Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 May 1929, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 8. 1929. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE TWP. OF AllTEMESIA ROAD NOTICE mina, west 7chg. 79 Iks, thenco as follows, that is to say:- south 54 de(?8. 20 mins. west 4 cha.| CommencinK at the. south eastery 88 Iks • theme south 39 deKs. 30 ! angle of said lot thence north 60 mins. west 28 chs. 26 Iks. to the south westerly limit of said Jot; thence north 60 deRs. 30 mins. west alonif said limit 1 ch. to the place I of bcpinninR. 2, K.E.T. & S. Road Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Township of ArtemcHJa will after one month i from the first publication hereof in The FIcsherton Advance Newspaper,. (the date of which first publication Frederick Rirtscll. Owner is the First day of May, 1929) pro- All and sinKuhir that certain parcel ceed to p««s a bylaw e.slablishinK the « ' fact of la«d and I'"-'>"|»«« »''"- . ^. , J • .. e J . 'ate lyintr "nd being m the lownsnip council wm nfni an hcidui.;. „..« ,^-^. undermentioned deviation of road, in ^^ Arteniesia, in the County of Grey, Ution to be heard in favor of or op *i*,.»^ w"'*'","'' u'"? °. 1 °" and province of Ontario, containinR | posej to the openinj? of the said of 1.J0 sidcroad in the urst and st-c-n^y admeasurement Four and Two j road on or after the fifth day oi on concession north east of the To- },-,fths Acres (4.4 Acs.) bo the same, June. 1929. ronto and Sydenham road therein ac-, more or less, being composed of parti Dated this first day of_M»y,^1929 cording to a survey and Plan de- of lot 133 Range 2, N.E of the To- I ronto and Sydenham Road in saia degs. 30 mins. west along the '>ast- trly limit of said lot 12 ks.; thence toiith 44 degs. 40 mins. west 1 tn. 33 IkK. to the southerly limit of sala lot; thence north 39 deirs. 30 mins, east ulpng said limit 1 ch, 32 Iks. to the place of beginning. April 17th, 1929. R. MeDOWALL, Ont. Land Surveyor And further take notice that the Council will hear all persons who pet- survey made by Robert plan de' McDowell i ,l,Ctl I-IIIO *l«CHi UMJ \fm. .a»M.^jf -â€"â€"I, -W. J' BELLAMY, Twp. Clerk. .cription made by Robert McDowell | --_;;j^'.''-;-^-;;ri;;-" „;;-; ^e more Esq.. O.L.S. dated the 17th day of , particularly described .„-,.. . ' I particularly aescrioeu as follows, April 1929.â€" said deviation is describ- that is to say:- td as follows vizâ€" Commencing at the south easterly 171 ».-.,» anffle of said lot; thence 13.J. Range ^^^^ ^^ ^-^^ ^.„„ ^,„n, erly limit of sa TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including Sat Description nf part of lot 1. N.E. T. & S. Road Roderick McKenzie, owner ^^^ lot; mencc soum «" "'^r". "« â€" All and singular that certain parce' east along said limit 1 ch.; thence or tract of land and premises situ- north 39 degs. 30 mins. east 43 chs. ate lying and being in the Township 93 Iks. to the north easterly limit ot of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, I gaid lot; thence north 60 degs. 30 and province of Ontario, containing j niins. west along said limit 1 chs. by admeasurement .Six and One to the place of beginning. Tenth Arces (6.1 Acs.) be the same Description of Part of Lot 132, Range more or less, being composed of part' j^ N.E.T. & S. Road of lot 133, Range 1, N.E. of the To-| ^^^^ ^,^„3j Q^„er ronto and Sydenham Road in saicJ ' , ^, , ._â- _ „„„oi township and which may be morel All and singular that certam parce particularly dcsctibed as follows that, or tract of land and P/«™Jf«^ «"^ s to say:- - ^-^ -^l ate lying and being '" ^^e Twnsh.P „ . ^ , ., i 1 of Artemesia, m the County ol orey. Commencing at the north ^^^fterly otJ^"« • ^ q^^^^- containing angle of said lot; thence north 39 ^"'>P^°^^„t One One Hundred degs. 30 mins. east along the north- ^y/^^„„,„ p-inh Of An Acre (.007b erly limit of said lot BO chs. 48 Iks. to the north easterly limit of said lot; thence south 50 degs. 30 mins. east along said limit 88 Iks.; thence south 44 degs. 40 mins. west 9 chs. 61 Iks; thence south 39 degs. 30 ai ine Buum cio-w.