Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Feb 1928, p. 2

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II TEA 800 MPMtot" comes from tiie Chinese vford "Pak-ho**, meaning silver liair, wliich was applied to Um tip leaves on tlie Clilnese tea busli. Tip leaves are wiry In sliape. In India they were more orange In eoioury so were called "Orange Pekoe" (Pak-ho). %SKEL £ c^ oyUeadcn Uall â€" .^^^^ nKGlN HERK TOUAV '.'â- :â-  l>udli'y (Jlenistcr is .•;i;i)ec'U"l of !h- murder of hi« cousin, James Clen- i.slcr, whon a crow drops u skel-jton finjrer en llie «slaU, airi Kalh)ccn (J:o!i ,(*r, r.ii-ti-r nf the <J*a.| man, in her attempt to prove Sir Dudley eu::ty. calls uuoii Mr. Simon Trickoy. , ,.,,.,, , Whie there Mrs. Trickey s husbiinil d^ianded of him by two people, one <h>- I'uducnJy, but bef(>re J am'^s i*'f ^^lom he could afford to disregard. V/ra?t»\ d<'U.-ciive, can investiKate, ' Misr, Kathleen Glcni&ter's thirst for hr. \Vil>o.T i.'.,ues a straipht death vcnj,vonce against the hypothetical cRit fi.:itt but Wrogge Rots po:s«sion 'slayer of her brother did not count, of a smaM i.o:>K. i bm Mr. Stephen Colne's mandate lay N'OW CO OX WITH THE STOllV. uke lead on Wragge's soul. The cab- I Sir Dudley Glenistcr. They could probably gxl him on a charge of fraud and procuring false evidence, but that â€" Wragge frowned at the reflection â€" would not hang the baronet of Beech- wood Grange. i And that «-a£ the task that had been On liis -r-.-ond a;i-ival at 'lie mining c.in.p Trickiy had discovered that George Gl?ni8ter had d;.siippcnred from Tone Welf CUy some In i ir.onths afur hi.s lirEt visit. Tl-.cre \va:, a little I rcn;cteiy, mi' lly cor.taining ihi nnmc- 1 Vas (yuvoa of ^..ild-tetkers who had i "o'iel v.ith th'.'ir boots on."' Bar-ro(.in I j;Tr.ivs wc:e a iilglitly occuicnce and i: hail oion easy in that car„'le5s com- r.-.unjly ts idenfify fsxiin heiusay one cf i!;^!.e fallen adventurers with the niiisin:; heir io the Glen:st';r haron- inct minister's scarcely veiled threat of ruin in the event of failui-e was overwhelming. Wragge knew that he had the power to carry it out. CHAPTER IV. THH OLD MILL HOUSE. Through the Beechv/ood properties ran a purling trout .stream, broaden- ing in iome of its reaches into a river. On the bank of one of thcD© wider sec- tions, cppo.site the clearing whore stco<l the head-keeper's cottage, n de- scrte<l mill reached its lichen-covered gables amid the tree tops. To this pictures.cue desolation Sir Dudley Gknistcr came from the want • ttoxmg lock fitted to th« door and iron bar*, placed acroaa the win- «Ibw. Ape you competent to do those jcba yourself without calling in help from the town?" I "I could fix the lock all right," said I the keeper. "I ain't eo eur* about the . bare. Seemingly, Sir Dudley, your! gaest isn't one that will take much exercise?" "None at all," was th<e curt rejoin- der. "What about the bars, then?" Grimes walked to the diamond- paned window and looked down. "Un- less the party has got wings there ain't no bars needed," he said. "It's a plumb drop into the mill-racC' No foothold for a ladder, and anyone as jumped would be drowned for sure." Sir Dudley by personal inspection conlirnied the .statement. Though the mill itself was rotten the artificial channel that had furnished power to the derelict wheel was aa ueep and strong as ever. The best of swimmers would havo been hard put to it to stem the current without being swept into the %vpecked wheel. "We will let the bars go," he said. "The n'.sk will be K'ss than having them made and fitted by a gossiping blacksmith. Now, r.s to a second guest chamber, Grimes. It may not have to be occupied, and it need not have the mcdest comforts 1 am providing for this. Is there any place where a NURSES WANTED ?!'b* Toronto Iloipltal for Ineurablea, n afflltatlon with Uellevue and Allied Hospitals. New York Ctty. olTers a tbres years' Course of Tratnln* to youiif women, havlnc the required education, and desirous of becominc nurses. Th<s