Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1929, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1923 THE FLESHERTON .'.DVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on CoUingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Cici/lation over 1100, Price in Canada, 12.00 per year wiien paid in advance $1.50. In VJS.A., $2.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON #. /. THURSTON Editor. Asst. Editor. Health Service J • of the â-  T CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOC. | Protection L-y Home li^olation THAT (atOlNDHOG YARN People will continue to talk about that old moss-covered fable that the ^roundhof; comes out on Candlemas Day, Kejrua-y 2nd, and if he sees hi.* shadow, trees back for another si» weeks of winter. Just stop and think this out. The sun shone her:- for one Iiol on Sat- urday last. Now .supoosinif the groun - bog came out during that hour of sunshine, ho would go back Ij his roost underground for another six weeks. But supposing he came out an hour before the .tun canu' out and he could not see his shadow, why he would decide that winter was nearly over and ho would remain awake, or supposing that the sun shone, for one hour at one point and was ob- scured by clouds a hunclred miles a- way, the same anomaly would exist, and the groundhog would be obliged to do a pavtieula- ily strenuous o::- hibition of mental gymnastics in or- der to make the two conditions comply with the theory under discussion. No, wp really have no faith in the old "saw" and we do not believe that the groundhog has any faith in it himself, although newspapers anu calendarri try to make us believe that he does. OLD AGE PENSIONS The Old Age Pension Bill is to come up in the Ontai io House in the near future for discussion as to the advisability of instituting old a^o pensions in Ontario. Last summer a survey wai made by the Ontario Gov- ernment as to the number eligible and the approximate cost to the Pro- vince if the pension was decided upon. The cost if evenly divided betweer. the Dominion and the Provincial Gov emments and the latter are contem- plating sadd.inff half of their cost*i on the municipality wherein the benc- ficarcy resides. While the Old Age Pension i.4 dnxi abl" to th; majority it is felt that the Ic ^al governments have ruffiiitnt holes to sink their All parents are worried, from time to time, lest their children cont-n«t one or other of the loi.imunicablc diseases. To a considerable extent, the spread of these diseases is due to carlcssness on the part of some per- son. The thoughtful parent can do a great deal to reduce the prevalence of these diseases which are spread from the sick to the well. When a child appears sick, he should be isolated from other children. The mother can tell when her child is not well, and she should isolate him for the protection of others. This may seem to be unreasonable because, in the va.st majority of cases, it will be found that there is nothing ser- iously wrong with the child, certainly no communicable disease. However, the only way to be sure that isolation is carried out on the odd occasion when it i:? necessary, is to isolate the sick child every time. It may seem to throw unnecessary work upon the mother of several chil- dren to see that one is kept entirely away from the others, and do require her to boil the eating and drinking utensils of the child for five minutes, but the doing of this until there is certainty that no communicable dis- ease is present may be the means of preventing the other children from contracting disease, and, indeed, may mean the saving of lives, particularly those of infants and very young chil- dren, who so frequently succumb to such disease. Protection can only be secured if the necessary effort is made. In gen- eral the communicable diseases are most infectious in their early days before the rash or other typical symp- toms appear'. It is, therefore, nec- essary that precautions be taken whenever a child is unwell, because this may be the signal of the onset of a commilnicable disease. KIMBERLEY (Continued froi.i Page 1) last Wednesday night in the form of a community dance. This week a mock trial of a motor acciden', which uiil bo follcv.'ed by a debate. What mi^.t have been a serioun accident happened in the horn? of Mr. W, T. Ellis Saturday evening. Mr. Ellis had been absent from the house ... --nd returning put a fire in tiie money and the added load wouid be j ^.^^j^^.^ ^^^^^ hnlhying the walw an impo.siti<,n that might prove dii- ,^^^ j^^,,^ ^,^,^,j^^^, ^^.^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ficult to handle. We would l.ke to ^^.^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^.^ j,^^ ^^^^,^ ,^^^^_^_ hear fr..m any of our subscnbers on ^^^^^^j .