Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Aug 1933, p. 1

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::« ':'â-  * V â-  z » ♦ « \'ul. 53;xNo. 11 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1933 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors FEVERSKAM Visitors with Mr. and Mn. E. Buckingham over Sunday were Mi', and Mrs. Ben Knott and son, Alan, of Mpaford; Mr. and 'Mrs. A. Vick- ers, Fairmourft, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vickers and son, Herman, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Vickers of Heathcote. Mi-js Merle Buckingham is spend- ing a week with her friend, Miss McDonald in Dundalk. Mrs. Bannister and son of Winni- peg are visiting with the former's aunt, Mrs. J. A. Kernahan, and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Bannister were returning from a trip to England. Mrs. Bannister and son stayed over for a visit and Mr. Bannister went on to Winnipeg. Mr. Bannister is a railroad official and was called back home when the strike with the employees broke out. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davidson and •son, Ross, of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barber last week. Captain Willis Pedlar of the S. A. is on furlough at his parental home on the county road. The Captain is stationed at Listowel at the present time. Lieutenant Gertie Pedlar of Toron- to was a recent visitor with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Pedlar. I Mr. Willis Wright and sister. Miss Grace Wright, teachers in Toronto and near Markdale respectively are holidaying at their home here. I Mr. Mort Sayers' threshing outfit 12 out stook threshing. Mort is moving around now a little on crutch- es bu)t it will be some weeks yet be- fore he is able to walk with them. Mrs. Torrance Williams was a vis- itor with Mrs. Wilbert Poole last week. . Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby, Mrs. Donald- son, Herbert Eby and Marion spent Sunday with the former's daughter Mrs. Thomas Forsythe, in Owen Sound. * Mr. John Ottewell, Sr., of Provi- d2nce, took a weak spell in the field on Monday. His brother, Jas., was with him, but while he went for assistance John passed to the great beyond. John was about 76 years and the son of a pioneer family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Otte-well, who settled on the Twelfth Line, near Providence. John was of a quiet disposition and a good neighbor, highly respected by all who knew him. CoUingwood were wec-k end visitors with their daughter, Mrs. Em Haw- ton, and family. Mr. and Mrs. D. Williams of Flesh- erton were callers on Mr. and Mrs. F.-e^'. Tyler on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watson and family and their two nieces of Thorn- hill were week end visitors with the Speer families. â- Mrs. Joseph Henderson of CoUing- wood, Mrs. Jas. Fletcher of Gibraltar and Mrs. James Long spent Sunday with friendj in Flesherton. Mr. H. Eiby and Mr. John Stone- house spent Sunday with friends in Hanover. PROTON STATION Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pickett and sons of Bolton and Miss Lena Park were Sunday visitors at the home of Mi-. Joseph Park. Miss Park, who was visiting at the Pickett home, re- turned with them. Miss Ina Bradley and girl friend of Berkeley and Miss Winnifred Dev- er of Toronto were guests last week of Mrs. Wes. Dever. •' Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Taylor and three children and Mrs. Taylor, Sr., Mrs. Dick Whan and son, Murray of Toronto, ^rs. Claude Akins and daughter, Miss Annie Akins of Flesh- erton were recent guests at the home of Mr. R. G. Acheson. iMr. and Mrs. James Lockhart, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rowden and little daughter, Muriel, of Goderieh were week end visitors with Mrs. Lock- hart's mother, Mrs. Corbett, Sr. Proton Station people were delight- ed that the Proton Station softball team came out best at the tourna- ment in Dundalk last Wednesday afternoon. The frost on August 20'th, consid- erably injured the buckwheat crop on the lowlands. (Last Week's Items) Mrs. Wm. Essland of Rob Roy and sister of Florida are visiting with Mrs. Essland'o daughter, Mrs. Ben Short, at Eugenia. Mrs. H. Eby of Hanover and Mr. John Speer of Eugenia attended the Mennonite camp meeting at Stayner last week. Miss M. E. Heron of Toronto is visiting with her sister, Mrs. R. Col- quette here. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith and two children of Wyoming were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Thomson last week. Rev. Mr. Shannon has gone to his home in London for a two weeks' holiday and there will be no service in the Presbyterian church on Sun- day evening, August 20th. