Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jan 1929, p. 7

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Alarm clock FREE other eDtertatnment You need save only five (5) sets of "Poker Hands" to have this attractive Alarm Clock ticking away in your home, keeping the right time, all the time. A "Poker Hand" is attached to every plug of Big Ben Chewing Tobacco. All the time you are saving for the Alarm Clock, you are enjoying a tobacco of exceptional quality, richness of flavour, and lasting satisfaction. This Alarm Clock is one of many presents procurable in ex- change for "Poker Hands". Dealers everywhere have Big Ben by the plug and by the Vacuum (air-tight) tin. I the (lance and ' tor the guests. â-  ' ' ' Fortunately, MUs SauJoa lives near the equator, for ner clot'-es consist of a woven gras.s i|re8R draped from her hips to her feet. The upper portion I of her body, If covered at all, Is j draped with garlands of beads. Her I bare feet and legs never felt shoes and silk stockings. Hats are never worn by the women folks except on festive occasions. Then they aro fan- ta.«tic groups of feathers, flowers and metal disk.s. I-'ace-powder manufacturers have not yet broken Into the boudoir of Mlsa Samoa. The shinier the belle's nose the more she likes it. If the natural oil of the skin does not make her features glisten In tho tropical Sam- oan sunlight, she applies oil and grcr - -ntil she achieves the desired luster. One of her beauty treatments is the bleaching of her beautiful black Lead Production in Canada Much the greater part of tho l<^ad produced In Canada comes from tho reflucry at Tadanac, British Columbia, which treats lead cnncentratis from tho Sullivan lead-ziuo mine at Kim- berley. The output of this mine far exceeds that of all other Canadian lead mines put together. There is • also a considerable production from numerous silver-lead and sllver-lcad- ziuc mines in the Knotenay districts ^ and other parts of Britl.sh Columbia, i The Yukon output is silver-lead ore. from the .Mayo district; that of Ou-j tarlo is derived irom galena at tho : Galetta mine in Cark-toii county; and! Quebec's output is lead coucentrates froin the Xotre-Dame-des-Anges lead zinc mine. Every package of Red Rose Tea is prepared witK the same care â€" as if our reputation were tc staitd or fall upon that single package. «s ^RpSE is good tea RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE i» extra good A mmW KtSTOIlKR Chew BIG BEN and Save ^^ Poker Hands ^^ hair to a muddy red with lime. If â-  there is no lime, she daubs hey^haJr , (Jood Advice From One Who with red clay. If an author quarreled with his characters as often as a man quarrels with his wife, the stage would be en- tirely and utterly impossible. â€" George Bernard Shaw. The above amount of money has been given cway by us in CASH PRIZES. $500.00 more will be given away as follows, - 1st prize SI 00. 5th prize $40. 2nd " $ 75. 6th " S30. 3rd " S 60. 7th " S25. 4th " S SO. 8th " $20. 5 prize of $10. each In cash 10 prize of $ 5. each in cash 3r SoIvethUpuideandwin« C.\SH PRIZE There are 7 (aces in the picture besides tlje Caoadiaa Beaver. Caa you fiod them? Ifscmark cacli one witli aa X, cutout the picture, ami writeonaseparatepieceof paper tliese words, "1 liave found all the faces ana murlied them' and mall same to us with your name and ad dress, lacaseof lieshandwritiaKaod oeatness will be considered factors. If corrtcl we will advise you bv rt* tuic mail of a simple condi- tion to fulfill. Don't send any money. You can t>e a prize winner without spending one cent of your money. Send your reply to GOOD HOPn MANUFACTUIING CO. 45S Cr.ii Strttt Wwl. WOHT'm, C«mJ« Samoan King Finds He Can't Defy Laws And Escape Penalty Tamases Steps Down From Throne for Six Months in New Zealand Prison Had Suffered Much Discomfort after eating, gas pains in the intestinal tract, pains around the heart, sour rising in the throat called heartburn, are common symp-_ toms of dyspepsia. It is a condition often neglected until it has done per- manent harm, yet the treatment is simple. The great contributing cause to this trouble is thin blood. Good blood and plenty of it is required by tho stomach to function properly. If the blood is thin the stomach becomes , sluKginh, food lies undigested, gas i forms causing paius, nt'en around the i heart. Instead of getting nourishment : from the blood the system gets poison. â-  The proper treatment is to enrich the blood, and there is no other medicine I can do this as promptly or as effec- 1 tlvely as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. ' The sole mission of these pills is to make new, .