'\ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, '29 - 1 • 1 * • . 4 . J '.t i: vm- _ * THIS EQUIPMENT IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL The Canadian Bank of Commerce is equipped to make collections loc- ally or through its agents in every town and city in Canada. This ser- vice should be of value to you. The Collection Department of the Bank of Commerce offers you the assistance of a highly developed organization that is specialized to a fine degree in the most important branch of business practice. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Jl CPJL TIME TABLE Trains leave Fleaherton Station aa follows: \ Gotng South Going North ; 8.08 a.m. 11.52 a.m. i 4.10 a.m. 8.63 p.ni. 8.31 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails close at Plesherton aa follovrs: For the north at 11.00 a.m. south al 3.30 For momlhg train â- outh mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previona evening. Tho Aged Brothers Died Within Four Days John Jamieson Was 84 and Robert Jamieson Was 87 Local and Personal For two brothers, both pioneers of Osprey township, to die within four days of each other was the unusual occurrence last week. John Jamieson aged 84, died on the 3rd line of Os- prey on January 5th; Robert Jamieson aged 87, passed away in Toronto, on January 2nd. Both brothers were born I in Armagh, Ireland, and about 1876 Subscribe for The Advance NOW. came to reside in Osprey, having Mrs. Wes. Armstrong spent the '^"'"'^ ^^^ Ireland to Hamilton some past week in Dundalk. | ^^^""^ previously. Interment was made I in Mclntyre cemetery, services be- Mrs. Mark Wilson visited in Owen' ing conducted by Rev. T. Mills. Sound last week. | Mr. J. D. Clarke spent the few days at his home at Weston. Messrs. James Harrison and Elwood Moore left last week to take a situa- ' tion in Detroit. I Miss Perle McMaster, R. N., night Proton District Loyal Orange Lodge supervisor in the Owen Sound hospital •"*' ^^ Dundalk this week in annual spent the week end at her home here, ^neeting. The following officers of the â- M^ D u,. »» n* i, . .L .. I various lodges were appointed in the Mr. Robt. MoMaster spent the first District Lodge •- few days in Toronto this week with! w.D.M. - David Wiltshire, Proton. r Proton District L.O.L. Held Annual Meeting Indian Entertainer Died at Vancouver Frances Nickawa, the well known Indian girl elocutionist, died in Van- I couver on New Years Eve. She ' gave a concert here six years ago and was very highly thought of. I She was about thirty years of age when she died. Her husband, Ar- thur Mai-k, was in Calgary at the time. He was making his home here and intended bringing his wife to Calgary in the spring. He re- turned to Vancouver to attend the funeral of his Indian bride. Miss Hannah Riley adopted the little Indian girl, when she was act- ing as seamstress at Norway House Indian home. She remained there eight years, moving to Vancouver where Frances Nickawa received all her education. She studied elocu- tion. Making elocution Ksr \xt^ work, she amazed Vancouver audiences with her ability. She gave many concerts in Vancouver and other western points. She spoke several times in Central United Church, Cal- gary. She conducted a successful tour of Australia and had been in England twice, where her recitations were greatly enjoyed. With headquarters in Toronto, she made a tour of eastern Canada, spending some time there. At the time of her death she was living with Miss Riley, in her home at Vancouver. While in Fleshorton she and Miss Riley were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Durham Won Opener The local intermediates journeyed to Durham on Monday of this week and played their first game of the season in the O. H. A. Despite the fact that Flesherton did not have the same