Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Aug 1931, p. 4

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AUGUST 20, 1931 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE We can su you with all of them pply Financial Statements Booklets *':,*; 1'amphleta Brohures \J_ J Reports \ ' Folders ' ^ Fin* Stationery Statement Forms Intricate Rule Forms Factory Forms Business Record Forms Blotters ^^ Manifold Forms Interleaf Forms < herques , I' . _^. Receipts > Envelopes, all kinds Tickets, all kinds Business Curds Personal Cards Wedding Stationery Funeral Stationery Announcements Shipping Tags Posters Sale Bills Window Cards llor , Bills Auction Sale Bills Fair Printing Prize Lists Factory Forms Etc., Etc., Etc., - - , LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR PRINTING Call u- and enquire about any uf tlie above 1 items you may nee<l. You knnw the number Phone 18 ftcaltlt 5vice OF Til K (Kanabfutt ffleftiral A00unaiuw GRANT riCMIKG. M D. ~ ASSOCIATE tCCNCTARV CUTS - surface in euch a way as to destro; any germs which might be on the skin; he wears the sterilized glove, In a recent article on the skin, we j for the operation> and everything stated that the normal healthy skin ; whk . h n ugeg haa ben ster jH Z ecl. has several important functions, one > The 9implcst cut or g<. ratch shou i ( of which is that it acts as a barrier to keep out disease germs. be properly treated without delay In thi.i way it is possible to preven Just as soon as the skin is broken, tne ser i ous an d sometimes fatal re the barrier is down and those .germs su]ts that come about because of th uhich cause infections have an oppor- nQK \Qfi o ( something which at th tunity to gain entrance to the parts time of its occurre nce appeared to under the akin, and to start the ser- ; triva ] to bother about. Some persons always want to stic their fingers into things. If they themselves or some other person have ious troubles for which they are re- sponsible. The break in the skin need not be Fall Fair Dates I'xter. sive; the slightest scratch Is a cut or scratch, thy want to get their sui'fk'icnt. It is not the cut or the j fingers into it. Fingers, unless they scratch which is dangerous, it is the ' nave been given a very thorough wash- infection which may follow when the ] scrubbing with soap and water, are cut or scratch is neglected. By in- tection we mean inflammation and ?'.vell:n'.j which generally go on to the formation of pus, and which are the result of the action of the germs upon th' tissue.! attacked. The germs which cause infection arc widely spread. Years ago. very .\\v operations wore performed. This almost certain to be soiled and loj carry the germs of infection. They | should | } e kept away from cuts. Whrn the skin is broken, it should reading where a man put up $190,000 and sold out for a million. On Sat- , urday I was at the Stratford market', _____ - . and managed to come home with $7 in i j} a ,-..; e Sept. 18 19 my pocket and I got the paper too, and p,, | ton October 2, 3 foi-nd out that some Mr. Sweezey had (Jaiejon Sept. 25, 26 handed a million to the politicians. I j r . api . Croker Reserve .... Sept. 24, 25 used to do a little stumping myseh j chatsworth October 8. 9 around electioin times but no person j fhesley 5 Sept. 24, 25 ever gave me a million. If they had j C| ar ksburg Sept. 22, 23 I'd have quit or gone on ju-st as the ! Collingwood Sept. 23-26 man with the million said. And I see' Dundalk Sept. 29, 30 where a senator is supposed to have i Durham Sept. 15, 16 made almost two million, and all this , PEVERSHAM OCT 1-2 money centred around some power) FLESHERTON SEPT. 18-19 plant that hasn't yet turned a wheel. '. Grand Valley Oct. 6 and 7 Wait 'till I get my boote out of the! Hanover Sept. 18, 19 over they're starting to smoke and Hepworth Sept. 8, V not being a millionaire, I haven't gotjllolstein Sept. 29, 30 another pair. Sometimes us folks hvKilsyth Sept. 30, Oct. 