Hospital has adopted the aiaht-hour system. The pupils receive uiilforms of the School, a monthly allowance and travellna expenses tJ and from New York. For further Information write th» Superintendent. "There is the old grain store, on the ground floor of the mill, sir," he replied. "It's got no window and it's swarming with rats, but it would hold anyone as could put up with the damp." "Show it to me," Sir Dudley com- manded They descended the stairs, and, passing into the mill proper, came to a truly gruesome place, a veritable dungeon reeking with foul odors and echoing the lap of the mill-race against its 'outer -walls- Sir Dudley lit a succession of matches and peered round. "This will do," he said. "Better put a new lock here, too. Now when cnn you be ready, Grimee?" "I ought to have three days, sir." ''You can have Ihem, and you will get due notice before tho place is wanted." Sir Dudley strolled into the foot- gentleman who is not very friendly to path leading to the Grange, and John me can, be accommodated?" The sitolid face of the keeper yielded no sign. bank aeroiw the weir and startad to , reeroati the shallower ttresm by way I of the stepping-stones. He was about I half way over when the shrill voices I of women drev/ his gaze to his cottage door. That stern task-mistrees his angu- lar wife, the only being under the stars of whom he stood in dread, was ''mbrocing and volubly chattering to a fashionably dressed widow lady, the freshness of whose "weeds" bespoke her bereavement as recent. John Grimes lifted one hand to shade hie eyes. "Djammjad if that widder woman ain't our Sally!" CHAPTER XV. THE EMPTY DRAWER- Miss Maud Plair approached the great front door of Beeshwood Grance with some diffidence. Recognition by Sir Dudley had no terrors for her. The present baronet had succeeded to the estates after her departure for fresh fields of conquest. During his rare visits in Sir Philip's time when he was plain Mr. Dudley Glenister, she had never chsnced to meet him. Old Hinkley, the butler, who would probably open the door to her, was n different proposition. He had licen familicir with her from childhood and she remembered that he was a shrewd observer. Crimes, a sour smile on his lips, turn- ed to close the outer door of the mill. Then the keeper made his way to the SUN LIFE SETS NEW RECORD Canadian Company With World Wide Organization a Great - Credit to This Country. Increase in New Business For Year Greatest on Continent. "V «'ii''.v '-"il P'Jt up a vo3.!":i cross l.<*rv'n;j the name of George Glenister : U'l K-id f.aiJ the e'.itor of ♦ho local !' ''f-ihcct five dollars for inserting .'1 t.-!atcd i;arr.xTaph lecoviiing the tl'.r.'.b of the Eng!i.<h p;ospcc*ov after a 1- Msral tl indy at tho Coyr.te saloon- I oubtlcis the obituary noi.-cj ha'i *K--<:! planli'd o:i the family s-olicicors. \'. h;.-e r: preventative would hive been rt;i;:!y g'jl'eJ by th3 inscription on t:!*- crave "ut he'e ^^"as where tho i'.li'mina- t:\e powers of the diary fell rbo-t of the 'ightnin;-. It contained no proof th:ii George (ilenister was (ie;i(l â€" to i.'.y nothin;; cf his having met a viol- c.it end in America or in Enginrd. Til'- t '-.ly link connecting him with the ror|;:e fcr.nd in the chalk-pit a'. I.Vr'hv.ood was the ring on the skele- ton f:nger. Wrasjge h;:'J read the paqp? devoted to Trickey's f^rst mission carelessly stn;i he nov.' turned back and read ih'.'ii' over again. One item had '•.•â- â- cap- «•(! !-'? notice, nor had it been incliidod in Kathle;'n'ii account of the inf-^nna- tion Trickey had imparled to her. The <-rtry i-oni-i.^tod of only n few words, but 'lb.? keeper of the diary had under- liia d them. "It i« rumored in Lone Wolf City thii'. G. G. has struck a gold mine but that he is hung up for want of capi- ta.!." The dfttctive closed the book, lit liiH trusty briar and leaned back in bin chair. Mrs. Coningsby'.s antectHl.nts would lia\f to br; looke<l up- The lady of the purp..' ai^fiTtLc! What was her i:i- Irr:-..; ;n the diary and how did she hapl rn to ^e there at the time of tho eix-olerk'f â-  t'< alh? Was jihe there H'slt' of '-'ii' Dudley Glenister, and if 'o v.