i > i 4 i Watch your growing children WATCH ih health of your growing children 1 Sc that ilicv have the health mnd energy necoury for their *chool work and play. For growing children par- ticularly girlt a rich eupply of red blood is euenciaL Languor, nervoiuneve, de- proeeion, fickle appetite or pallor indicate anaemia. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills enrich the blood, prevent anaemia and build healthy bone and tissues. Thousand* of mothers have proved thi*. "My twelve-year-old girl," writes Mrs. Robert Devitt of Brougham, Ontario, "became so pale, so ill and nervous that we had to take her out of school I tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for her and she gained in weight and strength. She i* now the pic- ture of health." Buy a box of Dr. Williama* Pink Pill* at all druggists and dealers in medicine or, post- paid, by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williama Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario. s-21 Fin ecx PINK PILLS IN B4 COUNTN1BS "All Clear!" Mark Barr in Collier's Weekly Tells How London Saved Makes Progress had; and bis companion aces, Hirsch midnight we were awakened by tl!e 'r r * tlf J 7 and Decker and the others, were al- ground guns. I rushed to a window. j UlllpirC V/1TUS8.O6 most as clever, certainly as brave, thinking of Pomeroy. But soon the So London set desperately about the action began fo die down; tlie ground work o; defense. The means at fire censing and the searchlights fad- hand were inadequate: gallant lads ing. This could only mean a false Notables .spinning Into tlie air in mechanical alarm, or hat the Zeppelins had ?; t box-kites, ground gunners hurl'ng one- clean away. Then suddenly there was a mira- culous flare in the sky. All London was lit up by a glaring fireworks-red, pi unilers and five-pounders and shrap- nel into the nigbt skies more hope- fully than accurately. For Effort Fathered in London London. The Empire crusade reached another stage when many All I ntulonf-rs tmmipd tn tlia (ink as vivi(I a8 U'l!lRnl; and one, great I A.I uraaoa tn tax* m iinors O f ' al)lt!fi nl t at dinner under the o t home defense. Men anj women gS^KSSlS The 'd li-h ' halrmanKhip of Sir Ave Bailey and toiled 2 hours a ,!y to put a ring y^S^Su^iS! K|nJ ^rd Melche.t outline plans for of searchlights 40 miles in diameter ' around L/ lulon. Young Lieutenant \Varneford in his airplane managed to lu.'ises into the streets. Two mllllrn| tag formation of an "Empire Cru- culiv feel of hydrogen gas, and the I sailers'" organization with the object bring down n Zepp^in. not by flrlns K ' e:U * ras " Hlle ta " ::s made a liBht i of Ule P''>" <* Empire trade by uselessly into tv hag -000 bullet; I*"'. '".^ y ?****- ! n *^ ' V UO !*1 more than half a r imu. the flam- 1 problem suggest. Other speakers iiiK alrihip dropped swiftly to earth, were Col. L. C. M. S. Amery, Lord Leefe rtobinsnn was the pilot who Lloyd, Herbert Wiliams, and Sir had done it. He had hoppeu cff at Henry Croft. Those present included the first alarm, but everyone had Sir Frederick Lewis, Lord Waring, V. missed tte lone raider. Leefe scour-! A. Malcolmson, 1C. R. Peacock, Sir but he was killed In t'..e next week. "" "' e clouds . lhe vvi ' y to th OOMt. Hanry Brl.taln. Henry Mond. Sir Ed- and was on his way home when he . mund Veatey, Sir Harry McGowan, saw a dark shape below him the j Sir lingo (,'unliffe-Owen, Lord lllins- /'in'i'lin I^S-11. not Maihy's ship, I worth, F. C. Goodenough, Sir Herbert sailing at 11,500 feet. Inslauf.y he Austin, Sir William Lacks, Colonel R. holes had failed u> bring