1 the country are called hayseeds and i London (Western Fair) .... Sept. 14-19 sodbusters, and I guess that's about ' Markdale October 6, 7 what we are. I'll be hanged if I can Mcaford Sept. 15-17 see how a farmer can make three or, Mount Forest Sept. 16, 17 four millions of dollars and do it be- , Orangeville Sept. 17, 18 fore he starts to work. We're slow , Ottawa (Central Canada)....Aug. 24-29 all right. We never get paid for Owen Sound October 1-3 anything until we deliver the goods. Paisley Sept. 29, 30 Perhaps I could organize my farm PRICEVILLE SEPT. 10-11 into a corporation or syndicate or Rovklyn October 13, 14 something like that and sell stock for ' Shelburne '. Sept. 22. 23 a million dollars. If it stops raining 1 Tnra October 6, 7 I may try it." Stratford Beacon- { Toronto (Canadian National) Aug. 28-Sept. 12 _ ' Walter? Falls _ Sept. 29, 30 r , Columbus University w 1 spend ; , . ,. . in research to find a cure for Sir Henry Thornton personally con- be thoroughly cleaned, and for this ' the'common~co7d7^Vhy,7nvbod7 who >'' atulat ^ 'e staff of the Colling- wc should rely chiefly upon soap and hagn , t a co)(] can tc]1 wood c.X.R. station for the way in wntnr A ftov thi sillrfnpn ii pnVorprl . ' -e A.L water. After this surface is covered now with a sterile dressing to keep the \ area c!enr>. cure one. not because the surgeons lacked The treatment of wounds which are IK- r.erossary skill, b'.U became when they operated, the wounds became in- fioh'd. It was not until the discov- ery was made that germs causd the infection, that practical means were ADVANCE ADS. PAY at all serious should be left to the doctor. Swelling or pain is the first symptoms of infection, and if either of these occurs, there should be no delay in calling the doctor; the con- which the appearance of the property h:nl Ix-en imnroved by lawns and flower beds. Its appearance is said to be second to onen on thesystem. devised of keeping the germs out of , dition then requires active treatment. I he wounds with the result that mod- 1 i rn surge: y wivi made possible. NVglcct leads to infection and in- 1 fction H serious. Prompt care ofj THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Gollmgwood itreet, Flesherton, Wednesday of *ch week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per yer, whn paid in advance $1.60. In U. S. A. 12.60 per year when paid in advancii 92.00 (Members of Canadian Weekly News- paper Aaiociation) W. H. THURSTON. - - Editor F. J. THURSTON - Attoc. Editor accompanied by Mrs. Corbttt (Sr.). Wound infection! do not occur in all breaks in the skin, no matter how hi.-.;iit!iN to-<lay because of the meth- small they are, prevents infection. It K|S u-ed to prevent germs from en-j is much hotter to give care promptly I toring tho wounds. Before the sur- than it is to delay and then to suffer) Miss Roberta Achuson has been ill * geon cuts the skin, he prepares the as a result of the neglect. with pleurisy following an operation for tonsils p.nd adenoids. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whitney ana children who have- been visiting Mr.*, j WhitnevV, parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wyvillo have returned to their home ,n the west. Visitors at the home of Mr. R. G. Ache-son last week were, Mrs. Banting ir.d daughter of Alliston, Mrs. Thomp- HOGS YIELD A PROFIT J. McVicar. Mr. and Mrs. McElhinney of To- ronto were visitors the first of the An Kssex County farmer is making ' week with Mr and Mrs D Stewart i great financial success of hog rais- Messrs. Harold, Orville and Gordon ing at prevailing prices. AfU-r sell- Baxter and sister, Pearl, of Caledo n rg a shipment of hog-^ for $2700 he K ast visited the first of the week at Immediately purchased 80 small pigs the home of Alex. Stewart. EDITORIAL NOTES The political parties in Ontario and Quebec :nm to go to extremes in ing their parliamentary repre- sent? 1 * * 1 i.: i educational tendencies it would be interesting to learn snr of Bxrric. Mr. and Mrs. Hli>.