Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Oct 1931, p. 3

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DON'T WITH COLDS tjatema lower re- to ctbU. Cleanse them with lh modern chewing gum CoBtie, safe, non-habit- More effective because yon! Feenamint FOR CONSTIPATION Take It Now Keep strong the Winter through SCOTT'S EMULSION of Norwegian Cod Liver Oil . V i - 1 Builds Resistance 50 Easy to Take Lines For Autumn Something fluttered on the sill, Brushed against the windowpane, Ft there was no whir of wings Nor another sound. Trees stood tall and straight and still. Not a blade moved on the plain. Gone were twilight murmurings Silence all around. Then one said be saw It swing Athwart the casement. It was red. He had seen Its ruddy hue A comet In the grass. And all knew how It would bring. Gaudy hordes on whispering tread. Golden curves against the blue- Knew these would not pass Till new glories had been spent, Cast on footpath and on wall, Flung like thunder at the hill, Swept away by gales; Pass not as the summer went, Quietly M first leaves fall. But aa gusty autumn will, High on windy trails. Carlyle W. Morgan in The Christian Science Monitor. fl _^. _____ Paper Made From Owl Laffs Football Definition* Holding Rumble seat technique. Forward Pass (a) Illegal use of hands; (b) hospitality to the guy sit- ting on the row la frcnt. Neutral Zone Half the distance be- tween the living room and the kitchen. Linesman One who has a hot line. Unnecessary Delay A guy who waits until he's leaving for an excuse to kiss her. Fair Catch A visitor, male or fe- male, who is unencumbered. Backward Pass Service to the guy sitting behind you. Time Out Varies from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. Safety One who takes little sister along on a blind date. Place Kick Privilege enjoyed ex- clusively by her old man. Snapper Back Sheba or Sheik well Tersed in repartee. Disqualified Player Victims of hali- tosis. In Play Girlie wuo gets the grand rush with "cut-ins' 'at a football dance. Fumble A bashful or awkward bozo. Downs Condition which requires aspirin and tomato juice the next morning. Continuously in Possession Fran- ; tic victim who has been double crossed by a guy who promised to "break" him. Kneeing Unfair advantage taken by flapper?. Anywhere, Anytime Insects Face Hard Times An old Dutchman, returning to Hol- land, was asked by a friend what in his estimation was the strangest thing he had noticed, and he replied: "Th United States has many wonderful things, but the strangest is a drink called the cocktail and here is how they make it: They put in whiskey to make it strong, then water to make it weak; gin to make It hot and ice to cold; lemon to i make it sweet; Here's to you!' and drink it them selves." "Operator ! I need your help !" exclaimed Mrs. Herbert Brodie as she hurriedly told the telephone operator of her need. "My son Billy is very sick and his father must be reached." Bert Brodie, a commercial traveler, was known to he somewhere in the western section of the province. However, such is the persistence of Long Distance operators that when an urgent call has to be put through and complete information about the location is lacking they "follow through" as long as there is any hope of completing the call. Twelve cities and towns were called before Mr. Brodie was located. Within two hours he was at his boy's bed- side. Upon the return of the father t>a boy began to show improvement. The telephone bridged the gap! Big Entry List For Live Stock and Agricultural ' "'^J"' Displays Higher Than Rabbit Hole in September (F.M.W. in The Countryman) On bands and knees in that hot stub- bly field lark earthy Night Lights and Low Tem- perature Disturb Pests' Regime The depression has bit the insect world. Oriental peach, moths and cod- dling moths which Infest certain New i Jersey peach and apple orchards are; worried about the state of affairs. Up to now these insect pests found egg-laying conditions in these orchards just right darkness at night and an j average temperature not far from 60] degrees Fahrenheit 'or a good part of I the year. Photo elet ic cells and sen-' sitive thermostats hav, changed all) this and now the moths face the pros- pect of not being able to lay their eggg at all. Dr. Thomas J. Headlee, entomologist ' of the New Jersey Agricultural Experi- ment station, lias discovered that these moths will not lay eggs on the trees in daylight or if it is colder than 60 degree:. Accordingly he has had~elec-j trie floodlights, with "electric eye" control, installed in a large orchard,' together with themostats to cut the' flood'ights out of circuit at tempera- ] tures below SO degrees. The electric eyes turn on the flood- lights at dusk and turn them off at, dawn. To the surprise of the moths it now n.-v.