Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Feb 1931, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1981 . i I : -. Your Business is Related to Ours SINCE 1584, when the first Euro- pean bank was founded in Venice, the story of the world's commercial progress is the history of the devel- opment of banking. Since the found- ing of the Canadian Bank of Comm- erce in 1873, the commercial progress of many of this Country's most suc- cessful business houses is closely identified with the services of this institution. Each local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce is equipped to meet the financial needs or the community. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE i .-.(-': ..'.'-'; is afftatyomtAteJ , THE STANDARD DANK OF CANADA ]l Local ari_Perul p| es |, erton WiES Group Miss Ei'phemia Graham of Owen Sound spent the week end with her friend, Hazel Alexander. Miss Doilie Barrett of Owen Sound is visiting her friend, Hazel Alexan- der 1 . DRESSMAKING, also Furs re- newed, worn edges tabooed G. V. Smith, Eugenia. Phone 43 r 6. The Auxiliary of St. John's United Church will meet on Thursday. 12th inst., at; ^o'clock. All ladies are wel- Mr T. Sled 0? the suburbs met with a painful accident one day last week while working in the b-'^h. He was struck by a falling tree top. Ono rib was broken and another cracked. At that Mr. Sled got off very fortunately. Rev. M. F. Oldham, rector of St Mary's Church, Maxwell, will preach next Sunday, Feb. 10th. on "The teaching and signification of the cross cf cri'.vary," ^.t the. regular service at 11 a.m All families are invited to attend this service. Miss Sadie Ward, clerk in J ArmsZrongs jewelery stoa-e, vhila going down to the basement one day last week, tripped on a step and fell, alighting on the cement floor. Her elbow was severely injured, but for- tunately no bones were broken. She was taken to Markdale for an X ray. Word has been received that M's Rose McCirr has been stricken with iullammatory rheumatism and b a patient in the hospital at Coilmgwood where she has been in training for about two years. Miss McGirr is well known in Flesherton and her many friends will wish for her a "ompletc recovery in the very nea. niture. Mrs. M. Wilson entertained about twenty ladies on Friday last at an afternoon tea. The rooms were beautifully decked with spring flow- ers. A very jolly time was spent in games and contests. Had some of the younger generation seen thetr grandmothers "playing" they would have been surprised. Mrs. Wilson makes an ideal hostess. Mr. Bert Wyatt has disposed of his farm three and a half miles south of Flcsherton through the National Fpriy A?e-cy < Limited), to Mr. Rich- ard Allen of Springhill. Mr Wyatt is moving his wife and family to Walkerton, where he has secured a position. Recent egg priees have taken a de- cided decline during the past month and have dropped i'rom 35 cents per ilozen to 20 cents. We believe that this is the lowest price that eggj have been for a great many years and prospects for a better price are not bright. The ladies of town have taken to the curling game like a duck to water and have formed five rinks. They are using the ice every after- non at the new curling rink, and have already commenced a schedule of Kani'co. No" doubt after more prac- tice they would ')e ?,ble to n-ike many of the men's rinks work hard for v victory. That a prophet hath no honour in his own county has been proven to our dis-satisfaction recently. Some three weeks ago The Advance pub- lished an editorial item anent the cost of government in Canada. This item the Farmer's Sun copied in its editorial columns, but credited it to the ''Frederieton" Advance. Of coi'rge there is no such paper. But "here is the joke: On Tuesday of this week the Owan Sound Sun-Tim-.; Tised the same item in its own edi tori"! columns and gave it in snecial black ttype, but also credited it to the "Fredevicton" Advance. The Sitn might have had it three weeks ago, but postponed it until "distant fields"' lcokc-d green. In r. fast and exciting Northern 'League senior playoff held in Flesh- ' citcn on Friday last.Markdale defeat- I cd Flesherton by a score of 2 to i. i : Maying in a two-team, group each club won two games during the reg- ular season and were ordered to play home and home games with goals ' i count to decide the dinner. Play was fast throughout the first period and from then on there was no let up, with both teams going at i. hammer and tongs all the way! through. Ed. McFarlane scored the lirst goal when he rifled one into the net about halfway through the fir.