Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Nov 1933, p. 3

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if{Kti \\\rf^^m\o\i^ 'nr\U[) The Blind Geographer of Vichy HonlrU Vichy water is known all over (be civilized world, but liow many know that it U named after a very busy and beautiful city which, if you look at your map, yim can locate about fhe centre of France. Like many other mineral water?, originating in jSuVope, the output of these springs is oonlroUed by the state and the quality i i therefore guaranteed. This article, however, is not meant a.s au advertise- ment although, oa the other hand, one cannot refer to the place without men- tioning the waters which account for so much of its importance. When we drove into Vichy this past • unini<-r, we found the streets crowded with people and. vehicles â€" at first â- ight one would conjecture that some fete was being observed. We soon realizeil that we were entering one of the brightest places oa the Continent; life was passing before us in every form, some were here to benefit from the cure, others j^ere here to enjoy themselves. The mineral springs of Franc are of a varied type and contain properties to meet every therapeutic reiitiirement â€" German and Austrian springs are of one uniform type. Among the patients, who come to Vichy, are those seeking treatment for liver complaints, skin diseases, dia- betes and gout, and rheumatism. The hotels are magnificent and here we jnet the most fa.shionable people, saw the smartest gowns and watched the gayest dancing of all the twelve coun- tries we visited. Located In the midst of all this ac- tivity are various booths where one can drink the water or have a recep- tacle lilled. These booths are attend- ed by neatly dressed girls who are clad in long, white smocks and have a while cap covering their hair. The water has a peculiar taste â€" one of my group made a face and described it as like a combination of lish salts and dirty water; why such a comparison she alone knew. There is plenty of demand and the uniformed attendants are kept busyâ€" the water is provided without any charge. Who wuilld think that in sucli a place, with gay shops, bands playing and all kinds of excitement, that we should be regaled with a description of Canada by a poor blind man on a street corner? Outside of the busy section ami in a little corner of a square, stood this kindly faced old man. In a roped-oft'. triangular space around his feet were hundreds of â- tones â€" different sizes, colours and shap.'s. There was no apparent order to tWs collection, although irregular little paths ran through the plot and, surmounting the stones, a varying in- tervals, were the flags of all the na- tions. It was this latter feature that attracted my attention and as I stop- ped to e.tamine the peculiar layout, the blind man sensed the presence of a possible benefactor and, in a mono- lone, began to recite, in French, names of important places. He soon learned, however, that we were English speak- ing and, quickly accommodating him- Learn Crepe Paper Flower Making By a New Simplified. Inexpensive Method. Write DECORATION SERVICE 70 LOMBARD ST.. TORONTO Too Much "Party" Last Night Too Much Food< Late Hours. Smoky Atmotphor* A Are you looking to; something different in the way or entertain- ment for your church, society, cliil) or institute? Capt. F. H. Reid. the well-knowu traveller, who has been contribut- ing the series of articles to this paper, under the beading of "Travel Impressions," has what is. perhaps, the finest collection of European views in the country. Pictures taken with his own camera, beauti- fully coloured, showing some of the out-of-the-way places, as well as the localities about which you have read and heard. Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Jugoslavia, Hungary. Czechoslo- vakia. Germany. Holland. Belgium and British Isles aro Included in •.his unique collection. For particulars regarding thiSj communicate with Captain Reid at Room 421. 