks the Advance will carry several striking advertisements issued by the Dom- inion Department of Fisheries, stres.<;- iiig the benefits of eating more fish. They are also offering free of charge a splendid cook book containing fish recipes which should be in every household. Many National advertisers do not use rural weeklies because they do not have as many thousands of sub- scribers as the dailies. They think ihey art- hastily read and thrown u- side like the dailies. We know our readers will read these advertisements but unless they send for the cook book the Uept. of Fisheries will not know. The Ad- vance hopes every household will take .idvantage of tne offer. The book is well worth having and it will be II real favor to the -Advance, perhaps helping to give Us more profitable aiivei-tising \vliieli will iMiable us to make the Advance a better paper. .lust write to the Uepartnienl of Fisheries. Ottawa, asking for the book and mention that you saw the adv. in the .Xdvaiue or clip the lOiipon in the adv. and sign your name and address Flesherton Semi-Pro. team played a iMJstponed game on Saturday night last on Priceville open air arena and were successful in winning over Priceville by a score of 6 â€" .3, Flesh- erton Semi-Pro. boys have gone through the hockey season so far without a single defeat. Realiziiifr that certain boys are get- ting athletic training and that other boys who .should be developed are not given the ojiportunity it is being con. sidered by the P. T. instructors of this vcinity to exclude Centre Grey and ,Semi-Pro. Hockey players, to some extent from High School com- petition and give the inexperienced players a chance to play organized hockey. Lack of money and time do not allow us to enter as many teams as we would like to enter into competition. In the endeavour to dis- cover and develop new players, such a plan has already been started. Thurs- day night at 8:00 p.m. a High School team of this kind from Flesherton will I)lay a High School team of the same kind from Dundalk. Admission is ir>c and 10c. You have given us loyal support in the past. We hope for your continued support in our latest endeavour Cont. ^ ajiiiiyiiauiLLAB^ SUN ifllf/oi^dNADA •leuBrrv \\ \ rVTNC/ ••bvicb WOBtO~^»flOE Another Milestone of Achievement in public sen/ice has been passed by the Company during 1936. Of the many significant features of the Annual Report, perhaps the most striking is that during sixty-six years of operation the Sun Life of Canada has paid in bene- tils to lis policyholders and beneficiaries more than One Billion Dollars. Features of 1936 jUSTTRANCES IN FORCEâ€" The increase Ir a»?uraneM in force reflects the improvement ir, g-..\c:A^ c-si- nesa conditions. INTEREST RATE earned on the Company's invest- ments again increased. JUSET8 of the Company increased by seTenty million doUiira in 1936 and are now seven hundred and seventy-seven milUon dollars, the highest in tha Company's history. Dividends to Policyholders Participating policyholders will share in the Company's progress by increased dividend payments during 1937. ASSURANCES IN FORCE. D.c.mb.r 31. 1936 - - - J2.775.949.087 NEW ASSURANCES PAID FOR .--.-.•- 219.968,637 INCOME ......-.-------• 164.083. S98 DISBURSEMENTS - 103,384.868 EXCESS OF INCOME OVER DISBURSEMENTS - 60.698.728 PAYMENTS TO POLICYHOIiDLi*S AND BENEFICIARIES: Durina th. year 1936 , nllfS O^ Sine or,anlx.tion • • - - - - 1.046.104,001 ASSETS - - - n^iSiliS LIABILITIES 740.448.963 PAID-UP CAPITAL ($2,000,000) and .„ , ,, baUno* St ar«<litoi>hsr<hald«ra' account • $3,430,303 RESERVE „ ,.„ „. for dapraciation in naortgagaa and raal aatata 5.788.065 CONTINGENCY RESERVE 10.000.000 SURPLUS 18.118.208 .„„._, $37,336,578 Sacuritiaa ars oarriad in tha balanca ahaat at booW yaluaa whioh in tha aggragata ara lowar than markat valuea SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE . . MONTREAL We extend our sympathy to Editor !