--: period. It was the middle of the second frame before Flesherton se- cured the equalizer In an atlemp: to. get the winning counter Flesher- ton threv,- caution to the winds and pinyed four men up on the attack, brttiir.g Markdale in their own end of the rink. The plan succeeded for ' a whila, but Beard broke "oosc and rounding the lone defense man, went in close to the goalie to easily beat him. Markdale Goal, Wright; defense. White and Johnson; centre, E. Mc- Farlane; wings, Beard and MeCutcii- ' on; subs, Perkins, Sing';non ami , M. McFarlane. Flesherton Gml, Snell; defense, Boyd and McTavish; centre. Me-, Cutcheon; wings, Nuhn and Doyle; subs, Ferris, Patton and Sled The second game of the series of l home and home games was played | in Markdale on Tuesday evening of | I this week, when Flesherton showed i their superiority over the Markdale bunch by the score o.C 3-1, thus winning the round by -I to 3. BoUi teams travelled at top speed through- out the entire game. Flesherton t;nm had much the best of the play throughout the whole game, J. | Nuhn on centre kept Baird, Mark- dale's centre iran, completely ba_- j fled. Boyd and McTavish played a fine game on defense, it being im- pc>::ible for the Markdale team ;o cress the blue line. Gorrell and Me- 1 Cutcheon, Flesherton's win? men, also played a fine game. Bill Patton ' also dished up a fine brand of hockey. In the second period he took the puck i completely around the Markdale net, land only by good luck Wright man- j aged to keep him from scoring. Markdale's only goal came in tiie 'second period, when a fluke which ] McCutcheon shot from centre ice i slipped by Snell. i At the beginning of the third per- I iod Fleshorton was facing a two 'go2l lead, but the boys decided to go out and show Markdale jmt how 1 hockey is really played. Nuhn grab- i bed the pi-ck from the face-off, skai- '. ril back towards the Flesherton net, whirled, at the same time gaining terrific speed He flew through the Markdale forwards witih dazzling speed, and from outside the defense line drilled one past Wright whicii b? had no chance of stopping. In about five minutes he duplicated this with another goal. From this time until the end of the period Markdaie played 5 men up but could not beat Snell, who was playing a whirlwind game. After the overtime period opened up both teams played hard to win. After eight minutes of play McCut- cheon succeeded in getting inside the Markdale defense and beat Wright for the winning goal. This game places Flesherton to play off witih Durham, the first e-ame to be played in Flesherton on Friday. Feb. 13. and return game in Durham Monday, Feb. Ifi. Winner tn be decided by total goals of both The Carnival There wag not as large a crowd as usual in attendance at the carni- val in the arena on Thursday last but those who were th-?re certainly enjoyed (fiemselves. Band rmuic was sunrjied, the local i musicians being assisted by three players from Dundalk. A hockey game between Oundalk and Flesherton resulted in a tie of 1-1. The prize winners were: Gents' race, one mile, Wm. Gibson; be",", skating couple. Elda Karstedt and Jim Harrison; best lady skater, Elsie McKee; girl ska- ter under 16, Velma Fisher; gent skater, Mr. McCue; boy skater un- der 16, Ed. Patton; gents' costume, Mrs Murray; clown, Jack Welton; tramp, Murray Stuart; lady's cos- tume, Alice Heard; comic costume, Jim Pedlar; costume representing advertisement, Ward Harrison. Curl- ing competition, R. W. Wilson largest load, Jack Langdon, Dundalk. | During the past week the water situation has become acute in Flesh- erton, many wells having gone dry, and soft water cisterns have failed to stand up to ths extra demand.? inavie i:pon them. The town tank has been used by Mr. G. B Welton io supply many homes with water in McCauIav's pond, but even then it has been difficult ti supnly the demand. Last month the Janu'vy thaw failed to put in an appearance and the usual winter srpply of water from that source was cut off. It is i time of snxiety in many homes and the end" of the prater famine is not yet in sight. BORN Dr. Donald McKay, medical health! Mrs. Mary Pepper mother of Mrs. S. Rands, formerly of Fleahertwi, died in L,,^ Dufferin Hospital, Or. or Thui-winv Tarmarv 9Qth 1Q11 , '-Ouncil there to pass a by-law re- or. inuisaay, January 4tn, ia.u, a| angeville, on Monday Jan. 26th, i* son Gordon Robert, to Mr. and Wiring all milk to be pasteurized her g4th MArifFM7TV r ri officer of Collingrwood, has asked the i MACKENZIE-In Calgary, Alta., Mr.?. G. L. MacKenzie, nee Odessa Walter. also one to have all bread wrapped , that is sold in the town. READ THE SMALL ADVTS. New Comfort and Riding Ease for the New Chevrolet Six A New Service Emerson J. Bennett hns installed three vacuum cleaner* which he will rent out by the day or half day nt a reasonable rental. 