Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Apr 1929, p. 7

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"•1!SDAT, APRIL 3. 1929 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE "5 Abstract Statement of the Township of Artemesia For the year 1928 Abstract Statement of Receipts and Disbursements of the Treas- urer of the Township of Artemesia for the year l'J28 and statement of Assets and Liabilities of the said township. RECEIITS Balance from 1927 % 3836 62 Taxes collected in 1928 49391 65 Rents 3 OO Miscellaneous 832 16 Loans from bank „ 10392 30 I 64455 73 DISBURSEMENTS Salaries, Allowances, Commissions, etc $ 1059 65 Roads and Bridges, 1927 account 247 03 Road Expenditure, 1928 12165 59 Election and Municipal Government 358 8a Printing, PosUge, etc 428 27 <-'l>arity 52 OO Insurance, Light, Heat, etc 117 10 Legal Expenses 64 85 Miscellaneous 748 13 Sheep killed and valuers fees _ 1070 10 Local Board of Health 215 30 Repaid Loans and interest 10632 20 County Rate, 1928 „ 14320 00 Principal and interest on debentures 2881 16 School Rates 19652 50 Drainage Account 67 75 Police Village of Priceville , 6 00 Balance 369 34 $ 64455 73 ASSETS Balance as shown $ 369 3-; Arrears of taxes of 1928 1543 33 Government Subsidy (estimated) 3777 38 § 569 05 LIABILITIES Balance due Police Village of Priceville f 627 68 Debentures maturing in 1929 1661 66 Balance : 3401 71 ? 569 05 BALANCE OF PRINCIPAL MATURING ON DEBENTURES High School $ 993 57 1st issue of Priceville Hydro 4125 72 2nd isssuc of Priceville Hydro 363 16 School Section No. 2 3789 07 Artemesia Telephone System 800 00 $ 10075 52 We hereby certify that we have examined the accounts of the Treasurer of the Township of Artemesia, for the year 1928, and compared vouchers with entries in his books, and find the same cor- rect with balance as shown. We also find the Treasurer's Securities to consitt of a bond ot ♦ he London Guarantee Company for $10,000.00 with premium paid to December 1, 1929. Dated March 1st, 1929. GEO. W. BUCHANAN & G. E. WARLING. Auditors. Sf.^â€" â- ^â€" "^^â€"i ^â€" PORTLAW Monday morning revealed a scene of destruction wrought through the previous night by the sleet storm. F*ruit and forest trees have suffereci severely and those spaied stood in silence with bowed heads as if in reverent homage to their less for- tunate comrades that were so ruth- lessly called UDon to resign the hon- ors of their fovm. Telephone lines seem to be all out of commission. Miss Dora Linton arrived home from Durham Hospital on Saturday. She is still very weak, but we are all glad to hear that she is making good pi-ogress toward recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor and the latter's sister, Mrs. J. L. Wood had an exciting experience on Wednesday evening last. They were returning from visiting friends on the eighth line, it being quite dark, when near Milne's corners, CoUingwood road, a dog suddenly darted through the â- fence, frightening the horses, caus- ing them to bolt, upsetting the buggy •>nd throwing the occupants out. Both ladies were quite severely bruised and nerve-shocked. Mr. Taylor was more fortunate. The buggy was badly wrecked. The horses were found about three miles nearer home, lit- tle tho worse. The accident might rasily have proven a much more ser- ious one. One or two of our neighbors start- ed nlowinp last week. They are resting their horses to-day. Miss Johnston is spending her Easter holidays at her home at Kem- ble. iMr. and Mrs. R. Middlcton and Mr. New Plan For KEEP THE BOAD-DRAG GOING \ It not only fills the ruts but ' smooths and keeps the surface dry. IcIvpDODv nCCOUniSimuch can be done, at little expense, 'I Ml 'to and Iceep the weeds cut during the summer. When waiting for some- one else to do this work the roeds and roadsides too often become a sorry sight. â€" Farmer's Advocate. keep the road on the farm front ' The Bell Telephone Company of ; i^S/ond^tioVT^r^^^^^ Caanda is introducing in this dis- 'ntendent or commissioner tends to ^ J^"^ ve^eaia .. o.. «= trict a new plan of rendering sub- »pread the dragging work <>"» »° , -^^^a u J 1 HtUe more. Bcribers' accounts, U was announced , thinly that mmimum rather than And had a litue more, today by Mr^ Turney. local telephone I maximum results^ are obUmejI^.