Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Jul 1931, p. 3

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, Try this salad dressing . . it keeps for weeks! KRAFT Salad Dressing u so thoroughly blended, ic will keep loi weeks. U stays good right down to the lasi tang? tea- poonful. Best it all, it costs lust one-nalt the price you re used to paving. A generous 12 ounce iar sells tor anJv 25 :ents. Get -iome today. KRAFT Salad Dressing Made to Canad. ov che Makers ->t Kraft Cheese and Velveeta "Crusoe" Island Has Census Taken Juan Fernandez Now Has 298 Inhabitants, Report Shows The Isolated, romantic Island of Joan Fernandec, the domain over which the original "Robinson Crusoe" wandered with bis Man Friday, has bad Its first census taken. Instead of the one white man carrying an um- brella made of goatskin and herds of wild goats, which were once the sole Inhabitants of this volcanic Isle, Juan Fernandez has now 298 Inhabitants, according to the report of the Chilean Government, who have made the Is- land one of the moat fertile and most fruitful spots in the world. The Island is a little more than twelve miles long and amost four miles wide, situated about 300 miles- west of Valparaiso. Despite its prox- imity to the mainland, however, Juan Fernandez differs remarkably In its flora and fauna from near-by Chile. The flora Is particularly notable for a very large number of different spe- cies. A recent visit to the Island by ( biologists has convinced many scien- lists that the geologic history of the ( isle is as remarkable as its romantic j background. Juan Fernandez, discovered by the adventurer whose name it bears In 1571, was the lonely home of Alex- ander Selkirk, a Scottish buccaneer, who lived on the island In solitude for the four years from 1704 to 1708. | The story of Selkirk's unique adven- ture Inspired Daniel Defoe to write "Robinson Crusoe," the ehildhood friend of multitudes. Defoe's book had another effect be- sides providing childhood with a de- lightful story of romance and adven- ure. It served to focus attention on the isolation of that part of tie world where Juan Fernandez was located | and privateers, quick to take advant-j age of this fact, made the island their base for operations for many years. | Several pirate ships were fitted out at the Island to become the scourge of hipping In the South. Pacific. Of the more famous pirates Sharp, having crossed the Isthmus of Darien and taken Santa Maria, rigged out a prize vessel at Juan Fernandez and then raided up and down the Chilean coast, making Robinson Crusoe's island his headquarters. The activities of Sharp indicated to the Chilean Government that it was time to stop the use of Juan Fernandez as the haunts of pirates. Under the auspices of the government a small | permanent settlement was established | on the island. The Chileans have also | used Juan Fernandez occasionally as a penal settlement. In 1S10 the pro- 1 clamation of the independence of Chile filled its caves with the most ardent of the patriots. Tine island, therefore, has been the refuge of all tyt>es of men since the day when Selkirk was rescued from his exile by a passing vessel. The present colony has grown from the small settlement established by the Chilean Government. Life is easy on Juan Fernandez. The sea is alive with fish waiting to be caught for the dropping of a line. It is said that a fisherman can drop a line with three hooks and bring up tihree fish almost regularly. So plentiful Is the fish sup- ply that it has been reported that one may obtain a good supply without even fishing equipment, by merely sticking one's hand into the water and catching the fish as they swim by. Young Indian Prince Shows 'Em How Amrit Kumari Khan, grandson of Maharajah of Burd-.van is de- veloping true Anglo-Saxon mode of hauling off and socking Doric Bosson at a London children's garden party boxing bout in Lon- don, recently. Care of Flowers After Cutting Should Be Taken From Gar- den Only in Morning or .in the Early Evening These are the months that many cut flowers are obtained from the garden. A few precautions will prolong the blooming period of these and also lengthen the time the blooms will be beautiful in the home. Those plants which furnish cut flow- er service from the mainland will take j era should not be allowed to produce tourists to the island, where they may live in the same pleasant climate en- joyed by Defoe's hero