Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1931, p. 1

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. Vol. 50, NO. 42 Flesherton, Ontario, March 18, 1931 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors Above lj a reproduction of the Chamber of the House of Commons in the Parliament Buildings at Ottawa. In the centre can be seen the Speak- er's chair, and also the galleries surrounding the room. The government forces sit on the left cf the picture and the right of the Speaker and the Opposition sit on the right of the picture. WODEHOUSE (Last Week's Items'* Miss Emily Lawson visited with ! friends in Owen Sound over the week end. We are sorry to report Master Geo. Mr.;. T. I. Faw:ett is visiting in Lawson still confined to hi.-, bed suf- Heathcote with her sister-in-law, Mrs. fering with throat trouble. Geo. Hutchinson. The lantern slides on Wednesday Rev. McAusIand, our esteemed past- evening proved good and a large or, called on several homes in this crowd attended. Some $13 was neighborhood last week. realized. 'Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cherry visited Mr - Schram of Cherr y Grove W3S a with the latter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. caller in our bur & on Mondav - Reg. Londry of Epping. Mr. and Mrs. Lesley Fawcett have returned from an extended visit with friends in Uncle Sam's domain. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chard of Kim- berley were welcome visitors at the Sunday School and church service on Sunday. The male choir of fifteen voices had charge of the music at the service on Sunday afternoon. There was an ex- ceptionally large attendance and the PROTON STATION Reeve Corbett has gone on a trip to North Bay. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. D. Rcddick. nee Miss Mildred Porter, on the event oi' their marriage and wish th^m a happy and prosperous wed- ded life. We also congratulate Mr. and Mrs. They will Llovd Wauc h P e on the birth of a daughter. Mrs. James Hardy and babe. Swin- boys did their work well. be called upon to repeat. Mr. Sam Wiley Sr. and Mr. Gordon Wiley have both been under the ton Park spent a few days with her weather for a few days, but are on mother, Mrs. H. Copeland, in this the road to recovery. | village. MiM Verna NMbitt wma at Dundalkl jj r . Frank Montgomery was a on Friday attending the funeral of I g ue st of his cousin, Clark Wyvill. her little niece, Marjory Cook, who) \y e are sorry to report an accident KIMBERLEY The storm has been severe, but rot bad enough to "stop the cars from getting through to Thornbury. Mrs. A. Andrew, who has been iv o. kins* in Hanover, is home again. Miss Dora Boland is {he guest of her friend, Mrs. W. Grieve. The last of the season's free con- certs ended with a community dance >n Friday night. All the entertain- ments have been enjoyed very much. Twenty-seven interested people went to Flesherton to hear the very in- teresting: debate on March 3 among the young people. We wish to thank the Flesherton people for their kind- ness that evening, also Mr. Wolsteu- croft and Flesherton's correspon- dent for their kindly interest in our two young girls. We feel it is the young people of our churches and Y. P. S. whom we should always be reary to encourage. The W. M. S. met aa the home of Hisses Mary and Myrtle Stafford on Wednesday afternoon. The attend- ance was good also a good programme was provided. Avrangements were made for an Easter morning service in the church. The hostess served a lovely lunch at the close. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baker visited friends one day during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Baker and La- verne visited with Mrs. Ferguson and 'ihe boys. If you are not getting up a supply of wood you are not in it with the rest these days. Tht L.O.L. put on a dance and had a very good crowd. They have or- dered a fine new banner for their lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lyons have moved to Swinton Park. We are sorry to lose the family. They have been kindly neighbors. Mi-i Tena Hutchinson is with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hut.hinson, as little Ward is very ill. FEVERSHAM Mr. and ".'-. Fran?is visit ': v.