Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Sep 1929, p. 3

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•I > ii -M^y- â- â™¦ 14 V; V » X I Do«s rhettiiiatifiii hinder yonr iiyXTTHlLE working in a '^ quarr/ a» a driller," writes Mr. John J. Hogan of South March, Ont., "I was seized with rheuma- tism in the left shoulder. I followed treatments for some time without relief. I had heard so much con- cerning Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that I decided to give them a trial. They were certainly the medi- cine that I needed for it was not long before I was as well as ever. Now I take them every Spring as a tonic." This if one of hiuulrecls of caws in which these blood- enriching pitlj have proved effective in eradicating rheu- matism. Buy Or. Williamt' Pink Pills now at your diug- gisl'f or any dealer in medi- cine, or by mail, 30 cents, ' postpaid, from Tlie Dr. Wil- liam* Medicine Co., Brock- viJie, Ont. S.3S Watch Almost Over' A \ViR\l\(i TO British .Army on the Rhine Comes Home With Knov/1- edge that it Has Perform- .ed a Difficult Task Wisely and Well '.Vatch ♦â-  - I] „: Your L"t!e Ones at .MI Times No mother can expect lliat her child will escape all llie Ills Ut which baby- hood and childliond aru sul^Ject, liuc she ran ilo much lo lessen the sever- The British Army of the Rhine will '.ty nf these irouDles. The mother .onie home lelnctanlly. bnt with Hie [should be c-onitaiuly on her guard lo kno«ie«lge that it has performed a pre.-ent childhood ailmeists. ur If Uiey difficult task wisely and well. j,.nnie on .suddenly, as (hey usually do, Whatever German propagandists:,,, have the means at hand t.i relieve may say to the contrary, it has gained .ihera. Tbousamis o£ mothers have the respect and conlidt-nce, and to a | found Baby's Own Taurels Ihe ideal large extent the goo<l will, of the civil l,.emedy for liHle ones-thousands of population in occupied territory. U | mothers always Keep the Tablets In comes home leaving behind no trace the house a? a safeguard Hsalnst the of bitterness or enmity. j sudden illness of their little ones This self-contained organization has; Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but been superimposed on an alien popu- j thorough la.tative They regulate the latlon without affecting in any way bowels: sweeten Ihe stomach and thus the normal life o fihe latter; it has .banish constipation and indigestion: been a tangible thing, yet practially break up .:old* and simple fever and invisible; sharing the same towns and ! make the 'Uttin.f of teeth easy The villages, even the same public resorts. : Tablets ara absolutely guaranteed aloof in every respect, while maintain- ! free from inji.rious drugs and may be Ing an entirely correct attitude in all given to the youngest child with per- dealings with the people and their of- j feet safety They are sold by medi- '*''*'''• 'cine dealers or by, mail at I'Jc a box The Rhine .Vrmy has grown into an ^ from The Dr William i' .Medicine Co.. Institutiou. It has not only its own Brorkvjlle, Ont. dress, language, business and family .^ life, schools, hospitals, clergy, amu raeiits and sports, bnt even its own j newspaper and literature. It has' created its own history and traditions, and even a kind of folklore based on the exploits and .adventures of certain personalities' associated with the early days of the occupation. It has its heroes and its unpopular characle'-s, and the stories about them have reached every British depot con- taining soldiers v.-ho have served in Germany. T!le gossip of the Rhine is current in the hill stations of India as well as in the barracks of Shang- hai. The .\iniy has even developed "Sprucing Up" The Farm House Waxwork Secrets firmly placed in popular opinion as jany favorite of the London stage. j There hav ; been many changes I since the Army came into being in the [first deliriius days of peace. Generals. : staff officers, and units have come, 1 served, and gone again. Very few I war ribbons are to be sesn to-day. A .