Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Nov 1929, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 1929 - ' Our Opportunities Are often found in Your Problems. OUR local manager is ready to dis- cu.33 your financial requirements and lender any service compatible with good business prac'ice. Our opportu- nities to render financial service can only be restricted by your failure to approach us. The Canadian Bank of Commerce maintains a staff in your locality whi.'h 5-. organized to espec- ially deal with the financial problems cf your particular commercial commu- nity; call and see the manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE STANDARD "BANrT'bF CANADA j) C.P.U. TIME TABLE , Trains leave Flesherton Station u follows: Going Soutk Going North 8.08a.m. 11.52a.m. Fiesherton High School FORMl ART Hon. Ita Pedlar 86, Kath- leen Pedlar 81, Rowena Magee 75. 4.!0 p.m. 8.34 p.m. Pass. Gordon Patterson 74, Ed- 8 - u P- m - 4.33p.m. wartl p atton 74 LaVerr.e Piper 74, The mails cles, at Plesherton u FhyUi3 Graham 73; Joc Gibson 71> follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. Bc , gia C airns. G9, Stanley Hunt 69. outh at 3.30 For morning train Iva wickcns 69, Alma McLean 68, outh mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the Mcrvyn Johnson 66, Almeda Hincks ;66, Isobel MacMillan 66. John Mc- ' Millan 61, Martha Ostrander 35, Jes- ' sie Or'ander C4, Doris Bannon 59, Religious Education Council Met Here A well attended meeting of the ex- j ecutive cf the Artemesia, Markdab : and Fbsherton Religious Edu^alion i Council was held at tho home of Mr. | T. Findlay in Flesherton on Thursday i evening of last week a: which plans i were mad? for the work during the ; coming year. It was derided to hold a ra!ly c." all thosa interested in Sunday school | work, to be held in Markdale Mon- day evening, Dec. 2nd. It is ex- pectetd that Rev. J. C. Robertson, D. D., of Toronto, Secretary of the Board cf Sunday S:hool and Young ' People's Societies, will be present to j speak and answer the question box. The iollo-.ving committee was ap- pointed i:i charge: the Pres., Mr". W. J. McFadden and Messrs. ~E. Beirns, 1 W. J. Mesesnger, T. Findlay and H. I. Graham, Secretary. It was also decided to hold a con- ference for the children workers at Flesherton some time during the year when a speaker from the Department in Toronto will be present. This matter was left in charge of Mrs. St. John and Miss Tena Henderson, the Children's Work Superintendents for the Association. Committees were appoin'3d to consider the matter of holding teacher training classes in previous evening. is Messrs. Messenger. McFadden anu Beirns; Fiesherton com. Messrs. Jos. McKee. T. Findlay a:.d Wm. '.Wilier. It was decided to request the schools of the Association have tern- iFrod Fawcett o9. Mar.e Fenwick 47. penmce an|] mlsslionary supcrintend . Dorothy Jamieson 4b. Da:sv Me-L^ appointed in cach school , and to Christmas is only five weeks away. Fadden 46. \era McMaster 44. Bur- j endeavor to further rhe eause of tem . Local and Personal Will Santa Claus be coming to town ton Sled 44. L-y MacDonald 43, Ev- j Rce the on December 14th this year? j erett Talbot 43. Cecil Chard -i2, D , d(re e{znincr rf Mr. John MsDonald has been ser- ' Hazel Mc Kill P 38 ' iously ill for the past two weeks a: i FORM 2 his home here. I ZOOLOGY Hon. James Bar.non children cf Durham over the week end. were in town Mrs. H. Morrow Passed Suddenly Mr. A. A. Milne of Elmwood spent 81. Stella Marshall 81, Elleu Parker the past week with his son, Dr. J. E. ~ 8 ' Mervvn Little 76, Ruby White Milne. | ~ 6 - Pas Bob Phillips 70. Muriel Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton and two Knox 68 - Daisv MeFadden 68. Elm- ore Fisher 66, Almeda Hincks C5, jJeannette McLeod 64 Dorothy Of.i- The fi:3tTheav7 snow storm of w " G4 ' Macil Sne11 64 - Xeilbert Mac- , kenzie 63, Jean Hincks CO, Murray the season vv.it ji us on Monday' . , . _ ' .. , ' Stuart 00, \\m. Patton 59. Margaret when about an m.