Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Mar 1931, p. 3

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li I . REP HOSE It A *ifc GOOD tlLo," 22d IC\\0\CE EAT MORE,/;/; CORN SYRUP ^ e . Owl Laffs Stranger "I want all the rotten eggs you have." Grocer "Stale eggs? May I ask if TOM are going to hear Senator Loud- mouth speak to-night?" Stranger "Ssh-sh, I'm Senator Loudmouth." The hardest cross word puzzle is why one should war.t to use cross words. Money slips away from the young folks as quickly as time does from Uie older folks. There will prob- ably never be a low cost of high liv- ing. And, as you have probably sus- pected yourself, a good many of the chaps who long loudly for the good old days are actually longing inwardly for the bad old nights. Kennedy & Menton 421 College St., Toronto Harley-liavidson Distributor* Write at once for our bargain list of used motorcycles. Terms arranged. NO SNOW ON THE BOARDWALK HOTEL STRAND Atlantic City, New Jersey Sends Greetings to its Many Friends in Canada. We are quoting such a very low American Plan rate that you will find it cheaper to stay at the "Homelike Strand" than staying t home. Write us so we may quote them to you so you will know the exact cost before leaving. Music Salt Sea Baths Compli- mentary Tea Daily, 4 to 6 p.m. We will personally see to your comfort. T. E. ..AN DOW, Mgr. H. BRADFORD RICHMOND. Prop. The Friend Who Just Stands By When trouble comes your soul to try, You love the friend -who just stands br. Perhaps theres nothing lie can do, The thing is strictly up to you; For there are troubles all your own, And paths the soul must tread alone; Times when love can't smooth the road. Nor friendship lift the heavy load. But Just to feel you liava a friend Who will stand by until the end. Whose sympathy through all endures, Whose warm handclasp is always yours, It helps somehow to pull you through, Although there's nothing he can do; And so with fervent heart we cry "God bless the friend who just stands by.'' Sunless Window Made Sunny Every little while someone discovers a new and delightful way to curtain some north or poorly lighted window, so that the effect of light and sunni- ness is brought into the room. A very successful window curtain and drapery, which brought ar appearance of sunshine and a suggestion of a flowery garden into a dim and cheer- less north room, is here described. The single window, which was about two feet frc the corner of the room, was covered with a glass curtain of cream aet, reaching to the window sill. It hung moderately full, its width beiiig once and a half the width of the window. On this cirtain, at one side, were appliqued gay-colored flow- efs with leaves and long stems, all made of silk that permitted the light to shine through brightly, as through stained glass. On the opposite side, that nearest the corner of the room, a drapery of deep daffodil yellow was arranged in an unusual and strikingly decorative manner. This drapery was not silk but it had a silky luster. It covered the entire width of the window, and two widths were used to get the right fullness, the seam being concealed between the folds. It was cut long enough to reach to the bottom of the window casing. The entire width of this drapery was drawn back to the casing at the side, half way between the top of the win- dow and .he middle, from which point it hung in graceful folds down over the casing, covered but a few inches of the glass, hence cutting off almost none of the light. F I owe a Like Stained Glass. The flowers, leaves, and stems were cut out and finished before, they were put on the net curtain. Three flowers, two wide leaves, and three long, slender leaves, were used, besides the stems. Thin plain silk was selected for all of theni in order that the effect might be airy and dainty and so their color would show up per- fectly. Very thin satin would be equally satisfactory. Heavier material should not be used, as the desired effect Is not that of ordinary heavy- looking applique. The colors for the flowers were pink, yellow, orange, and a light, rosy lavender. Another charming combination, with the yellow drapery, would be light blue, dark blue, yellow, and deep, reddish orange. The top flower, which reached to just