^^At I ^^^ ^.^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ flooded many system during' m n g ^. "^ This" ne^' plan known as comparatively Httle cost, the 'ndivid-| The ri-r at Shal a "Rotation Billing" will become eff eel- 1 ual farmer could drag the road m "o^ed its bank and ive in this part of the system during 'front of his farm when necessary , cella / in the village. Small Advts. ive in this part the month of May. Under the new plan the Company's i thousands of accounts, instead of be- j ing sent out all together at the begin- • ning of each month, will be prepar- ed and mailed in six equal groups. The groups will be dated the first, sixth, eleventh, sixteenth, twenty- first and twenty-sixth of each month, and accounts in each group will be mailed within five business days of their date. Telephone subscribers served from the local exchange will receive ac- counts under the new plan dated the eleventh of each month. Mr. Turney pointed out several decided advantages of the new plan. Each account will show charges up to date. For exi-mpl". the Anril ac- count, now beinc mailed as the last under the old plan, shows long dis- tancp charp-es only up to the 20th of March. T'rHer the new plan, such charircs vil be right up to the date of the bill. Afnthi^v innovation the advantages cf whifh were clearlv apna -ent on '' snecin-c vv p.coount which the o^*^^«^«♦♦*♦.>♦««<>♦♦♦«»♦«W'♦♦«^<~>^<^>•>♦<»<'♦♦♦♦<'♦>♦Hâ-ºâ€¢>^*<"><">♦*; '',rnnH''e-: ii'vplnyed. is E. Dlakey of Toronto visited over the . ^^^^ f, holiday with Mr and Mrs. Shiers. Mr. Henry Thompson of Lady Bank visited with his sister, Mrs R. Os- borne, Centre Line. Mr. G. D. Kendall, who is nearing the completion of his ministerial course, conducted a much enjoyed Easter sevvice on Sunday, displaying a Japanese silk cacoon to illustrate his message. A storm of unusual flroportions came down upon us from the north- west on Monday. The southern oart of the nrovir-2 suffered greatly from the hieh wimi. One of the Toronlo dailies said the wind blew at the ratj of 10 miles an hou"-; another said 50 miles whi'li was some difference of o-^inion. Telegraph and telenhone wires suiTered much damage. Some of thp raiUvai-<! wcp obliged to run trains on schedule as their wires were dow'i. '"id l'>nr' di-stanee te'nri^otip cor-iTi'inication was inte"rupted all of Tucsd-iy. *" THE STORE ;-^ WITH f.;"' SERVICE 'f<^ F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdal^, Ontarto nrr-ib-.'rs of the champion Owen Sound Greys, v/inners of the O.H.A. Memo ial Trophy in 1924, were in the^ HnipJij^ht last night, says the Toronto Mail and Empire. Cooney Weiland, for the fec'ond time in the series, scor- I cd the only goal of the game for Bos- I ton pcrninsf Canadiens, while "Butch-' Keeling had the honor of s.coring the ^ only gcal in the American-Rancers 1 series. Keeling was the leading scr,--er for the Greys the year they won the championship, but Weiland was the boy who made tho plays. OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Spring Opening MILLINERY DEPARTMENT In our large and complete stock of popular pric- ed Millinery you will find just the kind of hat.4 that express the style trend for Elaster. Included in this fascinating display are hats of Sheer tri- cot Straw, .Silk H:ii:-, Cro.hc, Vi:;ca, Fine Baku and Flov.tr Hats, with the iniart fct "or :iport wear. These arc t;) Lc had in Iho Icauing colors, such u'i Rrecn, red, fawm navy and brown. Eo:T!- bre culors such as navy and black, v.'ith brilliant- hued tri:ni;, arc a real l.i'ynoto for spring. A orico to suit every purse langing from $1.95 to ?5.95. READY -TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT Ladies' and Misses' Coats A big selection of Ladies' and. Misses' Coats. Our assortment includes the very latest styles for this season's wear. The material consists of Poir- et Twill, Charniecn, Tricotine and Tweeds. Prices range from f 12.95, $15.75. »18.50 to |27:50 Ladies' and Misses' Dresses for Spring In Spring times merriest mood are these gay Silk Frocks, developed in the most ajjprovcd mat- erials and the fascinating new color Whatever your tasteâ€" conservative or youthful daringâ€" you,- new frock awaits you here. Come in and look ov- er our large range of dresses. You