down an air- ship, owing tn iis many Inflated com,-, partments hut hy zooming In the face of its machine suns and nv win.; down the officers at tl eir gondola controls. He gut Hie V etor'.a Cross; What we needed was a bullet that would ij-nire the Zeppelin gas. Bombs began to 'all often in Lon- | din. Many were killed. And dived and poured bis Pomeroys Into W. Fennoll, Sir Benjamin Morgan, Sir her. She burst into bames at onea. I Robert Hadlleld, John Bailey, and R. The standing of these Red Rose Tea comes direct to us from tfce finest tea gardens, then straight to your grocer brimful of flavor and freshness. Every package guaranteed. 70 is do od tea* i O RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good Classified Advertisements SITUATIONS VACANT INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY What we haie lo avoid is not work; | we have to avoid that which makes I . work a burden, sometimes an intolcr- j \r';"? - MKN able burden, sometimes an injury to j* nij bH^g*"" life and heallh. What we have got -unerlcan plan, world's most rii:iiiin o do is tn vae Int ovhi not IIKT l< hnp I J wrber scno0 ' system Write ir all tll.it exilausting iabol immediately Cor free calalORiia. M..II-I- is avoided, titling the square |)c^s to I Barber College. 121 (Jueen West. Tomum WANTED QUICK. ' the square holes, and the round pegs I; to the round holes, and at tin; samef lime to see that neither the square Mathy and his crowd went scot free. The results of the bombs varied, T he enemy did not realize yet that : D B i umenf( ,i ( i greatly. The worst effect was that' we hail a L . erta j iny of defense. Kapi- of a 700-nonnd charge of nitroglycer-; , al] Ma ., ly was s(iu oan . yln Ine which damaged uo less tuan 400 ' , h Httle p oniHroy bullets rom ru'-reachine r illcv removed i -r, L- builUin**. There was a year of this h ,. ^ ht ,, the nwt Zem , e!i ,i-at . \ fhe Larl ot Balfour - K t: - FOB SALE. .PeoPla warrants the assumption tliat, nor the roum , peg3 are , 0() |a ,. gi , fuj . .In!',""' Empirc Tratle cnlsaile ma y bfr the holes they are destined lo !!.- RliUlSTEItED PED1GRFED SlI.VKit! lox.'S. $4111) 00 n pair delivered \\ I,L. Casualties ami rtes | Rilleric.ay. Ami then came the sign some extent from politics anil pos- ' sibly relieved of pinharrassinx free n r\i:*a tt winthin'f' "that the enemy bad doubts. Mathy ;,,,, | mi)1 |,. alion8 whu . h wolll(1 in . sort of thing. fntction grew must be done. i himself came at a new height 14,000 , vil ,,, v m-oiri-s' iere The Inventions Board was organ U- ; feet But tne 8CttrchliK , lla fl llm , | ' ed hastily with strict orders to listen ' njm; a ,, n|m , p oineroys snapped to every idea, suggestion. Some three hundred Nevertheless, Lord Boaver- A TEACHER Let the soldier he abroad if he will lie can do MI thing in this age. There RldKetown. Ont. JERSEY CLOTH TiiusEY CLOTH SUPPLIED DIIMCC 1 1 o,n manufacturer. Wool nnd *iik', and wool, w. He for samples anil pnce.sj -N'ovo Knit Co.. .St. Cathurlnes. Ont furnished with research facilities overseas. and once again the night sky ' ! >rook "I" 1 '"" 1 " 8 a vigorous Empire, |mpogl , ^ . h _!_.,. - -,.' , iree trade propaganda and lias issued 1 ' ' was scarlet Mathy '.VMS dead. or his manifesto in the Times. Morning from airship That -was t;:e end. The Pomeroy ., .. v n ii., rn |. u-ithnut . 