Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Jul 1931, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, JU&Y 15, 1931 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE JEWELLERY On The Time Payment Plan Buy on the Time Payment Plan at Armstrong's Jewellery Store. One quarter the price of the article dowm and the balance on easy Monthly Terms. Without Interest. Watches, Clocks, Diamond Rings, Glassware, Silverware, Lamps, Etc. W. A. Armstrong & Son Flesherton, Ont. KIMBERLEY Mr. and Mrs. A. McLean of Warren Ohio, are spending a few months at Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber's and other friends. Mr. I). L. Weber, Miss Almeila and Miss Annie Burritt motored to Warr- en, Ohio during the week, Mr. and ! Mrs. McLean returning with them. Milk Records Help The value of milk records in im- proving herd production is the sub- ject of an interesting reference In the annual report of the work of Illu-JtJration Stations for 1930, which hts just been issued. In 1928 the average production from eighteen Mrs. Curry and Miss Lena Wright! test herds was 6,442 pounds of milk; i of Detroit are visiting Miss Maryi( or IJKJO, th individual average was Stafford. j 7,073, an increase of 631 pounds ot MB. H. Proctor spent the week end. nl iik pcr cow over a period of two with his mother, Mrs. G. Proctor. I years. Only by actual knowledge ot Mr. Stan Lawrence of Port Arthur what each cow in his dairy herd is visited with his mother, Mrs. J. Law- ! producing can the farmer today elim- rence: | irate the "boau'ers'' and 'incre^-.e Mr. Carl Carruthers visited the total production and the earning ot week end at his mother's. j this phase of his farming operations. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hutt-hinson and __ children of Orrillia visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. G. Hutchinson. Mrs. Rus-sel and Mr. and Mrs. F. C'hard's daughter and grandaughter New Ford DeLuxe Delivery Nutritional Deficiency in Cattle When ' your cows start chewing the rail fence or cleaning up on the the eld .ihoes, it is time to look into the food supply question and find oui of Flesherton were guests at Chard home over the week end. A goodly number of Orangemen and ! just what makes them want to fill others went M Collinpwood, Satur-jup on wood and leather when hay day, to celebrate. The Kimberley Rn d chop ar e available. A recent su'- j lodge have a fine new banner of which J vcy of Ontario conditions by mem- Smart New Panel Delivery Car is Added to Ford Commercial Line. INTRODUCTION OF A NEW ! Hate inspection . of the interior.' 1 DE LUXE DELIVERY CAR ! Also, the rear door width has been has been announced by the Ford increased, facilitating access to the Motor Company of Canada, Limit- ed. Designed with a very attractive and spacious body, the new car is rear compartment. The new de luxe delivery body is mounted on the Model A chassis, they are justly proud. bers Qf O.A.C. and O.V.C. staffs THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Coll-ingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, I 'when paid in advance $1.50. In U. S. A. $2.50 per year when paid in advance $2.GO (Members of Canadian Weekly New- CAMKKON PBIE8TLY A very pretty wedding was solemn- ixid at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Priestly, Maxwell, on Wednesday, July 8th, at four o'clock when their younjr- 1 o.st daughter, Annie, was united in : marriage to Mr. Hiram Cht ;ter Cam- t'on. son of llattic- Cameron of Sing- Phosphorus and calcium are th e two most/ important mineral ele- ments in the animal body since thoy paper Association) The bride who was prettily gowned in \.hite georgette crepe and wearing Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence, Mrs. J. makes clear that nutritional defi- Lawrence and Mrs. E. Dillon and! ciency diseases are very evident, cj- j children visited with Mr. and Mrs. j pecially in tlhe Counties of Bruce J.. Taylor at Oshawa. Verda and j and Grey. Men-Ida returning with them for the holidays. Miss Geraldino Weber and friend. Miss Kitty, of Globe staff visited I greatly influence muscular move- with Mr. ard Mrs. D. L. Weber. 