f Varied Heat of Sun's Poles Einstein's Latest Theory Bushel of Oats Pays Barber Mount \Vi!.i!i KII-..-I vaioi v, Calif. liters; I'r. \\'itfia.'ii Wallac- An intereslttiK Ihcoiy was presented " ll<l l)r - OlmrlfM I-'.. Sr. .lohn. U, Utronomen l.v l.r. Albert Kins.ein n .la... Mil, ane, he .hud looked MPQ DO- HUM- of Lick Observatory; Arthur S. KillK, astrophysicist; Alfred II. .l,.y. ohserxer, and I'Vrdinand Iv.lerm.in. liroti-h the in-tniiiieiits of the world's' photographer of th '.Us-rvatory staff..' gi. ..'.--: -ol r ,, ! i..-i vatory Utre. \ccoiiipaiiyiiis Or. Klnslein wa.s his The north mid south poles ot the un have a ilifteieiit teniiieraiure from 1h.it of the fipiator. or at least a dif- ference in telii|H'ralnie , -\l-i* lietweeu the -mi's poles and equator, the world- pin MI i-l -iif:!;"steil. This thcor\ may explain -uiii'i of collaborator and companion. Dr. Wai- .-u n, known to bo. ter Mayer of Berlin. Tin 1 .-" laie-t observations <> t ili.i <;.". foot solar tower in which Dr. Kin-t.'iii was enubl"d LI T"-k ' ' feel of the magnetic Heidi of spols. The-" -pots are cyclone-, in the -olar at mo-pherf. llr. Kin-teiii studie.1 Ihe obs.-rva lory methods of plumbing the "cl-.p'h- of th" sun's atmosphere and iii"aur- BUM'S poles either hotter .1 iilr : im; conditions at different depths. Tile than its equator the similarity !i" observations Ihat the sun .s|*>t eye- t- .11 the suns cyclones and the'lones were like earthly cyclones, be- h'.. m- .HI the earta miv,ht he e\|il,uii- ; cans* their apparent origin at the ed ! poles and diu-ciion of their travel was l>r r:insie|u's visit 10 the oli-erva- similar to earthly storms, aroii-o'l the. til" my-tciies of Ihe KiK'*n!ic c>< lull".-, 111" -lltl spots. lllt-elAed III tllt SUIl's a' MI- phere. lit Kinstcin .luci'-t.-il ili.it w tot \ w.i- perhaps the most moiij-iii'in- even' in his -oj-iiiin in -iiiitli-:i u Call- fin Hill. It wa- a -.mall uronp that U;tth- ei.'d at tlie observaloi > . Tliei, were IM. Wallei S. Adams. din-dor, and Ir. Kdwin I'. Hubble, two of tho world's I'or.-m .>' aitrouo- curiosity of the (li'iiimn natural svi.-ui- ti-t. H.l.Tvl oil tills, he su-;;;"st"d conlc-r polar temperatures iniKht exist cm Hie -un and offer the -olut\ou to the move- in"iils of the--". i>c!oue-< -The Chri-- tian Kc-ieiice Monitor. World to Pay Dr. Robb Advocates 3 Billions For Tomato Juice Diet Roads in Year Programs Will Be Extended to Uttermost by Many Nations to Aid the Jobless Contains Vitamin C, Which Protects Scurvy, Minister of Health Points Out iiii'ario's Minister of Health. H .;i. Dr. John llobb, is a firm belle /er in the hualthfuliie-,s of tomatoes parti- cularly in the efficacy of thrt juice of canned tomatoes lu the Winter sea- ; son when the average diet Is ddici- "lit in Vitamin C as u protection avaiusi .scurvy a'ld kindred co'.uli- lloiiH. "The tomato." puintml out llr. I Robb. "is compn-ei| of Hti oil!")' cov- i erlni; c-alled the skin. ll contains 1 pulp, seeds and a larue i|iianti!y of juice The valuable properlle- DI' ' 'he tomato from a dietary and medi- ' cdnal point of view, are contained In the Juicti. md t'i" !,: important t elenit-iii In these dietary prupi-rt ies L;.- proportion of the vitamin protect- against scurvy as min C. 1 'During the Winter months Vlt- ainiii C In ill" ordinaiy human diet, e-pi-cially thai part repre.-ciit.d '.y milk, :s ion-idcrably reduced. and therefore it is particularly essential .that our dietary delicU'iicy bi> taken can- of by supplement iim our i>"4Ular diet with -ome foo<l or food accessory rich in Vi'ainin C. N'othln^ in Ibis connection is superior to tomato juice," declared the minister of health "A fortunate fad in this 'onii'-cMoii Is thai vi'aiiiin C in tomato juice i- ad"i|iialely protected by Hie prc-ein-e of I'rnil ai ids. so that tin.' hern required in ll t of canning is not snilicient to i.iale lad that in i ,.