'in 1 oil/l cot t n n-nrlr 1 r rha ' ' UHllJ WOWS, aim ij&llj ll<.r,llu, '"' ann e : bullets had saved London had made prrbiem. I was one of these scien-j Eng | ;ind invulnerable lists. Then suddenly a message aua( ,], came to us "Cense work." Sonie-^ ' ,y_ body had perfected a bullet. Who, we wondered? One day there had come into the liara-ieii Inventions Board a quiet sort of man named Pomeroy. "I've a scheme for burning tlie is another personage, a personage less insignificant. The schoolmaster is abroad, and I trust to him, armed with BONNECHEBE FOX SAHCH. CAN sri'PLY UISAUTIKI.'IA stock ill Silver Black Poiei. i:.-i;. isier<-il In i\i::uili:i:i National Live Siuvk Records. W GUARD THE CHILDREN calling attenti.n to and explaining his ,;;, aiy alT ay.-Lord Bn ueham. campaign. There are numerous let- j . UTS ill tho press demanding that Con- stop Co , ds with M ; nard ' s Liniment, servalism lake a stronger line on the' subject. The H.impslead Parliament, a noted ! Free I'roin liinu worm or other , , ui-ii-aan. . Lit'prs averaged four II. Is bis primer, against tbe soldier in full | y,. a r. Order i-urly. J. .M. Uriscue & S..TI. Nortlicote. Out TWO CLASSES The human race is divided into two PDA1U AITT1TMM TAI HC ' '' pl)atlllK 8 <"' lel . v . ! ' el<l a discussion on ' classes those who go ahead and do rKUlu AUlU'url LULUlJ " le Knl|)il ' e Free Trade P'' ol)lem anj > something and those who sit still and ATENTS P 1. 1st of "Wanted Inventions" unU Full Information .-V:r, i / on Requost. THE 2AMSAY CO.. Dept. W. 273 Bank St.. Ottawa. Ont. voted against the idea. inquire: "Why wasn't it done the Lord Beaverbrook'a a.iivity is illus- ' other way?" Oliver Wendell Holme--. fho had listened to a thousand fruit- 1 warm, the next cold and wet, and un- wherein ho is shown and heard argil- i People who are occupied ess schemes. I less the mother is on her guard, the] J IIK ti )e ,. ase . He is succeeding In dull, are never melancholy. Zeppelins." he said timidly to an aide. [ "What Is It?" asked the aide, as I The Fall is the most severe season trate ,| |,y the announcement just made } patiently as is possible for a man of the year for colds one day Is O f n -talkie" for Empire distribution, who less "It's quite simple, sir. All you've j little ones are seized with colds that j forcing the OppOKitiou press to deal; St Into mischief, got to do is put a pinch of dynamite in the nose of a machine-gun buKet and when It hits tf'e Zeppelin- -pop' preventing or bat.ishlng colds. They she goes!" ~\ act as a gen le laxative, keeping the "Won't wifk. Sorry!" said the bowels and stomach free and sweet. OCCUPATION are never and never FARM"* STOCK ACCOUNT BOOKS may hang on all winter. Baby's Own editorially with his project. Tablets arts mothers' best friend In ] "POMEROY'S PITS" aid?. An occasional dose of the Tablets SUMMER RESORTS IN NATIONAL FORESTS A number of localities in the nation- "But It has worked. 1 fired rny ( will prevent colds, or if it does come , al forests in the provinces of Mani- bullet into a brick wall and It blew; on suddenly uieir prompt use will re- 1 lul) a Saskatchewan, A.berta. and Bri- 1 the bricks apart." "There's your answer, Foweroy! lieve the baby. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at tisb. Columbia havo been found suit- able for the establishment >f summer L U X O FOR THE HAIR Ask Your Rarher He Knows PyiKii'iite will explode that way. but' 28 els. a box from The Dr. William*' i resorts, and, in accordance with the There is a quiet chap smoking his " ot \. " strikes the soft silk of a Medicine Co.. Brockville. Ont. pipe as he putters in his Sarrer" par- Xeppelin l)a *' Y " see ' -H" 1 " 8 den. who smiles a* he remembers his l "'K | V rin * ma ''e saf ^ soaking, that U at a feather's touc'i." Settlers Who Settle Saint John Telegraph-Journal ilud.1 Three fiimilies out of one hundred great