Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Mar 1928, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, UARCH 28, 1928 â- -'•w THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE i' it 1 â-  «^ ^te Better farms T7 XPERT agricultural experience allied to expert financing are the elements that make for outstanding farming success. You have the sound, agricultural ex< perience. The Bank of Toronto has the sound financial knowledge. Why not ally the two for bigger, better, more profitable farm development? At this time, when farmers require loans for various purposes, the Bank of Toronto is glad to lend its best service r.nd co-operation. Drop in on the Bank of Toronto manager to-day and discuss your farm and financial problems with him. W^ T7 r^T' FLVERSHAMâ€" C. H. Smith, Manager. MARKDALE-W. L. Young, Manager. (toad Supt. Held a Meetin§ The Road Superint«ndent of Artem- esia, Mr. H. Fatten, called a meetingr of the 8ub-over8eers of reads in the township, which wa» held in the Town Hall, on Tuesday afternoon, for the purpose of outlining the duties per- taing to their office. It is the tub- overseeers upon whose shoulders will fall the task of proving the new road system to be an improvement on- the statute labor land their position is therefore very important. The new cystem is expected to be a great suc- ce.ss when given a fair trial. THOMPSON â€" WILSON THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published un Colling^vood street, Flesberton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price ir Canada, f2.00 per ye*c, wfaxi paid in advance $1.50. In U.S.. I t^.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. On Saturday afternoon. March 10, at the home of the bride's parents, A"rora. a quiet house wedding was solemnized when Minnie Smith, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Wilson, became the bride of Mr. Fred R. Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thompson of New- marl-:'»t. The J^eremfony was per- formed by Rev. E. A. Marshall, pas- tor of Trinity United Church, New- market. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, looked charming in a go^NTi of peach georg- ette, trimmed with radium lace, car- rying a bouquet of butterfly roses, and lily-of-the-valley, entered the room to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march, played byMrs.(Rev.) A. 3. Brace of Toronto, aunt of the groom. The bride wa.s attended by her sister. Miss Lillian Wilson, wear- ing blue canton crepe, and Dr. Wm. Newfc-Mt cf Newmarket, acted as cioomsman. During the signing of th" register, Mrs. Brace played Mend- elssohn's wedding march. Guests to the number of about thirty were pres- ent. (but the competition across the .\tlan tic v.ill try the sailing skill of the] I fishermen to the limit. The event I will be watched with deep interest iby sportsmen of the world. McMULLKN ELLIS #. H. THURSTON. THE COUNTY PRINTING I Th home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. I Ellis, Kimberley, Ont. was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Satur- jday evening, March 17th, when their Editor I youngest daughter, Ellen Justina was • I united in marriage to Wilfred Les- [iie McMullcn. The ceremony was j performed by the Rev. V. G. Stotes- ibu:y. What is the matter with the print- The bride, who was given in mar- â- ers in Grey County? Or if nothing ' riago hy !ier father, looked very pret- is the matter with them, wherein does i ty in a tlraped gown of Ivory brocaded the trouble lie? Last ye.ir only two ; Canton crepe silk embroidered veil, firms tendered for the County print ! caught with coronet of Orange blos- ing â€" a job worth several hundred 1 soms, white shoes and hose and oar- dollars â€" and this year only one firm ' ried a bouciuet of .Sunset Roses and tendered, at a considerable advance Maiden llair Fern. over the price paid last year. And } ,she entered the living room to the strains of Icihengrin's wedlling march, played by Mrs. V. A. Ellis of Games at Rink To-Night The second game of the finals will b.-' jdaycd to-night for the ending of tho broom ball series. Tht're will al.so be a g>me of broom ball between the young ladies of the town on skates and the married men on boots. Admission to both games 20 and 15c. It is exr>ected that, if the weathci keeps cold for a few days longer, Markdale and Flesberton will meet again in a game of hockey. Watch the sing board on the comer! Wo. WUe Passes at 86 Yeais of Age Death came sudden'/ to Mr. Will- ' iam White of Dundai.c, «t the home ' of his son George, oi the Toronto I Gravel Road, two riiles south of Flesherton on Wcdneday, March 21 at the ripe old age of i ighty-six years. He was born in Mon' eal 1845. With his parents he settl. 