WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1933 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Fletberton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1000, Price in Canada f2.00 per year, when paid in advance (1.50. In paid in advance |2.00. U. S. A. 12.50 per year, when W. H. THURSTON, - - Editor f. J. THURSTON, - Aasoc. Editoi entf:kin(; high school Thousands of yuun^ men and young women (they aren't boys and girls after they Kul out of the grades) will enter high school this year, and if they are the right kirjd of young people they will get the right kind of thrill from this experience. Entering high school is an ciMJchal event in the life of anyone who is blessed with the opportunity. studentvi never get beyond the gradu- ation period in the high schools. Af- ter that they either go to work or loaf or do a little of each. A great many young people who enter high school never graduate, and that is a very sad mistake for them to make, a/d a still graver mistake on the part of the parents, providing the latter deliberately gave their con- sent to a child leaving high school without graduating, when it is not necessary. The first day in high school marks the beginning of an important event in the life of the young man or young woman who enjoys the privil- ege of acquiring this important edu- cation. There will come a time in the his- tory of this country (and it is ap- proaching rai)idly nowadays) when a young person without a high school diploma is going to find things pretty hard in this life. For edu- cation is the stepping stone to suc- cess and independence and without it all is slavish labor and, interminable discouragement. Those who entered upon high school life today are to be congratulated. They are niarchinj? over a royal road and paving their own life's highway -so that progress ^vill be smooth and sure. MOOUEâ€" I'ATTON An arch of garden flowers formed an effective setting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Palton of Ogdeu^ Alta., on Wed., July 20, at 3 o'clock, when the wedding was solemnized ol their younger daughter, Olive Elea- nor, and Mr. Harvey I^owell MoorC; of Springbank, Calgary. Rev. A. R. Aldridge officiated at the ceremony. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father, wore a gown of mauve organdie. She carried o shower bouquet of Johanna Hill roses and mauve sweet peas. Miss Lina Patton, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid. Her pretty dres.s was of flowered chiffon in pastel shades. Her bou(iuet con- sisted of sunshine carnations and sweet peas. Mr. Harold E. Patton was grooms- man. • 'â- Following the wedding a recep- tion was held in rooms decorated with a profusion of summer flowers. The bride's tilMe was centred with a three-tiered wedding cake. Mrs. J. Patton, mother of the bride, who received with the wedding party, wore a gown of blac-k pique velvet and corsage of butterfly ro-scs. About forty guests attended the wedding, including immediate friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Moore left on a motor trip to the coast and upon rcturninK' will reside at Springbank. Middle School Results Ijt â€" first class honors, 73 to 100; 2nd â€" second class honors, 60 to 75; ;iid â€" third class honors, 60 to CO; (â- â€"credit, 50 to GO. FKVKKSHAM (O.NT. SCHOOL Al-GKBRA â€" Herb Eby 1st, Mar- ion llawton 2tid, Mervin Somers 3rd, .\lurrav Hawton C. A.NCIE.NT HISTORY â€" Alda Haw- ton, Albert Davidson 2nd, Burton Conn ."Jrd. CA.