â- '. .\1. Wil.-ioii of the Stayiier Sun on llie los.s he has sustiiiiied in the death of his fnther, Mr. A. V„ Wilson, which meurred at Coderieh on Kebruarv 1. Tlier,, in nothiriir liki lu'opii, haiipy. work lo make Miiny a l)nchel(M-ship hns heen «• reeked hy n iiern\niuMit wave. MID- WINTER SALE | 11 Housewares C'aliiiu-t Hri-.'ul or Cake Rox, rej,'. $1.S.t, special •| .\i);irlnu'!U (Iroccry Si'ls ' ! W'hiti' Ivuaniel Wash Basin '•'< White* Knamel Chanihcr.s : ; llc-avy 'iMn Dairy Pails, 10»4 tits. 2 for Siflf kcst Hcavv r.alv. Oil Cans, 5 gal ('ialvaiy/i-(l Wash lUtilcrs ; lli'avy Cojiiicr Wash Roilcrs llaUc Rile Cake Pans, .stinarc and oblonp Shti-t Iron Koasl Pans, Wy^xWA at Ivory and Kcd h'.nanu'l Double B()ilor.s LaiKc 'Pi-a Pots. Ivory and Rrtl, $1.49 :: ... 89c ... 25c ;: .. 38c ...98c $1.29 . . 98c $2.79 ! I .. 19c ;: ... 28c ; : $1.29 \\ $1.05 :: AND OTHER SPECIAL PRICES ON ENAMELWARE. FRAr K W. DUNCAN y. Phone 54 •:- Flesherton, Ont. J ViClORlA CORNERS Wiml iniKlit have been a nnieli more -irious aeeident iK'curred on Saturday morninK at the farm home of Milton Itiuinun. Tile windmill refused to nun into the wind and Juek. the younjf son eliuilied to the top to ad- just it. When the wind eaught the wheel it whirled it so fast that it iauK:lil Jaek's ri^ht hand and took il up with it. He manaued to loosen it hefoie it iiiannled the whole hand. It was just n iniraelt^ too tiiat it did not kiioek him off to the jji-ound, when he loosened his hand or that he liiil not faint and tall to the jrround oil the way down from the pain of the index finper, the end of whieh was sniash.'d. The nail beinur shoved Imek undei' the skin and protrudin.tr •It the first joint. This is rather un- foittmate as .lack i.s in the entrance ;'iass. Th,. ladies of the W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. .Mbert Stevens on Thuisday afternoon. On Wednesday night last, the Thornbury High School boys and girls iourneyed to Fle.sherton and some real fun wa.s enjoyed by those who looked On as Fle.sherton took both teams by 2â€"1 score for the girls and a 10â€"7 score for the boys. The High Schools are having some real hockey sport this .vear and are keeping things evened up pretty well as the Thorn- bury boys took the Flesherton boys for a ride when Flesherton visited 'hem a week or so ago. The scorers in the Wednesday -nines were, for the girls: Rossie .\b- biit for Thornbury and Merle .^Uen and Ruth Turney for Flesherton; and for the boys: Mills ;{. Wheeler. Kiielly L'. and Parkinson, for Thornbury and for Flesherton: Smith. .-Vrchibald 3, McTavish. Boyd. McVicnr ;!, Piper , â- Â» The less a man knows about poli- tics, the more angry he gets in a political argument. The cactus grows in all sections of Florida, aays an item. Same as homes for the tourists, eh? I'OHTI.AW SCHOOL UKl'(M{T 1th â€" Robert Nicholls. Sr. .ird ^ Mary Fisher, Mabel Blackburn. Stanley Taylor. .Ir. .ird â€" Fred Shier. Jiniiuie Nich- olls, Robert Blakey, George Boyce. Sr. 2nd â€" Victor White, Dmiald Sheardown. Gladys .lamieson and Chester Plantt equal, Marjorie Jamie- son, .Ir. 2nd - Gordon Nicholls, Evelyn .'^hier, Donald Meldrum, 1st â€" .Alvin Sheard, D. A. Fisher. Doris Shier, Herbert Shier. Pr. - - Gwendolyn While. Kvelyn Fisher, Winnie Shier, Harvey .lamie- son. Mary Nicholls. â€"J. M. LIITLF., Teacher Kvery Board, every person hand- ling public money, should publish an account of jt. â- \ California child can talk only in her sleep. That's a bad habit, a.i any married man can tell. A Toronto paper speaks of miiig- line- music with dances. It does help some. Auction Sale p'FT V^TT"?" â-¼*!•â-¼â-¼ T^ â-º*+«i-4'+<-+*'I'<M.