[ a || v ,-,.,1,,,.,. t|,,, vitamin C coii'.'iH ,! the world ,, f ,!. Jui , juice lias lout bei'ii recoK- protective itfalusl .-.curvy, and its u-e during the Planets Mars and Venus Possess Form of Life, Scientist Thinks .Vta<-t. At .least two ! planets Iwiii/^H the Karth. Mars anJ I Veiiu-i, may bave life in some form. ! 'ill tlii !i|iiiiion of Leon Cani;hell of. : the Harvard OinHrvafiry staff U was ah^unl, lie said in an re- cent interview to suppose that the ' earth wai "tlis only peopled lilanet." "At'tnosphuriM as determlncj on I .Mar* are I'ound to be livable. " he said. | "The temperature in t'.i- inidille of i th? day U 6<> degrees above zero Fahrenheit. II ranges dovnward I lni d-.'Kiws. The n-dttte ranee etist.s on <>ur planet, but the temperature does not drop 1 'i i -i. . :u a -,I^K : - day here as it mar on Mars." Campbell emphasized that while U was quite possible that there, v u some form of animal lif on Mars, it was uncertain if t'Jat planet was suit- able for the development o' "intel- llsetit" life. It wa.i rtjtiatfy pro.hafote, Ue. thougit' that there was life n:i Veutia. Thougti the telescope, he explained, lie ' ha.l seen both tlies* pl:<nets niarkfuga, formerly believed to be canals, birt now rogarded as natural water *..! I'aeil vviHi folia'.;". Live Normally And Avoid Colds "I <. by the ;,i . . ,. U.-rin Gould. Farmer !' l''.ilr:nont, Minn., to Albert Wesinr^aanl, burlier, "tlut a bm'.iM of "aH is sjouJ tor a !iaii-.'ii - " o\.." r-plifd the .^cUsors iviii"!". A wilier m the N.Y. Herald Tribune link' - HIM assertion that lS:tl will be the uri-fite-i >ear on record foi load building. II" further declares tlmt "not only will llie I'nited Stale- ex 1.1111 to the uttermost, but otln-r tut- li'Ui- tin oiiKhonl tin- world ar- pi. in II.IIL' to miik" v,i-.t xt.-ns-ioiis lo roads. T i- estimateil by Hi- I'nited Stales Ji. p :i -tiiiem of Commerce thiil more i : : HIM' i will li" exp.-ndiil. VicMii: ih.) nations thai will t.ike 1 'ii Hi.- i on-t i iic'ion wotk-; in.- .ma. I'. mad, i. Japan. Mexico.'.^ Jn/o-lyvi.i. Al^-iia. C ". H UII * HI '>'.! W j 1 j c j j i ilia llalv. lieluium. the Cnl'.-d \ Ham i li.ni. I'orto Kieo and AusH ia. A inrdiiU to the otticiul report. Ai K. niina will pn.v out *-'' .1100. mill. Can iid.i and Japan a lea ' - 'n """ '""i n h whil" .limo-liivi.i i- prepiii.-d ' I ; nun 1)1111 '|-,, relieve Ullelll- pii.vin.nl in 'U" I'hilipplnen i lii-i-e is i ifii.i'o 111 rendy for road woi k. One : uiidi.-d and ten n.iiion- and' iMililK-iil subdivisions ol th" world will ' >|i>-nd al least jU.iHMi.niin.iiiiii on load-, mi'] road construction duriiiK I '.')!. ac- ' M. mini; to an e.-tiuur.e mad" by unto- in .1 iv" division of the Itureaii of Kor t-r.'ii and Dom>-iiti<- Comm.'ice." .-a>s Hi., statement bv the Jiejiartmeii' of Coininerie bulletin. ' World -w id" in- V .itioll- lll-l lllS" 111" the majority of nuntrich load bnlldini: lias li"-n -t iniiilalud as a iiie.i-nri* of llliBUiploynienl relief, uncl I |,] 7ef | ils .,,, excellent .. , on-i"|ii"iic" world highway bud | against ,curvy. and Its us. Talkies Give British Films New Incentive Arthur E. Lee Claims Britain . a \,\ : Is Hollywood's Most Serious Competitor Toronto, lui r"iis",| coii-uiiijil i.m of Itrili-h lilni.s Iliroimlioni Ihe Uriti-h Kmpii" would, almost immediately, pl.if-e Mriti-li and llolly wmul proiluc.-n 'on an nlisoliit.'lv e.