-h and a half fell. ., - , Q ,, ,, ,. Ferris 08, \ erdun McMastcr 58. Earl The high school will present a ottowoll 57. Rowena McGoe 56, play on Friday. Dec. 13. in the aud- iGcorge Allen 5-- Au(Jrey Wa - ling 54 itorium. Particulars later. [ Iva Wickens 50 . Fail-Dorothy, Reeve T. Findlay is attending Jamieson 49. Dorothy Snell 49, Ed- Death came suddenly early Mond..y County Council in Owen Sound this ward Ferris 46, Florence Weltor. , ---orning to Mrs. Henry Morrow of Gler.elg to\v:-.:hip. :wo miles west of Price - . ille, when apparently in her u;-ual good health. When sh: retired Sunday evening sh? did not complain of being ill. but awoke early Monday morning and upon arising from bed. passed suddenly away. The deceased, whose maiden name was Fannie McCaffrey, was 76 years cf age and spent the greate- part of '.-.cr life in the vicinity of Pricevillo end in Prjton township. She was well and widely known throughout the whoje district and her sudden pass- is deeply regretted. The late Mrs. Morrow was born in Irelan and came to Canada with her parents when about 17 years of age. settling in Proton township. She was married twice, first to Mr. Robt. Ferris, who predeceased her about 35 years ago. and la'.er to Mr. Henry- Morrow, who survives her. Six child- roil by the first marriage survive, namely Robert and A. B. cf Flseher- cf pledge signing. Ic was carried, on motion of Mr. St. John and Mr. Scott, that the execu- tive put on ve:ord their heir'y ap- proval of any steps that may be tak- en tov.-ard a half hour period of rel- icrious instruction in the public school i. Work of thij nature ij al- ready beinj: done in or.e or two places. Arlemesia Council This council met at the hall Flesh- '. crton on November 15th. The mem- bers were all present, with the Reeve ; presiding. Minutes of last meeting, were read and adopted. Tu-o letters from the C.P.R. to the Reave were read. She^p claims ordered to be paid: Ross Stevens, $12 one sheep; Dever 3ro:-.. one killed $12, one injured $3; \ '. _nylor. one sheep killed $12; Dan JIcGee, one killed 15; Lome Atkinson, 1 killed ?10; A. Genoe, one killed $15. By-lav; 883, to appoint D.R.O.'s, poll clerks and places for holdir.g elections, viz: W. J. Beatty and Vf. G. Bowles at Orange Hall at Orargs Valley; E. \Vickens and W. Harrison at Township Hall; George Ludlcw and M. Bannon at Cor.sley's house; F. Callinson and J. Stewart at Oran?e Hall; W. R. Meads and Herman McLean at McLean": house; W. Ratcliffe and E. \Varlin~ at For- esters' Hall: W. Gordon and C. Gra- ham at Oi-ar.gs Hall; R. Fisher and L. Lyons at S. S. No. 8, were passed. Davis Whittaker That Roa;* Supt. Patton's report No. 11. be ad- opted, showing expenditure of S1.453.- 32. Carried. WTiifaker Davis That the matter ot Townline Proton and Art- emesia be rc.er -ed to Messrs. Corbet. WhittakY-- and the Superintendent for settlement. Carried. Whittake - Davis That Jas. Turner be paid $10 for moving thrash- ing machine in 1928, the bridge being 1 unsafe. Car 'icd. Corbett Davis That the offer of the Flesherton council for the use of hall for nomination be accepted acd this council wishes to express its thanks for the offer. Carried. Corbett Davis That a vote be submitted to the ratepayers at the next municipal election on the ques- tion of ''Shall we revert to statute labor." Lost. The C.'izn.'il adiourned. FOWL WILL BE HELD IN THE new Town Hall - ox - Tues., Dec. 3 A GCCD PROGRAM WILL BE GIVEN, Consisting of a play entitled "Parlor INSTRUMENT ALS AND OTHER NUMBERS FEVERSHAM week. J42, Emerson McKillop 37. Notices prohibiting hunting, trap- j FORM 3 ping and trespassing can be secured) ENGLISH LITERATURE I-en- at The Advance office. |Mar'in 8:!. Audrey Brown 79 Her- Miss Gertie Lover of the post of- , bcrt Akins 78, Evelyn Turner 77. fice staff has been laid up for the Pass Blanche Genoe 73. Patricia past two weeks with tonsilitis. ^ Morgan 73. Annie Akins 72. Sadie Visitors at Mrs. Ed Best's for Carson 69, Je:in McCormack 69, Jim Thanksgiving were, Messrs. Redmond, ' Haw 68, Jack MacKechnie 68, Dora Duncan, Brea. ton. X. Frewing, W i Stewart 36, Monica Rae 66, Alice Frewing, B. Kurd. H. Kurd, A. Kurd, Reiley 63. Marie Fenwick 60, Earl R. Holly and Garbott. j Johnson 60, Hattb McRae 59, Go> The Annual meeting of the Proton dor staart 58 - Jackson Stewart 50, U. F. A. and shareholders of tho seal- 1 Ernest G?rrell 55. Fred Gorrell 53. es will be held at Proton on Friday. 