\ wards have been announced In ai little contest held among some farm-l ' ers around St. Johns, N'.B.. which might i j well be extei.ded al! throufh the . country. Prizes were g'ven for dis-i iribution anuiig farmers whose pi"' p- i ; erties fronted on two provincial high-j I ways lo go to the men wlio made the ; greatest improvements In the appear- i I ance of their dwellings and their j surroundings during t';ie past sum-j I mer season. . | j It is unfi rtunate but none the less I true that very many country dwellers' in (?anada have never i.aid the atten- 1 , tiou they might to the appearance ot : their houses the creation of lawns. i tlie planting ot trees .shrubs and flowers around them â€" above all. to , tile painting or even whitewashing .Vew Wonders of Great-Grand- son of Madame Tussaud London. â€" The famous Madame Tus- sauds has been moderulzed in sur prising fas.ni n. To old visitors the greatest surprise Is to be ablfa lo step acros? Ihe new Tussaud's restaurant to see and hear the latest thing in talkies Mr. John T. Tussaud. the great- grandson of the original .Madame, is now the presiding genius. He still holds family secrets ic. the making of wnxwc rk portrait figures about whic^i the world wonders. .Madame Tus. saiul's has been entirely rebuilt and modernlr.ed since the tire in .March, 1925. inew generation has succeeded to the of houses, barns .r outbuildings. Far British watch on the Rhine, but the too often the Canadian larmhoase spirit IS the same as when every man and its immediate surroundings con- in Ihe Army- of Ocnpaticn arrived by stitute an evesore rather than an at- way of the Western Front. tractive feature of the rural lands- I In its own ciuiet way the .-Vrmy has cape. I been an ubW propagandist for Britain. Our American neighbors as a rule ;The life of the civilian population has: set us an example In this respect jbeeti carefully protected from umlue; that we might well follow To-day. j interference. Orders lo the troops' at least in the older p rtions of their I have been framed in such a way as country, farm houses are neat, clean. jto avoid all anpleasant "ini-idents." Fraternization has been strictly avoid- ed, and eveu sports competitions with 'the Germans have been forbidden, des- ipite the often expre.ssed desire of the Depart"â€"^ of H"!th When ibe sciool t)e!l3 rang In On- tario on September :trd liiousanda of small Uys and glrU started on ihe greatest ad.-Mntu'-fl of chlldbood â€" Going to school. Every Starter a Healthy Scholar Cpon ilie iiealth of the c:;ild as lie enters school depends, to a large ex- lent, .lis success or faiiOre us ' a scholar. Everything that Is dne from ilse lime a child i-» born to develop In him a strong, s3 :ri'l body is a contrlhulion lo his sciool suc- cess. .Malnourished, sicit.v cliil Iren not i.nly are llcce.'y lo nilsi school often, but Ihey can ui do the best work when they are In school It takes a slrong, vigorous child to get the most out of school Ufa. Parents who aave children enter- ing scl.ool for the .irst lime t.nis fall owe it lo tlieir ciiilJ.-en to have every possible handicap removed, every de- fect remedied which medica; and den- tal science can correct This com- m^nsenie idea of sti.