|ii.il loolnu. from Ule liniiiicial and "\ery other view- i point, said Arihiir l,"e. Ann-rlraii re- in niiitivf of two or ih" lnri!**4t Bri- li^h studio-, liaunuiiit Urilisji and Oahiiiborough, In an interview !UM>. Inlroilui lion of sound ID iiiclui"-. .-aid .Mr. I,"-, li.nl ijr-ally n-stiictcd lloll> w noil's import niai'k.'ts In nun- Kmtlfsh h|ieuklii^ >.'dion, of Klobe. 'I'his .nave Hritish studios, ini; aht-ad in itM-eiit uioiiihs till 'are toilay lh.> Anii-rlcan'- mo>! oils conipefllnr, til" ln-l chanc'f 'The Gorgeous East" Truth Maisa/lin- i London i: Sp'.-nk nu in the llou- of Lords on the cacu iiioii of Kandahar, jusi a nionih ilore his dei f >. Lord Reac-ousfield "My Lords, the key of India is London. The uirtje.siy anil sovereignty, tin- spirit and vii;or of ycmr I'urlia- men!, ih" iiievh.iii.siible re-uiiic"-. the inueiiiiity and determination of your peiiiU these ar the keys of India." They w.-i" 111" l.i.-t iMiblic word- of a -iai.--i.iaii w :iu was c'on-i 1011- .\Iedical Association Gives Nine Rules to Flscape a Cold N'in- rules fi>i- avoiditiR cu'd- have j ; be-ii puliiished !>y the Amerlctin Medi- 1 i-iil Association, ns coinpiletl by .lai.i"- i J. Kim;. Colil- in America probably ; c.uise. Mr. Kins as-eris. a loss of more ; lii.iii a billion dollars a year; some-' : thiiit; which would arouse instant ; alarm if It happened in the stock niar- 1 k"t Itut which tlie c-ountry allows to *,-> : on .'-ear after year virtually uucliecked. | Tli*- first rule for avoiding this enor- j mom loss, Mr. Kins states, is to "keep I all the organs working normally." and it is to help do this that his other | eiuiit rules are deviled. "Get pleiry of .-uiisliiiie auU fresh air." is tlia ^e<-- j oml rule. The- third is to "eat s.itti- : 'i'-nt ami pro|>er food." The fourth; j is to dre-s propt-rly bill not in clothes j [ that are loo :lii<-k or heavy. Tli" tll'th j , Is to keep Ihe body clean, especially I the hand.-. :<* this tends to avoid in-*j I.-H-UOU by serni.s. Tlie sixth rule i.s to "eliminalt) the body poisons IliroiiKh ! IniMi'ls. kidneys and liin^s." The) seventh, prubalily lna-t known of all to the average layman, is to set lid of any chronic no. m iiifec-tioiii of mouih, | teeth, sunn i>. throat. These fre- i|Ueiilly result. Mr. Kilii} state-, in start im; UHVI c..lds. The oinhtli prin- c-iple Is thai the special vacc iues re- 1929. W | nter m ,,|,th.s for intants ariitldally ^.-:- weie laii;"i ia I'll'.tl l.liall ii i.iid .ne evp.-ded In I''!! lo be larger ,,.,| h;( , )., ,,, ( .,, nim ,,,,. \\'e know tb.in ever hct'iii" , low dia! tomato JIIICH Is <;i|iiu!ly as That lil.-lury n.p.-at- I'-ell in tin- . 4 , MI ,| ;|J ,;,!-,. j,,i,.,- for 'his pur- Bl I"., i is attested l.o by i" j p OM( . and ll has the aiU-.mtime Hint c-.'iil llndliiK- in India. Asia and oth'-r , t |,., required amiiunl of jui.-c. may be ... IP i.' JIH i"U' roads have conn- ' taken for Hie infant and the lial.ni'.- Ihe forg- the) Deri- they have >-\er had to break the Holly wmul bold on film enu-i laiiimenl in Mri'i-h count ric.-. A- far in I lliada is com ei :ied. tberi 1 have never before been us many process ' ^ood pic-liir.is a\ailnblH as t.here ;ir lilt Hi.- i>re-"iit time. Their i|iialliy is j demons! laied bv dm fad ihat a doTieti llritish lllni.u luive already been book- >d in Nw Voi k and more am to fol- low. Some of Hi"-,, have mil yet hiii diown uein-rally in Canada. Mr. I.e.. i- a former I'an.idi.Lii who ' h.is for y.-ai-i been "tmaced in I. he d' 1 - ' velopnii-nt of Itiiiish tilin distribution. 'it built many year- . Chinese Children Grade 95 Per Cent. Torontii. Kiv< niemliers of a Clnni.