Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Feb 1928, p. 4

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â- â- y u^ KtwTK' un m M jeEDNESDAY. FP:BRUARV 29, '28 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 1 1. 50th Anniversary OF - DeLaval Cream Separators '' 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE DAIRLMEN OF THE WORLD. WHY NOT GIVE YOUR COWS A CHANCE TO MAKE YOU MORE MONEY BY GETTING ANEW DeLA- VAL SEPARATOR. We will be pleased to demonstrate thp new machine. W. A. HAWKEN New Ccnu-nt l>l(Kk. Phone 17] Health Service < - of the . ( ( ANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOC. ^ WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT TUBEKCULOSIS. Discovered early and properly treat- ed tuberculosis is one of the most curable diseases. Many deaths from tubci-culosis occur each year. Putting these two statements to- gether, it is evident that either the cases are not being discovered early or they are not being properly treat- c;l. There are no sercets in the med- ic::l profession, and so the physicians . in ov.s flaoe have the same knowledge as physicians elsewhere, but the phy- sician cannot help the person who does not come to him. Those who follow our advice and have a complete physical examination once a year, give their family physic- ian an opportunity to discover tuber- culosis, cancer or other diseases at their earliest and most curable stage. Those who have not followed this ad- vice should know something about the failiost stages of tuberculosis, so that thoy may recognize them and se- cure proper advice right away. jit has 'been ascertained that the house ^°^ everyone with the following fly is a spreader of typhoid, diphthe- *'>''"P*^^'"^ ^^^ tuberculosis, but the |iia and tuberculosis and ever a menace l""''^*'"''^ "^ """^ °'" "i"''^ "^ them is ito health. Ha%'e no mercy on him. sufficient to arouse suspicion and to » • , :,er\(] the person to his family physi- â- cian to find out the cause. Delay Tlie load between Ov,-en Sound and means losing the opportunity for cure p.oaford is receiving bitter criticisms ard at the same time endangers the l-'om the editors of the Owen Sound lives of others: fJ.J5..» ;«.50 per year, when paid and Meaford papers, as nothing has ^..^ ,„„gh ^^at persists for a ,n advance $2.00. been done towards keeping the road ^^^ii ^, ^^e is suspicious. open for motor traffic during the win- . , . j , ,. â-  , ter. At last meeting of Grey County , ^"-^^ ''""^'^ accompanied by a sl.gh Council the representative from Flesh- ^'^T' P^rt"^"'«'-Iy •? 't recurs, is not erton, with others, made a move in '" ''" d'sregarded. the direction of having the Depart-' ^ general feeling of not being well, ment of Highways experiment on the "'''•'^ °^ without the loss of strength, Owen Sound-Meaford highway, but.^^^"'*^ always be investigated. tile matter was defeated in infancy.] Blood spitting is often an early Tlic farmers of Sydenham and St. ' symptom. II frequently occurs as the Vincent did not want the highway kept f''"st symptom in persons apparently op"n for motor traffic during the win- w"- '" tfv months. j Continued upset of digestion, par- â€" â€" I ticularly if accompanied by a cough, R.\TEPAYEltS' MEETING "'â- ''° '"'"' of weight require investi- ' gation. It is better to be always on the safe i^idc. Pay attention to NaL ire's wam- .ii,",3 and preserve your health. Question:! concerning lealth, ad- dressed to the Canadian M Heal Asso- cJRtion, 184 College stre: , Toronto, will be answered by letter. Questions IB tT diagnosis and treatm.^nt will not 'p nn-^wered. AGENCY FOR Massey Karris ^ Iinplemet\ts INSURANCE WRirj E3N IN SEVERAL COMPANI-CS ON BOTH FARM AND TOWN PROPERTY. John Wright FLESHEilTON THANKS FROM DETROIT! Detroit, Mich, Feb. 22, 1928.