Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Apr 1931, p. 3

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Reindeer Ranches Proving Successful i Canadian Government Opti- mistic Over New Indus- try of the North By William Bleasdell Cameron Three thousand reindeer, the prop- erty of the Dominion Government are, at the present time, being pilot- ed across the 1,000-mile stretch that separates Western Alaska and the Mackenzie River delta, in Northern Canada. If all goes well the goal will be reached by the fall of 1931, and with it will end the first stage In the launching of an ambitious pro- ject. Will the venture succeed? What will science achieve next? To lit sponsors say "Yes," and if they day, in building long distance tele are right an enterprise fraught with , phone lines along inaiu routes be- jossiblllties of tremendous expansion tween big centres of population, the will have made' an auspicious start. Bell Telephone Company uses cables A ilmllar step, taken nearly 40 years r containing a hundred or more pairs of ience Has Conquered Distance ago at the instance of Dr. Sheldon Jackson, an official of the United States Government, has been the seed cf a development so remarkable, and j highways. an Industry of such magnitude, that It surpasses mining In importance, and IB exceeded only !n value of out- put by one other commercial enter- prise In the territory of Alaska Its fisheries. For centuries the reindeer, wires. These tiny wires enclosed in lead-sheathed cables replace the older type of open wire so familiar along Instead of a half-dozen or more cross-arms on hi^h poles, with at defiinite intervals along the route. their gleaming miles of copper wire, Repeater stations, such as the OIIH the present-day method is to use a ! at London, Ont., illustrated above, ar somewhat smaller pole with the cable ! being erected at several points In On- suspended from a strong messenger tario and Quebec. T' apparatus wire. For long talks, carried on by means of wire in long distance cable, the ' electric current carrying the waves set up by your voice, must be revived R|P ROSE It A ^Xb GOOD tfcXL 1 * 246 Stoneless Peach May Yet Be Realized Fresno, Cal. This spring may set- the sprouts that will be the. forortm- housed In these repeater stations , ae r of the seedless peach that was serves to strengthen the voice cur- , the late Luther Burbank's dream of rents on their journey, so that one ' his later years. William Classified Advertising / 4 a ,1 Oil .-., iJHi.\EOK Si \.N UKNlTTtNO. | V ".Ml \Vuol," >'ilii J.I1U Wool, I old Tynie. " all -olurs. 75o Ib. up. i samples free. Stocking & Yarn MlllB. I I'ept. T Orlllia. Ont. may now talk by telephone for prac- tically any distance. as other leather gools. Knife-har.dles and novelties are made from the horns. fhe hair, extremely buoy- ant, makes excellent filling fo.- life ] preservers, and there has arisen a a demand for the long neck-turfs for Owl Laffs i UCLUttUli LUl 1 11C lUUQ UOVA-b Mb* Ml LVi ource of food, has b*E the main- Uie in malj j ng artificial baits by pur- tay ot Northern Europe and Asia. ve v ors ot ns hing tackle. It Is esti- The American Government, having ^ted that Alaska has pasturage for acquired Alaska and with it respon- ' 4>0 oo,000 reindeer and that this figure tblllty for the wellbelng of Its con- wi)1 be rea ,. hed by 1937 . Iderabla native population, cast The Douli nion Government 'of bout for a means of ensuring an ade- ; Cana(]a two tT thl . ee Tears ago em- anate and dependable food supply. ( ployed tue p i- 3 ild brothers Danes Seals and walruses, flsh and game, born an(1 broug ht up in Greenland- were well enough as far as they went, i JQ make a gurvev of Canada's so- but existing resources were uncer- ' called Barren Grounds with the view At times they w >re insufflci- i o determining their suitability or You can swat an insect pest when it goes to buzzing around you, but the law protects a human pest and you have to stand for it buzzing around you until It leaves you of its own ac- cord. Iain. nt, If not unob .ai:::.:ue. Some- otnerw i se f or reindeer ranching. The thing, the authorities decided, must m . otaei . 