Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Aug 1933, p. 1

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Vol. 53; No. 9 .^0 V IM i. Jx â- ^0^ •;/ A^t2J %)cit /toij^ttan ^hmitt. WEDNESD.W, AUGUST 9, 1933 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors KIMBERLEY ^ ^â-º:; Mr. A. Andrew is in Toronto in the * interests of tiie football team. , Miss Almeda Weber and Mr. Ken ' Betts motored to Montreal and points ' east for a holiday. We are sorry to report Mr. Bailey ill in the hospital. Latest reports were that he had taken a turn for the . worse. \ Visitors over the holiday: the Ham- . mond family, Toronto; Miss Gerald- ine Weber and Mr. A. Wardman of "Globe staff," Toronto; Miss Alberta Weber and friend, Toronto and Miss May Tate at the home of Mrs. Jas. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. .W. Hammond and family of Toronto are camping by the river for a few weeks. Thej-e was a good turn out to the Ladies' Aid Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Morwood. A quilt was quilted for sale, and a 10c tea serv- ed. The copper contest was extend- ed for another month. About $5.00 was taken in. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Myles. Miss Edith .A.bercromlbie is visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. T. Aber- crombie. Kimberley football team and sup- porters journeyed to Heathcote Tues night to take part in the sports pro- gram and ice cream social. Kim- berley defeated a picked team from Heathcote and district 1-0 in the first of a home and home series. Kinrberley gave good value for last nights com- fortable win, allvhougih Heathcote eleven forced the pace in the early stages. Kimberley was just settling down to the serioU'S game of football when Laurie Lawrence collided with E!3rSailcy of Heathcote. Bailey had to be carried off the field. A sub stitute was allowed when Bailey was unable to return at half-time. In the second half Kin^Jberley got down to bu'siness and no sooner was the baU played when Burrel McConnell got it on his own half back line and dribbled his way right through the entire Heathcote team to score on a lovely shot. H. Fawcett starred often for Kimberley and on two oc- casions in the first half and three in the second half graTired the cross bar with beautiful shots from the left- wing. Before hi-s accident Ed. Bail- ROCK MILLS CEYLON Prayer meeting will be held Fri- day evening, August 11th, at the home of Mr. Cecil Betts, conducted by Rev. F. Dean, Feversham. Ser- vice at 8 o'clock. Everybody wel- come. Mr. S. Nurta and Ifiss Zelma Blackwell of Toronto, visited over the week end and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Betts. A number from here attended the annual memorial service in Priceville Sunday afternoon. Misses Edith and Maibel Betts spent Monday at Stayner and attended the 'Mennonite camp meeting which is being held there. Mrs. A. English visited recently with friends in Toronto. Messrs. Hai-vey Croft and Jack English spent a couple of days the past week at Bracebridge. They went with a truck load. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts and babe visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McMullen, East Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Newell and family and Mrs. Dougald Clark and family were holiday visitors with Mr. and M'-s. Chas. Newoll. Mr. Ned Croft has been threshing fall wheat for some of the farmers. The wljgat is turning cit very good, but the spring crops are light in this locality.__ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kellar, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Legard and family and Mr. Joe Legard of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Legard and fam- ily of Pickering spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson. VICTORJA CORNERS B0E:N â€" On Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Awde, a daughter. The house which Mr. and Mrs. Awde live in was built seventy or seventy-five years ago and this baby has the distinction of being the first baby to be born in it for over sixty : ears at least. The late Miss Kate Moore, who was librarian for Owen Sound public library for some years Mrs. (Dr.) V. Patterson and son, Beatty, of Toronto have spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod. Dr. Beatty and Mr. G. Armstrong spent the week end with them, all returning home on Monday. Mrs. Bob Rutledge and daughter of Holland Centre visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, the fii-st of the week. Mi.ss Irene Marshall, R. N., and Miss Reta Marshall, R. N., of General Hojpital, Owen Sound, are spending their vacation at their home here. Mr. J. C. McMullen, Toronto, vis- ited his parents a couple