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. self to the ciiange, gave us, in very good Knglish, the names of places and their location in the United States. "No! no: no!"' said my companion, "we are not from the United States, we.aie from Canada." "Oh! Canada- English," said the blind man, and stretching out his arm, over a section of his little piece of ground, he pointed out the Union Jacks and gave us the names of the countries of the British Empire, their capitals and many of their principal features. Looking at the arrangement of the stones it would be almost impossible for an observer to make head or tail of the scheme, but the blind man knew and, with his stick, made his way over to the proper location and picked out the correct flags. We could not. nor did we try to, stop the flow of his recital for some time: finally we did get him back to the realization that we were Cana- dians as we had a desire to plumb the extent of his knowledge. We were im- mediately rewarded by i\ description of onr own country that would have been a credit to most of the scholars in our schools, ile knew the capital to be Ottawa; he knew the provinces, important places, railways and boun- daries; he knew onr connection in the Empire and our historical connection with l-''rance. He did make some minor mistakes, it is true, but it was a mar- vellous demonstration of concentra- tion and memory and he seemed to thoroughly enjoy his occupation. When we first stopped, there was only one curious loiterer, but, human nature being the same wherever you go. a group soon collected and, while they couldn't follow^ the conversation, we could delect the whispered '1' anglais." passed from one to the other while tlie exhibition, in our be- half, was in progress. It was a most interesting experience; an une.\pected and unforgettable touch with home, in a place where one would least antici- pate such an occurrence. It was with great difticulty that we were able to break away from our blind narrator- he wa.s most anxious to impart further knowledge to. what he considered, was a sympathetic audience. Above the bright lights, fascinating shops, gay promenaders and the glittering hotel where we stayed, this one circum- stance stands out as an appealing luimaii incident. Next week 1 shall relate another strange meeting â€" this time in South- ern Hungary, at a place called .Nauy- kaniska. PRICE REDUCTICM! ^^HR^f ^and Poker HandS} too! ^ylll packages now contain more tobacco [OCDE^ S^^pooi J.. Imperial Tobacco Compmnr ol Cuudi. timiict] \tpays to "Roll Your Own" with TURRET FIx\E CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO SAVE THE POKER HANDS Good Way To Stop Acid Stomach Any druggist will tell you tha best way to stop acid atoniacli and indiges- tion Is to lake a llMle Blsuratt-d Mag- nesia In water after meals. This will stop your indigestion und sweeten the stomach, get rid of gas and belching in no time. A.!U any druggist. U.S. YET-rAM Morning No "Acid Headacht '~No Upset Stomach Scienti.sts say this is the Ql'ICK- ESr. St'RKST and EASIF-Sl" v,av to combat FEF.LING THE EFFECTS of over-indulficm'c â€" the most powerful acid neulralizor known to science. Just do this: r.VKEâ€" 2 tablcspoonfuls ol Phil- lips' Milk of Magnesia in ;> sla.** of water B1':F0KE bed. In the morninij lake 2 more tablcspoDiifuIs \vitl\ the juice of a WHOLE OK.XNCi:. That's all! Tomorrow you'll feel great! Or take the equivalent amount ot Wliltips' Milk of Magnesia tablets. Each tablet is equal to a teasixxuiful of the liquid. "» (ict genuine Phillips Milk of Magnesia in the familiar lictnid form. i>r the new. mar^â- clou^lv eonvc.;ient tablets. Bo turr It's PHILLIPS . the kind doctors endorse NOA N IA»ltr OK LIQUiO fORM MAOK •> CANADA to Construct Island For Planes WasiiingtoM. Formerly fantastic dreams of ocean air travel witli stop- overs on nian-niade islands have ac- : hieved a basis of reality in an an-i nouncenient by the United States De- j partment of ('<inimerce that it plans | to build one Island, und perhaps Ave, | in au eiTorl to -peed truttic across; the .Mlantic. 'â-  The public works administration 1 I lias allotted $l..')liu,0o0 to the aero- I riautics division of the commerce Ue- I purtmeut to erect the first island I about 500 miles off the eastern coast as an experiment. ' If it is as snccosful as olliciuls ex- pect, it is to be the llrst stopping place on a soverniiient-ownetl and ' contro-led tran«-.