1 in Vaughan- township, from where they moved to Artemesia township i i 1861, and set- tled on the farm now owned by Wm. Halliday of Saiigeen Junction. He lived in that nein'iborhood until the time he retired from the farm, and moved to Dund Ik 17 years ago. He man-ied Martha J. Duncan in 1873, who died 14 years ago. They had a family of se- !n boys, John, who died 29 years a-o; Wm. who died in 1926; George of the Toronto Road; Thomasand Robert of Saugeen Junc- tion; David of Owen Sound; Joe who died >at the age of 4 years, and one daughter Ethel, now Mrs. J. H. Middaugh of Dundalk. He also leaves one sister, Mrs. Wm. Parks, of Pro- ton Station. The funeral was cortducted by Rev. Annand of Dundalk, assisted by Rev. narrower of Flesherton, at the home . of his son, on Friday, March 23 The ' pallbearers were John Carson, T. Wauchoupe, C. Lyons, Joe Badgerow, Wallace Wellwood and A. Harrison. The floral tributes were: The Gates Ajar from the f?»mily. a spray from the grandchildren, a spray from Stanley, Jack and Anna White of Toronto, and a spray from the Pres- byterian church of Dundalk. SUITED! IF YOU WANT TO GET SUITED GO TO: KENNEDY'S TAILORED SUITS $24.75 AND UP ALSO READY MADES 3 Ib.s. Pure Lard ....„ 55c 8 lbs. Cooking- Onions 25c 22 Bars P.&G. Soap $1.90 2 Cans Peas „. 25c 5 String- Brooms 49^. O'Canada Flour, per bbl., cash $7.95 W. G. KENNEDY •PHONE 37 'i 4. .v V â- V • â- >> f . I-' < t r IN MEMORIAM They call them mills because they take so much of the ratepayer's grist. Advertise in The Advance we may add that both the firms re- ferred to are in a sense outside the County, as they carry on business in the city of Owen .Sound. Is it that the County offices feel that they can- not do the work satisfactorily, or is it that the Owen .Sound offices do the Collingwood, and took her pkcc l/e- sido the groom under the arch of evergreen and white bells with a back- ground of green and white lattice work. Miss Thelma Ellis, niece of sible for other offices to compete? Or again, is it that .-sufficient time is not allowed from the time that tend- ers are let until the completion of the work is deni'.inded. The writer of this is not in favor of going outside the County to get the work done, providing that it can bo done at a fair figure by some firm jiiside the County. We would like an expression of op- inion on this matter from the press of the f^ounty, wh<i are surely inter- ested enough to tell us why they do not tendered for the work when in- vited to do so. The present condition of affairs is not a healthy sign, and we would like to know the remedy. HOT COSS BUNS Order your Hot Cross Buns for Thursday and Friday, April 5 and 6. â€" F. PINDER, Flesherton. RUBBER BOOTS FOR ALL EDITORIAL NOTES Miss A. C. Mcl'liail, our local lady M. P. attcn(|ed a vvL'dding in Ottawa recently between two Chinese people and caught the bride's bouquet. She claims the act has no significance as far as she is concerned. work at a price that makes it impos- t^e bride, who was flower girl, looked very sweet in a dress of mauve silk with touches of mauve and silver, and carrying a basket of sweet peas. During the signing of the register Mrs. Harold Ellis of Meaford sang "All Joy be Thine." As the bride mounted the stairs she threw her bouquet, which was caught by Miss Myrtle Stuart of Burks Falls. The bride led the way to the din- ing room where about forty guests nailook of a dainty luncheon set at r.mall tables, decorated in green and ( white. .Six cousins of the bride, namely. Misse;'. Lottie and Myrtje •Stuart of Burks F:lls, Jean and Mar- inn of riesherton, Hazel anil Fern (if Mcaforil weie waitresses. After Mie luncheon Rev. F. G. Stotesbury proposeit the toast to the bpde, which was responded to by Mr. V. A. F.llis of Collingwood in hi;; usual pleasing nuvnner. The evening was spent in music and dancing. We join with n host of friends in wishing the young couple many hap- py years together. The stock market has been kicking up high jinks lately. Thai's one of the reasons why gentlemen prefer the bonds. AGENCY FOR Massey Harris Implements insurancp: written in several companies on both farm and town property. John Wright FLESHERTON For a good work boot that will help keep your feet dry, and rubber bot- toms and tops for men and boys, and all kinds of repairing on footwear, come to W. L. MORWOOD Flesherton, Ont. NOTICE AFTER APRIL 1st I WILL OPEN A LUNCH ROOM, READY TO SERVE LKJHT LUNCHES AT ANY HOUR OF THE DAY. PRICES REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOL- ICITED. â€"MRS. M. McDonald, FLESHERTON, ONT. MacMILLANâ€" IW fijving raeinory of "Clark" MacMillan who departed this life March 27, 1925. Not dead to those who love him, j Not lost, but gone before. He still lives with us in memorj'. And shall forever more. â€" Parents, Sister. <- LOTS FOR SALE. 14'/-j r.cres in the town plot of Eu- genia; good frame house and frame barn. House has cistern, good hard and soft water, cement cellar, and good woodshed. About two acres of maple hardwood bush and 20 apple trees. Apoly to THOS. GENOE, Eugenia. Incubators For Sale REGARDLESS OF COST Two Miller Incubators that have never been out of the crate, brand new, slightly used Buckeye incubator. 