Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Sep 1929, p. 4

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^WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18th, 1929 THE FLKSHERTON AD\^ANCE Kennedy's Grocery | Men,s Wear | Grocery Specials for This Week Aylmcr Catsup, bottle 21c Oranges, 2 doz. for 39c Ginger Snaps. 2 lbs 25c. Onr Special Tea, per lb 65c. Pork & Beans. 2 tins 25c. Honey, large pail $1.10 Substantial Reduction in | MEN'S SUITS I $25.50 Suits for $22.50 ? <^0.00 Suits tor $26.50 | IplS.OO Top Coats $14.95 | W. G. KENNEDY | We deliver in town. X Phone 57 IFHE FLESHE^TON ADVANCE Survey of Conditions j In Europe by Lady M.P. I The following very intercstinf; ''•"'it^iiâ„¢ tide has been received from Miss ff^^ McPhaiJ at Geneva, Switzerland: j Central and southern Europe h a seething mass of unrest. The Ukra- nian and Polt:i are at each other's throats. Macedonia, carved up and given to three surrounding countries, is torn in spirit. The Bulgars iimi the Serbs are killing each other on the frontier. The danger rpot of Eu- rope should read the danger spots of Europe, any one of which holds the posi.ibilities of future war. Millions of people are now discontented m:- norities. | Blessed arc v.e who live in the North American continent, and be- cause of our happy position we owe leadership to the world. j I landed at Cherbourg, where ten ders came to the ship's side. What huo'.le ad bustle! Tickets and pass- ports to be examined, luggage to be cot 0.1 the tender, through the cus- toms and on to the French train wi'/n- ou': once Ic.^ing sight of ♦.! The "red car '" wore blue jr.ckets. They talked only French, we only English; everyone gesticulated wildly but fin- ally we were in the French train, sharing a compartment with the Bishop of Panama and the President of the League of Nations Society ♦♦♦♦•X~X~X~M I Geo. Strain Writes Published on CoUingwood street, ; Flesherton, Wednesday of each \ mtrnli. Ciciflation over 1100, Price in Canada, |2.00 per year ; when paid in advance |1.50. In U^.A., $2.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON - Edito*. r. J. THURSTON - Asst. Editor. EDITORIAL NOTES It's Liable to Happen to Anyone's Home Protect yourself â€" you never can tell wheii^ fire will come. It is unexpected alway.sâ€" the Arch Enemy of man and man's plans. Modern progress has found new ways to combat it â€" but natural physical factors plus human carelessness make it always possible. \'ou must protect your property with adequate fire insurance â€" why take chances? Come in and discuss your insurance problems with us. Let us show you how you can safeguard your property at an exceeding- ly small cost. , ^,„ . W. J. W. Armstrong General Insurance Gore Bay, Sept. 1», 1929. Dear Editor, â€" Will you allow me I space in your valuable paper. I am ' one of the Flesherton old boys and j was present at the grand reunion. 1 I have heard a great many remarks 1 made about it and read letters from I different people in your paper. To ' get to the real foundation of Flesh- I erton, they are all too young and I can't get Lack far enough, no doubt. ' It was a great plea3ure for me to be i there to clasp many a hand that 1 ' never expected to clasp again in this world. It was a grand success I throughout. I I am now 70 years of age. Born in Proton, I came to Flesherton when i'bout four years of ase. I remem- l;cr well the old pioneers of Flesher- I ton '.nil the country round abouT, which I heard very little about during I the week of celebration. Although (ht.se jTOod old soul.? havo passed sv.ay ;.nd are reapinjr the reward o^ their good live i, the christian work 111', y c-r. ried on sixty and .seventy yean; ago. I remember wtll in theold frame church on the side of the hili, , Nvhe;; tl;ey would 1)0 singing that gooo (Id hymn, "Swec! hour of prayer,'' t:) ;;ee the tears rolling down their cheeks, but the old churcii Is gone now, too. I I am now going to give the names t'f the principal (io.spel workers who i:il>r)red under Rev.;. Green, Wiliiams rn'l Jakes: Matthew Richardson, Su- perir'ondent of :-,eh-,.il for forty those who could stand in the jiulpi'.. , ar.d