WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1932 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Artemesia Council Council met at Flesherton on Mon- day the 7th day of March, 1932, the members were all present the reeve presided. Minutes of last meeting were read PvUished on CoUinfwood trt, FliAertan, Wednesday of each wMk. Circulation over 1100, Prie* In Canada 92.00 per y r - whon paid in advtnce fl.60. In 0. S. A. 18.50 per year when paid an d O n motion adopted. in advance $2.00 Communications of last meeting : wL-re read viz.: Earl Best, damage W. H. TUURSTON. - - WUor - -J^ ^^ ^ ^^ to r.J. THURSTON - As**. Editor , nsurant . e Department . Roy Free- j man claim for sheep killed; three NO CORE TO THESE APPLES sheep valued by W. J. Beatty *19.00, ordered paid. Charles Stafford one Jf ealtlt 5ovice OF THE (fcaitabiau iHrfrral Asimnaf tint CRANT'FLCMinO. M.D. ASSOCIATE SECRETARY, The budget speech in the Legislat- sheep kill ure added one cent more per gallon ordered paid. W. J. Beatty sheep on gasoline; added materially to the valuer 1.50 payment ordered, amusement tax, and consumers will Clark valuing sheep *J 25 ordered HOW MUCH? How much you should eat of what ed valued by R. Clark $8.00 [you do eat is a subject of real im- to pay more for their class of paid. R. Allen school attendance beverages. There will also be ad- 'er presented his report for the ditional taxation on banks and life and fire insurance companies. AD incorporated companies in Ontario term, Letter from Engineer of Road department re by-law for estimates 1932. John Best asked refund ot will pay one per cent, on their net **.00 on account of error in his taxes. profrts. Strong objections have been registered against these imposts Most of them will cut both ways While the government exchequer will Accounts ordered to be paid as fol lows; W. J. Harris, repairing 130 side road $14.37. Municipal World sup- plies for assessment for 1932 and benefit on one hand it will lose on the other stationery $37.52. The Advane* other. With these new taxes things printing Auditor's report and adver- have come to such a pas* that many tisin* $4 motorists will not take out a license P lilis for this year and business will be further curtailed. The amusement tax will also reiult in lowered attendance. As for the added tax on liquor we do not suppose the dry clement will ob- ject to that, but there is a possibility that it may add to the activity of the bootleggor. As for the banks and insurance companies the tax will not be absorbed but will revert to the patrons. A small boy once "taxed" his chum for the core of an apple. No 2 said "There won't be no core.' We will soon arrive at the point where the government will not be able to ven sonfiscate the core, because there won't be any core or apple cither. EDITORIAL NOTES $48.70. F.H.W. Hickling sup family $3.90. Dover Bros, glass for school $1.10. W. J. Bellamy registering .B^I.&D. 14131 $17.75. Warling Burnett That the Auditors 'be requested to bring in a report for the past ten years re price- ville Hydro and street expenditure. Carried. Magee Meldrum That tender." bp asked for purchase of the Town- ship Hall property, the lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Car- ried. The Council adjourned. Osprey Council portance to you. No one can set down for you the exact amounts of the different foods you should eat. The amount of food required varies according to age, sex, season and activity. During the years of growth food is required for body building, which is not needed once growth is completed. Men require a little more! ease and who is using the wide var food than women. Activity uses up iety of foods which he should tak It may be that underweight is no due to an insufficiency of food alone it may be that the right kinds o food are not being used. Nutritio is not, by any means, entirely a mat ter of food. Loss of weight may be due to actual disease, or to lack o rest, or fresh air, or some other es sential to healthy living, the absenc of which interfers with the prope digestion and use of the foods eaten The person who is free from dis energy, and as body energy comes from our food, the active person rc- can judge as to the quantity neede by watching his weight. We are no quires more food than does the indi-. suggesting that you should live wit vidual who is inactive. The heat of the body is maintained at an even level, and in cold weather, more food i:; used to keep the body warm than ! is necessary during the summer sea- f fod eaten. your eye on a scale weight, but w are of the opinion that an oocasiona weighing, once a month, is a goo to keep a check on the quantit When all depends upon ready money