WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1QM THE FLE8HERTON ADVANCE DRK; STORE SALES In order to give information as to the legitimate business of drug stores on Sunday, this letter is released to of drugs, medicines and surgical ap-[ M*- M L *| pliances by retail." The sale or pur- j lUlSS tu2Cp031l chase of other merchandise on Sunday is forbidden by the Act. The drug- gists of Ontario, acting through the the Ontario press by the Ontario Re-! Council of the Ontario Retail Drug- Detroit Last Week The bud * et debate dragging tail Druggists' Association and The 'gists' Association, are desiroue that alon>f until Tuesday. The Wh/ps Lord's Day Alliance of Canada to ad- the public should assist them in the have ur cd that the division may vise the public that the Lord's Day observance of the law by refraining I come on that dav - As is usual . the Act of Canada, under the head oj from asking for other merchandise "Works of Necessity and Mercy ac- on Sunday. copied" (Section 11), expressly per- ml s "works for the relief of sick- ness and suffering, including the sale Renew your subscription now. Combination Doors When buying a Screen Door for Summer think ui" i In.' winter that is coining and include a Storm Door for Winter Takes one minute to make the change without removing the door. Car of shingles now in the vanl Flesherton Planing Mills Thorn- 24 J 1 1. A. McCAULKY. Prop. debate has been longer than was an- ticipated, but the debate on the bud- get provides an excellend opportunity for the members to discuss conditions in their constituency or some particu- lar grievance that cannot be brought up at any other time. I was given the opportunity of ad- dressing the distinguished group of the citizens of Detroit. The Women Lawyers of that city entertained the Judges, all of whom are men except one, at dinner at the Dearborn Inn, just opposite the Ford Airport. Since it was suggested that I speak on any subject I wished, I thought it worth while to make use of the opportunity offered to discuss present economic conditions and more particularly finance and trade obstructions. They were a delightful group of people, so generous and friendly; at the head table they had placed more British- ers than Americans and the Canadian flag was given as prominent a place as there own. During dinner I had the opportun- ity of visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hughes Hallett. Mr. Hallett is the British Consul i,n Detroit. To my selves from the rest of the world as successfully as they once thought they could. They see, too, that these huge debts which Europe owes them were lines of credit established by these European countries in the United States to enable them to buy American goods. These goods were then selling at high prices and by asking them to buy back now as much as they borrowed in the days of boom- ing prosperity, means actually thaij they would be paying back two and j three times as much, sin-ce money I now buys much more than it did in; war times. They also see that the' European countries cortcerned can only secure gold by trading goods which they have for gold, and since the gold countries (France and Unit- ed States) will not exchange goods for gold, it is quite impossible for the debtor countries to pay the United States in gold and since the United States will not- accept payment in goods, thc debt, under the circum- stances, cannot be paid. Many who, a few years ago, swore by tariffs, are doubtful about their power to bring prosperity and others have gone com- pletely against them. AT PRICES YOU CANNOT BEAT "Men's Work Shoes $1.93 and up Men's Oxfords $3.00 and up Women's House Shoes $1.25 & $1.35 Canvas Shoes with heel $1.10 Women's Fine Shoes $1.98 and up BOY'S, GIRL'S, AND CHILDREN'S SHOES A. E. HAW, Ceylon Store open every evening but Tuesday and Friday On my way ba-ck from Detroit to Ottawa I stayed over part of a day in Toronto and acted as chairman for the Maurfce Hindus lecture in Massey 1 Hall. I discharged my duties a? chairman so badly, that I wasted halt the night thinking about it instead of sleeping. Maurice Hindus is pos-j sibly the greatest authority on Russia