WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1928 THE PLESHSRTOK AWANCB inaLowPncedCar THE most recent trend of antomobile design is itrik- ingly exemplified ia the "Bigger and Better" Chev- rolet. The liigh, narrow radiator ... the long, low bodies . . . the unbroken sweep of the lines from front to rear . . . the stylish blending of colors in .finish and npholstery . . . these distin- guish Chevrolet as unmistakably new and fashion£'(1e. â- In.power, in speed and snap, the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet is no less modem and vigorous. Countless refinements in engine and chassis give Chevrolet a performance as dep<endable as it is brilliant. The "Bigger aad Better" Chevrolet, alone among low- priced cars, has truly caught the modem spirit The GJUA.C. . . . General Motor^ own deferred pay- ment plan aSords the most convenient and economical way oi buying your Chevrolet on time. HEW AND LOWER PRICES '""' RoadMW • . • ^23.00 Imperial Sedan .... «S90.00 Toutilic ... 62S.00 Cabriolet S33.00 Caup* . . • . 740.00 Commaccial Chauia ... 470.00 Coach .... 740X0 Roadatcr DatiTcry . • - 625.00 Swlaa .... SI3.00 Ton Truck Chaaua ... 63S.00 Ruadatcr Exprasa * • #650.00 AU prUei at Factory, Ushavaâ€"Gmemmatt Taxes, Bumpers and Spare Tire Extra. READY FOR IMMEDIATE DEUVERT CHEVROLET Lightning Burned Barn on S. Line A large bank barn on the South Line, Artemesia, owned by Mr. Arthur McKay, was struck by lightning in the McKay, was struck by lightning dur- ing the thunder storm on Tuesday morning and was burned to the ground. Fire broke out about 8 a.m. and in a very few moments the barn was a seathing furnace of fire. .Mr. McKay at once went tu release stock in the burning building and >\\\ were saved. Help was summoned tlirough a neighbor's phone but nothing cou)d Le done to save th building and at- tention was payed to other buildinga close by. The contents of the upper part of the barn, inoludinK a larfje amoutn of hay, straw, tfrain, etc. were a total loss, along w'th a binder nnd a total loss, along with a binder and half ton of fertilizer. W. E, .Myers of Kimberley, who underwrote the policy, informs us that Mr. McKay caried insurance to the amount of 12.600 on barn and contents. The bam was a iai':?^ one 44x(!5 and was built about 40 year.; ago when the late Wm. Paton pirchased the place. Mr. McKay has only been in possession of the farm fo.- about t\vo V cars. 107" wheelbase, 4 inches longer. Bigger, roomier Fisher Bodies. Non • locking four • wh eel brakes. New shock absorber springs. Crank- case breathing system. "Invar- strut" constant clearance pis. tons. COUGARS WON AGAIN FROM MARKDALE RED MEN The week before last we thought we saw the last game of hockey this season, but no; Markdale came down once more and challenged the Coug- 'ars on Thursday night, and, as usual, were defeated, by the score 6-2. The Markdale Red Mien never seem to get down hearted, as they have played 7 games here this winter and the clos- est they came to winning was a tie, 2-2 Yes, it's nice to win, and while one wins the other one has to loose, and althought the Red Men came out : behind the whole winter through they i showed clean sportmanship, and we I a^ain thank the Red Men for their I help in makini? hockey one of the best years in Flesherton for some time. ; D. McTavish 81 Son FLESHERTON, ONT. PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA. LIMITED FARM FOR SALE. 12.5 'acres at Kimherley, good