'Ruby Kerton 53. Ha. old Best 52, Nov. 22 at 2 p. m. Wm. G. Acheson, ' Emery Fishe.- 52, Lola Blaelk'.mrn secretary. ! ^ Myr'.le Moorj: 50, John Wilson Mrs. Geo. Clark of the east back ! line underwent an operation in Owen ' Suund hospital on Friday last and \ her condition at present is very fa- vorable. '50. 39. Tho annual meet ins of the Ceylon U. F. O. Club will be held in the Town- ship hall, Thursday evening Nov. 21st at 7.30 for 'he election of officers for 19oO and other business. Mr. Far- nuhar Oliver. M. P. P. will give a short address. Thos. Sled, Secretary. Mr. Fred Brackenbury of the sub- urbs has two profitable sows. They produced two litters of 26 youngsters. Only one died . Of the remainder the owner sold $100 worth and five left. Did we hear someone say it did no', pay to raise pigs. Fail George McMastcr UPPER SCHOOL ENC'LISH Pass Alice Heard 65, Marion Bibby 64. Muriel Cam- eron 64, lola Graham G;!. Christena Magee 63, Denelda Sloan C3, Burt.in Morton 62. Lesley Ferris 58, Harcki Turne 58, Bessie Beard 53. Harold FORM 1. LITERATURE Hon. Dorothy Wolsteneroft 87, Dori* Bannon 85, Ita Podlsr 7'.'. Frank Eagles 78, Fhyl- lis Graham 78, John McMillan 76, Stanley Hunt 70. Pass Ha:'..'l Mc- 52. Fail-Reta Fawcett ton - *"" of Toronto. Albert McFadden 45 Saskatoon. Mrs. Robt. Forrester. Man- itoba and M s. Ned Patton. Dundalk. The funeral of the alte Mrs. Morrow- will take place on Thursday after- noon. Service will be held a. her late residence at 1 p.m., interment to take place in Flesherton cemetery. Much sympathy is e\u>:.detl to the sorrowing children arid to the fuot (Last Week's Items) Mrj Ho%vr.rd McKee and twu j'nildren have returned home after a weeks vi'it with her si-ter Mrs. Will Colq^ette and family in Owen Sound. Mr. James Conn of Buffalo is v.s- itir.g friends in this vicinity. Tho teachers. Miss Warner and Mis;. Dradley spent the holiday at tiuir parental home in Toronto anu Brocl'il'.s. Mr. Cecil Wiley of Collir.gwood spen : Thanksgiving day with his par- ents here. Miss Vio'-tt;, Davidson of Tj-r- or.'o spent the holiday at her paren- tal hen:? here. Miss iSt-oulj of Collingwood is vvlting with her cousins. Messrs. Fred and John Hale. Mr. Ken Byd of Oshawa was a caller in our village on Monday A carbad of friends from Tor- onto visited with the Whiteoak fam- ilies on Monday. Mr. ar.d Mrs. F u ..-., l.ie and little daughter of Owen Sound spent the holiday with Mrs. Forsythe's par- ents. Mr and M~s. Eby here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burk of Tor- onto and Mrs Burk's brother Mr. Hugh Osborne of Duntroon vi^i:ed with friends luve over the wgek end. Mr and Mrs. Will Colquettj anil two children of Owen Sound spent Monday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs.A. Long and daugh- ter Irene and son Burton of Toronto visited with her parents Mr. and i M 's. Wan Smith oveer the holiday. Mr Gailard Kaitting of Detroi 1 : is ' vistins at hi< parental home here. Mr. Ross Long of Toronto spent the iHi-i'.y with his parents here. THERE WILL ALSO BE A LUCKY TICKET COX- Tl-'ST L- X'ERV PKRSOX WILL BE GIVEN A TICKET I TON EXTERLXV, AND THE HOLDER OF THE U'CKY TICKET WILL GET. FOR A PRIZE, AN $11.00 TABLE Supper Served from 6 to 8 o'clock ADMISSION Adults. 50c.. - Children under 12. 