Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Aug 1931, p. 1

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Vol. 51, No. 13 Flesherton, Ontario, August 26, 1931 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors VANDELEUR w - Stoddart, on the East Backline, ^___. last Thursday afternoon. The Bar- Mr, and Mrs. Adams of Cobden were- , hea(l Institute was present and gave . j the guests of Mr. -and Mrs. Davidson a splendid program, for a few days. * weil attended. FEVERSHAM j daughter, Mrs. E. Buckingham, over ] fha week end. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Bellamy of Cold- ! Mrs. N. Cairns has returned home j The meeting water, Ont. were visitors in the vill- after spending the last few days at age last week and their many friends Southampton. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Burnett of j were glad to see them again. Master Tom Pallister is visiting Miss Nellie Boland has returned home after spending a few days with ; Markdale were visitors at the home of j Mr. and Mrs. dive Morris and Miss *' i^nds in Toronto. friends at -Sarriia. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cochranc ' Mr - an d Mrs. J. I. Graham, one day j Blanche Henderson of London were ! Miss Violet Parker visited a few and ; recently. j visitors in the village last week. | dav ' 3 with her friend, Mrs. R. Woods, family of Colbourne and Mr. and Mrs. ; Mr. and Mrs. Will Hutchinson and j Mrs. Mary Mullen of Toronto has : at Flesherton. H. F. Ready and family of St. Marys i M.- s . Gilbert visited with friends at visited with the Davis, Johnson and i Kimberley one day last week. Buchanan families for a few days. . Nurse Thompson of Ripley - spent LOWK R SCHOOL EXAM. RESULTS a few days with her sister, Mrs. H. ^ FEVERgHAM returned home after a month's visit Mr. and Mrs. E. Richardson of To- ronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Victoi ' The following candidate received t Lower Shcool certificates in the fol- Brcdie and other friend-.-;. "SLv.'-Vf. J. Blait- of Fort Lauderdak*. lowing subjects: Florida spent the past week with his KNGLISH GRAMMAR Eunice sister, Mrs. J. I. Graham. Campbell, Mansel Conn, Burton Conn, Mr. and Mrs. H. Garner and daugh- i He-bert Eby, Margaret Foster, Jim ter, Irene, of Toronto spent a few days Giblin, Alda Hawton, Marion Hawton, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilbert. > Jim Htitman, Ethelyn Hutchinson, Messrs. Wm. and Geo. Sinclair and Arthur Lawler, Mervin Moore, Bruce I-.aac Bissell of Sarnia were visitor* Mullin ' Irnla Smilh - Mervin Somers, at the Johnson home recently. , Pote s m ". P * nf y Thompson, lone Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Boland and sons, < Thotabnry, Golden Udell. Jack and Freddie, visited friends at Lakr View Beach recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson ;>.ai[ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson of Caledon railed on friends here the first of the week. Mr. Shean of Toronto occupied the pulpit in the church here on Sunday afternoon in the interest? of the Pro- hibition Union. Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. ' Reuter and Mrs. Millhous^ of Cheslcy were re-cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston. The Ladies' Aid are holding a tea at the home of Mrs. Will Hutchinson on Wednesday afternoon of this week. BR. HISTORY Eunice Campbell, ?uivc-l C.;nn, Burton Conron, Jim HP it man, Arthur Lawler, Bruce Mul- lin, Irma Smith, Mervin Somers, Pete Soiners, lone Thornbury. PHYSIOGRAPHY Herbert Eby, Margaret Fost.er Jim Giblin, Alda i Hawton, Golden Udell. BOTANY Eunice Campbell, Man- se! Conn, Burton Conn, Herbert Eby, Foster. Jim Giblin, Alfla with her brothers. John and Ottewell at Lady Bank. Mrs. Morris and daughter, of To- ronto are visiting with