cement residence, good barn, cement flooring;; well watered, and in good state of cultivation. Bargain for quick sale. â€"GEORGE A. HUTCHINSON, 1 March Kimberley. j LOTS FOR SALE. I 14% acres in the town plot of Eu- I genia; good frame house and frame ) b?irn. House has cistern, good hard and soft water, cement cellar, and good woodshed. About two acres of maple hardwood bush and 20 apple trees. Apoly to THOS. GENOE, Eugenia. SIX HILL STORES Wo buy together in order that our customers in the six communities may mat- erially benefit individu- : ally. F. T. HILL &€0., Ltd. > Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instin- tivcly associates with high quality merchandise at the fairest posible prices. Special Attention for Easter Buyers Ladies' New Spring Coats at Special Prices Look Our Stock over and the Styled and Prices will Interest You. Prices range from $10.95, $13.50, $16.75 to $18.50. E very garment is vtronderful value. You are cordially invited to inspect our stock before buying. Men's Fine Felt Hats Small Advertisements LOST OR STRAYED LOSTâ€" In Flesherton, on March 17, Principal Pawcett of the Public V^tce^ containing quilt patches. Finder School has the mumps. The school communicate with The Advance office. is closed until a substitute can be se- cured. , LOST â€" In Flesherton or between Miss Hannah Bellamy has removed Flesherton and the station, a wrist establishment to the watch and bracelet. Finder please Clayton Bl jck. Miss Minnie Bell , notify The Advance office. amy and Miss McMuUen are in charge. LOST â€" Near the sUtion, Ceylon, A startling sudden death occurred I o^i o' about the first of March, lady's on Friday last, when Chas. Hales, a wrist watch. Finder please leave at well known farmer of the O. D. R. passed away at 46 years of age, A quiet, but pretty house wedding was celebrated on Wednesday after- noon of last week at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Neil, when their neice, Miss Mary Neil was united in marriage to Mr. John Stewart of the west backline. Rev. L, W. Thom officiated. Rumors are flying to the effect thut either a lynx or a ghost has taken possession of Miller's swamp, about six miles east of Flesherton. Osprey farmers have been plowing for the past week. this office and receive reward. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SBRVICS: Registered Shorthorn Ball tot tw vice at lot S, Con. 9, Ospny, 1I«r« Marqaia" No. 179,186; Sii«. Bonair Marquis 142,881; Dam, Red Buttaiflr 131,078. Terms â€" Porcbreds 15.00. grades |2.M. â€" S. R. HAWKINS. Bufmla. BOAR FOR 8ERVICB. FOR SALE Registered Yorkshire Boar for vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Clid>^ the property of the Ontnrio Bepart^ ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART, Cairetaker. FOR SALEâ€" Black Cow, due Ap- ril 19th. â€" Walter Russel, Rock Mills. WAGON FOR SALEâ€" Good Chat- ham wagon â€" At once. Apply to M. Kerton, Flesherton. Hi§h School Report FORM 1 Examinations in Latin, History, French and English. P. Morgan 90 87 96 90 I. Martin 96 91 93 78 E. Johnston 97 88 95 76 A. Brown 95 55 95 80 L. Blackburn 81 75 87 78 A. Akin 77 73 82 87 E. Fisher 77 80 84 70 C. Allen 62 60 79 76 M. Rae 67 65 72 69 M. Thompson 61 69 76 63 J. Stewart 60 73 69 58 C. Allen 73 38 87 54 H. McRae 87 21 M 56 C. Stafford 46 52 58 72 0. Stewart 62 69 74 â€" G. McMaster 52 77 â€" '62; M. Moore â€" 54 81 57 J. McMillan â€" 42 37 68 W. Patton 74 57 R. Phillips 65 â€" 54 