Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Apr 1929, p. 3

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« « King's Birthday [Coeducation Held Plans Announced I ^National Calamity' Prince of Wales to Take ; British Schoolmasters Oppose Salute at Trooping of Gilors London â€" The official celebration of the King's birthday will tal<o place this year on His Majesty's birthday, June 3. The principal celebration in London will ^e the timehonored trooping of the colors on the Hor:^e Guards Parade, where the Vrlnce of .Wales will take the salute, it beini; unlikely that llis Majesty can be pre- sent himself. The birthday honors list will bo pulilishod the same day. It seems certain that no arrange- ments have even bean discussed yet for a national thanksgiving for His Majesty's recovery, though gossip has been busy on the subject. The King la not yet olRcially pronounced cou- valeslcent. St. Paul's Cathedral is â- mentioned as the place v here tlye principal celebration might be held, with Their Majesties in attendance. The cathedral, however, is still in the hands of restorers and less than half of the structure is in use. If the King's complete recovery is announced early in the summer it might be possible to have an openair Borvice on the steps of St. Paul's, similar to the great event marking the â- diamond jubilee of Queen Victoria. Fitzmaurice to Try Refueling on Atlantic New York â€" Col. .Tames C. Fit/- rnaurlce, co-pilot of the tran.satlantic airplane Bremen, has just announced a scheme for a new transatlantic air- plane flight in which aerial refueling •will be atempted. Colonel Fitz- maurice came here to act as technical adviser fur a new airport which is to 1)0 built on I-ong Island. Tlie ar- rangements for the transatlantic flight â- he said, are not definitely completed, but he expects that it will be made between Potsdam, Germany, and Xew Yorl;. Women Teachers for Boy's Classes Londonâ€" Feminizing of boy;; in the mixed departments of nrltlsh Elemen- tary schools constitutes "nothing sliort of a national calamity'' accord- ing to a resolution passed unanimous- ly by the National Association of Schoolmasters at Its concluding con- ference at Leicester. The association declarefl that the appointment of a head mistres.s meant ultimately a wholly feminine staff and resolved "fully to sustain any member who .on advice o? the Instruc- tion executive, refused to serve under a head mistress consequent upon the reorganization of the elementary scliool." Another resolution was passed urg- ing that it is no tin the best interests of education tliat women teachers should be employed at boys' bc'iooIs, or that women students should be trained in schools for bey,. These resolutions followed a debate in which it was argued that the small- ness of remuneration offered to teach- ers was responsible for the fact that memhers fitted for this vocation adopt- ed other occupations. The association, which pas.sed Ihese resolutions, is one formed after the war. when some thousand of masters broke away from the National Union of Teachers on the issue of equal pay for men and women. "Big Navy" Propaganda London Free Press (Cons.) There was never a^ sillier or more dan.gerons campaign than that being waged by "the big navy" advocates in the Uni ted States. If the Republic wants the biggest navy in the world that Is its own business, but to drag In Eng- land as the excuse Is the height of folly. We in Ontario Have Much to Be Thankful For 1 '^ RAGING FLOOD WATERS IN TENNESSEE SWEEP AWAY BRIDGE Heavy rains and swollen waters did heavy damage at McMinnville, Tenn., sweeping away a portion bridge in the .swirling torrent. of the Rope Prior to 1S20, rope was made en- tirely by hand and this was one of the earliest industries of the colonies of New England, ropewalks being established in Boston as early as 1642. The Rarbcr: "Good-mornins, sJr! Your face seems familiar. I've either seen you before or someone very much like yen." His Customer: "Well, I've never seen you before â€" or else it's someone else very much like you I've never seen before." Look Too Modern For Mexico / OFF FOR ONE OF THOSE MEXICAN REVOLUTIONS Detacltm'ent of federal trooops leaving Torreon, Mexico, prior to the decisive action that led to the defeat of the rebels and discomfiture of Gen. .Jesus Aguirre, rebel leader. Indian Princes Affirm Faith in British Crown Maintenance of Connection Within Empire Declared to Be Essential Calcutta. â€" The Chamber of Princes at Delhi has passed a resolution af- llrming their faith In the value of the British connection in any constitution that may be framed for the future ad- ministration of India and the States. Baron irwln. the Viceroy, described the resolution as the most important ever discussed by the Chamber of Princes, and on which reflected the view, not only of those pre.'ipnt, but of the entire order of prince.s. The Maharaja of Pattala moved the resolution, which read: "While ad- hering to their policy of noninter- vention in the affairs of British