3 nladd a care ful investlga- condltlon. ke done to remedy Dr. Jackson studied the situation and concluded that the European The Philosopher I saw him sitting in his door, Trembling, as old men do. His house was old, his barn wan old, And still his eyes seemed new. His seen three times my lion and their report was so favor- able that an immediate start was made. They were sent to Alaska eyes had years, And kept a twinkle Tho' they had looked death And three graves uu a bill. Seawood As Food Fancied By Indians Other Peoples in Canada and Elsewhere Use It for Food Purposes Among the foodstuffs taken from the sea the Indians on the British Columbia put seaweed as j worth adding to the menu of an epl-! curean. In earlier years .seaweed was "money" among British Columbia In- at birth and I di a reindeer, If adaptable to the country, tQ obtajn the stock neeessary Ior tne would solve the problem of provid- experiment, and they purchased the tag an ample, always available hera ff 3 _ 000 an ; ma i 3 now being means of subsistence for the Eskimo ' drlvea alu:1 ., ;he Amic coast to tne of the character of which they were ! tarritory east ot , he Mackenzie, accustomed. Caribou, a wild species Witu at , ropIauM anead to direct the of the Telndeer, roved the country In ,. olir ,. e aud to nml :lle ,. ho icest pas- normous herds. If they throve- tlll . age> aa(J reinaeer in s i e <is hauling M they had done for as far back as Iht) camp e q Uipas e. the caravan left Che records ran why not their man- controlled cousin? Dr. Jackson be- lieved the domesticated branch of I Aia=ka in the early summer and is now wintering somewhere beta-eon , Point Barrow and Aklavik. As soon the family would, and convinced the ' after the fawnlng 3ea son next spring Government It was worth while to ' aa the young are able to travel, the ettle the point. He went to Lapland trek wU1 be re8U med, and by the to procur the material for his pur- a , uunm tho herd ah ould be establish- poi and returned with 1.200 reln-' ed upou lts permanenl feeding ier and a number of Lapp herders : groun(ls lu the vicinity of Kittisazult. to Instruct the Eskimos in their, How much o lhe Barrea Groulldg eare - i may be suited to reindeer grazing The four-footed Immigrants iltted jhas yet to be ascertained the For- tato their new environment as If aildS( w i, n i n tlle limited time at their born to It. They flourished on the disposalr coald cover on i y a corne r rich natural fodder everywhere abun- ot t hem-but In the opinloL of Ralph Cant, and their number has increased ! Lomeni a piolieer ln the lndllstry ! n tfom the original 1.200 until there are j the A i askan fleWf aa quot e d some today In Alaska almost 1.000,000 rein- time ago> " TIlere ls room ln the Lor . j them tundra of Canada for 12,000,- 1s also a dairy-pur- , 000 re ] n ,i eer and such a herd would "Let me ail down with you," I said, "And you will make me wise. Tell me. what Is it keeps the Joy Still shining lu your eyes?" Then, like an old-time orator, Impressively he rose. "I make the most of all that comes; The least of all that goes." Archibald believes the reason some girls desire to get married In airplanes ia because their ego has them con- vinced no mac on earth Is good enough for them. Farmer (very angrily) "Whnr'ro comin' home with your milk pail emp- deer. The reindeer animal. In Labrador, where there are a small number, Dr. Gren- fell has testified to their many valua- ble properties, IncludtLg with the .tate-iuent that "the fresh milk of tt does has supplied us wl:b what a ] 9sg num b er ii a vital necessity and one obtain- ' able In Labrador In no other way, while the excellent and easily-made obeeee afford a means of storing the nutriment In a palatable and assimil- able form