-Vllantic airway. The route of this would be from tli' vicinity of .Norfolk Va.. in Spain. The tirsl island known as a st-a drome will be only one-fourth Uie eventual »ize. about ha'f an ordinary lily block. It i.H to be completed in four month.s. after which actual fly- ing tests will be .started. A fnl'- sized seadrome would cost J6,00O,t)o«> ;ind the total inoject $30,000,000. State DeiKirtmeiit approval is ex- pected momentarily. Secretaiy Rojwr ^ said and no inlernatlona! difilculty is believed likely, since the seadromes would be open to aircraft of all ' «i'nntr!i»s on pa>nif>ii| of a tol' charge Important News For Quebec Women Macmillan Report on Bank- ing Recommends Re- moval of Restriction Ottawa.â€" A blow for Quebec women is struck in the Macmillan report on banking and currency which recom- mends the removal of Section 95 of the Bank Act restricting deposits from nmrried women in Quebec to $2,000. A Quebec provincial law forbids married women making bank deposits without the consent of their husbands. Section 95 states that deposits from persons suffering such legal disability under provincial laws, may deposit only up to a maximum of $2,000 The Canadian .Alliance for Women's Votes presented a brief to the commission when it sat in Montreal, calling atten- tion to the fact that uo special restric- tion was placed upon Quebec married women depositing in post office sav- ings banks. They asked that the re- striction be removed from the bank act, and the commission recommended that the section be amended accord- ingly. The text of the report ontliis point follows: At Montreal a special point attect- ing the rights of married women in the Province of Quebec was brought to our notice by the Canadian Alliance for Women's Votes. Section 95 of the Bafik Act which authorizes a bank to receive deposits from, and to repay deposits to, persons under legal dis- ability provides in the third subsection as follows: â€" "If the person making any such de- posit could not, under the law ot the Province where the deposit is made, depo.sit and withdraw money in and from a bank without this section, the total amount to be received from such )>ersou on deposit shall not at any time exceed the sum of two tiiousaiid dollars." As, under the law of the Province of Quebec, a married woman cuuld not. apart from section 95. deposit or with- draw money without her husband's consent, the effect of the subsection just quoted is that in this Province a married wonuin cannot without her husbaml's consent deposii more than *2.000 in a bank. Apparently under the Dominion Post tMlice It'glsltition a married woman is Yie'ii not to rnlamlty. hut face her hodlv. Virgil. HOW TO AVOID ILLNESS When yon bcKiii to feel faxKed oul ill the end of the day, look out. Illni-»a il just nrouud the corner wailiuK to lay you low. \t times like this there'* uolhiiig liko W'incaruis. the gi-ent tonic (hat has won ov<n' 20.000 rccoinnirii- dntions from medirid iniMi. W iiicarnis i< « delicious wine, not a Hiiig. In each bottle then- iiro nil the niinri'<liing flenients of 2^2 lb». of l^rMpes added to tlm (trengthrniiiK rleiiiciits of beef and (junranlrcd ninlt extracts. riiesa eliMiiiMila in \\inciiriiis will quickly reitore lo.«t onerK>. riie> will help you to •uiind sleep. \ igorous •wakenmgs and actiNe. eujovabln dn>s. Drink tbij delicious wioe regiilaiN three times each day, and sooa >e.ir« will drop from your shoulders. Vo pick you up when you are 04it of lortt. to lootba >our nerves. «nricb your blood, or in cases of nervoumess. insomnia, anaemia and debility, take WiiK-arnio. \t all druggists â€" .Sales KjSfaU: Harold K. Hitchie A Co. Ltd.. Toroaltf. It tii'.der no disability as regards the amoun; which she may deposit in the Post Office Savings Department, and may make deposits up to the limit of io.OOO which applies generally. We were asked to recommend that in the case of married women in the Province of Quebec the limitation on deposits in the banks to $2,000 should be removed and an unlimited right to deposit con- ferred, without tile requirement of the husband's consent We thin:, that this is a reasonable request and we recom- mend that section l>5 (.:!) " amend >d accordingly. RHEUMATKMGOTHIM 80-years-oId Pianist is Relieved by Kruschen Aitiiough old awe has not yet kept this man from his occupation as a pianist, rheumatism did threaten to do so recently. "Two years ago," he writes, "I was suddenly taken with rheumatism, all down my left arm. I tried many things â€" all to no purpose. I then commenced taking a half-lea.