-BS ber nwlive in 'erving the bai'onet tlnunrial or amatory? j The inspector admitted to himself i John Grimes mounted a narrow as he v.ould have admitted to no one ulnircase, the baronet following. A elw, that he wa.s in a fog, though â-  big brown rat eyed their ascent from there were several threads to be fol-^ the landing and Rcampered away lowed op. So for a.<i he could sec they squealing when he had got over his none of them led with any crrtainty ' Kurpri.se. So they came to the bed<- to a eonviction for murder against . roonip, long ago occupie<l by the mill- er's family, and Sir Dudley looked into them nil in turn. Finally he en- tered the largest room, which looked across the stream towards the keep- er's cottage. "This will do," lie muttered. Then ho turned on the saturnine keeper. "I want this room fixed up to receive a guest," he said. "You will buy some common furniture, just simple necefc- Uarte*, and have them delivered at your cottage a« if they were for your own use- Then )'ou can bring them owr here after dsrk." "No need to buy it, sir," was the The extraordinary expansion of the Sun Life .\ssurance Company of Can- ada during the last few years has caused its annual report to be awaited with unusual interest, not only by the poU.-yholders of the Company, but by a large section of the general public. The annual report which the Presi- dent has Itrnt submitted, and which ap- pears In this Issue, must have sur- passed the expectations of the most sanguine. The total amount of as- surances in force with the Company now approaches the billion and a half figure, 5I,-IS7,OOO,000, an increase tor the year of over $231,500,000. The total net income tor tho year exceeded »100,OCO,000â€" live times what It was ten years ago and more than $23,000,- 000 in e.xcesa of the Income for the previous year. Sin-h statistics as are available tor 1927 indicate that the aggregate new buslnefis of all the companies operat- ing in North America last year barely exceeds the total new business ol the previous year. The Increase In the new business ot the Sun Life of Can ada, on the .other hand, was twenty- three per cent. Assurances In forco on the books ot the Company have doubled in four years â€" new business has trebled in that period. This wonderful expansion has been parallt'.ed by a great Increase In the The strength and solidity of our large Insurance companys, banks, etc., is a source ot great pride to all Canadians, and It Is in the )>e8t Interests of the country that these Institutions remain Canadian in ownership and not pass to foreign control, as have many of our large business enterprises. Grange through the woods on the third morning after his thrashing by Norman Slattr in I>ady Marrable's drawing room- John Grimes, who had been watching from his garden, joined his master by way of stepping-stones across the brook, (irimes toolc a key from his pocket and unlocked tho door of the dwelling house attached to the mill. "You'll have to mind your steps on tlu' ground floor, sir," he said as he interior. "The on ' led tho way into tho ' flooring is rotten." IS 'It is the i said Sir Dudley shortly. up.-jtairs 1 want to sec," The cool, comfeftlng flavor of WRIOLEVS Speamint is • lasdag pUaturc. b daanacs the moath after cattogâ€" ftves a €Umn taste and eweec fcrwH i. It le tefrtshing aiid dlgcstiaa aiiliag. B. MACAULAY President Sun Ufe of Canada deducted $5,000,000 from the market value ot Its securities as a further pro- vision against possible future fluctua- tions, the total amount set aside for this purpose now standing at $10,000,- 000. The account to provide for un- foreseen contingencies has been in- creased by $1,500,000 and now amounts to $12,SOO,000. The sum of $1,000,000 has been written off the Company's properties; an additional $500,000 has been set aside in antici- pation ot tho greater longevity