I Sickness . . . "business opportunities ... a home you can buy at a sacrifice! Be prepared for good news or crisis with plenty of savings laid by! Save regularly ! THE PEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT BANKTORONTO 315 son. How then is any one person to know- how much to cat ? The simplest and most practical method is to watch yoi'r weight. You can find out the It is much easier to avoid over- weight than it is to correct it. It is much more simple to cut down sufficiently on the diet to avoid add- ing weight than it is to cut off enough average weight for your age, sex and to reduce weight. Weight can be height. Weighing yourself occas- < reduced, but the process requires con tonally will show whether you are gaining or losing weight, or whether an even weight is being maintained. If you are overweight, you have siderable determination, perseverance and sacrifice. Many people are tempted to eat more food than they need. It re- eaten too much in the past. If you! quires self-restraint to pass by cer are overweight and gaining, you are tain inviting dishes. However, fail- eating too much in the present. The] ure to control the appetite is punished reverse is true as regards under- weight and continuing loss in weight by digestive upsets and by overweight which is a burden and a handicap. reading and confirming of minutes ot; ResolVe(1 . <That co . peration has preceding meeting the following busi- i(lonc more for thp wor , d tha|) hag ness was done Communications were The Osprey Municipal council met; in the Orange hall, Singhampton, on Ontario car owner* will pay ap- Saturd March 12 and aftcr the proximately $20,000,000 into the 1 treasury <,f the Government this com- ing year. Quite a "pork barrel" for any government to have. The Ontario Department of Health is doing splendid work in an attempt to stem the number of cases of cancer, one of the most dreadful diseases we have. They have commenced an Dandalk Woo Debate competition" was the the subject of a read from Lucas and Henry re * debte between Hwkdale d Dmiddi Davidson act.on from Jos. McCutcheonj y p g of lhe ^ omit Pe0 pk.' 9 Union re using school house as polling booth of Grey Prcs., in St. John's United On motion Reginald Londry was rec | chuivh Flcshe ; ton> on Tucsllay ommended to County Judge as County even- ing. Dundalk upheld the affirmative Constable. Wages to be paid fo, Ij the (|ecision of thp jw|j?eg work on Township road were set as education program and havp published 1 follows: man with team $-1 per day Kiven |n thcir favor The debatcrs were: Dundalk Mr. Sheppard and tracts outlining what everyone should, man only $2. Sub-overseer $2. per Mj , s Wa , son; Markdale - Fred Arm- know about cancer. These can beMay. The Treasurer was instructed , tronR nm| Jt . an Abcr( . r()ni , )io . Jud . secured from the Department free of to notify all ratepajers in arrears of: Mrs Mur Miss E Acheson am , when it is fired. Air naturally be comes heavier and more dense when cold, expanding when hot. At 70 degrees temperature a pound of ah will occupy 13.4 cubic feet of space, while at 32 degrees it will only occupy 12.4 cubic feet. Therefore, a larger and heavier charge of gas mixture can be drawn into an engine cylinder when the air is cool. Another con- tributing cause of improved engine performance at night is the fact that nicht air usually is damper than c'ur- lf\K the day, and the fine particles of moisture contained in it slightly slow the rate at which fuel Inirns." charge. j taxes to have same paid by April 10, J otherwise chattels will be distrained Kditorial items taken from The Ad- ' fr where available. Miss C. Gray. Mr. Howard Graham of Vnndcleur, Convenor of the Litei- AD MRS. AKINS PRESENTED Pound keeper.,. si(le of thc Union prositlc( ,. vanre columns have been in a great , fencoviewers and sheep valuers wore many daily newspapers throughout j appointed by By-law No. 10 as fol- 1 <':.r:i'la and by .> .-ores of weeklies. I lows: Pound keepers, .Inn. Margrave, Some of the lartro papers using our "y Jackson, Win. Seeley, I). Winters,! articles arc us follows: Owen Sound '"> Roberts, H. Pedlar, C. A. Fd wards, Run-Times; Tho Advocate, Rod Deor.i Thos. Brown, C. Clayton, D. A. Mo- Aita., St. Thomas Times-Journal, To- Loan; Fenepviewors, Jas. Winters, J. LIKELY TO BK PERMAN- ENT ELECTORAL OFFICER It is not unusual for a resident ot a town or village to be a township r'.nto Star, fiiiolph Mercury, Ixmdon Men/tip, S. Lopard, .1. Loughepd, I, Advertiser, Sault Sto. Mario, Sarnia Korton, C. W. Long, A. Hollingshpad Canadian O>.