Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Feb 1929, p. 1

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Vol. 48 No. 35 Fle&herton Ontario, February 13, 1929 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors ROCK MILLS Mr. Albert Stewart of Flesherton and Mrs. Robt. Phillips from the west visited recently with the latter'i cous- in here, Mrs. Walter Russell and fam- ily. Mrs. C. Newoll and sister, Mabc: Betts spent Thursday last with their cousin, Mr. Lome Atkinson, wife and family. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Dargavel, on Wednes- day, February 20th. Miss Laura Pedlar sent the past week with her sister, Doris at the home of her grandomther, Mrs. H. Wilson, in Flesherton. Mrs. Art Porteous and daughter, and Miss Stella Young of Maxwell â- wore recent visitors with the latter 's Darents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyons, near Portlaw. Misses Lois and Nellie Short and Mrs. Ernie Morrison of Osprey were callers at Mr. Lome's Atkinson's re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. C. Binnigton of Max- well visited recently with the latter's sister here, Mrs. T. Atkinson and daughter, Ada. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Atkinson of Victoria Corners visited one day last â- week \vith his mother here. Mr. Baker of Proton had charge of the Sunday evening service here. FEVERSHAM A number of fr.^nicrs arc draw'.ng logs to Rock Mills, where they cro bringing good prices. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hut:hinson an/. family of Gibraltar visited with Mrs. Hutchinson's parents, Mr. and Iilrs. Chas. Welddck recently. Mr. Wm. Roberts of Winnipeg, Man. is visiting with his brothers at Lady Bank and renewing old acquaintances in this locality. It is about ioi:y years since Mr. Roberts left Osprey. Mrs. H. Aloxander and grandson, Jimmie McKee visited with the form- er's daughter, Mrs. Will ColquetLe and family in Owen Sound last week. Miss Eva Weldrick of Ravenna vis- ited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weldrick here recently. Mrs. H. Osborne and son, George, visited with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Crort at Rock Mills. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Barber "T Bindloss, Alti . is visitinR wi*-h the former's brother-, Mr. Jos. Barber here at present. Wo understand that Mr. Fred Bar- ber hTJ rold his farm on the StVi line nenr herp. and has bought a farm on the highway. EUGENIA We are all pleased with the fine winter weather that favored us the past week or so. Mr. Wm. Fawcett and son, We'-lio, who have been residents of this vil- lage for over a year, have moved back io their farm in Kimberley. Mrs. Fawcett, whose health was impaired, has been staying with her siatcr. Miss Mary Stafford, since last fall. Mrs. E. Rowbotham and daughter leave this week to take up their abode in Toronto. Mrs. Elwood Partridge and three children left Tuesday to visit in To- ronto. Mr. J. H. Duckett had a bee on Monday, buzzing wood. We aio pleased to state that Mr. Duckett is quite hale and hearty, considering his advanced years. We are glad to hear that Mr. K. Johnston of "Pheasant Island" is re- covering from his illness. Miss Enid Gordon visited over the week end with Miss Kathleen Pedlar. Our school looks more homeiik>; since the teacher has purchased cur- tains for the windows. She also bought a lovely couch for the teach- er's cloak room, to be used for a re- tiring place for the pupils who taice 1! at school. These, articles wevi. purchased out of the proceeds, of the school'.s Christmas concert funds. Vve are pleased to report Reeve Cameron and family quite v.