Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Sep 1928, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, t» » I « 1* < < ^ ^^ i ^ k Dollar is Saved Wheo it is in the Bank And the sooner it is deposited in the Bank the grreater the aasurnce of its being saved. A Savings Account is a magnet for the money that ordinarily slips through one's fingers, and an in- com3 paying guamtee for the future. THE SIANEARD BANK OF CANAIA ^ESTA>USHEI> IS^ E. A. PRESTON MaTWgcr, Flesherton Branch] Louis Lepard Died in Collingwood Hospital FEVERSHAM •»<»<^<>««<>>>0>»<><>*>>>><>4>><>^<><>i»4^>>i»ifr«««<><»<>«<<fr«« »»♦ » ♦' » ♦»»â- Â»Â»â™¦Â»â- Â»Â»Â»â- Â»â- >»â- Â»â-  » â- >< " >♦â- Â»Â»Â»'>< ft »*0»»»»«» Pin clerks Purity Bread CJ>.R- TIME TABLE Additional Local Items Trains leave Flesherton Station m ^^ gteve Su .on spent a day at follows: the Ex. last w_k. (xoiag Soutt Going North ,, /->i ^ n. v- l ^ t * â-  â-  Mr. Olaf Mc>.ab of Toronto was a ••?â-  *•"• "•" *•"• visitor in town the past week. 4.1D a.m. 8.53 p.m. •Jll p.m. 4.33 p.m. Mi'- Jim Staf jrd of Detroit is hol- The mails close at Flesherton ma idaying this wc.k with Dr. and Mrs. foUows: For tlie north at 11.00 a.m. J- P- Ottewell. ••uth at 3.30 For morning train Mr. and Mr-. J. Brown of Toronto •outh tnaU closes at 9.00 p.m. the spent the weei. end with the former's froTious evening. Local and Personal r uncle, Mr. J. J. Brown. Springhill. 1 Messrs Joh-. Nuhn, Ted MacDon- j aid and Pete T'lv.- spent the holiday j at Niagara F. Us, N. Y. ; Master Jack Gibson is spending a Mrs. Thos. Scott of Hanover was week with rel.tives in Toronto and a visitor in town the past few days, attending the Exhibition. Duck hunting opens a week from Only three weeks until our Fall The residents of this village and surrounding neighborhool were grreat- ly shocked when it became known on Monday morning that Mr. Louis Lep- ' ard had passed away in the Colling- ' wood hospital, where he had gone ; on Sunday morning for treatment. Great sympathy is expressed for the sc'rro'wing >widow and three small children. Mrs. F. Wiley has returned home after two weeks visit with her son in Nottawa. Miss Annie Hawton, Stayner. spent the past week with her uncle, Mr. Em Hawton. Mr. and Mrs. Forsythe of Owen â-  Sound spent the week end at the 'at- ' ter's parential home here. j •}" Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Davidson and •> Miss M. Whiteoak motored to Toron- ] .^ to and Buffalo last week. |^ Mr. and Mrs. C. Morris of South- , •^ ampton were callers in our village ' ♦ on Monday. J Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Conn and two , ^) daughters, Beatrice and Belviewe of -I' Buffalo, spent the week end with , * friends here. r a Mr. Robt. Burk and Mr. M. Os- ' ± borne of Toronto spent Sunday with : y the former's brother. Mr. Geo. Burk ! ^ and family on the Eighth Line. | ^. Mr. John Osborne of Stayner spent ^ ♦ Sunday with his nephew, Harold Os- | ♦ borne and family in this village. | .♦. Mr. and Mrs. Will Colquette and child of Owen Sound spent the holi- day with their parents in this village. You Can't Buy Nicer Bread The white, creamy appear- ance of Purity Bread is just what you have been longing for. Purity Bread is made from the best ingredients to be obtained, and cleanliness is our watchword. this Saturday, the I5th. Mr. Ken Boyd spent the week end in Toronto. Fair, September 20-21. Look the list over and get e;;hibits ready. Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin and Mrs. Fowier and daughter, all of Mr. John Dow of Georgetown Dungannon were visitors last week spent the week end at his home here, with Mr. and -Mrs. W. L Henry. Miss Inez Brown is spending a Misses Kathleen, Bemice and Ir- week with friends at Bond Head and ene MacDonaM of Toronto and friend, Toronto. Mr. G. Mashinter spent the week end Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Preston are *' *^* P*"^"*'' ^"""^ ^*"- spending a couple of weeks holidays Mr. and Mrs. C- N. Richardson were at Mount Hope. joined at Barrie by Mr. and Mrs. W. ,.. „ , , „ „ , ^ . ' Hodgson of Islington and they enjoy- Miss Edna McCallum leaves on Fri- ^^ ^ ^.^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^.^^^ ^^.^ ^^ H^„^^. day to commence a nursing course ^â- ^^^^ Muskoka. in Grace Hospital, Toronto. 