Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Mar 1928, p. 1

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Vol. 4Z_ No. 40 ® J)je fkBhttim %hmnte. Flesherton Ontario, March 7 1928 W H. Thurston & Son, Piopiietors. Social Evening Enjoyed at St. Coluniba Church The young people of St. Columba United Church, Priceville to the num- ber of 63, with a goodly number of visitors present, enjoyed a fine el- evating program given by the side capUined by Miss Marion Mnir; Af- ter the opening exercises the reading of a chapter by Mr. Elmer Hooper an explanatory paper on the chapter was given by Miss Annie Teeter. The topic "The place of pleasure in life" was taken by Miss Martha Watson in a fine written essay, followed by ^Mr. Leonard McArthnr with a reading on the same subject. A reading by Mr. Elmer Harrison on "Doing the thing worth while" was also a good selection. Current events was given by Mr. Donald Reily. To fill a vac- ancy on this side Miss Grace Ramage was borrowed from the Gold Group to give a couple of piano sjIos A short play was given by Messrs. Milton and Gordon Teeter, introducing humorous skits with local celebraties A Bibical contest were thereafter held by the four groups, naming the person from the happening or the deed performed as mentioned in the Bible., a splendid exercise.. The meet- ing closed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. In the meantime "hot dogs" were being dished up in the kitchen by that veteraft cook of the old brigade, Mr. C. S. Sheffel. These were handed 6ut by boy waitersâ€" this being the men's' treat all through â€" accompanied by a fine steaming cup of hot cocoa What if one did put in his cocoa a spoonful of onion salad, mistaking it for sugary if^only served literally, to add spice to the occasion. The social intercourse part of the meeting was closed by the usual circle of unity, and declaring musically. We'll drink a cup of cocoa yet for Auld .Lang Syne. EAST MOUNTAIN Mr. Samuel McClung of Heathcote visited with friends here. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Charles Fawcett is on the sick list. Misses Mabel Thompson and Mon- ica Rae of Flesherton High School hiked home on. Saturday last, a dis- tance of ten miles. Well done, girls Proton Team to Win? There is much conjecture as to the merits of the Proton Station hockey team and the Flesherton sextette with Dr. Lively off the line-up. Proton says they will win the next game and the locals state it is impossible. How- ever, the merits of both teams will be demonstrated in the rink he-e next Tuesday night, when the game will be called at 8 p.m. We understand that wagers are being placed ky the Proton supporters. IN MEMORIAM CONHON â€" In Toying memory of my dear dauRhter, Kthel May Q>nron who passed away March 4th. isa.**. In my lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are always near I, who loved you, sadly miss you As it dawn^ another year. Sadly missed by Mother and Family. IN MEMORIAM TURNER â€" In loving memory of our dear mother, who passed away one year ago, March 17, 1927. Her life was earnest, her actions kind Anxious to please, loath to offend. A loving mother and a faithful friend. Sadly missed by the family. IN MEMORIAM TURNER â€" In toving menory of oar dear father, who passed away March 3, 1924. Just four years ago dear father. Since you were taken from our midst God alono knew how you suffered And he called you home to rest. The Family. FARM FOR SALE OR RBNT 78 acre farm, lot 178, 2 S.W. Ait< eneaia, at S»ac«en Junction. Ban M by M with L SO by 32, cement rtahUng thioochoot. Large ccmmt veneer hanm, 8N0M«d, with nood- â- hed, in which is drilled well, fam well watand •â- tall orehard-â€" W. J. BhMkhvik PNtan SUMon. ROCK MILLS March was ushered in with cold stormy weather. On Sunday a strong wind blew all day and with donsid- erable snow falling it put the roads in bad shape, making them impass- able. C. Newell was kept busy on Monday getting the roads opened <>- gain. Our mail carrier, Mr. W. Hei.man was unable to get through to Flesh- erton on Monady, but succeded in coming as far as Rock Mills. Mr. J. Porteous lost a horse last week. The animal dropped dead on the road while hauling a load of lum- ber to Flesherton station. Misses Edith and Mabel Betts and Mrs. C. Newell accompanied by ihe Misses Lottie and Myrtle Stuart of Burks Falls spent a day the past week with their aunt, Mrs. Jnhn Hargrrave. We extend our sincere sympathy to the Best families in their recent hour of sorrow. Mrs. Sammie Fisher left last week for Toronto, where she will spend a while with her sister, Mrs. Dave Jamieson. Miss Margaret White is visiting at present at her parental home here. ^We are sorry to learn that Earnis White is still quite ill. but hope to hear of a