â€" F. Welton 47 16 17 35 W. White 92 H. Best 73 A. Lever 67 L. Chard 63 FORM 2 FOR SALE â€" Verity Plow No. 16, walking, as good as new. â€" H. Down &. Sons, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Two head of two year old cattle, and one horse, 8 yrs old â€" H. PIPER. CEYLON. BOAR rOB 8BBV1CB No. 9S.71B80. AIm a yoaw Ti â- Ura pit, both bMoa tyya fir OB lot 176. M.w. T. * ak, Tanaa-ILOO. -V.J. FOR SALEâ€" Sow with litter of eight pigs, cash or time. â€" Fred Brack- enbury, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Good Seed Barley, Manchuria. â€" Fred Smith, R. R. 2, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Cement block machine with about 180 boards. â€" Fred Brack- enbury, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Two (2) good lots for sale in the village of Flesherton. â€" Apply to Mrs. Ed. Best, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Brood Sow, York- shire, due to farrow April 10. â€" Fred iJamieson, Eugenia. FOR SALEâ€" About 30 tons of Timothy Hay on Lots 178-179, T.&S R., Artemesiaâ€" G. F. Brackenbury, Flesherton, phone 61. BULL FOR SERVICE For service on lot 30, Con. 13, Alt* emesia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No.- 178,773, Terms:.f2 if paid before- Jannary 1929, otherwise 12.60. â€"DUNCAN WILLLIMS. Eugenia^ BOAR FOR SERVICB Registered Torkskira Boar for sv> viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vhn, No. ft]Sl> â€"Property of SMgMn Baeoa §^ Club. Terms 91.OO. â€" C. nOfDLBl Prbtsa Sutloik Lots 168.9, Srd W.T.S.R.. Arteraaaib FOR SALE â€" Seed Peas, Canadian Beauty; also five head of yearling cattle. â€" Ben McKenzie, Ceylon Phone 22 -T 5. v^ â- *• ' •""»" Tu .. ^ FOR SALEâ€" House and half acre Examinations in Arithmetic, Geom-I , , , • p„ I I MILLINERY! MILLINERY! Another larjrc shipment 0' ITev; Cprir.,";: Mi'li ':•' y Our Milinery stock will be replenished with new, snappy Millinery every week, copied f 1 om Intest New Lork styles. You will have the privilege of insperting city styles at country prices that will be a big savinpr. Our specialties for tbjs week â€" Mat- ron's and Children's. We are showing new Spring Uayon GinK- hams, New Dresses, New Dress Fabrics, New Silks, New Spring Hosiery in all the latest .shades. New Spriilg Draperies, New Curtainettes, New Sheetinn, New Ginghams, New Table Linen, New Floor Cov- frings, Linoleum Rugs in a full range of sizes, New Window Shades at special prices. Men's and Boys' Suits at Special Prices We have ' 1st put in stock thp finest selection of Men's and Hoys' Suits ever shown in Markdale at prices beyond compirison. Boys' Sutis in Serge, Worsteds and Tweeds with one pair lonirs nnd one pair bloomers at prices ranging from $8.75 to $12.75 Men's Top Coats in Tweed. Latest styles, $12.60. New Spring Shoes for all the Family We have placed in stock New Spring Shoes for Ladies, Men, Boys and Children at prices which, owing to the advance in leather, will mean a big saving to you. (])ome in and inspect our stock and see for yourself. V^n! Beforn purchasinir your new spring hat we will be pleased to show you our new spri.ig laiiKe. The stylos arc new; they are perfect fitting and comfortuble, and the prices are unbeatable. Ask to see our high-grade lined hat at $4.95. Prices are .S2.95, $3.25 and $4.95. Extra Special With eveiy purchase of Git)ceries amounting to $1.00 or over we are offering customers an oppor- tunity of purchasing a large piece of high grade Aluminum Ware at lOc. each. The aa.sortment con- sists of Roasting Pans, Large Sauce Pans, Kettles, Frying Pans, etc. Not more than two of one line to a customer. Many of these represent a saving of 5O per cent. 