Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jan 1929, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTOX ADVANCr. WEDNESDAY, JANUABY 30, 1929 1 I i Let Us Protect Your Good-will WHEN dealings with purchasers of uncertain financial rating at home or abroad the Bank of Conunerce can be of signal service in approaching the new or untried customer for col- lection. The Bank is in a position to protect your interests without compromising the good-will of the customer. Enlist the services of the Bank of Commerce to safeguard your propenty by conducting diplomatic negotiations with customers whose standing is unknown. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA CPJt. TDIB TABLB Mr. Robl. Akitt Died on Mooday in Toronto Funeral on Thursday Mr. Robert D. Akitt, an old pia- Traina laava Fteabertsii Stetton M folio w>: Goiof Sootl Going North «8.08 a.m. 11.68 a.m. 4.10 a.m. 8.53 p.m. "8.31 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails class at Plesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m.|neer of Artemesia, died at the home •oufh al 3.36 Por ntomlBg train of his daughter, Mrs. F. N. Field, 102 '•«onth mail closes at 9.00 -p.m. the j Close Avenue, Toronto, on Monday yreviooa evenlnff. evening, of dropsy. The remains were brought to his late home, Col- i lingwood gravel, east of Rock Mills, LOCOl Ond PerSOnSi ^^^ ^^^ funeral win take place on i Thursday (to-mo'row) at 2 p.m., in- terment being made in Maxwell cem- Promoted to Parts Manager of General Motors in The West Fred McTavish Receives New Appointment and Is on His Wav to The West Word was received here on Monday from Mr. Fred McTavish of St. John*s N. B., that he had been transferred to the Winnipeg office of General Motors Products as Parts Manager for Western Canada. Fred has been manager of the Eastern Canada office of General Motors of Canada at St. John's for the past year or so and made good in the position there, and his promotion comes to him after faithful service. The General Mo- tors opened up a new plant at Regrina, Sask., the first of Decem- bjjr, but tha Winnipeg office will not be closed until spring. The ap- pointment takes place immediately and Fred is at present on his way West. It was expected that he would spend a day or so in Flesher- ton while on the trip, but his visit has been postponed. Fred's many warm friends in his old home town rejoice with him on his appointment and wish him every success obtain- able in his new work. .^^ Mr. John McDonald spent a couple â-  of days in Toronto last week. Miss Florence Welton spant a couple of days in Markdale last week. Miss Perle McMaster, R. N., of Ow- en Sound was home over the week end. The Advance has clubbing with aU daily papers. Save money ^t work: and sure enough, in a few by ordering through this oflFice. minutes he saw two body-snatchor.- Three million dollars worth of silk stagger from the cemetery carrying a passed through London one evening body. They placed it upright in the recently on special train. auto, as though it were alive, propping Mrs. G. E. Henry and two children it securely in the back seat, and then of Berkley spent a few days las* they hurried back to the cemete-y to etery. The deceased gentleman was 84 years of age. J HOT TI.ME IN THE OLD TOWN A doctor, walking home iate one ; night, saw a line auto parked outside la cemetery. He hid behind a treo, rates fgj. j^g suspected bodj'-snatchers were week with Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Henry. Miss Mildred Sharp of Toronto, who has besn ill with pleurisy, is sp3n(i- ing a month with her sister, Mrs. Thos. H. White, of Saugeen Juct. ; Mrs. W^. G. Kennedy entertained a number of ladies on Saturday even- ing in honor of Mrs. G. E. Henry o: Berkley. j Mr. Een White of the West Back- line, Artemesia, has been seriously ill with pneumonia for the past throe weeks, but is improving nicely now. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Clarke 1 u't on Thursday last for their home at West- on, aftei' spending the past mcnlh in town. fill the violated grave aagin. The doctor, in their absence, lift^^l the body out of the auto, hid it under a hedge, and took its place himself. Soon the scoundrels returned. One seated himself in the back seat beside the body, so as to support it. Then, In the darkness, they drove off. Afte.' a while the man in the rear seat said in a rather awed tone: "This body seems mighty warm for a corpse." The chauffeur reached back his hand ard tou?hed it. "Don't it. though!" he muttered, betwec;'. per- plexity and fear. Then the corpse, in deep, sunulchval iones, exclaimed: "Warm? Of course St. John s Charch Held Annual Meeting The annual Congregational meet- ing of St. John's United Church was held on Monday, January 28t'n, in the school room of the church, at which there was a very good attendance of the members and adherents. The Minister, Rev. J. Harrower presided over the meeting. The business done was as foUows:- The financial statement as prints* j was received and adopted. | The retiring members of the Board j of Stewards were all re-elected for [ a term of three years. | i Mrs. McCallum wa.s re-elected as | ! church treasurer and Mrs. Blackburn I as organist and choir leader by unan- imous vote. It was also agreed upon thr.t the Kirk Session bo ten in number, two new members to be elected by the congregation to take the places of S. Hemphill and R. Richardson. An unanimous invitation to remain ; with the congregatisn as minl.^*;?- for ! .-nother four yea-s was extended to ' Rev. J. narrower. I The meeting was closed with pray- er by the representative Elder, M •. Inkster, at 10:15 p.m. Council Elected For | 1929 on Thursday Following is the 1929 Council for the Village of Flesherton: REEVE FINDLEY, T. W. COUNCIL McCAULEY. H. A. (Accl.) RICHARDSON, C. N. 96. MATHEWSON, FRED 91. WELTON, G. B. 87. Miller, W. H. 74. Mo<»e, Wm. 73. IT" ~ 1 KMinedy, W. G. 61. "-*••- '--^ Bellamy, C. W. 43. ••^â€" ^ Three more councillors for the vil- lage of Flesherton were elected on Thursday of last week, that complet- ed the council for the year 1929. The elected members were C. N. Richard- son, Fred Mathewson and G. B. Wel-' ton. T. W. Findlay secured the' Reeveship in the form:r election and H. A. McCaaley ele:t ; to the coun- cil by acclamatio.., v.uen :.ij >....;. nominees failed tj ^ign. .vi i.ie. • was not one ha': of the council el- ected, the Reeva-elect could not take office until the balance of the coun- cil was elected. The vacancies were filled on Thursday, but before Mr. , Findlay could sit in County Council . he would have to call a special meet- ' ing of the village council and organ- | ize. As there was not sufficient ' time for this he did not take his seat ' in the County Council and W. H. ; Thurston, who was Reeve last year, ! and who was elected to h<'l office until his successor was elected, es- ercised his right and attended the session. Legal opinion was secure-.^ • on the above on Monday of last week by,vMr. Findlay before County Coun- cil met and the ex-Reeve was author- ized to be Flesherton's representative the entire session. i The inaugural meeting of the Council v?ill be held this Friday ev-' ening in the town hall. | ^ Finest Goods Um-m! How delicious! They're the best in town! And at the lowest prices too. Why take the trouble of doing your bakinor when we can supply you with wholesome bread and other bakery products at real savings? â€" : Wholesome Bread : â€" Finder's Bakery Phone 8 We Delive. •>•:-^<•<~><^>>♦•^♦*•>•>•K"^•><~>♦->•^•K•<~^•:~:~^*♦<>♦c-»<->♦^ TORONTOT^ NEW HOTEL Ifessrs J. A. Lever and Gordon • ''â- " ^â- *'''"- ^"'^ '^ y'" ^^^ ''^«" ^^^"^^ Long left on Monday morning to ^'^^ ^ecn for the last two days, you'd drive to Moorefield, where th- for- ^e warm too!" reer's son-in-law, Mr. Gerald Mo-gaa,! With loud yells of horror the body is holding an auction sale. isnatchers leaped from the auto and j fled. The doctor took possession of The regular meeting of Flesherton j^^ machine and drove it home. He L.O.L. is being postponed from this ,,^5 j^ y^j j^gy ^^^ 5^;,! Friday night to Thursday, February â€" 14th, when all members are urged to be present. The senior room in the public school has been closed the past two weeks, owing to the illness of Mr. Holland, but will re-open this Thursday morning. An excc:)tionally heavy wind storm on Thursday night last caused a con- siderable amount of damage. Trees A TOWN WITH FOUR R.