-j undersigneu up to ana inciuuinn â- a«»<'- ot; thence south 39 m^j^y^ jj^y utj,^ for the construction- west along th nortJi- j ^^ ^j,g following reinforced bridges. c.y ="id lot 12 chs., thence Jordan's Bridge â€" Lot 200 and to the south westerly limit of said got. Con. 1 N.E. T. & S. R., Artem- lot; thence south 50 degs. 30 mins. | ^gj^ township, 20x6 and Twenty Fifth Of An Acre (.007b Acre.) be the same more or less be- ing composed of part of lot 132, Range 1. N.E. Toronto and Syden- ham Ri>ad in said township and which may be more particularly described ♦4^-frHM-fr^H>^H~M->.M^v-:~>'^v-W-»-M-:-*-X~^^ Lyon's Bridge â€" Lot 79, Durham Road, Artemesia township, 10x3. Plans & specifications may be seen at the office of the Engineer, Court House, Owen Sound. A marked cheque for B per cent, of the amount of tender will be required from each bidder and the successful bidder must furnish a contract bond for 50 per cent, of the amount of contract. The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted, R, c, Mcknight, Township Engineer, Miss Macphaii's Letter (continued from page 4) I MORTGAGE SALE » Under and by virtue of the pow- , ' era contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time Be proud certain legal Mpects of divorce. Fe* ^ j^^ people mcluding some members, really "'.»••«=" >-"«="= o 1 *> w knew just what powers Parliament sale by public auction on Saturday, -^X" i«|^-|'J'|»' has in this vital matter. It is now the 18th day of May, 1929, at tho vl l|vM.l'\ genei-ally known that Parliament is ,,„^j. ^f 3 o'cock in the afternoon at empowered only to sever the mar- ' , „ , „ , , â-  ^i,, „:iio„,. riage tie; and to sever it on one Thomas Guys Ho e in the village ground only, that of adultery. It ' of Maxwell, by William KaitUng, cannot do anything about the custody . auctioneer, the following prop^-ty, of children, noc about ailmony for a namely:- Lot number twenty, con- Y*^u 'H^Tu ^^u'^^ ^""r -^ ''*' I cession five. North Durham Road, dealt with through separate civil act- 1 ,. , ^ . .. ^„„i ion in the courts-if the party geek- '. Township of Osprey, containing One] ing relief can afford it. It is Hundred Acres, more or less, sub bread - use Findlay's for Good Furniture flNow that Spring is here nearly every house- wife will want to niakc changes, and shoiikl you be thinking of a new Chesterfield Suite, Dining Room Suite or a new Bedroom Suite, just phone us up or call at the store and wc will arrange to take vou right to the factory in a short space of time,' where you can have a much better chance to pick out something to suit you, as our stock is naturally limited in these lines at our store. We I)romise to compete with outside firms and you will be dealing at home as well. For every other line of furniture, wc have a good sample in our store. Thos. W. Findlay Furniture Dealer -:• Funeral Director i I I I y X I NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders on supplied forms will be received by H. G. Burke, Clerk of the Township of Osprey, addressed to , Peversham, Ontario, or handed to him at Maxwell up till 2.30 a'clock in the afternoon of 25th of May, 19- 29, for the construction of the w'eatherall Municipal Drain, which contains about 5300 cubic yards. A marked cheque for One Hundred Dol- lars (?100.00) must accompany each tender and on approval bond for Five Hundred Dollars (500.00) must be Riven at the time of signing of the contract. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Other information may ba obtained at the office of the clerk or the undersign cd. CHRISTIE & BEATTY Engineers, Court House, Orangeville, Ont. BREAD DROPS IN PRICE Broad is now being Thornbiiry. Clarksburg, rounity at 8 cents a loaf price since the war da^s ••x~x~:~x~x~x~:-x-:« retailed in and com- the lowest This aot- ion war, taken by the Thornbury Bak- ery on May 1st, in reprisal to the bak- eries of several out-oftown firms m offering their product to tho local pub- lic through retail merchants here. The -uling price has hco-i 10 cents a loaf, with one firm selling at 12 tcr.ts a loaf. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. CHAIN STORES RHarkdale, Ontario OLR BUYING PO>VER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Nc'ws Items of Interest to Shoe Purchasers We now have many styles and widths in the ever famous "Empress" shoe. Widths .