1 ,r «r „ d * m t u d » ! Mr. W. H. Bunt, Mr. John Bunt. Miss Shirley Murray of Toronto and sisters, Mrs. Howard and Miss spent the week end and holiday at her Bunt, all of Toronto, were visitors home here. the past few days with friends in Mr. Cecil Aulph and George Mit- town, chell spent the holiday with the lat- Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Snyder, Mr. parents here. ! and Mrs. Erve Robertson of West To- ronto and Mr. D. D. McLachlan and sen, Oben. of Ceylon were Sunday ; visitors at Mr. John MacDonald's. „ \ rilr. and Mrs. Delane, accompanied Miss McMullen of Holland Centre ter's parents here. Miss Blanche Patton spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. L. McDonald, in Toronto. '• is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Claude Harriot. Mrs. Gerald Morgan and two chil- dren of Moorefield are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lever. Mr. Elwood Genoa of Toronto spent the past week with his broth- er, Harry, on the Collingwood gravel. Mrs. 0. W. Phillips and son. Bob, accompanied by Mrs. Will Gibson are spending a few holidays with rel- atives in Toronto. by the latter's sisters. Misses Lizzie and Minnie Ritchie of Palmerston visited their cousin, Mrs. Thos. Lever recently. Mr. Alfred Field and Miss Pope motored up from Toronto and are spending their vacation with the lat- ter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Thistlethwaite. Mrs. J. Cairns and Marjorie spent the holiday with friends in this local- ity, and delighted the congregation of the United Church on Sunday mor- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Moore and daughter, Betty, of Newbury mot- ored up and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller and other friends. .) Miss Rubv White of Aylmer is . .., , i ,. ,,: ,„,,./ J nmg with a vocal number, attending High School in town and is staying with her sister, Mrs. F. J. Thurston. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patrick and Miss Irene Patrick and Mr. Gibb, of Hamilton, were guasts of Mrs. Pat rick's sister, ilrs. J. A. Lever. | Masters Fred and Bud Breen re- Dr. R. H. Henderson, wife and sons, turned last week to their home at Ivan and Eric, also Miss Helen Detroit after spending the summer €rr,v>ford of Toronto spent the with their grandfather, Postmaster (•(..('ay with frij-ils in towa. | W. W. Trimble. Mr. Bill Xickols motored up from ; We have again raised the Prizes Toronto and is spending his vacat--;,, some sections of the Prize List ion v.-ith Mr. and Mrs. X. Thistle- 1 for the Fall Fair; three prizes for thwaite. It^'ams and drivers now, instead of Miss Minerva Stafford left on two. Fingers Amputated in Sausage Machine Two fingers partly cut off on the left hand was the unhappy lot that fell to Mr. Mark Wilson, on Thurs- day morning of last week, while he was operating the sausage machine in his butcher shop. Dr. F. T. Bibby rendered first aid and the sufferer was taken to the Owen Sound hos- pital, where the wound was dressed. Mr. Wilson will hot have the use of his hand for some weeks and his friends extend their fullest sympathy to his misfortune. U you are not using Finder's Bread, Try it Now. PINDER'S BAKERY <• t P.\TONâ€" W.\LLACE The Softball Games rangements are being made by the manager of the league for the pick- ed teams of both ladies and men to The game called to be played on Journey up to Owen Sound on Sat- Monday night between the Onwards urday afternoon and play home and and Flesherton failed to material- home games with the winners up ize, as Flesherton's pitchers w^ere there, the ertum game to be held both away, and thev wanted to play here next Wednesday, September ?"• ^}.\'\°^ :'V'f^"'.°"t' °"'^-!°!' °i ^^^ I^oc'' ^I'"s pitcher, and Onwards 12th. The last game in the race objected. This game is to be cal- for second place will have to be led at 6 o'clock on Friday night and played on Monday night next, so as On Wednesday, August 29th. at 1:30 a verj- happy romance was consu- sumated, when Miss Emma Wallace. B. A., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wallace. Goderich. Ont., be- came the bride of Rev. Robert Pat- Airplane Is Coming The airplane is again going to be a feature at the Flesherton Fair on the main day, September 2l3t. This year a much larger plane will attend and will be able to take up two pas- sengers at a time. Thrills galore will be given the crowds, who will at- tend the fair with hair raising stunts performed by the aviator. This is your chance to enjoy a ride in an airplane and have a pleasant time visiting the fair. Late Fair Specials Saturday to visit friends at Toronto. London and Woodstock, and will be absent a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs .Carl Walker of God- v rious pointss, erich are visiting at Rock Mills and Eugenia and called on friends the first of the week. forinirly of â- â€¢â€¢â-  years f;-v.- or T"ro:ito nt bet-n appointed r ager of the Dun 1 1 '-: brnnch oi" • bank. Congrutulatio.i-. Wilfred. Mr. T. W. Henr.-, F -'lerton, and f jv S" i p"- •â-  «d with the Bar.k fin Special by Osprey and .\rtemesia Shipping .Vssnc. for best Bacon Hog eithei- classes.