Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Nov 1928, p. 1

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Vol. 48 No. 24 ®()je gkfsi\etUfn %hmxict Flesherton Ontario, November 14. 1928 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors. MAXWELL We extend to Mrs. Cluu. Long and family our sincerest sympathy in the sad bereavement of the loss of the former's mother, Mrs. H. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamnhriea and Miss Margaret Tozer of Toronto were holiday visitors at Mr. Robt. Priestly's. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coulter and children of Creemore visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Field. Mr. Fred Long of Niagara spent the holiday with his mother, Mrs. D. Long. Messrs. Andrew and Angus Morri- son uf Toronto spent the week end at their parental home here. Messrs Robt Priestly and Louis Kerton have returrfid home froa Loring. Congratulatoins are extended to Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Gauld on the birth of a son. Messrs Gay Pallister and Lawrence Cameron left on Monday for Toronto. Owing to Mr. D. Kendall being un- able to take the services here Sunday they were conducted by Mr. Wm Taylor of Toronto. Don't Airge^ the United Church service here every Sunday evening at 7.00 pjn.. and Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. Everybody welcome. Mr. Wm. Kerton of Niagara and Miss Helen Forsythe of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kerton and other friends. SWAMP COLLEGE Miss Mary Macmillan of Flesher- ton spent the first of the week vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Haw. Mr. Wilfred Wright is attending the jury at Owen Sound this week. Mrs. Jim Hooper spent a couple of days with her aunt, Mrs. Alex. Richardson. Ml. and Mrs. Hwry Sterne ••uiil son motored f -om Brampton ana spent the week end with Mrs. Joe Copeland. Mr. Ed. Heard and daughter. .\p- nes spent a few days visiting frienis in Shelbumc. Miss iVUce Broughton spent a week with friends in Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoover raotor- ed up from Toronto and spent the week end at the Matter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Haw» • ' ^ *** Wo are glad to report Mrs Roy McNalty improving after her recent operation for appendicitis in the CoUingwood hospital. Mr. Caryle MacMiUan arrived homo from the west, looking hale and hearty. Mrs. Bob Watson and Miss Bidie Eamshaw are visitors at Mr. Robt, Watson's. Some from here took in the An- nive"^ary Services at St. Columba Church on Sunday at Priceville. Priceville Last Sunday there was a splendid Service preached in the Hall by Rev. Mr. Corry. Surely \w«i have a great many things to be thankful for. We have all had some draw- backs, but still throughout the year our blessings have been greater than our worries, so let us all be thank- fai. The weather is very wet and dis- ag-eeablc this Monday morninjr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tucker, Eb- enezer, spent Sunday at Mr. Allie McLean's. Miss Rebecca Nichol, Esther Mc- Innis. Nellie McLean, Dorothy and Mary Carson, Sadie McKinnon, Mar- jorie McLean and Innis McLean, all of Toronto were home over the holi- day. IN MEMORIAM PRICEVILLE Mr. Archie McCoaig Sunday ed in Owen Sound. Mr. Gilvrsy McLean of Dorham was home over the holiday. Some from here attended trc pres- entation for Mrs. Pedlar and family on Friday night. Mr. Donnie McLean has gone to Toronto for the winter months. We welcome Mrs. Spicer and family into Priceville. Mr. John McFarlane of Toronto spent the week end at his hom.e. Much sympathy is expr<>88Cd to Mr. Archie iMcArthur and other mem hers of the family in the loss of a brother, Jim McArthor, who died on Monday. The funeral was largely attended on Wednesday. Service was conducted at the home by Kev. J. Corry. The burial was heli over till tho next day, owing to his bro- ther, who was coming from Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol &nd family