^ervor, Stratford Beacon-! r V- - s hort, Wm. Davidson. T. Noil, E Herald, Call Reporter, Kitchener: Davidson, W. J. Mullen, Mac Gibson, Record, Hi--p.'l,i Herald. Border Cities I A. Mdntyro, M. Me--ie; Shppp valu- Star of W!ndsor, Aylmcr Express, or?, John Gmmmett, Hy. Arnott, R. Durham Chronicle, Fergus Nows-Rec-' rVnwirk. Jos. Wriplit, A. Hnlrhinson, ord. Orantrevillo Rann-r. Collingwood Harold Fonwti'k, B. Noff, Thos. Bow- Bulletin, Barrie Examiner. in. Wm. Norman, Horl. Noil. Cipnprnl nornunts to thp amount of Commercial fertilizers when ap- gftft.RB were ordered paid. I to various crops in conjunction Road accounts amounting to $M..!0 oo,| fni-ming methods give )>tg\ V rro Jilso passed ami ordered paid. Phosphates increase yields fnum-il then ndiournod to moot n> almost all crops, on almost nil M.. ixv ,-ell on April K.lh at 2 p.m. types of soil. Potash pays espt-c- 1 ially on tho sandy soils. Nitrogpn' for most farm crops should, as far A depression is like ft had cold ns po-sil.le. I,, ohtainod from growing' ' '" " >'"" ? 1 ' 1 . timl f (lnctorlnt? ' WITH DINNER SET; official, in fact it is quite common. What is out of the ordinary and that A shower was held last Thursday, in what constitutes news, says the riMrht at the homo of Mr. and Mrs.' Chosley Enterprise, is when a farmer Harry Akins who were recently mar-, occupies a municipal position in an rioil. by the people of the village. The urban municipality. This is the case legumes. and forgot it, it woars off. "The House ol Quality" Specials - CORN STAKC'II, 2 pk^s Campbell's TOMATO SOUP, 2 cans ... i IVi- Hive OWN SYKUP. 5 Ih. tin .. 25c PURK LARD, t Ibs 29c Wlv ARK C, I VI NO AWAY FREE 1 Chick Hopper WITH KVKKY HAG OK ALL-MASH CHICK STARTKNA PURCHASED HY MARCH 15. TKRMS: Cash. 'Phone :46 JAS. A. STEWART FLESHERTON rvi-ning was spent in round and square dancing and an enjoyable time was partaken by nil. During the cvi-ning tho presentation of a hand in the village of Neustadt where? Michael Murray, a Normanby farmer living about three miles from the vil- Intre is clerk, treasurer and collector some dinner si-t, a ITSP blanket and I of hydro rates. His combined offices -omp kitchen warp, was made by Mlsi I bring him a revenue of $440. Mr. Certie Ix>vpr, tho address being read 'Murray was returning officer for S. by Mrs. Ki.ydi'n McDonald, to which M". Akins made a very appropriate '"!' followed by Mrs. Akins, In Kast Grey at the last Dominion gen- oral election nnd he is likely to holo tho position permanently as the chief which she expressed her gratitude. 1 electoral officer, Jules Castonguay, I.i ,' 'h then followed, afti-r which the , who visited all tho returning officers lance wont on . which broke un at nnj .lincp the last cpncrnl election is per- fectly satisfied with the correctness of Mr. Murray's returns. A floa and an elephant walked sido by side the fle'a to the elephant, after they had crossed it: "Boy, we sure did early hour. iMr. and Mrs. Akins, dice Sadie Ward) are residing on their farm l'i miles south of Flesh- c rtnii and it is the wish of their Fli-sh- orton fri"mls thnt they will spend many happy years of wedded life to- gether. On Friday night the SprinRlull Soc- make that thing, shako, ial club nloni; with many other friends from tho surrounding country pre- sented the newly-weds with a hand- some cabinet of silver. Mr. Akins answered for both his wife and him- self in reply to the address rend by Mr. Everett Blackburn. Old time and modern dancing was enjoyed both evenings. Music being tmpplied by th t . Blackburn nnd White Orchestra. n littlo bridge. Said WHY CARS RUN BETTER AT NIGHT Thousands of motorists have ex- perienced the Hennation of having their cars run better at night than during the day and have wondered accordingly if thp car really operated better or if it was only a hallucina- tion. This question was put recently to oid--.iMol.lle engineers and they as- Bure motorists that Improved oar per- formance at night often Is a fact and they explain thp reasons why this Is *o. "An Internal combustion engine (tives bolter performance when the gas mixture is under nigh compression hnt is, providing the compression has not boon raised to a point where de- tonation will occur. The denser, ot '"ore compressed, the gas ohargp is tihe greater expansion it will havp HOCKEY in Flesherton Rink Fri., Mar. 18 Owen Sound Dairy N. H. L. Junior Champions VS. Flesherton Jrs. The Itest in this District Owen Sound Juniors fcave just won the Northern I.eatue thamp. ioiisinp nnd their battle with the local team should be a great ga m e Don't mifis this chsnce to see OWN two teams in action, as we II-II.