below (lie middle of the window, was made in this way: A circular piece of yellow silk was cut out, five indies in diameter, but very irregular in outline, suggesting the shape of a flower. The edge was turned under oiie-qiiarte>' of an inch and button- holed with yellow silk thread. This te easier to do if the silk is first basted on a piece of newspaper, which after ward can be tor.i away. An irregular cin !', 3!i inches in diameter, was cut out of the pink silk and basted over tlie middle of the yellow silk. The edge of the upper Inlf of this pink Inch, and was buttonholed onto the piece wa turned under one-quarter yellow jllk, using pink silk thread. A ! pieco of the lavender silk, somewhat In the shape < t an irregular half ] moon, was basted over all the lower . half of the pink piece and all its edges turned under and bnttonhotbd onto the pink above It and onto the yellow below it, using lavender thread. Then all the extra thickness of silk ' underneath were cut away so as to leave only one thickness of silk ; throughout the flower. The next lower flower was made I In a similar way, starting with a large, ' Irrogula- circle of lavender, and using I pink for Its upper centre and orange below. The third flower started with 1 pink and had yellow for Its upper centre and lavender blow. Stems and Leaves. The stems, which were not cut In a straight lino, but on a slight curve, to make I hem look more graceful, were of a light '/ut rather vivid green. The- maleria' for them was cut one inch wide, and one quarter inch was turned under on each side, leaving the finished stem one-half inch wide. Both edge i vere buttonholed with silk thread of the same shade of green. The long thin leaves were, a little wider throughout their middle por- tion tbau the stems, but tapered to points above, and were buttonholed In the same vay One of the two wide leaves was of green silk, the other of orange. They were two and one-half inches wide by three and one-half Inches long, when finished and button- holed. These were much curved, with a few interesting jags along their underside. Along the middle of each ran. a "vein" made with silk i bread of the color of the leaf, in a simple stitch. When the flowers, leaves, and stems the lower left half of the net curtain j were fljiij'ied, the. were pinned on at t'ne win low and adjusted until their position seemed right, then lightly ' basted ia place. This makes it easy to remove them whenever the net re- quires UiundHi-iiij. The bottom of tbe stem and l.-ng leaves started from the j very bottom of the curtain and ex- leinl^d flmost to the sash. This glass curtain and accompany Ing drapery were copied for a La*'g*r, wider .' ..'-> in another home. But ' '.here was added to the glass enrtain, ' straight acro: the bottom of the net, a strip of yellow silk, four indies wide, i (he same wi ' , a ikird of laveiuler, I another just bolow u. pink silk, ofi ' and a bottom one of rren, the .we j thin. sonii-truDsiMirnt alUc being SAFE For NEURALGIA Prompt relief from HEADACHES, LUMBAGO, COLDS, SORE THROAT, RHEUMATISM, NEURITIS, NEURALGIA, ACHES and PAINS DOES NOT HARM THE HEART ASPIRIN TRADE-MARK REG. Ac&pt only "Aipirin" parl-agc which contains proven directions. .landv ABptna " boxes of 12 tablets. Also bottles of 24 and 100 All druggists. Made In Canada ns was rkoreu for the flowers ami Tile two happiest momenta of a wo- man's life are when a man asks her to marry him and when her doctor tells her she's got to have au opera- tion. Trying to get even with people ig what keeps up from getting ahead of them. There are insulting looks as well as insulting word*. If you tackle the hard job flr.t, the rest will be a cinch. A service that others regards as a nuisance may be the basis of a profit- able business If properly handled. MIT-. "Where have you ben all evening?'' Mr. "At the office." Mrs. "Then you must be made of asbestos for your office building burn- ed down two hours ago." leaves. Tlie fooilom trlj reached jnat to the window sill This, of coarse, meant niiu'nr t'u." net pnrt no that the top flower cave a few inchcn above flowers an i le*T. were made slightly the MI nl'i ' of j-.' window. The smaller than in th>- original oirtiun to avoid any possibility of th<- curtain ' looking crow" 1. The effect wj Ln- I descrlbably ga.