Sundayed with friends at Swinton Park. The Willing Helpers will hold their monthly meeting in the Hall on Friday, at 2 o'clock. Lunch com. are Mrs. Colin McLean, Mrs. Corry, Mrs. Alex. Carson and Mrs. A. L. Hincks. The new bridge on the town line is now completed, but it will be two or three weeks before it is dry en- ough to go over. It is four months since the work was started. Some from here attended the shooting match held at Mr. Gar- field White's on Satiirday last. A cement iicsor and w^alls have been built under the Parsonage, pre- paratory to installing a fine new furnace. A number from here were at the Jim Weir sale? oa Wednesday and to Pedlar's and .Alcox's on Friday Miss Wilda McCuaig, Tiverton, spent the week end at her home. Mr. Neil Norman of Shrig'ey was a Thanksgiving visitor at Mr. Colin McLean's. Wellington Graham Passed Away Friday After Lingering Illness EUGENIA CORRESPONDENCE PORTLAW SHARPâ€" In loving memory of our e«ar parents, who departed this life. November 5, 1919 and Novemoer 18, respectively- Gone, but not forgot- ten. â€"Sadly missed by their family. The Natural, Herbal Goodness Of Gallagher's Clears Up Eczema Stops Indigestion. Tones •nfire system. Thoro aro no mineral dn^sts in Gal- lagher's Tonic and S.vstcm Bxiilder. Itiscntirelyhorhs. N;itur;J. .\roa2ine- ly hewing. By purifying tho blixxl and mntly atimuUting bow«^ kidneys and Uver, this reliable old remevly cksirs upskin troublcc!. Perfect forlndigest-on, rundown conditicns, nervousness, ct^ujtha cvrcolvli- Sots yon on >'ourfwt and keeps j-ou there. Sold, as other Gallagher Ucrbal Household RcaKdiee ai«, by 3s (Last Week's Items) Miss Elisabeth McLennan met with a %'ex-y unfortunate accident on Wed- nesday of last week. While coming down stairs in their bam she missed her footing and fell to the basement tloor, breaking one of her legs near the ankle. As she was alone it wa3 some time ^ before she was able to attract attention of hex sister, Mrs. MoMuUen, who lives acros3 the road. Dr. Gauld set the f actured limb and she is doing as well as might be expected at the home of her sister-in-law^. Mrs. Jas. McLennan. Mount Zion Har.'est Home supper turned out to be cuite successful on Monday evening of last week, despite the weeping weather. .Abundance ( of good eats laded the long tables. I No one seemed inclined to go on a â-  hunger strike and when all were I satisfied heaps of tempting viands .still remained. Portlaw Daramatie Club rcndc 2d their play "Stung." but no one was badllv stung after all. The play, which fumisho<.l most of the program, was well given. Patton Brothers' orchestra was gen- erous in supplying good musi\ Hollo.we'cn was celebrated by the younger folk indulging in various pranks, most of which created mirth for ywung and old. The older set took another way that night of com- memorating the event by meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Black, who have since moved to Orangeville, and -presenting them with a bag of lucre and an addrec-s. expressing the good wishes of thsir neighbors and friends, to which Mr. Black replied in an appreciative way. on bt>half of himself, his wife and family. It is needless to say the »'iral!-owe'rn prank was enjoyed by all participants. After *a prolonged illness for a number of years and a hard straggle with influenza daring the past week or so, death came at last on Friday forenoon, as a relief to the sufferer, Mr. George Wellington Graham, son of Mr. Geo. Graham and the late Srs Graham of this place. He was born in Kimberley 51 years ago. He was well educated, having passed his examinations for civil engineer with honors. Owing to his ill health he never practised his pro- fession. During a number of years previous to his death he indulged in carving some beautiful articles on picture frames, fancy boxes, etc., and also did fine inlaid work in trays. Much of his work has been purchased by toiHTSts as "souvenirs of Eugenia."