good change for the beHer very soon. There wasn't any church last last Sabbath, owing to the day being so stormy that the ministers were unable to get to their different app- ointments. Mirs. Ray Woods, and children of Owen Sound Visitedi recently with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. T. Fisher. Evgenia Birthday on Leap Year Day EUGENIA Death of Mrs. H. Hnrd Mrs. Sarah Antoinette Hurd, wife of the late Henry Hurd of Kimberley, died on Feb. 27, 1928, at the home of her third daughter, Mrs. A. S. | Hurlburt, of Vernon, B.C., after an illness of nearly four weeks. Mrs. Hurd was 78 years and three months of age. She was bom at Richmond Hill in 1849. In her girl- hood the family lived on the 11th line of St. Vincent, while most of her married life was spent on the farm in the Beaver Valley near Kimberley. She was an active member of the Methodist church, working in both W.M.S. and Ladies Aid work. She was a good neighbor and a devoted wife and mother She is survived by her seven daughters â€" May (Mrs. W. M. McConnell) of Saskatchewan; Eth- el (Mrs. J. I. Weber) of Peace River, Alberta; Millie (Mrs A. S. Hurlburt) of Vernon, B. C; Clara (Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Fairy Hill, Saskatchewan; Helen, a missionary in Tokyo, Japan: Frances (Mrs. L. Banks) Hazenmore, Sask.; and Eula (Mrs. S. Cecil Wil- son, Kobe, Japan. The interment took place in Vernon cemetery. Wm. McClung Passes The death occurred on Saturday last at the Owen Sound hospital of William -McClung, a well-known and highly respected resident of Euphrasia township, in his 75th year. Deceased had been ill with eancci.' for over six months and had been a patient of the hospital for the last six weeks I'f his life. The deceased was born on the 3rd line of Euphrasia, near Heathcote, being a son of the hUc Mr. and Mrs. James McClung. He was well known thtoughout the district, havinsr had his home on the 11th line of Euphra- sia in recent years. He U survived by three sons, Sam of Heathcote, and Joe and Amoa of Maak'lale; and three daughters, Mrs. W. Wyville of near Markdale, Mrs. John Gibson of Dur- ham, ind Mrs. J. Burritt of Kimber- ley. One brother, Samuel, of Heath- cote, and one sister, Mrs. Hugh Neil of Heathcote, also survive. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon from his late home to the Markdale cemetery. IN MEMORIAM Every four years Miss Lucy Mac- Donald has had a birthday annivers- ary on February 29th. This year she had a most enjoyable event, when she invited her school mates and little friends, about two dozen to help her celebrate the occasion of her 12th birthday. Mrs. Adam Smith took charge of the children, amusing them in games, etc.. After this came sum- ptuous supper. The table, which was laden with many good things was cen- tred by a three story birthday cake with its twelve candles. Mrs. Len Latimer lit the candles and Lucy had much pleasure in blowing them out. She received many pretty and use- ful gifts from the children and the grown ups. We join in wishing her many happy returns of the day. In the evening about 25 young people were entertained at the home of Mr. Jos. Sherwood in the honor of Mrs. Susan Doupe of Saugeen Juet. who has been visiting there. A very congenial time was spent in games and musical numbers were enjoyed. Lunch was served at midnight, the party breaking up about two o'clock. We have had three weeks of con- siderable stormy weather. Sunday was one of the stormiest days, there was no chrrch services, the roads being blocked. . No mail service on Mon- day. Mr. Chas. Thompson, our eff- icient mail carrier from Kimberley to Flesherton tried to get through on Monday, and got as far as Mr. Wm. Duckett's, when he had to return home again. Much credit is due to Mr. Thompson for his untiring c.forts in attempting to give good mail service He is one of the most obliging mail carriers. We are very sorry to report the serious illness of Mrs. Jos. Sherv/ood who took suddenly ill on Saturday morning. Dr. Lively is in attend- ance. Her sister, Mrs. Doupe, is also with her. We hope Mrs. Shtiwcod will soon recover from her critical illness. Mrs. Jas. Linton of Wareh.-- â- Â»'is ited recently with Mrs. Robt. Purvis. Little Miss Edna Partridge has -ec- overed from her recent attack of 'c>n- silitis. Miss Mildred Johnston, teac-'er, spent a couple of days at her ho-'-^ in Kemble last week, while the heating system in the school here was b.?ir; r repaired. However all was in '-ork- ing order soon and school reop .- led again on Friday. Mrs. John Campbell, and dau«'' ?r Bemice visited with her sister, II.s. Wilfred Magee, 8th line. May Shoot Dogs A reader handed in the follov " ig taken from the game laws, wh-h would seem to settle the question is to whether dogs found running " er during close season may be killod or not by anyone seeing them: Section 32â€" Sub-Sec, 1: No r -'ner of any dog shall permit such (' -g to run at large during the close sison for deer in a locality where deer usually inhabit or arc found. SubSec. 