India and repeatln.g thel rassnrances of sympathy with Us continued politiciil progress, the princes and chiefs com- posing this Chamber, in view of the recent pronouncements of a section ot British and Indian politicians Indi- cative of a drift tow:ird complete inde- pendence, desire to place on recoid that, 'u the ligh: of mutual obliga- tions arising from tlicir treaties and engagements with the British Ciowr., they canncil assent to any propcsals having for their object the adjustment of equitablo relitions between Indian States and British India, unless such proposals prox'eed upon the Initial basis ot the British connection." Multitude of Interests Their ties with liritish India were close, added the Maharaja, and they yere linked to it politically, histori- cally, and ecMinomically. They, there- fore, regarded it as their duty to give suitab e and timely expression ot deep concern that the developments In Indian politics should not bo such as would create an insurmountable ob- stacle in the wiy of closer relations between BritLsU India and Indian In- dia, or Inconsl.stent with the due dis- charge of theii mntual treaty obli- gations with the British Crown; for In India, taken n» a whole, their lu- tci-est y~» of a magnitude only sec- ond to those ot E;-itish India. "We feel we are entitl.l to an ade- quate voice in the shaping of the ulti- mate pol'-y ot the whole country. It is our profound conviction that in the best interests of India herself British connections should be maintained. Greater and More Prosperous "We believe that India will be a greater and more prosperous land as a F.^deratlon of Autonomou.s States and Provinces within the Empire than she will be outside the Empire." Other sentiments voiced by the Princes on the occasion were as fol lows: The Maharaja of Kashmir: 'British India and the Indian States will find greater opportunity of mnt- ual service under the Crown than un- der any sch':ne ~f political partner- ship." Mr. laraja of Kapiirthala: "Britain's good will and assistance were needed not only to attain ( In- dia's! freedom, but to maintain it." Maharaja ot Alwar: "We all wii-h Url- tish India to achieve her Eonl In a short time, and as a united Ii:dla we vi\n march forward with re;.pective ()bligati(nis to the crown." »V---- British Capital for Canada Ottawa Journal (Cons.): Canada welcomes American capital, or any other caiiltal. and will ahvayi treat It fairly; but next '.o control of Cana- dian enterprises by Canadians the best tiling that can happen is to keep Control of what we have within the British f:imily. Thai, is one kind of Kmpire preference about which Ihore should be unanimity. * â-  Canadian Money in New York Toronto Star (Lib.): The amount ot Canadian money in New York is exceptionally large at this time. Much of the money that the Canadian banks are said to have there is not their own money, but is money that Canadian clients have asked them to put out In the United States call market or money that has been sup- plied by United States depositors In the Canadian branch banks across the line. Speaking of Circuses Daughter: "Of course, I've seen your wedding ring. Mother, but what became of your eugagemenl ring?"' Jlother: "There was noue, my dear. Ours was a one-ring performance !" Canada's Right To Speak at Geneva The Status of Britain's Do- minions Made Clear One tact which has been made clear by the recent session of the League of Nations at Geneva is that Canada and every British Dominion has a de- finite and independent function in that body. Despite the conditions under -which this country entered the League and the World Court there still remains in the minds of some Emopeaa statesmen the erroneous idea that Great Britain is the spokes- man for the whole Empire. Several episodes during the last ses- sion brought this subject to the fore and in such a way as to make the position of the Dominions abundantly clear. One of these had reference to the World Court when exception was taken by several European delegates to a British Dominion being separate- ly represented even if the question dealt with was of paramount import- ance to that Dominion. Sucli a contention Is absolutely con- trary to the whole basis ot Dominion inclusion in the League and the World Court and the British delegate. Sir Cecil riurst, replied very forcibly with tlio statement that even if an English judge was on the court the Dominions would have the right of representation .shnuld it be i. eating with a question wliit'i directly alTected their interests. Neither Canada nor any of the self- governing Dominirns have ever recog- nized tho right of the Motherland do- legates to vote or speak for them and the sooner this is clearly understood by all member states of the League the sooner will progress be made in matters affecting our interests. Canadians are heart and soul behind the general idea and ideals for the maintenance ot world peace of the League but they will never be satis- fled to take any position ot inferiority in its councils or