will be sure to find just what you want and at prices lower than you would expect to pay. MEN'S AND BOYS' DEPARTMENT The New "Hillsdale" Suits Are Here Enthusiasm runs high in our Men's Suit Depart- ment. Smart contingents of blues, stripes, greys and plains. Your suit is here in this diversified group â€" it's well tailoredâ€" -it's wool and incorporat- es exceptional quality and style at impressively low cent. Come in and see it. The search for a good new suit at moderto cost will, without doubt, end in the choice of a Hillsdale suit. It is our aim that Hillsdale merchandise shall be at ail times the best regular value obtainable in the Store or elsewhere â€" in other woi-ds more value for our money than you can get regularly elsewhere. They cost you $25.00. Boys' and Young Men's Suits New Spring Patterns and Shades Boys' and Young Men's Serviceable Tweeds, hardy enough for school and dressy enough for best wear. They're well tailored from sturdy wool tweeds in the popular doubled breasted styles. New Spring patterns in distinctive weaves, broken fancy checks. Each suit has 1 pair of longs and 1 pair of bloom- ers. Sizes 30 to 30. See other Suits. Special $8.75, $9.50, $16.50 Reefer Coats â€" Extraordinary Value $2.95 Smartly tailored from navy Cheviot serge in reg- ulation styles with sleeve emblem and brass colored buttons. Fully lined. Sizes G to 10 years. Big Special for $2.95, , GROCERY SPECIALS Condensed Milk, Borden and Eagle brand, tin 21c. Tiger Catsup, quart bottles, per bottle 25c. Snider's Catsup_ stardard size, per bottle 19c. Fig Bar Biscuits, per pound 19c. 'Mixed Biscuits, per pound 25c. Sunkisl Oranges, per dozen 33c. Mixed Candles, S pound for 2,')c. 10 bars Pearl Napthn Soap for 39c. I F.T.HILL& Go., Limited, Markdaie the tTinl-"ng -nt of bills on rr^^cai' machir'es. i", clearlv tvn-wittnn "d totals av" r'ld-^ UD me 'hanically The account its»lf is on white paper. j,c=--ii;iiVr- t'--^ p-'tiiTihp-^ a clea's neat ar-' .iccur''te ptaterv^rit. Dnrin"- tb'^ traisition period be- tworn the old and enw svstems, it will be --"pssarv tn inrl"-'p ohP""'"' i»i the diffoi-cnt- groupes fo-- periods of vpryino- lengths. However, when the chano-8 has h"en comnleted. ac- rourts will cover the ren-nlar neriods. that U, the month preceding the late r-f th^ .Tc?oiint fcr long distance and dire'-to-v advertising charges, and exchanc" service charges for one ni'-'th fol'oWiti". F.nrh sub«="ribcr, Mr. Ti'mr-- stat- ed will receive a notice with his Ap- vil' account !ird also with the follow- ing one. These notices evnlain thp new system and indicate th^ period to be covered hv future ."--oiints. Tb,. nipr^'â€" s of M- Turner's business p^'fp-, -foff fl."< "'p11 fcni'ai-tpl -rvith the feature" of the plan ''"d wi'l he "leasp'' to furnish any additional in- formation. ROCK MILLS The saw mill started last week. There will be several months' cut- ting, as there is a large stock of logs in We are glad to hear the old whistle once more. Miss Ruby Monaghan visited on Easter with her uncle, Bert Porteous and wife of Maxwell. Chas. Doupe was in this locality last week cutting wood with his buzz- ing outfit. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckett and two daughters, and Mi-s. C. Newell were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Binnington of Maxwell. Mr. Levi Betts and son, Cecil, LOST AND FOUND FAR M FOR BENT LOST â€" On Tuesday, March 12, Farm to rent or let on shares, oeiween ^. ^"-J-^^V! V«„ "7 ^ ' '" ' known as the Robt Graham farm, town, and Dave Adam s, canvas horse a^„^^,!^. i,„„ „«,» cover. Finder please leave at The , 'ot 23, con. 12, Artemesia; hay and .«:.,/, straw for sale. Apply to M. K. Gra- ham, R. R. 4, Markdale; 'phone 31 r Advance office. LOST â€" Small carrying case for g, Flesherton. motor car license, etc., also chain for car late in the fall near F. J. Collinson's. â€" Finder please return to H. Gorrell, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE P O 9 SALE FOR SALE â€" Wicker baby car- riage. Apply to The Advance. FOR SALE â€" Seed oats and a stack of hay.â€" W. Hawkins, Eugenia. "for SALE â€" 11 Oxford Down ewes and a 3-year old colt broken to harness. â€" Apply at this office. FOR SALE â€" Two-year old colt, and steel tire buggy, nearly new. â€" Dan Cameron. â€" Heavy horse, 6 yrs. -Frank Collinson, Cey- FOR SALE old,a good one.