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Holroyd and two children of Stratford were recent vis- itors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Holroyd on the 12th line. Miss Dorothy Robinson of Toronto is holidaying at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bovair and grandson, Ewart Jenning-j, of King were visitors with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ale.xander. They spent Sunday with the latter's daughter, Mr.^. W. R. Colquette, in Owen Sound. BORN â€" On Tuesday, August 6, at the G. and M. hospital, CoUing- wood to Mr. and Mn. H. Francis, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hornsby of CoUingwood visited with Mrs. Horns- by's sister, Mrs. Whiteoak, here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Vanwinkle of Toronto w-ere callers with Mr. and Mrs. Colquette on Sunday last.. Mij. Alex. MuUin and Mr. Jack Vanwinkle of Toronto are visitors with Mrs. MuUins brothers, Mr. John and James Ottewell of the 12th lihe. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Weldrick and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Weldrict of Rav- enna spent Sunday with their par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weldrick. Mr. William Rus^el and daughter of Wareham ^Sero visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tylor on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stephens of (Last Week's Items) Mrs. Ellen Arnold of Mt. Albert is the guest of her niece, Mrs. R. G. Acheson. Mrs. Arnold is an inW- e-sting visitor; if living until Decem- ber ,will be ninety years of age. She possesses all her faculties to a won- derful degree and has a quick step and a merry laugh. She travelled alone by train fi"om her home, visiting first at Markham. This young lady came with her parents from the county of Antrim, Ireland, where she lived for seven years and after a short sojourn in Markham, they came up to the "bush" and settled on the farm now owned by Mr. Joseph Park one mile north of Proton Station. They crossed the ocean in a sailing vessel and owing to calm weather, they were six weeks on the water, for she said with a smile, when the wind did not blow, the ship wouldn't go. Although the greater part of her long life has been spent in or near Mt. Albert, she never forgets the time jpent in the backwoods, and enjoys coming back again to see the changes the years have made. May she be spared to come again many times. Mr. and Mrs. George Vickers, and Misses Jean, Edith and Beth Vickers of CoUingwood visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sherson and Ruth. Miss Gertrude Lyons is holidaying at the parental home. Mrj. Vause has returned from a visit with friends in Laurel. Mrs. Blakeley spent a few days with friends at Corbetton. Mr. and Mi-s. Carl Whitney and their sin .-xnd daughter of Fran;es, Sask., who have been visiting Mrs. Whitney's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wy- vill, left for home by motor last week end. Mrs. James Burton of Toronto vis- ited last week with her parents, Mr. and M'v. Wyvill. I Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hodgin spent a day visiting frier.ds in Wiarton. Miss Muriel Wilson of Toronto spent a week with her grand-;i?irents, Mr. and Mrs. Consley. CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Dan McKinnon and son, Donald, of Guelph visited the past week at Mr. .\rohie McMullin's and M'-. Geo. Arrowsmith's. Misses Elsie and Irene Fisher spent a couple of weeks with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs* Harvry Griffen of Toronto vi.-ited the former's sister. Mrs. White, last wack. The Ladies' Aid will hold their nieetinjr this month, .\ugust 30th, at th^ home of Mis. Geo. .\rrowsniilh. v-hich will be held on the lawn. .V large crowd is hoped for and every one is extended a welcome. Lunch I com.: Cake, Mrs. White, Mrs. Roy Piper, Mrs. Jas. .McMullen; Sandwich,! MiS. Macphail, Mrs. Earl McLeod, Mrs. A. C. Muir. Miss D. Fisher, Paisley, Mr. and; Mrs. Albert Arrowsmith of Niagara Falls and grandson, George Caleman, of Weiland were visitors the past week r,*; Mr. George Arrowsmith's. Miss Gladys Sellars of Toronto is this week visiting Mrs. Anna Mc- Millian. Mr. and Mrs. Jack White, who spent a week at the parental home returned Monday to their home in Toronto. Mrs. Chas. Irish and three children v.ho have been visiting at the par- ental home returned M'y.iday to To- ronto. Master Bruce remained for a longer visit. Miss Henderson of Hamilton was a guest the past week of Miss Agnes Macphail, M.P. Mrs. Cameron Smellie is spendirg a week with friends in Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. .A.dam Densmore and family and Mr. Thos. Henderson of Fergus; Mi-s. John Densmore, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Densmore of Giand Valley; Mr. Joe House and lady friend of Brantford were v,-eek <i^d visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J.