but under inm-h more comfortable circumstances. ing, raise cattle, grow grain and pro- duce some of the most excellent fruits found anywhere in the world. The fruits come from fruit trees which were planted by pirates nearly two centuries ago. For the benefit of tourists from all parts of the world eager to see where "Robinson Crusoe" lived, the Chilean Government has built a small hotel on Juan Fernandez. A regular steam Northern Trader Outlasts Eskimos The Fish That Gets Away Some mourn the flsb that gets away And boast his size and weight, They stop their friends at night to say How sorry was their fate. Almost unto his net they'd brought This beauty superfine, It seemed to them they had him caught And then he snapped the line. Ob, yea, they bad som fish to show For all the tlm they'd spent; Some- luck they'd been allowed to know, But they were not content. The ones they'd caught seemed rather small When put upon display, And could not be compared at all With that which got away. He broke out once where sunbeams dance Upon the waters blue, And though at him they'd but a glance His weight and size they knew. Net one> in all their splendid catoh. Which came to them that day For beauty could begin to match, The ttrsh which got away. Perhaps aKiiiust us one and all Could lie the self-same charge: The joys we catch seem very small, The ones we lose seem large. We pass our many blessings by As though no worth had they, And dolefully we magnify The fish which got away. Edgar A. Guest Tit-Bits. Absolute Monarch seed. This is a devitalizing process which will soon decrease the blooming and shorten the period of usefulness. If It la desired to leave blooms on the plants in the garden these should be removed after they have wilted. This will encourage the development of new flowers for a longer period. Flowers should be cut In the early morning, If possible, or In the evening. Do not cut them during the middle of the day. as they are not then filled with water and T.ill wilt more quickly. Always cut the flower stems from the | AM 1UI plant with a sharp kn-ife and make aj A INeW Method slanting cut. Do not break the stems London Lost property is such a or cut them with dull shears. huge proposition here that the police, Immediately after flowers are cut, who handle all articles left by care- they should be plunged In water up j less ones In the many transportation about two-thirds the length of their, systems in the capital, have at last stems and placed in a cool place (35 drawn a line. They refuse to be- to 40 degrees Fahrenheit) for an hour; come custodians of property left in or two. In arranging the flowers in | motor coaches. Instead motor coach St. John's, Nfld. The loss of two of his Eskimo companions and all of his dogs were part of the gruelling experi- ence of a private trader, Captain Her bert Hall, in the Canadian northlands last winter, according to Captain Alex ander, of Hudson Bay. Hall, Alexander said, had two trad- ing posts, one at Dana Bay and the other at Sugluk. He left the latter post on February 23 with two Eski- mos and a dog team for Cochrane, Ont. With only half the distance covered, some of the dogs died of distemper, while the rest disappeared, apparent- ly joining a wolf pack which had fol- lowed the party for a number of days. Captain Hall then decided to return and started for Sugluk with all the provisions he and the natives could carry. The Eskimos succumbed to the privations of the trip, but Hall reached his destination on April 11. The fact that his weight was reduced from 245 pounds to 135 indicates the hardships endured by the courageous trader on his 600-mile trek. vases remove all the leaves that would be Immersed in the water and place owners must accept the responsibil- ity. To them people seeking to re- There is a duty on Tea n..- of four cents per pound and four percent Sales Tax. AH imports of Tea now pay these extra charges, but We have not increased the price of RED ROSE TEA We bear the loss So you can still buy the very beat of Tea at the same price as before the duty was put on. T. R ESTABROOKS Co. Ltd. ST. JOHN, N.B. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg " Knights' " Meaford Flooring it S Good Se your dealer It's Even Better Get our P rices IT'S THE BEST Knight Mfg. & Lbr. Co. Ltd., Meaford The Find Cause of Black Potato An excess of soluble sugar In po- tatoes has been found to he the major cause of the discoloration of- ten occurring In certain types after cooking. By making tests on this sugar con- tent specialists of hte United States Department of Agriculture can now determine which types are best for making potato chips, French frying, making and certain conditions of boiling. The test, Involving a yellow solu- tion of picric acid and sodium oar- tonates heated over an alcohol lamp, Is so simple that It can be used by buyers for hotels and restaurants j where there la a demand for high- trade mealy cooked potatoes, free , torn a sweetish taste and dlscolora- .ion. Classified Advertising 1ABY CHICKS A BABY CHICKS. BARRKD L Rocks lOc, White and Brown Leghorns. Anconas 8c, Assorted 7c. Pul- lets. 6 weeks old, 50o: 8 weeks. 65c. A. '.. Swltzer. Granton, Ontario. T1 W E D D L E ' S BLOOD TESTED chicks at lowst prices ever quoted. Barred and White Rocks, lOc; Leghorn*. 9c. Assorted chicks. 9c. Started chlcxa two we*ks old, 2c more: express puiJ. Prompt delivery. 50U lots 2c less. Valu- able free catalogue. J. U. Twedillct Fergus Ontario. WOOL HIGHEST PRICES PAID The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd. 2 CHURCH ST.. TORONTO ARRY. RELIABLE MATR1JIO.N'- IAL paper mailed fre. Address Friendship Magazine. Medina. Now York. ^ AFE COUNSEL" 512 - FA3Q C? book. Illustrated. Discusses prob- lems of love, marriage, etc.. In nlaln language. Full particulars about our "Special Get-Arquainted Offer" sent free to anyone over 18 years of age. 7rlte Internationa. Distributors. P.O. Box 202~, Toronto. the stems as deeply in the water as is | trieve their lost goods should apply, practical. Do not expect cut flowers' within three months, ready to pay to last long in a hot and dry room. j a quarter to the owners and one- Change the water on cut flowers once eighth of the article's value to the a day to keep it from' becoming foul, conductor of the coach in which it Two or three drops of formalin (form- 1 wa s left. This payment must not aldehyde) for earh quart of water will j be less I-" 1 " 1 a shilling and not more assist in keeping the water free of bac-i tniln five- pounds. With a two-shill- ter j a I ing minimum as the price of recov- , <j,. ! ery it looks as if a whole lot of lost ' r* 11 Y i art ' e!es are going to stay lost. Sung Similar to Davids Used! -.> By Indian Tribe in Minnesota Wireless transmitting and receiving 'se'3 will be installed in a chain of look-out towers being built in the forestry areas of the Dominion to guard against destructive fires. St. Paul, Minn.Oivilizatlon slow progress on the Pigeon River Indian Reservation, hidden away in the northeast tip of Minnesota, with the Pigeon River its northern bound- ary and the rugged north shore of Lake Superior its southern. Among a collection of tools and deapons recently acquired from the Indians by the Minnesota State His- torical Society Is a leather sling of EXPERT KODAK FINISHING. 23c A roll, any sb postpaid; extra prints, 3o each. Jackson .Studio. Seaforth. OnU The human heart becomes soften- ed by hearing of instances of gentle- ness and consideration. Plutardb. ]},& (ORHS 6 WARTS Jp4/ H-mov dry .km. D.b on T Mm.rd'i J time. d,j|y. Let it / dry on. After a j >nd Win. liftrigh while Corni qhf Off For Constipatioit Non habit forming Safe David slew Goliath. ~^ s *5s>;'R 1? YOU h.i vc not re ceivcd your copy <' Infant feeding liter* lure tcgetber with oul Baby Record Book 611 mtheattacheti coupon and they will b lent you free of alt cost. Eagle Brand CONDEN.IO Milk The Search What I go seeking how should I To any chance- Inquirer tell, Who to myself can make reply Only In symbol, knowing not well What I have lost? a birdlike thing "I The Borden Co. Ltd., C.W, 17 US George St., Toronto. QBNTLKMCN: Plcaie tend mo fr copiea of your authoritative liter- ature oo Child Welfare. Nam, BABY'S OWN The only monarch absolute both in theory and in fait is the king of Siam now visiting the United States. He will be the tirst oriental ever to enter the White House with the rank and dignity of reigning soversign. No other monarch has a cabinet predominantly composed of princes, his relatives. The magazine. Time ^\own ' Oll 7 f w ' " n | s a ^ d~to"be"soiight points out that the crown prince of Not on]y , n wl(1 flelds o though. Siara is now minister of interior, has Wnere , g no miirk for wandering, heea minister of marine. No other _ David steveTls> !n the Glasgow crown prince holds cabinet office and Herald no other king fs in effect his