- lon. FOR S.'VLE â€" Horse 9 years old, good worker or driver. â€" Archie Mc- Kechnie, Priceville. FOR SALE â€" Duck eggs for hatching. 50 cts. per setting. â€" H. Radley, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" A sow for sale, due March 31st. â€" Mrs. Jos. Croft, Max- well. FOR SALE â€" Good seed barley. â€" J. E. Cargoe, R. R. 2, 'Phone Flesh- | erton 31 r 32. i 110 acres in the Township of Ar- temesia, lots 77 and 78. 1 N.D.R.. about 85 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and mixed bush; barn 36x60 with- T 36x45. all with stone basement, in good repair, water at bam; driving shed 24x30, also hen house: 8-roomed solid brick house with soft water cistern and furna'-p. "rhis is a good grain and stock farm, well fenced and watered, situated convenient to railway, church and school. Reason for selling is on account of poor health. For partic- ulars apply on oremises. W. A. MORTON, R. R. 2, Proton Station. FOR SALE OR RENT 13 acres of land, mostly seeded to alfalfa, with good frame house, frame- stable, orchard and drilled welL This property is situated in the vil- lage cf Eugenia, on the main road,, and is the estate of the late Mrs.Al- ex. Hoy. For further particulars and terms- of sale, apply to Alex. Cameron, ex- ecutor of the estate, Eugenia, Ont. BOAK FOR SERVICE. Resristered Yorkshire Boar for fl«r< FOR SALE â€" Light Sussex eggs j vice by Flesherton Bacon Hojr Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agricultore. â€" C. STEWART. CareUker. for hatching 75 cts. per setting. â€" Jas. A. Stewart. FOR SALE â€" Doo'.ey, American Wonder and Green Mountain Potatoes. â€"Jas. Oliver, Priceville, 'Phone 21 r 22. FOR SALE â€" About 65 bu. buck- wheat, excellent seed $1.00 per bu. â€" Alex. Miller, Markdale, _R. R. 5, Phone 33 r 15. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SEBVICV FOR SALE â€" ' Purebred Short- horn bull, 2 years old; wrill sell or exchange for young cattle. â€" Ed- gar Betts, Phone Feversham 9 rl2. FOR SALE â€" Two good bronze tom turkeys, bred from London prize winners. â€" Jas. Turner, R. R. No. 3, Priceville, 'Ph one 21 r 11. FOR RENT â€" Six roomed house Regiatered Shorthorn bull for Mr- vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "Merry Marquis" No. 179,136; Sire, Boiwi* Marquis ^42,381 ; Dam, Red 131,078. Temr^'Vme^-eda $5.00. grades $2.00. Cows not returned will be charge full price. â€" S. R. HAWKINS, Encenla. MIDDLEBRO & &URNS Barristera. etc Ofices â€" Owen Mr. i^evi Dcti-o "..u "-"• "' KUK K1i;nt â€" six roomea nouse ^nd Flesherton spent the week end with Toronto S^^^ good garden, opposite the high ' "° ' '""X"; friends. .„.•,, ., . Unity U. F. W. O. yriU hold their April meeting in the Orange Hall, Eugenia, this Wednesday, April 3. Roll call to be answered by an Easter message. Meeting at 2 p.m. Visitors welcome. Master Glenard Croft spent East- er holidays with his cousins, Har- vey erton. and Everette Croft, near Flesh- school in Flesherton. â€" Mrs. W. Caswell, Proton Station, R R 3. FOR SALE â€" ^Two building lots with hen house, in block B, Flesherton. Write to â€" Mrs. S. Lozenby, Strath- roy, Ontario. Sound, Durham Flesherton evesy Saturday afternoon and evening. GEO E. DUNCAN DUl^DALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. TaimiB: 1 per cent. Satisfaction guamteH Dates made at The Advance office. FOR SALE â€" Dooley potatoes, growm from certified 3eed, also early six-week variety: 3 section iron har- We are very pleased to learn that ' row. â€" F. J. Collinson, Ceylon, Phone Mrs. Walter Russell, who underwent 21 r 14. an operation in the Durham hospital catp oR RENTâ€" 100 acres ' ^*"" "'^'*'* °" '°t 30, Con. 13, Art- last week, is doing fine; we _ho_pe |,^FOR^SALE^OR RfOT ^lOO. acre^s. ^^^^.^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ BULL FOR SERVICE she- continues to a complete recovery, j bts 166^nd 167 1st mnge Mrs. W. J. Newell and two d«"K^H ^,f;^',pX tTw J. Bellamy. Flesh- ters, Florence and Marjorie spent "'»' Ontario Easter at the home of her parents, erton, untario. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Betts. FOR SALE â€" Rubber tre buggy, Messrs John, George and Lowis un-hed axle, spindle spoke, in the very Newell and Nassau Whitmore of Dur- best condition. Paint not soiled, a ham were visitors recently with their ,.