\. 15., C, 1)., E., I'.l'.l"', either in i)atent or kid leather. Our prices "~ .ire right on all lines from the smallest child's to the largest men's. Our chain store volume buy- ing makes this possible. Wc assure you a p/'r- fect fit and satisfaction guaranteed at all times. Kcmeiiiber, that ill fitted shoes are the chief source of all foot troubles, including bunions, crooked toes, callou.ses and corns. We also have a complete stock of Dr. Wm, M. Scholl's appliances and will do our utmost to cor- rect a;iy troubles already developed by ill fitting Men's Work Shoes of oil tanned leathers, with either rubber or leather soles, at prices from $2.95 to $3.75. This price represents the better line of shoes. Ladies' Dress Shoek of many different styles and lasts from $2.29 to $.195. Children's and Misses Strap Shoes, sizes 5, 73^ 98cts, to $1.69; sizes 8 to lOj/l for $1.40 to $1.95; sizes 11 to 2 fx)r $1.59 to $2.50. Men's Work Boots of many grades of Icathet Many pairs actually worth $.V95 to $4.25, Si>tcial Sale 'Price $3.29, GROCERY SPECIALS â€" WE SAVE YOU MONEY 3 pks. Corn Flakes for Sliced Pineapple, 2 for Oranges, sweet, rcg. 50c. doz. .25c. 2 cans of Peas 19c. .29c. 2 cans of Tomatoes 25c. .39c. 2 cans of Corn 25c "Where Quality is Higher Than Price" extreemly difficult to believe that members and others who have hitherto opposed a divorce court for Ontarioâ€" rather unthinkingly, it is to be feared â€" can remain unconvinced after notin;r what has been said in the House dur- ing recent days. Of course, the antag- onism to divorce "on principle" ex- plains much, but surely it is realized by now that the principle of divorce has nothing to do with the present movement to create a divorce court in this province. It is a matter of providing an adequate tribunal with all safeo'uards for seemliness and dig- nity, in place of the present machin- ery which it has been amply demon- strated, is far from being a credit to na. Such a court would not make divorce easier. It is conceivable in- deed that it would make it harder.' Canada has been practically con- vinced that a divorce court for On- tario is desirable and that old pat- ronage methods are out worn and an> Minister of the Crown practising them is too heavy a weight tor the Government to carry. 1 have been watching for some time a Bill sponsored by W. J. Waru of Dauphin, Manitoba, asking thai woman be given the right to establish a legal domicile in her own right. As it is she cannot establish a legal domicile apait from her husband. It is just part of the old business 01 thinkin- a woman as something less titan a person. Rumors has it that Mr. Lapointe, Minister of Justice, wai against the Bill. He said it was just opening the door! I supnost he fears it would let woman com- pletely out of the enclosure which has surrounded her through the cen- turies. Mr. Ward, who is a Pro- gressive liberal, dropped the Bill. Next year if he is not willin" to take it up, someone who is, must do it. Many of the legal profession are very anxious that this Bill should go through. They have the utmost difficulty serving their women clients J 24Raci(>et for Bread In (h« Poritr Flour Cook Bookâ€" onr 600 other MtiUd £ot 50c. WHten Ctmii Flonr Milli Co- Limited, Toxooto ject to a reserved bid. TERMS â€" Ten per cent, of the purcJiase money to be paid "down at the time of the sale, balance with- in thirty days. For further particulars and con- ditions of sale apply to: C. C. MIDDLEBRO, Mortgagee's Solicitor. Owen Sound. Dated at Owen Sound, April 24, 1929 * Small Advts. ♦♦*****7;;7Tr;;7 farSfSrsale LOST â€" Airedale dog. no tag, re- ward.â€" W. E. Morgan. Eogenia^ FOUND â€" Ladies wrist watch. â€" Apply at this office. FOR SALE â€" 8 young pigs.â€" Allan McLean, Phone 49 r 3, PricevUle. FOR SALEâ€" 12 young pigs.- chie McKechnie, Priceville. -Ar- FOR SALEâ€" Young general pur- pose horse. â€" Herb Corbett, Proton . FOR RENT â€" Garage, in town. â€" John Runstadler, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Seed oats and a I stack of hay.â€" W. Hawkins, Eugenia. "for SALF.â€" H'leford Bull, year old. Registered. - Boland. one Fred R. 110 acres in the Township of Af- temesia, lots 77 and 78. 