Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 May 1928, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1028 THE FLESHBR70N ADVANCE Fishing Time is Now Here Secure Your Trout With Good Equipment Tlie Trout Fishing Season is again with us and it is required that we have the best in ecjuipnunt to enjoy catching these premier jranie fish of this district. Our store is stock- ed with excellent fishinji: tackle at prices low enough and yet have quality behind them. The following is included in our stock: Steel Rods priced from $1.25 to $9.00. Joint Bamboo Poles from SOc. to 7Sc. Silk Lines and Reels. Fish Baskets. Flies â€" Hooks â€" Sinkers. Cat- gut Hooks. W. A. Armstrong & Son FLESHERTON Up-to-date ERVICE AT ALL TIMES FLESHERTON BARBER SHOP G. H. WRIGHT, Prop, C. J. Crossky New Pres. of Tennis Club The annual meeting of the Flesh- erton Tennis Club was held recently and new officers were elected for the coming year and committees appoint- ed, as follows: Pros. â€" C. J. Crofisley. Vice.-Pres. â€" Dr. Murray. Sec.-Treas.â€" miss JMary Pattdn Assistantâ€" Miss Mamie McTavish. Court Com.â€" W. G. Kennedy, F. M. Lively, H. A. McCauley, W, Arm- strong. F. J. Thurston. Social Com. â€" Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Thurston, Mrs. Wes. Armstrong', Mrs. C. J. Crossiey, Mrs. W. G. Kennedy. Men Com. â€" Mrs. Murray, Mrs. M.cCauley, Elda Karstedt. ..S. S. No. 9, O.sprey, Month of April A well known comedian is exceed-. "Have you nothing but girls?" inifly proud of his three lovely and tal- , asked. ented daughters. One day an admirer | "Nothing but girls!" was the of the comedian was talking about the I ply. "Why, man alive, we have family. I erything but boys!" A Fe w Sp ecials I'urc Lard, 1 lb. jjrints 20c. I'ure J.ard, 3 pound pails SOc. Corn Syrup, 5 lbs 35c. Corn Syrup. 10 lbs 69c. Fresh Date Cookies, per lb 25c. Try Watson's Bulk Tea Nu-Jcll, .S j)ackages for 25c. DeLuxe Jelly Powders, 4 for 25c. Call and see our new line of Hosiery and Men's Shirts A. WATSON We Deliver. Phone 60. hei 4th â€" Kathleen Morrison*, Mary I Bemrose*, Cecil Chard*, Ruby Robert- re-' son*, John Bemrose*, Marjorie Seeley* CV-' Dainterary Morrison*. I Sr. 3â€" Jean YounR*, Arleen Pal- B |li.ster*, Dcllbcn Morrison*, Minnie 1^" I Lougheed. I Jr. ;? â€" Mcrlie BuckinRham, Eriith Loughred, Marie Chard*, Jean Ross*, Isabell Pallister*, Edith Fonwick*, Ir- ' ene Parker. Stella Younp. I Sr. 2â€" Lloyd Morrison* (Billie Ker 'ton and Orval Morrison*, equal) Rob- !ert Priestly, non^ld Radlev*. I Jr. 2^Mab''! I3emrose*, Daisy Mnr- Irison*, Tom Pallister. Jim Poole*. I 1st. â€" Warren Priestly. Rr. Primer â€" Charlie Grummctt*. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR POTATOES GRAIN AND SEKDS A. C. MUIR CEYLON. ONT.VKU) •I'honc .38 r 3 (f SIX HILL STORES Ve buy together in order that our customers in the six communities may mat- erially benefit individu- ally. F.T.HILL ACQ., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instin- tively associates with high quality merchandise at the fairest posible prices. Markdale's Dept. Store House Furnishing Week SPRING CLEANING IS AT ITS HEIGHT, AND MANY CHANGES A- BOUT THE HOME MUST BE MADEâ€" NEW CURTAINS, NEW RUGS, NEW HANGINGS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET THIS DEMAND. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE AND IT WILL BE; A PLEASURE FOR US TO HELP YOU MAKE A SELECTION. Ladies' New Spring Coats IT) only Navy and Sand Poirel Coats, plain tailored and fur trimmed in sizes 10, 18, 20, .16, 38, ;o, .J- V;o:i. !?.-.';:! va:'-?:^ at R^lir,. $14.50. %\G.r,0, $17..')0, $18.00, 121.60, to $27.50 Do not miss thii excellent opportunity to buy your New Spring Coat. Millinery Department In our millinery department you will find the newest in Ladies' and Misses' and Children's Hats. They are in Crochet and Vi.ica Straws, Silk Faille and .Silk and .Straw combination. Also the small flowered hat and hats with small and medium brim with veil. Ladies' Rain Coats, $2.95 Each 2 dozen Ladie!>' Hain Coats in new shades, well made and very serviceable. Usually sold at double the price we uak. Special $2.95. Ladies' House Dresses 98c. 10 dozen House Dresses of GInKham, Percolas and Rayon, pretty styles, well made and good fit- ters. Real value, pn- ifarment 98c, Children's Navy Reefers, $2.95 Well-tailored Navy Blue Doublc-brested Reef- ers for children, rizes 2 to 7. Reftular $3.96 Very ipsclal for 12.96. Caps for Boys, 75c 2 d(^cn only. Boy's Caps in the very latest .«;tyleg, made of finest serges and tweeds. Very spocini each 75c. BOY'S SUITS Boys! Here is your opportunity of procuring the newest in Tweed Suits. Note the value. Boy's Tweed Suits $6.1)5 to ?10.fl5. Boy's coat. Vest and LonK Troupers $12.50. Boy's Tweed Suits, one pr. | of bloomers and one pr. of lonjr pants, $10.95. All suits are well tailored in the newest styles. The valuer ate unbeatable. GROCERY SPECIALS .1 Brooms $1 00 .3 pounds Blue Rose Rice for 25c. .3 tins of Jutland Sardines for 25c. 3 pound of Pure L.'rd 50c. 6 bars of Pearl White Soap 25c, 10 pound pail Beehive Syrup 68c. 5 nound pail Beehive Syrup 68o. Maple Syrup, per gallon 2.25 With each purcha.se of $1.00 or more, you may pro- cure one useful piece of Aluminum Ware at the very low price of 49c. Flour, Sugar and Shorts at Special Prices Snowdrift Flour, Manitoba bird wheat (1)8) 4 10 SuKar, granulated, per cwt fi 75 Shorti, Ontario, per bj<g 2 00 I F. T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale Murray Morrison*, Tom Bemrose*.! Flora Morrison, Jacob Lougheed, Ncr- ^ een Grummett*. Jr. Primer â€" Elmer Colgan, Robert > Fenwick*, Lillian Morrbon, Jennie ' Guy. Those marked * were present every day. Nu-^ber on roll 39, average at tendance 37. Small Advertisements LOST OR STRAYED LOST â€" Automobile Tire and rim 32x495 Goodyear, between Dundalk and Ceylon. Finder please leave at • Advance Office. Reward. SHORTHORN BULL FOR 8BSVICB Helen Maynard, Teacher. | ARTEMESIA COUNCIL FOR BALIS I ftoR SALEâ€" Young pigs, ready ' to wean. â€" Fred Jamieson, Eugenia. Registered Shorthorn bnU for mi» vice at lot 5, Con. 9,' Oaprey, "Marry Marquis" No. 179,136; Sin. Bonia i Marquis 142,881; Dan. Red Batt«rfly j 131,078. Terms â€" Parebrsds |8.0t. I grades $2.00. Cows not returned will be charge full price. 1 â€" S. R. HAWKINS. This Council met at Flesherton on I I FOR SALEâ€" Bed Springs and mat- I tresses. â€" C. J. Crosslev, Flesherton. calfat fOR SALE â€" Choice young sow,' bred. â€" Joseph McKee, 'phone |39r5, Markdale. FOR SALEâ€" Top buggy and good cutter, nearly new. Apply to â€" Jos. Sherwood, Eugenia. FOR SALEâ€" Singer Sewing mach- ine, like new, price reasonable. â€" W. A. Hawken, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Purebred Jersey Bull 7 months old; also 100 acres of pasture for cattle.