of days the past week and Master Roy Lea, who spent the past month at Mr. A. Mc- MuUen'j returned to his home in To- ronto, Saturday. Miss Laura and Master, Fred, Stewart of Bolton are spending their summer vacation with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall. Mis4 Lola Blackburn of Spring Hill spent a few holidays with her friend.s, the Misses Frances and Marge Collin- son. Mr. Angus Whittaker went to To- ronto for the week end. Mrs. .A.nna M'jMillian spent the holiday with her sister in Owen Sound. Mrs. W. C. White and daughter. Laura, who spent a fortnight in To- ronto have returned home. Mr. A. Sinclair and daughter, Marg- aret, motored to Harriston for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leslie and daughter. Fern, Mr. and Mrs. Daley and Miss Margaret McMullen, To- ronto, spent the week end at Mr. S.. McMullen's. Visitors at Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith's for the week end were: Mr. and Mrs Ernie McRae, Mr. Lyle .Arrowsmith and Miss Mooney. Misses Stella and Olive MarshaL left on Saturday for a holiday at Roderick. >Miss M. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dens- more and son, Lloyd, motored to and Mrs. E. Doupe visited recently at Owen Sound. Mrs. Albert Stewart returned home Saturday after spending the past week at Hamilton, Buffalo and To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horton of To- ronta spent the week end with Mr. and -Mrs. A. Stewart, who accompan- ied them to Collingwood on a visit with friends there, Sunday. Mrs. Harold Richardson and son, Billie, spent a week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson, Barrhead. MAXWELL Miss Margaret Heron. R. N.. has returned to Listowel, after spending her holidays at the parental home. Miss Edna McDonald of Dundalk visited with her friend, M^ss Merlie Buckingham, over the week end. Miss Edith Huff of Southampton is visiting hor sister, Mrs. N. Cairns. Mias KaUhlegn Morr!|5(on is vis- iting friends in Toronto. , Mrs. McDuff and daughter are vis- iting with Dr. and Mrs. Carr-Harris. Mr. and Mrs. -Archie Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. Oxford McNeil of To- ronto are visiting their parents at the parsonage. Alliston visited a few days recently with the Latimer and Proctor fam- \\\"%. Master Ross Kimmarley of Water- to\\-n, N. Y., is holidaying with his granJparentj, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Walkei Sloan. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin (nee. i"ss Zaida Lawlor) and daughter, Miss Ruth of Windsor, visited recently with Mrs. Irwin's parents, Mr. and Mrs George Lawlor. Miss Donalda Sloan is holidaying with her sister, Mrs. K. Kimmerley at Watertown, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams of To- ronto were visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Miss Ada Smith of Toronto is a v::;itcr with her sister, Mrs. Will Campbell. Mr. Oliver Turner will relieve Mr Latimer of the duties of superintend- ent for next Sunday. Mr. Latimei is not feeling very well at present. Mrs. E. Rowbotham and daughters Evelyn and I.;obeI, of Toronto are holidaying with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. John Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts anc little daughter, Dolores, of 4th lint visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Camr'iell and family. Master Clifford Hickling of To- ronto is holidaying with the Hanley boys, 8th line. Mrs. McMullen and daughter. Miss Miss Mary McKee of Toronto vis- j Alillie, visited Meaford friends the ited over the week end and Civic ; past week. V\i!iday with her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham and Mrs. Thos. McKee. daughters, Vilda and Loreen of Walk- Miss Marge Lever and friend Miss erton are camping in the park here. Mrs. Wm. Hislop is visiting rela- tives at Ceylon. T'-? Misses Mary EUGENIA was the only other baby to live inj Grand Valley and Keldon on Monday, this house, whether she was born y^^ i^^-^^ Layman of Toronto sup- plied the pulpit on Sabbath afternoon, Miss Margu_erite Stinsonand Mr. giving a most interesting address on temperance. For the remaining Sun- hTe or not we are not sure. Wm. Coon of Toronto and Mr. Coon's I ey was the m^st prominent of the ^ father and mother of St. Catharines day^ in August there will be no Sun Heathcote team, his performance carrying his tea^ mates into Kimber- ley territory_,an numerous occasions. Kimberley players and supporters --Wi^h^ Bailey the best of luck and a speedy re;overy. visited at Mr. Albert Stinson's ovei | ^^^ school or church service Cow Fell Asleep Broke Man's Limb Civi: holidav Margaret and George Moore and Arnold Hergott, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Killins