Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Feb 1928, p. 7

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'SET? BOW DELKATE GRLS ARE MADE STRONG lleh. IM PiMd NMdcd to Keep Vp Tkdr Yitalltjr. It AouU »• that plaatjr of Bat ft boras' ta â- Ma Vlenty of 0a^«Moon oxarclM. «< anodta aai tln«. â- ba taal to ktatar moaaa. Ta va tta vaaki tUn M eadai ivSarar, naat hava aaw, rleh blood, tad â- a ot tiila Uod to pw aa Dr. WllUanu' fiak PUla. Jthaaa villa sot only anrlch and la^ â- a tha blood aapply, tboy belp tba etlta and aid dig •stloa. relloT* tha krr back and Ilmbi, thus brlnfliig health and â- trencth and traaa- ulng anaamlo slrla and womoa Ibf I cheertul. happy p'eoplo. The value of Dr. WOlUtma' Flak talla In the case of anaemia (Irla la ^ed br the case of MIbb Imcj Btod- MargaretvlUe, N.B.. vho layat (*Trom the aee ot 12 to 16. 1 wae In an tnaemia condition. I iras Terr thin fend nervous, had no appetite and had ao deeire to take part In the dolnga •f those ol my aee. My mother cot .Ionic after tonic for me, but they did ^ very little good. Then Dr. Wil- IhuDs' Pink FiUe were recommended Vad almost from the flret they seemed la be Just what was needed to restore ty strength. After taking the pUIs T a time I felt an altogether dUter- fent girl. I got up In the morning feel- tag bright and actire, and ready tor .vork or play. Since then I haya al- laays taken a couple of boxes of Dr. jITiiliams' Pink PlUa in the spring as a tonic and hare thus kept in the bast sf condition." Erery weak girl should promptly Ibilow the example of Miss Stoddart, leeliEg sure that the plUs will renew ker health. You can get the pills from any medicine dealer or by mall at 60 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., BrockriUe. Ont. Husky Twice Saves Master's Life ; Prince Meets Boys .Trlls London Club He Likes 4 Detective Stories ].. !;<:on â€" The Prince of Wales likes Both! tig better to read than a good advfr.iure story. He bo informed a boy iDgrossecl In such literature in the library of a Reman Catholic club In Kapt Laocdon recently. The Prince made one of his incog- nito exi'urslons into the East Side iJiboriie districts, Tlslting two Cath- olic I iubs for boys. His advent was not known except to Father Rawlln- s»D, nho conducted the Prince on h j Journey. The presence of the Prince only leaked oi:t gradually to the youcg- Bttrs, many of whom were skeptical at first. AVhen he talked with several at the boys and they compared him meLtally with his pictures the con- jlctloc grew that it really was the Prince. The Prince toured the library, ask- big many of the youngsters what they i weie reading and exchanging views on books with them. He watched foo'.b;:!! played on the roof of one ot the clubs by electric light. He also ' »aw several boxing bouts and heartily ' applauded the young pugilists. The I'rince departed to the enthusi- ' sstic (.beers ct the boys, most of whom are the sons of dock laborers. ' ^ ^ . « Toilers of the Deep * Qoitcc Evecsment (Cons.): (The ' Oovernment are taking steps to im- ' prove '.he lot of the fishermen.) We have many fishing colonies on the eoasts of the Gulf ot St. Lawrence * fend on the banks of some of its tribu- taries. The Federal Government are ' Interesting themselves in their griev- ' 01)9 'ot. and the Government of the * Trovicce ot Quebec are doing some- ' ll'ng 10 make their strenuous calling • Bn»re profitable. But nothing is so 4 precarious or uncertain as the income of a fisherman. There are years wlien r"sh are scarce, and other years when they fetch too small a price. Everj- winter one hears that, in this or that part ot the Gaspe Penlnsuls, the fishermen are in dire distress. And this U what we'd like to b«| Good and kind and neUhborty. Big of heart and broad of salad, Olad with oTarr loy vo find, Frfaadly aa wa go our way, Ooneroas handed day by day. Keeping though wa rlsa or faU Tha lore and good estaom of aU. Haâ€" "Are you cold?" She-^'Bont to freeze." Hoâ€" "Want my coatT" Sheâ€" "If you please." Heâ€" "Want It full?" Sheâ€" "Jost the sleeToa." - -Itfa bean a hard grind." alghad the mechanic aa ha replaced tha yalTos. -VmAir, mother Is a wlokad woman. She homed the Bible thla aumtNt-" '^oTcr mind. We can gat Bible, but there waa only on* IB azlateBca that said yoor waa born In ItSS." ^slng, aocorifilt to acSantlsta, ta unknown f'"""g the Bftvaga tifbaa. And soma day we are gAc ta flgoxa ou^ whether this constltntaa aa ann- ment against kissing or In tmrot