prci'.ch a splendid .sermon. Wn ; \ <:)uld they ? Bccau.sc they wore filled I with th'j love t,f God in their soul.s. Wesley Armstronj; ring a few minutes but diligent searcli that night and the next day failed to reveal its whereabouts. Naturally she came to the Review Office to advertise her loss and offer- of Chicago. The French customi officials seem- ed f I. ;3y only about tobacco â€" they asked "See-gar? No? Seegar-ette? No?'' then dismisied us by an ex- pressive gesture. On a French dining car one can- not have a choice of food. The whole menu is served. The food is odd, but 'good and abundant. In France and i n central Europe the water la not fit to drink. A person has to get on as best he can on mineral water, which tr.jtes like destruction, vile coffee, sloppy tea, and wine. I am| ^^ Wilfred Shaw of Cheeseville Is the young lady to return to the dia- to explain.â€" Harriston Review still thirsty-the though of Soutn- ^^^king for Mr. Ross Alcox TORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Smith of Owen Sound visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wise of East Berkeley visited at the home of Tho3. Lever on Friday last. ; mond and look under the third base sack and she would find her sparkler. This was done and there was the ring in plain sight as soon as the bag was lifted. How the ring got under the ed a handsame reward for its re- bag is a mystery and how the lady turn. However some one advised her] at Blyth, over fo^y miles away knew to go to a clarevoyant at Blyth ana \ where to send the young lady to look consult her. She immediately tola ' for it is a mystery that will be hara Township authorities are advising their superintendents to see that all limall holes in roads are promptly filled with small stones and gravei, so th..it the frosty weather may be met with an even road bed. In this rcspivt a "fill-in in time may save nine." • • • There will it is scmi-officially de- clared be no Dominion election this year. One general tOection in a year 'm enough in all conscience. We are to have a general election for the province before the .'^now flies, and that ought to be enough for the most bcligerent of politicians. The part- ies are now busy placing their candi- dates in the field. VVe have not heard of any women nominees. « « « I They're av.\iy. Premier G. Howara Ferguson gave out '.he ai..Hin â- enient, on Tuesday that the (Jovernment had thrown the .'^love into the ring ana that the clectio.is would take place on Wednesday, October .'Wth. There is on special prograr.i for the people to judge upon, except that of the govern- ment con'.rol of li(|Uor that was upper- most at the last election, but vvhic». at the p^-esent time is allowed to fjt.ind wi'hout much comment from the Prime Minljter. The campai,'jn al- ready promises tj be short, but no daubt v.'ill be intemely interesting. * « * Or.igeville reiuircs a new chief of poli.e, th3 former incumbcn', having been dismi;. :cd by the town Council for r.i:sc3ndu:t in office. Profiting t>y recent h-.;p!)crings, the autho-itics will doubtless see that the new chief Jihall tome >vell .tL'ominended and ^hall eiv.er into rerogniscensc^ to re- frain fro;:i pugili.stic exhibitions on | hi- ;i3 and €h.rl:os. h'j own part es v,-ell as o.i thot of' There wr-re .i fc"f 't many old F,(:if>ni , the public. One v/onders at the ac \ mat:.; and playmates nresont that i | unien of m; nicipul fathers who place! v. ill never meet on nrlh -.gain in t:ie in charge of civi: good order a ma.i'fle.^h. bi.t I ,nm lookir,;? forward to ti <f wh.::e prL'vious record tliey ap- 1 g-.eattr reunion thai mort.il ni:in cr.i parently were ignarant. | ccr' arhiove; where wc wlii not i^avo ' * * 1 any return 'ickcl :;r.d will not have <j E-!?' Grey water tantalizes ma Paris is a wonder city. With some friends I visited the artists' quar- ters on the hill where streets ana sidewalks are very narrow, and paved with stone. The pictures are beautiful and very reasonably priced. One deligh'ful hour was spent in the Louvre with a good guide wuo .'