\. lil.STORY â€" Herb Eby 1st. CHE.MISTRYâ€" Burton Conr<in 1st. ENGLISH COMP. â€" Albert David- .son C, Murray Hawton C. ENGLISH IJT. â€" Jim Giblin 2nd, .Murrav Hawton C. FRENCH COMP. â€" Burton Con- ron C. GEOMETRY â€" Mary Findlay 2nd, Murrav Hawton 2ml, Pansy Thomson 3r(l, Mervin Somers C. LATIN AUTH.â€" Alda Hawton lird. LATIN COMP.â€" Alda Hawton 2nd. PHYSICS â€" Alda Hawton 1st, .\lbert Davidson 1st. Lit. 25, Can. Hist. 10, Anc Hijt. 14. I'hvsics 12. Mary Wilson â€" Eng. Comp. lOR, Kng. Lit. 2nd, Can. Hist. 2nd, Geom. 2nd, Physics 2nd, French Aulh. 2nd, French C<2i)rip. 2nd.. Jean WolJtencroft â€" Eng. Comp. 44R, En.g. Lit. .'«. Can. Hist. 41, Frenih Auth. 47, French Comp. :i5. Hazel .McKillop â€" Can. Hist. 3rd, Anc. Hist. C, Algeba 2nd. Physics C. Isobel McMuUen Anc. Hist. lit. Chem. 2nd, Latin Auth. Lst, Lat- in Comp. 1st. Algebra 1st. FLESHERTON HIGH SCHOOL HOLDFAST I . F. \V. (). The August meeting of Holdfast U.F.W.O. club was held at the home of Mrs. Archie Stewart, with 20 m<in- bers and 13 visitors present. The meeting opened by ^singing the club Bong and repeating the creed. The Toll call was ansvvere<l by a cent for every year of the club's age. After the utnial business an excellent pro- gram took place: Mrs. John Mac- Willianna sang two solos, "Mother Kachree" and "The Wee House Among the Heather." Mi»s Agnes Mac|>kail spoke a few words to in- troduce Miss HenJerson and tl^en Miss Nora Francen Henderson of HamiHon addressed the meeting. Missi Dora Stewart gtkve a couple of piano Relections. The meeting closed by vinging the National Anthem, follow- ed by lunch ami a 'social half hour was then spent. The next meeting will be held at the home of .Mrs. Geo. Campbell. Despite the Scotchman's objections the modern Chicago ver< on is "The Fliers are coming, ho, ho. h^ ^ '.' Read the Small Advertisements Annie E. Akins â€" Physics 2nd. D. D. Aldcorn â€" Eng. Comp. 42R, Kng. Lit. 47R, Can. History 3rd, Al- gebra C. Doris M. Bannon â€" Anc. Hist 2nd, Algebra 1st, Chem. 1st, Latin Auth. 2nd. Latin Comp. 2nd. G. P. Beard â€" Aniient Hist. 1st. Chc-m. 1st, Latin Auth. C, Latin Comp. 2nd. Bob Bellamy â€" Eng. Camp. C, Eng. Lit. C, Can. Hist. lird, Geom. C, French Auth. C, French Comp. C. Physics C. Evelyn Brown â€" Eng. Comp, 2nd, Eng. Lit. 1st, Can. Hist. 1st, French Aulh. 2nd, French Coinp. C. Cecil Chard â€" Eng. Comp. 3G, Eng. Lit.. 2'.t. Anc. Hist. 16. Algebra 23, Cieom. C, Physics C. Chem. ITK. Uena Clark â€" Eng. Coni.n. C, Eng. Lit. C, Can. Histor.y 2nd. CJeom 1st, Physics C, French Auth. 2nd, French Composition 2nd. Frances Collinson â€" Eng, Comp. •MR, Eng. Liter. C Can. Hist. C, (ic-oni. 2nd, French .Auth. .'ird, French Comp. 3rd. L. J. Falconer â€" Anc. Hist. C, Al- U.'bra 41, Physics C. Elmore Fisher â€" Anc. Hist. C, .-Mirebra 1st, Chemistry 3i(i. Emery Fisher â€" Geom. 2nd. French .Auth. C. French Comp. C, Ancient History 30. Wilfred Frook â€" Gooni. 24. French .â- \nth. C, French Comp. 41. Elsie (Jraham â€" Can. History 2nd. I'hylli.^ (Jraham â€" Eng. (lomp. C, Eng. Liter. 2nd, Canadian History C. Chemistry 28, .Ancient IIi-.<tory 27. Stanlev Hunt â€" Eng. Comp. 3rd, Eng. Liter. 45R, Can. History 21R, Ceoiii. C, Physics C. French Auth. 35, Erencii Composition 33. Dorothy Jamieson â€" Eng. Comp. 44R, Eng. Lit. C, Can. History 45R, Algebra C, Geom. 1st. French Auth. :i8. Fren.h Comp. 45R. .Mervyn John.