250 egg size, regular $46.00 will sell for 40.00. 400 egg size, regular $59.00, will sell for $50.00. Buckeye. 175 egg size, regular $48.25, will sell for $25.00. â€"J. J. MEADS, Priceville. Ont. PHONE 21 r 12. Findlay's April Anniversary Special As announced last year we are making our High Chair Special an Annual Affair and we will again donate to the firs* baby bom in the community a High Chair and start it off with a Bank Account. This contest has been watched in other years with great interest and no doubt this year also. The contest is for the first baby born after 12 o'clock on the 31st of March The only restriction is the pearents must be customers of some store in Flesherton, not necessarily ours for we know you eventually will be a customer of ours when you once start. Our aim in life is to be some benefit to the community in which we live, and if in the past we have in any degree lived up to that, we solicit your patronage in our business, but if you think the Mail Order Houses are a better help to your community, why it is up to you to support them by getting your goods from them. We are just finishing up on the 4tli year in Flesherton, and wish to thank the public generally for making it possible for us to more than three times increase our business during that time. We know that by that increase we have proved to quite a large num- ber that they can buy just as wisely and cheaply in Flesherton as they can through outside firms. We again thank you for the confidence you have shown to us OUR iMOTTO IS SERVICE â-  Thos. W. Findlay - - Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director â- > â- 'f • > M^ An expression by jn irate M. P. that could not bo construed as unpar- liamentary wouM be for him to ex- press an invitation for his honorable opponent to takr an air trin across the Atlantic. » « • Farmers in this district, while at- tending the Ontario (Jovernment Seed Train ilisplay were pestered by hijrh pressure salesmen to subscribe for farm journals. These gentlemen their sleek way seemed to leave the impression that they were part of the demonstration train and that any farmer who refused to subscribe w.Ts nn ingrate of the lowest type. The three individuals also workeil their trade in the town and Heniied a number of HuliKcriotions. The.se species of hingers on are always on view when any d< monstrntion in made in the interest of the farm. • • • Another race, in wh"c'» C^inailinns «ro interested is a i -c? across the Atlintic between fishermen's boats of Ni>va Siotin and '.f (i! a'ceste •. U. R. A. It is being â- tni.n.';oie(l 1 ' tli" King of Spain and is a sporting event entirely, .tm there is n > prize lo he won, twilv the honor. Tb" N'ovh Scotia entry will likely bf the BUie- nose. In fishei-men boat races the Canadian)! hove the majority of wins, Chicks & Eggs From purebred Barred Rock Hens, headed by O.A.C. pedi- greed Cockerels, from 210 to 2t«2-egg hens. April Crhlcks per 100â€"^17. May Chicks, per 100â€" $15. Hatdiing eggs .^ic, 80',; fertile. Mrs. E. Patterson R. R. 2, PRICEVILLE. Phone 22 r 41. Ont.irio Is this true of your town? Just as there are farmers who make very good money by intensively cultivating a lew acres, so there are mer- chants In small towns who do a turpriaingly large busi- ness. Of course, they too cultivate their territory intensively. They don't wait for their customers to come to them â€" they go to their customers with frequent offers of what they know wilJ tempt them. And they seem to sell i body. So regularly do they keep In touch with their customers that their offers of merchan- dise are eagerly awaited, and are read as If they were newi â€" which they are. These merchants use Long Distance frequently, to order goods for prompt ehipraent or to fill In sizesâ€" and they find it good business to oaf) important customers by Long Distance to advise them of opportunltie*. every- A "Establishing a New Standard Tii KutomohiVesJ^ *^DUR.ANT V <^ urn' Of »â-  as A^KUALKE the cmincndy tucccuful Star Six with its Red Snl Continental » "L".he»d Motor ... it* remarksble record of ipeed, durability and econ- omy . . . then ADD a larger, Dur?.nt built, Hjye*-Hiuit bodyâ€" wider, longer -^ higher tadiator, of a design exclusive to Duiaqt Productt . . . Bcndix (our wheel brakes . . . tcfinemcnu in cquipmcai and finish ... and you have die Durant "53". See it. Drivek . . . Discover for youiadf the hidden power, the thrilling spcMl, the riding charm that this great rjr holds (or you . . . Your locJ Durant Dealer will give you every opportunity to prove its merits ... yourself. Dunit Mmot) •/ Ca»*4t, limin4 Paitengtr Cars' Four* m»4 SiMtB U^ $725,0 $219% T**n l*trm â-  ' â- Â¥â- '' i^.I DURANT r« L. Rugby Tmckf, Four m tj Six Cyimieri; Ca^eilf 1 torn m»d ty^toms A. Fisher & Son FLESHERTON, ONT.

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