^ px„,oj^,j^ breaking it in I pieces, breaking out a window, &:at- ' tcring pieces of the stove even wont to other rooms of the lu)U.sp. iieip this pubj.'Ct or on any other matter of public importance. EDITORIAL NOTES was at hand and put out the fire and ' cnahs scattered through the room. No There will be no necessity for fne ' o"^ ^^^^ '" *•'"' '""""^ »l '^^ t'"^*"- 1929 auto licences for some time to ' M'-"- T. Cornfield has relurned to come here i ^'^^ home at Fairmount, after spend- ing a couple of weeks with Mrs. Geo, The position- of chaperons to Dur- ham dogs could bo given to the Chief of Police. If the dogs in Durharii are as fine canine specimens as our.^ are, it would be n .shame to confine them in durance vile. • • • Advertising is the most important thins about any busin«s.i. It i.-i tiie vital spark. What good doci it do you to have the very best thino; or the very best bargain (,n earth il" people do not know il? » » » Recently there \\f.i been miHh tai.c about the "missing link" ef the Can- ndinn National P.ailway, whiri, would connect Meaford and Owe:-. Sound. We hope the sea ch f.ir it will be more successful than the bunt for that huMi.-in rare. There is one item for which we en:- commend the Hydro Coniniis.sion ve,^ higrhiy. Flesherton has a transmlH- «ion line < f its own from the pow>'. liouso and in the thirt.'on ysar.H o" •ope ating the 21 hour service has not been dlsccntcted for more Ilia i r few hours ut a time, and th?n only at long intervals. Mr. (iurnelt of the Ilydo called on The Advanve Tue.idny in referen>''p Is an article which appeared in this paper last week. Mr. Gurnett went into the technicalities of the Hydro quite extensively, making the state- ment that Flesherton has a <heap* '•ate than many surroimding muntc- ialities. He suggested that The Advance agitato for u public meet- ing to go into Hydro affairs, nt which they would he only too glad to be represented and explain mntter.i ami anirwer all queatloni that could be fired at them Of course Hydro Is run by human being", and it \* v. feature of humanity that is docs not wish .to be criticized unju.itly or without n chance of making reply. It ia up to our lojnl hydr> c; nmis- alon. Cornfield. HORSE FELL INTO CELLARWAY Awakened by horrible monninga nnd !i commotion in his store bobw, F. A. Ilunte â-  of I{ru"-spls with visions of pr..wlin)r tliieve-i, notified Chi.'f HIc- Dowell at 2 o'clock on Sunday morn- ing. Cautiously he crept down- stairs ta find n horse, g-.^janing .is if in great pain, lodged in the cei- Ir. v;ay leading into the store base- ment. Tile animal had erfvihed through the door that i)rote;ted the â- l( ep .stairs I'.nd broken head-fir -.t in- io the inner d.iorv.ay .It (lied a few minute 1 after the chief arivrd, aftei" thry had hauled it into the basement. Upon investigation, it was fovmd that ihe hor.ic belonged to Percy Tverman, wild lives 2 l-'J miles south of I'rus-iels ihe aniniiil had be:'n stricken wiib c(/lic and is believed to hav." wander- ed in greit agony about tlie town un- til it inadvertently stepped on the stair (!oo •. !'ev; ral plncoi along the road were fuind where it had -olbM! and tos.ied about in pain and ilt blan- ket had come lonf.e in '\li^ journry- ings. â€" Ex. PORTLAW Financial Statement of the OSPREY MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM FOR THE YEAR 1928 RECEIPTS Cash on hand, Jan. Ist 1928 $ 294 66 Received from Township | 2635 56 Advances from Township 600 09 Cash paid at Central and Bank 104 25 Rentals 44 60 Sate of batteries 1 50 I 3580 37 I EXPENDITURE Bell Telephone Bell Telephone (diicctories) tiupplies G. W. Ross Locp&id salary H. G. Burke J. A. Kernahan ••Commissioners E. C. Pedlar, Sec.-Treas. ... Auditors, 1927 Rentals, hall and house Miscellanous Compensation Board Stationery Freight and Cartage Fred Jamieson, rebate After hours calls 141 07 38 24 470 72 362 00 778 50 30 00 6 00 45 00 50 00 IG 00 90 00 13 65 8 60 8 00 14 57 8 00 17 25 ACCOUNT WITH TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY Due on 1927 balance Amount sent to Collection Roll, 1928 f 2098 20 $ 999 44 Â¥ 2650 02 I 3649 46 ASSETS & LIABILITIES ASSETS "The People's Grocery" GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK 3 pks. Corn Starch 29c Just a real {jood broom 39c. Quart bottle Catsup \ 23c 7 lbs. Epsom Salts 25c 7 lbs. Sulphur 25c Try our Special Tea - 65 cts. Shirts-Reg. $1.25-50 - 98c. Blue Melton 81 Chinchilla O- Coats for $19.50 W. G. KENNEDY â€" : We Deliver in Town : â€" Debentures paid Interest on advances Advances Township auditors •• Received from roil, 1928 •••"' Balance from 1927 roll ggg ^ Balance due System ___â€" $ 3649 46 $ 139 94 6 30 600 00 4 00 1636 12 999 44 LIABILITIES â€" NONE Outstanding long distance Flesherton Calls, out Rentals, out Stock on hand 135 00 41 00 22 50 126 00 363 66 Balance from Township â- â- "â-  ^432 17 Cash on hand $ 2169 33 We the auditors of the Osprey IVIunicipal System r«P?'