Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 May 1931, p. 3

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ELECTRO MAGNETISM THERAPEUTIC SOLENOID HARMONYJUNIOR FULL $25 PRICE UM.M for pros* of better, regardleo of price, than manufactured by Ur Ihnnon; Manufacturers of Canada. W believe In imall profit! and nick returns. Comparison shows niper qualit; over all others. It Is an Utolut* waste la pay more for an Electro Magnetic Appliance than the umooy. Beware of Imitations! Harmony Is time tested and proven. tmpOF FROM FACTS PRODUCED THROUGH THE HARMONY THERA- raUTIC SOLENOID IN CASES OF: Infantile paralysis, rheumatism, arth- rltii, stiff Joints, lumbago, sciatica, neuritis, sore bark, high blond prmure, strokes, varicoie veins, anaemia, rundown condition, liugrlsb- Mff, hay fever, eczema. Indigestion, nervousness, old-ace trouble*, en- larged tonsils, ulcers and many other bodily ailments. EMP jour money In Canada by knylnf the Harmony. Don't par the OMnact of big corporations that hare to be met. Have a free demi.n- Ctntlon. and prove to your own satisfaction, before bnjlng, what the ssjjmony will do for you. OFFICE: Imperial Bank Bldg . 171 Vonge Street. Toronto, Ontailo, 1344. HARMONY MFRS. Head OfBce, Imperial Bank Bldg., 171 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario Phone Elgin 8544 AGENTS WANTED BROADCASTING: CKCL Monday and Wednesday 11 a.m.; Iuen*< and Thunday 10.43 a.m. DAD BBfln FASHION HiflT "How to make my old thort gkirts conform to the new length was a problem to me nntil I hit on this plan. 1 dropped the hems; and as the part that had been turned under was darker than the rest, I redyed the entire dress, after having bleached the goods, following directions in Ue Diamond Dyes package. "I usd Diamond Dyes for the re- dyeing, of course. I have dyed many 'hlngs with these wonderful colors. They have saved me many dollars and have never failed to give perfect results smooth, even colors fast to wear and washing. Friends think my 'hinns are new ivheu I re<lye o<" tint them wi'h Diamond Dyes. They do give the most gorgeous cclorsl" .Mrs. G.C.. LPV:S, Q'K-bee. .;. Owl Laffs Mrs. Carney i rushing liito the liv- ing room, pantinfe for breath) Oh, ' Walter, 1 dropped my diamond ring off my finger and ! can't find !t iny- where. Mr. Carney ivery calmly) Its all ( right, Olive, I can-.e a'-r^s it in aay , tro'jser's pocket. Modern Language Still In Stone Age Has Not Advanced In Line With Other Human Progress Ail human beings still talk like sav- (*. Every modern language is little more than a tool for cavemen; as though modern surgeons still operated with, atone knives or modern carpen- ters sawed boards with fish bones or modern farmers cultivated their fields by digging them up wiili sharp sticks. So protested Sir Richard Pnget, life- long British, student of the nature and sounds of speech, in a receut ml dris In London. It is generally ad- mitted, Sir Richard recalled, that a large part of the human antagonisms which lead to wars and similar diffl- onltles are due to differences of language, BO that separate groups of popl do not fully understand each other. A similar condition exists, the lecturer suggested, even among people who gpeak the same language. Words are complicated mouth, tongue and throat gestures most of which were ohoeen by our savage ancestors thou- sandi of ye-urs ago. Th.-w savages bad but few ideas and simple ones. Languag**, while probably good enough for their cavemen inventors. have been outgrown by civilization. A single word may stand for half a dozen separate iileas, even in a single language. Mankind has perfected the art of rnathema'ii/s and dozens of; other arts which assist the progrees i u' science or 'he exact formulation of ideas in special fields like science and eniiii!'