-iili friends in Collir.irwocd over the week end. was ten months of age and a victirr 01' pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fawcett of Kimberley were callers here the firs* of the week. which befell Mr% Still, who slipped on the ice, breaking a rib and nece:-sl- tatinK the calling of f- doctor. Clark Wyville spent the week end jat Ceylon. Mr. and |Hrr ( Newt Hlchinson x urse Qradley of Berkley, who has and children visited Mr. and Mrs. : bjen on duty at Proton Station, has Will Walker at Eupenia m-ently. | returne( ( home. Miss Nellie Boland and Mr. Georpe ; Mrs Mi , m , nnd Mr3 Brvcc of plesh- Shaw of Vandeleur were Sunday vis- ' uestg of Mis3 E mi!y Ach- iffkra \'J*V W~ n ~A \frc Vrtit'f eson on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Archibald spent the week end Markdale ... ;th her parents and SO ns at Ceylon. Mrs. Thistlethwaite of Flesherton Mr. and tors with Hutchmson. Miss Eva Stoddart is the guest of her sbter, Mrs. Harold Fawcett, nnd Mrs. G. Wiley. The stormy cold days reminds us that winter is still here. visited her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Wauchope. **<^K*>**~*<H^>^.. > 4^ <> ^^ Grocery Specials LARGE TINS FANCY SOCKEYE SALMON 35c LARGE TINS FANCY RED SALMON 25c LARGE TINS FANCY PINK SALMON 15c Vz lb. TINS FANCY SOCKEYE SALMON 19c >/ 2 lb. TINS FANCY RED SALMON 15c Vz lb. TINS FANCY PINK SALMON 13c CHOICE CABBAGE, 3 for 25c. LOAF CHEESE 5 lb. BOX $1.25 MEN'S WEAR j Just arrived, our new Spring ! and Summer Caps Gome in and pick yours out PRICEVILLE This Monday morning is quite .-jn-iiiffiik'? and the birds are singing. Mr?. Hairy IViiiar .-f Toronto spent the week end with her paronts, Mr. am' Mrs. Alex. Carson. Mrs. Ki;te McArthui- spent the wrel: end in Toronto. Mr. Alex. McLean of Toronto soont a io\v dayj with his parents. Mr. and Mis. (','iin Mi-Lean. pri;>r to returning: to h*s teach inf.- duties, after ha v irr-' nn attack of the measles. Mr.!. PC | r of Toronto is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Fishsr. Mr. on<l Mr:;. Chas. Tucker and Mr. ?nd Mrs. Genrgdie Ulack of Swinton Park visited the first of the week at the horn" of A. L. Hinckr-. Miss RiM'.ec.T. Xichol jnt n few days at her home, owing 'to her school at Radieros being closed with si - arl"t fever. Mrs. Robert Stephenr.on of Mark- dale spent the week end with his sis- tt 1 .. Mrs. Win. Hincks. \V- are sorry to icport that Mr. Archie McArthur's year nkl son is r. patient in Durham hc-'-pital. We hope the little fellow will soon be able to come home. CEYLON W. G. Kennedy Fresh and Cured Meats Fresh and Salted Fish Phone 37 *>******<*>** Mr. S. Hemphiil spent the week end with his daughter in Toronto. We are pleased to report Mr. J. J. Patterson improving, and also Master Billy Cairns. Mrs. Cecil Archibald of Proton spent the week end with her parents, and two sons, here. Mr. and Mrs. McWiiliams and son Charlie visited friends in Proton the first of the week. Mr. Charles Maclean is moving this week ta 'Mr. D. McTavish's farm on Stone's Line. Mr. Georjre Arrow-smith attended the funeral of Miss Wright. Mark- dale, on Monday. (Mrs. A:ma Ma-Millan visited her son in Owen Sound the past wet-k. Miss MacPhail is attending Parlia- ment at OttawH. Mrs. II. Huston and little son vis- ited Dundalk friends over the week end. iMr. Cameron Smiley is buv runn- ing his mill after his siege of ill- nos-. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mc-Faddcn am' Mr. Eagle of Orange Valley sper.t Saturday at R. Cook's. : T } We are glad to report that M.. I' ;; ton Nice!, -A ho hr.j been ill, io recover- * big Cicely. Mr. :ind Chr.7. W^ldri.': visited ove.' the weak end with their dau'jhte:'. Mrs. W. Fulford, of Ravenna. ''.I. 1 . M. D. Conron of ColHngwood .ii with his mother, Mrs. A. J. Conron, here, last week. Mr. Thomson Aliater, who ha - bee;-) ill ci his home here for ;-r/;::e weeks was taken to the G. & M. hospk:i: at Ccllin^wood on Saturday last for an X-ray and treatment. His many friends here hope for a j-.;eeiiv recovery. We arc sorry to report that M.-. John Conn, who is in the hr:-i:tal at CoDingwood, is not recovering a:; fast ar. hi.-, friends co:i!d wi^h for. Mrs. George Gould ar.d two daugh- ters of Ravenna and .Mr:,-. Ed. ilcKean of Kolapore visited v.