Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Feb 1928, p. 8

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..•^(iiVfcW WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, '28 * VHEVummmfBm Amrimm HOCKEY Markdale Red Men VS. Flesherton Cougars Tues., Feb. 28th BROOM BALL CEYLON FALCONS vs. O. W. Phillip's Ensigns Bromball Starts at 7.30 sharp ADMISSION 25 and 15 cts. Acknowlediement off Prirce of Wales' eifft ARCTIC DUCKS FEAST ON CARGO OF AGAWA One Third of Ship's Carfco is Already Lost Thousands of ducks are feasting: on the giain cargo of the Agawa, ground- ed on Advance Reef, Manitoulin Island according to J. H. Smith of Smith Bro. Toronto, who made a survey of the vessel. The vessel which had aboard 200,- 000 bushels of prain has shifted and shows a "hog" between hatches 5 and So many werr the letters received acknowledging the peony plants which the Prince of Wales had distributed throughout Canada last fall as a me- mento of his visit that His Royal Highness has requested that his for- mal acknowledgement to the Bank of Montreal, through whom the letters were forwarded to him, be taken as constituting a general reply. It will be remembered that His Royal Highness asked the Bank to undertake for him the distribution of Canadian-grovm peony plants to His Excellency, the Govemor»General, the Prime Minister and members of his Cabinet, the Lieut.-Governors and Premiers of the Provinces; also to all cities, towns and incorporated vil- lages throughout Canada. The dis- tribution was made through the bran- ches of the Bank with the co-operation and assistance of His Majesty's mails, and the hundreds of letters received from mayors and other public offic- ials showed how greatly the royal gift was appreciated. These letters, con- veying the thanks of the various com- munities and expressing loyalty and devotion, were bound in a handsome portfolio and transmitted by the Bank of Montreal to Vice-Admiral Sir Lio- nel Halsey, Comptroller of the Prince of Wales' Household. The following letter from Sir Vincent Meredith, Bart., to the Comptroller, dated from the head office, Bank of Montreal, Jan. 2lBt, accompanied the portfolio. "Sir, â€" I have the honor to forward to you under separate cover for the information of His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, a portfolio con- taining copies of letters of appreci- ation and grateful thanks for the gift of peony plants that His Royal Highness so graciously sent to the cities, towns and villages, through feast the fishermen say. Some fish- i i*'%"»^^'"'" "^ **»« branches of the ermen according to Smith, assert they | ^«";^^^_^"°^*"tV?"l^!'?.* .?""!!.''° have captured ducks with nets 18 Coujiars Have Two lUnalaska, where another volcano has merous expeditions have investigated H TL* 111 â-  > '"y^teriously thrust upward from the' the island and inspected and named baineS iniS WeeX ocean bed. This constitutes ' ihe I the new peaks which arose from time . nineth definitely racc^ded volcanieito time, but often the peaks would S8 goals scored with 19 against in 4 disturbance sir.ce Bogoslof itself came' have mysteriously disappeared before games. Lively leads the scorers, into being 181 years ago amid the the newly drawn maps were fairly terrifying accompaniment of earth The local senior hockey team was quake, fire and steam. The birth of not ab:> to travel to Durham last the island in 1796 was witnessed by week frr a scheduled game, but arr- a Russian named Kriukof, resident of constant amazing disturbances eq- 1 marine upheaval 3,000 ualled nowhere else in the world. Nu- ' â€" Popular Mechanics. angemcnts have been made to play agent of the Russian- American com- there this Wednesday evening. Then pany at Unalaska, who then chanced on Thursday night the boys go to to be on the nearest part of the ad- Dundalk to play there. Thisljacent island of Umnak, thirty miles will make two strenous nights of hoc- ""â- "' â€" ^ '"^" '"' â€" "" â€" ''' â€" "^ '' key close to-gether but the boys should be able to make a good show- ing the second night. In the four games already played by the team this year Flesherton lias scored 38 goals to 19 by