2: Any person harhr ring or claiming to be the owner of ^uch hound or dog shall be deemed ^ be the owner thereof; and any dog '' md running deer during th close - 'son shall be deemed to be at larg vith nermission of the owner and - y be killed on sight by any person -id he shall not be liable to any pen Ity or damage thereof. CEVLON Miss V. Etherington of Toronto vis- j ited Miss Margaret Sinclair for a| week. { Mr. A. C. Muir went to Toronto on | Saturday and arrived back Monday j evening with his bride. Mr. Muir and j bride have taken up residence in part; of Mr. J. J. Patterson's residence, j This village and community extends a i welcome to Mrs. Muir and congratula- 1 tions are being extended to the* young j couple. I Owing to th« severe stjrm Sunday- our pHftor, Mr. Prosser, did not get| to his appointment at Inislioge and j Proton. The service here was with-j drawn. j Miss Margaret Sinclair entertained j a number of her friends to a birthday ; party on Tuesday evenin»r, when aj most enjoyable time wavi spent. \ Mr. A. Whittaker hci rented Mr. E.| Sergant's farm and will t.ika posses sion the first of .April. The measles have visited all the: homes of the school children for the; past week and now we believe that this week end will sec all recovered from it and able to be out aarain. | The Ladies' .Aid held the!" reirular^ monthly meting at the hom? of Mrs Rudedge on Wednesday afternoon. -Although very stormy and disaKiee-l able afternoon there was a good at-' tendance. The President, Mrs. Wm.; Gibson, opened the meo^=n;r in the! regular way and business wci proceed-' ed with. Mrs. F. J. Collinson and Miss M. Hemphill each gave very in- teresting papers, which we-e recoivet: with interest. Mrs. Geo Cairns and Miss M. Hemphill gave a very enjoy- able duet. It was decided to hava a social about the middle of March, the, date of which will be decided later. .\ contest is to be held for new mem-! bers so when you are asked to join just hand over your quarter a id .say I "Sure, I'm pleased tc." The hostess! then served a dainty luncb and the' meeting was brought to a close. Mr. Thos. Irwin. v;ho was recently! operated on in Durham hospital. w.-:s able to come home on Tuesday. Mr. A. C. Muir had a car of sweet clover seed arrived the first of the week and unloaded it iiit-j the granery. T. W. Conron Died at Feversbn Saddenly FEVERSHAM The residents of this village and surrounding district were greatly shocked on Saturday last when it be- came known that Mr. Thoma.s W. Conron had passed awaj, after only a few days' illness from pneumonia. Mr. Conron had been operator for the Osprey Municipal Telephone Syste-n for some yeari, until last spring, when he went sailing out of Pert Colbornc, as mate of one of the lake ves.seh, he having had his mate's r^pors for some years. When he came homo in Doc- ember he did not look well, but did not complain much until a few days before he passed away. Mr. Ccnron leaves to mourn his loss three littlo boys, besides his age*, father and mother here i'.nd two sisters and one brother, Mrs. Wm. Davidson ard Matthew Conron of Colingwood, and Mrs. Vanblaricum of Saskatchewan. His wife predeceased him three years ago. Great sympathy is expressed t.) the bereaved ones in the!'- great loss. -A fair gathering of people attemled the Ladies' .A.id concert on Friday last, considering the stormy night and bad roads. A goodly number of people from here attended Mr. T. Langtrys sale near Ravenna on Thursday last. Auctioneer Kaitting wielded the ham- mer and good prices were realized. Mrs. Jas. Moore of the Eighth Line spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Conn Jr. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Poole and â- hildren visited with the former's par- -nts, Mr. and Mrs. John Poole, on the 1 0th line on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Osborne are vis- iting with friends in Nottawasasra j nd Collingwooji before starting for their home in the West. For storm this winter Sunday capp- ed the climax and piled snow drifts high. MAXWEbL Th Ladies' Aid of the United ChuteK held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. John Stephen on Thursday last. On account of the storm on Sunday the Sunday services here wc-e can- celled. We are sorry to report Mr. \rrhi«i Mclnnes of Tryon vicinity on t'no slcfc list. Nurse McMaster of Flesherton is in attendance. Mrs. Gauld of Mimico is visiting Dr. and Mr. Gauld at present. The Women's Institute will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Geo. Priestly on Thursday cf this week. Visitors cordialy invited. i Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Long Citlebrated 'their 25th wedding anniversary on ; Monday. March 5th. ] We extend our sympathy to Mr. and ! Mrs. A. J. Conron of Feversham in the : loss of their son, Thomas, who passe-1 ' away on Saturday. March 3rd. Be- sides his aged parents, he leave-; three young sons. His wife predeceased , him two years ago. : Mr. .