Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 May 1931, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY MAY 13, 1931 HE SAFEST PLACE FOR BABY IS ON SEAMAN-KENT HARDWOOD FLOORING SO EASY TO KEEP CLEAN Sold in Flesherton by Flesherton Planing & Chopping Mills Local and Personal Village Council The regular meeting of the village council was held Monday evening, when all the members were present. Accounts were received from John Wright, assessor's salary, etc., $2;>; Wm. Turney. wiring $127.38; surveyor for streets $82.50. Richardson Welton That the Auditors' be instructed to audit the accounts of the Hydro Commission. Carried. Richardson Mathewson That the license, $3. be renewed. Carried. Richardson Dargavel That the Council supply a 60 watt light in St. John's United Church shed. Carried. Mathewson Dargavel That the first sittings of the Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll of 1931, be held on Monday, June 8th, at 8 o'clock p.m. Carried. By-law Xo. 177 was passed, auth- orizing the Treasurer to borrow up to $3000 to meet the ordinary expenses if the municipality. TRY THIS ON YOUR ORGAN I taught to say ought, or nought, or what ought to be taught her? If a Hottentot tot taught a Hotten- ' to hoot and to toot a Hottentot tot be tot to talk o'er the taught tot could ; taught by a Hottentot tutor, should totter ought the Hottentot tot be j the tutor get hot if the Hottentot tot __^^__^^_____^_ ' hoot and toot at the Hottentot tutor ? Low Footwear Prices When you wish Good Footwear at tho right price you can get it at this store. Men's Work Boots $2.50, $2.75. 83.15 aid 83.75. Women's House Shoes $1.25, $1.65. Women's built-in steel arch support at $3.15. and many other kinds at a low price. Myprices are low and strictly cash. W. L. MORWOOD Flesherton Ont NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of JOSEPH HENRY LANKTREE, late of the Township of Osprey in the County of Grey, deceased: NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims on demands against the estate of the said Joseph Henry Lanktree, who died on or about the 14th day of April, 1931, are re- quired on or before the 30th day of May, 1931, to deliver to Mr. Tho. Lanktree. Meaford. or George T. Me- Kenzie, R. R. No. 2, Meaford, the executors of the estate of the said deceased, their Christian and sur- names, addresses and descriptions, full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them: | AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deci-osed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not he liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not hav<> been received by them at the time of distribution. Dated at Meaford, April 2. r >th. 1931. GEO. G. ALBERY. Solicitor for the Executors. Vegetable gardens will have their innings during the next few weeks. Miss Lorene Cargoe of Toronto is visiting her mother. Mr. .1. C:r Mr. Wo; \Vi;'t.- .,:' \Vaubau.-henc spent the- past w< ek with '- at Springhill. Mrs. J. D. Clark of \Ye.-ton is ;:ic gue-t of h.-r sister. Mrs. F. H. W. Hieklmsr. Mr. aid Mr-;. Harvey Grit't'en. rc- companiud ''y -^' is D. Thur.-t'-n. the Wv-tk i-nd ut their Innit-s. M- -. W">-.. Inkstcr return. ' on S:i-u.-<i:u- after pendin ,' thi ni"nh with her dauditi-r in TV M;-s. D. McTavish, a >! '-y Mr*. Herb Smith of Ow-n S "nd. vis- ited in Toronto and Oshav.'a last w ' . Dr. G. M. Leeson, ev-M.P.P . '. Varncy suffered a paralytic -stroke last md i< in a u'iti* al . i.ndkior. Thi> Prui'-'il;.. r,>niitv,vi- '. -i Schc ! football team won 4-0 from the :' ? - I form of the local hisrh school. Dr. Krn. Armstrong and son ? r of Cobalt and Mrs. Harris of Toronto Wf'v week <.-r.il guests of .vlr. and Mrs. F. II. W. Hickling. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Phillips and daughter. Elda. and Mi Mar'm?- Shaw of Hr.milton wre visitors in town over the week end. The- only business concerns that havo become 1 '.