-;(in â€" Eng. Comp. SnR, Can. History 45R, Algebra 20, Wallace McDerniid â€" Can. History 3rd. Anc. History 3!». Lucy McDonald â€" Anc. Hist. 1st, Algebra C, Physics 37, Chem. 35, Latin Auth. 35, Latin Comp. 3rd. .Neilbcrt McKenzie â€" Anc. Hist. 2:», Geom. C, Physics 37, Chem. C. Christina McKinnon â€" Can. Hist. 2nd, Anc. Hist. C, Algebra 34, Physics 2nd, Chem. 2nd, Latin Comp. C. Isal)elle McMillan â€" Eng. Comp. 2nd, Eng. Lit. 1st, .Anc. History 2nd, Physics 35, Latin Comp. 45R, French Authors 2nd, French Composition C. Catharine MaeVicar â€" Eng. Comp. 3GR, Eng. Lit. C. Can. Hist. 44R. Anc. Hist. 42, Physics 27, Chem. 25. .Fohn A. McVicar â€" Eng. Comp. 35. Eng. Lit. 37, Can. Hist. 2nd, Anc. lli.n C, Physics 30, Chem. 37. Jas. McCormack â€" Ensf. Comp. 24, Eng. Lit. C. Anc. Hist. 39, Geom. C, Chejnistry 23. Anna McLean â€" Eng. Comp. 2nd. Eng. Lit. .1st. Can. Hist. 2nd, Ancient Hist. 2nd, Physics 34, Chem. C. Jeanette McLeod â€" Eng. Comp. 34, Eng. Lit. 37, Anc. Hist. 37, Algebra (;, Latin Comp. 28, French Auth, ;!9, French Conii). 40. Geor'ge McMaster â€" Eng. Comp. 3rd, Eng. Lit. 3rd, Can. Hist. C, .Mcebra 37. Verdun McMaster â€" Eng. Lit. C, Can. His. C, Geom. 2nd, French Auth. IIU, French Comp. 3rd. Kowena Magee â€" Can. Hi«t. 30R, Anc. Hist. 28, Latin Auth. .30, Latin Composition C. Stella Marshall â€" Can. History C, Anc. Hist. 2nd, Algebra 2nd, Chem. C, Latin Authors C. Martha Ostrander â€" Eng. Comp. 40, Eng. Lit. 38, Can. Hist. 31, Anc. Histov 3.3. Wm. G. Parker â€" Eng. Comp. C. Eng. Lit. C. Can. Hivst. C. Geom 1st, Physics C, French Auth. 3rd, French Composition 2nd. Laverne Pi|>cr â€" Eng. Comp. C, Eng. Lit. 37. Can. Hist. 37, Geom. 2nd, Physics 2nd, French Auth. C, French ('omposition C. Milford Piper â€" Chem. 18. Don Reilley â€" Eng. Lit. 36, Gen. Hist. 32, An«. Hi«t. 23, Latin Comp- osition 3rd. Dorothy Snell â€" I>«tin Auth. C,| Latin Composition 3rd. Macil Snell â€" Eng. Comp. 4.'IR. Rng. Lit. 31. Can. Hi»t. ,35, Ancient History 31, Algebra C. Marion Stafford â€" Eng. Com. 47R, Eng. Lit. 40, Can. Hist. 3rd, Geom. C, Physics 30, French Auth. 41, Latin Authors C. Catherine Stewart â€" Eng. Comp. 42R. Eng. Lit. C, Anc. Hist. .36, Fr. Auth. {', French Comp. -HR. \'ernon .Stewart â€" Eng. Comp. 3!tR, Fntr. Lit. 3nd, An •. Hist. 3rd. Chem. C, Latin Auth. C, Latin Comp. 3rd. Murrav Sfunrt â€" Chem. 1st, Latin Auth. 2nd, Latin Comn. 2n(l. Delia Vausp â€" Tne. Comp. '.5R, ''v. Lit. C. Can. Hi^t. C. Geom. 40, Phv-tirs 21. French Anth. 47R, French Crm>p. 45R. Opal We»)erâ€" Eng. Comp. 38, Enjr. Upper School Annie Akins - Algebra C. Geom. 3rd, Chem. C, Latin Auth. C. Latin Composition C. Doris Bannon - Eng. Comp 2nd, Eng. Lit 2nd. French Auth. C, French Composition 2rd. Graham Beard â€" Eng. Comp. 3rd, Eng. Lit. 3rd, Mod. Hist. 2nd, Trig. 2. Andrey Brown â€" Mod. Hist. 1st, Latin Comp. C, French Comp. C, Elmore Fisher â€" F/.ig. Comp. C, Eng. Lit. C, French .Auth. 3rd, French Composition 3rd. Emery Fisher â€" Eng. Composition C, English Literature C. Elda Frook â€" Mod. History 3rd, Chem. C, Latin Auth. C, Comp. C. Wilfred Frook â€" Eng. Comp. C. Elsie Graham â€" Eng Lit. C. Edith Heitman â€" Erig. Lit. 3rd, Mod. Hist. 2nd, Algebra C, Geom. 1st, Trig. 3rd, Chem. 3rd, French Auth. 3rd, French Comp. 2nd. Almoda Hincks â€" Mod. Hist. 2nd, Geom. C, Trig. C, Latin Auth. C, Lat- in Comp. C, Fr. Auth. C, Fr.-Comp. C. Jean Hincks â€" Mod. Hist. 2nd. Algebra C, Trig. 1st, Chem. C, Latin Auth. 3rd. Latin Comp. C. Earl Johnston â€" Eng. Comp. 3rd, Eng. Lit. 2nd, Mod. Hist. 3rd, Alg. 2nd, Gtom. 1st, Trig. 1st, Latin Auth. l.;t, Latin Comp. ls.t, Fr. Auth. 1st, French Composition 1st. .Monica Lambertâ€" Geom. 2nd, Trig. C, Latin Auth. 2nd, Latin Comp. C, French Auth. <', Fr. Comp. 2nd. Mervvn Little â€" Mod. Hist. 2nd, Algebra C, Geom. 3rd, Trig. 2nd, Chem. C, Lat. Auth. C, Lat. Comp. C. Lucy McDonald â€" Eng. Comp. C. Dnisy McFadden â€" Eng. Comp. C, Geom. C, Fr. Aulh. C, Fr. Comp. C. Jim McFadden-srGeom. 