without any outlay for a preferring plant." be worth $50,000.000. Canada, If she started now iu a modest way, could have such a herd In 50 years." Fifty years is a long time, but mean- while Canada might be cnnieiit with Carcasses dress round 150 pounds lief> wag undertaken nd har a value with the by-prod- ' veto of about $30. The skins pro. Tide the Eskimos with clothing and *r converted by United States manu- | Ba ~ rr ~ en Orou nds7 they" had supported The Government had substantial grounds, even before the Porslld In- vestigation, for believing that the relnjfeer would find themselves as much at home on Canada's Arctic prairies as la Alaska; that enquiry, though expected to confirm such be- as a measure of prudence. The strongest guar- antee lay In the fact that -'or as far back as anyihliig was known of the dians ia the sense that it was used, to limited extent, as a medium of bar-| ter between tribes in the northern In- terior part of the province and other j tribes living aiong the coast. This ' barter has now practically disappear- , ed; but if seawued is no longer money it remains in n.-e as an article of In- dian food. For food purposes, e-pi-eially among the Indians of the northern coast of British Columbia, tho seaweed Is pressed and partially dried, and in this form H will apparently remain In a at;.- factory condition for a consider- able length of timo. Part o iis value from the dietary .standpoint is doubt- less due to Ha content of Iodine, an element which research has shown to be valuable as preventive of such dis- eases as goitre. Incidentally, it may be noted that 3ea li-'i a:.-i> eoiiiaiu .1 ruusidorable percentage of iodine, and this one ty fer? Dldn t the old cow give any-i . thin*?.- i ot lhe rea-ious why doctors and dieti- tians recommend frequent inclusion of fl.sli foods !a tue household menu. Aa a matter of fact, of course, cer- tain seaweeds are eaten by other peo- ple besides, Indians. For Instance num- bers (' people In Canada and else- where !:ke dried dulse, a variety of wife has i 8eaweetl - aml ln 19 - 9 Canadian pro- held In- 1 duccrs marketed over 100,000 pounds of this marine product and received for it over J10.600. On the Atlantic coast of Canada some use baa been outdo of seaweed, iu combination with Ush offal, la pro H. Henderson, the youth whom Burbank took In charge as his protege, on his place Just southeast of here has planted abnormally small peach seed.", the discovery and gift of a Fresno well driller. The gift pit.s are about the size of < a cherry stone. From It Henderson j hopes to develop eventually the [ peach that was the object of many i plant experiments by Burbank. Henderson already has many new plant developments to his credit, j Among them are several varieties of > coast of 'the hibiscus that will live in a turn-] peratfl climate. One Is of the flam- ' ing red color that gave the tropical j plant ;ts name, the flaming hibiscus. Another is orchid and a third Is a J subdued, velvety red. Henderson alreay was pushing de- velopment of some stone-less plums he had grown when he was given the diminutivtt peach stones. BABY JHICXS. A I BABY i HICKS IN SIX VAft. " i 1KTIEJ. '"<; ami up. Catalogue* A. H. Switzrr. Uraiiion, Ontario. A. 1 "i-riiu TO t:vi-;r.v .NVENTOB. List of wauled Inventions and full iiu'ormutlnn sent rree. The Ramsay Com pany. Worlc Pat-rn Attorneys. 