-ting school without a candicap on the health score is fast becoming very popula." in Ontario and hundreds of children are now entering school with health lOOro ,<erfect. Protection Which Means Much Jiphtheria Is disease •vhlcSI Is particularly dangerous in childhood There are very few deaths tr. m th s disease ai.iong grown-ups; it takes its greatest toll from among young children In Ontario to-day there Is no excuse for any child starting school without protectioni against dip.'itherla. f. r the reason that science has pei fected a preventive which la supplied free of charge to physicians for the use of all children within the province. Toxoid is ihe name of Ihis preventive, is given In three doses three weeks apart injected into tbe skin ot Ihe forearm. Mothers and fathers would be will- ing to risk their lives tii save a baby even if It meani pulling him frjm the railway track in face ot an approach- ing train or dashing in front iif a ra^-- ing motor car. Yet the danger of diphtheria Is an ever present one for the unprotected child from one Id ten years of age. Toxoid is a provjn protjction against this danger of childhood; it is insurance tor the child and the parentâ€" and Is supplied free by Hie Department ot Health of Ontarii'. Every package of Red Rose Tea is prepared with the same care â€" as if our reputation were to stand or fall upon that single package. 63 "is good tea RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE u extra good Claissified Advertisements BABBITS CtHOiiJK.si .v.N^ioa.vs. CHi.\'.:niL- / l..\.S Sables J.'. 00 each- illeii Allyn Kur b'arm. St * 'a t â- i.-iil-ie.s, Oiu .•\.<:H for VOUIl ousine£» Old Timer: Tiia: chap r.asn't got ai: his buttons. L'p-lo-Dater: (radio fan): You mean he hasn't got all iiis tubes. ROfERTY. l^.XH.M. resilience, no matter where located. Free informalion. Inter- national Realty Co.. i*3 Pellssier W'^d- sor. i)nt rp vvo si'KA.M I'L'.Mi'S. i.N i'E«fl:c'i' J L-omliiiiiii. larjre capacity. U'a'Klns. Room 4;i 'i Adrrlalde St West Toronto. HEI.NE STEA.M BOILER. la'J 11. P, â- .»rv I'lieap. auply Wutldns Room 4-'i 71 AiI'ImI'Io S:r»pt West Tnr-i-i'o. There's Hope Yet j Boston Tran.~cripi. Andre Siegfried, author of "America Comes of Age," | laments that the United States has no | leisure class, which, he says, it must have before it can have a cultured i class. Speaking only for Boston, we j fear that Dr. Siegfried never has strolled over Boston Common. WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOR SALE Weil equipped for publisning and printing, doing good business. Must have substantial down Bay- ment. Good reason for selling. Appiy Box 8, WILSON PLB'>-lSHING CO. LTD. 73 Adelaide St. W. Toronto INTELLIGENCE We lie in the lap ot immense intel- ligence, which makes us organs ot its aetivity ami rc'civcr-- of iis ii:iih. T'ne old gentleman'i tiamc was Pa^e and he received the followng unc-c- pected epgrammatic repiy which cha- grined him so r!v,u'h that he left :he ni-ifrhi)orh'X'd : CIRCUMSTANCES atiractive, with well • kept lawn bright flower.--, healthy and well-plac- ed trees. The tnotori-t who crosses the border can. too commonly, tell that he has done so if by n' thing e'se I latter to engage in friendly games with than the ciiange from the trim. pro- Man was meant to be not the slave, but Ihe master, of circumstances; and in proportion as he recovers his humanity, in proportion as he gets idjack Ihe spirit ot manliness, which is self-sacrifice, affection, loyalty to an • idea beyond himself a God above him- ;self, so far will he rise above circum- stances. â€" Kingsley. C/Z^^-1 ,J^ Fast Ecs4-Cut1in3 S iSIMONDS SAWS \^ Guaranteed because made "?- frum our cnii steel P ATENTS " ist of "Wauled Inventi.ins" 111 F-,il! !]iiurr.:a'..on .-^eiit Frea THE BAMSAY CO.. DOD*. W. 273 B.inl! St.. OtTawa Oat. Stop Colds vwith Pi/1 nard's Liniment. Oyster Recipe An oyster met an oyster .\nd they were oysters two. Two oysters met two oysters And they were oysters, too. Four oysters met a pint of milk And they were oyster stew. L U X O FOR THE HAIR Ask Your Barberâ€" He Knows the soldiers. -Many of ths old, l)ad illusions con- cerning the British troops, which sur- vived after the war. have been eftec- Inally dispelled. British justice has [ been discovered by the natives to be ai tine and fair thing. ; "A Little Learning . . ." .