-ich tlie latter's parerts, Mr. anil Mr:--. Wrn. Smith, here, recently. Mrs. James Lonar and daughter, Zella. visited with friends in Toronto last week. We are pU-a.-ed to report that Miss P.oHe MoGirr b improving nicely after several weeks of illness in the hospital at Collingwood. A very pleasing event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Con- ron. fifth street. C. ilingwood. nn Mon- day evening. March 2nd. en the anni- versary of their 15th w-f'dinc. when f: ie^d.; a -,d neighbors. -T the number of thirty-. i"e. gathered and presented them with a large oier- tric floor lamp and a lovely bounuet of carnationj. Mr. and Conron were completely taken by surprise. Mr. Conron thanked the friends and the evening -ova* siv.nt i:i franv -. M . Conron is a native of our village and Mrs. Conron's people live at Rob Ro : , five miles enst o. hero. The company iii>pi.-; -.-xl ,-iboijl twi-lvn 'tVJock. :i . v.-ishirg Mr. an:l Mrs. Cir.r:)- m::nv p;or.> v. ,;x "f happy ir.nr inl !i.\ :her. BATES BURIAL CO'Y. f UIBTINCTIVE FUXEHAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST * NO EXTRA U1AUGK FOR THE USE OF OUR PAIiLOKS > 112-121 AVEXL'E RD. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 % .'. W. BATES. Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS. % ROCK MILLS 'V.-ii iin;r bril- a "i' luuuiy rinjyini Miss P.ii-it'-.y ['- > <;-mt a >V>-. days bst week with Feversha:-.- friend". Mr. a:;*' M'-. \v ; . ],,, r n.i. :-,!! \is- it.:<! iho pi. >. -:.\ \ v. ::h trionds in Owrr :-.;>'. A n:-'i:ber 01' friends j^d nei-h- bors were entertained at the Ivm- .if Mr. \V -i. Pillar Wednesday inff Ma .-!> llrh, the o.-.asion beins: Mr. Pciilr.r's birthday. The evn R ::-.c v.-a< pleasantly spent in :>.msic.si:^in!r ai'.!i 'iii'.e finp rocitatiors. which w given by Miss Gladys \Vickens aid Ai'---. I.a'.irii- Pedlar, and \v-re enjoyed l\v nil present. Treats of taffy ar:l nuts wore served. followed by a dainty !'.:r.ch Afarsy frier.- Is icin in \vi;iiir.x Mr. Pedlar many happy returns of the day. Mi - W-.-s. Smith spmt a few day-* last week with her mother, Mrs. Al- COX, ;uul hroijier. who are both very ill. \W trust they v ill soon bo re- '.i-ri-d t i health. .Mis. C. Newell sjicn Monday wit;-. her aunt, .Mrs. John Hurgravo. \vh" ha 1 been in :i n:o:-.' serioti<? cond'tioi- <>{ lau\ Sh> ;s ii:nler tht care of H:-. Csn H-r-:-. Our nympatny i; cxi?nded to Mr. Milno and (iiiuiriui-rs in their bsroav>- ment bv ;'., ra::>," cf their wife r.rV. mother. KIGEM.V PIRI.IC SCHOOL Campbell*, Vernico Fawcett, Tcddi.- Campbell*. Jr. 4 - Delrn KaJtiing, -Annicta Turner. Herbie Fawcett. 'Jrd Hazel Turner , Vcrda Geno-.?. Sr. -- Leone Duckett. Jean Tu- dor*. Percy Graham. J.\ -1 Evelyn Camprell*. Wir,:v ; Mailir.*, Carmcl Martin*. Reggie, 1st Mal'd Duckett, Edward j Ci!mpi-,rll - ', II'-]-;.-. Fawcett, Elmer Co.!- | gan. Ri-dy Gordon. Ruth Gordon. Pi'. Joan Proctor*. Roy Fawcett, Dorland Campbell*, Reta Gordon. : Gordon Wethcroll, Pelbert Colgan. Murray Williams*. Gladys Duckett, R:>yiv.ord Gordon. ' denotes pupil present every day. S. E. ACHESON, Teacher. NOTICE After Saturday. March 21st. I am closing my chopping mill for the summer months. - - G. C. Graham, Eugenia. "House of Quality' Special This Week Only C.NXXED riXF.APPI.E 2 for 25c CORX FLAKES. .> f.ir 2lc SCRH'.Cr.KRS. 3 for lOc KH.U. GOOD BROOM . 23c FRESH CELERY AXD LETTUCE EVERY \YEEK Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES PHONE 46 WE DELIVER IN TOWN When Having an Auction Sale IT PAYS A MAN WELL in addition to having the usual sale bills printed, to have his whole sale list published in The Ad- vance office, where those who have for any reason not been out where they would see a bill, or who have not had time to stop and read the particulars of the bill, will see it, read it carefully, and maybe thereby be induced to attend the sale as a bidder. A Good Bidder is worth fishing for and spending spending a few dollars to land. EVERYONE KNOWS One Good Bidder MAY ADD MANY DOLLARS TO THE VALUE OF AN AUCTION SALE Don't lose any chances of making your sale a Big Success. Have your Auction Sale List published in this paper.

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