relegate their vital interests to any one but their national representatives. America's sufferings in tho war were so slight compared with others that shj cannot realize so easily what a senseless abomination modern war is. â€" Sir William Robertson. The sermon had been about the Fall ot Man. Two farmers met at the end of the service. "Weel, Danvit," asked Tanimas, "and what did ye think o' the sermon'?" "OhI" Dauvit replied, "the sermon was a'richt, but I was just tliinkin' what a difference it wad hae made to the history o' the world if I'd been in Adam's place. Ye see, I dinna gie a hang for apples." Appropriation For Air-Mails $800,000 Total Appearing in Main Es- timates Considerably Cut Down Ottawa. â€" The appropriation for air- mail services appearing in the main estimates this year Is not as much as was figured on in the suggested vote. Tho total now is $800,0110. As a re- sult the coat will be cut in proportimi to the cloth. Meanwhile it is planned that, wlilla maintaining the services already in operation in the east, they will be ex- tended on the prairies with a daily service between Winnipeg. Regliia, Calgary and Edmonton. The Lethbrldge Board of Trade has askd for a survey of a route to the Pacific through the Crows Nest Pass rather than going to the coast from Edmonton. "The National Defense Department already knows the -elative routes but there is no need for an early decision because an air-ail service to the Pa- cific coast is out ot tho riuestion this year," asserted a high Dllicial of (ho Postoffice Department. Girl Who Lost Passport Waving to Liberty, Wins Pittsburghâ€" James ,1. Davis. Secre- tary of Labor, baa instructed ofhclals of the Department of Labor to admit to the United States an Irish immi- grant girl who was reported to hava lust her passport in saluting the Statute of Liberty upon her arrival at New York. Secretary Davi.s ordered that flu girl. Mary Collaghan, Queenstown, Ire-' land, be adinittod temporarily without a passport it department offlclais found the report auti:entic. Filling the Role Hanks: "Why aren't you -working to-day?" Shanks. "The boss is out of town, and I'm taking his place." LINDY AT LOS ANGELES ->- The Girl- Aluminum Halt ot the world's supply of ahr minum comes from Arkansas. AIn minum is never found in its metallic those girls who imitate men'.' state, but always combined with baux- Manâ€" "They're idiots!" "The ite, granite, felspar, mica, etc. Wliat is your opinion of The imita- llan is peif:'ct, eh?" Lindy recently visited Los Angeles to Inspect and fly tho new songer Keystone aeroplane Pati-ician. which is tho largest in America. lO-pas- .Tim: "Ever .see one of those ma- chines that can toll when a person is lying?" .lohn: "Seen one? Land! 1 married one." Willie: "Did Mr. Edison make the first talking machine, pa?" Pa: "No, my son. Cod made the first talking machine, but Kdison made the first one that could be shut off.' Lady (to her partner) â€" "Have you any prominent men in your family, Mr. Dumleigh?" Mr. D. â€" "Yes, one of my forefathers was an admiral. At one time he led the world's combined fleet." Lady â€" "How interesting. What was Ills nnme?" Mr. D. â€" ".Voali." Speed King Presented With U.S. Trophy The human brain is a -wonderftal organ. It starts working; the minute Public Heatlh In public health the discoveries ot science have opened a new era. Many sections oi our country and nuiny grotips of our citizens suffer from diseases the eradication ot wliich are mere matters ot udmiui- stration and moderate expenditure Public health service should be as tnlly organized and as universally incorporated into our governmental system as Is public education. The returns are a thousandfold in eco nomic benellts, and infinitely more in reduction ot .suffering and pro motion of human happiness. IlHRBl'JRT HOOVER. A TROPHY FOR THE WORLD'S AUTO AND POWER BOAT SPEED KING Vice-President Curtis presents Major Segrave, British speed King, with loving cup at WushinRlon. From left we"get uip inth© mTrnilijf ."i.nfrdoesi *â- <> right: Sir Esme Howard, Vice-President Curtis, Mrs. Segrave, Major Sograve, Mayor E. H. Arm.slrong ot j turned, kl-sslng her. "Always thinking not stop until we g«t to th« office. Daytona. The major won both land and sea events, |ot your husband's practice." What Would 'Make An Impression lie â€" "You know I love you! Will nothing make tho slightest impressien on your stony heart?" She â€" "Well, diamonds of the firsi (lualily will make a mark on anythin's else made of stone." The young doctor snt down wearily in his easy chair ami turned to hia wife alTectlonalQly. "Has my darling been lonely?" "Oh, no," she said. "At least not very lonely. I've found something to do with my lime." "Oh," he said; "what is that?" "I'm organ- izing a class. .\ \nt at women are members, ami wij're teaching each other to cook." "What do you' ilo with the things you cook?" asked tho doc- tor. "We send them to the neigh- bnrs." "Dear little woman," ho re-

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