\TE PAYERS There is a town in Ontario hav- ing only four ratepayers, and last i year it appropriated $30,000 for 1 sports, according to Hon. W. Finlay- son. Minister of Lands & Forests, who addressed the Electric Club of To- ronto lately. Iroquois Falls, he stat- were broken, barn doors torn off and ed, had four ratepayersâ€" the Orange parts of roofs lifted, but no serious Lodge, the Knights of Columbus, the damage was done. j Royal Bank and the Abitibi Power ana Quite a number of local fans took Pape^ Co. The municipal council is in the Markdale-Durham game at elected in the same manner as the Durham on Monday evening. Their c»v>c heads of any other town. The mode of travel was with Geo. Brack- Abitibi Power and Paper Co. paid all enbury's snow car with a light sleigh tastes for the papulation of about attached behind. The trip was made 4,500.â€" Canadian Lumberman. in great comfort and in compa'-atively short time. 1 Norman Taylor, son of Mr. and At the recent installation of officers Mrs. Chas. Taylor of St. Vincent, has of Grey Chapter No. 170,. Flesherton, been selected as a representative of •Order of the Eastern Star Chapter, I ♦*>« Fisher Bodies, in connection with the jewels were presented to the re- the General Motors, to go to India tiring Worthy Matron. Mrs. W. A. on behalf of the company for three Armstrong and tha retirlof Worthy ye»^«. »t a salary of 46,000 per year. Patron. Mr. A. Sinclair. The local His travriling expenses will be paiU chapter has been making great pro- both ways. cress since its inception, 19^7. ' ' " „, , .„ , . ,v . *' SALE BY TENDER The W. I. will meet at the home of 1 .^___ Mrs. D. McTavish on Wednesday, xhree pairs regUtered Silver Foxes February 6th. at S o'clock p.m. Pa')- 1 ,„,, j^^ giWer male foxes will be sold er, "Health Education" by Dr. Milne, (subject to reserve bid) to the person Boll Call. Dainties for the sick. Soc- 1 g„j>„itt|„g .j,jji,„t ^^^^ to the un- ial Com., Cake. Mesdames Miller jg„|p^ y^i^^ ^j t:t}<Kk noon, on Hlckling and Phillips. Sandwich, ^h© I6th Ay of February, 1929. The Mesdames Boyd, Inkster and Black- o^n,„ ^jn ,,^1, the foxes for the burn. , purchaser at a nominal fee for the Send the news to The Advance. If present year. No tender will be ac- yoc •• society h«s held an Interesting ccpted nnless accomjvanied by a mark- meeting or election of officers, have cd cheque of the person submitting your secretary send in a report to the same, payable to the undersigned The ,\dvance. Every item of news for ten pei* cent, of the amount tend- helps to keep up the interest in your ered, the cheque to be returned if the society and the home news makes sale is not made, your home paper reflect a live com- munity. I More thaa 10,000 people will '>e .ible to move freelj' in the new Royal Ycrk Hotel, in Toronto, when every service is fully utilized, it was an- nounced last week at the Toronto of- fices of the company. The restau- rants, ballrooms, dance flocrs and convention halls will alone bo able t3 cater to more than T 500 people simultaneously, it v.-ao pointed ou: while another 1,500 can bp taken caro of in the guest rooms in addition to a normal hotel staff in the vicinity or 1.000. The Royal York will possess eighteen dining rooms, all of which j can be operated at the same time, nea ly half from distant kitchens. The coffee shop will seat 200 patrons, the English Grill. 180: Main Dining Room 500; the Italian Cafe, 250: the Root Garden, 350, the convention Dinmg Room, 1600 and 12 private dining rooms. 