the visitors, Lively leading the scoring with 24, Reg. Boyd is next with 4, MacDonald 3, Nuhn 3, Thurston 2, Armstrong 2, and Chercott 1. Their success in winning four straight games comes through the fast skating and th.e abil- ity to pass the puck at the right mom- ent. The players give an exhibition of clean hockey, only three penalities have been handed out to the locals in four games. This fact is apprec iated by the fans, as they have been attending the frames in increasingly large numbers. dry. The latest visit to the strange island was made by the United States coast-guard cutter Northland. Pic» tures were taken of the new peak, which showed clouds of steam gird- ling its crest and issuing from crev- asses. Bogoslof interests scientiata bcause the new cones are the summit distant. The island continued to growj points of a volcano beneath the waves and in 1817 its circumference was es- 1 which is 2000 feet higher than either timated at two and one-half miles, i Vesuvius or Mount Pelee. In other its height at 350 feet. Since those ' word^, they are invesj^igatiiig not early days Bogoslof has been the scene only a volcanic island but a great sub- feet high^ Small Advertisements LOST OR STRAYED , FARM FOR RENT LOST â€" Logging Chain, between L. ^~~~ A. FWIer's and Ceylon, on Tuesday, S. H lot 16, and lot 17, coneessio» Feb. 14. Finder please leave at thisU^, Township of Osprey, conUininr office. fathoms down, which give some idea how they dive. It is said that this point is as far south as this species of duck comes. After foraging they return to their nests in the far north. This ,it was said, would be a pood time for those with a penchant for duck hunting to visit the Agawa. as a memento of his visit to the Do minion during its Diamond Jubilee year. Through the courtesy and co- operation of the Honourable the Min- ister of Finance and the Honourable the Postmaster-General, the services of His Majesty's mail were promptly placed at our disposal and this greatly facilitated the distribution.. With ev- ery sentinwnt of loyalty and devotion to His Royal Highness, I have the honour to bo. Sir, Your obedient ser- vant, (Signed) Vincent Meredith, Chairman of the Board." The census taken by assessors in four Bruce townships last year rcveal- 7. She hae lost atiout one third of cd the fact that thirty per cent, ofj her cargo, Smith said. Ducks by the J the bulls used in Carrick are grade, Stayncr paving debentures, amount- thousand, have come down from the, animals and many of them are of jnjr to flS.T.'iO wore sold at 104 09 and Arctic Circle and arc having a real wry infcrif)r quality. boar 5V2 per cent, interest. SIX HII.L STORKS \.e buy toKethor in order that our customers in the six communities may mat- erially benefit individu- ally. F, T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario TIIK HILL .STORE A St(!re everyone instln- tivoly associates with high (|unlity nicrrhandise at the fairiMt posible prices. Hiirs Grocery Department There are many odd lines and broken lots in every depiirtment and these we are marking down for clearance during February. There are many exception- al bargains and it will pay you to visit our store and examine the goods before buying. COME IN AND HAVE A LOOK We Save- You fvioney on Your Gicccrics Read This List and Be Convinced Up Against H Proton hockey team recently went to Dundalk for a game, and during its course of three periods twelve Dun- dalk players faced them and were only able to win by one goal, 5-4. Not only that, hut several of the Proton boys claim that their sticks disap- peared and could not be found. Some- times the -road of a visiting team is a rough one. Proton Blanked Dunlalk Proton Wanderers annihilated the Dundalk Wild Cats in a game on the Flesherton rink to the tune of 10-0. Proton skated and checked the lads from Dundalk to a standstill and Batchelor, in goal for Proton had few shots to stop. The ice was not in good shape on account of the soft weather and good combination could not be played, although Proton show- ed a bit more than Dundalk, who seemed to be lost and were unable to do anything right. Harvey ^Vhite led the Proton troupe with four goals. Hodgson and C. Wyville coming next with two f>ach, whil? Everette White and Gordon .