-poonful of Kruschen Salts every morning, and soon felt beneflt. My arm. which was painful and nearly useless, to my as- tonishment is now after a few weeks' treatment, quite better. I am more than pleased, as 1 am a pianist, and playing made matters worse. I am just entering my SOth year, and am in good health."â€" G. L. A.. The six mineral salts of Kruschen have a direct effect uiwn the whole bloodstream, neutralizing uric acid, which is the recognized cause of rheu- matism. They also restore the elim- inating organs to proper working order, and so prevent coustipaHon. thereby checking the further formation of uric acid and other body poisons wiilch un- dermine the health. Hypnotism is Used to Reduce Weight And Stop Smoking O.M'ord, O. â€" .Xnj now >ciiiice is us- ing hypnotism â€" in the laboratory at least â€" to aid in regulating the diet so that a girl may have a figure slim enough to be fashionable. I'rofessor^ K. F. I'utten and S. A. Switzer. Miani i University p.syclio. logists. experimenting on reaching the unguarded reoes-^es of the hu- man mind during hypno.si.s, are help- ing their laboratory subjects not only to remove excess weight, but also to overcome se'.f-consoiousness and to fut down on their smoking. Their six years )f laboratory work based partly on that of l)r. Hull at Yale, has deu!t chiefly with â- post- hypnotic -susgestion." in which a sub- ject carries out actions upon waking which were suggested during the hypnotic state. For example, a girl subject wanted to lose some weight: during a hyp notic triince it was suggested that she tiop eating starchy foods. Later, some fait en ing foods became ex- tremely distasteful to her and she rHgaiued her slim tlgure. .â- ^i. amateur actor who was .'tlltfer- ing from stage fright, after receiv- ing suggestions under hypnosis, finds his acting is better. A boy who had trouble gettig up early now rises at T a.m.. and sev«)(ll jtersous who YOUR HIDDEN TROUBLE InoompWta cliniinatico o/ body wastes cxiAta t ;> a far greater extent than is generally rcaliird. t-ven people with the ro&it regular li.ibits uiteii aimer from thia condicion. Incomplete elimina- tion ia why you olten feel weak anil itcary, or suffer headaches and indigestion. The sure Ray to correct this condition ia to follow the .^drewa Rules o( Health. Eat moderately. Get enough sleep, fresh air. and exercise t'-) satisfy your body â€" and, once or twice e«ch week take a bracing, sparkling glass of .^n drsws Liver Salt, A.ndrews Liver Salt nill keep you iu ibe pink of comiiLicn by bcipiiig Natiue to keep your system in titorough work- lag orJer. Your druKgist sells .Andrews in tins at 35i3 and 60o and the new. large b»'ttle. 76i- Sola Ageota: John A. iiuetou Co., ltd.. Toroato. 3 wan'i<! hcji.-ii '.ess have beeu Record Broken Footwear Output Production in Canada Exceed- ed 2.000,000 Pairs for Two Months Ottawa. â€" "The August auil Septem- ber production of leather footwear has brokcu all Canadian records. The out- put in each mouth exceeded two mil- lion pairs," declares Hon. H. H. Stev- ens. Minister of Trade and Commerce. "Never before has the production for any month reached the two million mark." "This is au industry which is mak ing marked progress," commented the minister. "The production in the first nine months of 1933 was 15,071,463 pairs, a gain of eight per cent, over the same period of in.32." Classified Advertising STAKPS. STA.MPS: 120 DANDY VAHIETIES. J.:l)eria, X.vassu, .Xinnail; ir.anv Pic- torials: only 250. .Approvals: D. Bruce -^1^ l;.i -Str-^et .V.W.. Caiitiirv. AllK-rta. PATENTS. A S Ol'l-iCH TO iiVEr.Y i.NViJNTOK. ^ List of want< inventions and full iniorniation sent free. Tlie Bamsay Com- pany. World Patent Af.ornevs. .â- 73 Bans Street. Ottawa. Canada. The analyses of samples of milk of 142 mares at Edinbi-rgh, Scotland, showeii no marketl differences in the comiwsition of the milk or p •:•: i- -.