triumph in science. He Is still i U " p ln illfllsol ' ial arth "" as little known as he was before hir-l lises lts dangerous habit of going off Incredible experiment but not so poor, because England was grateful. You remember the Zeppelin raids! J - ^ , nufpnieiu'was an! there may be more some other year. <n London, of course. Feeling safe; ' - - . - In her isolation and in the history of i " UI rlfle antl a blt " f J- vnaniite - ' 2000 years free from hostile arms. I tlle ver - v " ext **? he was back - He London, astonished, suddenly found &* mlt th e sanle ui(le Pomeroy, keenly disappointed, went settletl in New Brunswick during I! liaclc to his little bicycle shop where : v e felled to stay put. Probably; policy of the Forest Service of the lii'pnrtment of the Interior, which ad- ministers tbe national forests, these resorts are being fitted with conveni- ences for summer residents and camp- ers. 'This valuable hook wtikcorn* piletl to athfTtU* CARHARTT OVERALLS the kc*t farmer's overnlls in the world. On farmer wrote that h would not take tea Julia r for his boul^ Write for yours u>-<imy. Hamillon Carhirtt. Minufarturrr, Ltd..Turotilo '*>.. len(V l.-i.'ui.irju /.-:.:. BUY FLORIDA FARM Choice Stlrcltd Sction. GitHm-ttilck, liog- riiiiuc. .Illume. lctmt!oni, Sauuma orand't, i>cin; 2 crujii a-ftar. mot pinhtablc Faim- Bflt. 10 ict suppoiti family (6); Bttt real mu, 1. 1 climalt (01 mvalidi ft ld pccplt. 2 KR., 2 Slatt Highway!, modern Mrlwolt, churchff. bui-linta. Quart" Sr>.tiani, (10 aero) $25 10 $40 acrr. ( IVtnul Tille guaian teed. Tim i> your chance to l.ur guaian'tfii latminR oili near hi|hlr developed. p\in (irtn> hfltl above $5W) acre Wtilt today. FLORIDA FERTILE FARMS. IT,,. $5 West 2nk Si., New York City. Stnd iletaill <J your Guaranteed raim-. herself In the thick of action. Ill "' lril>l1 iy bullet on a bit , f sllk- Possibly some others of the 1928 ar- ] rivals will, In tlie course nf a year or i so, drift away. But even sn, even If no more than nine families out of ten i and It worked!" .It pcrmaiu utly into a niche, it Is a All-expense Tours iew to be a war within a war the , Zeppelins against London, with Herr The al le PUul>iy thought now that pretty good shovvnii: and argues gen- Mathy against an unknrwn man who ! Ile "' as lleali " wilh n Inill "- v dement- wally cHrefnl selection of the settlers was slow in appearing- a quiet chap, i " (1 nia ": tmt Pomeroy pemstn,!. and and farms. Pomeroy by name. | fl ally succeeded in gelling a mein- In 1914. on Christmas Eve, the one l)t ' r o{ th e Boa rd to come and look ilay In the year when people can least | at hls Invention. It mn-t have been | hear to think of war, the first bomb , a rare seene in tlle "iO'de shop; a dropped on Eiigland. On Christmas " ia " wh " kllew nothing of science l)ay another Zeppelin came, but was driven off at the mouth ot the Thames. Then a New Year's visit, and tliN time there was death in England' . ...__, ._. ..__ Mathy was learning the lay ot the ; ^retched it Mghtly on strings andj p . ls , , W(> W | llter(l> .. Passenger Traffic English countryside. lle learned it wlu> A ,i es i,. e on tne , )a ,. t o f travelers iiiK a demonstration for a man , , go j,, ppecial parties under expert knew wnat 'lyuamite couldn't , tour management prompted our coin- I'omeroy suspended a liandkcrchief. fired his dvnamltp-nosed bullet paiiy to experiment with tho all-ex- 1 pensu, personally. escorted plan the ! so well that later, when not a Manager YV. J. Black, of the Santa Fe tcliirmered In all England at night, he could follow the dull silver ribbon of -the Thames, calling