| Dear Mr. Editorâ€" j All ex-residents of Grey County,! now residents of Detroit and Windsor j wish to thank you very much for thej generous space you contributed to the publicity of their buffet supper dance which was held last night in the D&- troit Masonic Temple, and where over two hundred gathered together and re- newed acquantanceships. The committee feel that a great part of the success of this meting was due to the co-operation of all Grey County papers. It is the intention of the club to hold another dai\ce sometime dating next month and it is juat {WMfble that we will tresspass on your gen- erosity once again. In the mean' time, pleas accept gratitude of all 2x-residents of Grey County, yours very truly GREY COUNTY COMMITTEE Some fellows are so busy trying to uplift their neighbors that no time- is left for making a living". The C.P.R. is extending its line from Port McNlchol to Midland, a distance of about five miles. Work has begun on the new extension. MORTGAGL SALE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over llOi, Price in Canada, |2.00 per yeiav nlun paid in advance $1.50. Ib m. BL THUr^TON. Editor ^WARE OF THE WASTE. Fire insurance reports tell us that very many of the fires that occur in Canada, by moans of which valuabK- property is destroyed, is caused by the careless disposing of waste, cigars or cigarettes and spent matches. We know, too, that though the Germans were blamed for burning (iown the Canadian Parliament buildings dur- ing the great v.-ar, there was the strongest presumption that the fire, which staited in the newspaper read- ing room, was really begun by the ignition of the loosly hang- ing newspapers from a spent match «r waste cigar carelessly thrown on the floor by an M.P. while perusing his favorite journal.. With this knowledge of the c:>sp with which fires ran be started, in the most casual manner, should lead everyone to insist that, whether in the home, the store, the factory or the mine, there should be the most de- tennined effort to provide against the maintenance of waste material of any description and to insist that there ehalf be no careless disposition of matches or -Jther inflammable material Under and by vir ue of the Pow- ers of Sale conta!:ied in a certain mortgage which wil be produced at the time of the sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on Saturday, March 17th, 1928 at 2 o'- clock ia the afte noon at the Mun- shaw Hotel in the village of Flesher- ton, the following parcels of land, namely: â€" Lots Uj8, 159, IGO and 161 in the Third range South West of the Toronto and Sydenham Road in the Township of Artemesia in the County of Grey and containing 217 acres more or loss. TERMS OF SALE â€" 107r of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, balance in 30 days. The properties will be sold subject to resei-ved bid and to the usual con- ditions of the sale. For further particulars and cond- itions of sale apply to Lucas & Henry Socicitors, Markdale, Ontario or J. A. Clark, Auctioneer, Markdale, Ont. Special in Men's Ready- made Suits Reg. $25.50 for $22.00 GROCERY SPECIALS 7 lbs. Epsom Salts ZSc; 3 Pks. Corn Flakes , 2<rc . 2 lbs. Pure Mince Meat 35c. ^ lbs. Pure Lard â-  S9 c. 8 lbs. Cookingf Onions ...â-  • 2Sc. O'CANADA Flourâ€" $4.25 Cash, this week. W. G. KENNEDY •PHONE 37 1 A ratepayers' meeting will be held '< of S. S. No. 2, (Orange Valley) on | Fi i<iay, evening next, March 2nd, 1928 ! at 8 p.m. A full attendance is re- 1 quested. Business is considering' transportation or applying for the ! opening of the closed sideroad. I JOS. McKEE, Sec.-Trcas. PROTON STATION EDITORIAL NOTES The sun's rays are ectting stronger as spring approaches, and some house- wives report the appearance of the house fly, ready as ever for business. « • • The Shelburne Economist claims that a weather prophet is a man who malces us worry about the weather a year before it comesâ€" and when it comes it isn't that kind, anyway. • • * In the past we have had it dinned in our cars that "The United States vron the war." Harry Lauder thinks differently. He claims that, with the help of France, Belgium and England, Scotland won the war. Another ambitious lady wants to go over Niagara Fallii in a barrel. This is an old stunt now. Real ex- citement would be created, and great riches acquired by her, if she would fly UP the falls in a barrel. • • • The growth of the motor car in- dustry in Canada hRs reached a point where the majority of cars owned in this country are of Canadian make. There is evidence also that the people arc purchasing higher priced cars. « • • Those of us who employ othei-s have to bear in mind that men and Women work harder