"WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1928 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Young People's Rally The annual Rally of the Vouhk People's Union of Grey Presbytery, which was held in Markdale, Friday, August 24th, afternoon and evening, was a decided success in every part- icular. Despite the somewhat un- favorable weather in the afternoon, a fair crowd gathered to witness the final game for the Lacfies Softball Championship of the Presbytery, be- tw«en Dundalk and Durham. The for- mer won by a narrow marRin, and they will hold the shield for the next twelve months. In the evening a very larjre audience was present in Annesley church, and a splendid programme was provided. Dr. An- derson, the missionary supported by the Young People's Union, who has? been home on furlough, and who leav- es for China next month, gave a short address at the close of which Mrs. Anderson was also called to the platform, and Mr. Chas. Waite of Owen Sound, Mi^^ionary Convener for Toronto Conference, read an ad- dress, and Miss E. Bumstead of Owen Sound, Missionary Convener for Grey Presbytery, on behalf of the Union, presented Dr. and Mrs. An- derson with two handsome steamer nigs. In the Oratorical Contest, which followed. Miss Mary Jeffries of Owen Sound, winner in Group 3, won the championship for the Presbytery, with Miss Mary Lockhart, of Dundalk, the winner of Group 1, a very close second. Both these young ladies gave splendid addresses, and were hi^fhly commended by the judges, who wen- Rev. A. S. Mitchell, and Rev, W. Coutts of Markdale and Rev. Stotesbury of Kimbcrley. The for- mer also acted a.s critic. Another feature of the programme was the final debate, on the subject, Re- solved "that the intention of the fran- chise to woificn has resulted in the social mural and economic: better- ment of the country." The affirmative I was supported by Messrs Aubry Fost- er and Milson Henry of Markdale, I champions of the southern half of the Presbytery, and the negative, which was to have been taken by the .Annan team, champions of the north, but who were unable to be present, was supported by six young ladies from Markdale, namely, Mrs. Milson Henry and Mrs. March and Misses M. McLaughry, H. Waldon, G. Arm- strong and E. St. John. All the speakers did exceptionally well, and the debate was one of the most in- ' tersting and humorous of the series. ' A show of hands showed the audience to be about equally divided as to win- I ner. Other numbers on the pro- gramme were solos by Miss Viola Doan of Owen Sound and Mr. Gordon Beaton of Markdale. Duet by J. H. Dundas and Miss Blanche Walker. Mr. Howard Graham, Convener for the Presbytery, occupied the chair. Baptist Churcli Services REV. M. SAUDERS, PASTOR Flesherton â€" 11 a.m. â€" A Model Church Rock Mills â€" 3 p.m. â€" Receneration. Flesherton â€" 7 p.m. â€" Regeneration. ' '♦♦»» » »»» » »»»»o^>»»»»<><^.»»»»»»<^»»»»<,»»»»»»0.»»»»»»»»»» Softball League Only two teams are left in the running in the race to tie Rock .Mills for second place. Onwards and Flesherton clash and this may be the on'y game left that will be played as it is the only game left that will have any bearing on the final results. Should Onwards win this game they will have to play off with Rock Mills the tie for second place and the privil- ege of playing the leaders of the league. Maxwell, for the final win from the Onwards. Then they have to play a disputed game playe<l some time ago with Maxwell to see whether that game was a win or a loose for F'lesherton. Should Maxwell win then second place goes to Rock Mills, but should Flesherton win, then Rock Mills and Flesherton would have to play off for second place for the privilege of playing off with Max- well. It is not expected that any game will be played