Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Nov 1929, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 1929 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE TOWNSHIP OP ARTEMESIA. NOMINATION NOTICE 1929. NOTICE ia hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the said Township of Artemesia will be held in the Township Hall Flcsherton, on Monday the 25th day of November, from lo'clock to 2 o' clock p.m. for for tlif purpose of nominating' Candidates for the offices of Reeve J Deputy (Rocve and Councilors for, the said Township to serve during the year 1030. I If more than the required number of candidates r.re named for any or all of the said offices the election therefore will be held in the several pollim- subdivisions of the Township,' on Monday the 2nd day of December 1929 ai the several polling ploces, commencing at the hour of Nine O'-' Clock A. M. and dosing ; 't I he hour, of five O" Cluck in the afternoon for the purpose of said election, and by the deputy returning officers and poll clerks named by the Council of the said Municipality. Dated this "Oith day of November A. D. 1929. TV. J. Bellamy, Clerk. H. A. Livingstone, manager of the Bank of Toronto at Shelburnc, has been awarded a fine reel by the Aikenhead Hardware Co. for winning first prize for the largest lunge en- tered in their 1929 competition. The lunge which Mr. Livingstone captur- ed on the Severn River measured four feet, two inches, and weighed 25 Ibs. NOMINATION PF VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON 1929. NOTICE is hereby given tha A a meeting of the Eleclors of the Vill- age of Flesherton will be held at the Village Hall, or Monday the 25th day of November 1929 at the hour of 7. 30 P. M. for the purpose of nominat- ing candidates for the offices of Reeve, Councillors and Public School Trustees for the r.aid Village for the year 1930. If 'more than the required number arc nominated for any particular office and a poll is required, the same will be opened at the office of i the Village Clerk on Monday the 2nd ' day of December 1929 at the hour of nine O' Clock A. M. and will remain open for the election of members as aforesaid until five 0' Clock P. M. Dated the 13th day of November, 1929. W. J. Bellamy, Clerk. Purity Fruit Cake .s, tea- eggs, /2 cmp v ~ . ?s, 'A cup sour cream or frait >uicc, J/j teaspoon soda. Flour the fruit Bake in moder- ate oven (375). How to get Better Results ia Cake and Pastry haking A knklnj expert cay: "Purity ia a atron;, rich 3our with great expanding qualities . . . if your ckc rtcipe calls (or ordinary pastry fli/ur uie 1 labltiiwon lc* i>tr cup if Purity and if milk it called lor uie liall milk and half wiler (luVtwarm), and your cakei will lay mout longer. Hew Recipe lor flaky pic cruat For two pie U;!:t use 2 cups I'uritjr H: ur, % teaspoon salt, '.. i up *! M<-n:l.K. \'i 1|> i"M water. Mi-; fl'itir and tall, culling in the nhortening until the Mixture is lile fine meal. Mix tliorouuhljr with <l>e water. Roll o;it thin, keeping it thoroughly dry. For extra rich pastry uie half butter 2nd half lard. Being milled only from eelccttd Western hard ..!.. TI. Purity Flour bit the strength Bitd quality to mK it "best for all your baking." Get a tack from your dealer today Nominations Monday Nominations for both Flcsherton and Artemesia Councils will be held in the new town hall on Monday next Artemesia from 1 to 2 o'clock and Flesherton from 7 to 8 in the evening. Locally ihere is not much public talk, but nevertheless an election is con- ceded. As lo who will oppose Reeve Findlay, is not known. The Reeve will be able at this time to give some ex- planation of his attack 'on Clerk W. J. Bellamy made last spring in the Municipal world. It has seemed as though he has expected the people to forget his past actions. It has been stated that several of this year's Ouncil will retire at the cluFc of their present term. In the township there arc rumors going the rounds that Reeve Aex. Cameron will be opposed by