when they know they are appreciated, and that to reach arc hearts of those associated with us we must approach them as friends, not as enemies. • • • Last year the Ontario Government In Its capacity an distributor of in- toxicants set aside five hundred thousand dollars of public funds to buy these liouids and pay salaries to the Premier and his assistants to dis- tribute them. • • • , Every member of the household riiould get ready to swat the pesky H^rm distributor whenever he ap- yaara. Let it be borne in mind that \ land deal of local interest is the sale by Mr. John Carson of the old Carson homestead and the old Nel- son homestead, north of this village to the enterprising firm of Dever Bros., general merchants of Proton Station. Mr. Carson is arranging for a sale of live stock and imple- ments in the near future. Mrs. Aaron Wurts of Duff, Sask. and Mr. Mark Stewart of Flesherton weie the guests of the Shearaon homes recently. M!rs. Wurts was a form- er resident of this locality. Mr. Edward Rutherford has re- turned from a fortnight's visit with his daughter at Angus. Mr. Gordon Wauchope is spending a few days under the parental roof . j The broomball game between the i Proton Wanderers and the Flesher-i ton Ensigns on Friday night resulted in a tie. Advertise in The Advance Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the iin- dersigned for the purchase and re- moval of the shed of the former Chnl- mer's Church. Tenders to be in my hands not later than Saturday, March 3rd, 1928. Highest or any tender not neccss- >rily accepted. I also offer for sale the church or- snn which is as good as new. â€" E. C. MURR.M. Sunday night after church Both the Henderson boy.=i ar© far away from the old home. But Sunday is still a very special day for Father and Mother, for every Sunday night after church the tele- phone bell rings and the old folks know that one of tho boys is calling them from the distant city. Harry call.s one week, and Fred the next. Long Distance is wonderful for keeping family tieij strong. It is so simple, so inexpensive, to call distant friends for a few minutes' chat. And how welcome is the sound of their voices I Do you call friends by Long Distance ? The Evening Rate after 8.30 is very low. "Every Bell Telephone ia a Long Distance Station." 71S Extra Specials All Lines of Dry Goods S))t>rl l""laiincl i)cr vard 65c. .Mackinaw I'Mainiel. per yard 2Sc. I'Mannelette. rejj;^. 30c. for 21c. I'actory Cotton, per yarrl 25 A 18c. Heavy To\velHn>;-. per yard 21c .Ml linen (il.'iss Towelling 21c. A. WATSON Phone 60 - FIJvSIIKRTON The Flesherton Advance CLUBBING RATES --The Advance and The Toronto Daily Star $0:25 The Advance and The Toronto Star Weekly %6.2S The Advance and The Daily Mul and Enipird $V.2S The Advance and The Toronto Daily Globe $9.25 The Advance and The Evening Telegram $6.25 The Advance and the Family Herald & Weekly Star $2.5(r The Advance and The Farmer's Sun -...« ^...^ $3.00> The Advance and The Farmer's Advocate .......„..-..,....^ $2.Sffi Th«J Advance and The Orange Sentinel ...... .^ %iMi The Advance and The Rod «nd Gun ^...-. .«.w.~........ $3JS The prices for these papers are casfe in advance. The Advance gives a few of the papeirs oq its clithbing rates for papers ordered throu ;"h this- office. Renew through The Advance and receive the dliscoimts. If ot'ier papers are desired we can get them for yoit at the reduced rates. W. H. THURSTON & SON Used Cars We have a few good reconditioned used cars ready for the road and a real guarantee with them. It will pay you to see them now. Winter Battery Storage CAR REPAIRING Due to the lateness of the driving season last fall several car owners have neglected bringing their batteries in to have them recharged for Spring. It won't be long-untilyou w^ill be wanting to use your car, and now is the time to sec that your battery is left with us \\ here you can rest assured it will be attended to properly. If there should be any parts of your car in need of attention, now is the time to have it attended to. We can give better attention to your car now than later, when everyone will be wanting their cars put in shape for the season's running.

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