3, Chem. C. Verdun McMaster â€" Eng. Comp. C. Geo. McMaster â€" Fr. Comp. C. Is(ibtl McMullen â€" Eng. Comp. 2, Fng. Lit. 2nd, Fr. Aulh. 2nd, French Com"osition Ist. Stella Marshall â€" Eng. Comp. C. Eleanor Mather â€" Eng Comp. 2nd, Cieom. 2nd, Trig. 1st, Chem. C, French Auth. Fr. Comp. C. Kiithleen Morrison â€" Eng. Lit. C, Mod. Hist. C, Algebra C, Geom. 3rd, Trir. C, Chem. C, French Auth. 2nd, French Composition C. Ellen Parker â€" Mod. Hist. C, Alg. C, Geom. C, Trig. 1st, Chem. 3rd, Latin Aulh. C, Latin Comp, C. Donald Rtilley â€" Eng. Comp. 3rd. Marion Shawâ€" Mod. Hist. C. Ccom. 3rd, Trig. Isl, Latin Auth. Urd, Latin Comp. 2nd, Fr. Aulh. Isl, Fr. Comp. 2 Ross Smith â€" Mod. Hist. 3rd, .Alg. C, Geom. C, Trig. 2nd, Chem. C. Dorothy Snell â€" Eng. Comp. 3rd, Eng. Lit. C. Geom. 2nd, Trig. 1st, Fr. Composition C. i.vracil Snell â€" French Comp. C. Willie Somers â€" Eng. Comij. 2n'', Eng. Lit. 3rd, Mod. Hist. C, Algebra C. Geom. 2nd, Latin Auth. C. Latin Comp. C, Fr. Auth. 2nd, Fr. Com 3rd. Dora Stewart â€" Mod. Hist. C. Jackson Stewart â€" Eng. Comp. C, Physics C, Chem. 2nd. Murray Stuart â€" Mod. Hist. 3ri Trig. C, Fr. Auth. C. Fr. Comp. C. EUGENIA Miss Delsa Kaitting in company with her aunt, Miss Quec-nic Kaitting, are visiting friends at Duncan for a few days. Mrs. Wilson and granddaughter .Miss Dorothy Jamieson, are spending a week in Toronto. Mr. Bert Kerton and Miss Nora Steele of Creemore spent the week end with Mr. and .Mrs. Will. Kaitting and family. Mi.s-s .Margaret MacMillan has re- turned home from a week's visit with her aunt. Mrs. Russel Allison, near Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Beaton of Durham and daughter, Mrs. Caldwell, of To- ronto were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Park and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lascelles and Mrs. HoUinger of Toronto visited over the week end with Mrs. Wilson and tht Jamieson family. Mr. and Mrs. Rus»el Allison and family of Markdale visited on Sun- day with Mrs. R. McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrie, To- ronto, visRcd a few days with Mrs. McMullen and dauffhter, Misa Milli- cent. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvig and children of Toronto spent the week end with the former's parents. Miss Margaret Norton of Holland Centre spent a few holidays with her friend. Miss Patricia Morgan. The members of the Women's As- sociation of the United church and some visitor.? met last Thursday and quilted a quilt. It was decided to put the autograph quilt together and have it n; '.lied at the biime of Mr. nrd .Airs. Alex. Carruthiis on Thurs- day, August 31; members to help with the lunch. It was alio decided to have a fowl supper sometime in October, Mrs. Chas. Martin to pre- pare the progam, which will include a play. Mr. and .Mrs. Ray Genoe and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Park and .Mii.j Margie Park were appointed as a committee to look after curtains, .scenery, etc., for stage, with Mrs. Martin as convenor. Mrs. Martin is to select a suitable play and select cbni-'.cters for same. The Daisy quilt will be discussed at the next meeting, also a committee appointed to look after fowl, etc., for the sup- per. A discussion re purchasing United church hymn books took place and the meeting closed. Mr. Jack Large of Niagara Falls is spending a fortnight