ot an- nuities â€" the total provision under this head now being $2,000,000. Another $60,000 has been set aside to provide for claims with respect to total dis- ability cases as yet unreported. $11,- 000,000 has been paid or alloted as proflts to policyholders during the year, and over $0,000,000 has been contingently allotted to deterred dividend policies Issued prior to 1911 and to live-year distribution policies U>- provide for profits accrued but not yet payable. After making these liberal deduc- tion and allocations, over $11,000,000 has been added to Ib^ undivided sur- plus, which now stands at more than $45,000,000. Tliere is good news again for the participating policyholders ot tho Company In the announcement that the scale of dividends to be paid to policyholders during the year com- mencing April Ist next will bo again Increased â€" this for the eighth succes- sive year. The interest rate on divid- ends left with the Company will be maintained at 5>/2 per cent, per an- num during the new dividend year. There were paid to policyholders and beneliclaries, In respect to death claim."!, matured endowments, etc., during the year over $42,000,000. Tho Company has paid out since Its organi- zation, under this head, over $300,000.- 000. it Is Indicative ot the efficiency an'l morale ot the world-wide organization ot the Sun T.iife that the increases in Its Income are from every department of Its business and from every terri- torial division, namely, Canada: United States; South America and West Indies; Great Britain. South Africa and the Near Bast; China, already proverbial strength and re- souses ot the Company. The assets have been Increased by over $56,000,- 000, and now reach the Impressive total ot over $400,000,000. The Com- pany's assets nppro.\Imate the amount ' Japan, India and the Far East. Such a In force only of the total assurances eight years ago. The wisdom of the Company's In- vestment policy is /enected In the fact that It haa ho arrears in Interest or dividend on either its bonds or pre- showlng is not alone a tribute to President Afacaulay ,but a striking proof of the high quality ot the per- sonnel ot his organization. The Head OfRce building in Mont- I real Is to be Increased to mammoth this branch of the business Is Indi- cate4l by an appraisal of company securities, the markut value of which reply. "There's a roomful of stuff atlhas Increased by over $19,000,000 dur- my place that's been out of use kince ing this year. my daughter went away." I'lie kurplus earned during tho year "Good!" said Sir Dudley. "That will I amounted to over $38,600,000. The save incurjing the curiosity of out-|conipany lias followed Its conservatlvo ftidoiK. Now there is another thing. I policy with respect to this surplus and ferreU stocks, while the dividends «c- 1 proportions, tho first unit of the new cruing in Its common stocks are great- building being now under construe- ly In excess of those payable on those 'tlon. This building Is designed, when stocks at the time nt their purchase. The care and foresight exercised In lOARO ©F QUALITY' FOR OVER 50 YEARS MAKE BEHER HOME MADE BREAD The Reminder. A Negro preacter was lienouccirg the sins oni his contregation. "Bredern and sistern. Ah warns yo' With the idea of getting it over, as j 'gainst de heinous sin of playin' dice! one makes a dash for the dentist's knocker, she toolc the last few steps alm.Tit at a run and pulled the old- fashioned bell-chain hard. The pon- derous door slid back on well-oiled hinges and Hinkley of the pink face and wliite whiskers confronted her. (To be continued.) ♦ MInard'a Liniment relieves (aln. PARIS TO GET POWER FROM FAR-AWAY RIVER Government to Harness Dor- donneâ€" -Expects 90,000,- 000 Francs Yearly From Sale of Current Paris â€" France, under the leader- ship of Andre Tardleu, Minister ot Public Works, is working hard in the development of its natural resources. Recently an extensive electrifica- tion of the railroad in the southern part of the country has