->-r'.Mtr. No similar effort' has been spent on speech. Instead men have hei-n con-en? to get along iwitii the words and speech forms of savages. Future pir.sre-s of civiliza- lion will be delayed or perhaps pre- 1 i vented. Sir Richard believes, unless j i the problem i t i oMiirniicatlng ideas by laii^uuK* 1 N studied scientifically , and systematically, to find out exactly ( how thoughts may "- '.in-' - -nl most clearly. The Foggiest Spot X! lose iv.r,<. Maine, enjoys the dis- 1 tinclion. *ay- IVpular Mechanics Mag- aziiie, nf heiiif; -'HIA fos'-'ift spot in the' i Uniteil States, al'luiuali it brightened up a little in 1MIIO and had only 1,562 s . hours, or a little more 'han sixty-five ! days and rail's, of fin;. I's yearly fog average over i:\'eeii years has been 1,6(17 hours. Runner^-up on Xloose Peak's record are Libbey Island and 1 Petit MJt;t, also on the Maine coast. ! On the Pacific mast. Point Reyes light ; I station holds the record, with an average of 1.39S hours per year for forty- five yi'ars. A friend complains about the in- creasing worries o? li/essing, "By the time I let my f.'.lse teeth !n place, my arch supports nd.lus'ed. my ear phone regulated acd my wris: watch strapped on I m nua- !y eihaJisted." he confided. THE DIFFERENCE It take so many roses Such wealth of gorgeous blcom So many petals crushed, to One breath of fain- pe-fume. It take BO many hours Of labor and of t-.irs To give the world a .ov.-:y s< That will outlive r be years. But love is something (]:; Just ore swift kiss can br*a:-c s l-.eart. An old offender wa- : ir..! guilty of stealing a '::': -e and received a stiff sentence on account of Irs previ- ous record. The 3'i'i= ail : h!m as folows. The Judge It is my inte;:' . '-, sentence you to eight years ": least. Now, before seutetM Is formerly pro- nounced on you, I sli sten to any- thing you miy have to :iv ''! :' ir behalf. The Old Offender i after wa minuts or two) I don't kn^w >-z I've got anything to say o'i'.y I b -. It strikes me that you folks rotin : are purty tolerbv , w -h ' er people's time. The Fire Menace in the Dominion Summer ha* its perils as well aa its pleasures, and one of the greatest perils Is the forest flre. Until a few decades ago Canada was care- less of her timber wealth; there seemet 1 so much of it that exhaus- tion was a re-mote prospect. But prodigality always brings its u\va punishmeut; now it is realized tiiat the wooded areas must be cared for, and reforestation iias become an es- ablisiipd undertaking. In view of this sir.iution, preven- tion of forest fires .s a subject of prime importance. During ISliO 6,- UOO.uuO a 1 res of timbered Jaml In the Dominion wa* burned over, with a total loss of JS.^OO.OUO; and this de- spite an elaborate and efficient pre- ventive organization. Each of the Provincial Governments administer- ing its own forests maintains a flre- protection body which co-operates with OWUP-.-S and lessees for the pro- tection of timbered areas, the cost being distributed or covered by special taies on such lamN. The aeroplane is established .is an important ta< .< in the detection of forest fires, and in !h s respect On- tario is particularly well equipped. While aircraft have to a large extent supplaiued '.lie old c. noe. horseback and foot patrol for detection of firex, a large ground staff, with equipment s'ored a: strategic points, always will be necessary for the fighting of larger S:>s av.d maintenance of sys- tems of coimiMnicatlon. With the disappearance of winter von'il-itiiis 'nest? 1y'!i_ r M:vmca a: ay be found a:! <:ver the forests of Northern Ontario. This is a trained unit disciplined force, ed by skilled aviators, and plays a '.'