own ! J ^ prime minister. , The famed sacred white elephants i Take Him for a Klde of Siam were never white, are rapid- 1 When a certain officer of tlie Gov- ly losing in popular Siamese opinion j ernor's staff died, there were some ap- ihclr sacred character, and have dis- ' plicants for the post, anil some were appeared entirely from the national indecently impntlent. \Yhile the dead ling which today Is red, white, blue, ' colonel was awaiting burial, one im- >.v bite and red (live horizonal stripes). ' patient aspirant buttonholed the Gov- A member of the U.S. cabinet re- ' yrnor, asking: cpntly Slam: Hut Slam quite the Nurses Wanted The Toronto Hospital for Incurables, in affiliation with Fordham Hospital, New York Cit. . offers a Three Years' Course of 'raining to Young Women, i.i 7t u ' Savin* the required education, and c e- pattern similar to that with which ilr<ms * of uecouilnir nurses. This Hospi- tal has adopted the eight-hour system. The pupils receive uniforms of the School, a monthly allowance and travel- liii' r expenses to and from New York. Tor further particulars write or ipply to the Superintendent. ^ HEADACHES Ended by Kruschen " I was a martyr to licuduclics, with frequent attacks of dix./.iiu-ss nfTwtiniz my vision. .My occupation is a very sedentary one- a primer's reader. I gave Kruschen Salts u good trial, and from then onwards 1 seemed finite another person. The headaches dis- appeared mid the dizziness, and the most wonderful thins to me is that I lave gone | jnc k to weaker glasses, a lens \vlm:h 1 | m d discarded some years ajto us not being strong enougli. I also suffered from hud circulation uiring the early mornings of winter. WOW at 58 1 can enjoy eold baths nil the year round, enjoy nnd uni eager asked a representative of; "Would you object to my taking the How far is it from the coast?" place of the colonel?" is not in fact, an island, ; "Not at all," the Governor replied reverse. Shaped like a tartly. "See the undertaker." Syra- Bread to the weight of about four- f9U York. plumb spider, Siam squats between ctise Post-Standard. French Indo-China and British^ Bur- ma on the mainland of Asia, faces the Gulf or Siam and darts a narrow teen tons is consumed by the average tongue of Siamese territory 600 miles healthy human bring who lives seven- down the Malay peninsula. Popula- tion, 11,506,200. Area, more than four times that of the state of New 4 "-".I" * " ' ' I l UUCI lor my food, and am what I consider very lit the sort of fitness that makes INiag a j y._(G. F.) Headaches can nearly always be traced | ( , ,ji.s< )r <lcred stomach to /xirliul const ipnlion a com- plaint many indi)or workers suffer Iroin without ever suspecting it Kriisclien Salts go right down to We mot ol HIP trouble ;,n<l remove I K8 uuu.sc by gfiilly persuading MIC v . crgniis of elimination to function To do so 10 more is the truest re- cxai '". y "* N "'ure iulcuiltd tliey pentance. . 3 " Acid Stomach Completely Relieved by Famous I effctable Pills Mr. Frank C., of Blackburn, writes: "I have suffered long from acid stomach and constipation, but since being ad- vised to try your wonderful Carter's Little Liver Pills I can eat anything." Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are no ordinary laxative. They are ALL VEGETABLE and have a definite, valuable tonic action upon the liver. They end Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness, Headaches, Poor Complex- ion. All druggists. 25c & 75c red plena, Good Bye M'FIy and all the little flics They can't get away, once they touch Aeroxon. There's something in it that has an irresistibleattraction for these household pests. A wider and longer ribbon provides a greater area, and the glue does not dry good for 3 weeks' service. At drug, grocery & hardware torea. So/e Atfents: NEWT7N A. HT,. r >~ P-nnt S". En3t. T -?:. .> Took Pinkham Medicines "I was always tired nnd 1 had severe pain at my periods. Lydia E. Pmkham's Vegetable Com- oound helped me. 1 took it be- fore iiiy twochildren were born and I A.n taking it now at the Change. I have also used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash and K"ind it a ^veat relief for inflammation and for a dis- charge whicl, bothered me." Mrs. ' ".amline <)<rrsy t 196 Hccul St.. Simcoe. Ontario. 98 out of 100 Women REPORT BENEFIT FROM FLV CATCHEI Gets the fly every time Vegetable Compound ISSUE No. 2731

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