\ngus McLeod leaves this week for his newly purchased farm near j Mclntyre. .-\ play will be given in the former Presbyterian church here on Friday, March 16th. under the raspices of the United Church Sunday school, entitled "Cranberry Corners." .All come anr?. bring your friend. .-Admission 25 an-.l 15 cents. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ellis. Kimber- ley, Ont. announce the engagement of their youngest daughter. Ellen Justina to Mr. Wilfred Leslie McMuU- en, son of Mrs. McMullen and thai late David McMullen, of Feversham. Marriage to take place in the middia of March. â€" RUBBER BOOTS FOR ALL Advertise in The Advance For a good work boot that will help keep your feet dry, and rubber bot- toms and tops for men and boys, and all kinds of repairing on footwear, come to W. L. MORWOOD Flesherton, Ont. Fke Returned to Village In July of last year Constable i Johnston arrested two young men j from Niagara Falls who were in the I town with an automobile load of | liquor and a charge was preferred ( under the Liquor Control Act. Police Magistrate Creasor came from Owen Sound to hear the charge accompan- ied by Crown .attorney Dyer and! Provincial Constable Denton. Before, the trial was completed a new charge was preferred and Constable Denton was the prosecutor. A fine of $100 was levied, the liouor confiscated and taken to Owen Sound. The local authorities were not too well pleased with the outcome and as a result took the matter up with the Depart- ment in Toronto and now have the satisfaction of having the fine re- turned to the Village Treasurer. â€" Markdale Standard. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNER.\L PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road. TORONTO J. W. Bates. R; Maddocks. 9 « 9 « 9 9 9 9 We have FRESH LETTUCE & CELERY i ouse of ©ualitp*' Fresh Celery & Lettuce • Subscribe for The .Advance NOW Mumps are epidemic in Orillia. Over four hundred pupils an ! teach- ers are out of school with the disease. This is the second outbreak fiis year. It was thought to be over, bu* ' mat- inee in the Opera House, wb h the pupils of all schools were pc ".ted to attend spread the disease wors^ than before. CAMACK â€" In loving meaiory of onr only brother, Clifor4 Ca«ack. who ' rM one year ago to-day, March 3rd. ' 1M7. The yea' t : ay wipe out many things. But tlr.'s they'll wipe out never: The me>fory of fho.<e happy days When wc were al' toirether. Sadly missed by hia sister, Mrs. W. J. Martin, 876 ?th Ave. West, Owtn Sound. Chicks & Eggs From purebred Barred Rock Hens, headed by O.A.C. pedi- greed Cockerels, from 210 to 262-egg hens. April Cr hicks per 100 â€" $17. May Chicks, per 100â€"115. Hatching eggs 5c., SC^o fertile. Mrs. E. Patterson R. R. 2. PRICEVILLE, Phone 22 r 41. Ontario 9 every wee k. Just give us a ring and we will save your order. )gl will save your oraer. S WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF ORANGES, J eyes â€" the value of vision- cannot be expressed in any term. Next to life itself is vision. W. A. Armstrong & Son | Jewellers & Opticians FLESHERTON, - ONT. LEMONS, GRAPE FRUIT. BANANAS Neilson's Ice Creain Bricks, Eskimo Pies, Arctic Sweet Hearts, and Bulk Ice Cream W. J. Stewart & Sons Phone 46 Ont Auction Sale Horses. CatMe. Sheep, Etc. Alf. Harrison & Sons Will hold a Credit Auction Sale on lots lt)7-68. T.&S.R., Artemesia on WEDNESDAY. MARCH 14. 1928 whn following stock will be offered: Heavy Mare, 12 yc.Ti-s old; Bay Mare 8 years old, graj'd worker; 12 ^-year-old Cattle, ex'ra fine; 3 Cows all supposed in calf, 1 milking; white Cow, 7 years old, due Marvh 29; i8 thoroughbred Oxford Down Ewe»; 2 thoroughbred Oxford Down Rams; pedigrees for above ^^'eep will be sup- plied; 12 grade Ewes. 14 F.we Lambs, single set driving hain'-ss nearly new. Sale to commence at 1 p.m. shnrp. TERMS â€" Eight months' credit will le given r<v r.pproved jont notes, V:aring interest at tix per cent. GEO. DUNCAN. Auctioneer. § Flesherton, . ..»..» ^« w.«w ^ BEATTY Electric Washers EASY TO OPERATE â€" SIMPLEST ON THE MARKET, ONLY FOJR MOVING P/vRTS ~ MAKES WASHING A PLEASURE ROYAL Pl'RPLE STOCK FOOD Royal Purikle Calf Meal. Zenoteum. SPECIAL â€" 25, 40 and 60 Watt Lamp* 3 for 78 cents. Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE

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