-sH fa'nlly, chlldrmi of Ihe Ki-v T K Mai 1 , minister of th Church of All r.alions, here, new comei s lo delii'ien i .ni.id.'t. l"ani"d Ihe Kn^liih Ian and then beaded their resjiec- IKe classes at public 1 school. Joseph, HID "Mi-si, licit only In-adi'd his class b'i' was the only pupil out of 2011 \ui, wro'e d"]iai I menial entrain >-\ iriiinalldiis to K'" I 1111 ma'ks in i^.-ry ,-iibject. The foui other iii"inliHis o; the family secured !l r i per cent, c i Ii In their exuinina' Ion.-. In Ihe pn-.-ftice of 4mi parent- of ihe juipils. .los.-pli was presented with P ."!<! llli'dill .slKlllllIng his a'lani ir.'ii' at Hie HXiimimit ions. "They : in', u lely, ' .aid I'rincipiil Lll tl" "Thei did not KO o'ii as much average <'.in.dian hoys and J'..;. Ill Ml"i:. llli'V pill cvel\ hit of "Merny Into lln-'r wcliool work" Ii wus only IAO vcars UKO ihl the .mi" from China lo Toronto 'i . rapid II) with which ihey learn i"l Hie Kn^lish hi in 1 , i ' .1 ^tlll .1 ..I .. n in Hi" Ililinli. r Hay i .il 'I 'oriiiil o. of the can. when we serve canned tomatoes, may lie used as an excel- lent food for the family. 'Tlie Important point to be noted is Ilia 1 our renular diet requires :x supplement lo proviclo in the Winter for the clHticlenc-y in vitamin C. To- mato jnii > ad"i|ti:ile|v supplies v." Kimltind was the trustee of an inherit- ance li,.iiii."iih-il to her by Cllve and Wanvu IhisiiUK.-, by \\'"l!es|ey. by Dalhotisie, by Cannlni:. by Law i.'in-e. by llavelock. by Melcalle. Havinn jioiMi-d Into India for over two cen- tnries ihe wealth of London to float ihe loans and build th" railway: lisv- im; sent out to the Peninsula our mvaie-t soldiers and mint sai;ac'ioHs <tai"-m"ii. Kimland is now told lo stand a-id.-. and l-av.- i|iiestioiis of vital importance lo the safety aud prosperity of Hie whole Km pi re to be SIM He-ii In a Jiiiiidlnl of Indian dele- Stile-s. \\|i iiithority to spak for Ihtt ludiioi m.is-e- has not even been examined, that! < '''" tl> develapl for pivveiitinir colds in i > h.. n-. -till for people who are es-| pecially su-c, ptible. T'.ie uinth rule' i.s to c oimilt a physician promptly and fre.iuently lu the early .-t.iae- of a mill .-o thai the> iuf"i'!i,n.i may be kept ' as mild u- |io--ihle. : S'.'n Pays Surprise Visit To Northern Region* .-' ,i:ile. \\'.i-b Th" iiiiiive.- mid I'!, ot I'olnt Harrow on the e\: ,,'lllc (I'll 111- u i oast of \ i |kl Mere In a hUh stale of excit'inrii 01 .liiiiuiny :l-t. when u fiery, red hail poised h"<:iaiiH> on Ihe horl/.on for 111 minutes mid tlien dlsuppeiiiHil. Most of lb town's populiitlon crowded to the house lops or to the summit of Ih" ii'-are-i snow drift to ca ch Hie lir -I sUht of Ihe sun they biid hud 111 about two month-. \ bl!x/.ard of niivpr.V. day* 1 durallon .I'oppeil at th approach of the sun mid ther as mi Immediate moclnrn- ! -ii of ttmp'ei[iiui-. Another of Those Laments Oh. for tin- dear dead days tlmt were and Ihe times I used to know. , As I listened down in l-'lnin^an's placn lo III" liiles of the MIIK :IH<I! Clf Hie pliub' of the Iravellllii; sales- 1 mini -by who came to the crowd-; I'd Inn. ill Hi" C.M-UIIH odom-nariau; ol iho' olileii elder's sin. Ol the Scotchman's birthdav jn c eiit:. of the piccolo player iliimli. Ol the prosperous Iri-li iinmii'iaiit mid Ills iid'n-e-colleciinv' iiliiim, (If the i lerk and llie |ilioiiniini|ih re coid. and many and liliiny a 11101". Tlml kept nu> aroai- with huiubler till my iili> were strained iind gore. '111. I, ike me back to Ihe noml old days, when 1 ll-'ened with c-nre- tree bro, To the Kiiy lads li-llin- Hie burrooin l"l,. i h..i on .1.1 ii."bi"r tells me now! It. nun Ireland London Opinion. Prince to Visit Santiago S.iiitiimo. Chile. The Princo of - \\'ales will spend iwo day.