* Uavid Reddick will hold an auction •tale of Farm Stock, Imiilements, and Purniture on I,ot 10, Con. 18, Proton, !; miles north of Swintoii Park on Friday, February l(i, l<,i.'<7. No re- serve a» proprietor is giving up farm- ing. GEO, DUNCAN, Auctioneer First day of February, A. D. 1937. The bilingual bank notes to be is- sued this year by the Bank of Can- ada will carry a picture of King (Jeurgi! VI. nu- Advance hopes that :il| its readers will be able to get plenty of thesf souvenirs. Auction Sale In Ihe l''s|ate of Joseph A. Phillips rilKKK will ().." offered for sale, by I'ublic Auction, on VVKDNKSDAY, KKBRCARY 24, I!»;i7. at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at Mc- VICAK'S HOTKL, Priceville, the fol- lowing property, namely:â€" Lot Number Four (4), Concession Nineteen <1!)), Proton Township, con- taining 121 acres more or less, and having thereon frame house with 5 rooms and a frame bain. About 100 acres are under cultivation, 6 in hard- wood bush, the rest in swamp. Sau- geen River runs through property, TKRMS: Ten Per Cent, (10-,) of Ihe purchase money to be pakl dv>wn at the lime of the Sale, and the bal- ance to bo paid within fifteen days. Sale Subject to Re.served Bid, l-'OR further (larticulars and con- ditions apply to: .1, H, McQUAKRlK. niMJllAM, Ont. Solicitor for the Kxecutor, (ieo, K Ounean, Mundulk, (>ntHrio. AUCTIONFL'R, DATKl) at Durham, Ontario, this The newest fad is ladies' shoes that lace up the back. Man's work is never done. A Florida special train now in- cludes a full length Pullman car for dancing and a first-class orchestra supplies the music. It will be a dif- ficult thing for the auto bus to meet this challenge. Renewed your Advance subscrip- tion yet? It has been declared by Mussolini that in all printed advertising matter only the "buxom'' type of girl or woman be shown. The Duce ia m former newspaperman and this may be a ruse to force advertisers to take more space. Soma local parents evidienced a good deal of interest in the plight of the young French lad who tumbled into the binder and came out un- scathed but securely tied. It seems one of the neater solutions to the handlhig of the problem child. K • 1 1 E.M. TU . . . yes . . . because Claiiadian Fish and Shellfish are rich in prtncins, \ii;Miiins, iiiiiifrals and iodine. But health is not all. 'riu'io is tastincss . . . the varied tlavour of over si\t\ ditlerent kinds of tish fi>ods. Tiiere is economy . . . the sound thrift of a food that gives you lull value in healthful nourisluneiit (or every cent you spend. Make ".\ny Day a Fish Day". Whether fresh water fish or sea- tooil . , . fresh, Irozen, canned, smoked, pickleil or dried . . . you can be confident of the prime quality and Havour that have made C'anadiai fish famous thiouijhoui the world. DEPARTMENT of FISHERIES OTTAWA Try This Appetising Recipe BAKED CREAM SALMON •" 1 ' i'lb. ian Caitjidiaii ^.llâ- ltol\ 1 (linl iiiilk Sttll iinJ P4.-pp«r 2th'ii»s. huttvr __ _ 2 ihsp*. flour (ir4t«d onion f"* Frt'O the Ntlinon irom l»oni'» jtiil ^'puiute . into liits. i'tvk Ihi' lUiur anil bulU't to- j gplhtT wiihoui troniuiiK, i\iul add one I |)iiu ol milk, salt ;ii)d jx'piHM and t*n^>U)(h, | grati-d ^mion lo fl.ivuur dclicalt-ly. Vlacr â-  a UytT <if sauce in a bakinK di^, then a | layer M fiidi and :H> on, having .«auct* on * top. H.ike 10 a K«*ldcn brown and it-rve ' very hoi. I SAKDINES LYONNAISE | Cbop lt*«eth*'r cM boilcl poUtUK-s, one | iinall onion, tttc conlciiu of one tin ol i Canadian sardint-9 (drain^il>: fry wtih butler or l>eef fat until browned and '«rve witti parpU-y. fe^d I'' k^ FOR FREE BOOKLET D*p«rtmM>t ol m>h*rlw Ottawa Please send me your lre« 5j pag* booklet, ".Vny I)ii)- a Ki>h l^iiy ", containing 100 dilighlful and tcvu- onucal Fish Recipe*. jco .Va«u... Aildrtjs... CW-4 A :v Y 1> .\ Y F I $i H DAY

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