-. .' t . ju m r-vy. Inquisitive Small Boy "Daddy, If our doctor doesn't treat pigs, who cures the bacon?" A young lady social worker was BLACKHEADS Get tvvo ounces of p roxlns powder from your druggist. .Sprinkle .n a hot, wet cloth and rub the faoo briskly. Every blackhead will be dissolved. Th one safe, sure and simple way to remove blackheads. Satisfaction guaranteed or m.ney refunded. F. w. SCARP k CO. 423 Welllnirton St. W.. Toronto GAS - lieved reeve most people call indigestion i usually execs-; acid In the stomach. Food has oured. The instant remedy Id *n alkali which neutralizes acids, but don't use cruder helps. Use what four dotor would advise. The best help Is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. For lh-j 50 years since its Invention, it lias rcuMlmd standard with phy ':: as. Yau v/il! find Iiclli- ir.g else so <i lic'.l i:: !!j c.Tcct, so harm- less, SO cC;.i.::t. One ta; t.: .- ; . ' ' i-i wa'.ir neutralizes many times Its volume ill acid, "fhe results are immediate \Mh no harmful after-effects. Once you. learn this perfect way you'll .never deal In any otlher manner with the headaches, gag, bloating, nausea, djzainess, indigestion, bilious- ness, etc., due to an over-acid stomach uud bowels. l.e sure to get gcivjtntf CUiilllps', ft is a!v,..ys a luitil.l; iiMui Sttdo in tab- lot for.-i. Look for the name f UHlipS on Hie bo'.t'.. All dnig-aturej eell !! 5 Ce. .:::ada vi.siiing a poor family iu a New York tenement house and tile mother was doing the washing and the baby was sitiiug on the floor chewing a very green banana. Social Worker "Oh, you shouldn't let that baby eat a green banana." The Mother (looking up from the wash, tub) "Have you ever had a baby?" Social Worker (blushing) "Certain- ly not. I've never been married. 1 ' The Mother "Well, then don't tell me how to raise babies, I've burled seven of them.' 1 The modern girl has discarded tight clothes but the tight-husband prob- lem is still unsolved. BLACKHEADS Live Stock Shows Toronto. The Importance of Tor- oato ai a livestock show centre is fur- ther UIutn_ted in th announcement made t!' other day of the Rigninp of a three-party apreempnt bptwprn the DominloB, the Province and the City of Tmnto for the erection of new staples -xt the eihibltiun pi'mind". The new tAb'*H aro eiiwrtorl to cost in Hie nvlcbuoi'buod of $1,000,000 ar.il are to b M 1 for tbo -'-_tocl: dls- ' play* ut >v ie "xhibitlon and thu Roral Winter Fir. Classified Advertising YABW FOR MACHINE Oft-HANDKNlTTiNG. "All Wool." 'Slllt a-Tld Wool," "Old Tyrn." ill eoi.jrs, 76n Ib. up. :,.i:iipl>'H irce. Stocfice & Yarn illllH. Oepr. T Grill. n. Onr. BABTf ~~ I. tics. i-O ; ' ' ; 'S '. "rlC i ' i ,n:n.t. !';: 'kviuw Halll- i : ' i.< L BTll >,H, )1>. fulHlllK'.lt* ~ " . ** i :''. '"'nlarl". Doi.'t surTVr nny longer from ui.siBhtly liU'inlsln-M. o\iT,'<>nio I tu- a4 Iiuini'! <.et 2 or.. IVroxlne Powder from 1 your druggist. Sprinkle- a little on -lit face loth, ripply with u. circular motion ami the blackheadi will bt> ;U1 *'.*.> AWAY. Siilisf:ii:lii>ii or inonsy r:urr".-.l. ' Sh Couldn't COLDS Hud Coldi: HMI Miuvd'M ml inhale il. Chen CoU> 111,1 Sort I'hrmt. Hl, hn rub well into ffeuerf A bright smile and an old gown are a good deal better than a bright new gown and a frown. Hop To It On the banks of a river a little frog sang, "Hop-to-it, Hop-to-it, Hop-to-it." Along came some campers and took ' up the strain, "Hop-to-it, Hop-to-it, Hop-to-it." So when you are asked, pray do Bt refuse, But jump to your task, lest your courage you lose. And say to yourself, "It Is not a* I choose," "Hop-to-It, Hop-to-it, Hop-to-it." Real relief . . . quitkly The Green Places In fields and deep amwig tSfj - a-. trees j And on the soleum *'-., 1009 SUHW* Jrts heart; He IB actonuftnled by afteejrfrjtK His sires loVjpU gtNt, la H tief had theJr tmit. Bat wh<5B he mvyee lone in cHy ways, jfrttuOttlties nJouK the street, !i:>.. T)<< klngMp wliU historic days b aftxroe. crnife beueaf^ his alien feet. J>&hte^t rain. '.