-r- continental mares. A Shilling a Day Is Thing of the Past London. â€" The War Ollioe is soing to inti'oduce new methods into recruiting. More centres will be opened through- out the couutry. A War Office oiBcial said to a news- paper representative recently: "There still exists a belief that a soldier gets only a shilling a day. "A corporal, aged "5, receives at least 21s. 6d. a week and 47s. 6d. if he is a tradesman, iu addition to free food, accommodation, dothini;. and certain allowances." ,j Oincv Waiter, there's a button in .my soup. Waiter (e.x-printer)â€" Typo- sraphica'i I'rror .^ir; it should be miiuon â-  ! i-.iisii Bun'. THAT DEPRESSED FEElTnT IS LARGELY LIVER BEFORE BABY COMES A mother i$ a mother before her cl«ld is born. SCOTT'S EMULSION furnishes an abundance of the necessary Vita- mins A and D for hecith and strength of mother and child. ''jS;;.'^ RICH IN VITAMl 12-53 Wak Ike up viiur Liv LivM Bi ue Tested Eczema Remedy Is Pre«criptlan ot Doctor Your tkia trouble â€" n iieiher ii is ec- isera.i, gene, hives, d«ndruff, ringworm infection or ptmp<eAand blotohw â€" will be pogitively benefitted by D.O.D.. beoauM D.D D. ii ii t:i<'d asd tested Physician'* PrMcriptiou. D.D.D. wa» developed oricinadir foi bia own pa- tients o.v Dr. U. D. Dennis. U it now manufactured b.^* th« matters of Cam- paos's I'-i'iRo Baim. Id 35 yca.-« D.D.D. li.tii b.-ough*. clear, hsalihful â- kina to millions. .\l irustf*:*. Triil â- â€¢â€¢ J-Sr (}u*r>DM*d loa<v«i:i*ui..l;«: •â-  --»ij»«» r«iund«d * ~ Issue No! 47-33 -Without C^ilomel Y««i nrfl "ie»t;ini p-;:iV ' »iinply Loctdifl >our liver iwi't pounnc itiuiii'.^ :wo pounds of liiiuid bile into .vo\ir bj\\el9. I^iaeaiiun and ajimioktion ftro both liaiiiDercd. ftiur,>cur vcLire svatem is being puitORfri Wtiftt you need in n llvor »tlin'.ilat.*.. Soui*> thine tbftt goes fAriber th«ii salts, Tniner»i i«'*c«r. oil. iiit.iu\ Q cnndy or •ihewiug ^uw or roughag* which only movs th« b^tweli â€" icnorinf tba real •ftu*«* of tmubin, V'>ur hv«r. Take Oner â-  Ltttle Liv«r PJU. Turely vegs- tebte No h.tnt'i okIduicI (tnerouTy)- SSaie. Sure. A^ t'tt 'hrm b - uama. Refue* aubtUtutea SOc. lit all d;u^9Ui. M NERVOUS WOMEN Take Lydia E. Piakbain*9 Vegetable Compound *'I am so nerrouH ic seems as though I •hould fly'! . . . "My nerves are aU OQ edfte" ... "I wish I were Je^tl" . . • bow often have we heard these expre«* SlouB from some ^^onida whu haa become so tired and run*Jovru that her ucnus can no loutier staud the utruin. No womau should allow bcrsclf tc drift into this conditloa U she can help tacrsclf. She should tllvc tydla E. Pink- ham's Vei^ctable Compound a trial. For nearly nlxty years women have taken thia wonderful tonic to give them rcocwetl •Crco£th and vijlor. f8 out of every 100 women who report to us say that tboy arc bcneflied by thJa medicine. Buy a bottle front your drug<« gut today . . . ^a^ nstcli tho results. ditieurat !!*io»}» World- Famous for Daily Toilet Use Price 2.>c. Buck Thaf Cough or Cold. With Buckley's It iO*i« onlv « f«» vfftii* lo Lii<»«k ^'u( a cough or cold ^iib hUCKl li\ S MlMl'Kfc. br- c«uM BucklBv-* is so «iip.-.'uKU nood ih«i onlv • few do»c» are iienled lo «iihdue the toughv*!' cough or cotd. And But.k(ev'« cjn bo diluted •tith three tiuir« its volume ot H4i«r nusiuig it go •till further. ^ Will not tippet vojr *toiM*»Ji. )u*i wfe, >urc, instant rrltcf from coutih^. colds, 'tlu or bronthili:«. f»(av *jfe. Refuse SiibMituteJ. Btiikiry'* i« j>o!d «*fr>where. H!*ih School Boards and Boards of Education .Are authorucd by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the aoproval ol fhe Minister ot Educstion DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted In accordance with the "egi-'a; ciis 'ssuea Oy the Departrnent of Education. 1HE0RETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION is given ir various trades. Th« schools and masses d-c ontier the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Apcticatton for aUeiidi^ce should be made to ihe Principal of the school. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAiNING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE «re prov.'dsd for irt f.e Cou'-ses of Study in Public. Separate, Contlruat'on and High Schools. Collegiate Institutes Vocational Schools jnd Depart'r.ents. Copies of the RegM,<tion$ lss.;ed by the Mlnist< i ol Education may â- >• obta ned from the Deputy Minister, Parliament B'.iildings, Tc-onto. VirifcArt'"T"M'7

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