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar for 65c. 3 pounds of good Prunes for 25c. 3 pounds of Pure Lard for 50c. Split Peas, 3 pounds for 25c. 24 lb. of Pastry Flour and 1 package of Mrs. Watson's Pie Crust for $1.00 Large size Tiger Catsup Tor ...,, 25c. Pork and Beans, 2 for 21c. Robinhood Rolled Oats, reg. size pkg., each 23c. .Syrup, 5 pound pail, each S5c. Syrup, 10 pound pail, each 680. etry. Agriculture and French A. Heard „ 98 77 81 93 B. Morton ' 98 80 76 81 J. McFadden 92 66 72 91 J. Haw 98 64 70 88 D. Sloan 78 72 79 82 B. Beard 93 71 58 58 E. Turner 64 57 64 94 iM. Watters 89 63 65 56 M. Cameron 78 51 61 81 C. Magee '. 68 44 68 87 R. Fawcett 95 46 62 69 H. Turner 70 52 68 70 J. McCormack 85 52 66 51 R. Marshall 78 40 62 67 J. Wilson 67 52 67 61 Marie Fenwick 57 22 55 87 L. Chard ^58 34 66 48 D. Stewart 80 10 60 44 M. Fenwick 57 22 55 59Sthis office M. Bibby 37 56 â€" 67J A. Robertson â€" 38 55 62 of land in Ceylon, good stable, well watered, electric lights. â€" J. S. Mc Millan, Ceylon. FOR SALEâ€" Number of young pigs ready to go, price reasonable â€" R. J. Vause, Proton Station P. 0. Phone 32 r 13. FOR SALEâ€" One cow, aged, due to freshen July 14; 25 hens; one brood, sow and 10 young pigs. â€"Bert Magee, Eugenia. Or telephone Feversham. FORD COUPE FOR S.\LEâ€" Recent model Ford in good mechanical condi- tion; can be had at reasonable price, land a real bargain for cash. Apply at MIDOLEBRO & BURNS Banriaton, etc. Oiiffewâ€" Ow9n Sound, I>iirlia» Saturday afternoon miA oT^liig. GEOE.Dli.\CAN DUNDALK LICENSED AlCTIONEER For the County, of Grey. Terms: I per cent. Satiafaction guamtcMh Dates made at The Advance office. HOUSE AND LOT FOB SALE. In the west epd of the village of Flesherton, 6-room house, electric wired, soft water cistern, cellar un- der whole house, large verandah ori two sides, and woodshed with cement floor; approximately three acres of land and good stable An ideal spot for a retired farmer. â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON, Flesherton, Ont. â€" 27 62 66 â€" 18 72 56 F. T. Hill & Co., Limited, Markdale B. Genoe W. White A. Lever â€" -31 59 46 86 34 â€" 40â€"43 63 â€" 48 â€" â€" 44 42 â€" H. Akins K. Brown G. McFadden Pi.. Irwin F. Ilowden W. Coburn FORM 3 Examinations in Latin. Physics, Algel^ra, Literature and Compbsit- ion. B. Hincks 83 â€" 80 96 78 N. Short 87 â€" 85 89 66 V. Hudson 67 â€" 71 72 66 M.. Sinclair 67 ^51 80 78 G. Beard â€" 86 22 67 78 H. Thompson ..., â€" 53 61 67 66 L. Ferris â€" 65 61 52 67 D. McMillan 60 80 36 â€" 68 J. Stuart â€" 73 32 79 51 M. Ferris 70 40 â€" 70 50 J. Oargoe â€" 76 66 84 â€" .F Howden â€" 67 â€" 69 68 M. Nichol 78 â€" 30 82 â€" J. Park â€" 94 74 H. Heard â€" 82 81 G. McFadden 35 56 68 C. Haw â€" 88 67 M. Ink.ster 65 87 M. Stuart â€" 84 â€" J. Jumieson â€" 80 H. Akins 80 â€" FORM 4 Examinations in Latin, French, History and Geometry. M. Stewart 96 81 â€" 89 I. Brown 83 66 45 53 L. Boyd 66 78 38 59 F. McFadden â€" 76 68 57 H. Heard 81 54 V. McDougall â€" 44 54 36 J. Jamieson 68 52 C. Haw 37 52 M. Inkster 47 STOCK FOR SALEâ€" One mare 11 years old, one cow rising five years, due April 18th; also a quantity of small peas and black barley for seed. â€"Fred Russell. FOR SALE â€" Buckeye 220 egg size, also Brood?" size, both in first class • â- - Mrs. W. R. Meads, Price 2 r 23. FOR SALE â€" Lot, house and stable of the late A. S. VanDuspn, in the village of Flesherton.