Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Oct 1931, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14. 1931 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE MARKET SQUARE, FLESHERTON, AFTER PAVING The photo shows the fine market square in town entirely paved with the Munshaw House and the McTavish fine service station in the background. There is also shown the flag pole erected at the time of the Old Home Week and also the flower b:d surrounding it. Ceylon School Woo Championship Parade ... . Three thousand fiv- hundred to four thousand people, in.-luding Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agricul- ture, Mr. Vicor Porteous, M.P., Nortn Grey; Miss Agnes MacPhail, M.P., South Grey; Mr. S. Charters, M. P. Peel County, and Mr. C. H. Reeve ..f the T. EaUm Co., Toronto, attended the fifth annual Championship School Fair held at Markdule last Saturday, O.-toher 10th. It was one of the largi "-t crowds ever seen in Markdale. The exhibit in the Armouries \v:is the largest ever displayed at any Grey County Chamo'.nnship .School Pair. Every exhibit was declared by the Minister to be "worthy of a first prize." Fifteen rural schools, HI boys and 10 girl* competed for honors in the Championship Public Speaking Con- tests and a similar number competed j in the solo contests. Fourteen school sections sent a chorus of seven voices. the.sc were children from all rural Harris, Egremont No. 5; Robert Jobe, .Sarawak, No. 4; Glen Moore, Glenelg No. 1 ; Harvey Leith, Egremont No. I; Douglas Merriam, Chatsworth; Marvey Archibald, Artemesia No. 10. Girls' Public Speaking AKce Cut- Markdale; NeUlft Kreller S.S. 1 tig No. !.'{ Normanby; Ruth Sutherland, Sydenham No. 12; Ada McConib, Hol- land No. 2; Irene Daw.son, Osprey No. 7; Vcrlet Hc.kridge, Proton, No. 9. School Chorus No. 10 Keppei; Duixlulk; U.S.S. No. 2 Kuphrasia and Holland; St. Vincent No. 9; S.S. No. I. 1 ! Ksfr-'i- mt; S.S. No. 10 Proton. Folk Dancing - - Anna McVicar, S.S. No. 12 Artemesia; (leorginn Blarkburn and Patsy Beard, S.S. No. The winners were as follows :- Parados S. S. No. 10 Artemosja, U.S.S. No. 11 Sydenham and St. Vin- cent; S.S. No. 2 Kentinck; U.S.S. No. 2 Euphrasia and Holland; S.S. No. 4 Holland; S. S. No. Keppel; S.S. No. 6 Normanby. Solo Contest, Girls Wmla Beckett, No. 10. Kcppcl; Alie Cutting, Markdi<e; Kathleen I'ockhart, Dun- dalk; Reta Corbet, S.S. No. 10, Pro- ton; V'era Leith, Egremont No. 4; Hilda Hockridge, Proton No. 4. Solo Contest, Boys Lome Eccles, S.S. No. 3, Egremont; Lloyd Michael, SS. No. 16 Sydenham; Cyril Skin- ner, U.S.S. No. 7 Derby; Clarence Sheridan, S.S. No. 7, Collingwood; Carl Livermore, Dundalk; Glen Caesar S. S. No. Euphrasia. Boys' Public Speaking Lloyd .'i Artemesia; Joy Penner, U.S.S. No. 7 Derby; Bernicc Loughleen, Keppel No. .'i; Heather Boyd, Glcnelg No. 3; Hazel Maddeaux, U.S.S. No. 5 Coll. and Euphivusia. The A. C. Stewart Silver Cup went i to S. S. No. 10 Artemesia as winner of the School Fair Parade. The T. Stewart Cooper gold watches for the ] boy and girl winning the greatest number of points at the school fairs went to Nelda Kreller, S.S. No. 13 Normanby Township, and Ivan rhr.mnson, son of Reeve Thompson, U.S.S. No. 5, Euphrasia and Colling- wood. Markdale business mien's watches (riven for public speaking contest* were presented to Miss Alice Cutt- ing of Markdale Public School and Robert Jobe of No. 4 Sarawak. The school fair was in charge of Agricultural Representative T. Stew- art CoofT and 'Assistant Reprv- sentatire A. V. Langdon. Both of these gentlemen are deserving of much credit for the manner in which the champion:Mip fair was carried out. The arrangements were com- plete in every way and the pro- gramme was carried out without a hitch. County Black Precep. The County Chapter of Grey, Royal Bla.k Knights of Ireland met at Vgversham on Friday evening, O-'t. "tli. A large attendance cf Sir Knights were present. Members were in attendance from Mea.ord, Durham, Owen Sound and Fevcrsham. Sir Knight Jas. Jackson, Grand Treas- urer of Ontario West, -jpoke on the growth and in rea^o in the County chapter during the last two years. Owen Sound R. B. P. 41'J are already nvk'ni? preparations for a monster cdei. rat ion on Derry Day, Aug. 12th, 1!>32. This will be the first large Derry Day celebration held in Grey County for a number of years. After n h'.