Mrs. J. Wis- mer of Toronto who is spending the summer with her brother, Mr. Henry Coulthard. On Thursday last the Women's In- James ' t ' tute v isited the Singhampton branch and enjoyed a very jolly afternoon. CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Oliver* Smith and Mr. Rev. and Mrs. Scobie and family and , Mrs " Wlnc of Toronto s P ent * W6ek en W of Westminister were visitors with , W6ek end Wlth Mr ' and John GbBoaJ . Mr. and Mrs. C. Thorn-son last week. A ' C Mu "' visited hei ' Mrs. Neil Mclntyre and two daugh- tera and Miss Milne and Mrs. Me- a lb ' ndac - V near Napanee, last . - Intyre's brother, Mr. D. Fletcher of . lardaon of Buffalo visited and Mra> J ' J ' Patterson the pai5t v '" eek- . Miss if. R. Stewart of dim , ;in ,i Mrs. Charles McElwain and daugh- ; ' / oniler teach ur hero v:a : ; a week end ter, Miss Margaret McElwain, oft ' '' at the 1:o " 1C:; 0! ' n - ' Oregon, were visitors with the for-! mer's cousin, Mrs. F. J. Wiley, Fordwich, Ont. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Col<iuette last week. Mir. Ivan Alexander and boy friend of Owen Sound were visitors with Ivan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Alex- ander over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eby visited with friends in Owen Sound over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kcrnahan left last vreek on a motor trip to Xova Rcotia. They expett to be away a of v.'eeks. Heitman, Arthur Lawler Mervin Moore. Bruce Mullin, Irma { Smith, Merrin Somers, Pete Somers, j Pan-sy Thompson, lone Thornbury, Golden Udell. ARITHMETIC Eunke Campbell, Herbert Eby, Margaret Foster, Jim brother, Fred, at Niagara. MAXWELL Mr. Geo. Long is vjsitinpr with his Miaa Winnis Graham of Flesherton , Giblin, Alda Hawton. Mrray Haw- is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Russell j t,,n. Ion e Thorn'oury, Golden Udell. Freeman. GEOGRAPHY Marsel Conn, Mr. Geo. Graham of Eugenia spent Burton Conn, Merryl Davidson, Mar- a few days with his brother, Mr. J. I. ; on Hawton, Ethelyn Hntchinson, Graham. Me-vin Moore. Bruce Mullin, Irma The Women's Institute held their Smith, Mervin Somers, Pete Somers, August meeting at the home of Mrs. Pansy Thompson. Mr-=. Thos. Guy and grandaughter, Jennie, hav ( returned home after spending the last two months in the west. Mr. and Mrs. Moffat and Mrs. Ro'o- crtson of Toronto are visitinp with Mrs. Thos. Guy this week. Mrs. Johnson visited with heir If 7 a !k on the LE FT of country roads Face the Traffic This rule is important at all times, but especially so at dusk and at night. At such times, no matter how careful the driver of a car is, he may not see you until he is very near to you and it may be impos- sible for him to stop in time to avoid inflicting serious injury. Should he swerve to avoid hitting you, though you may escape injury others may be hurt. Of the 524 fatalities on the highways of Ontario last year a large number were caused by persons walking -with rather than against traffic. .Why take a chance? ONTARIO DEPARTMENT of HIGHWAYS J ---....-- _* ' The Hon. Leopold Macaulay, Minister and Geo. Arrow.smith and >-;'ll-.'-.i <;n n number of old friends, who were gla^ to se her one more. Mr. Cecil Cnshnic of Toronto :':: visiting his aunt, Mi:=s M. Cook, this week. Mi'ssr? Jack and Wr-U-y Kirk of Berkeley visited their sister, Mrs. A. C. Muir, the post week. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwin Bradbury and daughters. Doris am! Ruth, of j Fort William, Mr. and Mrs. Frank j Genoe-, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Genoe ana I laughters, Joy and Gayle of Eugenia j were visitors the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe, "Cedar View ] Farm." Mr. and Mrs. Hartley, who recently , rented Mr. D. D. McLachlan'.; hotel, ! ara v e a dance on Friday evening, when ^ large crowd was invited and a very j pleasant tim is reported. M-. and Mrs. Robt. Brown and Mr. ' ind Mrs. Jack White of Toronto, who i nave been visiting their mother here. I left on Thursday for a week's motor j 'rip to Montreal and other points. Mrs. Tetlow of Hamilton spent the i . CHEVROLET Th* world's lowest priced Six. 14 rnodclj lifting from $610 to $840 at factory, taxes ettri. . PONT3AC 6 node Is. liptinft from J3'/> to 9!.0i 5 .11 lai.- tcry, "-XL-.S extra. . CLDSMOBILt: f\ ir.odfls, listing from 51 ; u -s to Si. -30 factory, uxts extra. McLAUG(lL!N- BUICX 22 models, lifting from $ 1.290 to S2.660 It factory, taxe* extra. CADILLAC Over 50 models avail- able. ranftinK from the OdiliacV 8 at S?.^0, to the Cadillac V-l 2 at SVI 30 ?nd up to iho Cadillac V 16 witl> cu> lorn bodies foril 1.000 and more. Alt prices at facrcrv. taxes extra. GM23-I5 GENEKAi M01ORS PKOUIVIS I N the building of General K'cfcrs cars, there is no compromise wirii quality. If a part fails to conform to specifications, it is rejected. D : rect results are smooth performance, quiet- ness, dependability, long life and unusually low prices. Gauge these qualities for yourself by driving the car of ycur choice. Lock up your nearest dealer under "General Motors Cars" in the classified section of your 'phone bock. He will explain GMAC, ihs economical time - paynen-f- plan, anj ihe Owner Service Policy, which gives ccT.-fort'ng assurance that the out- s^snding values of any Genera! Motors car will endure. H*1 3 1 14 !f ! V I 9 - 7 * j KTBL*9 M s;^L?v -- , > ' J ^ .' ' ylj f > 'd'i'tyw f iJ if .' ' . ; fo jrfi ftfa, arnrrarEtfi THE GRASSHOPPER PEST )ERS '"' Tenders wanted for 58 8-foot cedar Many farmers in this district are 1 ^^ g and p, inch top . - iQ.foot week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ro'tort complaining of the depredations of th e postg w j t j, 12 j nc h top and 4 brace Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Mclvain _ grasshoppers this slimmer. In some , pogts> 12 feet long with a r , inch top . if Toronto, Miss Pearl :md Messrs. ; section-s they arc tremendously num- an( j lne building of S 1 .) 1 :: rods of wire Harold, Orval and 'Gordon Baxter of ; crous, and their appetites know n;i' fL . nce on what is known as the Mc _ Caledon were also callers on them th<- bounds. The grasshoper is said to be Kenzie Deviation and Mr. Fred a dry weather product but it is ap- ' Snlith - s i ot . Tr , e ,, n d posts to be flourishing ami,! all the ii(iwn 5 f< . ut and stoncd( (he brace n ( showers we have had during the past , )()st , to be 4 feet , |cepi the centre month. The oat crop-., are suffering post to be 3 feet deep Tenders wil i greatly from the pest, and the (armors ,, e reeeivcd up to Saturday, August would be glad to see the last of them. ...jjj, jjj-jj a( . jo o'clock. First of the week. Mr. and Mr;. A. n inclai:- and Miss Margaret and Mr. J' , who have in a motor trip to Trenton and other points, have returned home. Mrs. Cecil Archibald of Proton visit - d her parents over the week end. _ Mrs. H. H. Fisher, daughter Xorma. , _ - _ an.l son Dick, who spent the past ten Road Deviation NotiCC days -visiting her sister and family, leTt on Tuesday for her homo in To- ronto. Mrs. Roy Piper and --o-i. ^herman, accomnanied her sist'-r homo t" spend a week with h'ir. Dr. H. Holmes and Mr-;. H.ilint>.< of Chven Sound visited her sister h<>rp ;'i" *ir < 't-. f Hif week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper and three : stabli ^ h a deviation of Road as f,,l- Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be forwarded to T. H. Paton, R. R. .'i. Flesherton. Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one month from the ! ii'.