â€" Apply to. J. F VanDusen, 24 Churchill Ave., Tor- onto. _-- HATCHING EGGS â€" From my famous winter egg producers. Bred- to-lay Barred Rocks, also Black Min- orcas at 5 cents per egg. Reduced price for quantities. â€" Miss J. M. Colgan, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 75 acre farm, lot 178, 2 S.W Art l?'h'"'.o* ?""^^° Junction ^^ 36 by 60 with L 30 bv ^9 \.JZr^ stabling throughout ifar^' cment Ihed'in' wh-'.'"?'""^''' ^*h S well\â„¢f2!^i''' ^ *"'"«<1 well, farm well ^ratered small orchardâ€" W J -i^*^"!^_ZL°*''° Station • â- ^• FARM^FOR^SALE ' Artemesia Township, Grey Counf* 150 acres, lots 176. 177 anrf 17« ^* ^ ^ the Provincial Hiehwav q^n ?? roof, cement stabling throughout im Plement and driving housl 75xM Hen house, buildings in good ^pa^ « roomed brick house, fu^ace" c^st^ and sink good cellar, orcha^."'*"" ion. • •'* ^*'"^*'»' Pfoton Stat- FOR SALE â€" One registered Short- horn Bull "Boyne Valley King" No. 185.436. 22 mos. old, also one grade cow, six years old, due April 13th and one bay mare suitable for light work and driving. 10 years old. â€" W. E. WALKER, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" Several thousand feet of hemlock, joist, hardwood flooring, scantling, hth, windows, posts, etc. The lot at the sacrifice pi-ice of $125. Apply at the Bank of Toronto, Fev- ersham, Ont. SHINGLES Warhington Cedar, 10 inches cle%r. Same thickness as N. B. 25 courses to the bundle. These shingles came highly recommended and we are pleased to further recommend them for anvone wanting a first class roof. $5.23 per M. W. A. Armstrong! INCUBATORSâ€" I am agent for the Miller Incubator and brooders, from 85 eggs up. At the short course at Guelph in January the Miller incu- bator got an 85 per cent, hatch. Both electric and hot water incubators can be supplied. One second-hand Buck- eye Incubator, 175-egg size, price rea- sonable. â€" J. J. Meads, R.R. 3, Price- ville. Phone 21rl2. BULL FOR SERVICE.. Pure-bred Hereford BuH for »». Feb;. J*â„¢"3 P^y""" the first^ be 'chSd*"" *'''* Z^''' *2-«« -S -EDWARD LO UCKS. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Surgesns ^f Ontario. Gas administered in teeth extraction. Office at residsMs Toronto Street, Flesherton. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A J. A A.M., meets in the Masonic haU, Am- strong Block, Flesherton every FH- day on or before the fuU moon. Rs« Pedlar. W.M., C. F. Lawrence. 8m. Lucas A Henry.Barristers, SoUeH. ora, etc., -L B. Lucas, K. C; W. B. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdalo Lmm Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE â€"Chopping done on Tues- day and Saturday. â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia. WANTEDâ€" About 50 head of Cat- tle to pasture, farm well watered. Lots 178-179, W.T. & S.R., Artemesia. jO Q Iâ€" G. Brackenbury, Flesherton, ph*ne Telford k Bimie, Barrister*, soil- citors, etc. Office, Grey and Bruea Block, Owen Sound; Standard BaiA Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays). W. P. Telford Jr., J. P. p. Binds Wm. Kaitting, Liseensed AuetfoM* for the counties of Grey and SfaMM^ Farm and stoek sales a spadaMly; Terms moderate., satisfaction nar. may be lade at the Adranee OfMh. m Central telephone offlee, Fewnfta^ or by addrseslhg me at Fr sislâ€" .