with h,i« grandfather, Mr. Munshaw, at the "Eugenia House." There's a certain young lady lives in the lowlands, but methinks she'd rather live near the highlands. Miss Selena MacDonald lelft on Friday for ''Little Lake" to spend a week's vacation with the Davis family of Colborne, who have a cott- age at the lake. We hope she has a pleasant time. Her brother, Sam, accompanied her as far as Toronto. Mr. Ralph Burkholder of Toronto is spending a few holidays with his family at "Fairview Villa." The Hyland family of Toronto who have been camping in the park here for teh past month or so, have moved away. Mr. Hyland was in charge of the Hydro work here. We will miss them from the village. Miss Muriel Martin spent a few days with her grandmother, Mrs. T. Lever, at Flesherton. Miss Jean Tudor is holidaying with her cousin, Miss Helen Russel, at Rock Mills. Miss Mary Parks of Little Current, Manitoulin Island and Miss Audrey West of Toronto motored up with Mr. Mervyn and Blanche Hammond and spent the week end with the Ham- mond family. Miss Hazel Hammond is -.-pending pAj-l of her holidays in the village. The .M.i-=^'s -Alma and Jean Carruth- ers oj Toronto are holidaying with their grandmother, Mrs. S. Turner, and other relatives. EAST MOUNTAIN ( Week's Items) Miss .Ada McKenzie has returned t-i her home in Clarksburg aftei spending her holidays with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fawcelt and Mrs. Delbert Fawcett. Mrs. Clark Teed of Duncan spent last Friday, the guest of Mr. and Mi>3. S. Smart. Mrs. C. Thompson and children vis- ited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lougheed of Heathcote. Mr. Andrew Fawcett of CoUingwood .ipent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Irwin Fawcett. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McCullough and Mrs. Cameron of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McCullough, accompanied by Mils. Thos. McCuIlourh they visited with last week. friends in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr' of Vancouver, B.C., spent a tew days with Mr, and Ms. C. H. Fawcett. A number from here attended the Larn raising and party at Mr, Rich- ard Ward's last Tuesday. Mr. B. Prentice and daughter, Mrs. .S. Dobson were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smart. Mr. Allan Canii>bell and little son of Komoka were callers last Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thomp- son. Much sympathy is extended from this community to Mrs. Geo. Gorley and family in their recent iereave- ment. Mr. and Mrs. Gorley were formerly highly respected residents of this place. BOR.N â€" On Saturday, August 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smart, a daughter. BORN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Milton Roberts on Friday, August 11th, a daughter. Thi .Ladies' Aid of Providence United church held their August meeting at the home of Mrs. Henry Butcher at Maple Grove with a good attendance; over thirty mennbers and •-•ibitors were present. After the opening of the meeting there was two quilts in frames to be quilted, which were finished in due thne. The September meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Cyrel Short on the 13th. Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Dobson and Miss Muriel Fenwick visited with friends at Redwing on Sunday last. VANDELEUR LADY BANK Most beautiful harvest weather with most of the sheaves gathered in and Mr. Joshua Dobson and other threshers with their outfits are busy now. The straw will be scarce, but the grain is turning out fair. Mr. Geo. McCannell of Kimberley spent the past week with his daugh- ter, Mrs. Percy Semple here. Mrs. (Jeo. Dobson of town line, CoUingwood, spent a day last week with her sister, Mrs. Pritchard, at Meaford. Mrs. Pritchard yet remains in a poor state of health, the effects of a stroke three months ago. Mr. Fred Semple and bride of To- ronto spent a few days last week at the former's parental home here. We join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Semple many happy years of wedded life. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. McConnell and baby of Kinnberley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple. Mrs. Sam Gilbert visited friends at Wiarton recently. Nurse Fawcett of Kimberley was a recent visitor with her sister, Mrs. W. Hutchinson. Recent visitors at the Graham home were Mr. W. J. Blair of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Mr. and Mm. Proctor of Schomburg. Mrs. W. R. Burnett and Mr. and Mrs. W. TL. Graham and family of Markdale and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham and two daughters of Walkerton and Mr. Geo. Graham of Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Buchanan of Owen Sound and Miss Tilly Buchanan of Oshawa visited with relatives here recently. Mrs. Davidson is visiting friends at Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carson and daughters of, Priceville were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilbert recently. Preparations are being made for anniversary services in Vandeleur church on Sunday, Sept. 3rd. There will also be sports, program and sup- per on the Park on Monday after- noon, Sept. 7. Invitations are being sent to all former residents. It is Miss Stella McKenzie visited with Miss Reta Hindle at Maple Grovel hoped to make this a real re-union. South End Garage * â- â€" hJ'*M*W- > ^*M'' w - » "WW-M'Xf*- ~ a ^ ' i ^ I have taken over the garage and service .station owned by L. A. Fishe'r and it is now open to give night and day service for general repairing; Canadian gas and oi' products. Ten years of experience in repairing all makes of cars, and can assure entire satisfaction in the work- 3 Star Gasoline Simonizing and Polishing Soft Drinks, Ice Cream, tobacco, Chocolate Bars, etc., available at the refreshment booth. C. W. CHAPMAN FLESHERTON, ONT. YOU Saves PRODUCED EN CANADA YOU must have noticed now feminine eyes so ejted in saving money this year, and therefore J- often linger long on Chevrolet's trim, spark- enthusiastic over the way Chevrolet does it: ling Fisher bodies. How feminine hands take so With the lowest price of any full-siie, closed naturally to Chevrolet's easy handhng and con- Six! With the lowest cost for gas and oil' of any troi. How fresh-coiffed feminine heads approve standard car! With the best reputation of any of No-Draft Ventilation. low-priced car for freedom from repairs! Then there's the matter of economy. Try to No wonder Chevrolet leads all cars in sales, find the woman â€" or the ma? â€" who isn't inter- from one end of the country to the other! Low Dchtred Prices and Easy CM AC Terms . D. McTAVISH & SON flESHERTON, ONT. Assoc. Dealerâ€" Pont iac v^ales. nurham ^HEVROtETSS WHAT 30,000 MOTORISTS TOLD US TV ".\Htomobilo Buyft'» Guide" lrU« «b,iut lur ncnt iun-ry stomis I anadian motorUn aiul p.-v>viilrs iat;>r-.ialio» wDich y.,u wi:l find \i!urib!c in thocsins >-out new at. .Vn.l (or Ircc ciipy: Curtonwr Rnewch D«pt. C«nTil Metorj Product: ot Caiufe, Ltd. ' 0-,h»M», OntArlo Nam*.. AiMnn J- »♦ » 4 i i