.emend"i:>.:y .rin!'.-Mn: par" in 'lie ion i ' '.,'> Provin * i mber wealth. .ThTH is soniHth Kt .' .;''~-i ; m and much thai s - a 'Hazardous nature about the >:'k >f 'hese men who spend tliH s-iuinn'r in the cl< 'ids above the va--, tore*! '1 'ina.n .if 'his Pro- vini't>. watching -.11' -<{ for the ?;:''< iiat in.i^v moan, dis- :i:a!"ria: loss .i:i'i perhaps : n Its most ;i-rr:b'.B form. Their presence :n !h"*B 'iaint-r /on.-*, ami he conv I -i thai In v ;'re animat- eii by a kenn sftsse >' d-ity, Justify public ci'iitiiji n bat everything , gg .> -,v:'.l hi* : e prevent the terrible fiTi-^: <-<'iirt;i::ra!!ons of '. -n:- -i: - - Fl ! it' 'i Em- pi r ' RfpRosETtiv "*jb GOOD tfcxb" : ttOtCt fcUfflH&U\*UON* WANTED CREAM The marketing f cream has been my life st'idy. I have a new piiUlt. new cans and some nw ideas. If you have cream to sell, you will b Interested in thia new market. It is different. Write J. A. McFEETERS 52 JARVI3 STREET TORONTO, ONT. The Best Water Colour for Walls and Ceilings Frt* stencil premium lakel on eetry cut* aft. Send for Decorator's Guide and Stencil Catalogue. 400 GYPSUM. UMK AND ALABASTINK. CANADA, LIMITED Pmrit Ontario NEW PROCESS Alabastine Su..- \Vi-.at are you knit! ':c? -. , ,. -SD-ne-.i-. ;::tr to cli.-*-' tip '.he boys. <;,.,. ,.,_VVi y. y. a - S, the wnr !s over. Lotiie This) Is a ha '''. "K s.iit for me. dear. Rain is somethiiiK we don't like while we are getting It, and kick like sin whe-u we don't get it. A bark- ing dog Is almost as unpopular as one that bites. The chap who takes <-a:v of his own credit and collec- tivin department Is most apt to col- lect the living that the world owes him. \Ve don't know which makes for the duller evening a woman tcii'nj; about the removal ot her ap- pendix, or a man telling about his s'.ock market operation. The ad- T-.iu'a);e of one big worry is thu- it ;. ruinates a mul'itude nf M'tle wor- ries. For Trouble. due to Acid ,NDIOIT SOUR STOMACH HIABTBU N eOMSTIPATIOM ACID arter meals I GKT RID of your dreaj of pain after eatlug. Eat without feer of 'Indlgeatlon," sour stomach, dla- iKreeable gaa or headaches. When your food ferments "dis- agree*," lie* like a lump In your stomach, lt' a sign of too much acM. You need not resort to crude Methods take Instead an anti-acid that will correct th condition. Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. A spoonful of this plensant- to an acid-soaked stomach and bowels assists thee organs to "unction as they should. Phillips' Milk of Magnesia U what you need when a bad breath, coatod tongue, headaches, nausea or billouaueM Indicates! an over- acid condition. Take a spoonful today and for several days and tee how It sweetens the system. You won't be nearly so liable to colds or sickness. All drugstores In Drying Curtains Take "he full width of voile, grena- dine or any soft curtain material. ! and after stitchm? hems at '.op and ! bott >m, making a separate stitcul-jg Tjf the red. dampen and while da:np lns\ad of ironing or using i c-ii-- tain stret :lie", put tjiem at once on t rows, pla-je a lod in the bottom hem , and cue in the top and hang 'j'em i to dry by pushing the material tight- ; !y together. Let them dry in this | fashion. When entirely dry, take- out the bottom rod and the curtains will hang as thougii shirred and have a dainty aud sheer appearance not [ obtained by other methods. The ; advantage over ironing the curtains or having them hang full Is ao great : hat it is Impossible to realize the ( effee'. unM one has tried this, method. Buffalo in Canada The herd :-t about l.OUO wood buf- , faio or bison still roaming south of' Great Slave Lake Is Uie last wild herd of 'he CDII iu-ut. Wood Buffalo Park 10.">UO square miles i, the- largest Na- j ional Pti/k iu i.'auada. with the Salt River therein, is reserved for their ise. rue Government herd of plains buffalo 1:1 the p.uk at W.i li.: %'"', A!