-Ich, red blood, which Difficulties to Contend With In our (Efforts to control the ravagc-s of cancer, we are meeting with simi- lar difficulties to those with which we were confrontetl fifty years ago when the campaign was started against tuhercttlosls. We then found tlio idea firmly tixeil iu the minds of the peo- ple that tuberculosis was hereditary and that it was incurable. We were able to demonstrate, how- ever, that tuberculosis was not heredi- tary; that it was not incurable, but, on the contrary, tho majority of cases could l)e cured if diaguosed and treat- eil early enough. Now we are having similar difficu- ties in regard to cancer. If people think they have cancer, they hesitate reaches every organ and nerve in the A king in British Samoa learns that the formula "the king can do no wrong" does not obtain in the Pacific Isles. Tamases, late head of Samoan royalty, drew the wrath of the British authorities and has been forced to step down from his native throne into a Xew Zealand prison for six months. Unrest has prevailed in Samoa for a year or two. The natives, famous for their happiness and hospitality, now andthen resort to noisy demonstra- otins when they object to white men's laws. Samoans who have been untouched by modern civilization are as scarce in the Pacific islands as uncivilized Indians in Canada, the Natonal Geo- graphic Society reports. Now and then a veteran of threescore and ten is encountered in the forests of the interior. He carries an eight-foot bow a supply of barbed arrows and a spear, all of which give him a vicious ap- pearance; but the first thing he is likely to do when you meet him is to \ .' invite you into his hut, a large single- roomed oval structure* of thatched leaves, branches and sugarcane stalks. His wife (he has only one) is as gracious and hospitable as a native could be expected to be; but the vil- lage Taupo, or mistress of ceremonies, is usually the visitor's chief human attraction. She is the village beauty, attended by a bevy of chestnut "Venuses of the Tropics." When dis- tinguished visitors enter the village the Taupo and her feminine aids lead in going to their physician lest he tell them that is cancer, and their impres- sion is that cancer is incurable. They also have the ide.a that it is hereditary, that is, that it is transmit- ted from parent to child. We are now able to convince them that cancer Is not incurable, but that the only safety, as with tuberculosis, lies in early diiv^nosia and early treatment. If t)Qssihle treatment should be seii f d in the precancer stage, that is, by the removal of any abnormal condition that would be likely to develop into cancer. If you have any suspicion of can- cer, do not fail to promptly consult your physician. TH01SA\I)S (IF IIOTIIEIIS USE i\0 OTHER 31 I:DI(L\E body, and thus not only banishes in- digestion and dyspepsia, but also all other troubles having their origin in weak, watery blood. The splendid results following the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is shown by the case of Mrs. Lucy A. Cushing, a former resident of Kempt, N.S., but now living with her son at ! West Bethel. Me. Mrs. Cushing says: : "I have no hesitation in strongly re- ' commending Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, j Fo years I was a great sufferer from indigestion. Always after eating I • suffered from pains in my stomach \ and other distressing symptoms that i accompany this ailment. I tried dif- ferent doctors while residing at my i old home and also at West Bethel, but j without getting relief. I was advised | by a friend to try Dr. Williams' Pink ; Pills. I did so and I must say that 1 1 am feeling very gratefitl ever since to i 1 the good friend who gave me the ad- ; ' vie- I soon found the pills helping â-  me and by the time I had taken nine ; or ten boxes I was completely .cslored | to good hep^lth. Though I am now in ; , my Tijth year I am feeling as well and j smart as I did at C5, and am enjoying : life once more." j You can get these pills through any 1 dealer in mediciue, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams i Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Baby's Own Tablets Are the Ideal Remedy for Babies and Young Children Canadian mothers are noted for