-arty lumh given by th<- members of I'Vvorsham Precepotory the County members parted bringing to a close n very successful County Chapter meet- ing. The County Black Chapter will n- 'ct next in Owen Sound on October ii.'h for their annual meeting. S;r Knight .1. \V. Carson, Grand Master c. Ontario West, will conduct the election and installation of officers. All visiting Sir Knights are welcome. LOVE LAUGHS AT TELEPHONE TOLLS . FEVERSHAM Evening rates (7.00 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. local time) are considerably lower than day rates on "any- one" calls. Night rates (8.W p.m. lo 430 a.m.) arc lou-er still. Hospital days were lonely. Of course, her friends did all they could to keep her cheerful her room was a bower of roses but how she looked forward to evening when Jack could sit by her and talk of his day at the office. Then came the news that he must leave town on busi- ness. She wondered how she could stand the wait until he came home. But Jack, wise fellow, knew v how to bridge the gap. Promptly each evening at nine he called her over Long Distance and told her all the things she wished to hear. Extravagant? ... not a bit ... for night rates are always inexpensive! What could be worth more for what it cost? Schoolboy Howlers <Wm. Stuart Killed When Car Skidded Mr. and Mrs. Eby spent Sunday with friends in Morefield. Mr. and Mrs. Francis spent the week end and holiday with Mr. Fran- cis* people ata Cannington. Mr. James Nesbet of Wyoming is renewing old acquaintances here. Mr. Ncsbet was teller in the Bank here some time ago. His many iriends were glad to see him. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyter- ian church will hold their monthly meeting at the home cf Mrs. Fred Spofford on next Thursday afternoon. Miss Luorde our continuation school teacher spent the week cml and holi da at her home in Burford. THE STORB WITH BERVICB F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER BATES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Ladies' Dresses & Coats LADIES COATS $10.95 Group NV 1 This group consists of coats of Chonga and Broadcloth, all with fur collar. New styles, new material:!, $10. %. LADIES COATS $14.95 Group No. 2 These coats are tailored from the new weave on flecked clothe and changa. All out for the big 10 day sale $11. 9fi. LADIES' COATS $23.95 These smart coats nil priced 30'. below regular price ifor this big 10 day special sale $2:1.95. LADIES' DRESSES $4.95 The big buy of the sale. Out they go secured by UK for the manufacture, ut price far below cost. We are passing this saving along to you at $4.95. MILLENERY Our entire stock of Ladies Hats out at bargain prices all marked special for the big 10 day sale. BOOTS & SHOES SPECIAL SALE OP MENS & WOMENS RUBBERS WOMEN'S' RUBBERS Womcns rubhers all sizes in lot cuban and low heelu 44c pr. MENS' RUBBERS Mens rubbers. This is an extra price in men* light rubbers 4!lc ur. MENS' RUBBER BOOTS $2.95 pr. Here is an extra special buy theae the wel known mens brand $2.95 pr. MENS' WORK SHOES $2.49 PR. A real 'special for you theae are our regula ;t 50 to 3.115 boot. Out at these new low prices $2.4' pr. MENS' HEAVY RUBBERS An extra special to start the Rubber Season All sizes first quality Rubbers $2.1!) pr. MEN'S HEAVY WINTER COATS J5 only in this group they comprise our regula If>.(i5 to 19.00 line. All leather lined, some hav fur collar. 10 day special sale 0.95 pr. MEN'S SUITS $17.95 Special sale of Men's New Fall Suits, all extr special material. Priced at one price for quic sale $17.95. Men's Wool Underwear 89c Gmt. This is our regular 1.25-1.60. Mcns underwca out at the new low price 8!)c Gmt. 1. Gladiators are iron things which give out heat. 2. Aristocrats are people who per- form on the stage 3. A sextanC i.i a man who digs graves. 4. Herrings travel in the sea in shawls. 5. The highest mountain in Europe s Blanc Mange. 6. The Gulf Stream is composed of warm! currants. 7. Cereals are stories which last several weeks. 8. A centimetre is an insect with one hundred legs. !). A. vacum is the residence of a Popo. 10. Barbarians are things used to make bicycles run smoothly. 11. An epigram is what we say, after a man's death, about him. 12. Mandolins are high Chinese of- ficials. 13. In the French Revolution many pooplc were gelatined. 14. Ali Baba means that you were somewhere else when you committed the crime. Wm. Stuart of Powassan, brother of Mr. Fred Stuart of town, was in- stantly killed at Richmond Hill when the car he was driving skidded on the wet pavement and era-shed into a moving street car early Wednesday evening. With him at the time was his brother, John of Burks Falls ,whc was seriously injured. He sulfered i crushed 'breast bone and face and wrist lacerations and was taken to the Toronto General hospital. Hi-j con- dition is considered very serious and his brother, Fred, left Thursday morn- ing to be at his side in the hospital. The late Wm. Stuart was the eld- est son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stuart of Kimberley. There are five brothers and one sister surviving: John of Burks Falls, Jasper of Meaf- ..d, Fred of Flesherton, Robt. of Thornbury and Charles and Mrs. T. Ellis of Kimberley. Mu:h sympathy is extended to the family upon the sudden bereavement they have experienced. A man who pleaded guilty to