aC It. Higher Mathematlofc â-²nto â€" Autonomy â€" Antopay. naord The girl In the moTle ticket said that the usher In the theatre la the leading man. Freedom of the Sea. Qlrls. when they went ont to swim. Once dressed like Mother Hubbard; Now they hare a bolder whim: They dress more like her cupboard. The best way to ouUaw war would be to hang the outlaws who cause It. The modern Idea In fashion, so far as we have been able to obserra, seems to show everything but the brains. The dominating personality doesnt help much, it the other fellow Is drlT- Ing a truck. To-day's unfinished task is a morb' gage on to-morrow. Funniest situation is when yon are asked for advice, then argued with about it. It takes a bride an hour to sew a button on a coat and a year later it takes her six months. Politicians live olt the fathead ot the land â€" and everybody else tool Conceit Is a public proclamation of the poverty of one"s personal rela- tlces. The choir Isn't to blame for all tha discord in the church. « THE REVERSE OF THE MIDAL Chicoutiml Progress du Saguenay (Ind.): (It is denied that the big in- dustrial development of tho Lake St. John region has actually brought wealth to the Inhabitants.) Doubtleas vast and admirable works haTe been carried out; doubtless Immense sums have been spent in the locality; doubt- less it would be foolish to pretend that ten thousand is not more than I a hundred. But if there is a hundred I to 8-hare up and only ten people, every lone gets ten; but if, on the other iband. there Is ten thousand to divide and there are ten thousand people, there is only one apiece. « A taxi-driver provides fresh flowers, cigarettes, a box ot matches and an ash-tray in his cab. The latest form ot cab-array. Acid Stomach isgoodtecT Red Rose Orange Pekoe is mipreme u In dean, Irtght Aluminum. 4 Ministers and Markets { Reglns Leader (Lib.): Tbe pro- 1 posed appointment of a Canadian Minister to Tokio should, aa the Prem- ier points out, not only sarre to stUnulats trade between Canada and Japan but should also tend to oreate a better faallng between the two countries. It Is a short-sighted and colonial view which takes exception to any of the Ministerial posts which the Government already has orsated or has in mind. Oassified Advertisemento yL'.^.l-lTV HOCK, LKGHblUr. 1 m^ Wyandott*. Red Bt.by Chloi^ ItM par 100 and up. HatoUina *nt* ja.(JO per 100 and up. Ptdlvraed OookST* •Is, |<.00 Mtoh, and up. l3 Pa«« Illoa. trated CaUiogue KrM. L. n. 'Jutld k Sons, Box T, Itockwood. Ont. BABY CHIOK.Sâ€" WE HATr i B-OUK varieties of Ruby Ciilcks. >•â-  rita for ficB oata'.oguc. Pi-ice lOc and uii. A. H. Sn'l:zer, Grai.'on. <'nt. I Woodsmen â€" Keep MInard'a handy. I I Keeping the London Zoo going coats about £13.000 a year for food ; alone. An elephant can be fed for about £110 a year. The 18-'.nch guns mounted on HJtf.S. Kelson, our latest battleship, ' â- ra (7 ft. long and fire shells weigh- Isc l,4«l lbs. each. I A WelsUu-.an v.t.s cr .?i'.ng a bridge at night when Le hcari a voic3 from the river crying "He':;): hi'!pl I can't swim;' ".Neither can 1, Bvan Thomas, ' replied the way fare:-, "but I don't make s. f.iss abou: it, look you, ^ whatetfer." Excess acid Is the common cause ot Indigestion. It results In pain and ' ^aourness about two hours after eating The jjuick corrective is an alkali which neutralises acid. The best cor- ' rectlve is Phillips' Milk ot Magnesia. .It has renained standard with pbysi- "^tans in the SO years since its inven- • tlOD. pua spoonful of Phillips' Milk of «sb1ii sautraliaes Insuntly many limes Its volume In acid. It la barm- jless and tasteless and its action is I quick. You will never rely on crude 'methods, never continue to suiter, I when you learn how quickly, how pleasantly this premier method acts. Please let It show you â€" now. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk ot Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians tor 60 years in correcting excess adds. Each bottle cootatns full direc- tloaftâ€" any drugstore. "Mountla," leader of the Chateau Vtontaaac dog-team, haa many Manda. bat none who watch hla canor with more Intereat than Ser- geant William Orennon of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The Ser- geant, who la slxfoot-three and the oack narkamaa of the force, talla, with tears of pride In his eyes, how "Monntle," whom he raised from a pnp, saTod his Ufa on two occasions. An early freeae In the North Coun- try. The team with â- ^ounUs" In the lead crossing Sturgeon Lake. Then the realization that the Ice was crack- ing and bending and the knowledge Oat It waa too thin to allow the alaigh and drlrar to atand stni long â€" ^"g** to turn. There waa no retrao- ing; they mast go on. "Vountle" waited tor no word ot command. He lead the team on, on at a breakneck apeed across an expanse ot sersn miles, with death facing them at erery step, and reaching the opposite shore In safety. Once again, the following year, the Sergeant claims that "Mountie" saved hla lite, when he cleared with one bound a cut In the Ice, six feat wide caused by the swift current, the others following. Over thousands of miles throngh the snow bound north, on missions of life and death. Mountie has aocom- iwnled Sergeant Orennon. When Mountie left fire years ago for Quebec the Sergeant was heard to soy that he had lost his most faithful and his most beloved Crlend. Frostbites Minard's Liniment ocr.nlerai'ls infiammai'on. eescs tha pain, Kcothes -Axui heals. many mothers recowdthemI Baby's Own Tablets Are Finej for Nervous, Sleepless i Cbildren. From Canada the fame ot Baby's Own Tablets is spreading over the world. Mothers recommend them to other mothers and wherever they are tried nothing but words ot praise are heard for these pleasant tasting little tablets that promptly relieve the minor ailments of young children. "Baby's Own Tablets are one ot the best remedies for children's ailments I have ever used," says Mrs. Arthur T. AUen, ot Auburn, Me. "My little girl was nervous and could not sleep. I tried the Tablets and she was re- lieved at once. She was also troubled with constipation and nothing seemed to help her. 1 had used the Tablets kat a short time before her bowels Win regular. All mothers should keep Baby's Own Tablets in the house for they are a valuable remedy." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all druggists or will be mailed on reicelpt of price. 26 cents per box, by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brock- ville, Ont. « Why Prince of Wales Was Named David London. â€" Most of us know the Prince ot Wales Is called "David" by his relatives and never "Eddie," there will be some interest in the Dowager Lady Radnor's claim in her newly pub- lished book of remintscenses that it was she who suggested this name. Lady Radnor believes the Briton.s are descended from the ten lost tribes and the royal family from King David, the chap who slew Goliath. She sent a message to the Queen, then Duchess ot York, asking that it a son was bom to her he should be called David. The Duchess liked the name, but "won- dered what reason she could give" tor calling her son by it. Lady Radnor suggested that it could be Included among the other names ot the four patron saints ot these Islands and that, she writes. "Is how the Prince of Wales came by the name ot David." Making Winter Popular A few years ago Canadians were in* ' cllned to be apologetio oonoeming I their 'Winter climate and to resent I public mention of Its seasonal pecoU- .aritles â€" as Kipling learned when h« icwrote about "Otir Lady of the Snows." Now it is all different. We hare learn- 1 ed to capitalize our Winters and the ! publicity agencies tell the world in words and pictures about the beauties j ot the ski trails and the invigorating and beneficent influences ot aero tem- peratures. This is more than merely Tnafctng the best ot an Inevitable situation. Canadians themselves have been sold on their own Winters and out ot the fulness ot pergonal experience they recommend them to those of softer climates. Ottawa, tor Instance, takes to Its skis with the first snowfall, and on afternoons and week-ends the wooded hills and open spaces in the vicinity are dotted with thouaanda of the young and middle aged vwnturlng their skill on the precarious nmners against the forces ot gravity and the perils ot hidden stumps. Summer to them is but an inconvenient interval between skiing seasons. Canada and the Empire Toronto Globe (Lib.): The "nsw status" question is entitled to a rest Canada has done well in the last six- ty years, as waa made plain during Diamond Jubilee year. Her progress has been remarkable. KhateTW has been her status, and to continue this progress along broad lines and on a solid foundation should be the chief objective ot Parliament. I* it is the desire to help the Empire by making this country a strong component part, with the Imperial ties becoming firm- er each yearâ€" as they should