this Wednesday and perhaps not on Saturday, on ac- count of the harvest, but it is expected that the first final game will be ready to be played at the Field Day, about the 12th of September, with final game or games on Fair Day, Sept- ember 21. Results of the games on Saturday night last are: Onwards won from Victoria Comers and on Monday of this week Flesherton won from Kim- berley, thereby putting these two teams out of the running. Fall Fair Dates :; :: THEY MUST GO A Clean Up of White Canvas Shoes for Women ane Children at 23c. a pair. Sandala & Strap Slippers Just the thing for school Opening at $1 a pair GET YOUR SALT AT CAR (to arrive about Aug. 20) Brantford & International Twine on hand At Right Price A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. f Alliston Dct. 4 and 5 I Bolton Oct. 5 and 6 ,Bothweirs Corners Sept. 18 andl9 Brampton Sept. 25 and 26 Chatsworth Oct. 11 and 12 Clarksburg Sept. 25 and 26 Collingwood Sept 25-28 Dundalk Sept. 27 and 28 Durham Sept 18 and 19 Feversham Oct. 1 and 2 Flesherton Sept. 20 and 21 Grand Valley October 11-12 Holstein Sept. 25 and 26 Kilsyth Sept. 26 and 27 London (Western Fair) ..:f Sept. 8-15 Markdale Oct. 2 and 3 Massey Sept. 18 and 19 Meaford Sept. 19-21 Midland Sept 13-16 Mount Forest .„. Sept 19 and 20 Orangeville Sept. 18 and 19 Ottawa (Central Canada).. Aug. 20-5 Owen Sound Oct. 4-6 Priceville '..... Oct. 4 and 5 Rocklyn Oct. 9 and 10 Walter's Falls Sept. 25 and 26 Advertise In The Advance SIX HILL STORES V<e buy together in order tkat our customers in the •ix coR-.r tinitles may mat- erially benefit individu- aUy. F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd, Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instin- tively associates with high quality merchandise at the fairest posible prices. This Week's Specials In Groceries CamplK'H's vSoup, 2 tins for 21c. * Can Peaches, 1 lb. tins 2 for 35c. .•\ylmer Soup 3 tin.s for 25c. x Can Pears, 1 lb. tins 2 for 25o. Shoe I'olish, black or brown reji- 15 ....9.c. | J'mlk Dates 3 lbs. for 25c. Loaf Snj^ar 2 lbs. 15c. ^ (.rape Fruit. 1 lb. tin. ])er tin 21c. Can Pincajjple Sliced 2 tins for 27c. ^ Lyles Oolden Syrup, 1 lb. tins ....2 for 21c Carnation & Nestles Milk, lar^rc, 2 for Z?i "^ K.xtracts. all flavors, 2 oz. bottles 5c. Can P)eef I'Vay Ik-ntoes wa 30 for.. ..22c. 2 National Biscuit Snap.s, rep. 10c. 2 for 15 Jelly Powders, rej^-. 10c. for 5c. | Certo for Preservinjr, bottle 28c. C;\n Pea«. standard qnalitv .... 2 for 21c. '.^ Salmon. 1 lb. tin, fancy ])ink .,17c. .;....).i-..^.: . . . .: -d-i/ , ;:.â- • " V '• 'rr •• •,;• ' '^ -. 7i< ,,;. i r,,,. ^t;, and Carnation, 6 oz. size ....2 tins Vc. 'S Can lieets choice (piality 2 for 25c. TODDY, 16oz. Tin, August Special â€" 48cls. 10 BARS SOAP FOR 33 cents 8 Cakes assorted, Comfort, Surprise, Gold, P. & G. Naphtha, 1 cake Ivory and 1 Cake Boby's Own Soap for 33c. 10 bar s limited to every purchaser. <M><.<»<^^^;..;..;..X~X»<KK*<«<'<'<"XK~X"t~X«4«X«<«'X"X"t"t«<"X' Aylmer Pork & Beans. 1() oz 2 for 2?>^. Can Raspberries larg-e tin, per tin ....14c. Kipper Snacks. 4|j oz. tin, each 5c. !^ Can Prunes. Dehuonte 2 for 21c. Heintz Cream Tomato Soup If) oz. 2-2Sc. ^1 I'runsw ick Sardines 4 for 23c. Shredded Wheat 2 for 21c. ^: Club House Coffee. 1 lb. tin 49c. KelloKK'^i Pej). rep. .size 2 for Vk\ 'J^ Mazola Oil, 4 lb. tin for cookinp 9Sc. Paris Pate. 3 oz 2 for 19c. '.^ .Mazol.'i Oil. 2 lb. tin for cooking- 49c. Symington C.ravey, 3VS oz. per i)k<j. lOc. ^t .M.i/.ola Oil, 1 lb. tin for cooking- 26c. Syminj4ton Cravey, I'j oz. i>ei-_pk}^. 