ilrunk- eness appeared in a court with a black eye. The morning; after ttae night before. The. abolishment of the >prosen type of jail with steel or stone cells in favor of iail farms where prison ers would be given work outdoor: and a chance to occupy their mind in healthy pursuit wag strongly ad v oca ted by Mr. Justice Raney in ad dressing the grand jury at the op- pening of the fall assizes of the su- preme court for Ontario county at Wb.vtby. ADVERTISE HOME TOWN No business in any town should allow a newspaper published in his town to go -without his narr.3 and business being mentioned in its col- umns, says the American Bantoer. This applies to all kinds of business or provisional men. It does not mean that you should have a whole, half or even a quarter page adver- tisement in each issue of the paper but your name should be mention- ed, if you do not use more than a two line space. A stranger picking i'p a newspaper should be able to tell what business is presented in Che town by looking at the paper. This is the best possible town adver- tiser. The man who does not ad- vertise his business does an injus- tice to himself and the town. The life of a tov,-n depends upon the live, wide awake and liberal advertising business man. LEFT FOR THE WEST Miss Marie McEachnie and friend, Miss Kathleen Kelk ot Toronto spent Thanksgiving at the former's home here. Mrs. J. G. ColoV'-idge. of Kingsvilk spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1). McTavish. Mrs. A. McCauley left on Wednes- day afternoon to spend the winter with her daughters in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. ADDITIONAL LOCALS A business man says nvost young fellows arc too anxious to rise quickly. Not in the morning always. The terrific speed of -115 miles an hour has been set by a British air- plane, ami yet there are some Amer- icans who are so egotistic that they tnink their own people cannot be ex- celled in anything. They have still mu.'h to learn. TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES IN THE COUNTY OF GREY By virtue of a Warrant issued by the Warden of the County of Grey, and authorized by the seal of the said County, bearing date of the Four- teenth Day of July, 1931, and to me directed for tine Collection of arrears due for three years and o--or, upon the lands herinafter mentioned and de- scribed, being in the County of Grey. Those are therefore to give notice that unless tlhe aa< taxes together with all lawful costs and charges be sooner paid. I shall on Friday the Sixth Day of November, 1931, at the thour of two o'clock in the afternoon at the Court House in the City of Owen Sound, in thp said County, proceed to sell by blic auction the said lands or as much t'hereof as mav be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes and costs and charges incurred. 1931 Tax Sale Concession Acres If Patented Taxs Costs Totals Lot Pt. 150 EH 35 Pt. 27 9 10 11 12 13 14 TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA 2 S.W. ofT&SRd. 12 12 60 13 1 Not Patented Not Patented Patented 124.32 7.BO 131.82 42.28 5.45 47.73 56.49 5.80 62.29 VILLAGE OF PRICEVILLE (ARTEMFSIA) Kinross St. South Kinross St. South Kinross Sf. South Kinross St. South Kinross St. Seuth Kinross St. South V4 V4 Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented 9.51 9.51 9.5\ 9.51 9.5t 9.61 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 4.65 14.16 14.16 14.16 14.13 14.16 14.16 Treasurer's Office, County of Grey. JOHN PARKER. County Trcas. Owen Sound, Ontario. Mr. Ls. Ferris of Guelph was home over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Armstrong of Toronto are visiting with their nice, Mrs. R. Croft. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Latimer of To- ronto spent the week end in town. They, together with Mr. and Mrs. Q. N. Richardson enioyed a trip to Tob- erniory on Monday. Messrs. Robt. Fisher and C. J. Bellamy were taking >he census ot road traffic through town during the past week. Mr. Roy Thistlethwaite of Toronto held an auction sale on Saturday of household furniture at hi-s farm, springhill, and spent the week end with his mother in town. BOTANY FORM 'l Honors Marie Chard 96, Leslie Seeley 83, Ian Filshie 83, HaVvey Croft 78 ,Sueie McKinnon 76, Martha Ostrander 76, George Akitt 75. Pass Betty Murray 74, Viva Roberta 72, Robert Darafwel 70, Velma Fisher 67, Ruby Akitfc 59, Bill Welton 57, Lillian Magee B7, Doug- las Scott 55, Argyle Martin 54, Wes- ley Littlejohn 53, Matry Sheardown 52, Eric Stafford 51, Harold Johnson 50. Fail Jack English 46, Delbert Smith 44, Murray Fisher 44, Ted Dix- on 41, Stewart Foster 40, Doris Mc- Rae 40, Percy Smith 39. Due to a recent storm and reced- ing of the water, the sand strip along Wasaga Beach is almost twice aa wide as it has been all summer. .

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