Commission, and two of the commis- . sioners particularly have been sub- ! jected to a gruelling examination. IMt. G. G. Coote of McLeod, Alta., 1 said in a speech: "If our money was on the same level of value as British : money we would be getting 69c more on every 's worth of goods sold ir j Britain and for some months we would have received $1 more on every 1. The pound sterling sells for $6 in Australian money and for only $4.18 here. It is clear then that Australia can sell for less on a British market and still have more in their own currency." A. C. MCPHAIL House of Commons Saturday, April 23rd, 1932 KILL THE STARLINGS surprise I found that while Canada ! on , hih contincnt . B orn in a village! has a Minister Plenipotentiary in . the Rrcat p , ajns of Russia> Hindus i Washington, in the person of the ' camc to lhe United States when a , ad Hon. W. D. Hcrridge, and Trade In some localities efforts are being made to induce all property owners to break up the nests of the starlings on their property. This is the only thing which will control this disaster that has come, for the Starlings )f left to themselves soon drive out our insectivorous and song birds. Thus we would have our useful birds dis- placed by this valueless and destruc- tive imported species. In England for many years there was what was known as the "Starling shoot." Some- thing of the kind should be instituted here. Commissioners scattered over the ' i of ten. He was educated in Ameri- can schools, graduated from Colgate whole of the United States, much of Co , le)?o and afterwardg took post . the Canadian work falls to the lo! gra( i uato work pt Harvard. !b ob- of the British Consuls placed in the uine( , h ; R ^^ Q , Doctor of Litern . different centres. Our Trade Com- ^ u WM natura , that U)e (frfiat missioner deals with matters of trade rcvohuion of Ru?sia should ; ntcron only and the many tangles over im him trcnK . n(louslv: hc has mado twe l v , nVgration regulations, liquor laws, tQ RuM: . a ' aincc thc revo , uUon etc., are for the most part, solved by nm , ^ now prcparing to KQ apain . Kc the Consul. It would seem that our ( ^ approaellcd his stu dy of thai Trade Commissioners should be given t c(j . Jnlry 8cip . ui ; ically . H e told thc authority of consuls and thei. ' al]dioneo that ho tricd not lo ,. scope would then be enlarged to in- , ftw ^ discomfort . whi , h h . Fire in a poultry house at Harris-' ton destroyed over two thousand chick- 1 ens. Vital statistics for the county of Peel, show that in 1931 the popula- tion numbered 20,098, and that there were 245 births, 193 deaths and 106 marriages. cltde all Canadian-American disputes lo' rlized in their particular centre. A marked change has taken place in the mental attitude of thc Ameri- can people; they are beginning to realize that they cannot isolate them- I TUB 8TOKB WITH SERVICK F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Sa!e LADIES' WEAK DEPARTMENT IIKRK IN THIS DEPARTMENT WE A HE OFFKR- ING YOU MANY LINKS OF KKAKONAHLK MERCHANDISE AT BARGAIN PBICE8 A SPECIAL OFFERING 50 only Ladies' i-pring hats, all new. '! day I.ADIKS' DRESSES $4.95 New crepes nil in the newest styles. Out at bargain prices $-1.1)5 ea. LADIES' COATS $.*.05 A genuine Big Bargain in tweeds and serges. .'{ days only $3.!)5 ca. Children's leathered*- jackets $2.05 eacli Keep them warm and dry during these cold spring days , , $2.1)5 CHILD RE\" SCO ATS $3.95 Size to 10 years. All first class materials. Out they go at thes c low prices $3.1)5 GENERAL DRY GOODS We are offering you these lines at new low prices. ' ' CHINTZ 2 YARDS 25c Attractive patterns. All extra quality cloth 2 yards 2Bc (''lowered Lemlella Just the right thing for the elderly person's afternoon dress 2fic y (l - Pattern* that are the best yet. Reg. 35c yd. .1 days only 21>c yd. Babcttc Crepes 29c yard The new cloth for children's dresses, etc. All new colors 29c yd. Attractive Prints loc yard 4 pieces only of our regular 25c yd. prints. Out they go at the new low price 16c yd. Ladies' Silk Hose $ pairs $1.00 A real buy in hosiery. All attractive shades II prs $1.00 Ladies' Chiffon Hose $1.