off tli3 promt nent buildings of LoiKlon-tmvn this and that bend. '.through It: and the handkerchief K:lllway> allllount . e ,, lne olher da y. Kru B chcu is all you cluim it to he." LOST POUNDS OF FAT in 2 short weeks Krusclieii Snlls will give many n fat IHTHOII a jiiyniis kiirprwc. Vnii cnn knock |,i.;:inN "it your wt-i^ht and ycnn nff yimr uge this suff nnil -ny P HV. Kvrry muiiiiiiK fake " tlie lit lie daily ilnnc '" of Krn.schfii in a \t\a of hot water before lin-akfast. This will mean Mat every particle nf PIIMIHHIIIS wuste matter and Ininnfill acids anil gusts is being c\i>i lied from tlie Hv.sli-m. They are the cause of all tbe trouble hrcanae they rema.n in the system and nccmuu- Ime in the fonnof GXCCM, unlicalthy fat. " 1 have liihl .several poundt in ' v < tluui 2 Hecks. It is so sufe und easy. No dieting, no dings. I huve tried several ether wnvi, but witli no uooii result*. went to ash. Presently the scientist was <-n the tram, going homo deep tu thought. a t The tram itself was a perfect illustra- j llm _ sl]] i lion of the secret overlooked by 1 They were so popular \ve will repeat 1 Bn VALUABLE PREMIUMS n fn. for s M,as HM.I l.i. Toronto. " r ' 17 New fear , . Id Perl,,,,,,, at It " m ney ' Be " .-, K , ,,c our .-.-.niH ami ' IU.IHV Co.. SI 2i *ll Ortti'ill DllHittilf Ill A. O. LEONARD, Inc. Ill Fifth An-.. N>'v VurU ( ll After Shave Minard's mi.M'd with sweet oil makes a c.:.'!. --(loiliing after Heals tiny mils by i-uur. This was the manner ,-f enemy we science which l-'omeroy had quite in- nocently stumbled on. Here is the illustration: when you are In a tram nr a train that Is Kalliering speed, yi u are pressed back against your manner.' the His Hearing Restored The invisible ear drum Invented by A. O. Leonard, which resembles a miniature megaphone fitting Inside the ear, entirely out of siKht, Is help- the hearing of a great many peo- are defrayed. The passenger pays a The railroad takes care of all details from start to flnNh." Five ot these tours will bo run by the Santa Fa in connection with the Muriington Sysism. CliliiKo to Call- 1 fornla and back ;i journey of about' (JUDO miles by rail, several hundred i Mrs. K. II. After three or four weeks of the little j duily dose, fjet. on to I lie scales ami see how many pound* of fat you lm\e lost. Your mirror also will tell you wlwt vou have gained m health niul vigour. Your eyes will sparkle, your skin will be clearer, you will feel unbelievably ymtlifnl and energetic ymi will feel many pounds lighter uuti luuuy years younger." FOR. QUICK, HARMLESS COMFORT OuldmCiyforlt FW 0>T5Tmr,TISN.DWBflHtA,f rVBISeWtSS Soap "^ i.v more limn, n tine soup ll i u bill lir HO vrtirt th l Ihti purra flnr.tlnnl nf f seat. In tbe same lieavy Infusorial earth of the dyna- mite In the bullet nose was set back. thu* squeezing out In front a spray pie. Mr. Leonard Invented this drum ! of pure nitroglycerine. And this to relieve himself of deafness and would blow up on touching even a head noises, and it does this so sue- feather. The Admiralty at la.t had '-' >^ "' J-tonc old ressfully that no one could tell he Is what It needed. e - '' ^' *" Klt t ' 1 ' a deaf man. A request for Informa- ! We found ourselves excitedly wait- >!. Grand '">''> Na- tion to A. 0. Leonanl. 70 Fifth Avenue i >* h-r the next raid. The night ot , ' ^ k , !e xt will be vis, ed l,ke- Suite437. New York Citv will be ' September 2. 