Deputy- Rueve, Herbert Corbett and that Coi ncillors John Davis and I. B. Whit -.ker wil fight it out for the Deputy-Reeve job. The interested part'-; though have not givjn out any information and it is not expect- ed thnt they will make then- s'.and public until nomination day. In ev- ent of the above taking placo it is not known who will attempt to fill the vacan' seats, a-, quite oft^n the nom- ination brings out men who have no idea of running until their name was brought forward. Harry Garner and daughter, Irene, of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Glen McGee and little Small Advts. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mrs. Plowes fo Kimberley was a vis- itor with Mrs. Wickens last week. The L'ni'ed Church Sunday School will not he held this Sunday. The new snow plow for the village arrived on Tuesday, just in time to be needed. The W.M.S. will meet in St. John's church to-morrow (Thursday), when the election of officers will be h ''. A (food attendance ia rcciucsted. Mr. Win. Hales will hold an auction :salc on his premises near Saugc;>n Jet. on Friday, November 29th at 1 p.m. See bills for full particulars. George Duncan. Auctioneer. The Osprey U.F.Y.P.O. will hold the annual meetin" at the home of Mrs. Mark '.Murphy on Nov. 22nd, 1929. Everybody rc(iuest"f) to attend. M. llawton. Sec. A SWAN AT THE ISLAND A beau' iful large white swan has made its way to Pheasant Island frc.m "Somewhere". It is quite at home no wonder, because through the kind- ness of Manager H. Johnston and his ""OR SALE FOR SALE Brood sow due to" farrow about Nov. 20th. Lawson Whitehead, Flesherton. FOR SALE Number of purebred Oxford Down ram lambs. F. Spofford Eugenia. Phone Feversham 9 r 22. FOR SALE Ilarriston range, al- most good as new. office. Enquire at this l! 1 AlfVlV^ daugh^sr /.pent Thanl^guving friends in Markdale. . 1 LOST OR STOLEN Mr. Andrew Graham and sons,) Frank and Gordon, also his daughter,' LOST ~ At Artemesm school f.i, Nettie, and husband are home from! .* C8 P' Flnder P lease leave at the West. jthis_office. Dr. A. P. Brace, field secretary for LOST On Friday night, Nov. 8th, the Sons of Temperance, gave a finel bctween Eugenia church and Garnet address in the church one evening re-J Magee's, leather gauntlet. Finder cently. He also spoke in the school t please leave at Eugel , ia post O ffj ce . in the afternoon. While here Dr. Brace was the guest of Mr. and 'Mrs. J. I. Graham and family. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Walter Elliott nt Markdale on Thursday afternoon, November 28th. The Cherry Grove Institute will provide the program. , Car Accident and Swan at The Island EUGENIA CORRESPONDENCE While Master Glenn Pedlar and his mc'ner were motoring to Fbshcrton on Tu. n ;day of lasl week they had the misfortune to collide with a car just as they emerged from the 8th line <t the sideroad. Glenn did not see the oncoming car, as his view was partly hidden by the rail fence, so when he reached the road he saw the car, but too late to avert the accident. The occupants of the other car were Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Fawcett and little daughter of Kim- berley. Mrs. Fawcett was thrown up against the windshield and re- ceived a nasly gash across her fore- head, which required a number of stil-ches. Dr. Milne attended the injury. Mrs. Pedlar also received a shaking up and a small cut in her forehead. The olher escaped unin- jured. We wish the women a speedy recovery. We are glad that the ac- cident was not more serious. Farm For Sale BY TENDER. * 106 acres in Osprey, nearly all un- der cultivation. Cement house and. large frame barn with stone base- ment. Lot 31. Con. 10, Osprey. Ap* ply to John Thompson. Agincourt, Ont., administrator of the estate of the late George Thompson. Give your best offer. FARM FOR SALE. 50 acres, lot 165, 1st S. W. T. S.R.. Artejnesia, 35 acres lander cultivation with 4 acres of swamp and hardwood bush; ?ood bank barn 40x45, and dri- ving shed 22x30; frame house, five rooms. Farm is situated on the pro- vincial highway with public school 30 rods distant and of Flesherton. miles south FOR REXT A six roamed house, good garden. 