to Smithville last week. •Miss Ruth Richardson is visiting under the parental roof. The Inistioge friends spent an en- joyable evening on Thursday at Mr. and Mrs. Lome Nichol's and present- ed them with a clock. PROTON STATION Rev. H. B. Jackson and daughter. (From our Kimberley correspondent) Mr. Henry Walton met with a ser- ious accident on Thursday night of last week. As he was milking a ' Miss Susan Jackson, and Miss Mary quiet cow which was contentedly Wyvill are at Powassan assisting in chewing her cud the animal f e'll on ' special services. Lucy Oliver, one him, breaking his leg a few inched' of the Bible school girls, went with above the ankle. It is supposed by some that the bossy fell asleep. The fracture was reduced and Mr. Walton is resting as comfortably a-s he could under such circumstances. MEETING HELD AT PRICEVILLE A meeting in connection with the Bible Society was held on Friday evening last in St. Columba church, when Mr. W. Kadlang of Toronto gave an interesting address on the Bible (quoting thA many languages in which it is translated, a«d tht eagerness of some of the aborigines to secure a copy. The progress oi the distribution and the number ol copias of the Bible printed by the British and Foreign Bible society is remarkable, of which th^ Upper Can- ada Bible Society is a branch. Col- lect solicitors were again appointed and officers re-elected v«ith Mrs. (Rpv.) .Shtherland, secretary. them to her home at Whitefish Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCannell and son, Arthur, and Mr. Angus McCan- nell enjoyed a motor trip last week to Orillia. Mrs. Campbell, who has been foi two months the guest of her mother, Mrs. McNalty, left on August 4th for her home at Vulcan, Alta. Mr. and Mrs. H. Beamish, Mr. Gor- don Peavoy and Miss Gertie Peavoy of Orillia were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hemphill and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dever and little daughter, Winnifred, of Toronto were recent visitors with Dever brothers. Mr. .\!ex. Knox motored from To- ronto on Saturday and was accompan- ^ ied by Miss Marion and Jean Haw and Miss Mabel Haw and Allen. The latter two have been holidaying at Beamsville and Toronto. Mr. J. Melia returned Saturday to Toronto after spending a month here. Mi-3. Winters and daughter, Miss Jean Winters, of Paris, Ont., spent the holiday with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Mathewson. Mr. and iMrs. J. Nixon, Caledon East, Mr. and Mrs Russell Nixon. Mr. and Mrs. F. McMullen, all of Mrs. D. McLeod's. Toronto, visited for the holiday at TORONTO LINE NORTH Mrs. E. Doupe of Proton, who spent the past week with Mrs. E. Wickens, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Ferry, Mrs. Ed. Perry, Mrs. Geo. Parey and Miss Englings- worth of Toronto were visitors rec- ently with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rics arisen. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stewart, ac- companied by the latter's sister and parents of Stratford were visitors on Saturday rt A. Stewart's. Misses Anna Wilson and Muriel Kathleen Parr of Toronto were call- ers on the former's sister, Mrs. C. Martin. Miss Jean Hincks of Priceville vis- ited a few days with her friend, Miss Phyllis Graham. Mr. Russell Cameron, B. .A., M. -A. Toronto visited a week with his par- ants, Mr. and Mrs. .\lex. Cameron. Messrs. Jim and Eddie Hargravt Cu Toronto x-isited over the week end and holiday with the Park fam- ili.:S. V):. -Arthur Davis of Colbourne spent the past week with his friend, Mr. Sam MacDonald. On Thursday oi last week Mrs. Thos. Fenv.:.':k was seized by a severe attack of appendiciti.'r. She was tak- en to Owen Sound hospital on Friday and a successful operation was per- .formed, V>'e v.'ish her a speedy recovery. We are pleased to report Mrs. Jas. Porteous gaining continually. Miss V. Fortune, who was the j nui.';se in attendance, to Mrs. Port- eous retur.-.ed to Ov.-en Sound on Saturday. Mrs. Geo. Archer (nee Miss Katt Fenwick) and daughters of Gait vis- I ited on Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. j Th"s. Fenwick, and family. 1 Mr. Ralph Burkholder and Mr. Bond j of Toro.Tto visited over the week end with the former's wife and daugh- I tors at "Fairview Villa." I Mrs. J. L. Wood of Mimico and Mrs. John Jamieson of Toronto art visitors with the former's sister Mrs. Will. Magee, husband and fam- iiy. Mrs. Ross Lehman of Toronto spent a few days with har father, Mr. Jake Williams. Mr. Will. Magce went to Owen Sound last Saturday to spend a few days with friends and attend the Civic holiday celebration th°re. Mr. and Mrs. .\lvin Sims and daughter. Grace, of Sarnia, acrom- panied by Mrs. Sim's mother, Mrs. J. Jamic.:on, of .