-ell again after an attack of the flu. Miss Lolo Blackburn of Flesh'jr- ton spent the week end witli aci- friend. Miss Irene Martin. Don't fovget the Valentin'' .Social in the L. 0. L. hall under th" ^u-- pices of the U.F.O. and U.F.W.O., on Thursday night. EAst mountn-in. Mrs. JnD. IiIcNally of Union ll'u'. ppont ^ho m"'- woe'- with her friend Mrs. C. H. Fawcett. A number from this vicinity at- tended the mock trial and radio con- cert in Kimberley on Wednesday ev- ening. Mr. Cavl Hnmbor^tone lost a valu- able horse la.=:t "wnok. Mr. and Mr>-.. CI^ts. Fawcett r-n^r"-- lained' their friend", to a party at (jir-- hnr.-" c"" Friday (n'oninrr. 7.Jr. J H. Thomp-^n had a suc^b- ful stock sale on Wednesday afin-;- no"n. Mr. n"d M"S. Â¥!. Do1-)scn p-id child- ren of Feversham s'l^nt tb" wpp'k --nd with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smart. IVTr. Wps1"v F'.op'I nf Kir.''""""^-^"' ""i- ited with Chas. Fawcett on Friday of last v;eek. MAXWELL Mr. Allan Priestly, who has spent the past few months ouf west is home on an extended visit. We arc glad to report Mrn. Camev- on much improved in health. Slie has returned to the village, after spending the past few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Spencer. Mrs. Geo. Lawler is spending a few days this week in Owen Sound. Mrs. Geo. Long of Dundalk spent the past week at her parental homo here. Th Ladies' Aid of the Uni.;.: Church held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. J. L. Morrison on Thursday of last week, with about twenty-five ladies present. A very profitable and enjoyable aftornoori was spent. At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the hor.t- ess. A special meeting wil be held this month for the purpose of quilting a quilt. 'Miss Annie Priestly spent the nasi week with Dundalk friends. Service wil bs held in St. Mary"j Anglican Chui-ch here next Su-iuay morning at 11 am. Miss Shirley Buckingham of Dun- dalk spent the week end at her p:ir- ental home here. The V/. I. will hold their February meeting at the homo of Jlrs. (Dr.) Gauld, Thursday the 14th. Usv;- bers and visitors are cordially invit- ed ti be present. Misses Mary Ross and Doil Mcln- tyre of Feversham ppent Sunday al the former's home here. Pir. and Mi-s. Geo. Priestly cnJC'- tainod a number of friends lo a si^~ •al evening on Tuesday night Last. A very cniovable time was spent Ir ^ra^niPn and dancincr. The 0.<!nrcv U.F.Y.P.O. r-iv? â- > sn-- niiiri party to Mr. .n"d ]""-"â- . I."-""'" Smith, â- e'-ertly n.arricd. D"rinp the oven'iifr they wore presented v.'!th a farfv lamp. Wo are sorrv tT repirt Mi-. â- '"-â-  Henderson under the doctor'."! rar . hut we hope to hear of imp'ovemen; I soon. Mr-. Flet.'hp" '-^ Rii-niT--^ s^p^t n I ^'V7 r'q\"- rP'-'"n*^i^' '"•'<h V""- flthT. \(^~ TTo"''~-~"-> "T-'l â- "â- -'•. TTp-id"-"''-'. Miss r-onp Ring of Mclntyrc spemt <-hr; week end with Miss Dcrtha Fal- lister. ^Trs. f! Fawki"'^ '" '"> '"'^ron'-- 'h's wpf'-v with her ducrhtp'- Mr.^. Milton Robprt^^. who un'^'•r^•'">r,{; an operation for goitre last Monday. VICTORIA CORNERS Miss RoszcUa Stevens went to her new school at Walford. He- duties are to begin on February Ijt. Miss Elv;>. Robinson and DoViald of Dundalk visited at Milton Banncn's over the week end. The sale of the estate of the late M. G. Orr is being held this Monday ai- ternoon. The farm has been sold to a Mr. Barber. Miss Mai^g'ucrite Stinscn i^ home from Dundalk'3 business college, o:-. account of Mr. Schell's illness. Mr. Jas. Stinson i-. moving his household effects to Dundalk. LADY BANK Born â€" To and Mr. and Mi-s. Leslie McMullf-n. February 11, a daughter. Congratulations. Mr. S. Sutton of Flesherton maCc a flying trip with a winter snow car through Eugenia and across the Hydro pond, spending the afternoon wila Mr. Wm. Scmpis and family. BIr. Win. Hanloy of Red Wing is assisting Mr. Alex. Maxwell