9p;>c"ite hi^h ?choo!. W. J. Cas\vc!l, Proton R.R. 3.: CHAS. BEST, R.R. 3, Proton Station. FOR SALE Organ i i good con- dition. -John Oliver, Priccvilli, phone 21 r 21. FOR SALE Eight young eady to wean .M. Hogarth, phone 32j about 40 rods from school. FARM FOR SALE Lot 32, Co:i. C, Artsrnesia, one hun- dred acre-:, about 65 acres under culti- vation, about 5 acres of bush and 3 acres of swamp; spring creek running through pasture near rear of farm; Good r 4. | bankbarn 45x56; frame house with 8 | rooms, good cellar, good drilled well. FOR SALE Young pigs ready to hen pen and small orchard. Half wean |4 each, also purebred Oxford! mile from Rock Mills and 4 miles Down ram lamb $15. John Grum- from Flesherton, rural route. Will mett, R. R. 2. Proton Station. sell reasonably. FOR SALE Purebred Oxford [? ,, v , i K. K. No. 1 Down yearling, also 2 year old ram Edgar Betts, Eugenia, Phone 9rj 12, Feversliam. WALTER RUSSELL. Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE Ourfamom 700-rtcifn Purity Flour Cook Book it mailed for 30r. Write for it. Western Canada Flour Mills Co. Limited, Toronto 910R VANDELEL^ Mr. and Mrs. Will Hutchinson and son of Toi-onto and Mr. and Mrs. Martin of Swinton Park spent the week end with friends here. Miss Jean Wright of Toronto spen', j the holiday with her parent-;, Mr. and Mrs. George Wright. Mr. and 'Mrs. Amos Smith and son, Clai , of Meaford and Mr. and Mrs. I About 100 acres of good clay loam FOR SALE new seven roomed land, being lots 24 and 25, 2nd con. house with all modern conveniences, N.D.R., near Six Corners, about a Toronto St., Flesherton. Write or mile from Flesherton Station, about Phone C. J. Crossley. 651 Annette St.J ? 5 * cres of cultivated land, 10 acres Toronto, phone Junction 2161. '" hardwo d bush, five acres swamp. ^ beven-roomed house, solid brick with. FOR SALE "P'-airie Pride" pure cellar under all, also summer kitchen Manitoba flour at $4.00 per hag; chop r f barn 45x46, drive shed 20X40, $1.23 per cwt.; salt 75c. per cwt.: * ood s P rin S well and good fences. Pcnn. Anthracite coal $11.50 per ton P"* fa . rm Sl? eap for c ' uick sale. Geo. delivered; also bran, shorts, middlings, L -^?i n ?'- F ! e ^L e ^ on ' telephone_36J. otc. Terms cash. A. C. Muir, i FARM FOR SALE Ceylon, phone 38 r 3. - - = I 110 acres in the Township of A,r- MISCELLANEOUS feS^ 1 *! 17 ttnd j 78 ' ! , . N D : R " . . about 85 acres under cultivation, assistants, the lovely bird receives its I TRUCKING All kinds of truck- balance Pasture and mixed bush: barn meals regulaily. Perhaps it will continue to make his home there. THE STORE \V ITU SERVICE F. T. HILL & CtUtd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY ANNUAL AUTUMN SALE Now In Full Swing Ladies Ready-to-Wear LADIES' NEW FALL COATS $19.50 20 l.adk'.s' \'c\v Full Coats, all hcauli fully lur triiniiird. rxcdlrnt quality of cloth. Silk Rayon lining and double in- U'rlined. All iu-\v and up-to-date stairs. A mil luiy. Si/c-s .V. 44. I 'rice- $19.50. LADIES' SAMPLE SILK DRESSES l,a<lk-s' Silk Dresses made 1 from very fine quality imported flat crepe in all the new Kail Shades. Kvery dress just ne\v in stock and north from $12.75 to $15. W All sixes to 44. .Sale price $^ 5. Ladies' Fine Shoes at $2.95 100 pair of Ladii-s' Shoes in patent leather and fine kid, in blond, beige or black with high, medium or low hrrls. Regular values up to $4.50, all sell- ing at one pricis Your choice at $2.95 Ladies' High and Low Shoes 2 prs. 98c. This item represents many lines and styles of good wearing shoes suitable for house or dress wear. Clearing at 2 pair for t(8c Is it Rubbers you have in mind? Well, we have Vm, nnd for every member of Hie family. Ju*t a few of tho many specials that will be offered urc as follows: Child's Rubber Boots nt J'Bc Women's 7-oyrlet Rubbers for milking or outside wt-ar on wet days. Regular $2.25, for only. ...