Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 May 1931, p. 5

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TOE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY. MAY (3, 1931 J. Dargavel Presented With Curling Stoies PORTLAW prospects bid fair for a successful season ahead. your, color sclieme Walpamur, the famous flat finish for walls and ceilings, forms the most delighrful background for your treasures. The soft l^nt-diffusing effect it produces, and its egg shell bloom, give a new beauty to your rooms. It it so easy to apply, and has such covering power, that it is most economical in mate- rial and labour. In addition, it is permanent, washable, fire-resisting, and non-absorbent to moisture. It can be applied successfully on a wide variety of surfaces, such as smooth and rough plaster, wallboards, etc., and permits of teitured effects. Consult your decorator or dealer at to In many usti. Atk him for a thadt card, or write to us direct. Walpamur a product of The Crown Diamond PaintCo.Limited Toronto - Montreal - the famous flat tinuH for u.i. Walpamur products arc sold by Albert E. Haw, Ceylon, Ont. Russell Bros., Dundalk The Flesherton Curling Club wound up the 1930-31 season with an "At j Home" lor the members and f of the Club on Tuesday evening. The event was a errand ?u:ces.<, over one hundred were in attendance. A short program was given, Mrs. J. E. Milne delighting the gathering 1 with a delightful piano selection and Mr*. E. C. Murray giving a pleasing Scotch reading- The main event of the evening wa-; a presentation to Mr. J. 0. Dargavel of a set of curling stones with ap- propriately engraved handles, by the members of the Curling Club, in ap- preciation or, 1 the? valuable services rendered by Jim to make the Club * success. It was through his efforts that the fine building, owned by the Club, was erected last fall and the members desired to make some dem- I) -ition of the appreciation they felt for his efforts. Mr. Dargavel thanked the members for their splen- ' did gift, and stated that they would He hisrhly prized by him for all time. Rev. Scott gave the address and M. Wilson and G. B. Welton made the station on behalf of the Club membv rs. Lunch was served and music was provided b\- the Gloom Chasers' orch- estra, which also provided music fo>- p. dance at th? A-so. The sad news was received by rel- atives here of the death of Mr. Wm. Thompson o;' Detroit. Dereasi-d \va ; the i-ldest son of Mr. tr.-!. Thorv and the lau- Mrs. Thompson and spent J his boyhood here. He was a veteran I nf the World War, receiving severe j wounds, which no doubt contributed his early passing. Mr:;. Lawrence Lyons had >.. ur.o : i .-'::Ter a compound 1'racturc of her righ: wrist while crankir.g her car. The injured n-.eiy.l-er ha.s been encased in a plaster cast and will necessitate si.me weeks to recover. Sacramennt was observed in M- : - Zion church last Sunday. Th e at- tendance was very er.c urajir.g to th* pastor, -.vhose message was most in- spiring. Mr. F. \V. \Vetherall had his ne.v barn raised iately tr> take the place of the one destroyed by fire. A large crowd attended the ra.-.v..' which was accomplish'..^! w:th<v.:: a-. accident. Mr. T. W. Walker and son of To- ronto motored up and spent the week end. w::h rh,. ! jrmer's'brothc-r hem. Mount Zion Sunday School was - ^d last Sunday, a.'ter re-orirar.ii-.a- tion, wit a .full sta:f of tae"h There was a splendid atterxuv. BARLEY OITYIELDIMJ OATS In periods <uch as the present when the making i-f a profit :hc most careful aj >>nt. it is of special interest to n.>:e that '.ar- It-y ia consistently a : . . crop than oa:.-. [ . .:: a pc: n -1 > the IKI.-C ;V yt-ar- \:\ Oitar: \ wnn.-:i barley has outyiel'kd oa;.- by appr-'xip.iatt-ly !';0 pounds, per aor e whi!. ; f unfa'Mir:. ther. such. a-= l;-:;i>. the - ' to twice this . Un- ' all grain ^rnps. barley '' d by -jr.:':iV' rable weather. that an average yield of 118 bushels would result i n a toal of 4;I4,000,000 bushels in Iy31. with average weath- er. Prospects are that the yield this year will b<? very little below that of L928. The marketing of that crop was disastrous. wers should consider very care- fully befure increasing their acreage and coiK-entra n ,y on getting a hi;." I: is expect- ed h a low cos: per b;.isf-,i-i will have a rr:>::t this Tht? - . decrease the . .-ease the 'K-'TATION INJTRIES TOO MANY POTATOES Before ncreasing their acreage. c'-rr.mer.ial potato growers should . the market outlook. ad v :ses .T. A. Carrol of the Crops Co-oivra:: n and Markets Branch. He points out that the pri.-e -f potatots in Ontario is contn'iled ahr.os- entirely by :he : t'.:o N" rth A!V.crii-:in cr^p. the cion _' which is t_omrib- the United States. The U.S. -^ totalled about '>U.O'H),000 i - - are that a Dt ' Sta '. ' . :_'huut en a.- the r< asun for taire by W. R. Smith, a I. . in an interesting r:ct township road suni-ri - r .'