-r gets dark in that orchard except in very cold weather and then they are too torpid to lay. Conse- quently the next generation of moths in that region seems likely never to be boru and the orchard men believe! they have found an economical method of eliminating these pests. Tim>- change, for better or for worse, ac- cording to whether one Is a fruit raiser or an insect pt>st. Classified Advertising AN OFKER TO BVER7 INVENTOR. i.it or wanted Inventions and full Information lent free. The Bamiay Cotn- PBB7, World I'atent Attorneys J73 Janlc Street Ottawa. Canada. POPI.TBY AWP EQGB WANTED CJH1P 173 YOUR POlM.rnv V.VD k7 ?SKS Highest market prices jald. Write for quotations. Immediate settle- ment by certified cheque, ('rates loaned. Give ua a trial. Roaenfeld 1'oultry and Ugg Co. Limited Montreal. icnrx roa SALE FoK SALE PURE NOVA -COTIA mink. My customers won swp- stakes and firsts. Chicago, .'ortland, I holm Mink Shows, l'J30 Limited number to book. Satisfaction at .'ov Scotia's oldest mlnkery. Brook Mink Farm. Wett Middle River. Nova Scotia. REMNANTS Usual Father "When I was your age, son, A welcome and refreshing tone of I was glad to get dry tread to eat." confidence in Canadian agricultural Bright Five-Year-Ol'i "You're much conditions is sounded in the announce- better off now tUat you are living with ment by the management of the Royal us, aren't you. Daddy?" (Winter Fair that "prospects for en- I tries at the Royal in all departmen r .s Band!. "What: Only thirty cents? ] were never better than at the present Been playing poker, ehr" Victim "No, but I've been with some fellows who were!" Curious to know what might lie hid- den there Whether some frightened whiskered rabbit face Would stare a frozen moment Into mine Before he plucked up heart to bolt ' away. But, 'N'o one at home in here,' I said aloud. And every word on that warm twillt air moment. sitting ; "Exhibitors in the western prov j ' nc re ><* anxious o continue to Fell C ~ O J and dear as , he worUs of display their livj stock and other agr;- j young boy The haiidie.it place i live Is within ; cultural products," the Royal's state- t did not ^ aa ^ mv voi ,.,, ,,, u:d play so your income. When the -at lays back | ment goes on, "and the Dominion , rare its ears and humps U b- ok, the smart j Government and the Provincial Gov- ' A game . Xo one at , 1()mp . r , ald once dog knows it is time to use diplomacy.' ernments, recognizing the advantages more- Our heart RoesFout to the man who 1 of the provinces continuing to occuoy j Joined the Nav> to see t^e world and : a prominent position at the Royal are! then spent four years in a submarine. ! contributing their usual financial Fled ecnoillg down dim rabb it corrl A barking dog seldom bites, and a blustering man ?ver flfebts. The book "What Kvery Youi.g Man Should Know" should be ch:i.T)d to "What Every Young Girl Should no." If we usual .lumber of inquiries from UP- : felt tne <llliel ' ,- earth How int o me. have to without thinj;* we need, we ited StUea points this year and the just grin and L ar it; It's doing with out unnecessary thir-;s we want that makes us downhearted. Royal's survey of Ontario and Quebe: indicates that there is considerably more live stock than usual ready for exhibition, so that we are very satis- She "What s 'iould 1 do for a sprain- fied that the Winter Fair will open ed ank.e'." w ; t h the best and most representative Joe "Limp!" live stock displays which we nave ever nad. assistance in transportation and in ; dorg the selection of the live stock and Rem ote and sweet. I sat ba.-k on my agricultural products. heels "There has been .nore than the , lne not sllu , llly coll i e utedly, U ' Still a Chance The Londoner met what appeared to be the oldest inhabitant outside the ! village inn. "May 1 a.*k how uM you are?" he said. "I be just ;i hundred, surr," came Banana Leaf Mother "Come, Freddie, i -r aunt." and kiss "Although genera* conditions last tne wheezy rep y. November were anything but favor- "That's a tine old age," went on the lug been developed by Ur. Vlrgillo Cam- pello, attached to the Chemical 'nstl- lute of Rio Oe Janerio. Two factories ire c iloyed making banana-leaf; Taper and efforts are being made to Jevelop a regular in lustry. Mary had a little lamb, Given by . friend to keep; It followed her around until It died from loss of sleep. Old Lady- -"Why didn't you try keep out of prison?" "Gangster "I did, and they gave me nly _ but the spirit of the people at the other hundred years." show was happier than at any pre- ' T ^ old nlan calmly tossed down his vious event. We feel sure that the drink and t ul 'ied to the Londoner, spirit of optimism at that time has! "We", don't know much about served a very useful purpose in thati tnat " he replied, "I be stronger now j it has enabled Canadians better to than wne " ' started .1 my first bun. to view recent economic adjustments with equanimity. We believe tha f n similar result will bo secured at UK- Soon Settled three months for resisting an officer, to'thcomin-,- R;-vn vVinter Fa r, an- -,, -. They were listening to an orches c morn roticeib'e trhaps on accou-it . , t The only man really interested in of tie greater oitrast in condition "The i oyal t(M.