â€" Fred Duckett, Eugeni?. FOR SALE â€" First class hay, Timothy, Red Clover or Alfalfa. Mar- ket price.â€" T. J. Stinson, Proton. FOR SALE â€" Good Seed Barley, Manchuria. -- Fred Smith, R. R. 2, Flesherton. May 5th, all the members being pres- ent, the Reeve presiding. The min- utes of last meeting were read and adopted. Communications â€" H. NichoUs and C. McCutcheon re drain; Durham Hos- pital re Gordon McRae; W. F. Shier, claim for sheep killed; The Advance, printing $10.25 : Municipal World, 1927 statutes $15; By-law 823, to author-. ize loan for current expenditure was passed. The following were ordered to be paid: Municipal World, statutes $15; Thos. Taylor, refund 70 cents; Advance Printing Co $10.25; Commit- tee work â€" A. Cameron $6.50, H. Cor- bett $4; I. B. Whittaker $8; R. Purvis $2: the Clerk $2. Corbett â€" Davis â€" That the appoint- ment of Commissions in the several divisions be as follows: 1, I. B. Whit- taker; 2, J. A. Davis; 3. H. Corbett; 4, R. Purvis; Valley Road, the Reeve. â€" Carried. Corbettâ€" Davisâ€" That the By-law, re wire fences be amended to read 1400 rods of wire fence to be bpnused for this year. â€" Carried. Davis Corbett â€" That the road Superintendent and the Councillor in his division be committses to go over roads and report. â€" Carried. Corbett â€" Whittaker â€" That immed- iate action be taken to replace the Pritchard Bridge, which was washed out, with a new concrete bridge, and /Flesherton, phone 61. stt'p.s be taken to make an appoint- ment with the Enirineer to draw up plans for same. â€" Carried. Davisâ€" Piirvis' â€" That the Rocvo and Mr. Corbett nnd Mr. Whittaker be a rommittee with the Sunerintendent to in.=inpft hri(lp-p on 12th line and report or if conditions warrant such mr>ve. thev take tbr necessary steps for rpnnir. â€" Carried. Corbettâ€" Davisâ€" Th?t W. F. Shier be naid $50 for sheen killed a=! r'>rti- fied hv Mr. W. J. T.ovp. vainer, and Mr. Lovf> he "aid 82 for vahiinc: the s9mo. â€" Carried. Corbett â€" Davis â€" Th:it pay sheets as nresrnted bv tbo Road Supprintendent hf mid ?= follows- P-ilvprts .«IS1 OR- P'>n') M.nchinp-v S102O0- Rn-..] Work $606.08. total JOTO.â€" Carried. Piirvi.aâ€" Corbettâ€" That iho f-rst sit- tings of the Court of Revision of tho As.<?essment Roll of 1028 be held at the Town Hall on the 2nd day of June next at 10 o'clock a.m. â€" Carried. The Council adjourned. BOAR FOR SEBVICB. Registered Yorkshire Boar for Mfw FOR SALE â€" Cow, 8 years old with j vice by Flesherton Bacon Ho( C3ab^ Ifat foot. â€"Thos. Fenwick, Eugenia, the pro property of the Ontario D«pait> ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART, Caretakw. BOAB r<» WMKfWm No. M-TSM. Alio • fwm To â- Urs pig, both bMon tyys fs* on lot 17«, N.W. T. * IJL, Toras-HJW. â€" T. I. â- TMSOIII. FOR SALEâ€" Quantity of Green Mountain potatoes for seed; also four burner oil stove with oven. â€" Richard Allen 'phone 45 r 21, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" About 30 tons of Timothy Hay on Lots 178-179, T.&S R., Artemesia â€" C. F. Brackenbury, BULL FOR SERVICE For service on lot 30, Con. 13, Art- emesia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No.