<! successes are ; -. who have used the aid of continuous advertising. Mrs. Mark Wilson left on Tuesday to spend a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Ross Thibaudeau. at Detroit. The Misses Jessie and Bessie Mac Donald and brother Raymond, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Alex- ander and family. Mrs. R. \V. Shaw and little son. Allan, returned to her home in Lions Head after spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Mr. Murray Inkster. Mrs. John Jones and Miss Hazel Inkster. mot- ored up and spent Mother's Day with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ink- ster. Jimmy Fax. who has appeared on a Flesherton concert platform, is retir- ing, after seventy years service mak- ing people laugh. Jimmy was one of the greatest comedians. Is your subscription paid? Look at your label now! This is renewal time and The Advance will greatly appreciate your early attention to this little matter. Mr. Maurice W.-ight. Mr. Urqi-hart Shunk and Miss Hazel Shunk of To- ronto, were week end visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Phillips and son, Bob, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gib- son of Ceylon motored to Toronto to visit Mrs. Martin Phillips, whoso condition remains about the same. Mr. Chas. Hoy and son R. H.. Mas- ter Albert Phillips and boy friend of Toronto came up by motor cycles and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Hoy. Advertising is the most thing about any business. does it do Census Questions These are the questions that will be asked aK ut each person by a Do- minion Government ccrius-taker sometime during the opening week of Ji;ue: 1 Your name and where you live. 2 Whether : ur h"r>'.e is iv.vm-d <v- :> TV i iti nati il '.' of you ' . if nv.-vi*.,'; or ' '.'.'- ' , : are ir. your . and is il . :k d .' " I- r 1 '' . in your b< (' Y", ' relationship to '.Vv family (whethe" t*ie head of family, wife. son, linuirh'vr, .>r undo, i 7 What is ;. ar sex '.' y ,i; ingle, jy.rtrrvd, widowed, r.r diV'jri , .| ? '' u was your & a /i day? 10 Wlu '-e wove y u 'i.i^rn ' 11 Where was your father born? 1. Wh r< '"as y ur n- ther 1'ni-r .' Hi In what y. ar !ii you inuv To Curtail Paving? The Grey County Roads Committee was in town recently going over tho streets and it is rumored that the committee does not intend to pave the road from tho eastern to the westei-v. entrance, but only through the main portion of the village. We hope the committee is not entertaining any such idea. I: would be unfair r - the village (' h.> ohliTod to pav.,. the ... e . .- tj v , fy... width thrrv.'-ih ;h,. main it i-et. OUT avir.ffcontr I .- to . re la i thai county, ENGAGEMENT ' The Jian ' rhter of ! M T hn A. i- < ' " \ ! ! E and !iorn per ; - to Canada? ( For o:-,.- i 1 i Fn what year \vero v iu : . .!'.' F r'nreisn born i" 1"> Wha' is your nationality" 1T What is yoi'r ra.-ial origin what overseas country did you- . ' ily origin come? 17 A-c you ik English ? or French ? 1> What is yoar mother to:;:r:e" i FI- foreien ' "ir. ner-nns) 10 Of what re!i:.r;.'i:< denomination are you a member or adherent ? 20 Art ynu able to road and write? 21 How many months at school since Sept. 1st, U*30? (For persons of school age) 22 If you are a gainful worker, what is your occupation? 21? In what industry are yoi- em- ployed ? 24 Are you an employer, an em- ployee, or are you working on your nwn account? If you are an employee, you will be asked if you were at work on Mon- day. Juno 1st, 1931. If you answer "No", you will be asked whether it was because of:- (a)Xo iob. (b) Sickness, (e) accident, (d) On holi- days, (e) Strike or lock-out (ft Plant closed, (g) Other reason. You will also be asked whether you have been out of work for any cause .in the last 12 months? If you an- swer "Yes", you will be asked: I How many weeks have you been out I of work, and of these how many were . due to:- (a) No job (b) Illness (c) Accid-ent (d) Strike or Lock- | out (e) Temporary lay-off (f) Other , reason. Messrs