â€" Cash $2.00 Special by Osprey and Artemesia Shinning .Assoc, for best Market Lamb. â€" Cash $2.00 Special by Osprey and .A.rtemes;a for second prize for best Baby Beef S2.00 Special by Ego Baking Powder Co. j Dundalk. for best pan of biscuits, baked from their baking powder, can of powder to be displayed with exhibit. lst-5 nound tin of baking powder. 2nd-3'« pounds of baking powder. Baptist Church Services REV. M. SAUDERS. PASTOR SUNDAY. SEPT. 9th Fleshertonâ€" U a.m. "Nine Little Foxes." Rock Mills â€"1 p.m. "Nine Little Foxes." Flesherton â€" 7 p.m. Marks the True Rsvival. the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Paton of Flesherton, Ont. Rev. H. G. Whit- field, B. A. of St. Helen's Ont., a' college chum of the groom, was of- ficiating Clergyman. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked lovely in a gown of white georgette and lace, with pearl trimming and wore a silk embroidered net veil arranged with coronet of orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of butterfly roses and lily-of-the-valley, and wore the groom's gift, a bar pin set with a diamond. The wedding music was played by Secord W. 21. Hardwick, B. A. of Bolton, Ont., who also sang ".My World" during th; signing of the register. \ .\fter the wedding breakfast the happy couple left on a trip to Brit- ish Columbia, calling at iniermediate points between Winnipeg and Van- couver. The bride travelled in a grjy -.: ! ^T-Ccn ensemble suit with hat and shoes to match. On th?:;- return they will reside at .\rden. Ont., where the groom is in c'narge of the United Church.. .A.bout thirty relatives and ten intimate friends of the bride and grcom were present, including Miss Mary Paton. sister, of Flesherton; Mr. DcTuglass Kendall, of Maxwell, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Campbell cf the team not ready to play at 6:13 to give the winners of second place when the umpire. T. VV. Findlay, the chance to play off with Ma.xwell calls them, forfeits the game. Ar- an Field Dav on Wednesdav. WHte tor Free Book Send for hand- some, free book, "WaUs That ReHect Good Judgment" It gives valuable inforciatioa on Gyproc andinte- rior decoration. Canada GTpjuia and AlabastBU, Limited PvU Cuudaj, with jt"^'*' GyMoc For Sale By •"rank \V. Duncan, Flesherton, Ont. siiiPI Miss Irene Martin spent a week in Miss Elizabeth Bentham left this Toronto and visited the big Ex., she Wednesday to complete a business ^^^ acompanied home by her cousins, course at Orangeville Business Col- , Miggeg nora and Neperta Miller of lege. , Shelburne, who returned home on Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kellar and Tuesday, sen of Toronto were visitors last week : ^^ ^.^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^.^ Wednesdav with Mrs. Kellar's sister, Mrs. *-<>• ^ afternoon Vierkoetter, the German Best. swimmer who won the Wrjgley Mar- The large Hydro pole in front of at^on at Toronto last year, is again H. Down A Sons' garage on the showing his heals to the large field. main corner was moved early Sun- ^^^^ George Young had dropped out day morning six feet to make room ^^ ^j,^ ,3^^ j,„ tj,e third lap. The for a double vision gasoline pump, returns have been received over the to make 27 now installed in town. f^^ Kolstec radio owned by W. A. Quite a number of car accidents Hawken, radio dealer, and the voices occurred over the week end by sev- came in very plainly. A person ral drivers of this district, but no could easily follow the course of the damage wrs suffered by the occu- swim better than if he was on the pants. Two of the accidents were grounds. We also received the head-on collisions and t*ie cars were ladies' swim last week from the same ' ^ badly damaged. [ radio FOR S.\LEâ€" Grade cow, 10 years old, due to freshen Nov. 13. â€" Wm. Walker, Eugenia. 'Phone 43 r 3. FOR SALEâ€" Six Octave Doherty Organ. A good one. Price Reasonable. â€" W. A. Hawken. Flesherton. Special Sale Boy*s Tweed Suits - Half Price or Less «>«:~>«>^«>-x~x-*<K"X~:-<»»XK^:-:->-> 50 Boys' Two Piece Tweed Suits â€" made u[) in a variety of patterns in all wool Tweeds, selected specially for wear-resistiiijr qualities and tailord in up-to- date deigns. Every .suit is in perfect condition â€" none shop worn, faded or soiled. The sizes range from 27 to 35, so that you can obtain a full range of sizes. FOR SALEâ€" Now ready. Plums and Tomatees, in large or small cuantities at Bell's, one mile east of Duntroon. to-date i^SlRVICE AT ALL TIMES FLESHERTON BA RBER SHOP G. H. WRIGHT, Prop. School time will soon be here again and this is a wonderful opportunity to outfit vour bov at the lowest possible cost. The Regular Selling Price ranged from $6.50 to $9.50. Special For August Only ^S^ 49 Boy's Boots Bo>'s Caps Boy's Jerseys. *\ 1^ Boy's Hosiery Boy's Underwear Boy's Sweaters. ALL AT RIGHT PRICES F. H. W. HICKLING STORi: C: OSED THl RS. at 12 noon FLESHERTON, ONT.

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