5c. If Kovah I. enion Cheese, 12 oz, jar 16c. F.T.HlLL&Co.,Limhed,Mry Young Lad Thrown 1 From Motor Truck Kills -Weber, J 5 year "Id son of Mr. Dave Weber of Kimberky, met with a serious ac.ident on T>lontlay of this weelt, which might have re- sulted fatal. Eilis was sitting in the back of his fa.her'.s truck, which was travellinjf at v. low rate of speed aloni; the County Road by Mr. Adams', we.st of town, and upon ri.s- ing to his feet, v/as thrown by a) jar clear off the truck. He lit on'. his feet and then feli backward.s, striking the back of his head and neck upon the hard road. This happened at 7 o'clock in the morn- ing and the boy did not regain con- sciousness until 5 o'clock that ev- ening. It is hoped that no serious harm will arise from the unlucky mishap, and at present he is rest- ing quite comfortably. MARRIED PARSONS â€" ROBERTS At the Baptist Church, Flesherton, Ont., on Wednjsday, A-j.gust 22nd, 1928 Annie Verna Roberts -^f Fever- sham was united in marriage to Al- b^:rt Edward Parsons, of Eugenib, I lamy of town purchased the house [and property on Toronto street from I the estate of the late Mrs. Van Dusen. I Mr. Bella-my and family are movinjf thereto tl.is week. FALL FAIR PRIZE LISTS I _. I The Fall Fair Prize Lists arelfto-w The ceremony was performed by Rev.',^^ „„,, „ ^^^.„. ^„^ ^^ .M. .Saunder.s. .Mr. and .Mrs. Parsons » »i, . „ ,,:„ . * , .*. have left for Western Canada 1^^* **"'"' ^^ *'*"'"*' '" *°"'^ ^'^^ nave leic lor western Canada. i^^^ Secretary, but also anv peftllon „ . A marriage of local interest was „ * *i. » n •_ i D. , 1 t £,, „. , , near any of the following places can performed at Stayner Tuesday when „„^ ^^ ,j,^ ^^ ^^ ^ „„^j,^^ ^^ AlyrKe Pnddle daughter of Joseph ^j,^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ j^,^ ^j,^^^ . Priddle of Badjeros was united to Hilliard Lindsay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Haw's Store, Ceylon. Lindsay of Madills. The young Karstedt Bros., Priceville. coupl- have returned from a honey- Cairns's Store, Eugenia. moon It Toronto and Brampton and Myer's Store, Kimberley. wlil reside on the groom's farm near Post Office, Feversham. Fined $500 and Costs At Durham in the afternoon, An- gus McVicar, a hotel keeper from Priceville, was convicted of having liquor in his possesion other than his private room in the hotel- which he conducted. His place was raid- ed by inspector Ray and Sargeant Beamish of Hanover, and Provincial Constable Denton of Owen Sound, on Saturday night last, and a quantity of whiskey and a case and a half of beer were found on the ice in a small room at the rear of the bar. McVicar was fined $500 and costs which he paid. AdditioRil Local Items Madills. VAN Di:SEN HOirSE SOLD I Heron's and Poo"8 Store, Maxwell. Office of Department of Agriculture, Markdale. Armstrong & Son, Dundalk. Last week another real estate deal Dever Bros., Proton, took place, when Mr, Chas. J. Bel- General Store, Portlaw. Small Advertisements LOST OR STRAYED POUND â€" Lodge collar and^vest left in the Baptist church on July 12, can be secured at this office. FARM FOR SALE Lots 1 and 2, Con. 7, Osprey town- ship, 200 acres, consisting of about 90 acres under cultivation, about SO CAME ASTRAY - Strayed to the',*^"' '" P-^ture, about 40 acres in property of the undersigned about «'°*"^ hardvjood bush, balance in good July 12th, yearling heifer. Owner I ""^rP *"/ wood bush. Tv.o good ' ' * «= • " "«=» ivrells and running spring creek, prove property and pay expenses.- g^^, ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^,i ,^„^ W. J. Stewart & Sons, Flesherton. ,„^j •„ ^igh state of cultivation.. Bank barn 42 by 60, driving shed, garage pig pen, solid brick nine roomed house and hard water at door. W. J. CHARD, Flesherton . F.R. No. 1. Came to the Premises â€" Lot 27, Con. 14, on or about June 4th, 2 year- ling heifers, part Hereford. Owner may have same by proving property and psyine expenses. â€" R«nry Walton, Kimberley. Misses Letta and Mary and Mast- ers Richard and Allan Edwards of Toronto spent the past week with> their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bellamy. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Clark, wno have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling for the summer months aer leaving to-morrow for their home, Ardo, Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Hickling motored down with them. The wedding takes place at Goderich of Rev. Robert W. Paton, formerly of Flesherton, to Miss Emma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace of Goderich. Miss Mary Paton is also attending Ihe wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Watson and fam- ily, Durham, Mr. and Mrs. H. Watson and family, Ottawa, W. G. Watson and sisters, Priceville, Mr. Elford, Misses Beatrice and Maybell Walters of Priceville, spent a day at Wasaga Beach last week. . rOB BAL8 FOR SALEâ€" Driving Mare. Apply to â€" John Wright, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" 10 pigs, one month old. â€" Archie McKechnie, Priceville. FOR SALEâ€" 12 head yearling cat- tle.â€" R, J, Boyd, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Brood sow and elev- en young pigs, also Oxford Ram.â€" to-day Bert Magee, 'phone Feversham. SHORTHORN BULL FOB SEEVICB Bagkitored Shorthorn bull for vice at lot 6, Con. 9, Oaprry, Marquis" No. ITg.iaS; Sirt, Marquis 142^1; Dam, Red Bnttofl^ 131.078. Terms â€" Pure) rwb fS^Ot. grades $2.00. Cows net returned will be charge full price. â€" S. R. HAWKINS. BOAR FOR SERVICS. Registered Yoritihire Boer for M»> vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog CIdK the p wtp e rty of the Ontario Depat^ ment of Agrienitare. â€" G. STEWART. Caietaker. BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR SALE â€" Kitchen Range, 3- burner oil stove, with oven, table, chairs and other articles. â€" Mrs. Roy Piper, Ceylon. 'phone 44 p 31. , jjo 92-77630. Also a young York- FOR SALE â€" Quebec Range, Quan- shire pig, both bacon type for service tity of coal, Chev. sedan, Beatty elec- on Lot 176, N.W. T. & S.R. tdic washing machine and other art- Terms â€" 11.00. icles.â€" Mrs. W. L. Wright, Flesherton FOR SALE â€" Quantity of second cut alfalfa to be taken from field.â€" j Wm. J. McFadden, Phone 33 r 3,,^ Markdale. FOR SALE â€" Chevrolet touring, engine in excellent condition, equipped I with bracket for trailer. Phone or call Wm. Wright, Maxwell. RUPTURE' EXPERT HERE HONEY FOR SALEâ€" Clover Honey 11 cents per pound; reduction on 50 • I pounds and over, can supply 5 and 10 pound pails at cost.- Flesherton Apiary, W. S. Inkster, Prop. MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENTâ€" Double garage.â€" Jr.o. â€" T. J. STINSON, MM)DLEBRO & BURNS Barrirtere, ate. Ofices â€" Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton every Saturday afternoon and evening. GSO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK UCBNSBD AUCTIONEBR For the Count/ of Grey. TensM 1 per cent. Satisfaction guaniteed Dates made at The Advance office. F. H. Seeley of Chicago and Phil- delphia,nationally _fanious e^P"';^']' Runstadler, Flesherton himself personally be at the falter- _^ _ son House, and will remain in Owen irnR ppmt o Sound from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tues-j FLAT FOR RENT â€" 8-room cp. day only, September 4th. .avtment for rent, bath room.â€" Mra Mr. Seeley says; Iw. L. Wright, Flesherton. "The Spermatic Shield will notl .. A;:"^:^ c^tr^s I'tS^; ,rfc?^^,.r^J^,^f ^^^^^^ appro^ately---three-"ac«r;; 10 da'is on the average case Being P^^„«Jj»^^p,^P*'^^^^;„" «>"»»• -^oj" | ^nd and good stabl*. An idert a vast advancement over all former) "'ispot for a retired farmer. effects immediately appreciable and ^^-ijpp „.„.