line-up as intended at the first of the year, they showed up pretty well. The score does not indicate the brand of hockey that was dished up at all, as one of the nicest lit- tle hockey matches that Flesherton ever played was pulled off over there. The local boys were somewhat handicapped with the larger ice sur- face, and were completely lost for awhile, but just long enough for Dur- I ham to slip 15 past Roy; and those I 15 were not the only ones coming his I way. In the sixty minutes of hock- ] ey there were 64 shots on Roy, and I as a new man in the nets, one could not expect much more, could one? | The Durham boys are a very fast and clean bunch of players and on our own ice, January 31st, the score should be a little different. Now don't lose confidence in the boys in I their first game, there's more com- I ing and if the boys get the support I they should go over the top. The following was the line-up: Durham â€" Goal, E. M:Donald; Defence, A. Clements and W. Wilson; Centre, C. McGirr; R.W., C. Bushlen; L.W., E. Elvidge, subs, W. Snell and 0. Moon. Flesherton â€" Goal, R. Piper; Def- ence Boyd and Thurston; L. W., C. McTavish; R.W., McDonald; Centre Nuhn; Subs, Heaurt and Patton. Referee â€" Harris Rife, Walkerton. his brother, Abram. The township council held the in- augural meeting on Monday after- noon, the report of which will be giv- en in the next issue. The thermometers in town register- ed 12 below zero Sunday night. Itl was the coldest night we have had this winter. ' I Ml'. Roy Thistlethwaite of Toronto' attended the bailiff's sale of chattels of E. Jones, who left this district a couple of weeks ago. I Mr. Jack Karstedt left on Mr,nday morning for a London hospital and was accompanied by his father and Dr. Milne. | Mr. David Thompson left last Fri-' I.p.D.M.â€" Howard Watson, Swinton Park. D.D.M. â€" Gordon Pearson, Dundalk. Chaplain â€" Earl Ludlow, Dundalk. Rec.-Sec. â€" .Jack Stewart, Corbetton. Fin.-Sec. â€" Fallis Acheson, Proton. Trcas. â€" Henry Hall, Dundalk. 1st Lect. â€" John Gott, Inistoge. 2nd Lc:t. â€" Fred Knox, Swinton Park. Marshall â€" Arthur Jackson, Inistoge It is expected that the l?th of July will be celebrated at Dundalk this summer. NEUSTADT NOMINATION VOID A peculiar situation has developed at Neustadt as a result of which an- other nomination will be hold on Wed- Trinity Church, Proton The annual congregational meeting of Trinity Anglican Church, Proton Station, was held on Wednesday, Jan- uary 4th, at 2.30 p.m., with the rector, Rev. M. F. Oldham, presiding. Re- ports were given by the Treasurer of the Women's Guild and also the Ves- try Clerk, which show the church progressing under the new pastor. The following officers were elected: Minister's Warden â€" R. F. Bates^. People's Warden â€" J. E. Stinson. Vestry Clerk â€" E. Brooks. Select Vestry â€" L. Wauchope, Hcdgins, Mrs. J. Carson, Mrs. J. Stinson, Mrs. H. Hodgins. Lay delegates to Synod â€" > R. F. Bates and J. E. Stinson. Organist â€" Mrs. J. E. Stinson. Caretaker â€" Mr. Stewart. A Sunday School was started on December 23rd and the attendance is increasing. A $5 gold piece will be given to the person attending Sunday School most regularly in ll.i29. Tlio officers are: Supt. â€" Mr. E. Brooks. Scc.-Treas. â€" Miss Doris Wauchope. Organist â€" Miss Margaret Still. Service is held every other Sunday ' at 3 p.m. and the Sunday School every , Sunday at 2 p.m. Finest Goods Fresh Bread that v^ill soon have you eating more of it and delicious Cakes of which one helping is never enough â€" that's what we promise you. A fresh batch of de- liciously tasty offerings daily. Finder's Baker Phone 8 We Delive. o~>*<"M^:~>x~x~>'><~x«<~:"X'*<~:~>«>x~x~:~vK'^<~>^^ The Late Mrs. Bowers L. E. On Monday evening there passed away in Durham hospital an old resi-! dent of .