| Densmore. j Mrs. Kathleen Murdock, Mr. Dave Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Will. Mur- dock of Caledon were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McFadden. Miss M. Cook spent the week end with Hanover and Tara friends, re- turning Tuesday. Mi-, and Mrs. Will. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Haw and family. Miss Lena Wil- son and Ernest Mathewson visited thel first of the week with Mr. A. Sin- clair and family at Sauble Beach. Mrs. Marshall and daughter, Reta,' spent a day in Toronto last week. Mr. Percy Hemphill is assisting at Corbcfton Station. Mrs. Belfour and son, Bonner, of Port Dalhousie visited last week with j her brother, Mr. F. J. CoUiason and, family and sister, Mrs. F. D. Cairns,' who accompanied them home for a' couule of weeks' visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Knox and fam- ily of Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. McCormack and family of Swinton Park were week end visitors with Mrs. Knox. Miss Lena Wilson left the first of the wetjc to visit friends in To- ronto. Grant Muir is spending a couple of weeks with Toronto friends. Mrs. L. Rutledge and three daugh- ters, who have been visiting Mrs. Mary Rutledge here, left on Satur- day for their home at Breckenridge, Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson of Oak- ville, Mrs. Oge of Owen Sound, Miss Helen Gibson, Mr. Heard and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith of Toronto have been visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson. Mrs. Bella Thibaudeau and daugh- ters, .Mable and EiVa, of Toronto were week end visitors at Mr. Don- ald McLeod's. Miss Bella Kennedy of Holland Centre spervt the week end with her sister, Mrs. Rutledge. PRICEVILLE ROCK MILLS Rev. Mr. MacDonald, just out from .Si/3ila.nd, preached .Sunday in the Presbyterian church and Mr. Gordon Brown of Toronto rendered a very sweet solo, '"The Stranger of Galilee." Mr. Murray McMillan is spending a few days in Toronto visiting friends. Miss Donelda Nichol .spent the past week visiting friends in CoUingwood. Mr. Clifford Hincks and sister Almeda, spent the week end in Mus- l:oka. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pedlar came' up Saturday from Toronto to spend a j few holidays. Miss Bernice Carson, ! who has been holidaying in Toronto returned home with them. Miss May Stewart spent a couple of days visiting friends in Harriston. Miss Eva Cai-son of Toronto is hol- idaying at her home here. Mr. Bob Brodie of Toronto is visit- ing with his sister, Mrs. B. McKenzie. Mr. Clifford Hincks returned home from London where he was success- ful in passing his various subjects in a six weeks' course at the Western Univerity. , A number of the farmers around this vicinity have finished harvesting. Mis. Dave Nichol returned home after spending two weeks with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Cook, in Muskoka. Mrs. Bell (nee Maggie Shortreed) of Detroit is visiting her brother, Mr. Robt. Shortreed. Mr. John McVicar is visiting in Toronto. VlCTOiUA CORNERS Inistioge have set the date foi their anniversary services for Octob- er 8th. Misses Leila Anderson, Mary Cade and Myrtle Moore and Mr. Gorcon Ward of Toronto are visiting at Chas. Moore's. Mr. and Mrs. George Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Ren Acheson and children of .Ma-xwell, Mrs. Earl Walton and Tommy of Hopeville are visiting at Wm. .-Vcheson's. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Seeley and Mrs. V.^. J. Chard, accompanied by Miss Delia Pedlar of Toronto motored to Detroit recently and visited friends there. Mrs. H. Wilson and grandaughters, Doris and Laura Pedlar, returned home Sat., after holidaying a couple ot weeks in Flesherton. Prayer meeting will be held Fri- day evening, -August 25th, at the home of Mr. Sam Phillips, conducted by Rev. F. Dean. Everybody wel- come. Mis-.5 Patsy Johnston of Windsor visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ChSrd and family and also with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sceley and daugh- ter and is now visiting her grand- father, Mr. C. C. Pedlar, of Dundalk. Mr. Thos. Wardrobe and Master Bruce Mcintosh of Toronto were vis- itors recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Newell and family spent the first of the week with Durham friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. Newell, Hilda and Edgar Betts visited recently with relatives at Maxwell. Recent visitors at the Pedlar home were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hornsby of CoUingwood, Mr. Wilfred Phillips, wife and daughter of London and Miss Ita Pedlar of Markdale. Mr. Sam Croft spent a few days the past week with friends in To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Aldcorn of. To- ronto have been holidaying with the '.atter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Foster. MAXWELL Miss Ruby Kerton is leaving thi:i week to take a position in Toronto. Miss Kathleen Hawton and little brother of Feversham are visiting their sister, .Mrs. Joe Wright. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Seeley on the birth of a son. born on .â- Vugu^;t 20th. Mrs. Insil Murphy of Orangevilh- is visiting her brothers, Roy, John and Hugh Fenwick here. Miss Ella Morrison is visiting hei" brother and family at Walkerton thi.; week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wagg of To- ronto spent the week end at Mr. Robt. Priestley's, Sr. Master Warren Priestley has re- tuned home after visiting his aunt and uncle at Hopeville.. Mr. Sparling, a former teacher at Maxwell, and sisters were a recent visitor at Mr. R. Priestley's, Sr. Read the Small Advertisements Merchants who advertise during lean years almost invariably load the march to prosperty hill. St.Mary's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector, Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. SUNDAY, AUGUST 27, 193:1 10 a.m. â€" Sunday school for all children. 11 a.m. â€" Morning prayer service and sermon. TRINITY CHURCH, PROTON ST-\. 2 p.m. â€" Sunday school and bible class. Divine service at 3 p.m. on Sep". 3rd. •Unto Thee lift I up mine eyes, Thou that dwellest in the heavens." Psalm 123: 1. HEAVY REVENUE FROM GASOLINE TAX Figures issued recently by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics shew that the revenue in the nine prov- inces of the Dominion from the sale of gasoline in 1P32 was $25,757,374, which represents an increase of $5,- 211,255 over the previous year, oi 23.1 per cent, and this in spite of the reduction in the consumption of gas- oline approximately 9.5 per cent. The larger revenue is due to th.> increase in the lato of taxation in all of the provinces except Alberta, where the impost on gasoline remains the same at 5 i.-ents a gallon, while in the other provinces the Govern- ments collect a tax of 6 cents a gallon. The statistics also go to show that where the gas tax was the heaviest, the niunber of registrations decreas- ed proportionally. The decline throt:ghout the Dominion in 1932 was seven per cent, or in other words there were 89.970 fewer cars last year than in 1931. Undoubtedly the increased gas tax was one of the main reasons for the decline in reg- istration. (Last Week's Items) Master Paul Tarzwell of Hillsburg is visiting at Jas. Batchelor's. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hawe and daughter of Bright are spending a few days with the latter's parents. Mv. and Mrs. A. Stinson. The W.M.S. ladies held their Aug- ust meeting at the home of Mrs. .\. Steven's. Mr. and Mrs. McGrath and baby, Joan, of Buffalo are visiting their friend, Margartt Moore. Recent visitors at Jas. Best's are; Mrs. Morrov,-, Mr. ar,d Mrs. Stewart and three daughters, Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Stewart and son and daughter, Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cameron, Eugenia. BATES BURIAL CO'Y 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICKS t PHONES: NIGHT OR DAYâ€" Klngsdale 4344â€"3456 J Modern Private Chapel « J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Man&ser | Formerly of Flesherton J There are 800,000 people in De- troit who have money in the banks, and they are not rushing in to taki it out. The reason is they cin't. Two friends were having an indig- nation meeting •f their own. Both had suffered domestic strife and now they were comparing notes. ".\ren't women the limit?" growled the first. "We husbands don't know anything at all and our wives know everything." "Well"' said his companion in mis- ery, reluctantly, "there's one thing my wife admits she doesn't know." "What on earth is that?" "Why she married me." " The House ol Queity" Specials This Week CHIPSO, large package 22c CLASSIC CLEANSER, 3 tins 22c Unwrapped SOAP, 8 bars 22c RINSO, large package 22c Jar Rubbers, J&r Rings, Pickling Spice BRAN \ SHORTS LOW GRADE ^ ^ ^ PURINA CHOWS JAS . A. STEWART FLESHERTON "><~:«<«*<~:~:">-*">'t*<~>< •>•>** *'**'******'*'!'**5~'***5^^ I Soap Flakes I 3 LBS. 25c •:• % Apricot Jam I LARGE JAR 25c $ I .\Klv\I.(".(.X)I)Fl\"E I STKIXO I Broom I 22c Money can get a man into trouble, but it is usually more helpful in gett- irg him out. 2 LB. JARS P[e;)2red Mustard 25c Why Pay More FOR GROCERIES AND MEATS? try Kennedy's and be convinced MEN'S WEAR C.\PS. Kogular $1.50. Choice $L00 SOCKS 15c and up OVKR.VLLS 98c up Ken Kennedy Fhone 37 We Deliver in Tow.i HORN'S 1 LB. TIN ? Custard Powder I 22c t Pearl Soap 8 BARS 25c Coff 1 Ground wliilc U w.r" 39c & 49c LB. Meats Fresh and Cured t I ♦ t

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