1 Electric cleaner and attachment for cleaning curtains, mattresses, up- hoUtery etc, 75c a day, 50c a half day. '2 A real hand power vacuum for homes without electric power. 50f r. ;!ay, 35c a half day. ;i An electric vacuum for clean- ing upholstering on cars, mattresses I'.c., 35c a day, 25c a half day. Ji..: call 78 Flesherton and we will reserve a machine for you. EMERSON J. BENNETT Fi.niture dealer and Funeral Di- : :cto., Flesherton. Phone 78. AUCTION SALES. A Ciedit auction sale of farir. cLock and implements will be held on lot 14, con. 11, Osprey, on Wed- nesday, Feb. 18, the property of Mr. Benjamin Short Sale at 1 o'clock p.m. Jas. Fav/cctt, Auctioneer. A mortgage sale of lot No. 16, on the Gth con. of Osprey, will take place at the Munshaw house, Flesh- erton, on Saturday, Feb. 21, 1931. Sale at 12 o'clock noon. See adver- tisement in another column. Wm. Knitting Auctioneer. BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Richardson Swinton Park, on Feb. 10. a daughter A most unfoiiunate accident oc- :urred. when William, the 4-year old son of Mr., and Mrs. Robert Hutton, 208 13th St. East, Owen Sound, chok- ed to death on a piece of raw pototo. The Ceylon Ladies' Aid will hold a valentine social on Friday evening of this week. Silver collection. The Ontario Legislature will meet to-morrow (Thursday). ' Without duty life is soft and bone- f We should widen our expectations less : !t cannot hold itself togethes. to the magnificent sweep of His pro- Joubert, pise, Dr, Maclaren, j,^ i The New Marvel 6 A Beautiful Stove An Economical Cooker A Reliable Baker A Wonderful Heater Economical on Fuel F. W. Duncan HARDWARE Phone 54 C.l'.fjrolet's policy !:.: r.'.-rsv- bci>n or." of vri-fc lo ill? ; -.ibllc . . . T'::i </ M -1C. [,lxn of I.'.''.'.--.'. J ;-:.ym<*nts offers tkc lowest finnnring charges c;rnllal:l>- . . . c::id tht C'-xi'rtt! Motors Oivn.-r Service Policy pledges lasting satisfaction. .VE W L&W B 8 HICKS F. to its longer vrhcelbase, tho nc-.v Chevrolet Six is roomier anil more comfortable than over. The in- teriors are unusually spacious. An;l the greater length of the car results in safer, steadier performance on the road. Four li:n springs . . . Lovejay shock, abaorbers front and rear ... a smooth, silent eix-cylimk'r motor . . . f'.:l!;'- insulatPtl driving compartment . . . adjustable driver's seat . . . clear vision through wider window? un.l tho Fi.-hcv ncu-glarc windshield. These are other features that add to your motoring pleasure. Come for a ri.le and disccvci- the lr;ily remarkable comfort and riding eaje Chevrolet offers at c.'ca lov/cr price.;. 9^ MEW CI Tic Slan.ur.i R :..:_...- i. irt i' i,;;.r' The i:.iach Tht xonilaiTi r.: Tin- ; io:u!aril !- ; The ^nnrt <"oii[n The Suprr .-> 'IV > oi:<i.ir' - Ian TV -';)i-;:al .-r.'...n \Viih U. virf u-' ; f'.S, rk SMI (,-ifl* ' ) ) l -I standard .,ui .*<:;; ..' ^ nc \:r . cost. Ail ftriffs at iacl.ry. OsiHna. 7'aivi. Lumpft* and : faro .1 . .''rift, .'- i'J; rl ( lil.lcro*.,' - J.J li^ i ks jrva }47Q up. *'T*rr SIX to-:* __ '* G2NJ&AL MOTORS D. McTAVISH & SON. Chevrolet Dealers - Flesherton, Ont Three Specials For Men CASH GROCERY SPECIALS HANDY AMMONIA 3 for 23c TOMATO CATSUP, quarts 23c SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 Ibs. 22c Fresh ROLLED OATS 8 Ibs. 28c GRANULATED SUGAR $5.25 bag Pure DUTCH COCOA 2 Ibs. 25c PORK and BEANS, 1's 3 for 25c Pink SALMON, pound tins 2 for 39c Fresh PRUNES, medium size 3 Ibs. 25c Quick QUAKER OATS, large package .... 25c HEAVY ALL-WOOL MACKINAW COATS $5.75 Dark check patterns, made up in Norfolk pleated style, fegular $7.50, Special $5.75 HEAVY' LEATHER-LINED MACKINAWS $!).50 Good dark colors in all-wool Mackinaws, leather lined with wool windbreaks in sleeves regular $11.50 special $l>.50 HEAVY KHAKI CORD COATS $9.50 Durable khaki Bedford Cord, lined throughout with sheepskin of splendid quality; Beaverette 4|- collar. Regular $16.50, Special $950 F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO X

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