35c. GEO. CAIRNS. PRES T. \V. EINDLAY. Sec. DUNCAN'S HARDWARE I TACO RANGES MOST ECONOMICAL AND PERFECT COOKING RANGE ON THE MARKET UMPIRE RURAL QUEBEC COOKS ' Serviceable and Excellent Heaters ._ * ? EMPIRE FURNOLA * .'I The Modern All-F.naniel Parlor Furnace "I* $ m ! Stove Pipes, Elbows, Stove Boards Coal Hods Tees, Dampers Glass, Stable Fittings, Shovels, Etc. '_ F. W. Duncan Hardware Flesherton * > * ^~ i < * : i I i. K 1 op 10. Luev McDonald i2. Alma has MacL^an i2. Kathleen Pedlar 71, Isobol MacMi'ilan 70, Bessie Cairns ,68, Fred Fawcett 67, Joe Gibson 67. Miu-h sympathy is expressed to Mr. Maptha Ostrander 65> Cecil chard 61 . Burton Sled 60, Eddie Patton 59, Mervyn Johnson 57, LaVerne Piper T. Findlay of town on the death of his brother-in-law, Olr. Roger Mtlson. who passed away on Sunday at his 56, Jessie Ostrander 54, Everett Tal- Fire Destroyed Barn home at Chatsworth. Mr. Milson is bot 5Q Kail __v era McMaster 48, well known here as he assisted Mr. ! ., ., _. ... .... Gordon Patterson 43. Findlay with all his funerals here. \ FORM 5 Miss Victoria Nicholson returned GEOMETRY Hon Alice Heard home on Sunday from .the Durham! 98, Beth Hincks 97, Jack Jamieson 97, hospital where she underwent an op- Donalda Sloan 83, Harold Thompson eration for appendicitis. Her con-! 77. Pass Margaret Sinclair 66. dition was critical for some time,! hut we ar > pleased to know that she| is improving nicely. At present she is with her aister, iirs. Jo* Bun- can - '. Fire destroyed the large bank barn The Ladies' Aid of the United ; on tne f arm ^ jjr. Lexrence Mc- Burch will hold a bazaar on Nov/ Cracken early Thursday morning las' 30th t 2 p m. in the old library. in wn i e ), was the entire season's crop Xma gifts, house dresses, aprons, of the tenant, Mr. Levi Duckett It is home made baking and candy will surm i se< j that the cause of the fire be for sale. be served. The High Falls Hunt Club arrived i se s on a former occasion. The fire home Friday evening with their full was discovered in time to release the complement c f deer, while the Ard- ' stock confined in the stable, but aboufi beg Club arrived Saturday evening, forty hens were lost in the conflag- All the hunters made the trip in cars ration. The barn was a large one and the best of weather was enjoy- O f L constructioin and the loss will be c-d throughout the trip. We are in- heavy to Mr. McCrncken as only $1200 Tea and hot dog* will was i ncen di ar y, committed by prowl- (ers who had also visited the prem- sorrowing family. Village Council Council met on November loth with all members present, the Reeve pre- siding. Accounts ordered to be paid : T. Lever, sidewalk, fi.12; Municipal World, election and assessment sta- tionery. ?6.99; C. Richardson, for Bd. otf Health, $15.19; Street lighting, $490; J. H mvn. wood, $3.50; Geo. Brackenbury, wood |6.75; George Brackenbury, hauling graYel, $20.25; W. Henry, sheep killed, $91; the Reeve, indigent's far* to Toronto $3*0; G. B Welton, week's board of, sick indigent $7. The Reeve and Clerk were anthr- ized to sign agreement with County ot Grey, regarding Cou-nty grant. By-lavr to appoint P.R.O. and Poll Clerk was introduced and passed. Th'e Council will receive tenders for snow plowing during the winter. The Council adjourned. MORTGAGE Small mortgage for sale yielding ^i . Principal and interest guaran- debted to Mr. Geo. McTavish for a of insurance was held, and we under- '. teed. Government supervision act generous roast of venison, which is sta nd 'hat Mr. Duckett has flOOO in- ' auickly. For particulv* write certainly appreciated. surancc on the contents. , Drawer 22. Markdale. Real Values in Overcoats We ot'fcr a splendid assortment of Ove-coats for the present season. The Big. Roomy. Half Belt. Double Breasted Styk in just what the best dressed man is wearing. All materials are heavy Chinchillas. Thick woolly tweeds and blanket cloths in plain and novelty effects ATI the best colors are included, med- ium and dark greys, heathers and a specially selected range of blues. , Sizes 36 to 44. PRICED FROM $15 00 to $30.00 Come in and look them over RUBBERS For Wet Weather ALL SIZES FOR MEN. WOMEN. BO YS AND t.IRLS. CORRECT FIT- TINGS FOR THHE LATEST SHOE LASTS. ALL SIZES IN RUBBER BOOTS AND HEAV^J WORK RUBBERS. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO

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