1 N.D.R.. about 85 acres under cultivation. balance pasture and mixed bush; bam 36x60 with T 36x45. all with stone basement, in good repair, water at barn; driving shed 24x30, also hen ' house: 8-roomed solid brick house- with soft water cistern and furnarp. This is a good grain and stock farm, well fenced and watered, situated' convenient to railway, church and school. Reason for selliner is on- account of poor health. For partic- ulars apply on nremis»^, W. A. MORTON, R. R. 2, Proton Station. PROPERTY FOR SALE la FOR SALE â€" Young pigs for sale. â€" C. Monaghan, R. R. 1, Flesh- erton. FOR SALE â€" Six head of 2-year old cattle.â€" R. All«n, FLesherton. 'Phone 45 r 21 ^ FOR SALE â€" Mammoth Clover Seed. â€" Chas, Doupe, Proton, 'phone .32 ring 14, FOR SALE â€" Golden Vine seed ocas. â€" Peter Muir, Ceylon, phone I r 22, Flesherton. because of this old stupidity The members of the Women's In- tcrnaional League, United States section, were a splendid group. I almost feared addressing them be- cause for so long they have applied themselves to the subject of Internat- ionalism. 1 needn't have felt that way they were so kind and tolerant. The President ij Emily Green Batch who was for years Professor in Wellesley College; the chairman was Mrs. Maud Richard of Pennyslvania. who with her husband, owns coal mines and runs them for the benefit of the miners taking out of them only a living. She had much to say on the deplorable conditions among the miners in Penn- pgR SALE â€" About 150 feet of sylvania. I had an opportunity of f,;^j.^ ^.]^r^^ jawn wire fentinpr, 36 ins quite a long conversation with Kath- < ^^-^^^ jj„j g^te. â€" F. J. Thurston icon Blake, a well-known New York ' piesherton, educationalist who travelled last year S .She was much impressed by the' (Ticat strides education was making j schcol in Flesherton. â€" Mrs. W. J in Russia and the interesting edu- ] Casv/ell, Proton Station, R R 3, cationid cxneriment.'? cointr on there. | ~, One i.f the cleverest of the young- er women was Dorothy Dotzer wno 1 _, „ , 1 m r- â-  lobbies in Congress while the House ! Chas. Doupe, or apply tc^Mrs. Epn is in :x'a:uon, supporting peace in ev- ! ^''^'P*-^ FOR SALE â€" Standard Cream Separator, 450 lb. canacity, almost new.â€" Alex. Camer on Eugenia . FOR SALE â€" Good seed barley.â€" J. E. Cargoo, R. R. 2, 'Phone Flesh- erton 31 r 32. ^ FOR SALE â€" Light Sussex eggs for hatching 75 cts. per setting, â€" Jas. A. Stewart. in Russia with the John Dewey party.* FOR RENT â€" Six roomed house by the • and good garden, opposife the high The property of the late Ella â- Gibson, lot 10, Collingwood street, Flesherton. On this property is a comfortable dwelling housa of 9 rooms, with electric lighting. Barn 25 x 33 ft., wth stable and driving house therein; also a good well on the' premises. This property is in a good location and will be sold reason- ably. For further particulars ap- ply to the administrator. â€" W. J. Meads, Flesherton, Ont, BULL FOR SERVICE Rcgistp-ed Jersey Bull for ser\'ice on lot 127, 2nd raneo S.W, Terms: '!2 and $3. â€" B. A. Ilargrave, Mark- dale. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Regristercd Yorkshire Boar for «er- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, ihe property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART. Caretakflp. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICl FOR SALEâ€" Cow, in June; can be seen at the farm of Clark; jurg, Ont, cry possible way. A very beautiful at'cl woman was Mrs. Grace Hofi- ' man White of New York who in the old days v/orkcd with Mrs. Pankhurst for siifferage, leaving her luxurious ] home on this 'contine'nt to enduro Uie real iirivation of that canipaisrn FOR SALE â€" Ford touring car, in first class condition. 1929 license, six good tires. â€" O. W. Phillips, Flesherton, Opt. FOR SALEâ€" 25 tons of first class timothy and alfalfa hay; 200 bu. 0' Oddly enough the W.I.L. of United seed barley; 200 bu. of feed barley.