- 178,773. Terms :42 if paid bef ore- January 1929, otherwise $2.50. â€"DUNCAN WILLIAMS, Eugenia. BOAR FOB SERVICE Registered Yorkahirf Boar for -^klgoly BriJE^t ^ im. No. 99,^ â€" ftropeAy of Singecn Bacon JTof Club. Terms |1.00. â€" C. HINDLE. Proton SUtioB.. Lota ie«-9, Srd W.T S.B., Artemesta.. MIDDLEBRC & BURNS Barrjaters. etc. Offices â€" Qwen J^Dund, Dorham' and FJ»l)erto4, Flesherton ev«r Saturday aftemoor and evening. FOR SALEâ€" Sixteen white Leghorn and Barred Rock hens, at height of laying, 1927 pullets.â€" W. E. Morgan, Eugenia, Ont. GEO E. I'UNCAN DUNI ALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Terms: per cent. Satisfaction guamtee^ FOR SALE â€" House and half acre _ of land in Ceylon, good stable, well Dates made at The Advance^ of fioi! watered, electric lights. â€" J. S. Mc .Millan, Ceyloi'. FOR SALEâ€" Bulldog batch cem- ent mixer, including wagon and Inter- national gasoline 2'/4 h.p., with olui'-h pulley, 2 wheel barrows, tamper and sidewalk roller and jointers. â€" Thus. Bentham, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Lot, house and stable of the late A. S. VanDusen, in the village of Flesherton.â€" Apply to. J. F VanDusen, 24 Churchill Ave., Tor- onto. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. HATCHING EGGS â€" From my famous winter egg producers. Bred- to-lay Barred Rocks, also Black Min- orcas at 5 cents per egg. Reduced Miss J. M. Rock Mills School, For April ^ price for quantities. .Colgan. Flesherton. 4 Classâ€" Ruby White 81, Ita Ped- lar 70, Dorothy Ottewell 75. Ear! Ottewell 60. Mervyn Johnston 66, Rob- ert Dargavel 65, Alice Sewell 54, James Pedlar 30, Nathalie Pattor, absent. Sr. 3â€" Murray Fisher 86, Jack Eng- lish 81, George Akitt 72. Jr. .3â€" Laurie Russell 82, Delia English 69. Julia Croft 62, Leo Patton 56. Sr. 3â€" Leslie Seeley 72, Velma Fish- er 60, Ruby Akitt 58, Leila Clark 50, Hazel Shires 49. Jr. 2â€" MaiKuerite Croft 69, Iva English 64,. Lulu Russell fiO, Mabel Shier 59, Lloyd Partridsrc 53. First Cln.^sâ€" Bobbv Clark 86, Ethel Dnrpavel 84. .lack Monaehan 82, El- smore Shier 80. Roy Fisher 77, Law- rrnce Phillips 74. Sr. Primerâ€" Mary Clark 98. Glenard Croft 92, Ruby Monaphan 81, Loreen Tnglish 77, Eesslt- Russell 52, Freddie Rett' 42. Jr. Prih^fvâ€" Cecil Shior. Edna Croft Gordon Shier. R'>s«ell Phillins. The riimber sre perrentaffe.^. No. on roll 42. avern(»e attendance 39. Mrs. P. J. Seeley, Teachc MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE â€" Car of cement has just arrived. â€" F. W. Duncan. Flesherton. SEEDSâ€" Timothy. TmI Clover. Mammoth Clover, Ah ike "-t^ Alfalfa. â€" F. G. Karstedt. FIc h >rtou In the west end of the village of Flesherton, 6-room house, electric- wired, sof; water cistern, cellar un- der whole house, large verandah on. two sides, and woodshed with cement floor; approximately three acres of land End good stable. An ideal spot for a retired farmer. â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON, Flesherton, Ont. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 76 acre farm, lot 178, 2 S.W. ArU emesia, at Saugeen Junction. Bank 36 by 50 with L 30 by 32, cement stabhng throughout. Large cement veneer house, 8roomed, with wood- shed, in which is drilled well, fan» well watered small orchard.