.poke English, but only a few of the art treasure ; could be seen in that time. The Louvre was once the par- ace of the French kings, though the original castle has lieen altered ana added to. It Vi an endlcsa place, pa t museum nnd part art g.iilery. The rooms are furnished in Louis 14th and Louis 15th style and the piecc-.i! of furniture in them were once usen' Messrs. Charles Gilchrist and Har- old Lever spent a day in Toronto the first of the week. Mrs. Albe.t Stewart and Mrs. Geo. Littlejohns accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mathewson to Newmarket on Monday. | Miss Gertrude Lever, accompaniea by Miss Annie Dow, visited with her friend, Mrs. Geo. Rowland, at Han- over on Thursday last and attended the fair there. I ii'rs. Charles Moore of Brampton /isitctl her daughter, Mrs. George Stewart, :.nd returned home last week. UOR. by the kings, their wives or their, ir 'stresses, of whom there seems to ADAMS â€" In Artemesia, on Sept. have been a bewildering number, '''t''- li'29, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Adams, The!/ jewels are .ilso displayed ana a daughter. famoi: ; pictures, which I found mosv' are very fascinating, were nuito high. Vv-e interesting. The shor»'> hut the price stayed at 'he California hotel and found the rites to be 140 francs a Flesherton Sunday | day, or $,5.00. Taxis are very cheap years, and one of and their d ivers drive like mad. Not being able to speak Frenrh was ;; great handicap. To be comfortaWe (Continued on Page 8) Believe it or not, but we know thi-a to bo a fact. On Friday last durinfj the baseball match betwec i Harriston and Clifford at the local diamond a young lady from North Dakota, who is visiting some friends at Clifford lost a diamond ring v.ilued 0.1 several hundreds of dollars and also valued beyond that many times as a pre- cious gift. She had only missed the Everything for the Preserving Season FRESH FRUIT IN SEASON. | SEALERS â€" Plain and Red Ball Jar: Spices. Certu, I Sugar, Rubber Rings, Zinc Rings. Glass Tops. * I SPECIAL FOR THRESHING | * Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers at $1 25 per dozen ? I A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. \ ? Store Closed Tuesday and Friday at 6 p.m. % Alex. Thompso.i, the two Merriams, Mr. Richirdson .-.nd my ov/n fath( , Win. Wnglit Strain. Other ihristiaii vvMrkers weie Wm. Rutledge and v.'ife (class lender) Jrhn Dii.wondie nnd wife, Wp.i. I)av;s and v.'ife, Johniilo' Large a -.d wife Mr. Heard, Mr. Clayton, Fred Arm- ! st opu', .lohnr.on C^;Ilen, Wm. Strain ard ir.any other (rood citizens lliio V.'ni. Richardson, Robert Trimble, j Aiiron I.Iurihaw, (the best hotel- ' |p;')or I ever k •cw).lho TJellamy fam- I i!v V/. K. Fler.her, Wm. Hooper, Dr. Christoe, R .1. Sprcule, the Black -^ Infanli'.c ra aly.sis has been nio.-c than usually prevalent throughout the] country this year. We are glad to learn that there have I cen few cases i in this par of the province the neir j est recorded being in Owen Sound,' where a fine young man of seventeen after a few days passed away. There i was also a case in Wiarton. The medical authorities nrc adopting â-  fvory preraution possible to avert the spread of the malady, the real origin of which is as yet undetermin- ed. They have, however, a serum' which it is said can be used with tffect in preventirg the after-effects of the attack, provided it ii admin- istered as soon as possible after the symptoms appear. These should be h-ou;rht to the attention of the family physician without delay. [â- y {joodbye. Rf "nectfullv voiirs, â€"GEORGE W. STRAIN. FEVERSHAM Mr. Bert Ross, who lived wtih Mr. Jos. McKee of the W»>st Backline. Arr- omesia, passed away in Detroit on Sunday. The deceased is well known in Fleshe-ton where he attended the Presbytrian church, of which he was a member and i' it vith distinct rc- Ifre' that we learn of his sudden pas.sing. The high wind on Ti; jaday pvpnin<» was accomnnnied hy heavy rainfnll ♦ hat would help the water problem in this nart. Mr. I.iither Love of Arf- ♦^mpsin List n .section rf the -oof of his hnrn, carried nwav by the hish wind, Iiut no further damn,-io w.