WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1931 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ' High School Reports SHOfl.I) CHECK FERTILIZER This is the season for buying fer- KORM 1 tilixors and it is important that far- French -- Honors, Merle Allen 7P, mers should know how to protect Mary Wilson 78. ; themselves in making sure that they Pass, Everett Talbot 8, Bol> Bell- arc delivered the kind and analysis amy 67, Francis Cidlinson lit?, Kvelynj of fertilizer which they purchase. Brown 58, Bill Parker 57, Marion ,The Federal Fertilizers Act require* Stafford 56, Delia Vause 56, Mervyn that every fertilizer delivered to a McFadden 60. I farmer must le labelled with the in thc Commons . Mr . Emeat Lapointei Fail, Jean Wolstencruft I*, Ronald guaranteed analysis in terms of ni- Middleton 47. Jim McCormack 41. I). '-gen. phosphoric acid and potash. h '' ex-Mlni.ter ot Justice spoke on Stewart :>. (!, r Bovd :17 Cath-jTH.-refore the farmer should check Thunday and j. looking much thinner erine Stewart :i6. L.oyd Archibald the guaranteed analysis of the fertil- and does not seem to be fully recover 30, Wilfred Beat 30. Hugh Bibbv 25,^ when it arrives. If short one per ' ***** ^-r.ous ,l|nes.s though his speech did not lack eloquence. Mr. Banks Are Criticized By All Members Several of thc members of thc Moose have been ill. lion. II. H. Stevens, Minister of Trade and Comm- erce is still unable to take his place Helen Moore 25, Angus Turney 2.'i, <' ( ' nt - George Akit 13, Wes Littlejohns 11. nitrogen , it is worth aliout per ton loss than the purchase 'price and phosphoric acid and potash FORM 2 are worth about $1 for each per cent. GEOMETRY Hon. Doris Bannon I Purchasers are advised to refuse ac- 78, Christina MacKinnon 75. Iceptance of fertilizer which is not Pass. Verdun McMaster 70, Dor- 'labelled precisely ;th<l same ,<rlir- othy Jamieson Ri, Bill Fisher 05, anteed analysis as that purchased. Daisy McFadden 6;"i. Mervyn Johnson Should any farmer have reason to fit, Stanley Hunt :{, Isobel McMillan doubt the value of a fertilizer deliv- 60, Earl Ottewell 5'.'. Dorothy "Wol- cred to him, he is advised to commun- stencroft 59, Monica Lambert 50, Ed. icate with the nearest fertilizer in- Fatton 56, Boh Phillips f>4, Lucy Mac spector or the district representative Donald 53, Fred Fawcett 52. Joe Gibson 52, Almeda Hinks 52, George McMastcr 51. Fail, Rowena Magec 47. (Veil Chard 34, Frank Eagles 18, Marg- aret N'ichol. 7. agriculture. James Malcolm, ex-Minister of Trade and Commerce is in the Hospital In Ottawa and is apt to be absent from the Mouse for some time. Thc Hon. J. ('. Elliot, ex-Minister of Public Works is undergoing an operation in the John Hopkins hospital, and Mr. W. H. Moore, chairman of thc Tarkft Board that was, was able to come in to hear Mf. Lapointe speak. Never l.cfore lias criticism of the hanks, and our financial system gen- FORM 3 Ancient History Honors, el-ally, come from all parties in the House. It begins to look as though , the next revision of the Bank Act Fail Jim Bannon 48, George Me . . _, , ., ..,.,. . . 'would be ii real revision. Truly, thc world does move. I am sure the presidents of the banking institutions in Canada are at a loss to know what Phillips 34, Earl Master 41, Bob Ottewell 30. UPPER SCHOOL Geometry Honors, Ida Graham Carson 85, Earl Johnson 83, Jim Haw Lcs Ferris 81. Sadie [18, Alice Heard 98, Reta Fawcett 82, 80, Patricia Morgan 70, Jack McKech nic 77 .Monica Lambert 77. Pass Bessie Beard 71, Bert Morton 70, Evelyn Turner 65, Christcna Ma- J'ass, Marie Fenwi-k 72, Audrey (fee . r >7, Jim McFadden 51. Brown 69, Elda Frook CO, Monica Rao Fail Marion Bibby 42, 59, Emery Fisher 53. ' Turner :10. Spring in Swing "Freshen Up" INSIDE AND OUTSIDE AXD \\HKX YOU USE SHERWIN-WILLLIAMS PAINTS AND VARNISHES Yof \KK ASSl'KKI) Y( >l* AKK rSINV, Till'. IIKST M()\I ; .C CAN lil'Y. THI-'.V C.n I'VkTIIKK; T11KV STAND IT SA\M'. l"<.r inside and outride *" ' Marnot I'limr Knainel and Floor \ arnisli * I'm^y ami Aut<> Knamel Klat Tom- i"nr Artistic Decoration Slur \Yil I.. -ic ( <|iik'k <lr\ ) Stain and Varnish \\V have a Imt-li f'r Kvery I'urpuse Floor \Yu\, Poliili, < >il and Turpentine F. W. DUNCAN HARD W.A.R.E Phone 54 to make of it. A rather heated row took place in the House the other day, Mr. Armani Lavergne, Deputy SpeaKer of the House, desired to make a speech in Harold reply to the Address from the Throne The official Opposition objected claiming that the