\lliston and Mrs. T. Merricks " and daughter, Joyce, ol and Dorothy V.'hitehead from near Markdale spent a few holidays recently with theii u.ic'e and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Edgai Betts. Mr. and Mrs. S. Stauffer and child- ren of Plesherton and nephew. Mas- ter Billie Campbell visited with Mrs. Burkholder and daughters, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kellar, Mr. Jcs. Legard, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Legard and three children of Toron- to were ra^ent visitors at Bfcrt Magee's. Mr. Edgar Betts took a truck load last week up north to the huckleberry marsh. Among those that won» from this community were: Neil Mc- Donald, Perc-y Smith, Harold Turner Cecil and Rowena Magee, Jack Jamie- .son, Mr. J. Ottewell and Dorothy also Mrs. Betts. They all returned after a pleasant trip, each one with a fine large basket of huckleberries. Mrs. Chas. Quesnel and children ol Owen Sound spent a few days with Mr. Jos. Sherwood, the past week. Now we are right in that season again when married men are out try ing to teach other men's wives how to swim. StMary'sAngiiean Church MAXWELL Rector, Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. SUNDAY, .VUGUST 13. 1933 10 a.m. â€" -Sunday school for all children. 11 a.m. â€" Morning prayer service and sermon. TRINITY CHURCH, PROTON ST.A. 2 p.m. â€" Sunday school and bible class. Divine service at 3 p.m. on Augu.st 20. "Let Thy Mercy Lord, be upon us according as we hope in Thee.' Psalm 33: 22. BATES BURIAL CO'Y 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERMCE AT REASONABLE PRICES PHONES: NIGHT OR D.AYâ€" KIngsdale 4344â€"3456 Modern Private Chanel J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks. Man&ger Formerly of Flesherton " The House oi Queity" Specials This Week OXYDOL L.\RGE PKG 22c (x. M. COFFEE. K -LB. TINS 22c -SOD.\ BISCUITS, 2 LB. PKG 22c G. M. PUMPKIN. 2 TINS 22c G(JLDEN SPR-\Y CHEESE PER LB 22c BRAN SHORTS LOW GRADE PURINA CHOWS A DENIAL Regarding the widespread rumor that Miss Emma Oliver applied for S. S. No. 7, Artemesia, at a lower salary than that received by the teacher who h«ld the school â€" allow us to state that Miss Oliver has not ap5?ied fo- S. S. No. 7, her home soiiool, at any time in either a written or verbal application at any salary whatever. Signed by the Trustee Board. -JOHN OLIVER â€" WM. J. McMillan -ALEX. S. MUIR Smart of Barrhead visited last week Some of those visiting parental | with Mrs. Harold Richardson. Mrs. W. Lever spent a couple ol days with friends at Owen Sound the homes over the week end and holiday ware: Mr. Harvey White and girl friend; Mr. and Mrs. Everett White and babe; Mr. and Mrs. Elzer Park and children; Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNicol and daughter, Helen; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kirkwood and Mr. Lloyd Lyons, all of Toronto. Mr.. Arnold Hergott has returned from Meaford, where he has been relieving the manager of Meaford Creamery for a few weeks. Seven Proton Station boys art leaving Tuesday morning for the volMiteer training camp in Owen Sound. They are: Tom Beamish John Hemphill, Andrew Hemphill, Harold Lockhart, Russel ^\1iite, Gor- don Park, Arthur Hergott. Mr. John Hanley of Hamilton ie visiting at Mr. and Mrs. \. Sher- son's. JAS . A. STEWART FLESHERTON Read the Small Advertisements past w«ek. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever over the holiday were: Mr. and JiTrs. H. Patrick and Mr. and Mrs. C. Gibb and son, Bruce, of Hamilton, also Miss Agnes Lever of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pedlar and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Patton of Portlaw spent a day with the for- mer's sister, Mrs. E. Wickens. Mrs. Pedlar and daughter, Marjorie are remaining for a week's visit. ,Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Miller and fam- ily spent a day at Meaford the last of the week. Misses Ida Lever and Kathleen Parr of Toronto were visitors over the holiday at the former's parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wicken.^ and daughter, Marion, Mr. and Mrs. John Pedlar, Mr. Mervyn McFiadden % Why Pay More FOR GROCERIES AND MEATS? try Kennedy's and be convinced Clothes Pins 7 DOZ. 19c CHOICE Pink Salmon LARGE TIN'S 3 for 25c GR.VNULATED Sugar 10 LBS. 73c Seedless Raisins 2 LBS. 25c MEN'S WEAR OveralKs 98c up Men"s Caps $1.50 for .... $1.00 Socks 15c up SPECIALS ARE C.\SH OXXY Ken Kennedy Phone 11 Apricot Jam | LARGE JAR 25c % % Laundr]r Soap I 8 BARS 25o Peanut Butter 2 LBS. 29c Meats Fresh and Cvnred »♦« »»♦♦♦♦♦♦ M^«**VfV*'»«*^«*^**V**^****«>***«*»**W^*<PV?«-»<>*<«<?» »»»SK>»»»»» » V<>»-C";r';~i^

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