the care they give their little onesâ€" the health of the baby is most jealously guarded and the mother is always on the lookout for a remedy which is effi- cient and at the same time absolutely safe. Thousatxds of mothers have found such a remedy in Baby's Own' Tablets and manv of them use noth- \ Customerâ€" Did you say that ing else for the ailments of their little | ^'^s seventy shillmgs? Assistant- Mrs. Howard i ^'''' sixty-five. The Bossâ€" Vy. James. Kick Out the 'Imp/ â-  Sir Robert Baden-Powell recently gave the British Boy Scouts somo sound advice •'â- â- .i may well be taken to heart wherever the movement lias been establi.shiMl. "If you're up ag.ainst a hard job that seems impossible," he said, "kick out the isip' and work heartily and cheerily You know you're going to do soru thing good for other people. Help iu your own way to bring about peace and prosperity in tho world. If you do your work, you get to like it. It makes you happy. Moreover, it Is a good educa- tion." To "kick out the 'imp' " is an ex- i cellent idea, which might be adopted by grown-up people as well as boys. Many modern movements that are founded upon perfectly sound ideas fail from lack of determination upon the part of those who started them In Montreal we have had some notable examples of this, among them the failure to enforce a test examination for all applicants for automobile driv- ing licenses; the abandonment of the proposal to establish an automatic traffic contr 1 system throughout the city; the co'ilapse of the plan to erect a civic hall for music; and the city's lack of any organized town-planning scheme to govern future buildings here. If the "imp" had been kicked out by those who were the first to ad- vance and to foster these ideas, we should be much more advanced in municipal administration than we are to-day. â€" Montreal Star. o Use Minjrd's LInlrrent for the Flu. . .J Ca!.ada's Historic Sites The Historic Sites and Monument Board of Canada is composed of his- torical authorities, and one of its dotles is to recommend to the De- partment of the Interior historic sites worthy of being marked, restored, or preseiwed. The board meets annual- ly to consider the various sites brought to their notice and forwards ' its opinion to the Department of the i Interioi which makes the decision and carries out the work through the Xa- ' tioual Parks of Canada Branch. Classified Advertisements F >lt .S.\I-Kâ€" tjLD .VXD U.AItlC C.\.N'- .\I)1.\.V coins. Dr. Courteau, .St. ATENx'S P I-ls; i't ''.V..:i:cii I.".'. "li'.loiia" und [•"uU 1. ".furcation Sent t'ce» on R<tMUeHt TRZ RAMSAY CO.. IMpt. W. 373 Bank St.. Ott»wa, Ont. "I love a winter tree against the sky. Like snow-flake cast upon the velvet moss. Its crystal flower in perfect shape re- vealed, Like lines of force in old age uncon- cealed. So in bare trees reigns Beauty with- out loss. Would that I might behold my soul thus free. Outlined in such a chaste austerity." -L. Moulton, in the Christma.! Wind- or Magazine. •> The talking movie has ruined aa- otber good place to sleep. It May Be â- PVc r j^"-* suit â- N'o. ones, .\mong them is King, of Truro, X.S., who says: â€" "I can strongly recommend Baby's Own Tablets to mothers of young children as I know of nothing to equal them for little ones." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. I'm surprised at you. You know our slogan is : 'De customer is always right.' .J The great misfortune to mankind is that only those politicians out of office know how to solve great prob- lems. â€" Lord Dewar. Maeâ€" Say, I hear you called me a little sii-ip. Faeâ€" Oh, my dear, for- give me! I meant a big one. It Didn't Pay There was once a goat herd that contained two of the most ^tubborn goats that there ever were. One day all the goats were playing and (risk- ing about on the mountain side when these two goats met on a narrow \ tree which had fallen across a deep â-  chasm. The tree was so narrow that : they could not possibly pass each 1 other. j Each was too stubborn to turn back. "I will not move for you." said ; the first goat. "Get out of the way , if you do not want to be (lashed to , pieces." ! "Not at all." said the second. "It Is your place to back up. If you ilo ! not back up I shall push you off." i Each stubbornly pushed ahead until tbey met horn to horn right in ihe | middle of the log. Here each angrily ; pushed against the other and tliey I were both knocked off and fell to . their death in the deep chasm below. | An old goat who had looked on at this needless disaster sighed: It is better to yield than to come to dis- aster through stubbornness. ! 