- bei-a. Is kept a: 5.(>00, and Is a s rf robi . --.-d meat. Classified Advertising 3ABY CHICKS There is no preservative n:ul auti- i'-piii', nothing lint k ('[>< . ne - ineart young like wvtnpathy. like c:vi:ic one's sylf w:'!i 1-11' li'i'la.--!!! to * ne ; ' . -' .J"ilU B::'" :-" -. 4 d.ABY HICKS iN SIX VAH- A"l lETlEJ. >: and J3. .'ataJOKUM .;-i-e. A- ii. Swiizftr. Grantor.. Ontario. _ TYPEWaiTEBS _ BAHRAIN :N r.EBL'ILT rlill'll'.a ..v.:tf:s. g'aarantetd same n new, J-'i '.s!i w:'ii order. BaClflfuctlua or money rcfuntieU. Twite for '!' pc- writers 7o4 .St. Pettr S'.. Mcri'.reil. HE PBl'SEHTATIVB WAHTBD WLD > u ..UE TO BE rua . -Hi . ppreser.tative for fast *H- HiK .i" ;.si aiij.l :.!:.-.*. 'iVrlte Glitr- ence iJumi-r jii. "J -'!) St. H., T nrto ' _ KELP WANTED. P.'1'.'Nrf ''N' vCEAN LINERS eip-rinoH ii::!e>-cssary. Llat ot po- litions frte K. Arculus. ilount Vi;: : 'i. Xer Yorli. \fh-X AND \VOMEN WANTED A ^.TX L-ounty ::ui)ngeis -or higti -.. * III. a jf -'iilet articles, iouseh< I : slf.-s anil iiotr.- --II'.'-UVH. Ea.-n ''uu.'i'.y repr'-sfiitatiVH, sells : :i u:s ^r ::: :h - :i t--'::ory ,f:ii s-ih-aK^nts f.'li tha :eiv.a:r!iifr <( 'he ounty. Must t aKgressi\e. ,r ! .ibi - >i supply Oi':: '. :f f iei i os^a."" li^era, oommis.* 1 : ^ ^V-;- Park . ilucte Limited, Hamlli m, niai rt ia thq :s .1 rare spei :i-s ';ii,wn aa thu "box mi lerry." ia trailing ci ' ers of a - : .:\f.'.<- -\i< .m-.\ ^f "hi , . t-s n : : a. thick m;r. i : i .;? plani selcl >ai core -liaa .s;x 1 of N .rural History ! ;,',;.* huui] cf yoa ' .j :i - - : 1 ^ ,-\ '... -,iys What red 'o he he i deposits ' "-'.A', im '- n ll! " WT:-'<! are at Great Bear I-ake. ' -<"i miles northwest of Edmonton in '.':: N we* t Terr toriea. Poles of U.S. Are Determined The 'v.. pi ' farthesl :ipart in :he I'nitetl States [. > r<-". .1 -I'lTiiinsj to the p. are i 'u;> Flattery. \V:ish., and a !? . ' 16 '"' 'SUa coast, south i)f Miam : . '!'!]-( two points are abuiit L'.^^.'i !!::..< -i|mrt. Th Pathfiniin-. WOOL HIGHEST PRICES PAID The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd. 2 :-.RCH ST.. TORONTO I'he- use nf luuii siieanL-: and '.s forbidden in Brus- sels after fleven o'clock at night. Kennedy & Menton 421 Conego St., Toronto Hariey Davidson D st-.bu.or- Ita at once for our Daiuain list ot n, i! -. 'i-s. T'-r-i!s irra 'i:-'.!. When in Toronto Make Your Home at HOTEL FORD Bay St., at Dundas St. miES-Ml-J JZ,50 single Every hotel service In a clean, quiet, fireproof building. 750 rooif-s. Creamed Soups/ Giva to the w Tlie b''st you And the best will Come bark to you. Bride Shall I have your lunch brousht up to the deck, sweetheart? Groom-No, darling: just throw li board It'll save time :r..i trou- ble. . . Ovi-rb"'>.ird." shrirked Hie natch. A thousand men and women rush- ed to the rail to *'' a woman strug- gling in tb gr">'ii water, "Sharksl" screamed the in'i'i ' as white Haheil ilar'fd towards the ' body below. For minutes before the r >pe was lowered, (he multitude gazed in won- der, as rue viscious would dart up to the tody, then turn and dart away. "They couldn't touch me." the lady said after they 'i:id brought her out. "They wert, all nian->-a'iTI2; sharks." Your Captain SPRAINS Rub Mirurd'i n g*nilv. Il prnuiratr* o r tigam*nt. -til* 1 * mflatnination, *outhc*. ,ir*l. Puts you on your feet! Crrmraed Celery, Onion. Toinato. AspaiHu :mmi many other croii oup*. together with ever 1DO other delight- ful recipn te de*. nbrd n oi;r nrw KKKK cook book. " The Good P*ovidr." It d- cnbr* how flavor a .