273 Panic Street, Ottawa. Canada. Earn $15.00 a Month Is addition to Lodging, Food, Uniforms, Laundry and Text Books WHILE STDDTTINO WTJBSIST> at the BUFFALO CITY HOSPITAL 462 Grider St., Buffalo, N.Y Error of opinion may be tolerated where reason la left free to combat !t. Thomas Jefferson. Kennedy & Menton 421 College 8t., Toronto Harley-Uavidson Qistribu k or Write at once for our burial n list of useil motorcycles. TVnus .irraiiReil. ttung? His Son "Yep. kick." Nine and , A certain hostess Is highly indig- nant over the society editor's descrip- tion of her tco coarse luncheon. Lawyer "Mr. Peck, your ;> > n arrested and Is being communlcado. But the police chief is easy, and a little money - " Henry Peck "Fine, Hue. and tell him that there's $10 for him for every day lie can keep her that way." s UNLISTED . ELGIN 4135 . B. T. RIORDAN A \c Mi BUOC" into gloves, moccasins and If baby has COLIC ACRV in the night. Colic! No cause for alarm if Castoria is handy. This pure vegetable prepara- tion brings quick comfort, aim can never harm. It is the sensible thing when children are ailing. Whether it's the. stomach, or the little bowels; colic or constipation: or diarrhea. When tiny tongues are coated, or the b K.^ if M.. \VbettV v . te> 9 e 4 of gentle regulutiofl. Children love the taste of Castoria, and its mildness makes it safe for frequent use. And a more liberal dosfr of Casloria is always better for grow.ng childreli than strong medicine mcunt only for Unit use. Immense herds of wild carlboi 1 that had arranged their sweeping expanses, coupled with the reports of explor- ] era as to th character and extent of the vegetation found upon them. The reindeer, as has been said, Is a close relative ot the caribou, and If the latter flourished there It was reasonable to conclude that the rein- deer would do likewise. These wild herds hav been photographed at I such close range that "wild" seems a misnomer, and many have seen pictures veritable forests of horus over a living sea. A recent Govern- ment report gives their number as having been estimated at 30,000,000. Warburton Pike, an early adventur- er upon the Barren Grounds, tells of standing for hours at a stretch with the caribou streaming past on either hand, so near that he was able to pick out those In primest condition Tor slaughter. This herd was six days in passing his camp, and he re- marks that ha could not believe the buffalo ou the plains 1n the period of their greatest abundance were more numerous than were the caribou at that day on the Barren Grounds. The cost of raising reindeer Is trifling, estimated at $1 per head. A handful of herders will look after a herd of several thousand, merely circling them at Intervals to prevent them from straying. They are found- ed up three times a year In Febru- ary to collect and segregate the breeding stock; In June to mark the fuwns, an^ In October to mark_out S'nd 'eSftgnler "flit TnT'SaV InTem Jed for market Some folks are too good to be true \ and too cheap to be good. Client i just acquitted on burglary charge) "Well, good-by. I'll drop la on you soue time." Lawyer "All right, but make It In the day time please." Your chances of borrowing money on securities IB far better than trying to borrow It on nerve. duelng flsh meal, which Is a valuable stock food. So far tliure has been no commercial utilization of seaweeds on the Pacific coast of the Dominion. Forernau "Now, Murphy, what about carryiug some more bricks?" Murphy "I ain's feelin' well, guv- nor I'm tremblln' all over." Foreman "Well, then, get busy with the sieve." Listed and Unlisted Stocks Bought - Sold - Quoted Thos. B. Kenny & Co. Members: Dominion Stock Exchange 45 Richmond St. W., Toronto Order* Executed on all Exchanges CASTORIA The people never give up their liber- ties but uudef some delusion. Ed- mund Burke. 4 Kind words never die; If they did, perhaps they would be more appreci- ated. Internal Revenue LlttU Willie ia a funny And eccentric llttla wait Swallowed all his Bister's money, Said that he was playing safe. Charles "And you are absolutely sure that you love me? 1 * Irene "Heavens! Do you think I'd be sitting here letting you bore me like this i. I didn't?" Sincerity Is more Important than genius or talent. Father "Isn't that youug mu.u rath- er fast?" Daughter "Yes, Daddy, but I don't think he'll get away." The newest fad of choosing a. dog to match the complexion ought to popu- ' larize the bull. To the ladies a ohorm- lug man Is oue who makes them think they are. A grouch should never be nursed last It soon grow so strong that It will run off all one's friends, We'd like to suggest a few prizes tor those who refrain from writing poems and such, You can't work In a bank and brUiK liv>ma jsampleu. Some-bodv hiT otJSeTved tnat the way to tell a family Is poor ! by the children all having their tonsils. Popular Piano Playing Twenty I-.