600. The sub-basement will contain the vast machines which w.II launder the linen, press and clean the clothing of the guests, provide re- frigeration and furnish electric pow- er for emergencies. This part of the hotel alone will b« unique in the mat- ter of mechanical equipment. The most up-to-date aids to smooth hotel service are to be incorporated so that the Royal York will be entirely a self-contained, independent unit, ab.e to operate practically without the slightest outside assistance. Meaford to Have j Champ. School Fair! The Championship School Fair for. Grey County is being held in Meaford this year, the date will be set lat?r. ' This was the decision of the County Council at the session on Saturday a.m. Several other places besides Flesherton and Meat"'ir'l,^'":T': '.?. th^ i'ieid for the fair and the applicat- ions came forth before the .4grieul- tura! Committee, of whijh the Reeve of Flesherton is a member, on Fri- , day. and the ensuing vote was a tie between the two places, the chairman , of the committee casting his vote in fnvor of Flesherton. Meaford ' was not satisfied with the decision i and they appealed to the Council. I Deputy-Reeve Corbett of .\rtemesia moved and W. H. Thurston of Flesh- erton seconded the motion to hold the fair in Flcshe ton and the motion was lost. It had been pointed out that the accomodation at Flesherton was as good as anywhere and was nearer to the centr; of the County. If the fair continues to be held by the .A.gricultural Societies, Flesher- ton stands an e::ce!lent chance to se- cure it in 1930. I 5! Y ^• ♦ t * Hardware At The Lowest Prices in Town This is the place tD come for your hardware needs, as we have a large stock of hardware of all kinds and everything is priced at the very low- est possible figure. Our service is courteous and prompt and everything VvC *'ell is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Here are just a few items we are featuring: Tin Pails, 10 quart size Regular 35c. Special Price 25c. 1 gal. Galvanized Oil Cans 69c. each Frank W. Duncan Phone 54w -:- Flesherton V t % t •> <♦ ♦ ♦ <• •:• •> ♦ I •> ♦ I Baptist Church Services REV. M. SAUNDERS. Pastor SUND.\Y, FEBRUARY' 3rd, 1929 Flesherton. 11 a.m. â€" Why is the House of God forsaken? Rock Mills, 3 p.m. â€" Real Life. Flesherton, 7 p.m. â€" God calls to the unconverted. ! "He is honest, but he is slow pay," in beautifying municipalities along- is the equivalent of saying, "He is thte Windsor waterfront. truthful, but you must pry the truth ; out of him." ! After an absence of 40 years, A. A. Cromwell returned to Wooostock to Homer Carl, a farmer near Well- , look up old friends. and, has a flock of 100 sheep, the | largest in the county. j Rai^ijjt hunters in Wallaceburg are 1 being accused by farmers of doing The Provincial Government will help much damagre. Subscribe for The Advance NOW. Sixteen cars of stock left Meaforu sUtion in one week recently. ( NOTICE I am prepared to do aU kinds of windmill and pump repairh»». I am also agent for new mills and pumps. New and second hand ensiaes aad pump jaeks on hand. â€"A. B. SORNBBRGER. Phone Feversham. MAXWKLL. FAR.M roa QUICK SALE KARSTEDT BROS. Prkeville, Ont. 114 acres in th»» Tiw-.^h p of IVot'.n nearly all cleared, good build:nK?, two miles from Proton Station, will sell with last year's crop fx- without; or would consider a small property in exchange. R. T. WRAGGKIT. RrR. No. I Proton Station. !« TWO WEEKS ONLY Special Mid-winter Price Stanf ield's Unshrinkable Underwear Perfect ,Goods â€" All Sizes from 36 to 44 Blue I^bel Quality Regular $2.75 for $2.39 Gold Label QuaHt> Regular $2.00 for $L79 Red Label Quality Regular $2.25 for $1.98 Truro Special Quality Regular $L50 for $1.29 | The above ca.sh prices are good till February 16th. This is an opportunity to renew your stock of underwear at a special pdoe. ^, F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO ^

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