>< i and Ixrw couniin* i ;un an ex- - c w.th -- ST.CHARLES MILK UNSWTENEO YAPO RATED tatlng, soothing fluid neutra'lzea the Dominion se'.l It in 50o bottler, many times Its volume In acid. It j f.ook for tht num Phillips on retor> the proper alkaline balance '' .he bottli. Made In Canada The seven ages of women an. T. 17, 21. 27, 1!7. L'7. 27. Its the cou- Burner's good luck thai it pays the producer to be honest. Her doctor advised her to go skaling to reduce, but he couldn't stand It. French Morocco Leather Goods The raw materials used lu the manu- facture of French morocco leather goods are sheepskius from which the wool ! removed at Mazamet ami which ar dressed at Graulhet ami Issonduii, according to the Index ti> French Production. These skins have an attractive grain and color and an able to withstand the roug-h handling and bard service met by traveler- bags. Paris IB the chief market fo. 'bese goods. , ^ Truth IB as 'Impossible to be soil- ed by an> outward touch as the sun beam. John Milton. ... is a genial man, with an ir of quitstrcngth thit compels confidnc. On his shoulders rsls iht responsibility for your tdfcty. Imbued with the fin- est traditions of British iea- manship, he has spent hit lifetime mastering the moods of the seven seas. Sailings wtckly from Montrt^l Cibln '.It. from .... $1 30 Touiitt Third Cabin. . . $1 Q5 Third Cl Round Trip S155 Sptciil Stton*l Third CUn Round Tiip Eicurtion R*l $U9. Information from Cot. Boy ond Wllinglon St. [Phon Elgin 3471) Toronto <n .LI . ittanuhip agtnt Bordcn Co. . Lintitni ' ::5 Georce St., Toronto S*nd me fre ^opy of your cook bouk. A jmi,.. ...~,.... ^-, ,~~.*. I BLMCKHtADS . :i uJ ' ..'.-,, .1 D ..'' \ ': !'--.Vi|i v ' . 'U. 10111 IKglSI <|<l I ''' Tl ' ! fUl-e ::..,' 1 ' I . . WASHKI AWA * . ~ , i i. FOR CONSTIPATION CUNARD ANCHOR- DONALDSON ISSUE No. 1931 If baby has COLIC A(.'}\\ in the night. Colic I No cause for alarm if Cusloria is h:miiv. 1'liis |)iire vetzct:iblo prepara- tion brings quirk comfort, and fun never harm. It is the seiiMhlc thing when children are ailing. Whether it's I he stomach, or the little bowels; i-olic or constipation; or diarrhea. \\ hen tinv tongues are coated, or the oreath is bad. Whenever there's need "f gentle regulation. Children love i lie taste of Castoria, and its mildness makes it safe for frequent use. And a more liberal close ol Castoria s always better for growing children ban strong medicine meant -mlv for ilult use. ' Feen ei^k- * . . --. -\3tfjA: Feel Young Again Enjoy Hard Work Millions >i uh'ii nut .tiHiii'ii ill ivcr 'lie ivurld ':iku KI-IISI-IH-M >.|IK l;iilv ni)t Ui'i'iiusR ihi-v ire rcully sick, niinil VKII Out lxi':iue 'lu'v kimu 'lie III tie daily dose )' linisciien kcr|.s iirni always lit,. .Micruelio .nul Inv 1'iinii l;it, and also keeps 'he ^\v'eiii lire I mm ovcr-aoiililv i'eople who take Kni-rlim >;uts ill a glnss )I hof tvnicr evorv ninnitiiK won't Have nendm-lies .imj ,ux- u\\:i\> tree Irom /niislipn'ion lci>rcsM,iii, dlzmM88i coated 'mn'iii- 'i-ni ninii^^.uik ureath. I'lii'v HUM' no i>iiisi>iis .n 'twil system orrauso Uio .n-liun n l\ -M-.I hni Suits .in Hie IIVIT. kulnevs nut ihi\i'l SOU8CS perlert dm) n'sjular -11111111. i>n-;i. It von >\anr |n\uii im'Mi .' .1 u'lorions vis;or--ll von .ai" mla ' .IK) IIKI Mijoy vmr .Kirk '''inil KrusfhiMi Salts ^verv l:n iMiiimna "I pi-iiplp ire MJJOVIIIU Mu-it daily. lalKiurs. 'liank< ti> 'J:- ' littJe daily . l\ 1 1,- in !!.

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