\cheson tuned in one p^ch. The six Proton lads played the whole frame without a rest and seemed as fresh at the end as when they fir.'^t went on. while Dundalk had four substitutes, two of whom we were unable to label. Dundiilk â€" Goal, Hood: Defence, MontKonif-v ,nnd Bellam,y; Centre,'* Walker; Wines McManaman andS Inkster; Subs., Watson and Span- house. Proton â€" GonI, Batchelor: De- fence, llodpson and G. Aohosoii: Centre, IT. White: Winirs. Wyvilli- and R. White. Heferpc â€" }.l. Thomnson, Dundalk. LOSTâ€" Lady's small satchel, on December 17th in Hickling's store, al- so leather tie strap in Hickling's shed. â€" Jos. Buchanan, Vandeleur. ISO acres under cultivation, bnildinga consist of frame dwelling and tw»< bams, one mile from Fevenhara. For full particulars apply The Toront*- General Trusts Corporation, 268 Bay- Street, Toronto. SHORTHOBN BULL FOR 8ERVICS- Resiftercd Shorthorn boll for Lost â€" On the East Back Line, be- tween George Blackburn's and New- ell'e mill, two patent binders and one _. z*. i^» i, n « A .... lock clevis.-^ommunicate with Rich- ^^' l^^^^l,-^^: "H^ '" ^"«"- BUrqnis 142,881; Dam. Bed Butterflr 181,078. Terns â€" Pnrebreds $6.00.. tradM |2.(M. â€" S. B. HAWKINS, Eageolib FOB 8ALB FOR SALE â€" Good gander.â€" Fred Brown, Flesherton. Phone 33 r 5. FOR SALEâ€" A thousand cords of wood for sale, 16 inch and 4 ft. â€" Durham Furniture Co.. Rock Mills. FOR SALE â€" Electric Iron and Cord, almost new. Apply at this office. FOR SALE â€" Six young pigs, ready to move. â€" M. Hogarth, Proton Stat- ion, R. R. 3. For Sale â€" Two cows, one to fresh- en in arch. Also five young ewes and 100 hens. â€" T. Fenwick, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" 2-story cobblestone house on. Durham St., has all modem conveniences, also garage and hen house. â€" W. A. Armstrong & Son. Broomball League Standing One half of the schedule has been played and thintrs are bc^innirjr to warm up. Following is the standing of the team.s at the finish of the fii'st half on Tuesday evening; FOR S.\LEâ€" (One two-seated plea- ."^ure Sleigh, good as new. Will ex- change for jrood work horse or Cow. â€" Ale.x. McKechnie. FOR SALEâ€" Aberdeen Angus Bull Calf, seven months old, eligible for registration. â€" Herb Corbett, Clover- brae Farm, Proton. FOR SALEâ€" Lot, house and stable of the late A. S. VanDusen, in the village of Flesherton. â€" Ap'ply to. J. F VanDusen, 24 Churchill Ave., Tor- onto. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Re^stered Tork.shire Boar for mt- vice by Flesherton Bacon Ho( CloV the property of the Ontario Bafart* ment of Agriculture. ' â€" C. STEV/ART, Caretaker. BOAR FOR 8KRVKS No. 82-TIB80. Ala* « jm^ T< â- liira pig. botk baaoa tyf* Iter mi lot 17«, N.W. )>. * BJL. Tennaâ€" 91.00. ,â€" T. J. 8TIN80N. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. S9JS99 -J*roperty of Saugeen Bacon Hog Club. Terms |1.00. , â€" C. HINDLE. Proton Station. Lots 168-9, 3rd W.T.S.R., Artemesia. MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc OfGces â€" Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton, Fleshejrton every Saturday afternoon and evening. .MISrELI.ANE'lS NOTICEâ€" Chopping day and Saturday. â€" Eugeni.n. on Tues- am Bros. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Terms: 1 per cent. Satisfaction guamteed Dates made at The Advance office. BUSINESS CARDS TOMATOES 3 Tins for 3Sc. PEAS 3 Tins for 35c. CORN 3 Tins for 35c. PORK AND BEANS 2 Tins for 21c. SALMON 1 Pound Tins Per Tin 19c. SYRUP 5 Pound Pail 35 c. Each SYRUP •» 10 Pound Pail 68c Each PEARL WHITE SOAP 10 Bars for 49c. CORN FLAKES 3 for 24c. CHICKEN SOUP 2 Tins for 29c. VIGOR MALT Large Tin 48c. CHRISTIE'S SODAS Large Package 27c Per Package TIGER CATSUP Quart Bottle ' 2Sc Each SUGAR Granulated 10 lbs. for 68c VIGOR MALT Medium Tin 29c. SLICED PINAPPLE 15c. Per Tin IN0>IV3VW 2 Lbs. for 21c CRACKED WHEAT 3 Lbs. for 25c RAISINS Sedless 3 Lbs. for 25c PRUNES Nice Quality 2 Lbs. for 25c. PASTRY FLOUR 26 lbs., and 2 Pks. Jelly Powder FOR $1.00 F. T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 18 11 11 R 6 TO HKNT -. Hous rooms and good garden. Apply to Mr.