* He was of a jovial disposition and was a good neighbor and friend. He bore his suffering srith great fortitude and was tenderlv cared for by his devoted wife. who. at all times, patiently waited upon him. Thirteen years ago he was married to Miss Evalena Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Adam Smith, who, with one daughter, Phyllis, are left to mourn the loss cf a loving husband and father. He also leaves in sad bereavement his father, five brothers, Ed., Bert, Edgar, Ca -d and Fred, an^; two sisters. Jean and Ruby (Mrs. Thos. Huggard). The funeral took place on Monday afternoon (Thanksgiving Day) Nov. 12th. The remains were taken to the United Churrh. where Rev. Jos narrower preached a very comfort- ing sermon. Interment took place in, Flesherton Cemetery, w'nei'e Rev.J Harrower also officiated. j The pallbearers were his five brot!i-| ers and his brothev-in-law, Hr. Tiios.j Hoggard. The beautiful flowers, showina: lovc and respect, were namely: â€" Piilow.! fiom wile and daughter; Gates'. ^. "jar,: brothers and siste-s; S':'rr.y-:. Mr. andj Mrs. .\dana Smith: Mr. and Mrs. W.' E. Morean and fan'.ily: Miss Georgtna Smith: Messrs Will and Dave Weber' and family. The flower beare-s were: Patricia Morgan Loreen and Vilda Grahar;.; Victor Graham, Odessa end KennatTi Hoggard. Friends from a d'stanee were: Mr. Edgar Graham of New York; Rett Grah.ini a.nd son, Frank, of Toronto; 1 Mr. and M-s. Fred Gmhar.i and| daughters of Walkerton; Mr. and Mr?.] E. .A. G^mham .-nd family of Thorr,- bury: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hogean.1 and family of Clarksburg; Miss Jean' I Graham of Bridgeport. Conn.; Mrs. I E. J. Ellis and daughter, Bessie, ox I Orangeville; Mr. Jas. .Armstrong ana the Misses .Armstrong of Orangeviite; Miss Georgina Smith and Mrs. Foy Marshall of Toronto. ! We extend our sympathy to the sorrowing friends in their sad hour. He suffered patiently and long, His hope was bright, his faith was strong; The peace of Jesus filled his breast. And in His arms he sank to rest." Mrs. Jacob Williams has returned home from a visit to the City. Mr. Frank Bowerman of Toronto visited with his sister, Mrs. 3f. Mc- Mullen. Her daughter, Miss Millie, was also home from Toronto over the holiday. We are sorry to hear that Miss Mae Carruthers is laid up with an attack of tonsUitis. We hope she is soon well again. Miss Viola Williams and friend of Toronto visited her sister, Mrs. E. Partridge. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pipher and Mr. Wesley Cooey of Toronto visited at the Eugenia House over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. W. .A. Hawken of Flesherton visited Postmaster R. -A. Park and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. QuesnsI and family of Owen Sound spent Thanks- giving with Mr. Jos. Sherwood. Miss Selena McDonald returned home with them for a visit. Mr. and MrL-. Jos. Williams moved the! â-  household effects to Toronto on londay and vrill take up residence there again. Wo wish them every success. Misj Sylvia -Achesn visited at h.T parental home at Victoria Corners ovsr the holiday. .A dan::e was held at the home of Mr. Jos. Williams on Thursday even- ing last, prior to their departure for Toronto. We are pleased to hear that Mr. Thos. Genoe is improving a little in health. We wish for a more speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purvis, ao- cor.'.panied by their son. Mr. Elwcod Pu'.A'is and wife of CoUingwood at- tended tho funeral of the late Mr^. Jr.s. Purvis in Toronto last week. Their granddaughter. Miss Shirley Purvis, of Toronto returned home with them for a little visit. Mr. Ssni McDonald of Victorta Corners visited over the holiday at bis home. Sth line. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and family ''rent Thanksgiving with the Tormer's oarcnts here. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins cf Toronto visited rocently at Mr. E. Morgan's. The hunters have gone on their an- nual hunting expedition. Those who have gone from our village are: Messrs. P. Munshaw. Ernie Morgan and Ernie Proctor. Wo wish them success. Mr. Morgan returnexi home Saturday, owing to the death of his brother-in-law, Mr. Well. Graham. iMessrs. Jas. Russell and Chas. Williams have returned from a trip to Michigan. ROCK MILLS NOTICE The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Ray Pedlar on Wednes- day, November 2l3t. Visitors at the home of Mr. and ilrs. Robt. Croft on .Armistice Day were: â€" Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howard and daughter, Marion, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ferris. Mervyn and Isabel, all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Croft and family and Mrs. Jos. Croft and granddaugh- ter. Myrtle Croft. Mr. and Mrs. P. Gorham and son. Stanley, of Toronto visited over the Thanksgiving holiday with Mr. and Mrs. John Roi)ertson and family. Quite a number from here attended the -Armistice Memorial Service in the L'niied Church at P.esherton on Sunday afternoon, whoa Eugenia. Flesherton and Rock Mills congre- gations worshipped together. Don't forget the prayer meeting in the Baptist Church every Thursday! night at the usual hour. I Service will be held next Sabbath! evening at the home of Mrs. John Porteous at T.30 pjn. Everyone ts welcome. Mr. and Mrs. .Alex. Morrison and four children of Maxwell visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tho*. Betts and family. Mr. Edgar Betts shipped a carload of livestock to Toronto oa Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. .Armst-ong o'l Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Melville Douglas and familv of Fevershamj were recent visitors with Mr. andj Mrs. Robt. C-:ft and family. [ Mr. and Mrs. Ward and family. Mr. | Fmie Marsh and Miss Hazel Marsh' of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Boyce and family and Mrs. C. Boyce f-om near Portlaw spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. .A. English and family. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustees .Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Walter .A. Kerton, late of the Town- ship of Osprey, in the County ot Grey, Thresher, deceased, who die<S on or about the 21st day of Jime, 1928, are requested to send partica- lars of their claims to the adminis- trator, W. J. Heitman, Feveraham or before the 17th day of November, -spnuips 9qi ^sp qjcqji i»i^ 'SSet Post Office or to the undersigned on tracer will distribute the assets oc the estate among those entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and he will not be responsible to any person for the assets of said estate whose claims shall not then have been received. BOYS & BOYS, ._^ .Administrator's Solicitors Barrie, Ont. .NOTICE TO CREDITORS Farming first â€" The Family Her- ald and Weekly Star. Montrea!, Canada's National Fa-m Journi^l. .-.nu a home magaiine included. .A year for a dollar or three years for i2. Wonderful ! In the matter cf the Estate of Ethel ildred Hoy. late of the ownship of .Artemesia. in the County o» Grey, Married Woman, deceased. T.AKE NOTICE that all persons having claims or accounts against the estate of the above-named de- ceased, must file them '.vith the un- dersigned solicitor for the Executor on or before the first day of Decem- br. 19-2S. .And farther take notice chat on anu after that date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among?.* those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated at Owen Sound the sixth day of November. A. D. 192S. C. C. MIDDLEBRO, Solicitor for the Executor. " Every issue of the Family Herala and Weekly Star of Montreal r? worth the year's subscription price to the farmers of Canada, and fann- ers' families rejoice in awtting t;ie addition of superb magazine. BORN MEGOOTT â€" In .Artemesia. on Friday. Nj)vember i>th. 1928. to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Meggott. a daughter Margaret Elizabeth. Congratulations. Baptist Ciiurch Services REV. M. SAINDERS, PASTOR No trouble. however small will start without Q{/ first a warning signal. fc> SUNDAY. NOVEMBER IS. W2S ^ fi^ ArmstroDg & Sou Christ within ; Flesherton. 