- In Siiiiliauo and two days in Vina del Mar duilni: his Scniili Amerlcnn lour. II was an niiiliiccd lecciilly. I'resident I'urlo- Ihatie)! will welc-olue the I'rlllc-e of Wales Hint I'riiico Oeoruc. at Los CIM i ill" Airdrome nhoii the two arriv here by nlrplane from Antofanif-la on C.P.R. Net Earnings Exceed Last Year's Montreal. An increa.-e of Sl.llnS.- -51 In tTie n." proliis of the Canadian I'aoitlc llairwiiy for the mmiih of He comber, Idilii, as coinpareil with tbu correspondliiK inoiith of ln'Jli, i, shown in Hi" earning report issued recently. The naiu in iirolils wasjiiol Ibis :ii. i.l" up partly by an Increase in :!-; illiniums and partly by n cut in wnrk- 1 illR fxpe:,.<e-. Like a Lamb! The ilirl: "So you've -oen Daildy, ilarllli):'.' Hid be ln-lnve liken liimb'.'" Suitor lurimlyi: "Absolutely! KVCMV lime I spoke lit) said 'Hah'!" Swamp V/ater Is Changed To Guard Birds' Health S.ilt Lake City. I'l.ib Chatinun; ' ihe walr occasionall., to keep Ihe | occiipaul'i healthy Is a< essential ill a liiiil r.-l'ilU" as in a gold-llsh bowl, it has been discovered. S"ou it will be possible to "cluing" Ihe water" at. will over ;tu.0i>0 acres if marsh land in the Hear Itiver mlKriitory bird refuse. An elabor- ate .sxsteni of dikos and spillways cosiiiiR $:i.'iO.'iii'i is beiiiR built to en- able Riime ward. -us to release stagn- ant water and till marshes with fresh water from the llenr liiver. 'I'hoiisaniU of birds died hi the TO- fiiHH previously from disease that developed because lh" swamp- wen 1 Th- history teacher noticed ihat \ouii4 Sniilli was back in das- atl-T a Ions abspiici' tbroiiRh Illness. "I'm Klad to no you here :ii;:ilii," h- lid "You'll bav.) a lot to muko up. How loiik' have yon been away?" "Since William the C.nii|ueior lauded, sir," replied Smith. British To Patrol Transjordan Border Jerusalem. A s:ep toward brins- i in,; lo an end intertribal raids atom; :,! frontiers of Traii-cjorilau aim tlie N'ejd is seen in the formation of a special de-en police force under the direction of Captain (ilubb. who In t -in ces, fully maintained order hi the' larue de-crt areas o' Irak. The scheme involve* the couitrll tion of three ne\v frontier police po-ts Illc'h will lie ifai.Tlsolieil by t!le ' ile-.-rt pnp'-e .md -.TV., .s ;'|. bases for til" mobile foi'iv. Late Trains Clocked For Paris Commuters i 1 . u is. -When Pan* c.immuters telli the boss their trail! w.i- late ihey have! to prodiii'" il'iiMimentary evidence In ; support. Kvery time n train froin the suburbs ' is delayed. otliciaU irive "lit sli;is on which art shown the time and liTace | of departure and the exact time of ar- rival at !li" lerininild. Birds Roost on Housetops, Dogs Yawn at Rabbits Tanuna, Ala-K.i.- This isi the winter | 'i" much Mm--. rtarmieaii are BO plentiful Ihat tha birds fly into town and ar foil nil roustjut; on housetops in early morning. Sito\vsh,m vabhits romp In the streets too common for the sletlge do<s to bother to clia-*. I'm pl-.'i an:i roust ^'ini. are i. | Olll I et'S llt'l 1 .'. Kaye Don To Attempt Speed Record Long Trousers Will Usurp Pius-Fours Capa Making New Bid For Popularity Panamas Still Rank First in Hats .New York Knickers. accord'iM ' ' the Kiftli Avenue stylists, are *!u> pins t of the golfer's wardrobe. I.ona; trousers are due to come back to the links. That is to say rot those who like to be different. Tin whole idea (the stylUU' Idea) is tin the mashie wiehler-t ftoa't really need knickers now. T'ae rough, for which they were tlj sisned. on most courses, no longer U so rough thut trouser legs are likely to