1916, was a perfect; "^'J." 8 "* ." A 8 a Caliente in miles by motor, and requiring three weeks on the way. One will leave In January, two in Kehruary and two in March, 19.'iO. The itinerary Includes lhe India n- detour region around given a prompt reply. Advt. night f.ir a raid. Sure enough, after fV>r Trouble* due to Acid INDIOISTPON STOMACH HBAKTBU* Mil AD ACM OASBS- NAUSEA When Pain Comes \Vhat many people call indigestion very often means excess acid In the One spoonful of this harmloR;', taste- less alkali In water will neutralize in- stantly many times as much acid, and stomach. The stomach nerves have . . . , . . the symptoms disappear at once, loii; been over-stimulated, and food sours. wi ,, never uge ciu(]e methods when , Old Mexico. After viewing nil princi- pal points of interest In California including Hollywood, Yosemite and Catalina the return to Chicago will be by way of Feather River Canyon, Salt Lake City, the scenic Rockies of Colorado and Denver. Britain's Milk Problem O. T. Garratt In tho Nation and Athenaeum (London): A special license should be required from all producers of liquid milk. All other milk should bo labelled "commercial," and used exclusively for manufactur- ing Into milk products. Tbe license should only bo granted to herds of more than a certain number of cows In milk de miiilmis no curat lex. It should insist upon a proper water sup- ply and cooling apparatus, a steriliz- ing plant, and a m,! Minnm bacteriolo- gical count. SENTIMENT Tbe corrective la an alkali, which once you , earn the efficiency ot this.] Who Pan explft|n the operation of neutralizes acida instantly. And the Go get a small bottle (o try. that seniim.;ut which strips the object of our late passiun if all Its p.dventi- best alkali known to medical science Is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remained the standard with physi- cians in the 50 years since Its Inven- tion. Be sure to get tho genuine Phillips' Mllk. of Magnesia prescribed by physi- ticms charms ,and reduces It to ordl- clans for BO years In correcting excess nary level? G. P. Morris. aclus. Bach bottle contains full direc- .^ tlons any drugstore. Minard's Liniment for Warts. she's always hungry/' ...says TORONTO mother! is absolutely the pie- ture of health again,'' says Mrs. D. Eraser, 6 Currie Ave., Toronto, Ontario. "A few weeks ago we had to force her to eat; now she's always hungry. !'I knew what to do when she be- came bilious, half-sick and list- less, because we've always known about California Fig Syrup. Nancy 'a coated tongue and bad breath cleared up with tbe first few spoonfuls; and CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP THE RICH. FRUITY LAXATIVE AND TONIC FOR CHILDREN in just a few days her stomach and bowels were acting perfectly. She's gaining right along now." California Fig Syrup has tbe full endorsement of the medical world. A pure vegetable product, loved by children. A gentle, but thorough cleanser of a youngster's system and agentleenergizer for sluggish bowels. A stimulator for lagging appetites and digestions; a help in building sturdy limbs and robust bodies. The name Cali/ortu'o is important. No imitator can put that on his prod- uct. From Mothfer of Six "I think Lydia IL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is wonderful! I have had six children of which four are living and my youngest is a bon- nie baby boy now eight months old who weighs 23 pounds. I have taken your medicine before each of them was born and have certainly ro ] ccived great benefit from it. 1 urge '.my friends to take it as 1 am sure they will receive the same help 1 did." Mrs. Milton McMuIIen, Vanessa, Ontario. Lydia E, Pinkham's. Vegetable Compound il E F.nUim Mtd. Co.. LI.B. M.n, U.'\. 1 < Colour,-. Of\ln.o, Ointit ' ice, NQ> 44__- " ] 1