\rtemesia in the person of Mrs. Gibson Bowers, at the advanced! age of 70 years. Deceased has been I an inmate of the Durham hospital I since June last, suffering from heart, trouble. The remains were taken to the home of her son, Mr. John Gib- ; son, in Durham, and on Wednesday morning were brought to Flesherton j where interment took place that af-, ternoon, Rev. Harrower, pastor of the United Church, Flesherton, officiating. ' Markdale Here Friday â€" I Friday evening of this week the ; Markdale Redmen invade Flesherton for their first O. H. -A. game this season. The local lads will be on their toes after the trimming receiv- ed at the hands of Durham and will ' be "raring to go" and- atone for the defeat of Monday evening. Markdalo and Flesherton are old opponents ami ' a big crowd should be on hand to : see them battle for the supremacy of the district. Hardware SEVEN MARKS OF GRE.\.TNES: dav for Owen Sound hospital t -> get , . t - on. *« f-n ^u • u V 1, •!• 1 n'^sday next, January 9th, to fill the special care, as he has b:on ailing- re- cently various offices in the village. Mr. Charlos Widmeycr has been i'l'il nominations was ineligible to act in that capacity owing to t'le fr^t that his taxes were in arrcai-s. Things are in a muddle in Neu- stadt, said M â- . M. E. Murray, cleric -^C the village, in speaking to fho Post overi the long distance r.-£:ht. â€" Hanover Post. I Local and Personal las: Mr. John Nuhr( was in Toronto over olcctod reeve by acclamation, but the the week end visiting Mrs. Nuhn. who rsminations for Council, School is in the General Hospital. We an Board and Hydro won't hold water, pleased to know that Mrs. Nuhn is as it appears that the mover of sev- improving. Eugenia U.F.O. and Unity U. F. W. O. held a successful joint meeting on Jan. Cth, in which many useful topics were discussed. Mr. Alex. Ca:r;oron, who was a delegate to the U. F. 0. convention in Toronto, gave r, splendid rer'oi't. After closing the meeting by sinking the National An- them, the ladies served lunch. The Vandelcc-- Ladies' Aid of the ' United Church met at the home of i f^-"" " ^â- -^'^- "^ storn-.!^ and sov--- Mr. Robert Richardson in the suburbs, 'cW. Tiic'day "let a liHlo sun.shin- recently. After election of officers «." «-^ '*; ^'^^ more than appreciated, and other business they presented Mr. I Mr. R. C. Holland w-is tnkcn ill and Mrs. Gcc-ge Pritchard with a ->" Monday evr-.ing and the clasroj in handsome flowering plant. Mrs. his room are not being held. I Pritchard served lurch and a very NominntioTis fnr three village conn- plesoant evening was spent. jc"'.â€"- wlM ha held in- the town hall Messrs. Wesley and Jos. Orr of en Thursday night (to-morrow). | Aneroid, Sask., are down here winfl- ]y,;^g y. Kelso ha'' returned to her ing uo th? estate of their father, the t„aching duties at the high school af- late M. G. Orr. The Orr boys have ^^^ ^ week's absence with the flu. been doing well in the west. Wes. ., , , . m was reeve of the municipality for 5 Miss Minerva Stafford left on Tues- vears, and at present is an official In day *<> "^^^^ »" extended vjsit m To- the Grain Growers' Association. They ronto, the guest of her cousin, Mrs. say the crops were excellent in that Bryant. | district this year, and were saved in Mrs. Alf. Down is improving nicely the pink of condition. j in the Owen Sound hosnital and was The Osprey U.F.Y.P.O. held their able to sit up on Sunday. She ex- annual meeting a^ the home of Mr. pects to leave the hospital this week. John Radley with a good number in' jjrs. E. C. Murray attended Grey attendance. The offieer.<! for the cor.-.- pj-psbyterial Executive on Friday of 'ng year are: President, Tollie Spof- jjjgt week as Supt. of Mission Bands, ford; VicePi-es., Fred Ross; Sec.