. < recently. He de- clared, that too much land clearing and t.>o nv.u-h .ira:n:r.ir was the .:u:<e -' the over-:ncr-:i- ng water fam.r.c. T-. :. icre- atre i :' :'a. :!'. Lai I lid be f :'or- est to ! le a ] r wavr sup- ply, wh;;..- the [> ties v. -,;s as low .; - r half of r- T . such a:: " Local and Personal Thursday Half Holiday Have you started gardening? The merchants of the village will cbserve the Thursday half holiday, commencing tomorrow. May 7th, and . continuing through the summer until Dr. R. Richardson and Miss Shirley the , ast of Septembcr . Murray were week end visitors in _ town. Mr. and Mrs. G. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Alexander, visit d friends in Durham, on Sunday. I SE ONLY THE DEST SEED Regarding the preparation of i-x- Iiibits for the World's Grain Exh. '- tion to be held at Regina in l.'-5- L. H. Newman. Dominion Cerealist. advises sowinor the best seed obtain- able on a piece of spe:ially prepared ground, letting the cron fully ma- ture, cutting and sh.x-kinir it as us- ral. The best stooks should be cov- ered, protected from the weather, and the best he.ids threshed by means of a -.'.ail. The grain th_>n i should be run through a *'ev and , later hand - picked to get the ri'-<: uniform see<'.s. because of a Fair of this kind the competition will be ; very keen and the prizes are wor'h r working for. Purity of variety will ] be a verv important factor at this World's Grain Exhibitii-n because ,-x growinsr test will be made with ev- cry sample submitted. MOORE WAUCHOPE The marriage cl - Bertha Dorca*. of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Fred Smith of Owen Sound I J? 011 *"* is visiting her sister Mrs. Dan Mci Thos. . \\ aucnope. Proton Station to Tavish for a few day.. ! M r Elwo .. d M :>: re l >T u "se S t_son of Holland are Tavish for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. spending a .week with ifiends in the Toronto district. Mr. Fred Murray and son Jim of Toronto were guests of Dr. E. Murray over the week end. Miss Ida Fisher was a visitor la<t week with the Fisher and Patton families. The young lads ushered in the seas- on on Monday at the "Old Swimming Hole." Mr. Harold L. Kearns tff Toronto visited his sister, Mrs. John Ottewell. on Friday last. The new Hymnary for the United Church can be secured at C. N. Rich- ardson's drug store. Mr and Mrs. Robt. Bellamy. Cold water, spent the week end with his' parents here. Next Sunday morning the Sunday School will meet i n the United Church and. as it will be Mother's Day, a special service will be used. The Toronto Star trophy, won by Mr. Herb Akins a week ago. has been On display in Armstrong's jewellery Store window. Mrs. W. G. Kennedy spent the past week with relatives at Dungannon. At the United Church service on Miss Me'.ba Fowler returned with her | Sunday morning Drs. E. C. Murray. for a few holidays. [ F. W. Murray and R. H. Henderson M.- aid M^ H. \. McCr.u'.cy. ac- 1 of Toronto rendered a trio in their companied by Mr. and Mrs. G. E. " sl ' nl pleasing manner. Henry of Berkley, spent the week end At tho> Artemesia Council meeting Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. Moore, Flesher- ton, took place at St. James' Anglican Church. Dundalk, Saturday. April the 25th. Rev. Maurice F. Oldham offic- iating. The bride looked charming in a gown of rose georgette and lace made in long lines with blond shoes and hat to match. Miss Allie Xorris attended the bride :ind Mr. Gordon Wauchone, brother of the bride was best man. A dainty luncheon was served at the homc> of the bride's parents after which Mr. and Mrs. Moore left for i short honeymoon to Detroit. The bride travelled in a blue sport suit trimmed with white fur, hat, *hoes and stockings to match. On their return they will live near Flesh- 'rton. A vgry pleasant evening was spent at the home ftf Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore, 14656 Glenwood Ave., Detroit, on Tuesday the 28th in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Moore, who were spending their honeymoon in that city. About fifty guests were present and the yo'-ng couple received manv beautiful gifts from the boys and girls of the Briggs Mfg. Co.. where the groom was former employee. I on ^ on< -' 'Tduee tho ^ . Q ^ f<i , t {hat at Granton. Mrs. J. 0. Coleridge of Kingsville returned homo on Saturday after spending the week with her parents, ^ Mr. am! Mrs. D. McTavish. ,, .^ th Mrs. William (5. Hay and son. Dor.- > ratepayers, aid of Mimico and Miss Ber.iico Me- _______ Donald of Toronto spent the past week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. \Vos Armstrong were. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Coburn and son. and Mr. and Mrs. A. Biggar and daughter, all of Niagara Falls. Dr. J. G. Russell. R. 0, noted eye- sight specialist, will be at Armstrong's Jewellery Store on Mav IS. U> and the members decided to bounty on wire fencing ^ R ^ of MOTHER'S DXY. M \Y 10 i Wherever <hf i*. send flowers, j v the plants and ci:: t'Vwers from W. A. Hawker, rhone 17, Flesherton ' . . Away Again" Arrangements almost complete for Farmers picnic in Lover's Grove. FLESHKKTON. JULY 1, 1931 Bigger and Better than Ever FIELD SPORTS - PROGRAM DANCING Something doing every minute of the day. Watch for largo bills and press announcements. F. D. Carruthers. President: R. A. Lawson; Chairman. H. McKechnie. Secy-Treas. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Alfred Hawkes, Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, who died at the Township of Osprey, j in the County of Grey, on December j 20th ,1930 are reauired to file proof ' of same with the undersigned on or before the 13th day of May 1931. After that date the Public Trustee will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of , which he shall then have had notice. Dated at Toronto, this 9th day of April, 1931. A. N. Middleton. Public Trustee. Osgoode- Hall, Toronto, .NOTICE TO CREDITORS Hay your Flour and Feeds from the Osprey Farmers' Milling Co. FEVERSHAM Family Bread Flour Made from No. 1 Western Wheat Pastry Flour Made From Choice Ontario Wheat 20. This is Dr. Russell's spring visit. Cracked Red Wheat, Grits, He cornea thitv times a year, and h i Brail, Shorts and coarse feeds guarantees satisfaction. Have your ^_____________________ yos looked after before it is too late. ~ ^-V Children's eyes examined free. "C^llirOOrtlCtlC Past Masters' night was held by Prince Arthur Lodge No. 330, A.F.& i n Flesherton each Wednesday A.M., on Friday evening and four of'f,. om 2 p.m. 10 7 p.m., office in Mrs.' the Worthy Brethren were presented M. McDonald's residence, Main St., ! with Past Masters' jewels. They for chiropractic adjustments, mas- \V"or. Bro. Peter Muir acted a; Mastiv sagos and sun lamp treatments with Bellamy, A. Sinclair and G, o. Banks, the Burdick Mercury Arc Lamp. Wor. Bro. Peter Muir tvted .-.< >Taster See and conducted the exemplification ofj C. G. MacGILUVRAY. the second degree. | Chiropractor I IX THE MATTER of the Estate of JOSEPH HENRY t.ANKTREE. late ! of the Township of Osprey in the | Countv of Grey, deceased: NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Trustee Act. th:\t all creditors and others having claims on demands against the estate of the said Joseph Henry Lanktrce. who died on or about the 14th day of April, 1931. are re- nuired on or before the 30th day of May. 19"1. to deliver to Mr. Tho*. I.ankuvo. M.Mt'ord. or George T. Mc- Kenzie, R. R. No. 2. Meaford, the executors of the estate of the said tteceased, their Christian nnd sur- names, addresses and description?, full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature oi 1 the securities (if any) held by them: AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date- the said ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by thorn nt the time of distribution. Dated at Men'/ "<1. Aril i'oth. 1P31. GEO. G. ALBERY, , Solicitor for the Executors. NEW LOW PRICES ON LADIES' HOLEPROOF SILK HOSIERY I ranjre . ' - ; : ' i -' " : ' - c ' rs 1 hi Is 1 : :- ':..' ; " - - 79c Pair lt"!o- Nik I !' isierj - .$1.00 H..I!V;'-' of Silk Hosier - i d. -'"-. I t''p. ;>cr pair $1.25 linlcpnvu" Silk Hosiery, ir.' f - >ned. tin diro fini>h. por i>;iir $.150 Holoproof Silk Hosiery, ful .-'' : n< '. : -' '. per pair . SI. 65 \"\e!:ies in Ladies' S 1 :'i",c I-V>"twe:ir Cash Grocery Specials Canned Appie.> for pels. ^al!'-" 1 . sizt 25c Ciranulateil Snyar. bay $5.25 Prunes. i"re>h >t"ck. 3 Ibs 25c Oxydol. rrir.ee-;-; Soap Flakes aiul Chipso. larce s;.:e . 23c Pearl \\'h:te Soap. 7 lur> 25c \ :." I" . ri Kxtact. large ^ 23c \\ n I'n . ' iluniin : lackaires. : i. r 50c S] eri k Tea. per ' .. 35c ' nds SI. 00 F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO WAITING FOR 8.3O ' ' . >^.'.is' . ' -: : . , ^-\^ ; amsafffla&jk^uii i$s3xaSUtijS&SmF j. ' ,4^ ; Mother and Anne had always been vcrv close to one another. \V.V!i Arise tnarrii j ;-.::>! nieved to anoiher tin, caih misled t!'.- odicr grcitly. But one thiii.; more than any other h.i> helped to v keep them tbse - - the telephone. t\er> Friday evening Anne uills her mother by Ion-; Distance , . . . .ifter 8.30 p.m. \\bc-i the low nipht r.nes are in effect. During the week diey both keep ruemos of topics tliey wish to discuss. Then there is no time lost . . . and nothim; forgotten. Evening rjles ait "Anyone" ( stalioil- Vi'hat if they are 120 miles apart! The telephone lo-sljtion) cjllt connection is nude in about a miou:e nearly begin jl 7 p.m, always while Anne holds the line. Their voices are *'**' rates *''* just as dear as on local, and the cost, after 8.30 Jl *"' ?'"*' p.m.. is only 40 cents.

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