-tn done. Another heavy dov,nr>our wci rnjoved Tuesday .iftemoon a id in tiie evcninjr. . â-  . ^ ' Messrs. Chas. Heron of Buffalo and E. Ilaiiilin of Toronto were visitors I with the latter's uncle, Mr. Georgi; Burke iuid family, ,*/er .S;ntlay. \ Mr. anil Mrs. B. Williams nnti fam- ily of To'onto visited with the for- mer' ; aunt, Mrs. Geo. Whiteoak, and 1 family over .Sunday. Mrs. W. Wili- iams, who has been visiting iiere, for the past two weeks returned home with them. I Miss Annie Robinson and Miss • Maxinic Davidson are visiting with friends in Toronto. I Mr. John Conn has returned home after a week's visit with his nephew, Bert Conn, in Windsor. I Messrs. J. W. Rinn and Wm. Seeley of Niagara Falls .and Toronto respec- tively, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ileitman over the week end. Mr. Nicholl of Dundalk is assiiting in the mill here at present. .Mr. Ross Long has been in Toronto frr the pa.st two weeks. Mrs Wm. Ileitman f.pent Sunday W' h her mother near Badgeros. Miss M. F.. Heron ' . visitiner witli her sister, Mrs. P.obc t Colquette, as piescnt. why Don't and Skill) @!I.SON 'MAGIC' FURNACES GAINNEWHEiem in HEATIHG EFFICIENCY THE aeroplane, radio, motor car are all products of science and skiH. The achievement of Gilson engineers in producing the Gilson "Magic" furnace is just as revolutionary. They did not follow. They were leaders in the heating world. New ideas in construction were employed. Old style cast-iron with puttied seams was discarded. "Modern methods, modern materials." By using Toncan steel plate and electrically welding all seams, they produced a furnace that is positively smoke, dust and gas proof. Gilson's proved that steel plate will heat three times faster than cast iron. Patented conical grates, booster flues and other exclusive features effect a fuel saving of one-third. Ten thousand satis- fied Canadian owners prove that the Gilson "Magic" furnace has gained the greatest heights in heating efficiency. Write today for free illustrated booklet, "The Supremacy of Steel." HEAT WAVE Gilion Heat Wave Ideal for Rmitl homes, offices, tcoree, Bchcwis, etc. Look* like a JP^ece of furniture. Built of steel. Beautiful orttamental finish. Draws cold air front floor â€" circulate* warm air. Dig fuel aaving. Gtlaon All Cait Furnaces 1 A big over-sised furnace .it a record low pricel Wc install quickly »t small cost with mone/'back guarantee of quality from manufacturer. Pipe or pipcle** models on easy terma. CAST and SEMI- CAST FURNACES r.avnge Repripnls â€" "Bobby, are you so I'lkind to nurse? you like her?" i "No. I'd likp to flinch hrr cheeks like daddy docs."â€" London Opinion. Ollaon Mfg. Co., Limited, . 06t! York St., Gvelph E. RlTisKKFOKl) - PROTO?4 AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR Telephone: No. 32 Line 41 ''^^^ <r GilLSON^ K.«y. \^- CHEVROLET owners sell themselva on Chevrolet. THey learn, behind the wheel of tlie New Chevrolet, just what it moans to drive a real six .. a six with a high-compression valve-in- head engine, with staunch and stylish Body by Fisher . . yet a Six at the price of a four. They taste the joys of sLs-cylinder power and smoothness . . six-cylinder snap and acceleration. They experience Chevrolet's marvelous comfort and handling ease. They discover that this amazing new Chevrolet gives them every modem conven- ience feature . . 9Mch as twin-beam, foot-controlled headlights; finely upholstered, deep luxurious cushions; higb-spaed window regulators; Tcrnatedt quality hardware; coaipletely equipped, tndirecdy Ughtad iiiMttmcnt panel, including electric temper- ature indicator and theft-proof Electrolock. Whea >-au are conaidwiag the purchaM of a car sell yurtelf o« the car you want. Get behind die whael of the New Chevrolet and make your own tests. Then decide on Chevrolet only after you have proved to yourself that it offers you more for your money than any other car in the low- priced field. *^ C-I4-9-29C Ask about the GfiAC Deferred Payment Plan rnODUCT OF GENEUAL motors of CANAD.\, LLMITnO /I ^ D. McTAVISH FLESHERTON, & SON ONT. ?fe->^l « 4 • 5 * ♦ • V ,. *'â-  I T ' .s D i; I- r I- \x i) f; c A u .s t; i t ' r, p a n a d i a N

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