-^J;°"; '""- hereby in tho statement «f ^sse s and L abdit e . d. ^^^^^^ of the System. Total Assets $2169.33. DOUGALD STEPHEN and HAROLD FENWICK. Auditors Cut Prices in Winter Goods Serge 36 ins. regular 65, half price 33 cts. a yd. Blue flannel- reg. 75c.. Special 49cts. a yd. Mackinaw Flan"el for Children's Dresses or Men's Shirts, regular 30c. for 25 cs. a yd. Plain Flannel, 54ins. wide, regular $1.50 for $1.15 Checked and Fancy Flannel, reg. $1.00 for 79cts. A.E.HAW CEYLON, Ont. i Store open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings * u* » â-  • » . * Administrator's Sale .JK, '' Mr. and Ms. Francis Shier have both be;'n unite seriously ill for some 'ime. We are jrlad to hear thai there il some improveaient in their "onflltion latc'v. Mrs. .1. (!ib"on nf Rivp-hu"st, Saskatchewan i\ visitiiipr with her friend, Mrs. Lawrcn-e Lyonri, centre line, Mr. Ceorfrc Wakey of Toronto, who spent the past five weeks in n ho..- pital there is home for a timo to vc- ruperate. Mr. Albert Reid had th> n^sfov- litne t.i cut his fw* ?<evprely while workinpr in the bush InlMy. Ms. Middleton of To:ontr. \ at- tendin" her ricl: parent i, Mr. nnd Mrs. Shier. Miss Iva McNallv Is vi«ilinK with her aister. Mrs. R. DinRwall at Loring. Tourist: You've grot a bi<r farm' hero, but it's all covered with rocks. I 'don's see how you make a living on it. The Admini.tralcv cf the nstat. F«r'^^'-: Wal, y'ere going f see. of Mlla Gibs', n, late of the villaRo I own all the mud hole rights on this of Flesherton, deceased, will sell by detour. public auction at the residenL'c of | the said docensod of tho village of j rieshcrton on li'th day of February' A.n. li)21), at the hour of two o'- 'â-  clock in tho afternoon the following household goods and chattels. i Walnut l)ros:ii'r and stand, V.'al- nut Bedstead, Cable Spring:, Bed Room Dishe.-;, Surfiue Oak D cs.^er and stand, Ihn-e white iron bed- .stcads 'complete with springs nnd inatlrusi:c?;, v.oodon bedstead v/ith spring anti niattroases, chest drawers, coi'l b'Mitcr, .t f.mall tab!o.^, Kotto and two chairs nnd six additional ki;- ilicn ciuiir.i, one arm chair, thre- rocking chairs, Idtchcn Eitovc, r|uan;- ,ity of pl'jtares, sid'.'ioard, kitchen table, extension tnhle, extonsioa din- in? room table, couch, washing ma- chine nnd wringc â- , linolcum'i nnd carpets, olertric iron and fixture.;, box stove and pipes, wash tub and boiler, 5iingcr sewing machine, in good condition, numcrouj other nrt- ic'ijs. All or the above will bo sold with- out reserve. The e will bo offered for sale at the aamo time tho house and proper- tv of the deceased in the village of Floshcrton, one-quarter aero ^ nor ^ or less, being lot ten of the Mun- shav; survey, frame house, b ick ven- eered. This is a comfortable dwell- ing and will be sold subject to reserve bid tixcd by the Administrator. Tei.ns of Saleâ€" llou.iehoUl good.i and (battels cash. The real estate will be ."Old subject t> reserved bid, on the usual conditions of sale, 20 per cent, payable on date of sale and balance within 30 days. Ufttcd at Markdalc this 31st day of January A.P. 102!i. W. J. Mends, Administrator and Lucas A Her V, of the village f. Markdale, Solicilors for the A(!r.;i:v I istrator. I Auctioneer â€" W. Kaitting. SAW OUCKS ON JAN. 20 ^ of amusement anyone found coughing or sneezing are requested to go t'^; Four ducks were seen in the bar- the box office and get their money bor by the bridge on Sunday, Ic.^t. back and depart. Ifs a wonder This is rather late for these birds, some mischievous boy hasn't thought With a robin seen last week and of throwing pepper about in these ducks this week those who base thei;- amusement houses, pvophecies on the conduct of birds â-  will probably tell us we are going t j 'Xhe next time that fool fellow of have a mild winter. With the big y^^yg gp^^gg around I'm going to sit thaw on Friday there was enougii water anywhere for thousands o! ducks. â€" Meaford Mirror. , on him." I "Won't do a bit of good Dad. I tried it last night and hes imply likes In manv of the theatres and placesit." Thos. Carefool, a St. Vincent farm er, died ln.<t Thu sdr.y morning froi â-  injuries received when he was slrur'K by part of a tw-e th? previous nf- ternoon. Will It Help Business 0. 0- >>i^ '^:^ -!f .(â- Â«,; I To Mark Time? By 1934 Ontario and Quebec will need a million telephones and the Bell Tele- phone Company wants new money to provide them. The company does not want any money from Parliament. It only wants permission to try to sell new shares to investors. The investors will supply the money if they are allowed to. If they are not allowed to, the telephone system must mark time. ^^'f^-.-. :->^fVJ<»-i -^ . 4| In 4S y*ara tho tulmphonm oomptmy ho* n*v«r *uggt»t»ti nor r«o«<v«d a govtmmtnt grant; il only atkm/rumiom Io tak»/urth9r part in Canada's progrvaM, THE DELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA 5t- I I' I , t > 4 ; â-  Ml

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