< \ear is designed to its fcjnding a.i.i inau RESTFUL SLEEP for FRETFUL, FEVERISH CHILD With Castoria's regulation When your chi! sses and cries out in his sleep, it j loans that he is not comfortable. Very often the trouble is that poisonous waste tnatter is not being carried off as it should be. Bowe eed help mild, gentle help but elective. Just the kind Custoria givej. Castoria is a pure vegetable preparation made specially for chihl.'on's ailment*. It contains no harsh, harmful drugs, no narcotics. Don't let your child's rest - and your own be interrupt- ed, A prompt dose of Castoria will urge stubborn little bowels to act. Then relaxed comfort and restful sleep! (icnuin? ''mtor.-i :-.lwr.ys has thi r.aino: hot air Is the owner of a furnace. The penitentiaries are filled with those who got caught aii(J the resorts crowded guratiun ten years ago, when in the with those who didn't. The older depression that followed the war it. friends of a girl who's about to be mar-^ helped so signally to restore confidence rled often try to comfort themselves to Dominion agriculture generally, by saying they'd hate to be as crazy Since its 'birthday' at that time it tins about a man as she is. Some travel established itself as an institution ti> broadens the mind, but hitch-hiking seems to enlarge nothing but the gall, pointed pride. Wife "Well, dear, have you found i he Royal is entering upon its new a job yet?" Hubby "Yes, my ] which Canadians all over Canada have with a very considerab'o "By the way," she asked her com- panion, "what is that piece they are! playing now?" "I've no idea," he replied, "but we'll i ask one of the men in the orchestra " | Together they approached the players. "What's that you're playing?" he I nit- the reply. "Just a piano. cyc'e under conditions which periir.'. you go to it to perform a service to Canada in influencing the general outlook and state of mind of the Canadian people. The driver of the dilapidated cir apart altogether from its influence upon agriculture. The aim of the management is thr.t everyone who vis its the Royal and everyone who ex- hibits there shall be better equipped t* meet whatever problems may cro: - the-ir path in the immediate future.' __ - J - ' "Jackson," said the master of th house to his gardener, "I thought you said you had rolled the lawn thi? morning?" "That be right, dener. "Then what are all these littl, work to-morrow." asked the bystander: "Can you M: me the quickest way to Victoria?" After a critical glance at the cai the bystander replied, "Yes, take a 29 'bus." Unavoidable BATTERY OPERATED, $25 complete. Electric Radios, $50 complete. Phonographs, $1S. We ship anywhere. Write for prices. TORONTO SALES CO.. 1367 Danforth Ave.. Toronto. Silver Clue sir, 1 ' bumps?" asked the master. The gardener gazed at the ground. When Simpson was leaving his cl'i' one night he discovered somebody hi 1 said the gar- taken his new umbrella by mistaU. of course and had left an old one ! its place. Next day he met Jimpson ii the street with it. lumpy "I say, old chap," said Simpsor pleasantly, "would you mind handi:i. BABY S OWN "Now that's a very funny coinci- over my umbrella?" CASTORIA CHILDREN CR.Y FOR ISSUE No. 42 '31 ilence," he explained. "Only yesterday I was reading in a paper that there's a lot of little earthquakes we never hear nothing about." <j Malice "It's not yours." replied .limps. > . indignantly. "1 bought it only la:-' week." "Sorry if I make a mistake," . a ii Simpson. Then in a more serious tone ho added: "Would you care to do m- STOP n Malice Itself drinks in the best part a slight favor?" its own poison. That of serpents deadly to others, but harmless to u'iiiselves. This has no resemblance 1 It; it Is deadliest to its possessors, on it." "WhM is it?" "Give me that silver band from around the handle: it's got my name BEFUUE IT STOPS YOU! Soii't Let Kii.'um.i ',!, Be Yonr Maitci r.ilii- Til. IIIIIM' Klioiimalv .{rm.-ilNv nd !< iri-o from Srintira. NiMiritls. Intliimmutorv an. I Muscular Kh Tin- ;I\<T;IR<> person luiiiiircs from lo five bottles. 1'rico $2.50 per bottle. M.iilc.l i>u !