been com- pleted and now a scheme has passed the first stage for harnessing the River Dordonne, in the centre ot Fi-ance, to supply Paris wit'a- electric current. The Senate passed the necessary appropriations ot 328,000,000 francs and the bill wtll be i-ushed through the Chamber before the close ot the session. Ot 600,000,000 kilowatts, which it is proposed to obtain, 400.000,000 will be brough.t to Paris and tho sale of elec- tric current is calculated to produce 90,000,000 francs a year. Part of the work on the water-pow- er development is being done by us- ing German materials delivered as reparations payment. Ah charges yo' 'gainst de black ras- cality of llftin* pulletf. But above all else, bredern an' sistern. Ah demolish- es yo' 'gainst de crime of melon-steal- In'." A brother In the back seat made an odd sound with his lipi'. rose and snapped his fingers. Then he sat down again with an abashed loot. "WhoCo', ma fi-ec'," said the par- son, sternly, "does jou get up an* snap yo" fingers when Ah sppaks ob melon-Eiealin'"" "Vo' jes' rcniin's me, parson," the man in the back seat E.t«wereO meek- ly, "wijar Ah let' niRU uii'ife." jj, Minard's Liniment for jsthma. Wasteful defctnu-ti'-:; . ' ir-c-,-.- is not the best v.f.v . f .intiufe <;cwn overhead. Corrugated Iron .•-.S:; yo:-. Wheeler & Bain "Council A thick, ga!van!i:e face. Deep Write .id Siaod&! even, heavy sprca': oj over every ncri^i^-i...-- corruga;>.r«!. us, ttsting size e* barn you wint '.o co-,e-. WE VAX rKEitiHi- WHHELER & BAiN. Uif.:, Dept. W, IDS George St.. f co ED Doctor â€" 'You say you have dreadful pains â€" are they worse nt night?" Pa- tient â€" "Probably â€" but 1 cannot tell." Doctorâ€" "Why not?" Patientâ€" '1 am always .Tslcep then." MiningStocksNow They are now at low levels, and there are several which show splendid profit possibilities. Write, wire, or phone us for Information without obligation. LYLE, BELL & CO. Mining Brokers 104 Mail Bidg., Toronto. A. P. H. Acadicn PriOe HontEpun K.R:-t»-c.:.> Tlie si:T:;g«s: n-io i>i.»t wf-arinK I'x's'.s r.-.m:<i 1:; Can- aila. Hta..v »it!E;;i. OarV: Kie.v mi.xiuie. Manufaoturfvl ^^ st:« .s-. rroix \Vool!f:i JiKiiX f-i:i tii-ht weavi' i>riiu;Hr' W-i/l. Kt-pt L.v the !eiii'!-.s '."ic-in- ;prs ill thv ri<'!;'.l;i!C". If J i-i; >Kj.r.,'i pri.-.'ure i',«-m from vour IH-a'.T. f.'c;i>s8 Jli.l'ii. "ith ftstift ijul ifs r.ieiitui'H.TiH-.;^. '< v u ^;i::l^.^e I'liir. I'o.etr.ge l>ai'l. (I.-WTON ^; SON.S HalJni. S F The First Dose Relieves the Cou^ uiuonia. I^crf, irri- la.tfilt}iroiit». Ba;. 'Bj.-J.Wi >â- ". So:il i>> all iJniggitis unO i:-.-«rar.'uevL Use ^iMONDl SAWS "J Machine Knivesi m MOND« CIINADA BAW CO. LTO- M-JNIUCAL VANCOUVI.(l. ST. JOtlM. N.>>. 'raMOMTO Bi W. K. Bocklfr, Untitrd. 142 Mutucl St., Tararlc 2 MIXTUDB Acl* tilt c /i^..•^â€" • lioslc »ip prcic* it J ' completed, to accommodate 10,000 em- ; ployees. Almost equally interesting is the action of the Company this ' year In purchasing one of the most ' central sites In I.,ondon, just oft Tra- [ falgar Square and adjoining Canada House. Here if being erected what wil be undoubtedly one of the finest ' offlce buUdlnga In the world's metro- polis and from which the business of the British Isles will be administered. ' Insure Your Crop Fertiliser Insures a crop abore t&e average â€" and D W Fertiliser gives you DOUBLE WORTH DW FERTIllZtK ^ D. W. .'^00 Vint Ave., One Ton D W 4-24-4 --• Two Tons 2-12-2. GUNNrLTD. Teronto, Ont '^^ T^ TOu gne lis ditir earner, tout ' rtijtiv;j cr.i friends mar obuiii the low ocean rjtc of (,1, reduced rwl- road f jrcs, and IHEE irjcsporwticn tor cbildren rnder 1-, providirg riicv arc pUitd in t;r.T cr i'on:e5i:; eiLpiuyintr.-. A»k at onr« for dtuula of tha Brithh Nomination Schema Irom an; of our offices or (genu CAMUMAK snvKS HAtlFAt Vaxcovvsi i'AlQAItr UNffS SAtKATOftK Ol taac Faim.- Joan (••UK ft*- nouR BEST FOR ALL yOVR BAKING â€" Pies, Cakes. Buna and Bread â€" DOES ALL YOUR BAKING BEST

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