-t publication of this nolie (being j J-.c L'iKh day of August. l!3l,) the TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the un- , dersigned for grading and fill, on Council 01 the Township of Arteme-l what is known as "Turner Deviation'' -ia will proceed to pass a by-law to j at lots 27, 28. 2 S.D.R., up to 12:00 D 'clock noon of the 22nd day of Aug- Mns, Mrs. H. Pipf- and Mrs. H,"-h. ; Fisher, daughter and son. visit -.-d with '. friends at Lauriston the first of th , week. After a few weeks' illness and con- ; finement to he" bed. Mrs. Evelyna rhislefrt Seelev passed away nt the home of her niece. Mr-*. Anna McMi'- Ian. on Augu-.t 23rd. at the age of 74 vears. The funeral is taking place | this Tuesday afternoon to Ebenezer cemetery. More particulars will be irivn ne't week. Mr. and Mrs. RoNert=on an,' Mr. and Mr. "Wilfred Snider ami datin-hrpr, Lor. of Toronto attended the dance , i tioni the south easterly riven at Mr. Hartley * Friday evening. , t . th lows, viz' All and singular that certain parcel '. tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of AvK'mesia, in the. County of Grey, and Province of Ontario, containing by idmeasuremeat iour and two-fifths .ncrcs, be thu same more or less, being composed of parts of lots 20. 27 and 28 in the Second Concession South <-r the Durham Road in the said Township and which may be more par- ticularly described as follows :- Comment-ing: at a point in the ust inst. The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Pla-s can be seen at the Clerk's office. Dated August 11, 1931. W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk of Artemesia. 31 ::thiHy limit oi' said lot 28 distant .south 74 deg. 27 ruins, west 32'.) feet ' I \v;est 343 feet, thence north 1 deg. 65!) Good-will in business i-- that in- j feet; then north 56 degs. 51 mins. tangible something which onlds cus- west 158 feet; thence north 8-1 dogs 'comers to the habit of patronizing the west 2G8 feet; thence south 71 dog-s. san:a sources of supply year after j west 204 feet; thence south 29 degs. year. Hi development depends 40 mins. west 265 feet; thence south largely upon personality, and it is 11 deg. west 259 feet; thence south the result of the peculiar personal service rendered to customc^p. APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications will h received by the u. I'ersigned up to noon on Sat- urday, A'ugust 2yth, 1931, for the- position of Clerk in the Township- of Osprey, duties to commence on September .1 H. G. BURKE. * Clerk Twp. of Osprey Feversham, Ont. COURT OF REVISION ARTEMESIA VOTERS' LIST, I'.'SI Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Voters' List of the Township of Artcmesia for 1 '.''!!. will lie held by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Grey at the Township Hall, Flesherton, on F;iday, the 28th day of August, 1931, nt the hour of three o'clock p.m. All parties interested are required to take notice and govern themselves accordlingly. Bated the 22nd day of August. 1 !>:?!. w. .1. BELLAMY. Township Cler' 2 degrees 35 mins. west 730 feet to a APPLICATIONS FOR COLLECTOR Applications will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'cock noon on Saturday, Auust 29th. 1031, for the point in the southerly limit of said | office of Collector of Taxes in the lot 2(5 distant south 71 .legs. 37 mins. j Township of Osprey for tjie y ( . a 7 west 95 feet from the soulhely angle 1931. Two collectors to bo appointed oi said lot 26. at a salary of ?(!n each- Dated this 25th day of August, 1931 H. G. BL'RKE. W. J. BELLAMY, i Clerk, Twp. of Osprey. Town-ship Clerk. Feversham, Ont. ft******+t4+444+ttA BATES BURIAL CO'Y. ' DISTINCTIVE J. \V. RATKS CHAPEL 122-12-1 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 Fm-if-ly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS

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