\'ew York Hun: .Most of u? have two distinct pictures of Balboa. One is that ot him "silent, upon a peak in Darien," staring at the Taitic. gressive-looking country-homes south i ot the line to the down-at-heel, shab- by and generally neglected appearance of lange numbers of Canadian farm' houses. I It w( uld be a line thing if the ex-! periment that has just been conclud j ed so succes.-sfully around St. Joins i would attract wide attention and imit-j atlon. The cost and the labor in-j volved would be very slight in com-j parisnn with the rasults to be ob-l taincd. TRIALS Every man (".eems that he has pre- cisely the temptations and trials which are the hardest of all for him to bear: but they are so because they are tho ' very ones he needs. "Your wife does so remiiiil me ^'i- my elder sister." "Site reminds me a great deal ot hc>r lirst husband." '3Cufeeka/'& Wonnn Earn up to :• ^o-) • <?k!y. sewinK. spar*? time, iiuuse Frocks lioine, i>!uin .•a^y sewingr. expermntt? v:n- HfCf^jarv. niatcrtnls rpadsr yy.w. i:is;ructions f'irni^** •?. Drcs-^ Specialty To. Depi^^ U.5 SI. r Xavier. Mtntnal Fragrant. Auliscptic Cleansing mvl BcautitVing â-  :-nt TclcgTjphcr. Course nrpr-v-i by the railways. We secure positions. Write tor Free IdLT TOD.-\ Y . Day or Mail courses. Dominion School Telegraphy Ltd. I.io:it.. \V L. 'J Toror.-.i I leainess RUB IM BACH OF EAHS- ll.Stm >f»'**J"""^""Ji^ EAR Oil* rcivripr.vc -. uicr^vi rr.:-.:ci:. A. O. LEONARD, Inc. TO Rl'th .\vc.. New York Ciiv "Lovely women, striking dresses and wonderful lluwers will be the fea- ture ot A.*cot this week." A little horse racing will also, we understand, take place.â€" Loudon Star. Many people, two hours after eating, suffer indigestion as they call it. It is usually excess aid. Correct it wilh an alkali. The best way, the quick, harm- less and eflicient way, is Phillips' -Milk ot Magnesia. It has remained for 50 years the standard with physicians. One spoonful in water neutralizes many limes its volume In stomach acids, and at once. The symptoms disippear in ft*o minutes. V â- . A 111 n.'-vfr ujjd ciudo .•nulbods when you know this better method. .\nd you will never suffer from e.'tcess acid when you prove 6ut this easy re- lief. Please do thatâ€" for your own sakeâ€" now. Be sure lo get the genuine Phillips' Milk ot Magnesia prescribed b.v physi- cians for 50 years In corretlng S.xcess adds. Each bottle contains full direc- tions â€" any drugstore. APPUCATIONS APPLICATIONS Are Filled As Far A* Possible In the Order In Which They Are Received. ONTARIO DE>>ARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Farm Help Supph'ed Offering Annual Work Are InvarFablj^ Given the Preference. The Colonization and Immigration Branch ot the Department ot Agriculture for Ontario will have available a number ot Experienced Married Men With Their Wives •nd Familiesâ€" Married Couples Without Children- Alto Single Men. Tarmere reqalrioir help will b« w*U •dTls*d to mak* tarly applic:\tion to File Your Application^ at Onn« Geo. A. Elliott 31i'»ctor of Col'iiitjutlen Parliament IIIiIks.. To.-onto. On All Men Placed Subject to Trial Period HON. JOHN S. MARTIN, Minister of Aartculture Science and Industry Johannesburg SiiuJay Times: It would be well for Johannesburg â€" j which Is inclined tj place material ; prosperity to the fort front ot worship- ; ful images â€" to dwell wiih some humil- ity on the debt which industry (in- cluding gold-mining 1, in common with many other fields ot human endeavor, already owes to pure and applied science. Y'our genuine scientist is a real servant ot the public, seeking, more often than not, no other reward for his vast and complicated labors, beyond a bare living, than a success- ful conclusion to his inve.stigalions. Were such men recompensed on a scale commensuiale with their ser- vice and ability they would indeed be rich. Hut tew ot them have great possessions, and they are content to spend their lives, and sometimes to sacrifice them, in the cause of human progress and enlightenment. .