with his bush work at p.esent. Miss Edith Semplo is the guest of be- sister, Mr-. S. Sutton of Flesh- erton this week. SOUTH LINE and 0. D. R (L-.st Week's Items)" Mr. F. R. Oliver went to Toront^^, also his mother, Mrs. Jas. Oliver, Id attend the opening of the House, on Wednesday last. Ivan TU'-ner visited friends in To- ronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Parslow atlenj- ed the func al of the latter's auni at Corbetton last week. Miss Bessie Stainsby and friend visited on Si'nday at Jas. Turner's. Mr. and M's. A. Currio spent a day last week at Mrs. M. McCan- nell's. Swamp College. Mrs. Jas. Turner is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Vause, Proton, who is ill. Mr. John and Miss Maggie Dow, Me'ssrs John and Donald McDoup-all visited friends in Pi-oton last week. PRICEVILLE Rev. F. Suilivan is giving a ce:-- vics of very interesting scimons on "Immortality" to terminate at Easter. Come and hear them. Last Sab- bath he preached on "What is Death?" An airplane passed over here last week. Mi^.s Marion Muir is spending ^â-  month with her sister, Mrs. H. Hous- ton at Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McLeod visit- ed on Sunday at Mr. A. L. Hincks'. The postponed social evening v/ill be held this Wednesday night in the hall, when a good program is being prepared. The funeral of the late Archie SicCuaig was largely attended on Thursday last. Many beautiful flowers covered the casket, consist- ing of a pillow from PriccviHe Presbyterian congregation, wreatli from the "Willing Helpers," wrcatii from Life Insuran.-a Co.. w.-eatii from the grandchildren, pillov/ from the family, four wreath-.^ from Tiv- erton, where Miss Wilhelmina teaches school. The pall bnaror.= were Messrs Earl McLeod. .A. L Hincks, Jim Calder, Neil Clark, Ed- gar McLeod. N. McPhail. Neil Cn',- dpr, Ai-chie Clark, all nephews of the deceased. Tha flower bearers v.'ere Messrs. Chas. AlJcorn, W^m. Hincks, Caryle MacMillan, Cha.5. McFarlanc, Alex. McCannel, J. D. McArthur. The fun- eral director was Mr. Cress of Dur- h-mi. Much sympathy is extondn i to the family and friends in their sorrow. Surviving Mr. MacCuaig are a family of twelve children, three -=cns and nine dauahters. They are: Finlay, in Bcntinck; Archio and Jno. .â- Mcj:, at home; Mrs. V/. Br<r>,vn. (Sarah). Mrs. R. Lawrenco (Cath- arine). Mr.-;. I-I. Tucker (Iilcy) in Glenelg; Mary and Elizabeth, at home; Ida. a nurse in Salem, Ore- sron; 'Wilhelraina, teacher, Tiverton, in Bruce county; and Mrs. R. Bearu (Gertrude) and Miss Pearl, in Pon- tiac, Mich. Mr. MacCuaig is the last surviving member of his fam- ily- The service! v/rj.-e in chargo of Rev. Corry of Priceville Prc'jbytcrian church. Mrs. Clark and son of To-onM are visitors at Mr. Sam McDermid's. W. L Wilson Passes It Dcmernra. British Giunna, rum is used as fuel for cars and trucks I'^-ause it is cheaper than gasoline. Even at that we v/ouldn't live there. NOTICE An admission fee of $2.00 will be charged to any person not holding a ticket entitling him to privileges of the Kinibe -ley Community Wednesday social evenings. â€" HALL COMMITTEE. On Monday last at the homo of his daughter in Toronto, the above gen- tleman passed the bourne. He was born in 183:) on the ocean en rout? to Canada his parents settling near Port Hcpe, but in a few yean found their way to Egremont, lot 20, con. 20. where he grew up under pioneer con- ditions, v/hcre he married Miss Sarai: Parslow, and where their large fam- ily were born. Up to last year h- continuoL-sly lived there and has sinci been with his daughter in Toronto. where he pa.iscd av.^ay. His v.-ifo survive.", him. Two year; ago in June last they colebrat^d 60 years cf married life, and two addr::- ses wc' o given to th^m and hand'omc presentations by neighbors and friends and by Swinton Park Prosbytc; ian church trustee board. To them wsr?