Deputy Speaker was a servant of the House and should maintain a neutral position. How- ever, the Prime Minister and the (Government supported Mr. Lavergne. I He made a heated speech in which he demeaned unnecessarily our new Can- 'udians. A couple of Government speakers followed, praising highly those who have- come to us from for- eign countries, to nullify, fine would judge, the speech () f the Deputy Speaker. The whole House enjoys hearing I ho French membcis on opposite sides i.f thr Mouse banter each other. It is such a long time since this was possible. The repartee is <|uirk and lever; i-nfoi tunately most of us have to have it translated by some kind friend. It would add much to our enjoyment if we understood thc I French language, fonrervr.tivc sup- porters sit in the gallery, which cn- .'.Ides them t<> face their friends on the floor and the Liberals in th" gal- j lery also are in a position to look into th? fa.-< < of their f rieni' . and '.-ince the parties cm th-> fl:> ir have i changed places the galleries designed I for the Liberals and Conservatives have changed also, but Hie Imlopen- Icnt Group occupies thc same position m the floor as it had in 1022. and for thc first time we fare a Liberal gal- lery and arc conscious of the Conser- vative visitors who are just behind and above us. Thc Independent (iroup is not hnx-c, but jt seems to he the pivot about which the House j evolves. .:' THE STORE WITH BERVICB F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONET Ladies Millinery and Dresses Sl'KIN'C, DKKSSKS S7. ( '5 In Plain and H'V.i-u-d Crepes, New Colors and made in the .-mailest Spring Styles. Special at ?7.'J. r > each. SMAUT KXSKMI'.LKS In Black and all i:e\v Spring Colors made from Faille Cant..,, with Mouses of contrastinK colors. These m w Spring (torments priced ut $12.% to $M.'.Ti. S1'RI\<'. Mll.UN'KKY New Sprii-ir Styles in Straus and Tsveeds. all newest st -.d.-s, made by ne of Canada's fore- most style artists. Come und look them over. AI ; TI ; ,KX< )0.\ C.OWNS Designed by one of the foremost stylo ex- pcrtH of Faille Canton combined with lace. These gowns are priced for quick sale. ^ ^ r.-UOCKUY S1'1-CIAI<S , x Soda Biscuits, 2 Ibs .... DQ)estic Shortening, 3 ">* Peas, No. 4 sieve, .1 for Tomatoes, 2 V4 size, 2 for ... Corn, 2 tins for 20c 25c 25c M l-.N'S SI 'ITS Here Men, is the i-ham-f It) dress up for S| rinjr. Suit;: made Iron) all-wool lintany ('laths of imported manufactures in smart stripes and ei.iliodyinfc the new.'st in styles at ?17.8">. SI'KIXC, C'OATS Si l- ( ;3. S14/J5 Thnv Day Spe-ial in ?.len':; Spring ('oats, all new cloths in natty Spring: -Styles, ijll.'.i.'i and 114.96. I'KINTS I'V A YARD Tub-fast Print':, ;i2-inch v.idth in attractive d-.'sijjns at I'.le per yard. (;i.\V,ll.\MS.?_\- A YARD Anderson's (luarantecd .Siolch Ginghams in new designs and coloring- Priced at ^2e a yard. I'M I \TS25e A YAKI) Hero's the 1-est pnieurahk' in Wash Prints, evi ry piece jiuaranteed washable. 25c a yard. PELT HATS $2.95 Men's Fur Felt Hats in all new shades', inadi- by one of Canada's foremost manufacturers. All new shapes. $2.05 each. This session there seems especially \ little mixing of the parties and Ki'oups ' in the dininp room and lobbies, Each keeps to their own kind pretty well I possibly too well, though in some ;'ases irrcat personal friendships CUM across party lines. This tendency | becomes more marked the further we I Kct from a general eieetion. The Prime Minister and the Leader of the] Opposition seem always to he friendly with each other and the ill-will, so often shown in the days of Mr. Ki-iij and Mr. Meighcn, is absent. Though the Postmaster General op- posed votes for women in the floor of thc House on Thursday, women are slowly, but surely, moving into new fiikls. At lunch the other day I had as fjuest Constance Ray Harvey, Vice Consul of the United States of Amer- ica to Canada; she is a young, friendly and very likeable woman. Last niffht at the reception given by the wives of the Cabinet Ministers and Miss Ben- nett, I was privileged to have a short visit with Dame Rachel Crowdy, who was for ten years head of the Child- Welfare Work cf the League of Na- tions. She is now touring the United States, lecturing on her work in the league. Her brother, Mr. James Crowdy, is Permanent Secretary at Government House. Dame Rachel is a very real person, without any osten- tation; anxious to do" her utmost to make the world a hetter place in which to live. Recently I was the guest of the University WomenV Club at Ottawa and there heard Misp Arghterson, principal of Bishop Bethune College. Previous to her coming to Canada Miss Auphterson had been a teacher at Windsor Coll- ege. Her description of the life at Kton, 'he famous ; ?honl for boys, wa. interesting indeed. She described for us many pageants which she had seen ; at Windsor, Qu,-en Victoria's Jubilee. thc funeral of King Edward VII, and the first visit of the pres-.