^KI.II course by famous roll [ recording ar'.iut. Lessons miulud singly. i Persona) ;i..mtinoo with on-'U Ivsnon. PIANISTS] Join the impugn 1 song hits i of the month olub. Uooli at J L. C. hot arrutiRHments obnitiiililn for $2. Write: 3. LAWRENCE COOK, BOKO SSaVICE 3TUDIOS. 3611 Clinton St., Toronto, Ont. NEURALGIA Kood application of Mtn* fltd 9. (cording to direction!, juit 'hin th< poi'J .^You'll jj find tJm you ' ^ w .,* gat wonderful relief I SOUR STOMACH The general strike merely seeks ' apply to the community at large tli methods of the highwayman of old an th gangster of today Lord Ha'i ham. UST a tasteless dose of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia in water. That is an alkali, effective, yet harmless. It has been the standard anti-acid for 50 years among physicians every- where. One .spoonful will neutralize at once many times its volume in cid. It ia the right way, the quick, pleasant and efficient way to kill the excess acid. The stomach be- comes sweet, the pain departs. You are happy again in live minutes. Don't depend on crude methods. Employ the best way yet evolved in all the years of searching. That is.' Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia pre- scribed by physicians for 50 years iu correcting excess acids. Rutm'inber the genuine is al- ways , liquid. It cannot be mutle in tablet, forin. Look for the numc Phillips' It ia always on the wrapper for your protection. Drugstore* everywhere have the 50c buttles. Matiu ui Canada that sluggish feeling Put yourself right with nature by chewing Feen-a-mim. Works mildly but effectively In small doses. Modern safe scientific For the Feenamint NO SNOW ON THE BOARDWALK HOTEL 1 STRAND; Atlantic City, New Jersey Sends Greetings to its Many . Friends In Canada. Wo are quoting such a very low * American Plan rate that you will * flnd It cheaper to utay at the J "Homellks Strand" than staying . at home. Writ* us so we may quote them J to you so you will know the exact I cost before leaving. Music Salt Sen Saths Compli- I mentary Tea Daily, 4 to 5 p.m. > We will personally so to your " comfort. T. E. >,A.\DOW. Myr. H URADi'CRD RlCHM't\D. P r "? I t W :-^ -' :--r>+zZy CONSTIPATION m FREE TRIAL OFFER KRUSCHEN If you have never triix' Kiuschcn try it now at our expense. We have dist' ibutt^l a KTX-UI auuy special "GIANT" pacbfc'i-s which make it easy for you to prove our claim for yoiirwlf. *> Ask your Druggist for the new "GIANT" 7V. P u !<age. This consista of ^ur n-nuiar 75t. Lk'itlc together with a viur.tte tii.il Ivt'li- ?uffiutm for about one wcfk. Oi'i'n ilic TM! . itle lint, mil ll '.O the tnt, and tln-n, :i ii' i entirely convinced MI Kjw hen tl.'i-s i:M'i"ilni!ij i- U'.im it to :'. .li regular txn'lr ia '' i an M'-\V. l',^.>~ :t back. Your ar:/i.i s t ia , ihn'iitl r<> rrtunt vour '*-. ;r:im'- :.i;r':" ..:'' \\itliuut QtteatiORa Vcu liave tried Ki i-. : KII :'ir<-. .it our c\i>ftie. \Vluu >:uU Iw Munufaituicu hy E. i;ritiillis Hl:,:ii.' , Ltd., M. hi IT V-ig. (Ejt.lll. i '.'> 'I- L.'i , '.' i USES PiNKHAM MEDiCiES Praises Vegetable Compound, Blood Medicine and Liver Pill* Bin lilown. tj fruni ton i >n 'i :irrji, '1 .ivc 1:5 mile* all 'ii\ hum9 dn'itx '.mil 'I'lim* inn to .'lit* ud to. lif ( 'liaiige of I I At vuii-. am! rufl rltnviL Tlif \ ge table Compound helped mv vvholo 3\>tfUl.M\ IHTVMI arc better in- t ;> petite is nouil and I am able to do my work. I bv also taken tha Hloud Modicint UK! the Liver 1'ilto nd thitv nelix-d 'iu I will answer letfc" TDII> woiin'i) iskjnn about your inrs ' Mils UlCUJUUI Kirchit.wu. ISSUE No. 13 Ml

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