-M- that the Flesherton team ran K iv* god account of them- selves. ADMISSION: 25 & 15c ' r Game called at 8:15 p.m. The Bank for Savings CAPITAL $6,000,000 RESERVES $9,000,000 Small Advts. Lost or Strayed FOUND In Flesherton Monday, Feb. 29th, good tire chain. Geo. Mc- Master, Flesherton. For Sale FOR SALE Ganders. Joseph Radley, Flesherton. FOR SALE 9 pigs, 6 weeks old Apply Archie McKechnie, Priceville. BERKSHIRES Pure Bred Eng- lish young sows and boars, from prize winning stock. Joseph Radley. . FOR SALE 2 cows, freshened and one due to freshen. Geo. Cairns, Ceylon, phone. BARN FOR SALE Frame 40x60 with track. Archie Currle, R. R. 3, Priceville. YORKSHIRE Sow with litter ol ten pigs (Berk and York crossed) ready to wean. Joseph Radley. FOR SALE Barred Rock cocker els, registered blood tested, govern- ment approved stock, each $3. W. J. W. Armstrong:, Flesherton. FOR SALE If you have lost something try a small ad. If you have something to sell try a small ad. I' you have Found something try a small ad. If you have some- thing to Trade try a small ad. We have Small Ad. space to sell so we're trying a small ad. INCUBATORS FOR SALE SOWS Choice young ones, Berk and York, crossed. One free service to Registered Tamsworth Boar, for all sows purchased. Joseph Radley. $1200.00 buys House and Lot with Barn, Hard and soft water, Electric lights and good garden in Flesherton. W. J. W. Armstrong, Flesherton. FOR SALE --2 good cows, due about April 1, will sell or exchange for sheep or cattle. Alb. Blackburn, Phone: Flesherton 42rG. 300 egg capacity, "Successful" oil burner. Used 2 seasons, $26.00. 2 Armstrong Electric, 600 egg capacity at $50. each. Used two seasons. Reason for selling Are too smaD for our Hatchery. ^ W. J. W. ARMSTRONG Flesherton, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE 100 acres, Lot 2, Con. 8, Osprey. 40 acres cleared, 20 acres hardwood bush balance swamp and pasture. Run- ning water year roung, good drilled well. Also 75 acres south part Lot 10, Con. 9, Osprey, 40 acres seeded to timothy and alfalfa, 10 acres seeded to pure alfalfa, balance bush and pasture. Orchard, brick house, bank barn, driving shed and hen house?, drilled well, with windmill, at door; also water in barn. For further particulars apply to -MRS. J. J. HALEY. Eugenia, Ont. TENDERS WANTED FOR SAL.c: 8 Shorthorn bulls eighteen mos., 2 ten months, roan and rods, eligible for registration. Don- ald M-.-Millun, Priceville, phone 49 r 12. EGGS FOR SALE Jersey Black Giants, splendid laying strain. Large brown pggs. Special hard time prices. 50c per setting if called for Apply Tho Advance. Notice All accounts owing the Osprey and Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd., must be settled by March 15th by cash or note. By order of the Board. FOR SALE Cement Garage anil garden on Hill St. Flesherton $400. Also good building lot for sale on Sydenham, St. 'W. J. W. Armstrong, Flesherton. Tenders will be received by the un- ! dersigned up to and including March , 30th, lygi, f or tne purc hase of the property and hall, known as the Town- ship Hall, in the .Village of Flesher- ton. Tenders for lot and buildinp separately or together. Highest 01 any tender not necessarily accepted. W. J. BELLAMY. Clerk BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Tamworth Boar, "Legal Tender". 7 mos. old; TERMS: $1.50, strictly cash. -JOS. RADLEY. Flosherton. BOAR FOR SF.KV1CK. I Registered Yorkshire- Boar for MT- rice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Clab, the property of the Ontario De-part- ment of Agriculture. C. STEWART, Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS GEO R DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County ot Grey. Terms- 1 per cent. Satisfaction ruar*t*4 Dates made at The Advance office FOR SALE Set of heavy sleighs, McTavish make $25.00; Heavy wagon with box $25.00; Set df discs, Har- rows, Plow, Scraper, Durant 1 ton Truck with stake body and extra set of Stock Racks, W. J. W. Arm- strong, Flesherton. FOR SALE Fordson tractor, newly overhauled, 8-foot cut Deering Binder with new canvass, tractoi plow, seed drill, set of tandem discs, mower 6-foot-cut, 40 inch bu! saw. This machinery is at present equipp- ed for tractor hitch, can be changed to horse hitch. <J. F. Brackenbury Flesherton. Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. 8., D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto, rtas ^ 1 pd (or extraction. Offie* at the dence of Dr. E. C. Murr.r. street, FlesheHov. Phens Prince Arthur Lodge, 33S, A. F. A A. M. meets in the masonic Hall orer Kennedy's stow. Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. M., C. Meldrwn; Secretary, H. A. McCauley. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Stmcoe Farm and stock sales a speciality. Terms moderate satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and dates may be madi< t thp Advance