$1.50 Also a few imirs of Mm's nnd Boys' Rubbers ns above and sylliiiK out ut only $1.5.( GIRLS' COATS $7.95 15 only Children's Coats. All i'ur- t rimmed, ucll lim-d ;ijnd interlined, in Xavy, r>rmvn. Red and (ireai. Up-to- the-minute styles and a real bargain- Sixes u to 14 years. Sale price 7.95 SAMPLE CLOTH DRESSES $7.95 15 only Sample Dresses in ChaniKMie Wool Crepes and French f l ; Iannel. A tfood assortment of sixes and easily worth twice the price asked. Your choice $7.95 Shoe Polish Special: 2 tins for 15c. This is all good fresh stock in 2-in-l, Nugget or Capo brands. On sale at 8c or ,..2 tins for 15c Men's Dress Shoes at $2 95 About fifty pair of Men's Fine Boots in black or brown calf or kid pluck with rubber heels. Val- ues up to $5.00. Selling for fSJ.!>5 Boys' School Boots at $1.79 Just, think! A boy's School Boot for this price. Sixes 1 to GVi. Regular value $3.00 to $;).',I5. Spe- cial sale price $1.79 Ladies' and Misses' Goloshes !>0 pair of Sample Goloshes for iMisse;) and La- dies. St-ling at only $1.10 Wntch for our showing rf Ladie* ' 4-bucklc and l!-l)iu-kU> and 2-strnp Goloshes in black cashmerctti- .11- iersoy cloth with cuban or flat heel at less than hc.If pri.o. Mrs. Badgerow, 4th line, and daughter, Mrs. Laurie Betts, and babe of New LLskeurd visited recent- ly with the former's daughter, MVs. Stanley Campbell. Mrs. Beecroft and son of Flesher- ton visited the former's mother, Mrs. Turner. The hunters have returned from their annual hunt and had a success- ful and pleasant time. The Hydro Klectric Power Com- niis.-ion are working at :he dam in the village at present. We under- ing; to Union Stock Yards especially. Z"* ".I" 1 , T j^ 45 ' '". with * tone ... D .... . basement, in good repair, water at W. B. \Vinters, Maxwell, Phone 92 barn; driving shed 24x30. also hen r 14 at my expense. house; 8-roomed solid brick house with soft water cistern and furnar-p. MOTir-c- arp. NOTICE-Lots 4 and 5, concession : This is a good erain and stock farm. .' and lots 6 concession 8, hunthg, ' well fenced and watered, situated* lishing and trespassing strictly pro- j convenient to railway, church and hibitcd. S. R. Hawkins & Son, R. R. school. Reason for selling is on i account of poor health. For partic- 1, Ei'genia. ulars apply on nremisoR. WANTED Good farm to rent, 100 ! W. A. MORTON. r 200 acres, convenient to school. ] R. R. 2, Proton Station. State full particulars in letter or phone Feversham. H. J. Courvoisler. R. R. 1, Eugenia. NOTICE - Hunting or trapping on ts 158 - 5i) - 60 and 1(i1 ' 3l ' d . stand that the work will continue for! 1 .'* S ' R " Artcmesia, is strictly pro- -" bllcd - Tres P ss ers will be prose- some weeks. A number of local meiij are employed at the work. I f( ' Mr. and 'Mrs. W. E. Gordon and son, Earl, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. 'Chas. Camack of Kjmberlvy went to Hamilton on Sunday to visit Eunice, Hilda and Enid Gordon, who arc in a hospital iheri 1 . We are pleased to hear that Enid is restor- ed to her Uiiial good health and will be coming home rhortly. We hope Duckett. FOR SALE OR RENT 100 ac- rca, lots 166, 107, 1 R. W., T. & O. N. on No. 10 Highway, in town BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar fop ser- vice by-Flegherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart* ment of Agriculture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB Registered Shorthorn bull for Mr- vice at lot 5, Con. J), Osprey, "Marry ...._, Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire, BonnU ship of Artemesia, 'i mile from Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly chool. 2 miles from Flesherton. 131 -9 7 8. Terms Purebreds $5.00. Apply lo L. R. Thistlethwaite, 24 **??** * 2 - Cows not returned be charge full price. S. R. HAWKINS. Eugeok. Connor Ave., Toronto or W. J. Bel-, , lay, GOOD SMOOTH FARM OF 70 the other jrirls will also be soon re- ' ncres best of land almost all under cul <">vr.--r.