emerge with shin guard i : >l thistle burrs and dry twigs. Already plus-fours i.re not ai !).i*? as they used to be. t'aps are increasing in popularity, especially in white or natural lined Whit* t1a:inel trousers are by loan odds the i urretu Florida resort fasli- ion. Here again there is a neat di*- tincti'jn. .Most white flannel pants wearers probably will appear in the striped variety the hotel trade, aj one Fifth Avenue clothier called It. The really well-dressed man (mean- i:u. presumably, the chap who ha* a villa . ill wear them pristine plain. I'anama hats are tirst in popularity, ohlrrty In the optimo shape, with iiiaiii black hands. White felts are limit- ed but smart. Sennits will remain in ihe perennial .standard atnime s'.ra-w bat-;. .Men < spring suits, s.iys .Vm->s I'arrlsii. f:isliion counselor, will rank thus: Coals Two btittiin. plain full hack, from :' to 3>> inches Ions, with notch lapels; the same in three button style. orii by many with only Ui* iniildl.' button at Ihe waist buttoued; slx-huttoneil duuble-breasteii. with peak lapels, worn by many with >uly two buttons buttoued. the middle oiitsidx and the invisHile insi'lf drvi button. Colors l.i^ht ^iihl medium gray* tMU-i'andiMs;. tan* and ciuvolat^ browns m>xt. anJ. of i/ourse. blue Lisbt blues, si'ri'fiis and pastel browns and t;u\-i are a limited t'.ishkm, Eating of Starchy Foods on the Wan l'i ii.iiui.i. 111. I'mf. I'. l>. Ciinv." ^ if the I'niversity of Illinois !t:uls '\\.y- I:.MII bit;* tu l^T the per capita (m- sumption of wheat and rye flour, corn meal, and rice declined from 334.2 to L'O'.t.:: pounds. The consump- tion of meats is up frmn l.">ii 1.1 ir>;.3 pounds. A urea t increase has lieea nnticeJ. in the use of canned good*, that '>f fruits from l'.3 pounds in 1S9 to 9.9 in t'.i^T. and canned vegetables from 10.S to ^S.l. Fresh fruits are now used in greater quantities, due most- ly to the better methods of r<frUr .itinn which are now available. A decline in the amount of bill tor used is more than made up by th< increase in the consumption of ole.i margarine. A Rack for Covers It is very annoying to have to .\.ts- time linntiiii? for the cover you want for a sauo'pan. but many lu>n<ev\ iv-- < have just this trouble. There is 110- thins to hanfi covers by. .Sometimai they are arruiiRed against the wall on the hack of a shelf, but a larne as- MMTiniMit of covers will take up ooa- sidi.i;ibU spare and this is not al- ways available. There are cover racks lo be had which can he hung on the closet door or on the side wall of the closet auJ these will hold all the covers, mak ing it possible lo set the cover you desire without thu loss of a minute DUB woman never used the rack In the rause oven Intended to be placed under the roasting pan, so she put this in one corner of the shelf aud sh Muds It Is a space and time savor aa a cover rack. Hoop-Skirts and "Baby Cars" A fashion expert says that hoop skirts ara coming back. And just as the popularity of the miniature car, apartment and various forms of sport has reached Its *enith fan yon picture the promised situation? The Christian Science Monitor. Ill foi lull- i. s. Ovid. .i if .in . -in ivi to M1H i'..ici;uiu u in w Hen :>,r lien.. ... , uu .. it.i ivpal'-oJ at lier'iy, Kni u,,l. C ;xt't Is !-i-. i> lor K :iy Do:i a< .. inch lias iie.-i, i .-i oiulilioneii make speed attempt on I.'JUgh u-rl Perfumed uotepaper la very pop ular. Tradesmen are said to t> sead- Ini; out bills delicately scented .vlth I'o.-set uie-not. There Is an awful period In the ltf of a piece of furniture, when, after hi'in.n mUlilU-asied. It become* old. hn< not old ei\.. to b < > a . ' '