â€" W. J, Blackburn. Proton Station. BULL FOR SERVICE. Pure-bred Hereford BuH for aw. vice. Temhi $2, payable the first of February, after that date $2.50 wflT T!i h-<--t EGGS WANTED price will be paid in ciuh. â€" John Runstadler, Flesherton. tf. NOTICEâ€" Chopping done on Sat- urdays only. â€" Graham Bros. Eu- genia. market ^ charged â€"EDWARD LOUCKS. NOTICEâ€" Will the ':)"^son who bor- rowed a pipe wrench from my place return it at once. â€" John Heard, Flesheiton. NOTICEâ€" No hunting, Fishing or Trapping on my property. Those found thereon will be prosecuted. - Thos. Bemrose, R. R. 1, Flesherton. DISPEflSAL Auction Sale of 30 Pure Bred Government Tested Shorthorn* Three Miles Sruth of Markdale Thursday, May 31 WANTEDâ€" Caretaker for Flesher- ton cemetery. Duties to be specified by the secretary. â€" Thos. Clayton, Secretary. Pasture To Rent â€" Well watered and shaded, or will take in limited num- ber of cattle at Lot 22, Con. 12, Ar- temesia; â€" Robt. Graham, R. R. 4, Markdale. 'Phone 31 r 6. Flesher- ton. WANTEDâ€" About 50 head of Cat- tle to pasture, farm well v/atcred. Lots 178-179, W.T.&S.R., Artemesia. â€" G. Brackenbury, Flesherton, phone 61. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S.. dental surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Sorceon* of OnUrio. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at reaidtMO Toronto Street, Flesherton. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, AJ. 4 A.M., meets in the Masonic hall, Ar«< strong Block, Flesherton evM7 tt^ day on or before the full moon. Kaf Pedlar. W.M., C. F. Lawrence, See. Lucas A Henry^arristers, SoUelt. ors, etc., -I. B. Lucas, K. C; W. a Henry. B.A. Offices. Markdalo Lucw Block, Phone 2. Branch offieao at Dundalk and Durham. Telford & Birnie. Barriaton, mH. citors, etc. Offices. Grey an4 BnM Block, Owen Sound; Standard ii»f% Block, nesherton, (Saturdays). W. P. Telford Jr., J. P. P. Bimio at 1 o'clock p.m. Fashionably bred animals except ional inilividiiality )f WANTEDâ€" Five Thousand Market Gardeners to plant our hardy field (Trown cabbage and Bermuda onion plants. These plants will produce veg- etables three weeks earlier than home grown plants. It la no experiment. We guamtee results or refund your money. Strong, field-grown, tough- ened plants ready to «et in open I field. Will stand temperature I twenty dccrrees above without injury. Wm. Kaitting, Liscetatd AoetleniM for the counties of Grey and Sfanoik Fkrm and stock sales a spod«l%. Terms moderate., aatitfaction rikh may bo lade at the Advance OffM^ m Central telephone office, FevnaMJ^ or by addrsesing me at FovoralHV. FARM FOR SALE, 125 acres at Kimberley, good cement residence, good bam, cement flooring; well watered, and in good state of cultivation. Bargain for quick sale. which have passed tWt) clean Bermuda onion plants and all leadin- ^ wl^Sh^'*^^ ^' ^^"^^^J^^^^' tuberculin tests made bv |»'''!«t'7 ^f ^ij^^T "'""'•'. ''^^^' K»'tit>wley. Inromntlv. 200 rlar'i T'o^tnaid ?1. . â€" â€" i««^^â„¢ I POO $1.75: 1000. 93. Sh;T> evnn.ss ' PASTUREâ€" Cattle wanted for collect $2 thous.-ind. Catala.T. t- and pasture on lots 22-3-4, 9 S. D. R. R. R. No. 5, Markdale. *""'"""'"!'' Tl ''"''â-  «,â-  , « Artemesia,-Mrs Wm. Williamson, Carlisle Plant Farms, Windsor, On- R.R. 3, Priceville tario. i Ciovernment Inspectors Ed. Littleichns, Proprietor, , Mark R. T. Amos, Auctk>neer. ec:

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