-. ,< .,„ j^isa McMillan as Missionary Trcns., Mary Findlay; Di -ectors. Ma- Monthly Sec. Owing to ro much ill- bel Ross, Roy Thompson, Margaret n^gg from colds, the attendance was Ilav.ton, John McLean, Clinton Ma- ,,,^^11. The local Mission Band raised , gee. and Beatrice Poole. Lunch Com. %\\<s, including $40 given by Mrs. â€" Margaret Hawton and Lir./.ie Mvr- pipjiay's clas.' â€" the Clover Leaf girls, j pl\j-. Leadersâ€" Mr. George Ro.is, and jy^^ Auxili.Ty raised $280, making a j Mrs. Fred Spofford. The next meet- f„f^i „£ j.405_ The Auxiliary also sent | ing will hp held at the home of Mr. 27 jars of fruit to the DeaconeJs" home Allen McLean on Friday. Jan. 18th, j„ Toronto, and a bale to the Pre.sby- at 8 o'clock, p.m., and all the young Serial to be repacked and sent where people will be welcome. 1 required. - _,_s.i_ To be able to listen to a contrary opinion without becoming angry To be able to carry money in your pocket v/ithout spending it. To be able to remember favoro and forget insults. To have an unshaken faith in the power of good to triumph. To expect nothing more from this world than we are willing to work for. To be able to keep a good opinion 01 one'3 self under temptation,,. To do the humblest task as if it was of supreme importance. Annual Meeting of East GreyAgricuituraiSoc: â€" I Th? annu.ll nioctir.^ of the East| Grey .Agricultural Society will be held in the township hall, on January' 18, at 1:30 o'clock p.m., for the elect- ion of officers and general business. \ All members and those interested :n the welfare of the society are cord- ially invited. ', R. RICHARDSON. T. W. FINDLA't Pres. Sec. At The Lowest Prices in Town This is the place t^ come for your hardware needs, as we have a large stock of hardware of all kinds and everything is pricedat the very low- est possible figure. Our service is courteous and prompt and everything we sell is gnaranteed to give satisfaction. Here are just a few items we are featuring: Tin Pails, 10 quart size Regvilar 35c. Special Price 25c. 1 gal. Galvanized Oil Cans 69c. each Frank W. Duncan •> V t t Y % •> % Phone 54 w Flesherton •..>.:~>.X">'>«K~K~>«>*K~XKK~x~x««:~X"X~x~:"X~>«X'«x«<~x*«x~&«x«<'«o^ JACK CANUCK COMES HOME Jack Canuck, "The Iron Pacer." .iftcr a long and sueccssrul track car- eer ha.- returned to his native farm on concession 16, Peel tov.jiship. N'-ie ••ears ago ho left Wellington County, after being !^old by Mr. J. Justin Mor- ilson. He had then a favorable re- cord as a fast going pacer which he has since greatly cnchanccd. He ba- camc one of the best know racers in the province. M-. Morrison was in Toi-tanto last week and again purchas- ed his old favorite and had him ship- ped to Arthur- over the old familiar road to the home of his "colthool ' and when released at the sUble door walked directly into his old stall and commenced eating the timmothy hay just as though he had been away for only a little exercise. He has been going on the Dufferin Track, Toronto until very recently. While in Toronto Mr. Morrison sold to Mr. C. Sandrelli of Sturgeon Faii.^ the pacer Charlie Canuck and a full brother Teddie, rising three year^ old. Both are promising performers and brought handsome figures. â€" A -thur Enterprise. CREAM ST.VTION We are a receiving station for shipments of cream to the Markdale Creameey. Leave your cream v.ith us. â€" W. G. KENNEDY Fine Fabric Overcoats at Great Savings ^^v5^ i/i 1 f:|f| m ( • 1 J Ulster or box coats, with raglan shoulders or set-in sleeves, of especially fine frabrics tailored into coats of great luxury. Fine fleeces and long-wearing hardtwisl fabrics â€" in rich browns, soft grays, blues â€" plenty of mixtures, plenty of patterns â€" all sizes. The best buy in town, ranging up to $27.50, for: Real Clearance Sale of Coats W.G. KENNEDY 'PHONE 37 -:- FLESHERTON ^ yg_, â- Mi i^iMalii