^jj] gj^^^y buggy. â€" J. G. Whyte, R. brother, W. J. Newell and family. ' r. 3, Priceville. IMiss Gladys Wickens ot Kimberley snent Easter holidays with her cous- in here, Miss Ita Pedlar. OPPORTUNITY ^ There s an old ada;'e to the cflcji that "Opportunity iviiocK-j o.ice. • Perhaps this is correct Dci.ause, ..j opportunity never ceases 10 knock, but is clamoring to get in year after year, we can truthfully say that op- portunity knocks but once, but op- portunity comes in only when we are prepared to receive it. A Railway Company advertises for a Manager. Millions of people read the advertisement, but only one man is selected as being capable of receiving the opportunity. There will be ten thousand oppor- tunities for ten thousand properly trained boys and girls to fill luc- rative position in Toronto during the ensuing year, and there is no time that opportunity knocks as hard or as loud and offers the selection of position and advancement, as during the first four months of each year.. If you are contemplating a business training next Fall and are in High School now, ordinarily you have cov- ered almost tho entire work for the year and incidentally have acquired prnctically as much education as you will ol)tain by continuing until the end of June. Enter ou • school at the Easter Torni, acquire a complete Secretai- iiil course, and be prepared to rc- ci'ivo the best possible opportunity at the bpginnintr of the new vonv. WE GUARANTEE A POSITION IF YOU QUALIFY. l-'aster ti rm opens April 2 and 8. Write or phone. WFLLAR BUSINESS COLLEGE Orangeville, Ont. FOR SALE â€" Chinchilla Rabbits, ?25 buys 28 Chinchilla rabbits and pens for quick sale. Must sell as I >'"P(1 tho room. â€" W. J. W Armstrong Flesherton, 'Phon e 13 r 11 FOR SALE OR REN"!" â€" Lots 40 and N. '/4 of 39, Con. 11, Artem- esia, 100 aci-es, cleared, stone house anl good bank barn, stream running between house and barn. â€" W. A. Armstrong & Son. FOR SALE â€" Pure Maple Syrup weighing over fourteen pounds to the gallon. Syrup will be delivered to J Flesherton Markdale, Dundalk, Shel- burne and Orangeville. â€" W. Akitt, Rock Mills. 178,773. Terms :-$2 if paid before January 1929, otherwise $2.50. -DUNCAN WILLIAMS, Eugenia. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray. L. D. S., dental surgeon, honor graduate at Toronte and Royal College of Dental Srrgeoni of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Street, Flesherton. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. ft •A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Arm- strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. G. Watson, W. M., C. F Lawrence, Secretary MISCELLANEOUS WANTED â€" Goose, or would ex- change for male â€" Bert Magee, Eu- genia. Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K. C, W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices. Markdale Lucai Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk a nd Durham. Telford & Birnie, Barristers, soil- citors, etc. Offices Grey and Bruca Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays.) W. NOTICE â€" All accounts, large or P. Telford, Jr., J F P Biâ„¢,-- small, must be settled by April £2, airnie. 1929, without further notice. â€" W. J. Stewart & Sons. NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Saturdays only. â€" Graham Bros. Eu- genia. SHINGLES Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. j Farm and stock sales a specialty. j Terms moderate, satisfaction guar' anteed. All arrangements and dates j may be made at the Advance office, or: Central telephone office, Feveraham, Shingles to arrive the first or second or by addressing me at Feveish«.ra. week in April â€" both British Colum- bia and New Brunswick. â€" Flesherton Planing Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- of New Brunswick ]' ^•'^^Edgely Bright Vim, No. 09.9M •* I --Property of Saugeen Bacon Vng Club. Terms $1.00. ' -C. HINDLE, • â-  " ^' . . . .^" Proton SUtloa ' SHINGLES Carload white cedar shin.gles at Flesherton station this week. Save money by buying off tho car. â€" W.A. Arm- strong & Son.

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