=: W. Caswell, Proton R. R. 3. Roil .School ;» Pr.itoM 1 Phillins I Findlay 1 Ceylon The game between Proton and Phil- lips' team resulted in n tie Tuesday I'ight and as there was no time for ve-.tiTo thi? tic (rr.nie has to be bro- ken when Proton is plnyinjr here a-! train. The oflicr tranie between Find- lay'.-. ti?am and the Red .School re- sulted in a win for_ the Red School. " The first jjanies of the second half will he played Thiirs-day ni^ht, the fust K.\mc between rVndlay's and Ceylon at 7..10, niul then the Red .School will hook up Inter on. At the close of the lenRue race the two two tejms standing hiKhest will play off for the cup and winners will issue a challcntre to any other outside team for home-and-home frames. Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental lent, Rood surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto frame house, opposite hi}th school, 6 and Royal College of Dental Surgeon* of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Street, Flesherton. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. ft A.M., meets in the Masonic hall, Arm- strong Block, Flesherton every Frf. day on or before the full moon. Ray Pedlar. W.M., C. F. Lawrence, Sec. TENDERS FOR WOOD. Tender;! are asked for supplyinR 20 cords of hn-dwood for Flesherton pub- lic school, maple or beech body wood. Lcnjrth 24 inches. Send offers to Fred Stuart, Flesh- erton. BULL FOR SERVICE For service on lot 30, Con. 13, Art- emesia, Durham Bull Royal Lail No. ITS,??.*}. Terms:-$2 if paid before January V,'29, otherwise $2.50. â€"DUNCAN WILLIAMS. Eugenia. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 75 acre farm, lot 178, 2 S.W. Art- emesia, at Saugeen Junction. Bam 36 by 50 with L 30 by 32, cement stabling throughout. Large cement veneer house, Sroomcd, with wood- shed, in which is drilled well, farm I well watered small orchard.â€" W. J. Blackburn. Proton Station. PROTON FARMER DEAD Angus McQuarrie, Prof . , Township farmer, was found dr. id on Saturday in his home, where he lived. Jack McQuarrie of Dundalk is a brother. Renew Your Subscription NOW A CONTINENT IN THE MAKING. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 50 acre farm. Lot 147, Con. 3, S. W. Artemesia, IH miles from Flesh- erton, M mile from Ceylon, all un- der cultivation, and with good build- ings. Apply to Malcolm Ferguson, Ceylon or James L. McMullen. Is a new continent being bom in the icy waters of Behring Sea? This question is again puzzling scientists who are watching with renewed in-! tercst the amazing volcanic activities of Bogoslof island "the island that won't stay put" â€" a remote uninhabited spot in Behring sea, forty miles from TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to and including Satur- day, February 4th, 1928, for the pur- chase of the large brick building in Flesherton known as the Wright block. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. â€"Mrs. W. L. Wright, Flesherton. Lucas & Henry,Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., -I. B. Lucas, K. C; W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lueaa Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at D.mdalk and Durham. Telford & Birnie, Barristers, soli- citors, etc. Offices, Grey and Bruce Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays). W. P. Telford Jr., J. F. P. Birnie Wm. Kaitting, Liscensed Auctioaear for the counties of Grey and Since*. Farm and stock sales a specialily. Terms moderate., sattafaction ^n*^ may be lade at the Advance OffMI^ at Central telepbene ettioe, or by addraeshig me at FARM FOR RENT Osprey Township. Grey Couty S.H Lot 16 and 17, Con. 13, con- taining 160 acres, lOO acres under cultivation, buildings consist of frun* dwelling and two bams, oqe mil* from Fbvemflani. For full |pa»tic« ulars appl> «. The Toronto General Trusts Corporatton. 253 Bay StnMt, Toronto. BULL FOK SBRVICR. Pure-bred Hereford BuR fer nN Hm. Terma |2, payable the fbtl «f February, after that date |tiO wiO be charged. â€"EDWARD LOUCES. isiw;"**';

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