^ bcrn 10 ehildrcn, ail of whom w: " at tho diamond wedding, wi'h id of the 2G grandchildren. Thp children are three sons. R. J. and Wm. J. and Noble Vvilsnn, all o^ Egremont; seven daughter.'; â€" I.Irs- Annie Wilson, Ottawa; Mrs. T. B -u- ghton, Alberta; Mrs. Peter McCrca. of St. George; Mrs. Finlay Clark, of Egremont: Mrs. W. Broughlon, Pro- ton; and Misses Alice and Agnes cf Torcnto. â€" Review. BEAT IT IF YOU CAN Fresh Bread that will soon have you eating more of it and delicious Cakes of which one helping is never enough "that's what we promise you. Afresh batch daily FINDER'S BAKERY Herbs to Heal Those Sore, Sick Bronchial Tubes Gallagher's Indian Lung Remedy conies right from ihe Heart of Nature Don't be miserable all Winter. If you're subject to Bronchitis or similar ills- apt t J pick up a nasty, clinging cold or cough, DO sensible, Rt.art now taking Gallagher's Indian Lung Remedy. It is composed solely of healing herbs. A natural remedy. Perfect for killing oS a n;ijty coush or cold or bronchial ailment. A genuine blood enrijhcr and bodv builder, Thi< and other reliable Gallagher Herbal Hoaichold Remedies now for sale by SO C. N, RICHARDSON, Flesherton. I Dui-ham Red Cross Memorial Hos- pital has an uninue record among hos- , pitals for its size in-the Province for I it<5 ability to keep out of debt and ) shovvT a surplus each year. But in another sense it is also uniaue-'he [way it can successfully bring babio- l.:t3 the v^•:rld. A single baby i- -w a very ordinary occurrence anc' j t'j ge'i anv degroD of personal at- tention it is necessary to be one o; ' triplets or a twin. As will "je roer elsewhere twins have again come to the hospital. In an eight month period, this makes Ih: third pal- o.' twins and one trio of triplets ano wo doubt if any hospital any^vherf -oar its size, has an equal record The new wing of hospital cannot be put into use too soon as the matron and staff are greatly handicapped for room and other conveniences. â€" Re- view. CEYLON Mrs. Luther Toruy of Lauiiston sent the wee!: crd with her mother, Mrs. II. Piper ar.d fc jthcr, Roy and | family. i Mrs. P. Marshall spent the pas; i week With h-.-r daushtc- at Bolton, j Mr. J. McWilliams .'â- :-ent the wee) end with his fsmily here. The Ladies' Aid hold their firt. meeting of the New Year at the home of Mrs. Thos. Gilchrist, when a most happy and enjoyable afternoon was \ spent. The meeting wa.^ presided | over by the President Miss Kato Mc- 1 Millan, who opencl the meeting with | the singing of a hymn, after which i the 10th Psalm was read i« unison, | followed by prayer. The roll call i was answered with "Hope" by the I seventeen members and visitors pres- j ent. Mrs. Knox gave an account of j the work done by the visiting com- mittee, Mrs. D. Macphail expressed thanks for the box she received. ' Two papers were given, one by Mi-s. Collinson and the other by Mrs. Sinc- lair. Several resolutions were pas- sed and that $5 be sent to The Globe ELEVEN YEARS SERVICE l>i LOCAL tiREY WARDENS Since the County of Grey â- was organized in 1854 Fli-herton and .\rtemesia township has been honored with the Waru- enship by five Reeves â€" W. K. Fldsher, Dr. W. S. Christoe, M. Ri'.hardson, D. McTavish and T. R. McKenzie, the latter tho only one who esided in the township proper. W. K. Plesh- or f-erved for feven years ami the other's for one year each. Osprey township had three Wardens â€" Tho::. Gamey, D. K. Preston and Irwin Morrison; John A. Hoyd was Markdale'.