<l ! t' vat in 2'i miles north east of Flesherton. Good barn 33x40. ncw| Rev. Mr. Bamfovd of Maxwell, pas-' earaKe 2 0x22, good brick house, nt-wly ' and Flcsherton. Flesherton evety tor of tho church hare*, has been mak- 1 decorated, 20x3. r >. well, windmill nnd i Saturday afternoon and CTenir." ing house to house calls the past few *"- e-ncs orchard. Priced for quick MIDDLE PRO & BURNS Barristers, etc. Ofices Owen Sound, Durhara "Where Quaity i s Higher Than Price" _. past weeks. We are P lcu.;ccl with his ^ lo ;,. J ., Apply , r Lu s - ,\ lvnr j * I'" 1 ;? 3 - visits. The teacher, Miss Acheson, and pu- pil ; have commenced practice for the annual Christmas concert. Mr. Sam , Markdale, or MB. S. Dezell, P. R. No ( 5,Owcn Sound. FARM FOR SALE BUSINESS CARDS Dr. W. D. Bryce. L. D. S., D. D. ^. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- "**.vvt*vi McDonald is also making prjpar.i- 100 acres, being lot 37, Con. 4, " ence w Dr. E. C. Murray, lions for a Christmas concert at his Artemesia, 80 acres under cultivation. s l'' cet - Flesherton. Phone Gt>. school nt Victoria Corners. We wish Good house and large barn with good Prince Arthur Lodge 333 A p~" both success in their undertaking. stabling and out-buildings. For fur- A.M. meets in the Masonic H' 11 A' '* 'M'iss Mary Weber was assisting ther particulars apply on premises. strong Block, Flesherton e ' v*~ Miss Lucy Walton for a few days ALB. BLACKBURN, tho past woek. Reeve Alex. Cameron is attending County Council in Owen Sound thi? week. We offer congratulations to Master Teddy Dixon of Flesherton, and for- mrrly of Eugenia, in hU success in public speaking. Teddy is only 11 years old and did well in the orator- ical contest at Gu>elph. In the item re Conservative niee*- in.tj in Oct. 10th issue of Tho Advance fn refH-rinir to Mr. Stewart \vho spoke I mentioned him " as assistant to Mr. Cooper" merely to designate to the readers which Stewart was mount, ns thp"P arp many Stewarts nnd I did rot know his full nam? ov initials. Miss Macphail need not rnst the bl"io on me. At tlih time Mr. Stewnrt's duties wore termimtrrt with tho notiT-'ment of Anrimlturc*, an ho oily assists in judging at th-> school fairs. I Phone 42 r G Maxwell. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT A good farm for sale or to with comfortable buildings and in a good state of cultivation This farm is in the Township of Artcmcaia, quite near Ceylon and Priccville. A real snap for quick sale. For further information! apply to Mrs. Parah Mills, R. R. 1, Proton Station, phone 1 Dundalk 02 r 4. Flesherton every Fri- day^on or before the full moon. An auction snlo will be held lv Mr. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Terms: 1 per cent. Satisfaction gtiarntced Dates made nt The Advance offlco. Secretary c - *T "^ arriste ". Solicit. etc., I. B. Lucas, K. C., W D ' . Dundalk and Durham. Branch office, at Wm. KaitHng, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. Farm aid stock sales . specialty. Terma moderate, satisfaction guar- arteed. All arrangements and date* may be made at the Advance office, or Central telephone office^ Feversham, or by addressing me at Fevwshsm. ANOTHER ROBBERY All in the path of tht> robberies ard thieving that have been going on in and around town the past couple of weeks, was the break in of Mark HOAR FOR SERVICE- <* .. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser. vice Edgely Bright Vim, No, 99,999 Property of Saugeen Bacon Club. Term* fl.oo. Proton Station George Jnbnston, 1 mile east of Rock j Wilson's butcher shop last week end. Mills, on County highway, on Wed., i The party didn't wait -until midnight Nov. 21th at 12.30 p.m. See bills for their dirty work. At 10 p. m. Fri- and list in next week's paper. Gco.(<' a y night, his shop door was discov- P a 'd before January, otherwise *$2 -11 Duncan, auctioneer. 'ered open and the till robbed of f<5. ^ Akins, R. R. 3, Protoa Station! BULL FOR SERVICE ' . . Durham Bull for service. *1.50 if

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