(X) pair For 3 days only we are offering our regular $1.1!) line at this very attractive price of ....$1.00 pr. Service Weight I lose 85c pair Our regular $1.00 line of supcrsilk hose. 3 days only 85c pr. MEN'S WEAR DEPARTMENT Offers You These Very Attractive 1 Buys Men's Broadcloth Shirts $1.00 each Men's Leatherette Raincoats $4.95 A real buy at the right tihie. All sizes $4.96 ea. Men! Men! Look! 2 Big Bargains fi. Men's Kelt I hit 50c each .X ---' All sizes. -"'' MKN'S RAINCOATS AND LIGHT OVERCOATS $1.00 EACH r.KOCERY SPECIALS B String Brooms 25c cans tomatoes and peas 45c Gallon tin apples 25..- ea. 2 Ihs. choice seedless raisins 25c 7 bars Gold Soap 25c RKMKMBKR THESE PRICES QUOTED HERE ARE ONLY GOOD FOR FRIDAY, AiPRIL 22 SATl'RDAY. APRIL 2U MONDAY, APRIL 25 ' of course, had to suffer to influcr-- in any way his view of the great ex- periment in .social rcconptru- t!on. "It I could not get a hotel to sleep in, ) Hept in a bnrn, and if there was nr '>arn. I slept on good mother earth ind it troubled me not at all," Mr. Hindus ^id. Thc Russians are an undisciplined people; they dfslikc going to work at a certain time, stopping at a cer- tain time; they knew almost nothing twelve years ago rbout machines or mae.'Vnery, consequently they hnvr mishandled many of their fine machine.; and hove been, in many cn*c.-, unable to operate n factory after it was built and ready for op- eration, but year by year they are learning to do these things. They are throwing a great amount of energy and determination into thf U-.*k; they are doinz without a great many things. Maurve Hindus doer, not believe that this generation of Russians will attain a comfortable Mnndard of livinsr, but he does believe that their children and their Child- ren's children will. Orthodox re- 1'rion is dying out, but the family, he said, was enduring and in thr country divorces wen- few though in the pities there wero many. This was the second Ir-ture Mr. Hindus has given in Toronto this year. It is now rumored that Parliament will adiourn within two vook t u This is only made nossit'K- bv tho : lu-lving of the Radio Commision's jeport and the report of the Royal commission on tho railroads and transportation until the Fall session. It is thought that the 1933 session will meet for n month or two before Christmas, then carry on agnin after the holiday is over. I think a great deal is lost by not acting on the re- ports of commissions during the ses- sion in which they are brought down. Thc members of tho committees are "up on their toes" on th? subjects '.bey have been investigating; thc IIoifH! is soon made fi<-nilir wiih the subject hy those who are experts am* desirable action seems to be more likely to result. Two other Com- mittees have been sitting steadily, the one investigating the conduct ot three Senators, W. L. MacDougald, Andrew Haydon and Donat Raymond in connection with the Beauharnoin undul. This Committee has brought down n mniority report in which it names these three Senators and say? that their "actions were not fitting or consistent with their duties and ;;t and iing as Senators of Canada." The other Committee mentioned ahove ha? been examining into some of tho ap- pointments made hy the Civil Service conspires to dcst roy your fence Sun, rain or snow . . they are all the same to "OJIBWAY" Farm Fence . . because of two things . . "OJIBWAY" Wire and "OJIBWAY" Construction. Made of Copper Bearing UsSlMuMsg Steel Wire . . Copper and Steel blended into a rust-resisting wire that wears far longer t?ian ordinary steel wire. Pure Zinc is bonded to every "OJIBWAY" wire by our special Zinc Insulating process . . a further insurant- against rust. In both Stiff Stay and Hinge Joint "OJIBWAY" Fence the horizontel and upright wires arc so join- ed that moisture cannot be held . . thus preventing rusting of wires at intersecting pointo. All wires FULL GAUGE. Every roll full length, be ZJS* ln**l*f:l sign is your assurance olf 100% satisfaction. Ask for our Guarantee of Service. It is worth as much as your fence. On!y the BEST fencing can carry so complete a guarantee. Hingo Jc r>t "OJI8WAV* stiff stay o See Your Nearest Dealer or Write Us Direct Rii-13 ar.d Herd G.Vice Cjibway, Essex Co., Ont *