,-v.. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1932 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on CoIKngwood street, FlhTton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per yer, when paid in advance (1.60. In U. S. A. $2.50 pr year when paid in advance $2.00 W. H. THURSTON. F. J. THURSTON . - Editor AMOC. Editor EDITORIAL NOTES. Canada is not much on baby snatch ing, but she sure can play hockey. * The number of young men nr.<l wo men turned nut from the high school? and collectfiatcs in recent year.;, who have been unable to find jobs in the cities and towns, is said to bo very thugs hope to get yet more cash. But they take great risks, as thi numbers of the bank bils are known and their circulators may bj easily traced. If they are and the rascals can be laid by the heels, tii;y should be pro-njtly arrested and punished for their crimes. "Honovable" con- duct was thirdly to be expected from them, even in their restitution "for a consideration." Their crusl robbery of the child's father, following the first atro.y.ty, makes f'oiisideratior. i'or them out of the questio i VILLAGE COUNCIL Artemesia Council SOMK MOTHER'S BOY TRIM THE RASPBERRIES This Council met at the Hall, Flesh- j erton on Monday the seventh day of April, A.D., 1932. There were present Alex. Cameron, Reeve; GaVnet Magee, Deputy Reeve and Messrs. C. B. Meldrum, Wm. Burnett and E. Warling, Councillors. The Reeve took the chair and the min- utes -of the last meeting were read' calls at the back door has P erha P s He knocks at your back door, asks kindly for a meal. What do you say? Do you tell him to move on? Do you bring him in, give him a hearty meal, sec that he has socks, perhaps underwear ? If you do there is a mother somewhere who will remember you in her prayers. Let us not forget that the boy who and on motion adopted. Correspondence presented from the mother wcmdA-ing 'tf we are kind to him. That boy may have been brought Highways Department r e Statute lab- 1 up in a B od home ' but luck has been or; J. A. Williams re dog tax charged! a P ainst hir "- Remember he feels his The. village council met in the coun- cil chamber in the town hall Tuesday evening. The Reeve occupied the chair with Councillors Richardson and Welton in the chair. At a special meeting of the Council on Friday consent was given th< great. The older they are before Township of Artemesia to dispose ol they get a tart to earn an honest the township building in the village living, the less likely they are to be satisfied with their progress. This is a problem which is giving to par- ent*, everywhere, much conc3rn. The drudgery of an apprenticeship after a young man or young woman is at or approaching the twentieth year is rarely undertaken, with heartiness or The bank on the roadside near the Boyne bridge has fallen away, crack- ing the sidewalk and the Clerk was requested to write Mr. Alder to see what could bo done. The following accounts were ordered to be pid: D. McKillop $15".; A. K. in 11)31; the auditors presented their report on the Priceville accounts; pay sheet 'No. 1 showing expended on i, but there is nothing else he can do but ask for charity, and if we do not give it, well we lack heart and toads $57 80 was presented and order- ! Pw*'Wy > day we may need char ed to be paid. The following were also ordered paid: T. Taylor, wood for hall $3.50; The Advance, printing pay sheets $2.75; L. Atkinson, wire fence built in 1931 $16.00; John Welch wire fence built in 1931 $32.00; Jacob fty too. CAKE OF HATCHING EGGS This is the time of the year -when the farmer- with a pood poultry flock A. Williams dog tax of 1931 charged! finds hatching eggs in big demand. *2. Too much care can not be exercised in Warling Burnett That the audi- culling egjars which are intended for sustained effort- be secured. Toronto coralled two hockey champ ionships last week, and many of the sporting fraternity went almost wild when the hired men "brought home the bacon." They are iiot so sure Bellamy, premium on Treasurer's- ven when a job can bond $5. Q B . Welton, board for 10 indigents $1-1; Advance, printing aud itors' report $13.00; Jos. Field, work on hall $1.10; Dr. Murray, premium tors reports re the village of Price- hatching use. A metal bucket should ville on accounts for ten years, show- 1 not be wed because the slightest con- j ing balance due the Township of $418.-' tact with a hard surface may cause 17 be adopted and the auditors be a check or crack in the shell. Straw | paid S7. each for the audit and 45cjor burlap gives protection. There telephone calls, and the same be charg. should be plenty of nests available ?d to the Priceville account. Carried. | to the hens, from 12 to 15 nests per Trimming of berry bushes is a very important task. In the early spring the canes of red raspberries should \ be cut back a little at the tops. Some of the canes have branches and these j should be cut back to a length oi almost ten inches. The thick canet bear the most fruit. Thin out th canes in the hedgerow so that they will stand about six inches apart. If the plants are left in hills, leave about eight car:es to a hill. In the case of black i aspberries, the stand of canes in the hills had best be left undisturbed, but they sliould be cut back more severely than reds. on town hall insurance $87.50.. As certain paving had been dont on private property on the main c >r ner last summer an agreement about the prospect for professional! eniereA into between the village anc ball playing. It seems thai the, Mrs M M Wclton for thc lcasj of owners no sooner have a player well the property for 2 years and on a developed than they sell him to one motion hy Mr Ricnardsoni seco ndo<! of the bigger club.s, and before the season ends the playing ability of the team decays an<i the gate receipts de- crease, for the public will not support a losing team. The foundation for a "next year" club is tnu^ rarely sat- isfactory to anyone. When it comes to negotiating with baby snatchcrs, for the return for a by Mr. Welton the Reeve and Clcrl, were authorized to sign. Mr. W. Turney, representing the Militia Department, interviewed thc Council for an agreement for the Muring of clothes, etc., but the matter was left over until the next council meeting. Richardson Wolton That thc^ Flesherton Hockey Club be rebated $7, Warling Magee That the pro- visions of by-law providing for build- ing wire fences in this township and paying bonus on the same be suspend- ed during 1932. Carried. Burnett Warling That $1125 Is hereby apropriated to be expended on road durinrj 1932 and bridges costing up to $20., $250. in each division and $125. on Valley Road, this amount not to include -new work or culverts and bridges costing over $20., and no new work shall be undertaken unless ordered by the Council. Carried. The Cornell adjourned. The money you will save by reading the ads of local merchants in the Flesherton Advance will pay the sub- scription price of this paper many times over. << n- iili-ration of the victim i i in- 1 amount of rent for dance, when paid. M^I on the "grip f" r Krip." Lindberg paid over to a presumed agent of thc kidnappers a ransom of fifty thou.- ho appears to have On a motioin Ijy Mr. Richardson, seconded by Mr. Welton it was agreed that Mr. Welton be authorized to rent a place to store fire equipment and hccn flimflammed. The money ha* that be charge $1 per day for use or lieen carried off, but the baby has the tank. not been forthcoming. Perhaps tfc r<>i;r.c;l iuljotirned. A man told a story the other day which is worth repeating. Two boys were returning from Sunday school , and wire discussing an important sub- ject. "Do you think there's a devil," ! oni' little fellow. "Xaw," said the other, "It is ju<t like Santa Clans; ; '' vour dad. 100 birds. When culled, hatching eggs should be kept in a cool room Germ growth start at a temperature of 09 degrees and the room in which the eggs are kept until delivered to the hatcheTy should not be more than 50 to CO degrees. Eggs should be delivered to the hatchery as soon af ter they are collected as possible. A Toronco man ate three dozen eggs on Easter Sunday and didn't crow about ft ei ther. One quarter of our year 1932 has slipped by with the old world stil holding its own. It would be inter- esting to know in advance what changes tVie remainder of the year will bring. FLOWERS Ask for Cut Flowers, flowering plants and ferns grown by Northern Nurseries, Owen Sound. Funera designs arid wedding bouquets made to order. Represented in Flesherton !;. \V. A. llawkcn. Phone 17w. Spring i t : j- M o c. : .\K H'S sckn; ( >VKD.\k MOI'S and POLISH K< H'.KKS I- AST DR I KXAlVtELS I!K< )( >MS M'ST TAX'S TUJS IIOII.KRS ETC For Your Garden HOES RAKES SPADKS FLOOR PAINT INSIDE PAINT BRUSHES TURPENTINE I'AIXTOIL t ;_,.. . PUTTY i GLASS. ^_... Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE FLESHERTON ' . SHER-WILL-LAC The Decorative FAST-DRI Enamel for Household UM? DRIES IN FOUR HOURS Take home a ran of Sher-\\ ill-Liic Enamel and refmish your kitchen or your bathroom or your sun porch. Il dries i|i 4 hours so that your room iieMl not he out of service for long. You won't know the old place when you jset it finished. It provides a lustrous, dimr- ahle finish that wears well and is was li- able therefore easy to keep clean. SIIER-WILL-LAC FAST-DRI STAIN you will find uu excellent product, too. It etaifis and varnishes in one operation, giving you real economy. Good for restoring a. nil refiniahing the surface of floors, furniture a nil interior woodwork. Like Sher- Will-Lac Enamel, it dries in four hours. Take home a can to-day and put the week-end to good use. ' V . - , FOUR HOUR DRYING Owen Sound had 488 police court cases during 1931 and collected $7,- 793 in fines. Back to the land is good advice foi those who desire not riches but a home. If money is the root of all evil then evil must be growing in clumps here and there. We would like to see one of these believe it or not persons find out how many cans of ox tail soup one ox tali will make. It has now been proved that the foicdile does :io, weep. Until now he was always credited with being sorrowful for his nasty habits. New pline out now can fly with- out wings. We've heard stories about mining stocks that could do the same thing. Doctor in Detroit, married 32 years ago, is applying for a divorce because his wife made him quit being a soldier. Martial and marital affairs di'd not go well together. British firm has a new projectile that will pierce the best armour plate ::: l-200th of a second. The next step will be to produce a new plate that can't be pierced. The production of snuff in Canada has nearly doubled in the past ten years. If it weren't in the census report one might take it with a pinch af the stuff. If the railways keep on closing their rural stations, the farmer will soon find himself forced to rely upon the motor truck for his transporta- tion. Rural mail carrier says his horse makes 40 miles on a bushel of oats, and if they were wild oats perhaps the horse might be inclined to step a little faster. BUILDING FOR SALE Building known as the Artemesia Twp. hall in the village of Flesherton. Offers for above to be closed by April 30, 1932. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. Buildtng to be removed from lot by June 1, 1932. For further particulars apply to, _C. J. BELLAMY, Sec. of Com. Buy your Flour and Feeds from the Osprey Fanners' Milling Co. FEVERSHAM Family Bread Flour Made from No. 1 Western Wheat Pastry Flour Cracked Red Wheat, Grits, Made From Choice Ontario Wheat Bran, Shorts and coarse feeds Small Advts. Lost or Strayed COAT LOST Mackinaw coat left on buggy in United church shed on Saturday afternoon, April 9th. Finder please notify Dr. J. P. Ottewell of Flesherton. For Sale FOR SALE Goose eggs for sale. Phone 45 r 4. Joseph Radley. BERKSIIIRES Pure Bred En s . lish younfr sows-and boars, from prize winning stock. Joseph Radley. FOR SALE OR REN'T Farm foi .-alc> or rent, Lot 15, S.D.ll., Arte- mesia. Mrs. John Ferris, Markdak or II. B. McLean, PrK-eville. FOR SALE - - Team for sale; will sell reasonably, also a sow and eight pigs, will sell pigs separately. Phone 44 r 14 W. T. Genoe, Ceylon. FOR SALE - - The Ladies' Aid of St. John's United church has for sale an upholstered, leather covered couch. It may be seen at Mrs. W. Moore's. $1200.00 buys House and Lot with Barn, Hard and soft water, Electric lights and good garden in Flesherton. VV. J. W. Armstrong, Flesherton. BULBS FOR SALE Gladioli bulbs for sale, composed of over forty varieties of choicest named in mixture. No finer mixture in the world. Two grades, 35c and 50c per dozen. With each of the lat- ter we will give one bulb of the rare Smokey or Rose Ash varieties. The Advance Office. FOR SALE The farms of Wilfred Teeter on Toronto Sydenham road, and the late Price Teeter on east back line. Foi particulars write A. MILLS, box 1D7, Markdale. HOAR FOR SERVICE Yorkshire Boar for service. Terms $1.00. John Oliver, O.D.R., Arte- mesia. FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE Bred-to-lay Barred Rock hatching eggs. $2.50 per hun- dred. Gordon Wilson, Kimberlcy, Ontario. FOR SALE --3 Shorthorn bulls eighteen mos., 2 ten months, roan and reds, eligible for registration. Don- ald McMillan, Priceville, phone 49 r 12. EGGS FOR SALE Jersey Black Giants, splendid laying strain. Large brown eggs. Special hard time prices. !>0c per setting if called for Apply Thc Advance. FOR SALE Good strong driving horse, good for -Work on farm as well as driving; also 2 young purebred Hereford bulls. Apply to Geo. A. Hi'tcrtinson, Kimberlov. The Executors of the Estate of the late Robert J. Stock offer for sale W. Va Lot 7, 4th Con., Osprey Town- ship, 50 acres more or less. On this property is a Frame Barn with Stone foundation, Frame house, well, and 10 acres of hardwood. This property must be sold to close out the Estate. Anyone desiring to buy, apply for further particulars to Lucas, Henry & Lutas, Markdale, or to Dr. R. L. Care- foot and Wilfred Teeter, Executors. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Tamworth Boar. "Legal Tender", 7 mos. old; TERMS: $1.50, strictly cash. -JOS. RADLEY, Flesherton. FOR SALE Cement Garage and garden on Hill St. Flesherton $400. Also good building lot for sale on Sydenham, St. W. J. W. Armstrong, Flesherton. FOR SALE Set of heavy sleighs, McTavish make $25.; Set discs, Har- rows, Plow, Scraper, Diwant 1 ton Truck with stake body and extra set of Stock Racks. W. J. W. Arm- strong, Flesherton. FOR SALE Registered Short- horn Bull, rising three years; two cows due to freshen in April, also team of good work hones, will sell cheap. Apply to Bert Magee, phone Feversham 5 r 11. FOR SALE OR TO RENT Lot 70 & 71, Con. 8, township of AHemesia, consisting of 100 acres. Fifty-five acres plowed and summer- fallowed ready for crop, balance In grass. For tf>rms apply to H. THOMPSON, R. R. 2, Dobbintorv P n -v- "' - '- -( - BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for er- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog dab, the property of the Ontario Depart- mant of A irricalture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County o* Grey. Term*' 1 per cent. Satisfaction guarnteed Dates made at The Advance office. Dr. W. D. Bryc*. L. D. 8.. D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate ol Unl- veraity of Toronto. Uas administer- ed for extcactioa. Office at tte rwi- dnce of Dr. B. C. Murray, TWmto street, FladMiton. Phono 99. Prmee Arthur Lod^e, 833, A. F. A A. M. meets in the m*K>nk HU over Kennedy's store, Flehertoa every Fri- day OH or before the full moo. W. M., C. Meldrum; Secretary, H. A. Wm, Kaittlng, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey md Sirncoe Farm and stock sales a speciality. Terms moderate satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and dates may be made at the Advance office or 4 ' | - . '. -