- Williams ami mother, Mrs. E. Will- iams of Toront . Village Much Admired Pickling Time Whole cinnamon stick, whole clove?, alspice, cassia buds, cinnamon buds, mustard seed. Celery seed, Pickling mixed, black and red peppers. /Ground cloves, abpicc, cinnamon, mustard, curry, tumerie, catsup spice, nutmeg. Onions, red and green peppery ripe tomatoes and celery. Orders taken for green tomatoes K herkins and silver skins. A. E HAW Ceylon Store closes Tuesday and Friday at 6 p.m. ,'.n.| nr-00 bushels of mixed grains to ( ,- M . Alfred Hincks spent the past be used as pork producer, and is at f ow days on a motor trip to Sudbury, it again If one farmer can make a r,,|. a lt and other points. Some Dur- UCCM ..I this phase- of agriculture ham friends accompanied him on the there seems to lw no roason why mor ( . | r jp. ,-annol do likewise. One farmer In) Western Ontario kept exact records last fall of overy pound of wheat fed; VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hewson motored , lis nov; , nm| W( . i)rnt , (1 thcm to ohso ,. V( . ,, ijUoi Between town Mr- Norval Lowery nnd ; M >9 vja Q i-n I , , 1 *- ~ n A 1 1 ! i m Small Advts. to I'n: t Huron with their son on Sun- o; Uns lay of la.-l week and report a very 'itfi-i ting and enjoyable trip. Th^- uj'.rty loft Duntroon Sunday evening .. At the lime of sale his figures i Magee s via Oraneir Vallev on Su showed that every bushel oP wheat M. Rbt. Ludlow, of Alliston, Miss | ," la ' y Au> , J(; ',] r j v j n ,. ()be j,' iml I netted him one dollar and fifty ; Leila I.u.llow, K.X.. ,.f Collingwoou ,, k . a ' sc ' Inform' The Advance 'office, i-nis. rhe opinion is advanced that visited at Mrs. Wm. I.udlow's last' and (lion on Sun- imlar i.,me neain cven witl| wh( .. lt , .,- t . cnt , a ^.^ v . ct .,. ihortly alter midnight. The return if pork remains at $8 per cwt., the' Mrip IIY the I'luc Water llighwav w:is <.,..,. uiriner will ho ahle to secure on*' f v university graduates In the most beautiful of the two routes. ,,i\in<-c an new sflling cars and : : , : . ;tii . and finilin^' it very 1-dilinir. Our law-makers } liei-n riving steady t-ncmiragu- n e\pcnsi- to the tax- ].avi r. t'i all and unilry to <-olltges and get < iiiipment that n\>- |.aicri' 1 y unfit tun many ol them for Huh- spot f)r,. (,' -isant memory will bo of the litllo town of Ft >|H rton with its i, bin I,. nod homo-; am! i- gas t:\tinn 'eautil'iil fl.iwcrs in boxi's and its i '. orywhoro. It lo()ks like nn Knirlish village bad iieen lifted from i nathe nil and planted in this M:\ aii-1 Mrs. Ri>fy. Stevens and hililn-ii i-cturned to Detroit la.it lar a bushel for his wheat feeding if ' Monday. Miss Clara Binnie of Toronto is )>ciiilin(r a couple of \veoks with Mrs. Win. Ludlow. Ina Acheson spent n few day-j with PRICEVILLE 'n . annual Sunday School p_ cn _ c he* cousin, Florence Bachelor. in was bold at Eugenia on Wcdm-cL,.. the Him- .Mountain of when Mr. Da n McArthur took 63 boyi For Sale FOR SALE - Sel of l bull iron larrows, P. Dow, Fleslierton. FARM FOR SALE *~'M. 150 acre farm for sale or rent on Chares, lots 165-66-67, 3rd range S. . - T. & S. R.., Artemesia John Hogarth, 1^^ Station. 1 " . BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for Mt FOR SAI.i: - Plums and ti>:i:at.-e> . vice b 7 Flesherton Bacon Hog ' now ready at Bell's, Duntroon. FOR SALE New Frost & Wood ment side delivery rake and tedder. Archie )ia,-d work of every day product- ,ld Ontario. Collingwood Enterprise. am ' lfir ' s '" nis ti'uck, also two car r. r- lifi- in town :in'i country. A well knnwn antlr v recently put it: "Wo a: i turning out too many hard- 1 !. lard hemli-d ( V ) dumbbells in r<ur colleges." Automobile fatalities combine to pile up. It is apparent thut men ROCK MILLS loads going. Bnsplmll and all kinds lof an'is were enjoyed and |iri/es ]\vcie given to the children. Every - On Tuesday evening the ladies of