-! only "cprosentative afte'." be- ing Reeve of Artemesia and Fleshcrton's first Chief Mag- istrate. I 25 Years Ago ( Week of Feb. 10, lii04) f; for the Welsh Miner's Relief Fund, i also that boxes of fruit be sent to the } During the yea- 1903 th- ^ vo- sick to the amount of 50cts.. The I registered with the Clerk of Artem- ladies also decided to resume quilt- i esia township, 82 births, 27 mar- ing again and Mrs. H-aw kindly offer |riages and -12 deaths. ed a room f c â-  this purpose and " ( The business men carrying ads in price of 75cts. and .?1.00 v.'ould be) The .-Vdvanee at this tinu were the price for quilting the quilts (follows: W. I, Armstrc-iiix, Boyd, T. J. assistance to settlers in Northern and ! Sheppard, W. J. Douglas?, W. E. .•\ discussion took place, ro sending Hiek.'mg & Co., Mrs. Buime V/cstevn Canada, v.ho have not bcin L-lair.U'd by any religious donominal,- ion. This ma^llcr was Ic-fl over till more infcrmr.tion could be obtained. It was also decided to hold a Val- entine Social en Thursday evening in the school house, v.hen a programme Richardson, W. H. Bunt, A. Wilson, Wm. Iiloore, R. Kinnoar. Maxwell, F. T, Hill & Co., Yarkdaic. also Mc- Farlane. Stafford & Co., Markdale, and W. .fiockley of Protr.n Station. One of Artemesia's most promin- c.it citizens crossed the ba-- in the of singing, reading, recitations, con- person of Dr. Wm. Seymour Chri.stoe, test and frames v.'ill be given after I who passed away on February 12th, which rcfre'^hments will be served, at the age of 79 years. charginr? only 10 and 25 cts. Tho Victoria Corners. next meeting will be held ac the I home of Mrs. Arrowsmith. Roll | NOTICE TO CREDITORS Call to be ans\vered by a Valentine verse. Mrs. Gilchrijt at the close cf the meeting served a very dainty lunch. Tho ladies are always pleas- ed to have now members and visitors are especially welcome. On Friday evcnins;- the church hold their congregational meeting which IN THE M-A-TTER OF the estate of MATIiEW GUY ORR, lato of tiie Township of Artemesia, in the Coun- ty of Grey, Farmer, deceased. TAKE NOTICE:â€" TH.\T all those having claims or lemands against the estate of the a- wa^- nresided over by Rev. Harrower | i,ove deceased a'e required on or be- of Flesherton and Mr. J. McWilliams | foj-g the 8th day of March, 1923, to and Mr. Collinson were re-elected as j send notice of their claims or rtc- their te--m of one year had e:cpired. mands to the Solicitor for tho Ex- Mr. G. Arrowsmith was re-elected as Treasurer and Mr. Gilchrir^t recording secretary. Miss M. Cook, organist. Reports fri^m church. Sunday Schoo: ccutors. Dated at Owen Sound, February lath, i9r.a. â€"C C. MIDDLEBRO, and Ladies' .A.id were given. Other | Owen Sound, Ont, Solicitor for the business matters :n-ctaining to ' Executors. tho church work w:'.s gone over. Al very profitable hear wa.=-. spent. Tiie congregation hero arc plea.sed with he student. Mr. Siiapkins, who has been supplying and giving a real G"=;iel Me3s.i"-e each Sabbath. Bornâ€" On Febiuary 12, at Collinf- wood, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Banks, the gift of a son. Miss Maud Hemphill left Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs. Chas. Irish. #â-  ==tnr-= =331^!^ ^ '^TERVICE AT ALL TIMES FLE SHERTON BARBER SHOP i Some tiraes a r.:an will spend more | on his fad than on his family. 11 G. H. WRIGHT, Prop. || -:».:«.:~ ♦'X'<~H'<«<":":..;~:~:..X":'<«<«.:«.X":"K««><"HK*<"><'<~H"H~X'<"H->*><***^ i btes Burial Co. 122-12.1 Avenue Road TORONTO I Phone: Klngsdale 4344 | l J.W.Bates. R. Maddocks. I <•<â- ">♦^<•*♦<•♦<â- â€¢<K~t~XK•><~X"X~H•♦♦•X♦♦<â- â€¢<•"Kâ- ~Xâ- â€¢<"X•♦^^^ I '♦<'<-X~><><'v<~X'<~X"X<<'<~X~X'<~X'<K«<"X-<»<~X~X~X"X"XK"X~>'>^;"' "House of Oiiallty" J ♦ <• RIF.E TO^LXTC.MiS a ORANGES •> CELERY I I'ETTUCE I LEMONS I BANANAS ^ I GRAPE FRUIT ^ I W. J. Stewart & Son? I ♦.>**<«<~>***><'*****<~t~>*5'*****'>*>*'5''>*>*>*>'>**'>*>**<'******^^

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