-nt Kinp to Ktim. She told how, in error, she had mistaken the Arch Duke Michael for a nosey tourists and had him put >ut, w.iich almo jt, precipitated an ' international incident. The most I impressive story she told, however, | lated to the Coldstream Guards, j On the outbreak of war these men i wanted to learn somo French, or ' rush up on what French they knew. > and Miss AugHterson was detailed to each them. She told us of two hun- i I red' sti-dents, all six feet or over; heir desire to learn to talk about liseases of horses i n French. Sh. 1 new nothing about diseases of lorses, but ty walking many mile-; he secured a French copy of a book \ n the rudiments of veterinary surg- ry. Not one of the 'two hundred ived through the war. It begins to look as though the dc- mte in reply to the Address from h:> Throno would not terminate until \pril 2nd. on the same day the House isos for the Easter recess and will not sit again until the Kith. Taking he debate as a whole it is a partieu- arly good one. It Fhowa a variety) of opinions and thoughts that i 8 really inusual, hut it is doubtful if fxirther protraction of it is of much use. AGNES MACPHAIL. ilouse of Commons, March 2,tb, lO.'il. anil isn't \t ? TT'S decorated with Walpamur, the * famous fla( finish for walls and ceilings. Walpamur is permanent, washable, fire-resisting and non-absorbent to moisture. It can be applied to a variety of surfaces, such as rough and smooth plaster, wallboards, etc., and is most easy to apply. It Is the most economical wall finish that you can select. The soft, H6h.t-diffu.Ung effects it produces, and its lovely choice of colors convert an ordinary room or hall Into one with charm and per- sonality. Contull your decorator or ....;.-/- at to in many ujfj. Atlt hi.n for a thai!* card, or uri'ft tu ui tlirtct. a pi-Hiuct of The Crown Diamond Paint Cj. Limited Toronto -Montreal l!..UIa* \Valpamur products arc sold by Albert E. Haw, Ceylon, Ont. HE SAFEST PLACE FOR BABY IS ON SEAMAN-KENT HARDWOOD FLOORING SO EASY TO KEEP CLEAN n.KSIIKKTON I'l IJI.IC SCHOOL Ith Velma Fisher, Doug. Stuart, Ted Dixon, Hetty Murray, Dori-, McRao, Delberl Smith, Ruby Akitt, ' iuiia Ciott, Ktnel Burnett. Sr. :! - - Jack Wright, Ruth Wol- ;tcneroft. Nellie Thi.sliethwaite. Doug Morgan. Oorgina McDonald, Kverett Croft, Winnis Graham, Mack Dun .-an, Doug Scott, Fred Pat ton, Helen Love, Marguerite Cn^ft, Jean Alexander, Ella McHae. Jr. :: -- Audrey McCracken. Kthol arKavel, Roberta Leavell, Huiton llellainy, Geo. Loucks, Tom Writrht, Freida Caldwell, Betty Mi-DonaT.I, Jack Welton, Fred McTavish. Ben Lenvell. Sr '2. Fred Gibson, Norm T.oiieks 8 7;oi: Mi-Kni'hnii'. Mob Stuart Pnrls Taylor, Doris Pedlar, Tom Hanks, lion Scott, Athol McKillop. Sr. I Wesley Mi-fi-iv-ken. Kv>-lyn Leavell. St.'wnrt Mi-Kae, ClitT Little- Johns, Kclna Croft, Morion Wk-kens, Donald Craham, Dorothy Welton, Oly McDonald, .lack Lotieks. Ben Bellamy, Thelina Miller, Joe Baiikr', nillic Honer. Jr. 1 Donald McKaehnie, Doiothy Pntlon, Betty Teeter, Harold Graham. Sr. Pr. Bernice Lenvell, Iva Hr'own, Ruth Turney, Laura Pedlar, Eldon Fisher, Jim Thurston, F.thcl Taylor, Mnrjnric Thistlethwaite. Jr. Pr. _ Bob BanK3, Evison. Wil- son, Irene Woods, Charlie Meggitt, Robert Sold in Flesherton by FLESHERTON PLANING AND GRAIN CHOPPING MILLS sc.'d pays bin dividends in crop iniprovemcnl. Production may be increased fioni 10 to 14 pounds per bushel and from 10 to M bush- ols per acre hy sowinp only larRf, plump seed. The farmer will find ii ii paying proposition to Ret the- old fanning mill out of the store-house, tit it ur> properly with screens and mnl:e a genuine clean-up of seed this spring, . Batteries \\ r e arc j>'l;ul at this time to announce to the buying public the best value ever offered in new Batteries: HART HEAVY DUTY $11.00 _' Year Guarantee HART, 2 Year Guarantee 9.50 HARCO, 1 Year Guarantee 7.25 liatterics adjusted on our floor, not in Toronto Come in nnd see the remarkable values. H. Down & Sons FORD DKAI.KRS FLESHERTON FON