McKechnie, Priceville. npo church held a grab box soc- ial. Tho l>:ill game between the hoys; F OR SALE 20 young pigs and L thp Property of the Ontario Depart- Agriculture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. and girls from the gvavel road and the liacklinors, in favor of the gravel road boys, was of fun", as was pitching rrho wbo had never been there bo- program consisted of solos, recitations A bountiful supper was served ' pantomimes nnd mouth organ selcc- Mr. Klw I Geno and three child-] .i"y<l the outing, especially also the horsoshoo . ren of Toronto, have boon holidayin< ,-.t the home of his brother here, Mr. '"" Hurry Mrs. Win. Pedlar wa to tbc I'or all and a social time was spent. ! tions and tho flute by Mr. Dave Brun- Mr ' nml Mrs ' n ' Wt> Brodie and ton of tho King George Harmonica anil w -n are allowed licenses to f-,,!|ingwood hospital but week where ! fnmilv " f Hnrknwuy were ro-ent ' ? nd 'f Toronto, who is visiting at the home of Ren Arheson. There- was also the darkey quintette announced control i-urs, and run them nt great ^^^ i-[.-od. who have little or no regard for ,,.,,,"1''],, tbi-ir own lives or the lives of other*. w . ([) ^'^ And the worst of it is the careful >uto: it is the victim, while tho lawless careeror over thr highway manages to escape with little or no injury. _ ^ | cate |V(|lnr guests with Mr. Bud MM. Ben McKen- The United StaU-s has reduced its national debt one third in ten years from its peak of twenty-six billion dollars. Thi-re wns method in the policy of our neighbors in keeping .>ut n f (lie vi i at war, anil its enormous expenditure until the eleventh hour, anil thereby laying numerous ncsrt egg* for profit when the conflict nded. Mrs. J. Croft, .1th line, Osprey, is vi.itinR- with her son, Mr. Sam Croft, and family. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Lyons of Toronto called on relatives here tho first of thn week. A largo number from hero attended he funeral of the Into Mrs. Win. Slow- art, which took place in Flosherlon. in Wednesday last. Miss I). Podlar of Toronto has been holidaying with her sister, Mrs. \V. I. Chard, and family. Unity U.F.W.O. Club will meet t the home of MIM. Thos. Betts on Wednesday, Sept. Und. Visitors wel- Mr. J. Whitomnn nnd his gang of men have moved into Mr. C. NcwolPs , (travel pit with the stone crusher. Brown (Sr.) of Mount Forest visited ' with the lattor's daughter, Mrs. Still. l-.l'ITAI'Il Mi.*. Obtrude ii'i'l Margaret Lyons nnd friend, Mr. Kirkwood, have re- ( Here lies the man wbo saved bis all tmned lifter holidaying at Mr. Chaa. For days when rain und snow would fall; He knew no plea-uiv, -harod no game And died before the Hi/x.anl came. PROTON STATION Mr. ami Mrs. Ni-il Brown and Mrs. l,yon'. Mrs. Story of Toronto wa a guest of her mint. Mi -. Mr. and M "s. lierb Corbett, Mr. MII| Mrs. Walter Corbett of Toronto ml their mother, Mrs. C.irbott (Sr.), M.'ited friends nintlv in (be vicinity ;,!' Cn.ilerich. . Waller Coibctt hiivi- i to tli-.'ir home In Toronto . HUM. ' A man in Toronto got two years for busuiiy ..... no time ago, mid this vrek S.M-II yiars for n similar of, fh< y , T'lit i , pn! n rim: in ' ,, tin' Indies would know he >vn. and family. *r I Dell Mclntvre and friend of '. A short as from Ohio, but play was given by five of our own young folks and then several "grab Nixes" were sold for 25 cent* and lunch was served. On Friday evening a number of| friends and neighbors hold a shower for Mr. anil Mrs. Ott Lee (nee Emma Moore) nt the home i>f the bride's tin'.'lp, Cbas. Moore. Dundalk vMtod tho first of the week with Mrs. A. L. Hincks. Mr. and Mrs. Allie McLean visited friends in Woodhridgc on Sunday. Mr. Murray McMillan of Bnnk of Poionln, Markdale, is spending his holidays at his home. Miss I)onnld Nichol of Priceville .vas suoi-er tfully operated on for up- i>ndi.'ili on Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mclnnis and family, station agent here, are leaving mil will settle in Coldwater. They left on Tuesday for a few holidays >nl will bo Imck Saturday to finish | 'Please put this in your paper.' This hero. Priceville irogrots very much ! was j| u , message on an envelope which to lose these rood citizens, as thoy j wns left at the. office. It came from were ever reudv tn assist in any good I a farmer n fow miles out of the city. BUSINESS CARDS T. W. WILSON VETERINARY SURGEON Part, JhyriciM to all domestic animals Jersey heifer, 2 years old, milking.