1 mcnt, the clotting of blocd and the Miss Alberta Weber of Toronto digestive prcjer/ses. (iodine >s a}s spent the week end at lu>r parental , important in that it effects the thy- nonle - f'-'tl eland and hcnre the growth ot ths aniir.al. Depraved appetites and stiffness are sure symptoms of disease, which can be combated only by supplying available for all business requiring thus insur5nK the dependability a panel type of delivery vehicle, | and cconomy of operation charac- such as small shops, tailors, dry cleaners and in general for the de- livery of small articles. It also is considered ideally fitted for fleet owners who desire to give added smartness to their delivery eo.uip- merlt. The new car is similar to the Tudor passenger car, with panels instead of side windows in the n'nr compartment. The body i: teristic of the Ford passenger cars. Introduction of this model will en- able operators to obtain a factory- built model which possesses all the refinement of materials and design heretofore obtainable only in cus- tom-built equipment. Standard equipment includes a Mr. Will Plewes is spending n couple of weeks with his mother, Mrs. J. Plewes. W. H. THURSTON. F. J. TUL'RSTON - Editor Assoc. Editor CONTY ROAD T'XSAFR The accident at the foot of station hill Sunday evening is not the lirst one that has taken place at that dangerous curve. There are a tulle veil and orange blossom? and < .i i i<-l a bouquet of carnations, sweet ht ' art '* nnd '"""j^ haif / c - entered the room on th? arm <f her father to the strains of the wedding marvh, played by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Robt. Priestly, and took her the' ' )ln bpsi(ie tlu ' Kriwm URcll ' r an ar( ' h of pvtr K'-cen ''"^ ni ' ^-rns. Thc bride was att '-n<lf'l ''V Mis: Vlola McCnllousrh of Dundalk who wa> MAXWELL side wheel carrier and spare wheel, Irrar view mirror located outside *.V1.I fs*l b. **%>. I. * WW.F -! .. ^ inches longer and somewhat wider, I on the uoper door hinge, rustless giving added loading space. The I steel radiator shell and lamps; loading compartment is lined and dome light, front bumper and bum- equipped with a dome light to faeil- [ perettes. necessary mineral elements. Roughage of a leguminous nature,! M iv.. RenCrcd Achc.son anrl daughter ' suc ' 1 as alfalfa and rlover hay are! Evelyn, of Inistogue visited last week ""-'lent for this purpose as is the! a'. In ; parental home here. fcrdinir of iodivd salt. Exposure toj unlight is essential, while Mudi sympathy is extended to tho s ""''Pht is essential, while clean i Whiteoak family in the death of their " n< * ''unitary conditions combined mother. with -ejrular brushing and combing Miss May Linlcy of Owen Sound wi " <Il) much to stimulate the pro-! visited with relatives here during the Auction of vitamins connected with' pa t week. mineral absorption. several such places on the county ' gowned in a becoming dress of oivhid highway that an- exceedingly perilous lf!at crc ''"' a "' 1 carru ' (l n ll "<iuct of to motor traffic. If cars hug the pmk ""'nations and maiden hair fern. inside of the road they an- safe, but The llttle " ower M - Miss Julia - nipc<? if they swing wide over UK- hump of " f the bridt> was , verv P rett -V gravel in the centre of the road <!ress of .sunni silk and carried thrown up by car wheels an accident' llouciuet of ro * ss aml ferns - Laurence I some kind is not out of the quest- Camc>ron ' brothor of thc K room - act<?<1 ion. quest These curves should be graded ! ns Kroomfrnm. Rev. M. F. Oldham with an upward slant from the inside ' lfflc " ll "'f- Tf H- Kroom's gift to tho corner the full width of the road and' hnde was a ropo of ' H>arls and to th(1 also a guard rail or cable as a fur- 1 "* n strin K "f crystal bead.;. ther protection. To leave these curves in the present condition will no doubt leave the county liable in a damage action. to the flower girl a pearl bracelet. After the ceremony a buffet lun-h III N(;.\I.OW AT EUGKNIA FALLS FOR SALE Six roomed bungalow with sun par- lor adjoining, hardwood flr.ors through out, hot air htated, furnace in good condition, ele-rtric lighted, softwatcr c-istern in basement, good garden '2 acre lot; would make an ideal summer home or good ptrmanont home. Will sarifice for quick sale. Apply to J. F. LARGE. R. R. 1, Niagara Falls, Ont. or P. Munnhaw, Eugenia Falls, CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank our friends for their great kindness and assistance in our recent trouble by the death of our dear husband and father. Mr*. Geo. Proctor and Sons. Sixty persons in Canada are dtill drawing pensions ni a result of the Northwes-t Rebellion. was ALDCORN FOSTER Too much c.