Robt. and Wilfred McMaster are leaving this week to commence a drilling contract near Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Armstrong of Toronto were visitors last week with i their niece, Mrs. Robt. Croft. Mrs. C. Spence of Toronto spent ' the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. R. Best and other friends. Miss Dorothy Ottewell is on an ex- tended visit with her grandmother in Owen Sound. The G. G. Martin Fur Co., wholesale ] manufacturers of high grade furs, are important showing their furs at F. G. Kastedt's It is the store on Wednesday, Thursday am| : .' -. la-.' - V of C iari\ Th< ; i take pla ' I TORONTO LINE NO~iTH Mr. and M , \V. " Harbor Pliu-hard and - ster. M:--=. H : M". I: 5. S.. d and SOP dpy with fri.Myi< at (Viiinu-wo d. Mr. ;. Neeley "f South ' week i:vi with bis cousin, A. trie. Miss Annie Rich::, is t ,-.> . U est ' her ! rother, M:'. u C. NEW LOW PRICES ON LADIES' HOLEPROOF SILK HOSIERY Full special nmuv "f <i/es in all the ne\v spring 1 colors and iaii !<(! heels. F : r-t qualil thi> week 79c Fair iof Silk Hosier} mil fashioned, pair ....$1.00 Holeproof Silk Hosierv. full fashioned, sill I *v 1 *? " top [)i ' p IV > 13 Hulenroof Silk i I IMCV - ; $.150 SI. 65 Cash Grocery Specials :. - f. i 1 1 St' 'C ' ; lo], Princess Chi-P-.. 1, : - $3.25 25c 23c 25c ' 23c ! 50c 35c SI. 00 F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO vital spark. What good you to have the best thing or the very ; Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Spence greatest bargain on earth if people do little daughter. Betty. not know it?. A credit sale of farm stock and im- 1 week Friday of this week. ant and Misses Krlia and Ruth Spence. Toronto, were end visitors with Mr. and Mrs plements will be held on lot :0, con. Robt. Best, Springhill. 1, Artemesia, (Collingwood Grave! V A play entitled "The Secret Spcietj the property of James Milne, on Sat- of Cabbageville" will be given in the urday, May 23rd. See bills. Wm. Orange Hall. Eugonia, on Friday. Ma\ 22nd, under the auspices of the Woni en's Association of the United Church Admission 30 cents, children l'> cents Come and en.iny n good play. Kaitting. auctioneer. A hoiuv assessed IV r SIOOO in To- ronto pays u tax of ? 1 20.00, accord- ing to the Toronto Telejrri/.. thet same assessment in Flesh the tax would be Sl'-I.OO. _ Th taxpayer eei ; .:ilnly has a cinch, coin- i pared to the the small town owner. Dr. J. (!. \\\\ <--ell, R O. noted cyj- estions SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT HEADQUARTERS colorful enamel makes Floors oP lasting beauty. No matter how phabhv or discolored a floor may be. it can be made rich and colorful with Mar-Not Floor, Enamel. Mar-Not Floor Enamel is made for tliis specific purpose. It's made to stand up under gciiffing traffic and daily scrub- bing. And whether it's a soft- wood or a hardwood floor, Mar-Not Floor Enamel will beautify it with a durable, enamel-like finish that is easy to clean and to keep clean. Look over the other Friday and Saturday suggestions listed here. A real opportunity for thriftv buvers. Spring, Farm and Garden Needs MAR-NOT flOOR SCRHFX POORS SCKF.KX DOOR HINGES SCRKKX WINDOWS CATCHES PULLS Brace Wire Staples BATS HOOKS, Etc. "Chiropractic" In Floslu-i'ton sight.*' C ' ' ' V '!! ' 2i\. Thi ii Dr lie eev.rs ','r. gua: . 1 each Wednesday .ri.. olfiee in ' ICC, V'ii:> St.. i . See C. G. M:i.-.:UI.IVUAY. Qhiroprastor Poultry Netting Farm Fencing PI.. \\V.ROU\D BALLS FISHING TACKLE FOLKS Jardinieres Flower Pots Royal Purple Chick Starter Chick Founts Feeders Chick Feed Royal Purple Calf Meal V.ROOMS r.Rl'SHES WHISKS FI.KCTKIC RANGETTES HOT 1M.ATES Fl'SE IM.l'GS SOCKI'.TS IK^XS MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS & REPAIRS Car cement hi-' ;irri\ ed Roya! Purple Seeds, large package 5c Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE Phone 54 */i /UIIIDUS I. iii/r murk.

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