* LOSE FATTHiS WAY No matter how fiifc yoj arc at how much you hate to get out anl walk a cvvpl* <>f miles If you will Ukc Italf a tcn^poon of Knwclieii Suite hi a glnss ot hot water every raurnmg for 30 dftys to will fed so (jood- so energetic, and the urge for activity will be *> great tlwt you wM immensely enjojr a daily watih of several milc3--anl loco tat, \Hiy wIH Iwsdien Salia make tbrt great change fer the better in mo ft is alural for you to ash. Because Kruschon is a blend of the six vitalizing salts Nnttira suys ymat *p4y must IIBVB to kc*I> every organ, Siuid and nerve in the body buoyantly Be Hoodwinked. Miss E. Thomson, of Clapham, tmtesr "I find that Carter's tittle Ju^er Pills will do more to keep the complexion clear, and the skin free from blemishes, than all the face Creams I have used. I found the real cause of face blOTnish.es was nsnnlry due to liver and stomach troubles. My druggist recommended them as a specific for Btimulatinif tjje liver and expelling the coratipatira poi- sons from the system." Take Carter's Little Liver Pills for sick heuducLe and indigestion. All druggists 25i and 75^ red pk^s. OVERNORS MuHII.K p 'h<'ii|i!' , ' p ' > ''ivVVERT AT'TO- nana* ;o lami usi-. n nl;i!'s. If. A. , i . u .;,-n 'tit. 4 N OFfKr. TO KVKDY i NV1 :\T< ' C. ^\ f.lst of wanted inventions imd full Information i?T.t 'rce. T!i>> Kams>;iy i*om- p.-iny. 'A | a. _?:: Hauls S' "t. Ott.i.v . ' .1 . M ARRY. RELIABLE IAL jinri'r mnlled niNlii f M.ijr;.7:!]p. M-Ml M ATIII M- .'X- i ,-r. rui. Nrvv Vork. RAISK RABI ITS I''K -MKAT AX 11 f iir in \ "in- pin k viir/l. Wf liny nil rnu r:iisr. F iluro. C.ri.-nii.i.i F'ir End - : . ' "H:irin. MAN ' i ;: i -i i-I ITV . of pninlH und ri ufl.i r : f.-irin ,iinl pro- will on:'! ; "iniiKsiilon. Must pert 1 (,\v:, - ' . : par-t time vu'k no wll ,. ov . I ol u''X>(l ropniatiun. Send I'., ' "iirnir. :IK>- in- rluilr-'l, \\ : t h r -\ ,. : . .. und wi> HltaH submit "ur i-iiiiri ; ..pusuioa. -Ml f'an- .uliiin I'l 11 .^t :;: i;tiffii LlniKiiit, Tiii-nlltii. TaloiBiii .Intioptic . , Praphqlaclir. Frmgrunt an* Jfcrt^, ,/,,,, ; Th MI Skin cmd P.drr. A ... .,-,l,inJ rrfun fm Oio Am ll< r I,hlu. 25c. r,. ,.- v.. ,..... -' Box .:*; m NoMrc.l. Cmnmim. Be sure there ts J> t4 C any pa! Save In the jftfmfc (hat daffodil* ln.s- tlte Vfhfle you are losing at you will be gaining in enei^y in endurance to ambition. Your skin will grow clearer, aud your eyes will sporklo with the food health that Krusclien brings. Tlie oW arm choir won't hold you any more you'll want to be up and doing you'll eujoy work and active recreation and you'll 'tleep like a top. You'll lose fet, and probably live jeers longer. FREE TRIAL OFFER Q yU le never trM Knitrjitu ry It now m OUT T"-ils(v We have ,! slnbul ' fre*L iwiny :ii,,.- i.-.\ *t'. lA^'T ' pacJtugea whi '. make it eay for you lo prove our claim for yi.utaeU. Ask jW drngstat for the t\ "GIANT': 74c. tils consists gf *r; ir^gu^ar tSo. lioti'.c tojethcr *iltl t fjciryic uftl bottle wifficicpt (r.r about "ii'' ncfilk OptO Iw trial botflc tiiw. put It to tlic (dsti n(( Uieu, if not nffci'b' convimrd that . v . V. . t ' fjcd ^vi >:-I.Q,; we cl lc is stin si9 aod laim rl to do. tht m#* P! "I ses I sea buricj }04f T. _ ., _ V<m Iwvc v,K,i KaMKBU *ev. < MM e-*l He M*T Ua I K. ," HUI**. ua.. .MB (BtUb. i -!' luiyittn. KatiQivnqr , Ltii., r When BABIES are Upset BABY Uls and ailments seem tv?iee as serious at night, A sudden cry may menu colic. Or a suddeu attack of diarrhea. How would vou meet this emergency tonight? Haveyoua bottle of Castoria ready? For the protection of your wee one for your own peace of mind- keep this old, reliable preparation always on hand. But don't keep it just for emergencies; let it be an everyday aid. Its gentle influence will ease and soothe the infant, who cannot sleep. Its mild regulation will help an older child whose tongue is coated because of sluggish bowuls. AU druggists have Custom, Slrongev Now f 'My daughter Catherine is years oltL She was very irregular, often sick at her stomach and had to stay in bed tvvo or three days at a time. One of your booklets was sent to us by mail so I got her a bottle of Vegetable Con.' pound. Catherine has been taking it regularly and she is gaining fn weight and every way^ 1 told the neighbors and four other girls are taking it with good results," Mrs. Clar- ence Jenldmon, Box 14, Thorn- loe, Ontario. .. Pin'ton's ....,! ./ ! ; CASTORIA ISSUE No, 10 f |l.

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