-nnot be said about the dangers of headlights on auto- mobiles. A satisfactory headlight i. served to about sixty guests. ' ] The happy couple left amid showers , OL confetti nnd good wishes on a motor trip to Hamilton, Niagara, To-' ronto and other points. The bride's travelling dress was a nile green flat The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. crepe with shoes and hat to match. Foster, Flesherton, was the scene of ( On their return they will reside at a charming ovent on Saturday eve- j Stayner. ning, June 27th. The occasion being the marriage of their daughter, Jean Stewart to Mr. Thos. Aldcorn, son of Mr. James Aldcorn and the late Mrs. Aldcorn of Corbetton. Promptly at | the hour of even o'clock the groom one thing which science has not been and his best man, Mr. John McEach- nlj le to discover. Of course, lights .em, accompanied by the officiating ' tnat arp dimmed is passing another clergyman, Rev. G. N. Rose of Annan. ! car are a vast improvement over tho took their places and to the strains of tflare when they arc not dimmed, the Bridal f'horun played by the bride's but the dimming depends upon what sister, Miss Dorothy Foster, the bridcjUnd of n man the driver happen* entered the living room on the arm to bp. and if you travel very much of her father. She looked radiant in at night in an automobile it doc<n't a princess gown of ivory French satin take you long to get ths impression with bridal veil and orange blossoms, that most of the people who drive and carried a bouquet of sweetheart automobiles are not exactly think in*; r<> <-.i and valley lilies. Hor only orn- ament being the groom's gift, a rope! of pearls. She was attended by her' HJ.-trr, Miss Sadie foster, who worcj an imported gown of shell pink ap- pliqued net and carried a bouquet of talisman roie.t. Tho living room was tastefully dec- orated for tho oc?asion, a bowvr of June rosci across one orner forming TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up until July 24, 19.11, by Mr. William Morton, R. R. No. 2, Proton Station, for a threshing mathinc, consisting of a Waterloo Engine 18-20 and a New Favorite separator 32" cylinder; 45" body, with feed and straw blower, also wago n tank and tank pump. Highest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. w A r 'V FOR SALE Lot 14, Con. 5, Osprey, containing i ICO acres more or less; good large frame barn containing water for stock; good house, well and ci-e e k on prenitM. For further particulars apply to Thos. Lanktree or George McKenzie, executors of the estate of the late Joseph Lanktree, Meaford. & BLIGHT KIXC, HUG KILLER PARIS GREEX ARSKXATE OF LEAD ARSF.XATKOF LIME A. E HAW Ceylon Store closes Tuesday and Friday at 6 p.m. Small Advts. LOST Between Flesherton, Eu-j gcnia and the Power Hous lie- > cnse marker No. 15-583C. Findei I please notify M. Wilson, Flesherton. TRUCKING Trucking special. All live stock- trucked to Union Stock Yards, Toronto, at 40c per 100. Why pay more? All cargoes are insured. R. J. VAl'SE. Proton Station Phone: Flesherton .12 r 1.1. u back ground for the wedding (- omony. After tho marriag,> had been Holemnined, tho bride led the way to thr. dining room, which was decorated with pink and white streamers, where the guesH, numbering about fifty, nat down to n dainty suppor. The bride's talilp was centered by th;> wed- d-njr cuke and tall pink tap.'is. After the usual toasts had be?n given, the bride dippi il away nnd rlonnrd her .travelling gown of green printed silk, over which she wore a coat of beaver ohunern with hnt and accessories to match. Tho happy couple left by motor for a honoy-mnon trin to To- ronto, Montreal nnd New York. On their return thoy will reside in To- ronto. Tho groom's gift to tho bridesmaid nnd to the pianist were little finger ring*. Thoup who nt tended the- wedding from n distant wore:- Mr. and Mrs P. I). Prown, Winninpg; Mr. nnd Mr; M. Stewart, Wulland nnd other friend. from Toronto. RRAD THE SMALL ADVTS. INSURANCE See us or phone regarding your automobile, Cargo, Accident and Sickness Insurance. Guarantee bonds plate gloss, and fir? in^nranvo. Our < Grey County Eqq Grading Station OPEN WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS Our experience merits your confidence. THOS. OWLKR & SON. Props. PHONE G5. FLESHEP.TON NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of SAMUEL WRIGHT ROBERTS, late of the Township of Osprey. in the County of Grey, farmer de- ccasod. All persons having claims or ccc- otints against the estate of the above named deceased are required to send full particulars c. 1 their clainw or accounts to the administrator, Sam- uel Milton Gamey Roberts, Eugenia, Ontario, on or before the 26th day [of July, If 31. After such last mcn- 1 tioiifi! date the estate will be <Hs- j tributed among those entitled thereto having regard only to the claims or accounts of which the said admin- istrator .;hall then have notice. Dated this 4th day of July, 1031. C. C. MIDDLKBRO, Solicitor. For Sale FOR SALE New Frost 4 Wood side delivery rake and tedder. Archie McKechnie, Priceville. FOR SALE Set double tonm 1 harness, first class shape, reasonable 'price. H. Down & Sons, Flesherton. FOR SALE 20 young pigs and 2 brood sows due in August. Cecil Monaghan, R.R. 1, Flcsherton. FARM FOR SALE .; 150 acre farm for sale or rent on shares, lots 165-66-67, 3rd range S. W. T. & S. R.., Artemesia. John Hogarth, Proton Station. FOR SALE Beautiful roan pony 1 4 years old, broken single and double, I nlso to saddle. J. A. Stewart, phone 46. FOU SALE Stoam sawmill, shinple ami lath mill; CO h.p. boiler, 40 h.p. engine. E. D. Harbottle, Fever-sham, R. R. 1. FOR SALE Quantity of 1st and 2nd class shingles, 1 inch balsam and spruce lumber, also some 1 inch white wood; 2x4 scantlings and 2x8 joists Jas. Oliver, R. R. Priceville. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Berkshire Boar on 151-153. Grade sews $2, purebreJa $5 cash in advance. H. C. RADLEY. ' BUSINESS CARDS T. W. WILSON VETERINARY SURGEON Physician to all domestic animals and surgery a specialty. Phone 2 r 4. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County ot Grey. Terms: 1 per cent. Satisfaction gruarntewd Dates made at The Advance office. rates are NMOmblf nnd ws gunrr.n- tec service and satisfaction. W. J. W. ARMSTRONG Lirenseil Agent Ho falls for lack ot duration or IncK of en- ergy. If you Imvo energy get tliu n '.: education at the Northern Business College OWEN SOUND, ONT. Write for Free Circular to 0. A. FUC.MING, Principal. OWEN SOUND, ONT. Flour and Feed "Hlossom of Canada" first patent flour "Superior" I'.rand, per ba'pf "( ("Canada", por l>a^ Shorts, per hajj $2.70 $2.40 $2.50 $1.20 This is the season for Hinder Twine, Hay Rope, etc. (ii't our prices before you decide to purchase. THIS IS THE TIME TO KILL THE BUGS \Ve carry a full line of PARIS ('.kl'.K.X CLIMAX I!IV, KM.T.F.K AKSKXATK ( >K 1,1 M 1C AKSKXATK ( )K I.KAD 0. & A. Co-operative Co., Limited Fleshcrton, Ont. FOR SALE 111 cord soft buzz wood for sale nt $1.50 per cord at the pile, 1(5 to 20 inch. Approach- able by trujk. R. Plant, Flesherton. Miscellaneous NOTICE' Fishing and trespass- ! ing prohibited on lot 24, Con. 3, Art-; emesia, known as the Harry Genoe : farm. H. Radley, I.eesee. IH'LLS FOR SERVICE Registered Jersey Bull for service' on lots 151-152, E.T.&S.R., Artemosia. "Mabel Petunia's Masterman." No. f>2,?U>, Canadian Live Stock Record. Terms $5.00; also one good Hereford bull. Fees $2 i n advance. I -H. RADLEY. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Yorkshire Boar for vice by Flcsherton Bacon Hog Club tho property of the Ontario Depart nient of Agriculture. -C. STEWART, Caretaker. MIDDLEBRO & BURN Barristers, etc. Ofices Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton every Saturday afternoon and evenir.e. Dr. F. Carr-Harris will be available at Flesherton every Monday, Wednes- day and Friday afternoons on noti- fication of Mrs. F. T. Bibby Phone B. Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S.. D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray. ToronU street, Flesherton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 33S, A. P. A A. M.meets in the Masonic Hnll, Arm- strong Block. Flesherton ever> Fri- day on or before the full moon. W M.. W. R. Meads; Secretary, H. A McCauley. Wm. Kaltting, Licensed Anctloneet for the counties of C.rey and Simco Farm and stock gales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. AH arrangements and datwt may be made at the Advance office,?* addressing me at Eugenia, telephone 43 r 11, Fleaherton 01 by

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