â€" atten- tion ought to be directed to that end Instead of o the texture of ha bonds. Canada is of he Empire la tact and la sympathies. â- Why do so many, many babies of to- I day escape all the little fretful spells ' and infantile ailments that used to '• worry mothers through the day, and I keep them nphaif the night? If you don't know the answer, ron havent discovered pure, harmless Caetoria. It is sweet to tha taste, and - sweet in the little stomach. And its ' gentle infiuence seems felt all through I the tiny system. Not even a distaste- \ ful dcse of caster oil does so much 1 good. I Fletcher's Caetoria In purely vege- \ table, so ycu may gi^e it freely, at t flrat sign ot colic; or conaUpatlcn; or . diarrhea. Or those many times whan you just don't know what is the mat- ' ter. For real sickness, call the doctor, \ alway?. At other times, a few drops \ ot Fletcher's Castoria, j The doctor often tells ycu to do just j that; and always says Fletcher's. Other preparations may be just as , ptire, just as free from dangerous ; drugs, but why experiment? Besides. | the book on care and feeding of : babies that comes with Fletcher's Catatorla is worth its weight In gol^i i Read Mrs. Menard's Letter. Her Experience May Help Chatham. Ontr.r'o. â€" "I want to t<?ll rou how mi;c!i good yov.r mediiriua Ih;ia dc!'.c me. Be- forc n; y baby cam '^ 1 fci t so woa Ic :â- . nd run- down t'.ot I could hardly do my work. .My head relied continually and I w'la so dis- courag'.'J that I couiil cry from mori'in^tillniKht. I had another fâ€" il babv j as tone year and a half old and it gave r:;*; a lot to do. So I thouKht 1 would Uy Lyijia E. Pinkham's Vegetabl'? t^!or.ii)ound. as 1 had read so rnuch ubuit it in Lha litt!? book,<». I found a diiT'-M-cnce ri{{ht away as my head was relieved and my "tired feeling.^ gone. ;vly si.ster had been doing m^ wa-^hing and sho cop.tinued doing !t, as sho said it might set me back if 1 started to do it again. It sure did ho!p me and I had taken just two bottles when my baby came. He is a fine big boy, now nearly five months old. 1 am taking your medicine agai.n and I am able to do my work all by myself now. I always recommend the Vegetah!a Compound to women, and especially to expectant mothers, a.i I believe they need help at theee times."â€" Mrs. Olfver MENAKr, lil Harvey St , Chatham, Ontacio. ** /^'""^ When They Were 26 The great .\lexander had over- thrown the Persian Empire. Wash- ington led the advance guard ot the British army toward Fort Uuquesce. Napoleon was second in command to Barras. Franklin started "Poor Rich- ard's Almanac." Fox had been First Lord In both the Admiralty and the Treasury. Gladstone was a junior Lord of the Treasury. Byron was writ- ing "Chllde Harold." Macaulay had published his essay on Milton. Delane was editor of the Loudon Times. Em- met was In a grave without an epi- taph. The Falls ot Niagara are reported to be wearing out. There will ot course be somebody to charga that they were not built right in the flnt place. De Valera wanta to start a new*- paper. The Irish always wera glut- tons tor punishment. â€" New York Evening Post, MInard's Liniment for sick animal*. Suceeeafully Relieved ASTHMA Vt* Pr. Oul'd's Gr«»n Mountain .\sihv.iij Coii)pou!id. Or'.sliiated by Dr. J. H. Oulld. siMClalist !n r«»plr- Rto:v iiT«rt!oi!E. Qiiloklv r*il«v«i the Ji»tr<;.s»!ng torments that c*ut« suffpnt'f Biul lo»B ot kle«p. Two b1z»8. J1.50 ana »6o. -Mso i?lirRr«tt«s ibo.x vt 14. <i"o). at you.- Jruga'st or â- '»iit i"iire.;t \ o^tpalU fur *'e«h. FREE TRIAL l.o.-» 8 'iRa.-eltMl with autho- lla;Ive -.-fr.i'.f* en cauiM and l;'*«tr.)eiit sent •â- ;> '.enuo.'iL J. K. oorbs CO.. iHpt. 20. «np«t, Tt.. v.a.a. Dlntr. for '>n : L> -riB- ' Ltd. 344 St. I'aul ^<t. ^^ . ilun'-eal '•AS' ISSL'E No. eâ€" '28 Tfae whole world knows A^irta as sn dfcctlTS I»in. But its juit mt iM | iilli» As *mw that thgrt i» gttmine Asfirbt. Tbs BMM Bl^v is « every tablet, l box. If the name Bayer anpean, it^i fanoiM: awl if it U notl Heaidacbes are Oipdled by Aspirin. So tre the pain that roes with tiicm ; even tieaialcia, neuritis, sad rl ^ tistn prompt^ relieved. Get Aspirinâ€" at any drufstoreâ€" witfc proven directions. Physicians prescribe Aspirin; it does NOT affect the heart Sr«*lt lino.n ma; .\»r.,- .» ».«•.• !'â- -"â-  .,...i-n'« t,.*. w aipur* \i» â- .••.y.'i «»â- â€¢..« l-^U- "" », lii. lilj:«j «:;; H »:»mn«.i ». ^ ii.«.f Btjit C*«t» irt4ni!«:».

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