- ' s "''gery a specialty. Phone 2 r 4. Fred Stuart, Flesherton. . ____ _____^__ 2 brood sows due in August. Cecil Monaghan, R.R. 1. Flesherton. FOR SALE OR TKADK FOR SALE Good 100 a.'e farm.' GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK of cultivation. Thos. Taylor. FK.--w~ LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Ternw 1 per cent. Satisfaction guarnteed FOR SALE Quantity of 1st and Dates made at The Advance office. lot 158, con. 5, Artemesia, good state erton. 2nd class shinglen, 1 inch balsam and, spruce lumber, also some 1 inch white wood; 2x4 scantlings nnd 2x8 joists Jas.^Oliver, R. R. Priceville. M1DDLEBRO & BURN Barrister*, etc. T Oficw Owen Put This in The Paper nuso, and will IM> missed in tho and it is good enough to put in any community. panor. Robert Brodie nnd Alox. returned to Toronto after spending two woeku "I am sitting at thp kitchen table tonight writing this. My boots aro in visiting with his sister, Mrs. Ben' iho oven getting dried out because I I have been wading through *ix inches of water in the hnyfield. It has boon so wet lately that I have had more time for ro-mling your paper nnd I am Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McQueen and dai'irblor. Marion, nnd Miss Olivo :if Detroit, Mr. Bol .4 McKinnon nnd mother nnd Misses Ella nnd Laum of beginning to think a man who works Toronto nro visitors at tho home of for n liv'inu '* n f"i'l- T SOP whore one Wm. Aldcorn. The latter remained | company that had a capital of 82 i two wool's' vnrulion. Mnry Summers of Toronto Is t i i,. t with Mrs. Angus MoVbnr. Mis. Jos. Black returned homo to FOR SALE 114 cord soft bu/. Z j and Flesherton. Sound, Durham Flesherton wood for sale tho pile, 16 to 20 able by truck. R. Plant, Flesherton. Dr. F. Carr-Harris wilTbe available nt Flesherton every Monday, Wednes- FOR SALE Bargain Prices to Clear: Tom Barron Large white Loir- horns and Barred Rocka, 4 week old ni-lleti, ,'iOc; C weeks old. -lOc; 8 week old pullets, <>0c. Write fo prices on older pullets and delected yearlings. Wo guarntee- li\v do- livery wherever desired. COMMERCIAL BKOODl.KIKS, Kitchener, Ont day and Friday afternoons' on noti- fication of M. p. T. Bibby. Phuno 5. Miscellaneous WANTED High school students board. Mrs. John Ottowell. was bought up and a million paid for it. Tho stock on my farm is worth S'JfiOO but T have no chance to make a million out of them, HO I'm in the FOR RENT - - Good garage. A. Sharkleford, Flosliorton. ~W.\NTK1> -- Ilich school students i'. vonmers, close to school, Mrs 11 Wilson, Flesherton. KOOMKUS WANTI'lV-llk-h : -.hool students preforroil. Mrs. W. Wyatt, second house from hiph school: room Toronto after visiting hur brother, A. [wrong business. Another dny I mina, in stable for horse. Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. S. dental surggon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resl- deru-e of Dr. E. C. Murray, Toront* street, Flesherton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 838, A. F. ft A. M.meets in the Masonic Hall, Arm- strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. M., W. R. Meads; Secretary, H. A McCnuley. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneoj for the counties of Grey and Simcoa Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and datw may be made at the Advance office.ec addressing me at Eugenia, telephone 43 r 11, Flesherton or by

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