11 a.m. the believer. Rock Mills, 3 p.m. FVesherten, 7 '^.ni. â€" What I do? M VANDKLEVR PUBLIC SCHOOL Sr i â€" Dorothy Halbert. Kathleen Warling and Go don Patterson wiusl. Jr. 3 â€" Mitchell Taylor. VioK'it Fitzsimmons and Lloyd Boland equal, John Boland. Sr. 2 â€" Wilms Cargoe. Jr. 2 â€" Willie Bowles. Elta Cargoe Hilliai-^l Fitxsimmons, Allan Taylor, Carman SeweU. Pr. Sr. â€" Bernice Harbottle. Fr. Jr, â€" Ralph Fitzsimmon*. Laureen Baker. Rh;sa McLean. Jean Wyville. Pp_ Jr. Aâ€" Dclmar McLean. Doreen Bohvnd, Ernie Sheppard. â€"Ethel Thompson. Teacher. EAST MOUNTAIN Mr. and Mrs. .Angur Thompson. Mr. Arthur Thompson and sister and Mr. .A. McLean of .Acton spent the Thanksgiving holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, H, Thompson, Mr. .Andrew Fawcett of Feversham spent Thui-sday with his mother. Mrs. 1. Fawcett. Mr. Carl Humberston s;tent t'nc week ned in Orangeville with the girl he calls "his." Miss Lovell spent Thanksgiving at her parental homo in Bruce county. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smart and son, Me.le, spent Sunday with friends at Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lougheed of Heathcote visited on Sunday w^ith the latter's sister, Mrs. Com. Thompson. Some from here attended the fowi supper in tho town hall at Flesherton en Tuesday evening of last weeJ:. (Lsst Week's Items* Mr. an<i Mrs. Thos. MeCullough and childi.-en spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy HewgiU of Redwing. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hutchinson and babe of Ravenna spent Sunday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Thos, MeCullough. Messrs. Chas. Fawcett, .Alvin Raej and Wm. Thompson have returned) home after spcndmjr a fww months in | the West. Miss llasel Flood of Kimberley is visiting with Mrs. C. H. Faweett. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Thompson and children, accom.panicd by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson and son of -Acton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thompson. Messrs CTark McConneil and Chas. Thompson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fawcett. Mr. T. Ferguson of Kimberley spent Sunday with his un;le. Mr. Thompson .Allen. Miss .Alma Hu:uberston and Master John Cook spent the :'ast week with ; friends in Brampton. Mr, Carl Humberstone visited re- cently with friem'.te in Orangv\-ine and Brampton. Mr. Thos. Hall has a new radio installed in his home. Mr. and Mrs. B. Prentice and Mrs. Miller of Duncan visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clai-ence Smart. NOTICE The annual meeting of Cey'.' Farmers' Club. No. 403, will be hela g in the Township Hall, Flesherton, or. | Friday of this week, November lo, I at 8 p.m. Election of officers iorjB the coming year. â€" C. E. Wvke!;s,JS Secretary. | ^ I FLFSHKKTON UC r^. Up-to-date sIervice AT ALL TIMES FLESHERTON BARBER SHOP G, H. WRIGHT, Prop. '^ ^^ Bates Burial Co. 122-124 Avenue Road T o r;o N TO Phone: Klngsdale 4344 J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks. ONWARD NEWS The Thanksgiving: holiday proved to be rather wet. bat we are getting used to the rain by now. Many from this vicinity were home over Thanksgiving. The nim-ods of the O. D. R. vic- inity had a day's sport at the shoot- ing match, hold at Mr. J. Whyte's. The first meeting of the Onward I'. F. Y. P. O. Club will be held on Thursday at 8.30 p.m. .A good pro- gramme will be given. Come and show your interest in tho young people's work. «. . ^ •»j»><* **j |onse of ©nalitp'^ Peanut Butter. 2 pound jar for 32c. Mihto Tea per iKumd ggc. Cotniort Soap, 6 bars tor 25c- Jeily Powder. 6 pks. and Salada plate 4Sc. Try Our MAGESTIC FLOUR, every ba.j guarnteed. PURITY AND FIVE RCSES FLOUR BRAN, SHORTS, LOW GRADE FLOUR SCREENINGS .AND CORN CHOP v. W. J. Stewart & Sons Flesherton, Phone 46 Ont

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