> HAVING â- "HE LAST WORD An epitaph has given many a hen-' pecked husband the opportunity ot| tiavlng the last word, and some ot: them have made t!:e most if It No. conventional respect for the dead] slopped the man who had this apitaph carveti on his wife's tomb: â€" i "Here lies my wife, poor Molly; let her lie. \ She finds repose at last, and so do I." I It was a Ccrnish husband wbo found it in his heart to inscribe upon I a tombstone: ' \ ".\Iy wife Is dead, and here she lies, j No man laughs, and no man cries. ^ Where's gone, or how she fares, | Nobody knows, and nobedy cares.", Here is another: i "Beneath this stone a lump ot clay j Lies Arabella Yonng ' ' Wbo en the Iwenly fourth ot May | Began to hold her t' ngue." | WASTE NOT TIME j An Italian philosopher expressed. In. Ills motto, that lime was his estate; I an estate, indeeil, that will produco | nothing without cullivation. but will ^ always abundantly repay the labors of j High School Boards and Boards Are au'.hcrired by law to estab â- s.h of Education INDUSTRIAL, ART TECHNICAL SCHOOLS AND With the app:-ova! 3f the Minister of EdjcJiion DAY AND EVENING CLAiSES may be conducted in accordance v.ith the regulations issued by the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION is given in various trades. The schools and c^nsces are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application Tor aCesdance should be inade to ttie Principal of the school. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS. MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for in the Courses of Study in Public. Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegir.te Institutes. Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regul.itions issued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Cailclings, Toronto. HXdxtU/CL FOR. QUICK. aOOlLESS COMFORJ Children Cry Mt tlK QSffTWftTICtlDlARRNEA.reVt.'IlSmtSS Boils I Dry up boils with Minard's. Its j antiseptic iiualities kill the poison I and draw out infiammation. industry, It no part ot it be suftereil to lie waste by neRligcucc, to be over- run bv noxious plants. â€" Dr. Johnson. Min^^rd't Linimentâ€" UMd for 50 years From Youth To Old Age 'T^HERE are three trying periods in a woman's -*â-  lite; when the girl matures co womanhood; when a woman gives birth to her first child; when a woman reaches middle age. At these critical times Lydia E. Pmkham's Vege- table Compound helps co restore normal health an^i vigor. Countlessthousand? testify to its worth. Ludia £. Hnkhaxn's Vegetable Coinpotind LYDIA f. PINKH.\M MFDICINF CO.. Lvno, N!-»., U S. A. â- nj Cohourit Unurio, CaaaJs DADDY CAN NOW EAT ANYTHING He di'iirlv loved ii ruh titbit. The spirit was willing, but llu' lU'sh was wciik. Whenever he ate aiiylliin({ rich, his buys used lo say, " I'oor ilud. he will pay the j)enalty lo-inorniw." Head the sequel in his own wrirds : â€" '•Since lakiiiii the regular dose of Kriisrhcn Sails it is i;iiite different, and niv Uns enjoy tiiemselve* seein({ me eat what I dare not liMicli liefore. My eldest son was the sunie. but since he ha« taken Kni»<-lien Sidts he erfn eat and • .ijov wluitovcr is put ill f^'nt of him.' • Mudern arlilical condilions. errors of chet. over«»)rk. lack of exerii-e, and sn on. are Ix^mid to have iiijuriou* effects in the lf>iig run providing due pifcautioii is not taken. Krasi-hcii Sails should be your safe- guard. Beside* cleansing the Ixxly of impurities it<Millv. surely and painlessly, they [jowts a vital power of )(iving new lite and vitality to the eoiiutlcss niilliuna «>f cells of which every body ig coiuptMcd. That is why phvsiclans never liesitat^ to recommend Ivruscbcu Salts. ISSUE No. 38â€" "29 y ^tobc .AKMM

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