„, ~ | â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON, withstanding any strain, or poaitionj NOl ILLâ€" Chopping done on Sat â- ' no matter the size or location. Large urdays only. â€" Graham Bros. Eu or difficult cases or incisional rupt- ' genia. ures (following operations) eapec-. ially solicitCKl. This instrument re- NOTICE-Buy your Binder Twine' p . . „~T~. „ „ . ceived the only reward in England and I . _,,^ „, „ , ' ,, • . . . ^ . Pure-bred Hereford BuM for in Spain producing results ^vithoutj"* J»^-P"''H°"^«: *»>« P''« » right, yj^^ Terme »2. payable the flret^ surgery injections, medical treat-, â€" H. Spoffard. I February, after that date 12.60 wHI ments or prescriptions, with disting- ' be chaiged. uished personal patrons ^of a-|ljj'at-| WANTED - Four head of cattle' -EDWARD LOU CKS. been most" 'satisfactory. "â€"Late Dr"! ^° Pasture, also four acres of alfalfa' HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. In the west end of the village of Flesherton, 6-room house, electric wired, soft water cistern, cellar nsn- der whole house, large verandah oH I two sides, and woodshed with cement Flesherton, Ont. BULL FOR SERVICE. Edward Shippen, former Medical Dir- ^»' *•*'«• â- ^^PP^V ^o -S. 82 Millwood Rd. HENDERSON Toronto, Ont. ector, U, S. Navy, This instrument" is the same as supplied to Surg. Glens. Bureau, U. S. Naval Hospital.â€" Penn. R. R., etc. etc. He will be glad to demonstrate without charge or fit them if desir- ed. Business demands prevents, High School) stopping at any other place in this section. N. B. â€" Evejy statement in this notice has been verified before Fed*^' />v r.i n j 7 eral and State Courts.-F. H SEE- ^*"°" ^^°''^' """^^ ^°'" ^*'* '" LEY. .bulk. Price reasonable. Can sup- CAUTION â€" All cases should be P^i' ^ ""'^ ^^ pound pails at cost, cautioned against the use of any el-1 â€"ROY W, PENWICK, astic or web truss with understraps,! Novl5 Maxwell, Ont I a.i name rest where the lump is and \ not where the opening \a, BUSINESS CARDS Dr, E, C. Murray, L. D. S., dentel surgeon, honor graduate at Toronto WANTED â€" High School students and Royal College of Dental Srrgeons to either board or room. â€" Apply to of Ontario. Gas administered for Mrs. E. Best, Flesherton (opposite the teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Street, Flesherton, HONEY FOR SALE I Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. A A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Arm- strong Block, lAesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. G. Watson, W. M., C. F Lawrence, Secretary ,,, . . ^ -, often suiting in stranpulation I Home office. 117 N. Dearborn j Chicago, Jill i' BULL FOR SERVICE Most people are subject to eyestrain iunknowing- ly. Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I, B, Lucas, K. C, W. D. Henry. B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucas r. , » ..n ^ ,, ._ ^'"''''' ^^°^^ 2. Branch offices at For service on lot iO, Con. 13, Art- Dundalk and Durham "~" ^!r;^L«- ''"it^.^i f'"*'J''^\'"'- '"''^"'^ * Bimie, Barristers, soil- T Jr X'^- .r.n ^^°'''^'-'^' ^^<^' Offices Grey and Bruce January 1929, otherwise 12.50. Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank -DUNCAN WILLIAMS. Eugenia. Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays.) W. P. Telford, Jr., J, F. P. Bimie. BOAR FOR SERVICE Wm. Kaitting, Liicenaed Auctlei Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser-for the counties of Orey and Slmeee^ viceâ€" Eilfrely Bright Vim, No. 99,998Parm and stock sales a speciality. W A Armstronflr & Son -^""P'^'^y "* Saugeen Bacon HogTerms moderate., satUfaetlon ran>l If . n, ArOlSirung « OUO ciub. Terms $1.00. may he lade at the AdvaMe Of«K« ' â€" C. HINDLE, Central telephone efte^ VWmelMa, Proton Station or by addrsesing nie «i FLESHERTON. â- ONT. Jewellers & Opticians