â€" Registered Shorthorn bull for 8«r- vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "Merry Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire, Bonnie duo to freshen I ^'*'"*^"'^ 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly aao to treslicn ,jj f,.g ^^^^ _ p^gi,^^^, ^ ^^^ grades $2.00, Cows not returned will be charge full price, â€" S. R. HAWKINS. Eugenia. MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Rarriaters, etc States has drawn to itself many wealthy as well aa many int..'lk'L'i,u- al women. The W.I.L. are anxious that the United States shall become a member of the woikl court anil the League of Nations. They fav- or international agreements and not merely for the reduction of disarm- .••nionts, but for the fundamental iliango of the whole type and nu:-- pose of armed forces, giving them a purely police character and aband- oning manoeuvers, weaiwns, etc.. dir- ected to the making of war. Thev- believe that the Department of State should be a peace dcpartmcn doing everything possible at J, L. Irving, Flesherton, R, R, 2, phone Markdale 30 r 31. FOR SALEâ€" Hatching eggs from Purebred B. R. hena, bred to lay, niiit^d with R. O. A. cockerels, 60 cents per dozen. â€" W,_ J, W, Arm- strong, Phone 13 r 11, Ofices â€" Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton every Saturday afternoon and evening. BUSINESS CARDS FOR SALE OR RENTâ€" lOQ, acres, lots 166 and 167, 1st range west of T.S.R., Artamesia, For ull partic- ulars apply to W. J. Bellamy. Flesh- erton, Ontario, FOR SALE â€" 2 ShortVorn bulls, age ten months, eligible fot^egistrat- home '°"' color red; also Trebi six-rowed and "abroad to "create good will. They '. barley, yields from 50 to 65 bushels desire an agreemnt with Great Brit- ! P*"" acre,â€" Donald MacMillan, R. R, 3 ain in regard to sea law that wilt be acceptable to both. They are against the imperialistic tnndanciMi ot thnir country and are also >>''aln8t tariff and export of capital not In the best interests of international havmony, â€"AGNES C, MACPHAIL. Friday, May 3, 192y Priceville. Phone 40 r 12, Feed and Seed BRAN <1.60 per cwt. SHORTS $1.70 per cwt. MIDDLINGS $1.90 per cwt. LOW GRADE FLOUR $2.10 per cwt. CHOP $1.25 per cwt. WESr, WHEAT ,...$1.60 per cwt RED CLOVER. No. 1 G.S. $15 per bu. RED CLOVER, No. 2 G.S. $1.1.50 per bu. Wc also have Oatn, Barley, an«l other feeds We are now tak- ing ordert* for best quality aut conl. Price $13.00 per ton off the car Terms: CASH A. C. MUIR MISCBLLANBOUS PASTURE â€" Cattle wanted for pasture, 100 acres of pasture, well watered, â€" Fred Duckett, Eugenia. EGGS WANTED â€" Highest mark- et prices wil be paid in cash.â€" Jno, Runstadler, Flesherton, NOTICB â€" Chopping done on Saturdays only, â€" Graham Bros. Eu- gewia. NOTICE â€" Special in chick fe^^ also flour and fee ° on hand. Can be secured at the Park Hotel. â€" Harold Spoffard. Dr. E. C, Mun-ay, L, D. S., dental surgeon, honor graduate at Toronto and Royal College of Dental Srrgeons of Ontario, Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence- Toronto Street, Flesherton. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. ft A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Arm- strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. G. Watson, W. M., C. F Lawrence, Secretary Lncas A Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I, B. Lucas, K, C, W. D. Wenry, B.A, Offices, Markdale Lucas mock. Phone a. Branch offices at Dttndalk and Durham. TeMord it BImie, Barristers, soli- cttora, etc. Offices Grey and Bruce Block, Owen Sotrnd; Staadard Bank Block, Flesherton, (Satoidays.) W P. Telford, Jr., J. P. P. Bimie. SHINGLES Wm. Kaittinsr, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- New Brunswick White Cedar. « ""*'^ „!!,' ^rTJl^lT'' ""^f.^f'*" to 2 inches. Extras perfectly clear T^^, ^^ t Advance office, or of knota and sapwood. Clears 6 in, , ^^e")"^' tel^hone office, Feversham, cler- ar-* up. Phone your orders: 13w. W. A. ARMSTRONG ft SON. or by addresshig me at Peveisham. CEYLON GEO B.-DUNCAM mnmAtK LKIENSBD AUCnOKBBII For the Cennty of Grey. Tenasi 1 per cent. Satiafaetion guantee^ 'Phone 36 r S I^'tti ||^ at The AdTUKfl office. BOAR FOR SERTICB ,. Regristered Yorkshire Boar for ser. vfceâ€" Edgely Bcight Vim, No. 90,99a â€"Property of Saageen Baeoa Hof Club. Terms fl.OO. .,v->*C;*-,.V^ -C. HINDLE, t '^;..::-I:*.:^X£^ proton SUHm ! iMMm

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