<! post from the Thorn-is KhfiiMialiMii !;.'inil.v Laboratory, .1 > ;t'e St , 1 .1'Mtli'ii. Onl. more: The boy's voh-e, like a chime of lazy bells Hio De Janeiro. A orocess for mak- j Freddie "Aw, Ma. i ain't done able, 19:JO was the Royal's record year. Londoner, "but, if 1 may say so, I- f paper from bauaua leaves has nothln'." not only in exhibits and attendance. Jon<t suppose you'll live to see an- ! / WHEN fii FOOD SOURS ABOUT two hours after calins many people suiter from sour stomachs. They call it indigestion. It means tnat the stomach nerves have been over-stimulated. '1 here is excess acid. The w;iy to correct it is with an alkali, which neutralizes many times its volume in acid. The right way is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia just a tasteless dose in water. It is pleasant, efficient and harmless. Kcsults come almost in- stantly. It is the approved method. You will never use another when you know. He sure lo get the genuine, Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physicians for correcting excess acids. oOc a bottle any drug store. The ideal dentifrice for clean 'eclh and healthy gums is Phillips' Dental Magnesia, a superior tooth- uiste that safeguards against acid- 'oulh. (Made in Canada.) 1 CHAPPED SKIN Dilute Minatd'* with oneb*lf wec oil or crcm. Apply * .MI. r A day. For FraM Bite UM th 1 iniini:ni frc*ly and ' undiluted. NO trouble. Very healinq .' PF.1NTS. -ILK OR VELVET. O ll.au. A. ilcCro<ry Co.. Chatham. Ontario HEALTH. HAl'i'l.NESS. SUCCESS. Scientific laws by world fara.iu* psychologist. Valuable Information .'res. Write Simpsons. 56 ilc.Nairn Ave.. To- ron' 100-Mile Speed on Roads That 100 miles an hour speed sooa will be common on the highways and that routes should be prepared to meet this rate was the forecast of J. E. Hal to the Society of Automotive Engin- eers. < C1JTICUBA Shaving Cream Produces a rich, creamy Itiher that remains moi*f through- out the thave. At dealer* or Met pMtutld on receipt of tor. Aoum*: J T. Wut CBp*r. I-M.. MMtml, Cold Water Taps On Tropic Roads Simla. "Cold v. : 'er for ever; man." This is the inrcription .hat n.ay be read hanging over a tap b'- side a trading post on the Hindustan 1 ibet road, between mla and Mash <-bra, writes a correspondent of "The Chrisv.ar. Science Monitor." The an- nouncement, with iU implied invita- tiou, is another e> idence of the thor- oughness \v::h which the British authorities in India seek to serve way- farers and those poi-rer members ,i the Indian am! Tibetar commun'ti^-p whose livelihood ~s earned along this ancient highway. Lying far below the snow line of the Hi nalayas at rh's point, the Hindustan-Tibet road :n the suirmtr is one where water .s larely i.o bo seen; anc the ooon ot these unexpected weils and t'aa-ots c..r. be readily imagined. There ar> other water facilities on the roa.i. but gov(irmi'"nt coupons are requ;ra.i to secure tne vater from wardens who serve :t out. Anu lor those men whose work takes tl c-m daily alon^ the sun-bak-<l ruad he advantage u: the avai'.abi of this "cold water tor every man" is one that can bi- estimated only by those who knov. Int!i:i nnl T ' et. SHE HAD TO CRAWL TO BED One stair at a time .111 her hands and knees that was how MIC hal to do it. And when she did get to bed, her troubles were not over. " Twelve months ago I could not sleep on account of the terrible pains In my knees, mid I ruiitlit say in all my joints. At uiglit I could only crawl up to bed, one stair at a time. " But since taking Kruschcn Salts regularly, I have entin-ly lost all pains and stifTne-ss. and, if needed, could now run upstairs two at a time. In fact, I feel 10 years younger. 1 shall never be without Knuchen Salts." Mrs. A. E. D. Do you realise what causes rheu- matism '} Nutlims but shurp-edired uric acid crystals which form as the result of shu.'ui.-'li eliminating organs. Krusi-hen Salts can always be counted upon to clear those painful crystals from the system. The six salts in Kruschen are bound to dissolve away all traces of uric acid. And mure"! They ensure such perfect internal regularity that no such body poisons as uric arid are ever able to accmruiluto again. Prove this for yourself by buyiiii; a buttle vt KniM-iii'ii. Prai-t-s Famous Vegetable Pills For Indigestion "Having been troubled with Indigest- ion ana Sick Headaches for several months, I was recommended to try your famous Pills. After the first dose I was mat 1 ', aware of their vrrv real tooic vU. .' Miss M. Crovdon. Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are n* ordinary laxative, rheyareo^ arjruiMi and have a very definite, valuable tonie action t>~-n the liver . . . exactly what you need to end Constipation, Acidity, Bilkmimrw. Headaches, Poor Cumple*> loo, etc. All druggists, 25c & 75<- n-l pka, ' 4 MORE ACTIVE DAYS It's Always a "TRYING TIME" YOU don't h.ie to be poiiie with your mother. She understands. This is always a "trying time", '-ut there's no excuse tor needless .Uering. \\ .itch the Calendar . . . .ind a few davs before . . . start taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound. It peps you up ... calms your nerves . . . make* vou feel so much better. lust a.sk for Lydia E. Pinkbam's new tablets ... at any drug score. Kuy (hem without conversation or embarrassment. , l/UtWRxt I VEGETABLE COMPOUND I

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