4/^ it with' ^5iMONDS^ a SAW Stoics fthorp longer Cuts easier. Saws faster SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LTTV. MOISTTRCAI. VANCOtA'CR. ST. JOHN, N.B., TORONTO *i« br«d for M«h wm WblM, 9nmrm amd Buf Itthum.. BamJ utd WhUc Reckt, R. I. RtJt. Anconu, BUck MteorvM. Buff OrrinKtoti*. Wklt* WtmmIcom- lie \ aBd up. 100* IU» dtli««r» luMuiic*^ \Vr.t» ioa>r fot fREE CHICK BOCK. SCIlWti5»wSR'S IfjITCHERY Suffalo, N.Y. BBIDGEBtTBQ. ONT.. CA17. Milmkhraas ami tPa»uirit/rt €utitiii-a !$oap and I'uticiu-a Oiutiut-ut wiU quickW aoJ «<-onoini.-.Hv norifr â- o«l pn^r^c >»iur »kin nad h»ir Free Book About Cancer 'I'ho Iiniian.ipiili.s i-'a;i''Or Hosniial. tn- 'liaiiupi'lis, Itidlajia, ha.^ publLsheil a booklist wliirh gives tiiteii-stlnB facts about the cause of CanciT. also tells what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, eto. .V valuable Kutde In the management of any rase. Write for it t(j-(la\'. iiieijtion- iiiK this papi'r Wher Children Ciy for It Castoria is a comfort when L^i'-iiy it fretful. Xo sooner iaken than th« little one is at ease. If restle's, a few ! drops soon brings contentment. So 'â-  harm done, for Cas;or;a is a baby remedy, meant for babiis. Perfectly safe to give the youngest infant; you [have the doctors' word for that! It ! is a vegetable product and you could use it every day. But it's in an emer. I gtncy that Castoria means most. Som« I night when constipation must be re- I lieved â€" or colic pains â€" or other suf* I fering. Never be without it; som6 I mothers keep an extra bottle, un- ' opened, to make sure there will alwayj I be Castoria in the house. It is effec- tive for older children, too; road th« .book that comes with it. GASTORIA r, "Buckley's" or Throat Health A sip niifht and morning •oreness and huarseness. \-ents more serious develop A bottJe of Buckley's â€" 40 <iu 76 cents â€" is an economical guar- antee of healthy throats for whole family. Pleasant to tal instant in action â€" positive in liaf. All druKKista kU it. W. K. Backlv, Limited. 142 Mutual St., Toronto : What niof-l people call indigestion Is usually excess acid iu the stomach. The food has soured. The Instant remedy iu an alkali which neutralizes acids. But don't use crude helps. Use what your doctor would advise. The best help is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. For the 50 years since Its Invention it has remained standard Quite in contrast with ♦.hem was | the tall, thin man hunched over the I wheel of an outlincish contraption j that he called an automobile. But petvple from the Littk Washoe coun- try and the valleys north of the Hum- boldt gathered to do honor to their neutralizes many times its volume in \ murdered leader. acid. The results are Immediate, with •- * no bad after effects. Once you learn j When you see smoKe rolling out the this fact you will never deal with windows of a modern home these days excess acid in the crude ways. Go it might be a female bridge party iu- \ MI> ^X Acts li n^asiaglc XTURK •ip proves It 75c and 40c water learn â€" nowâ€" why this method Is supreme. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- wlth physicians. You will find nothing ' clans for 60 years Iu correcting excess •Ise so (lulck in 'ts effect, so harmless, 1 adds. Each bottle contains full direc- }o elBciept, ^ | Uons â€" any aru^jjore. stead of the house on fire. __ o Fancy the wings of time flappiug about our arteries. â€" Dr. Eugene Ly- man Ftske. Minard'a LInlmtnt for Grlpp« and Flu. A Health Saving Reminder Don^t Wait until you get the Influenza USE Minard's Liniment At the first sign of it. Its Heallns Qualities are Amazing. THE OLD RELIABLE. ISSUE No. •29 400,000 Women Report Benefit "Hcii'e "^oxi recciveci beriL'/it jrom, taking LvJ/a E. Pin/<htnn's Vegetable QompoxmdV^ A questionnaire enclosed with every bottle o{ medicine has brought, to date, over 400,000 replies. The overwhelming ma- jority â€" in fact, ninety-eight out * of a hundredâ€" says, "> Vs." If this dependable medicine has helped so many women, isn't it reasonable to suppose that it will help you too? Get a bottle from your druggist today. / Ltf dia £. Piitkhcim*s Vegetable Compound lYDIA E. PINKHAM MtHlCINE CO., L*nn, Mao.. V, S. A, and Cobour^ Oniario* CanaUa L

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